"All work is good." Integrated physical education and speech lesson for preschoolers with OHP Topic: “Trees in spring

Plan - summary of the integrated lesson

physical culture - speech cycle

"Merry Travelers"

for children with speech disorders mediated

lagging behind in motor development.

Correction Studio "Rainbow of Health"

(preparatory school group).


- teacher speech therapist,

Physical Instructor

Dobryanka, 2011

Lesson number 20 "Cheerful travelers."

Target: correction of violations in the speech and motor sphere of children; the practice of experiencing a subjective-value attitude to one's health.



- clarify and generalize children's knowledge about transport, rules traffic;

- to consolidate knowledge about the types of transport, the names of vehicles, the actions they perform, the names of road signs, their meaning;


- expand and activate vocabulary on the topic "Transport. Traffic Laws";

- improve the skills of word formation and inflection;

Equipment: pictures with different types of transport, a ball with the inscription "One-many", a balloon with a riddle, didactic cards "Road signs" to get acquainted with the outside world (Genius-Press), fitballs, rings by the number of children (red, yellow, green) and details of the soft module of the same colors, traffic light layout, audio aids "Rhythmic Mosaic" () , “Ten mice”, “Lullabies”, “Top-top, clap-clap” (E. Zheleznova).

Lesson progress:

Org. moment.

Speech therapist : Hello! Let's first wish each other health, say hello.

Communicative game "Hello!"

Children hold hands and sing the word “Hello!”: the first syllable is low, while raising their hands up, and the second is high, lowering their hands down.


Speech therapist: Guys, today we invite you to go on a trip. It will be in a distant magical land of Transportland, where different types of transport live. What types of land transport do you know? ( Bus, car, train,…). What about underground transport? ( Underground). What water transport do you know? ( Ship, yacht, boat, boat ...). What type of transport is an airplane, a helicopter? ( to air transport).

Guys, you know, in Transportlandia, the evil wizard Svetoglaz hid the main traffic controller - a traffic light, and therefore all types of transport in magical land quarreled. Everyone wants to be the first and does not give in.

Ph.D. instructor to.: Yes, all traffic and traffic lights need help. We know the way, but we alone cannot cope with the difficulties that await along the way. Are you willing to help us? The path is not close and we will travel on different types transport. You are ready? Cheerful travelers set off with a song! Warm up. Rhythmic dance "Merry Travelers". Soundtrack "Merry Travelers" (audio cassette "Rhythmic Mosaic"). Description of movements in the "Rhythmic plasticity program for children".

Ph.D. instructor to.: Attention! Stopover in Transportlandia!


Speech therapist: Before us is a house, the letter M on it. What is this house? ( Here is the subway). We will continue our journey in the subway.

Finger gymnastics. Metro exercise. Soundtrack sounds finger game"Metro" from the audio guide "Ten Mice" (E. Zheleznova).

Here is the house, the letter "M" on it, The index fingers are extended and the thumbs

connected by tips (M), the rest are pressed.

We open the door and go in. The palms are folded in a boat. Fingers pressed

to each other; then open their palms, then connect.

There is a turnstile in the metro, there is no passage Palms on, fingers intertwined

themselves, straightened and also directed towards themselves.

We need to put a ticket in the slot. Palms straight, fingers clenched, rubbing

palms against each other (horizontally to the floor).

The magic staircase goes down Wave-like movements of the hands from top to bottom.

Hold on to the railing yourself. The palms are pressed to each other. fingers of one

hands lie on the back of the other.

Go to the train platform: The palms are straightened, the fingers are clenched, they move their hands

above the floor back and forth (either bending or straightening the elbows).

Always hold on to your mom! The palm of one hand clasps the brush of the other and

squeezes it.

Stop. We leave the subway (they approach the wall where the pictures are placed). What transport do you see here? ( Boat, tram, truck). Let's sit down and show what kind of transport there is in a magical land.

Articulation gymnastics.

· "Boat". Open mouth. Stick out the tongue with a “boat” (“groove”), hold it motionless. The lips either open wide (“grin”), then touch the “groove” with them.

· "Tram". The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Side edges press the tongue tightly against the upper molars, bend the back of the tongue down, keep the tip loose. Move the tongue forward and backward, while the lateral edges of the tongue should slide over the molars. Follow to lower jaw she didn't move, her lips didn't stretch over her teeth.

· "Truck unloads cargo." Open your mouth, smile. Rest the lateral edges of the tongue against the lateral upper teeth almost to the fangs. Raise and lower the wide tip of the tongue, touching the upper and lower gums behind the teeth. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips are motionless.

· "The car's tire was punctured." Pronunciation of a sound sh-sh-sh-sh.

· “Inflate a tire” (“Pump”). Pronunciation of a sound s-s-s-s.

The game "Learn the word."

Guys, the evil wizard Lighteye has bewitched transport, and now he cannot move around the country. Only you can help if you recognize the words by the first and last sounds in the name (children name the word and show the picture).

Pictures for the game: boat, tram, truck, bus, ship, plane, motorcycle, train…

3. EXERCISES FOR COORDINATION OF SPEECH WITH MOVEMENTS.Ph.D. instructor to.: Then we will go by cars in search of a traffic light. What brand do you choose? Repeat the words with me and show the movements.

Exercise "Let's go, we go by car ...".

Let's go, let's go by car Simulate driving movements.

We press the pedal. The leg is bent, stretched.

Switching speeds The "lever" is turned by hand towards you, away from you.

We look closely into the distance. Put a palm to the forehead.

Wipers clean off drops Hands are bent at the elbows in front of you, palms


Right left. Purity! Tilt your hands to the right, to the left.

Hair ruffled by the wind. They wiggle their fingers over their heads.

We are chauffeurs anywhere! Raise up thumb arms.

Ph.D. instructor to.: Attention stop.


Speech therapist : Guys, there is a truck at the stop, and in the back there is a ball for us. How unusual it is, the inscription on it. What is written? We read: "One is many." Now we are going to play this game. I throw the ball and name one object, and you catch the ball and say the word if there are a lot of these objects.

Game "One - many". The speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, calls the word in units. hours, and the child, returning the ball, calls it in plural. h.

Aircraft - a lot aircraft.

Words for the game: bus, truck, yacht, ship, all-terrain vehicle, train, car, trolleybus, boat, electric train, cart.

Look, our ball rolled somewhere. He shows the way to the next test. Here are the road signs. Take them and consider, stand in a semicircle. I'll call road sign, and whoever has such a sign shows it to everyone and tells what it means.

Game "Road signs". Children are given cards with the image of road signs. The speech therapist calls the road sign, and the child shows it to everyone, describes and determines the meaning of the sign.

Road signs:

Mandatory sign - "Pedestrian path".

Mandatory sign - "Bicycle path".

Mandatory sign - "Movement straight or to the right."

Prohibition sign - "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited."

Prohibition sign - "Movement on bicycles is prohibited."

Prohibition sign - "Entry prohibited".

Warning sign - "Road works".

The warning sign is "Children".

Information - index sign - "Pedestrian crossing".

Informational sign - "Bus (and) or trolleybus stop place".

Information - index sign - "Underground pedestrian crossing".


Ph.D. instructor to.: Guys, put the signs in place. Oh, look, the ball flew to us (The speech therapist takes out the hidden ball). How can he help us? ( It has a note). Here is a mystery for us. Guess:

What kind of bird: does not sing songs,

Doesn't nest, does it carry people and cargo? ( Airplane).

Yes, it is the plane that will take us to the place where the traffic light is hidden. And here are our planes (they take fitballs). Ready to fly?

· "The plane is taking off." Lie on your stomach on a fitball, stretch your legs straight, and stretch your arms forward. Swing forward - back.

· "The plane is flying". Sit on a fitball, spread your arms to the sides, swing left and right (6-8 times), touching the floor with your hands.

· "Air holes". Jumping on a fitball, without leaving the floor and exhaling, pronounce the sounds “l-l-l”.


Ph.D. instructor to. Here we landed. Did everyone get off the plane? Can't you see the colored eyes of a traffic light anywhere? (Speech therapist turns off the light). Yes, there is fog around, so we do not see the main traffic controller. To make the fog dissipate faster, we will drive on the roads in colored cars. Only you, as drivers, need to be very careful on the road.

Mobile game "Colored cars".

Children (“cars”) receive a ring (“steering wheel”) of one of the three primary colors and are distributed to “garages” (a soft module of the same color as the rings for children). The players are built according to their height (near the module). To the music (audio cassette “Top-top, clap-clap”, soundtrack “Machine”), all the children begin to move around the hall, imitate the driving of a car, buzz. When the music stops, the "cars" should line up in their place in the "garage". Whoever builds up faster is the winner.

The game is repeated 3 times.

Ph.D. instructor to. Guys, while we were driving, the fog cleared a little. (Speech therapist turns on the light). Look, there is a mountain ahead ( soft module details). And who on the mountain winks at us with multi-colored eyes? ( Traffic light). Correctly! The evil wizard Lighteye wanted to hide the traffic light forever. But we moved well, we know a lot about transport, we are well acquainted with the rules of the road, so magical powers dried up. Now the wizard can't beat us! We found a traffic light!

Speech therapist : Let's play with the main traffic controller - a traffic light. Let's look at traffic lights first.

Game of low mobility "Traffic light".Children stand facing the traffic light.

E If the light turns red, it means to move ... ( dangerous).

FROM The green vet says: “Come on, way ...” ( open).

AND yellow light - warning - wait for a signal for ... ( movements).

When the red light comes on, you stand still, freeze. See green - step in place . When yellow is on, you clap your hands. Anyone who confuses the signal takes a step back.

When the teacher shows the traffic lights, the children perform the movements.


Speech therapist: We, friends, found the traffic light, now it's time to relax.

Eyelashes fall, eyes close.

We calmly rest, we fall asleep with a magical dream.

Children relax to the sound of "Lullaby".

We rested calmly, fell asleep with a magical dream

It's good for us to rest, but it's time to get up.

Smile, stretch, and stand on your feet.

Outcome. Evaluation of children's work.

Speech therapist: The dream was magical and you and I found ourselves in a kindergarten.

Where did we travel today? How did they help all modes of transport in a magical land to make peace? Guys, what transport did you like to travel on? Where would you like to go next time? ( children answer).

I liked that today you were smart, attentive, kind, brave, you were not even afraid of the evil wizard. The inhabitants of Transportland are very grateful to you and give you gifts.


The journey is over for us, we know a lot about transport now.

It's time for us to go to the group, now we're all going slowly.

List of literature and teaching aids:

1. Final days by lexical topics: Planning and notes. M.: TC Sphere, 2006.

1. rhythmic mosaic. ("Aquarium" by K. Saint-Saens and "Merry Travelers") - an audio guide.

2. To-top, clap-clap. ("Machine") - audio aid.

3. Ten mice ("Metro") - audio guide.

4. Lullabies - audio aid.

5. We want to be healthy. Wellness and

educational activities for children preparatory group kindergarten. M.: TC Sphere, 2004.

6. , Integrated physical culture and speech classes for preschoolers with OHP 4-7 years old: Methodological guide. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2005.

7. Articulation gymnastics. methodical

8. Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children 6-7 years old with OHP. Handbook for speech therapists, defectologists and educators. M .: "Mosaic - Synthesis", 2004.

Susanna Polyakova
Integrated physical education speech lesson (senior group for children with ONR)

Integrated physical culture and speech lesson

(senior group for children with ONR)

On the integrated physical culture and speech classes orientation in the body scheme is improved, the skills of coordination of movement and speech are fixed in children with dysarthria.

Topic "Training Center for Young Cosmonauts"

Target: integrate correctional speech tasks in the process physical culture- recreational activities.

Activate vocabulary on the topic "Space".

Exercise in the selection of related words.

To acquaint with the ambiguity of the word earth.

To consolidate the skills of syllabic analysis of one-, two-, three-syllable words.

Exercise in the formation of relative adjectives.

Improve coordination of movements and speech.

Exercise in rebuilding in two or three columns, walking on a limited surface, jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop, rolling to the side, running with acceleration.

Develop attention, memory, dexterity, speed of reaction.

Cultivate solidarity.

preliminary work:

teacher's conversation about human space exploration.

Location: gym.

teachers: teacher speech therapist,

Equipment: gymnastic mat, hoops, correction mat, trampoline> baskets, sets of juices, soups, cereals, audio recordings, tape recorder, laptop, projector.

Organizing time

Music sounds. Children enter the hall, line up.

Hello children. Today I invite you to take a course in "Yu. A. Gagarin Center for Young Cosmonauts". Are you ready for the test?

Physical education instructor.

Astronauts do gymnastics every day and special exercises. Let's do a workout.

Walking and running are carried out in a column one at a time. Children form a circle.

An exercise "Astronaut" on coordination of movement and speech

Standing in a circle, the children recite a poem by V. Stepanov "Astronaut" and perform movements corresponding to the text.

In the dark sky the stars shine

The astronaut flies in a rocket.

The day flies and the night flies

And looks down at the ground.

He sees at the bottom of the field,

Mountains, rivers and seas.

He sees the whole globe of the earth,

The globe of the earth is our home.

Selection of features to the name of the subject

Children line up in two columns and turn to face each other.

Speech therapist. Guys, choose the words-signs (which astronaut).

Children say adjectives by throwing the ball to each other.

Brave, dexterous, fast, strong, hardy, intelligent, resourceful, confident, brave, healthy, courageous, decisive, kind, cheerful, attentive, observant, inquisitive.

"Obstacle Course"

(performing basic movements)

Physical education instructor. To become like astronauts, you need a good physical training. Now you need to overcome the obstacle course.

Children do exercises "obstacle course": roll to the side, walk along the correction path, jump from hoop to hoop.

Well done boys! You showed dexterity and showed the power of the jump.

Acquaintance with the ambiguity of the word earth

Children sit on soft modules in front of the screen.

Speech therapist. What is the name of our planet? (Earth.)

What does the tractor plow? (Earth.)

What does the captain of the ship say when he sees the shore? ( "Earth!")

As the children answer the questions, the corresponding images appear on the screen.

You probably noticed that the same word earth means both the planet and the soil on which plants are grown, and the coast where ships moor.

"Words-brothers" (formation of the semantic field of the word earth)

Children, you already know that every word has "brother words".

Listen to the sentences and find in them "brother words" to the word earth.

An image of the word named by the children appears on the screen.

Fragrant wild strawberries will sing in the forest.

old man with old woman lived in their dugout.

Earthlings take care of their planet.

Dwarves are looking for treasures in the dungeon.

Metro is an underground mode of transport.

What else happens underground? (Transition, tunnel, wealth,.)

Peanut - peanut.

Now let's check the memory of young astronauts.

Children repeat "brother words".

Exercises to consolidate the skills of sound-syllabic analysis (carried out on subgroups)

I subgroup: "Trampoline Workout".

You said that the astronaut is attentive and dexterous. Now let's test your attention and dexterity. I call the word, and you must count how many parts (syllables) are in the word, and perform the same number of trampoline jumps.

Space, start, mars, planet, moon.

II subgroup: the game "Don't confuse the sounds".

Physical education instructor.

Now let's test your powers of observation. I call the words, and you, having heard the sound [s], jump in place, the sound [h] - squat.

Star, satellite, astronaut, sunset, compass.

When you hear the sound [p], raise your hands, the sound [l] - lean forward.

Robot, alien, space suit, spaceport, moon rover.

Relay race "Space food" (formation of relative adjectives)

Physical education instructor.

Guys on board spaceship astronauts in zero gravity eat special food. All products are in special packaging. Now we're running a relay "Space food". Reorganize into three columns-teams, and then one by one run to "stock", take the given product, and return by putting the product in your team's cart. The proposal must express what they brought.

For example: "I delivered a bag of chicken soup".

At a distance of 4-5 m in the hoop lies "space food".

The first team delivers packages of cereals, the second - packages of soup, the third - boxes of juice.

Near each a subgroup of children is a teacher(physical education instructor, speech therapist, educator who watches how children form adjectives and make sentences.

The game "Screaming Handkerchief" (breathing exercises)

The children line up in a circle. Instructor for physical education, standing in the center of the circle, throws up a handkerchief from light fabric. Pupils smoothly, on exhalation, pronounce a vowel sound until the handkerchief falls to the floor.

Outcome lessons

Dear children, the test in "Cosmonaut Training Center" finished. You showed your knowledge of space, showed dexterity, speed, courage. You have an excellent memory. Well done!

Each child is awarded a certificate "Young cosmonaut" and set "space food". Children go through the circle of honor to the music.

Lopatina L.V., Serebryakova NZ. Speech therapy work in groups preschool children with an erased form of dysarthria. SPb., 1994.

Merzlyakova S., Kirsanova T. Cheerful bun // Musical director. 2004. № 5.

Pozhilenko EL. Encyclopedia of Development child: For speech therapists, educators, teachers primary school and parents. SPb., 2006.

Repin ZA. etc. Field of speech miracles. Yekaterinburg, 1997.

Sinitsyna E. Clever words. M., 1998.

Federal state requirements for the basic general education program preschool education. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2009 No. 655.

Shibaev A. Native language, be friends with me. L., 1991.

Bashkanova Irina Anatolyevna,

teacher speech therapist,

Karaush Olga Petrovna,

physical education instructor

MADOU kindergarten No. 164 of the city of Tyumen

  • Tasks: Summarize and clarify children's knowledge about trees.
    • To fix the names of the places of growth of individual species of trees.
    • Continue learning to distinguish trees by appearance sheet.
    • Exercise in the formation of relative adjectives.
    • Practice throwing the ball over the net.
    • Develop coordination of movements, orientation in space,
    • General and fine motor skills.
    • Bring up careful attitude to nature, the ability to admire its beauty.

Materials and equipment:

Maple leaves, 2 pcs. for each child, 2 gymnastic benches, rubber balls for a subgroup of children, models of trees (oak, spruce, chestnut), pictures depicting birch, oak, larch, linden, mountain ash, herbarium of leaves and branches different trees. Lesson progress

Children Mushroom-Borovik (teacher-speech therapist) and Leshy (physical education instructor) meet in the hall

Boletus mushroom: Hello guys! Today we invite you to an exciting walk in the autumn forest. Autumn is the brightest and most beautiful time! She enchants us with her colors, her rich decoration.

The forest is definitely a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Goblin: So let's hit the road!

Walking and running exercises to music:

  • Walking on toes, hands on the belt.
  • Walking on heels, hands behind a shelf.
  • Walking in a semi-squat, hands on the belt.
  • Walking with a high raising of the knee, raising the arms up and to the sides.
  • Easy run

Mushroom-Borovik: Here we come to the mixed forest. Guys, why is the forest called mixed?

Children: The forest is mixed because different trees grow in it.

Mushroom-Borovik: Correctly. And what will be the name of the section of the forest in which only birch trees grow?

Children: Birch Grove.

Mushroom Borovik: A forest where only spruces grow?

Children: Elnik.

Mushroom-Borovik: A place where tall and slender pines grow?

Children: Pinery.

Boletus mushroom: A piece of forest where there are mighty long-lived oaks?

Children: Oak Grove.

Boletus mushroom: In another way, an oak grove is called an oak grove. Pay attention to how many leaves are under your feet. From them you can make bright autumn bouquets. Let's collect them.

Finger gymnastics "Autumn leaves"

One, two, three, four, five, Children alternately bend their fingers

Let's collect the leaves. They clench and unclench their fists.

birch leaves, rowan leaves, Bend fingers, starting with the thumb

poplar leaves, aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

Mom autumn bouquet we will attribute. Walk on the left palm with middle and

(N.Nishcheva) index fingers right hand.

Goblin: Guys, but before giving mom a bouquet, let's admire the autumn leaves.

Outdoor switchgear with leaves to the music.

Phonetic exercise "Birds are flying away."

  • I.p. - legs slightly apart, arms lowered along the body.

1- Deep breath through the nose.

2- Slow exhalation with the pronunciation of the words "On yu-u-u-u-g" for as long as possible.

  • I.p. - legs slightly apart, feet parallel, hands with leaves below.

1- Raise right hand with a leaf up, take the left back to failure.

2- Raise left hand up, right down-back.

3- Change the position of the hands.

4- Lower your hand in ip.

After a pause, repeat everything at a fast pace 3-4 times.

  • I.p. - the same, hands with leaves at the bottom along the body.

1-raise your hands with leaves through the sides up, look at your hands, inhale.

2-tilt the torso to the right, arms straight, head straight, exhale.

Same with slope left side. Repeat 6 times.

  • I.p. - main stance, hands with leaves below.

1-squat on toes, knees apart, back straight, hands with leaves forward, exhale.

2- straighten up, arms down, inhale.

Repeat 6-8 times

  • Jumping alternates with walking.
  • Restoration of breathing.

Mushroom-Borovik: Guys, let's take a break and look around.

Its spring and summer

We saw dressed

And in the fall from the poor thing

They ripped off all the shirts.

Children: this is a tree.

Boletus mushroom: Correctly. How many different trees surround us! Try to guess.

Autumn has come to our garden

The red torch was lit.

Here thrushes, starlings scurry

And, noisily, they peck at her.

Children: Rowan.

Mushroom-Borovik: I got out of the crumb-barrel,

Roots started up and grew,

I became tall and powerful

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.

I feed pigs and squirrels

Nothing, my fruit is small.

Children: It's oak!

Mushroom-Borovik: I am a tree with a fragrant color,

I give a cool shade

Resting under my crown

On a windless, hot day.

Children: This is a linden.

Mushroom-Borovik: Like pines, like fir trees, but in winter without needles.

Children: Larch.

Goblin: You guessed all the riddles correctly! Now let's imagine ourselves as leaves and play with the wind.

Exercises for coordination of speech with the movement "Falling Leaves"

We are autumn leaves Children walk in a circle, hands to the sides

On the branches we sit . up.

The wind blew - they flew. They run in circles, waving their hands.

We flew, we flew

And they sat quietly on the ground. They squat, put their hands on the floor.

The wind came up again Rise, hand movements

And lifted all the leaves. right left.

spun flew Spinning in place.

And sat on the ground again . They squat.

Goblin: What do my friends forest animals do in the fall, now we will find out.

We develop movements

  • "The hedgehog runs, carries the leaves." Crawling on the stomach on the gymnastic bench, pulling up with hands. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.
  • "Squirrel Volleyball". Throwing the ball to each other over the net. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each child.

Mushroom-Borovik: Guys, let's play. Give the names of the leaves from the names of the trees, for example: maple-maple.

Oak-…. Oak

Birch-… Birch


Linden-… Linden

Goblin: All trees have fruits. What are the fruits of spruce? (bumps) At the oak? (acorns) Chestnut? (chestnuts) Now imagine yourself as a fruit and play a game with me.

Mobile game "Cones, acorns, chestnuts"

The group of children is divided into 3 teams. One is called "Cones", the second - "Acorns", the third - "Chestnuts". Each team has its own "house" - a tree on which the above-mentioned fruits ripen. At the command "The trees sway, the fruits fall off!" The children are scattered all over the room. At the command "Run to the tree quickly, find your tree!" the children should form columns behind their trees. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Low mobility game "Name the tree"

Children become in a circle. The teacher is in the center of the circle, he has a ball in his hand. The teacher throws the ball to one or the other child, offering to say the name of the tree. Having named the tree, the child throws the ball back.

Mushroom-Borovik: This is where our walk came to an end. Did you like it in autumn forest? I propose to learn the rule of the friends of the forest and try to fulfill it:

Do not destroy a lot of forest, take care of a little forest, take care of it, if there is no forest, plant it! There has long been such folk wisdom: "Groves and forests - the beauty of the whole world!"

Surprise moment: the goblin takes out a chest in which there are cones, leaves.

Leshy: We have prepared gifts for you, gifts of the forest. (Goblin gives children cones, leaves)

Mushroom-Borovik: the guys are going to a group where we will draw pictures on the topic: “What we liked in the autumn forest”


  • Vakhrusheva A.A., Kochemasova E.E., Akimova Yu.A. Hello world! The world for preschoolers.-M., 1993.
  • Osokina T.I. Physical Culture in kindergarten. - M., 1986. Leskova G.P. and others. General developmental exercises in kindergarten: A guide for the teacher. - M., 1981.
  • Tkachenko T.A. If a preschooler speaks badly. - St. Petersburg, 1998.

Tsvyntary V.V. We play with fingers and develop speech. - St. Petersburg, 2000.

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We invite teachers of preschool education Tyumen region, YNAO and KhMAO-Yugra publish their methodical material:
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Elena Mikisheva
Integrated physical education and speech lesson for preschoolers with OHP Topic: "Trees in spring"

Topic: « Trees in spring»


Refine the concept « trees» ;

Strengthen knowledge of names trees, structure tree;

be able to identify trees by the look of their leaves;

Develop logical thinking, attention, ingenuity;

Exercise in jumping from a place, landing on half-bent legs;

Exercise in climbing the gymnastic wall in an arbitrary way;

Develop balance while walking in a confined area (stepping sideways);

Build skills correct execution motor actions combined with voice accompaniment;

To educate children in a friendly attitude towards their comrades.

Lesson progress

caregiver: The snow is already melting, streams are running,

Breathe in the window spring.

Nightingales will soon whistle

And the forest will be dressed in foliage. (A. Pleshcheev)

Here I come Spring. What happens in the forest spring?

Knock on the door, Lesovichok appears (the toy is brought in by the head of physical education)

Guys, Lesovichok invites you for a walk in the spring forest so that you can see how he wakes up spring, found out what trees grow in the forest and learned to find them by the leaves physical education: So, let's go!

Walking and running exercises

"I'm walking along the forest path". Walking with a gymnastic step. (The birds sing loudly, rejoice spring, preparing to make nests)

"Bears are coming". Walking on heels, arms bent at the elbows, palms forward, fingers wide apart. (The Bears wake up in the spring, crawl out of the lair, straighten the backs)

"Running Bunnies". Jumping on two legs, moving forward. (Bunnies rejoice spring, the sun is warm, the snow is melting, it has become easier to get food).

“We walk along the forest path, stepping over the branches”. Walking with legs high.

"Going around the thawed patches". Walking on toes, arms up. (The sun warmed up, and thawed patches appeared)

"Cunning Foxes". Easy running on toes. (The chanterelles run easily on their toes so that the hares do not hear them).

"We breathe fresh air» . Calm walking combined with breathing exercises. (Children, look, it’s so beautiful around! The forest comes to life, animals come to life, birds chirp. Buds swell, and then the first leaves appear. They smell very good)

Supervisor physical education: Lesovichok led us to forest clearing where sparrows flocked to bask in the sun. Let's enjoy the sun and dance with them.

Musical warm-up: "Sparrow Disco"

Children sit on a fallen wood.

caregiver: Guys, whom did you see and hear in spring forest? (birds and animals).

But there are many different things in the forest trees. Try to guess their names.

Cheers in the spring, cold in summer.

Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter (wood) ;

No one scares, but the whole trembles (aspen);

Girlfriends are standing on the edge of the forest.

Dresses are bleached, hats are green (Birch)

Winter and summer one color (spruce)

What a variety trees in the forest. Name what you know the trees?

(oak, maple, pine, rowan, willow) What parts does it consist of wood?

On a magnetic board, children spread wood and call him parts: root, trunk, branches, leaves, flowers.

Well done, now we will knead our fingers and remember the poem about trees.

Finger gymnastics "In the woods"

One, two, three, four, five - Fingers clenched into fists, then

We went for a walk in the forest. They bend one at a time and move.

Seen so much trees, Rhythmically squeeze and unclench

Here is a birch, here is a maple, They bend their fingers in turn.

Nearby is a slender oak tree,

Here is a mountain ash, here is a pine -

warmed them all Spring. Children wiggle their fingers.

They began to let out leaves, Rhythmically squeeze and unclench

Welcome the sun! Palms.

Supervisor physical education: Guys, our adventures continue. Help the leaves find theirs wood. But Lesovichok will give you the leaves after a short tests:

Jump over the log

Get in and out of tree(along the Swedish wall behind a leaf,

Walk along a narrow log with side steps,

Find from what tree leaf(each with his own leaflet chooses the appropriate wood- return the leaflet to your tree).

(Standing each at his tree children do the exercises on their own

Lesovichok offers to play game: "Who will find his wood» .

There are two layouts on the site tree(rowan, birch). Children - "leaves" divided into two groups (on verbal command) in accordance with the names trees. By signal: “The wind blows, tears off the leaves!” The children are running around the room. By team: "Find your wood- children run to their tree, who quickly.

The game "Magic Trees" (strengthening back muscles)

caregiver: Guys, Lesovichok hid something under a bush (Pulls out two envelopes, the children open and see the cut leaves). Let's try to collect them on a magnetic board.

Now gather in the clearing, Lesovichok asks:

where were you today and what did you do? (walked in the forest, danced with sparrows, guessed riddles, etc.)

What was easy and what was difficult lesson?

What can we tell about occupation for their parents?

What did you like the most about lesson?

municipal state preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten"Fairy tale" of the city of Shchigry Kursk region




(senior group for children with ONR)

on the topic: "Training Center for Young Cosmonauts"

Done by: Physical Education Instructor

Solpanova Irina Gennadievna

teacher speech therapist

Krysa Marina Vladimirovna

Target: to integrate correctional-speech tasks into the process of physical culture and health-improving activities.


    Develop the articulatory apparatus, phonemic perception, visual and auditory attention, memory, motor skills.

    Activate vocabulary on the topic "Space".

    To consolidate the skills of syllabic analysis of one-, two-, three-syllable words.

    Exercise in the formation of relative adjectives.

    To acquaint with the ambiguity of the word earth.

    Improve coordination of movements and speech.

    Exercise in rebuilding in two columns, walking on a limited surface, jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop, running with acceleration.

    Develop attention, memory, dexterity, speed of reaction.

    Cultivate solidarity.

PRELIMINARY WORK: teacher's conversation about human space exploration.


TEACHERS: teacher - speech therapist, physical education instructor.

EQUIPMENT: mirrors, hoops, arcs, a correction mat, a trampoline, baskets, a set of juices, cereals, audio recordings, a tape recorder, a laptop.


Music sounds. Children enter the hall, line up.

1. Introductory part

SPEECH THERAPIST. Guests came to visit us. Let's say hello to them.

I smile at you and guests

And you smile at us.

We know how to smile (children smile)

We know how to be surprised (surprised, shrug)

We know how to get angry, (brows furrow)

We know how to be upset, (Sigh: "Oh-oh-oh")

But we love to smile. (smile)

We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in freshness, kindness, beauty. And exhale through your mouth all resentment, anger and grief. (Children repeat inhalation and exhalation 3 times.)

Guys, would you like to become astronauts?

I suggest you take a training course today at the Center for Young Cosmonauts named after Yu.A. Gagarin". Are you ready for the test?

Astronauts do gymnastics and special exercises every day. Let's do it too articulation gymnastics.

To speak clearly

And pronounce the sounds correctly

We must be friends with the tongue.

Let's play with the tongue, and the pictures will help us.

(The speech therapist shows pictures depicting articulation exercises: “Fence”, “Tube”, “Swing”, “Watch”, “Brushing teeth”, etc. Children perform them).


Hello children. I learned that you would like to become cosmonauts and are taking a training course at the Center for Young Cosmonauts named after Yu.A. Gagarin". And you want to go into space like Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. So all astronauts are strong, enduring, dexterous, they do a lot of work, in the mornings they temper themselves and do gymnastics. Are you strong? Smart? Hardy? Now we will verify this. Let's do beautiful circle.

Exercise "Cosmonaut" for coordination of movement and speech.

(Standing in a circle, the children pronounce V. Stepanov's poem "Cosmonaut" and perform movements corresponding to the text)

In the dark sky the stars shine

The astronaut flies in a rocket.

The day flies and the night flies

And looks down at the ground.

He sees at the bottom of the field,

Mountains, rivers and seas.

He sees the whole globe of the earth,

The globe of the earth is our home.

Selection of features to the name of the subject

SPEECH THERAPIST. Guys, let's pick up words - signs. I will throw the ball to you, and you, with the answer (what kind of astronaut?), Throw the ball back to me.

(Children call adjectives by throwing the ball to the speech therapist.)

Brave, dexterous, fast, strong, hardy, intelligent, resourceful, confident, brave, healthy, courageous, decisive, kind, cheerful, attentive, observant, inquisitive.

ASTRONAUT (physical education instructor) To become like astronauts, good physical preparation is necessary. Now you need to overcome the obstacle course.

(Children perform exercises on the "obstacle course": crawl under the arc, walk along the correction path, jump from hoop to hoop.)

Well done boys! You showed dexterity and showed the power of the jump.

Acquaintance with the ambiguity of the word earth

(Children sit on chairs at tables in front of the screen.)

SPEECH THERAPIST. Guys, let's remember what is the name of our planet? ( Earth)

What does the tractor plow? ( earth.)

What does the captain of the ship say when he sees the shore? ("Earth!")

(As the children answer the questions, the corresponding images appear on the screen.)

You probably noticed - the same word Earth stands for and planet and soil on which plants are grown, and Coast where ships land.

Exercises to consolidate the skills of sound-syllabic analysis

"Trampoline Workout"

SPEECH THERAPIST. You said that the astronaut is attentive and dexterous. Now let's test your attention and dexterity. I call the word, and you must count how many parts (syllables) are in the word, and perform the same number of trampoline jumps.

Cos-mos, start, Mars, plan-no-ta, Lu-on.

COSMONAUT (physical education instructor) Now let's test your powers of observation. I call the words, and you, hearing the sound ( With), jump in place, sound ( h) - sit down.

Star, satellite, astronaut, sunset, compass.

Hearing the sound R), raise your hands, sound ( l)- lean forward.

Robot, alien, space suit, spaceport, moon rover.

Relay race "Space food"

(formation of relative adjectives)

COSMONAUT (physical education instructor) Guys, on board the spacecraft, astronauts eat special food in zero gravity. All products are in special packaging. Now we will conduct the Space Food Relay. Arrange in two columns - teams, and then run one by one to the "warehouse", take the given product and return, putting the product in your team's basket. The proposal must express what they brought.

For example: "I delivered a bag of cereal."

At a distance of 4-5 m in the hoop lies "space food". The first team delivers packages of cereals, the second - packages of juice. Near each subgroup of children there is a teacher (physical education instructor, speech therapist), who monitors how children form adjectives and make sentences.

Well done guys, you proved to everyone that you are not only brave, but also dexterous, strong and fast.

Breathing exercises

Let's all become in a circle with you, and wish our guests and each other good health, but for this we will show our palms, inhale deeply through the nose, and lingeringly blow on our palms.

Summary of the lesson

SPEECH THERAPIST. Dear guys, the tests at the Cosmonaut Training Center are over. You showed your knowledge of space, showed dexterity, speed, courage. You have an excellent memory. Well done!

ASTRONAUT REWARDS CHILDREN. Each child is awarded a "Young Cosmonaut" certificate and receives space food ("Agusha" apple puree in a bag). Children go through the circle of honor to the music.