How to make a base oil. The main types of the main product. How base oil differs from essential oil

by The Wild Mistress's Notes

Using essential oils for daily care behind the skin and during massage, it is undesirable to use essential oils in pure form(undiluted). They can be diluted with oil, which will form the base.

The base oils spread easily and evenly over the skin and help the healing essential oils to be absorbed faster. A number of oils, especially suitable for mixing with essential oils, also have beneficial properties for humans (for example, containing vitamins A, D, E), especially when extracted by cold pressing. Cold pressing is a way of extracting oils without the use of heat treatment or chemicals. Although oils obtained in this way can be more expensive, they retain more nutrients than oils obtained in other ways.

In addition, these carrier oils can help balance and stabilize the essential oil. Vitamin E in wheatgrass oil, for example, acts as an antidote and enhances the regenerative effect massage oil if the extract is mixed with another vegetable oil.

The best carrier oils are almond, from grape seed, soybeans, wheat germ, peach and apricot kernels, avocado, corn, sunflower seeds, calendula and castor. They are quite often used in.

The oil must be able to easily penetrate the skin. Some people like to use aromatic oils such as coconut, sesame or olive oil, others prefer oils with a slightly scent of their own. You have a lot to choose from.

For example, almond oil obtained from sweet almonds. It has nourishing and rejuvenating properties and is beneficial for dry wrinkled hands, eczema and skin irritations. It is one of the best universal carriers and can even be used when massaging babies.

Castor oil- more viscous, it can be mixed with another oil for better absorption into the skin, it also has a beneficial effect on eczema and very dry skin.

Grape seed oil has the consistency of water and is therefore easily absorbed. It has an astringent effect, which is beneficial for acne.

Soybean oil readily absorbed and known for its properties to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Wheatgrass oil especially useful for skin diseases due to the high content of vitamin E, it is usually added to another base oil (literally 1-2 drops), as it is very rich and heavy.

Avocado oil is also rich in vitamin E and heavy.

Calendula oil helps relieve inflammation, it can be used for problems in the circulatory, digestive, muscle and nervous systems, in case of violations menstrual cycle, as well as for skin diseases. It is often mixed with other carrier oils as it is quite expensive.

Apricot, peach oil improve tissue regeneration.

When using essential oils for your daily skin care, you can also use jojoba oil or almond(50 ml).

For aging and very dry skin add 10% wheat germ oil, for impure, inflamed skin - 2-3 drops of oil tea tree... Add 15-20 drops of your chosen essential oil to the prepared base and shake well. For children, 5 drops are enough, for babies - one.

Applying essential oils in is a fantastic way to use it healing power... In combination with essential oils, massage can have both a powerful soothing and tonic effect - it all depends on the chosen oil and the method of massage (fast movements of the massage therapist stimulate, and slow ones relax).

As mentioned earlier, essential oils are very strong concentrates, and unless specifically indicated, they should not be applied directly to the skin as this can irritate it. Therefore, before applying the essential oil to the skin, you should dissolve it in the base.

There is big variety available vegetable oils that serve as a base for essential oils:

  • Almond oil - easily absorbed into the skin. Has a smooth texture and low odor. Holds well. Contains vitamin D. Has beneficial effect on hair, dry skin and brittle nails.
  • Oil from apricot kernels - light, contains vitamin A. It is especially good for dry or aging skin.
  • Avocado oil - heavy, rich nutrients... Very good for dry, aging and sensitive skin.
  • Evening primrose oil - useful for skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. But, he has short term shelf life - about 2 months after opening the container.
  • Grape seed oil - light. Good for oily skin... One of the least expensive oils.
  • Hazelnut oil - easily penetrates the skin, easily and deeply nourishes it.
  • Jojoba oil - light, rich in vitamin E. Suitable for uneven skin- with spots, pimples. It is found in products for dry scalp and dandruff.
  • Olive oil - rarely used as a basis, as it has strong smell competing with essential oil scent.
  • Peach oil - light color. Contains vitamins A and E. Good for all skin types.
  • Soybean oil - easy to digest. Rich in vitamin E.
  • Sunflower oil - contains essential fatty acids rich in vitamin E. It has a specific smell.
  • Wheat germ oil contains vitamins A, B, C and E. Tones the skin, promotes the disappearance of blemishes, scars and scars. Has a strong odor.

Preparation of oil for aroma massage.

When mixing oils used for massage, have the necessary containers on hand. Bottles made of dark glass (brown, blue, etc.) with a capacity of at least 60 ml are suitable here.

Using a small funnel, pour approximately 30 ml of base into the bottle. Add 12-15 drops of essential oil to it and screw the bottle back on. Shake the contents well.

You can add one essential oil or combine a mixture of at most three, but the total should be the same 12-15 drops of essential oil. And here it is! Your own oil for aroma massage is ready!

Last tip: do a small amount of oil for massage, as described above, otherwise you will not have time to use it, and the remainder will go rancid. The mixture can be stored for up to three months in a cool, dark place with the lid tightly closed. Trust your nose, if you don't like how the mixture smells, then you should prepare a new one!

When working with essential oils, you cannot do without the so-called base oils. Whatever you want to do with essential oil, you need to remember that in a pure, undiluted form, they should never be applied to the skin, it is fraught with burns and allergies. Base oils are used to dissolve essential oils before use, making them safe for application to the skin.

Let's understand the terms

Why do they speak differently - vegetable oils, fixed oils, base oils, carrier oils?

The term "carrier oils" is usually only used when talking about aromatherapy. When it comes to making skin care products, terms such as vegetable oils, fixed oils, and base oils are used. Not all fixed and base oils are vegetable oils. Emu oil (derived from the fatty deposits of the emu ostrich) and fish oil are classified as fixed oils and base oils, but like any other animal oil, they are not commonly used in aromatherapy.

We will use the term "base oils" as the most neutral and not apply to non-vegetable oils.

Base oils are oils obtained from parts of the plant that contain the largest number fats are usually seeds, seeds, or nuts.

All carrier oils have different combinations of beneficial properties and other characteristics that will influence the choice of oil. Natural lotions, creams, body oils, bath oils, lip balms and other nourishing and moisturizing products for the skin are produced using base oils. The useful properties, color, aroma and shelf life of the product depend on what essential and base oils are included in the product.

Essential oils, absolutes, extracts and other concentrated fragrances, if applied undiluted to the skin, can cause severe irritation or, in some people, allergic reaction... Very often, the reaction will be violent and will stay with you forever - that is, if you use the oil that caused the allergy again, you will get a relapse. This is important to remember.

Essential oils and base oils, what's the difference?

Essential oils are usually obtained by distillation and extraction from leaves, bark, flowers, roots and other most aromatic plant parts. Essential oils evaporate and have a concentrated aroma. Base oils are obtained by pressing their seeds, nuts, seeds; they are greasy, do not evaporate, and have a significantly weaker aroma. Over time, base oils, unlike essential oils, can become rancid. Essential oils, on the other hand, oxidize over time or if the storage rules are violated and lose their beneficial properties.

Base oil smell

Some carrier oils are odorless at all, and most have a faint sweet, nutty aroma. The base oil has a strong, bitter aroma sure sign that it is rancid.

Some of the vegetable oils used as carrier base oils in aromatherapy are:

  • sweet almond oil
  • kukui oil
  • apricot kernel oil
  • macadamia oil
  • avocado oil
  • borage seed oil (borage)
  • camellia oil
  • olive oil
  • peanut butter
  • cranberry seed oil
  • pecan butter
  • evening primrose oil
  • pomegranate seed oil
  • Coconut oil
  • rosehip seed oil
  • grape seed oil
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • hazelnut oil
  • Sesame oil
  • hemp oil
  • sunflower oil
  • jojoba oil
  • watermelon seed oil.

Base oil properties

  • Avocado oil: nourishes skin and hair
  • Sweet Almond Oil: Natural moisturizer, great for massage
  • Hazelnut oil: penetrates well into the skin, suitable for oily skin
  • Jojoba oil: contains anti-inflammatory ingredients
  • Peanut butter: beneficial for treating arthritis
  • Pomegranate seed oil: anti-inflammatory, rich in antioxidants
  • Sunflower oil: affordable, versatile
  • Watermelon seed oil: nourishing, well absorbed, good for all skin types
  • Coconut oil: especially suitable for damaged hair rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Grape seed oil: used for massage, suitable for all skin types
  • Hemp oil: has anti-inflammatory effects.

Solid vegetable oils

Hard vegetable oils (also called butters) - for example, cocoa butter and shea butter, can also be used in aromatherapy and are absolutely irreplaceable in the manufacture home cosmetics... In terms of their properties, they are similar to conventional vegetable carrier oils, but when room temperature they are solid. Butters most often go through the production process different kinds processing, therefore, when buying them, it is especially important to check the extraction method. The most useful, of course, are solid oils cold pressed.

The first rule of aromatherapy says: "Essential oils are highly concentrated substances that must be diluted before being applied to the skin." We are aware of the existence general recommendations on the choice of the percentage of dilution of essential oils in the base, depending on age, place of application and problem (more in the article). But this is not the only thing that is desirable to take into account when composing products for cutaneous use.

The choice of base for the dilution of essential oils plays an important role. The base determines the percentage of transdermal penetration of the components of essential oils, affects the level of evaporation of essential oils from the surface of the skin. The choice of the base depends on the choice of a safe percentage of the concentration of essential oils in the mixture.

The obvious advantage of funds for water based from the point of view of the percentage of penetration of essential oils does not at all mean the uselessness of using vegetable oils as a base. Due to their composition, vegetable oils themselves are a powerful therapeutic product., and the presence of essential oils contributes to a deeper penetration of valuable components of vegetable oils. Oil base prevents the rapid evaporation of essential oils from the skin surface, which occurs when using water-based products. And finally, there are situations when we do not need deep penetration of essential oils. For example, in the treatment of skin diseases.

An interesting nuance is also the fact that the percentage of penetration of the components of essential oils can be increased up to 70% if the area of ​​application of the product is covered with a film for 30-60 minutes ( Bronaugh et al., 1990).

Regardless of the base chosen, it is important to remember the property of essential oils to enhance the transdermal penetration of related components... So, with the cutaneous application of a lotion enriched with vitamin C and lemon essential oil, a 4-fold increase in the absorption of vitamin C was recorded as compared with the use of a lotion without adding lemon essential oil ( Tisserrand, 2013).

Several studies have confirmed an increase (in some cases almost 100-fold) absorption medicines applied to the skin ( Bowles, 2003). That is why it is required with extreme care to apply products enriched with essential oils in close proximity to hormonal and nicotine patches.

When creating an aromatherapy remedy for skin use, be sure to take into account these nuances in order to make your remedy as effective and safe as possible!

Essential aroma oils- the substances are highly concentrated and should not be applied undiluted to the skin. For the preparation of mixtures, only a few drops of essential oils are used, while the base oils serve as the basis.

What it is? Base (transport, base, base oil) oils are a substance extracted from vegetable raw materials by cold pressing. Usually, seeds, seeds, nuts, and the like are used for these purposes.

Base oils Are not just vegetable oils that serve as the basis for mixing essential oils. This is a completely independent product with certain useful properties, therefore, they can be used not only in a mixture with essential oils, but also separately. It should be borne in mind that some types base oils cannot be used, but only in a mixture with other transport oils.

Base oils contain many nutrients... They are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, many vitamins and other elements that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Buying base oils you need to pay attention to quality - good is quite expensive. Also, the packaging should have a note that it was produced by cold pressing.

Such base oils like olive oil walnut, soybean, can be bought in a regular store, but even then it should not undergo any additional processing - refining and deodorization kills a lot of nutrients originally present in the product.

Base oils differ in their properties and this must be taken into account when choosing a base for an aroma mixture. First of all, these substances differ in the prevalence of saturated or unsaturated fatty acids.

If the basis base oil polyunsaturated acids, then it will be liquid. In such oils, oleic acid is usually present, which contributes to the good absorption of the substance into the skin and the rapid transport of nutrients inside. The higher the content of this acid, the better.
Polyunsaturated base oils containing omega-3 acids are recommended as a base for blends for inflammation and dry skin.

Properties of the most commonly used liquid base oils

Apricot kernel oil
This base oil is suitable for almost any skin, even baby skin. Refreshes and gives healthy color face, promotes cell regeneration, increased skin turgor.

Grape seed oil
An excellent base for skin care mixtures. Despite its good absorbency, it does not provoke the appearance of comedones, does not leave oily sheen... Easy enough to apply around the eyes, nourishes the skin of the neck.

Jojoba oil
It is usually used for damaged skin, skin diseases, joint pain. V cosmetic purposes good in mixtures for problem skin, edema, peeling, flabbiness, dry skin.

Almond oil
Suitable for all skin types. Softens, eliminates irritation and rashes, is used for anti-cellulite massage, treatment of dry, cracked skin, cracked feet. Increases elasticity and cares for dry, aging skin.

Saturated base oils(oily) are most often hard and soften when heated in a water bath. They can be mixed with other base oils, to obtain a mixture you need a consistency - for example, a property such as spreadability.

Most commonly used solid base oils

Cacao butter
Base oil cocoa is recommended for moisturizing the skin, getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes ( crow's feet), stretch marks, skin protection from harmful effects environment, weather conditions (frost, sun).

Coconut oil
Coconut base oil is good for improving tanning, used in a mixture for treatment and massage for dry, aging skin, to treat hair and give it shine.

Palm oil
Base oil palm contains many vitamins, is used to compose anti-cellulite mixtures, protects against harmful effects sun rays, rejuvenates, protects against mimic wrinkles, heals damage.

More information on the use of base oils can be found in an article in JustLady magazine.

Best to use base oils in a mixture with other transport oils, because each of them has a different spreading and absorbency. The spreadability and absorbency of base oils must be addressed Special attention... So, for example, poorly absorbed oils are not recommended for oily skin and are generally better mixed with others. base oils otherwise they will leave greasy stains after application.

When absorbed quickly, there is a risk of clogged pores and blackheads. It is also better to dilute such oil with others in order to slow down the absorption process a little.

An important property is spreadability. If the oil does not flow well, it will be difficult to spread over the surface, then you will need to add a different base oil to it for optimal spreading.

Before using base oils do not forget to test - some oils can cause an allergic reaction.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady