Erotic menu. Romantic dinner

Do you know what dishes are needed to guarantee yourself good sex? What ingredients of your dishes and components of the diet are able to awaken the libido men or women? Use affordable aphrodisiacs and prepare a light dinner that will wake up your sexy appetite.

Erotic culinary art is valued all over the world. Modern image Life contributes to our fatigue, tension and lack of desire to have sex. Food should add strength and energy, not only felt daily costs, but also help getting pleasure during love games.

Try enrich your menu masterpieces based on aphrodisiacs. Such dishes can stimulate even the most cooled feelings to awaken. You will very quickly find that your libido has not worked anywhere and can use it with a new force. There is no magic in this - only chemistry.

You will not need a powder made of black pearls or a unicorn horns - quite affordable herbs, spices and other products will help turn culinary pleasure into sexual bliss. Remember that even if you use the power of aphrodisiacs, a satisfying dinner should not be appointed on later than time - He overload your digestive system And instead of sex, you want to sleep. We offer you an approximate menu for dinner for two.

Salad of Casanov

The basis of dinner may be a salad who also appreciated Kazanova. True, he flashed him personally compiled by a mixture of herbs, but you can successfully use other spices with similar characteristics.

You will need:

- wine vinegar,

- Sage, Estragon, Majorane and Charker,

- 1/2 Solk garlic,

- 6 proteins from cooked eggs,

- Bank of Anchovov in its own juice,

- beam salad,

- Bank of artichokes in the brine,

- olive oil.


Herbs with garlic soak in vinegar for an hour. Add confused anchoves. Egg proteins Cut the cubes, add the crushed salad and artichokes. All this richly season with olive oil and mix. Such a salad is not only delicious, but also easily digested, not loading the stomach. And at the expense of oregano also has a stimulating effect.

Apples for Eva

Now it's time for dessert. Try the old famous aphrodisiac apple. This is Eva seduced by Adam.

You will need:

- 2 apples,

- 30 g honey,

- 2 chopping of grated nutmeg,

- 3-4 chopsticks chopped cinnamon,


Preheat the frying pan. From the apples to remove the bones, then cut the fruits with slices, 2 cm thick. Fry them in a pan from two sides. Stay in a bowl, pour honey and sprinkle with spices.

Tea with mint

The atmosphere is glowing? It is necessary to refresh yourself and cool. Prepare a drink from the desert, which will cool and warm up at the same time!

You will need:

- a spoon of green tea

- bunch of mint,

- 5 Sugar pieces,

- 1/2 teaspoon of gray or black amber (highlighting from digestive tract Cachelot), grated fresh ginger or cinnamon,


All ingredients place in the kettle and add 1/2 liters of boiling water. Leave under the lid for 5-10 minutes. Amber is one of the strongest Aphrodisiacs, but it is successfully replaced by fresh ginger or cinnamon. Mint will make your tea toning and refreshing, and green tea Rewitting fatigue.

Now you can proceed to the main dish!

Erotic menu

And if, despite all your efforts, the husband does not offer you to cook dinner? If your bulls do not act on it? Then suggest it to cook already together and arrange an erotic show from this. In the house, children? Some part of the game, children can see. Since we are considered to be possible to swear in children, but it is considered completely intelligible to kiss when children! Is it really strange logic? True Anti-Siberian changes - slowly, sophisticated, small portions. To begin with, it is quite acceptable to start cooking dinner, stroking your husband and smiling in prisoner.

Wife husband:

- Dear, I want to have sex while cleaning potatoes ...

Husband, imagining a wife leaning naked near the shell, whispers:

- Yes darling…


- Only potatoes you brush you!

Ask for a start to wash meat, and meanwhile Kiss him in the shoulder. It is possible to decorate the most courageous calamity of potatoes on your side, plunging into the punch of his trousers. When he sodes over a skillet, intersect him for the buttocks, squeeze the breasts to the back. Do not overdo it! Make sure that your husband does not dive and hurt. Remember that men are difficult to perform two different actions At the same time, therefore, affection should be very, very lungs, they should only be denoted. So to speak, to declare: this is all will truly after dinner will be ready. So you will turn dinner into an erotic prelude of love, which will follow later when children are already lying to sleep.

Such erotic preparations of dinner cannot be permanent. They cannot be repeated often, as it is impossible to repeat often dances around the New Year tree. New Year Only once a year! Holidays on the holidays that they should not be frequent, but if they sometimes be present in your life togetherThey will become an important part of your family traditions.

The preparation of erotic dinner can be discussed in advance, and for this - to think where to send children. Or put them to sleep, and even then ... however, you can begin the preparation of erotic dinner spontaneously.

It is absolutely optional for erotic dinner to cook some special dishes. It is important to the style of preparation of dishes. With kisses, with unexpected caresses, with arms. However, it is possible to make meals somewhat different than in ordinary dinners, and then your holiday will increase. You can use some unexpected decorations of dishes. For example, decorate a plate with some phallic carrots or celery to make your usual food this evening looked saggingly.

Finally, you can make special dishes that we will tell you now.

If you have long lived together, if the first love has already subsided, you will especially need our recommendations, because they will help you revile receptors, refresh your sexual relations. To do this, it is useful to add seasonings to food. It has long been known that essential oilswhich are contained in the spices, quite seriously increase sexual activitylike men and women. So boldly use for cooking meat dishes Anis and Carnation. Instead of the boning ketchup, use mustard, because there are much more seasoning you need. If you started the dessert, it is not bad to add vanilla there. If possible, use Cinnamon: In women, this spice increases the tone of the uterus, and in men - improves the work of the kidneys and gOOD SYSTEM (By the way, just like ginger and parsley). Modern science It has been proven that cardamom, in the Middle Ages, considered an indispensable component of lovely potions, stimulates sex insight. Reverse action have kinza, mint and estragon - these seasonings are better to avoid in erotic cooking.

In the times of writing Kama Sutra, in the first century of our era, an unlimited range of ingredients was included in the exciting potions, ranging from blood bats Before the horns of rhino - all of them were considered exciting. Gradually, however, it became known that most of these components instead of excitement can lead to death. Therefore, we will not advise you anything such extravagant, but Oysters is a very appropriate product for erotic dinner.

But if you are not a lover of seafood, then use the proven product: chocolate. Chocolate is one of the few sex products In the list, officially proven science. Chocolate with a glass of sweet wine or liqueur of anything crazy! Or please the beloved cup of hot chocolate mixed with a spoon of Roma or brandy with cream, graft-powder. Or melt the chocolate tile and serve with pieces of fruits to dying them into the sauce. You already imagine how it can be piquant?

But if you want to cook something special, we will bring a couple of recipes.

It is clear that such dishes will not be prepared every day. But if in the fifth year of living together you will delight your man quail eggs With smoked salmon, he will be pleasantly surprised and pleased. And if your relationship just start? And then our recipes will be useful to you. Just use them no more often ... once every five years. Let this romantic dinner be your joint pleasant memory!

And, most importantly: Do not forget that any, most ordinary dish, can be done erotic. Even the most ordinary sausages can be served with herbs, with mustard and, in addition, to decorate them specially.

Another important note: an erotic dinner should not be very satisfying, so that your man does not argue and instead of sex would not pull on the side. Yes, and do not feed your husband with spices if he is going to leave somewhere. Erotic dinner is a double entertainment for you and only!

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Dinner dinner with candles with champagne, fruit and chocolate - it is, murmlessly, romantic, but you will not be happy about the romance hot night. We bring to your attention a list of 10 simulators, which are prefabricated to make endurance in men and sensuality in women. BSA These programs do not require long-term plexibilities and can use in a naitual form or as a cost for light salads.

The first place in the Celery list containing Androsterone is a hormone, a relatively active NA women. A similar hormone is highlighted by men along with the above, it is excited, that, undoubtedly, the women, but instead of sipaching celery has a thin fresh aromaThus also refreshes breathing. Korni and Stem celery can eat raw, and it is a couple of na to a pair or to olive oil and add like a side dish to the main dish.

Oysters - classical aphrodisiac. ONI contains zinc, the so-called mineral of the onset macho, which swept the testosterone level and the necessary sperm, and iron, facilitating the fabrication of the body of the body with oxygen. Oysters tackage contains a dip-hormone, a stimulating libido. Yes, and the secession of fresh oysters from the shells is fruitful and can become a prelude unforgettable night. According to the legend, Kazanova seduced the young Virgin, who had the first oyster with a pall. The oyster turn is sophisticated with a dish with ice and XopOs are combined with white wine and lemon.

Bananas are influenced by the libido directly - with the introduction of the enzyme bromeline, and indirectly - poking potassium, stimulating the semiconduction of serotonin, the hormone of pleasure, and the vitamins of the group B, which are stamina. K is the same, from chiChats and women's bananas to arrange a spectacle with a spectacle.

Russianvo contains a major quantity folic acid, Impressing faster to absorb proteins and produce energy. Bitamin B6 and potassium stimulate the proximity of the premium hormones and the body's endurance. The depleting avocado fruits are zaeteful with the so-andx can have not only cutlery, but also choose the flesh with your fingers, challenges them.

Mindale and other nuts are a rich and fatty acids, which will stimulate the production of male hormones, and almond gaps are increasingly exciting for women. Marzipan figures (almond mass) - mandatory heaps for a girl. Fight, any nuts (walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, cashews) can use to quickly set up sexually energy. Esni and raw, and loushes - slightly peeled, without salt or sugar.

Eggs and caviar, although irritable, but very similar to controlling hormonal levels due to vitamins A, B5 and B6. This is the case of a single protein. Note that it is not recommended to mix eggs with caviar in one meal.

The liver is rich in glutamine - substance, strengthening immunity and peeling libido and the problem of the body. Fried liver of a new advantage as the main dish for romantic evening, CPACNOE meat.

Machine figs are rich in amino acids that gives the necessary energy, and has a soft structure, which cannot but wake the imagination. According to the same, erotic disasses are peaches, mango and strawberries. Their color, aroma and taste of becoming creating a native for a romantic evening.

Completes a list of a short chocolate containing theobromin - alkaloid, with an action similar to caffeine, and phenylethylamine, substance, corrective Pleasure, especially in women. Paved chocolate can be used as a basis for fondue: bodies in it, pieces of fruit or cookies.

From the right and aromatic daistic dinners perfectly, ginger, chili, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, Melissa and Honey are perfect.

Corresponding to both the appropriate action - depressing lovely natives. This is strong alcohol, grease, cheap, too salty and a stale. Food feed is also important, even the most stronger aphrodisiacs will be powerless for a dense dinner from the non-Cool dishes.

Coming weekend, and really want free evening stay alone with a loved one and give him pleasure, leaving nice memories about joint time. Ways and ways to successfully spend a lot. You can go to familiar or friends, you can go to the theater or a concert, you can spend the evening with pleasure at the disco. But there is another way. You can give mysterious erotic eveningwithout leaving your own apartment.

Oysters and chocolate, truffle and saffron, celery and vanilla will help you in this simple business. After all, they possess exciting properties. With their help you can cook an erotic dinner that for a long time will remain in your memory.

Erotic action time

The evening of the day off - this is exactly the time when you can afford to relax and take a loved one in the charming network of love. As possible with culinary art to conquer the heart of a man? Erotic cuisine plays one of the first roles. The main thing is to tune in to erotic paths and think over the usual evening to turn into a fairy tale.

Apple - Love Symbol

Even the first people on the planet Earth Adam and Eve did not cost such a fruit like an apple. Who knows, it can, it is thanks to the apple who for the first time people knew the mystery of love. The French are lovers love adventures And exotic - very often consume this fruit. Apparently, it is no coincidence. An apple as an exciting agent is mentioned in the Indian treatise "Kamasutra".

If you think that an apple on your table is an ordinary, you can replace it with a grenade. Sparkling grains will play not the last role in the seduction. Its exciting properties do not differ from the properties of the apple. Pomegranate is considered a love tool of antiquity. Greek goddess Aphrodite's love used in their diet large quantities This fruit. It should be noted that the grenade is useful to men, as it improves potency.

Erotic dust

The fact that properly selected food is heated by erotic fervor, today is proved by science. Culinary erotica for cooking widely uses herbs, vegetables, fruits, roots, seasonings and spices.

Celery contributes to digestion and improves the work of the genital organs.

The excitation properties of vanilla mainly act through odor and fragrance.

Exit and horseradish. Before sex it will be nice to eat a piece of black bread, blurred by horseradish.

Dill - Russian folk remedy From impotence. You need to mix the glass of sour cream and a glass of beer, adding a finely chopped dill in the mixture.

Saffron - exciting means for women.

Sea cabbage Stimulates human hormonal activity.

Honey - "Food of the Gods". This is the perfect reducing agent sexual energy. Almost all recipes exciting dishes contain honey.

This fabulous evening

It comes a long-awaited evening for two. This evening it is worth remembering the twilight, candles, colors and a beautifully served table. To achieve the location and love of men not enough feminine beauty. You should remember the proverb "The path to the heart of a man lies through his stomach." And it is. What a man does not like to eat?

Candles, twilight and delicious food for the only and unique man in your life - pledge female success. Culinary erotica is an ancient science that has not yet lost its relevance to this day.

Bananas in wine syrup

Ingredients: 200 g of red wine, 100 g of sugar, cinnamon, bananas.

Cooking method:

Welding the syrup of wine, sugar and cinnamon. When the syrup boils, to lower the purified bananas into it and immediately remove the dishes from the fire. To withstand bananas in syrup a few hours.

Cupcake with chocolate sauce with mango

Bake or buy ready-made chocolate biscuit without filling. Cut it along 2 or 3 pieces (depending on how high it is). Hiding the base of the finished chocolate sauce, cover with pieces of purified and finely chopped mango and layer of whipped cream. To cover the biscuit to another layer and repeat the previous steps. Upper layer sprinkle with sugar.

Chicken baked with honey and herbs

Cut the handstone of the leaves of the Basilica and Coriander. Put half into two chickens, smear their skin butter and liquid honey. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, then pour a little wine so that the chickens are juicy, and the honey is not burnt. Prepare another 15-25 minutes depending on the size of the chickens until readiness.

Apple and Cheese Salad

Ingredients: 2 apples, 150 g of cheese, 1 h. Spoon mustard, 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of mayonnaise, 2-3 walnuts, sugar to taste, salt.

Clear apples from the peel, remove the core with seeds, cut into slices. Add pre-sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin slices cheese and a bit of roasted crushed nuclei walnuts. Mix everything. Maisonist thoroughly mix with mustard, sugar Sand and salt. This mixture pour prepared apples with cheese. Decorate with parsley.

Salad " Men's loyalty"

Ingredients: Beef meat - 500 g, boiled potatoes - 6-7 pieces, fresh cucumber - 1-2 pcs., Salted (pickled) mushrooms - 1 bank, boiled carrots - 1 pc., Green peas - 1 bank, solid cheese - 100 g, dill - 1 bundle, mayonnaise light.

Cooking method:

Meat, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers cut into small cubes, cut mushrooms slices, add green pea, grate cheese on a shallow grater and add small dill and refuel with mayonnaise (essentially salted, pepper).

Vinaigrette "God's grace"

Ingredients: Small fresh mackerel, beets - 2 pcs., Potatoes - 2 pcs., Carrot - 1 pc., Bulb - 1 pc., Mayonnaise or vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. Spoons, salt.

Cooking method:

Clean the scumbers and cut into pieces along with the bones. Cut vegetables with circles. On the bottom of the pan lay the beet layer, then carrots, on her pieces of mackerel, top potatoes and onions. Pour hot waterSo that the vegetables were slightly covered. Bring to a boil, cook on low heat for 15 minutes and insist without heating for 8-10 minutes. Finished vinegar lay out on the dish. In the remaining decoction, add vegetable oil or mayonnaise and pour them vinaigrette.

Light dinner For a tired man

Ingredients: 400 g of fresh shrimp, 1 cup of flour, 1/2 teaspoon of a bakery powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, pinch of nutmeg, 1 egg, 1/2 cup of beer, fat for frying.

Cooking method:

Clean shrimp. Join them in small quantity Water is 4 minutes and cast on the colander. Mix dry ingredients. Take the egg with beer and add to the flour, all go well. The mixture must be broken within an hour. Preheat fat. Perch each shrimp into fat and roast until it becomes golden. Cooking time is about 20 minutes.

Love nectar

Ingredients: 1/2 cup of beer, 1 h. Spoon dry daisy pharmacy, 1 h. Spoon dry scenic ordinary, 1 apple, 2 glasses of water.

Cooking method:

Dry chamomile and souls are mixed, brought to a boil, add a grated apple, hot water, brought to a boil again, removed from the fire and insist 10-12 minutes. The decoction is drained, mixed with warm beer. Fixed in warm form.

Drink "Musa of Love"

Ingredients: 1 Fresh Apple, 1 Art. Spoon sauerkraut, 1 walnut, 1/2 cup of tomato juice, 1 h. Spoon of honey, 1 tbsp. Spoon grated turnips, 1 h. Spoon of a mixture of dry herbs: peppermints of a peppermint, a crushed, raspberry leaves (in equal ratios),

2 glasses of water, 1 tbsp. Spoon grated raw carrots.

Cooking method:

Apples rubbed or cut thin slices, carrots and turnips are cleaned and cut with straw, dry herbs crushed. All components are mixed, hot water, walnut, sauer cabbageQuickly bring to a boil and insist 10 minutes. Focusing, add honey, tomato juice and stirred.

Drink "Sex and Passion"

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. A spoon of brandy, 1 tsp of dry leaves of raspberries, 1 tsp of dry flowers of calendula, 1 h. Spoon of dry rose leaves, 3 glasses of water, cumin at knife tip.

Cooking method:

The whole mixture of dry herbs is added to boiling water, cumin, bring up to a boil and immediately removed from the fire and insist 20-25 minutes. The decoction is drained, cognac add and immediately serve a drink in warm form.

Dessert with Malina and Almond

Slightly beat 100 ml of double cream and stir from 100 g of Muskapone cheese and vanilla essence. Cut 80 g almond cupcas into pieces and put half on the bottom of two large glasses; sprinkle 1 tbsp. Spoon of sweet white wine. From above, pour a little raspberry and lay out half of the prepared cream. Add a second layer of cupcake, then sprinkle wine, lay out a layer of raspberries, finish with cream and sprinkle finely crumpled amareti almond cookies.

Cocktail True love"

Ingredients: 50 g of banana liqueur (Marie-Brizar), 50 g of a creamy liquor (Bailiz), 100 g of pineapple juice, whipped cream.

Liquor and juice beat in a shaker with chipper. To decorate whipped cream from above.

Several rules that do not forget

The erotic table should be not only beautiful, but also "hungry" so that not to move. The meal begin and finish with raw vegetables, herbs, roots, various aromatic influences.

Woman better put on the table aromatic drinks to breathe love to connect with the flavors of herbs and forest.

Do not forget about clothes. Remember that the man loves his eyes. Therefore, this evening you should look sexy.

Do not forget about tea. This is a special ritual that contributes to the removal of stress and raising the mood.

Erotic dinner will enhance your already severe sexual desire.

The weekend for that exist so that each of us gets your share of happiness. The best exciting sexual activity is a fantasy, and the most important erogenic zone - This is our brain.

We all want happiness. And what happiness can be without love?

Mood: ;)))

The weekend is coming, and I really want to stay alone in your free evening with your loved one and give him pleasure, leaving pleasant memories of the time spent. Ways and ways to successfully spend a lot. You can go to familiar or friends, you can go to the theater or a concert, you can spend the evening with pleasure at the disco. But there is another way. You can give a mysterious erotic evening without leaving your own apartment.

Oysters and chocolate, truffle and saffron, celery and vanilla will help you in this simple business. After all, they possess exciting properties. With their help, you can cook an erotic dinner, which for a long time will remain in your memory.

Erotic action time

The evening of the day off - this is exactly the time when you can afford to relax and take a loved one in the charming network of love. As possible with culinary art to conquer the heart of a man? Erotic kitchen This is plays one of the first roles. The main thing is to tune in to erotic paths and think over the usual evening to turn into a fairy tale.

Apple - Love Symbol

Even the first people on the planet Earth Adam and Eve did not cost such a fruit like an apple. Who knows, it can, it is thanks to the apple who for the first time people knew the mystery of love. The French are lovers of love adventures and exotic - very often consume this fruit. Apparently, it is no coincidence. An apple as an exciting agent is mentioned in the Indian treatise "Kamasutra".

If you think that an apple on your table is an ordinary, you can replace it with a grenade. Sparkling grains will play not the last role in the seduction. Its exciting properties do not differ from the properties of the apple. Pomegranate is considered a love tool of antiquity. The Greek Goddess of Love Aphrodite used in its diet in large numbers this fetus. It should be noted that the grenade is useful to men, as it improves potency.

Erotic dust
The fact that properly selected food is heated by erotic fervor, today is proved by science. Culinary erotic for cooking wide uses herbs, vegetables, fruits, roots, seasonings and spices.

Celerypromotes digestion and improves the work of the genital organs.

Exciting properties vanilla Mainly act through odor and fragrance.

Excites I. horseradish. Before sex it will be nice to eat a piece of black bread, blurred by horseradish.

Dill - Russian folk remedy for impotence. You need to mix the glass of sour cream and a glass of beer, adding a finely chopped dill in the mixture.

Saffron - exciting means for women.

Sea cabbage Stimulates human hormonal activity.

Honey- "food of the gods". This is the perfect sexual energy reducing agent. Almost all recipes exciting dishes contain honey.

This fabulous evening

It comes a long-awaited evening for two. This evening it is worth remembering the twilight, candles, colors and a beautifully served table. To achieve the location and love of men, it is not enough to have a female beauty. You should remember the proverb "The path to the heart of a man lies through his stomach." And it is. What a man does not like to eat?

Candles, twilight and delicious food for a single and unique man in your life - a guarantee of female success. Culinary erotica is an ancient science that has not yet lost its relevance to this day.

Bananas in wine syrup
Ingredients: 200 g of red wine, 100 g of sugar, cinnamon, bananas.

Cooking method:
Welding the syrup of wine, sugar and cinnamon. When the syrup boils, to lower the purified bananas into it and immediately remove the dishes from the fire. To withstand bananas in syrup a few hours.

Cupcake with chocolate sauce with mango
Bake or buy ready-made chocolate biscuit without filling. Cut it along 2 or 3 pieces (depending on how high it is). Hiding the base of the finished chocolate sauce, cover with pieces of purified and finely chopped mango and layer of whipped cream. To cover the biscuit to another layer and repeat the previous steps. Top layer sprinkle with sugar powder.

Chicken baked with honey and herbs
Cut the handstone of the leaves of the Basilica and Coriander. Put half into two chickens, their skin is smeared with butter and liquid honey. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, then a little pourwineso that the chickens are juicy, and honey is not burnt. Prepare another 15-25 minutes depending on the size of the chickens until readiness.

Apple and Cheese Salad
Ingredients: 2 apples, 150 g of cheese, 1 h. Spoon mustard, 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of mayonnaise, 2-3 walnuts, sugar to taste, salt.

Clear apples from the peel, remove the core with seeds, cut into slices. Add pre-sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin slices cheese and a bit of roasted crushed walnut nuclei. Mix everything. Mayonnaise thoroughly mix with mustard, sugar sand and salt. This mixture pour prepared apples with cheese. Decorate with parsley.

Salad "Men's loyalty"
Ingredients: Beef meat - 500 g, boiled potatoes - 6-7 pcs., Fresh cucumber - 1-2 pcs., Salted (pickled) mushrooms - 1 bank, boiled carrots - 1 pc., Green peas - 1 bank, solid cheese - 100 g, dill - 1 bundle, mayonnaise light.

Cooking method:
Meat, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers cut into small cubes, cut the mushrooms with slices, add green peas, grate the cheese on a shallow grater and add small dill and fill with mayonnaise (essentially salted, pepper).

Vinaigrette "God's grace"
Ingredients: Small fresh mackerel, beets - 2 pcs., Potatoes - 2 pcs., Carrot - 1 pc., Bulb - 1 pc., Mayonnaise or vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. Spoons, salt.

Cooking method:
Clean the scumbers and cut into pieces along with the bones. Cut vegetables with circles. On the bottom of the pan lay the beet layer, then carrots, on her pieces of mackerel, top potatoes and onions. Pour hot water so that the vegetables are slightly covered. Bring to a boil, cook on low heat for 15 minutes and insist without heating for 8-10 minutes. Finished vinegar lay out on the dish. In the remaining decoction, add vegetable oil or mayonnaise and pour them vinaigrette.

Light dinner for tired man
Ingredients: 400 g of fresh shrimp, 1 cup of flour, 1/2 teaspoon of bakery powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, pinch of nutmeg, 1 egg, 1/2 cup beer, fat for frying.

Cooking method:
Clean shrimp. Stop them in a small amount of water for 4 minutes and leak on the colander. Mix dry ingredients. Take the egg with beer and add to the flour, all go well. The mixture must be broken within an hour. Preheat fat. Perch each shrimp into fat and roast until it becomes golden. Cooking time is about 20 minutes.

Love nectar
Ingredients: 1/2 cup of beer, 1 h. Spoon dry chamomile pharmacy, 1 h. Spoon dry scenic ordinary, 1 apple, 2 glasses of water.

Cooking method:
The dry chamomile and souls are mixed, bring to a boil, add a grated apple, hot water, they bring to a boil again, removed from the fire and insist 10-12 minutes. The decoction is drained, mixed with warm beer. Fixed in warm form.

Drink "Musa of Love"
Ingredients: 1 Fresh apple, 1 tbsp. A spoon of sauerkraut, 1 walnut, 1/2 cup of tomato juice, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tbsp. Spoon grated turnips, 1 h. Spoon of a mixture of dry herbs: peppermints of a peppermint, a crushed, raspberry leaves (in equal ratios),
2 glasses of water, 1 tbsp. Spoon grated raw carrots.

Cooking method:
Apples rubbed or cut thin slices, carrots and turnips are cleaned and cut with straw, dry herbs crushed. All components are mixed, hot water, walnut, sauer cabbage, quickly bring to a boil and insist 10 minutes. Fixed, add honey, tomato juice and stirred.

Drink "Sex and Passion"
Ingredients: 1 tbsp. A spoon of brandy, 1 tsp of dry leaves of raspberries, 1 tsp of dry flowers of calendula, 1 h. Spoon of dry rose leaves, 3 glasses of water, cumin at knife tip.

Cooking method:
The whole mixture of dry herbs is added to boiling water, cumin, bring up to a boil and immediately removed from the fire and insist 20-25 minutes. The decoction is drained, cognac add and immediately serve a drink in warm form.

Dessert with Malina and Almond
Slightly beat 100 ml of double cream and stir from 100 g of Muskapone cheese and vanilla essence. Cut 80 g almond cupcas into pieces and put half on the bottom of two large glasses; sprinkle 1 tbsp. Spoon of sweet white wine. From above, pour a little raspberry and lay out half of the prepared cream. Add a second layer of cupcake, then sprinkle wine, lay out a layer of raspberries, finish with cream and sprinkle finely crumpled amareti almond cookies.

Cocktail "True Love"
Ingredients: 50 g of banana liqueur (Mari-Brizar), 50 g of a creamy liquor (Bailiz), 100 g of pineapple juice, whipped cream.

Liquor and juice beat in a shaker with an embolish ice. To decorate whipped cream from above.

Several rules that do not forget

Erotic table Must be not only beautiful, but also "hungry" in order not to move. The meal begin and finish with raw vegetables, herbs, roots, various aromatic influences.

Woman better put on the table aromatic drinks to breathe love to connect with the flavors of herbs and forest.

Do not forget about clothes. Remember that the man loves his eyes. Therefore, this evening you should look sexy.

Do not forget about tea. This is a special ritual that contributes to the removal of stress and raising the mood.

Erotic dinner will enhance your already severe sexual desire.

The weekend for that exist so that each of us gets your share of happiness. The best acting sexual activity is a fantasy, and the most important erogenous zone is our brain.

We all want happiness. And what happiness can be without love?\u003d4525