How to treat a dog bite at home. What to do if bitten by a dog? Dog Bite Treatment - Puncture Wounds

"A dog is a friend of man" - reads famous saying... But it is important to understand that communication with a dog, like with any other animal, is dangerous. First aid for a dog bite should be provided to the victim in as soon as possible, to avoid undesirable consequences for health.

What is dangerous for a person an animal bite

Not only stray animals, but also domestic animals are dangerous to humans. Dogs especially often attack fighting breeds... First aid for a domestic or stray dog ​​bite depends on the nature of the injury and the degree of damage. Types of damage that a bite can inflict:

  • shock state;
  • bleeding;
  • damage to soft tissues;
  • rabies infection.

After the bite, puncture or laceration wounds may appear. A puncture wound is a pinpoint bite. In such cases, the depth of the wound exceeds its length. Lacerations occur when teeth slide against the skin with pressure. First aid for a dog bite should be done with these factors in mind.

Psychological shock

Should not be underestimated psychological trauma, which can be inflicted on a person by a dog attack. This is especially true when a child is injured. The child's psyche is less stable than that of adults, therefore it is more susceptible to external influences.

If the dog has bitten the child, first of all, it is important not to create panic, so as not to frighten the child even more. You need to act quickly and judiciously. First aid after a dog bite, which must be provided to a child, does not differ from the procedures carried out with an adult victim. It is necessary to constantly talk with the child in a calm tone, while carefully treating the wound. You should also try to distract the child's attention. After the bite has healed, you may need to see a child psychologist with your child.

Receiving psychological shock can also cause irreparable harm to people with disabilities. cardiovascular systems s and with nervous disorders.


Any bite in the event of a violation of the integrity of the skin is accompanied by bleeding. Since dogs have very sharp teeth, the bite can be deep enough to damage important arteries. Capillary bleeding is the smallest; venous and arterial bleeding is a danger.

Arteries are located in tissues close to bones. Arterial bleeding occurs with a deep bite. The blood in the arteries flows under strong pressure, so bleeding from the arteries is dangerous with profuse blood loss in a short time. The arteries are enclosed in a muscular membrane and have the ability to contract. Thanks to this, arterial bleeding can stop on its own.

Venous bleeding occurs more often than arterial, since the veins are located closer to the skin. When a vein is damaged, blood flows continuously and abundantly.

Help with bleeding

In the presence of bleeding, first aid for a dog bite, first of all, will be to stop the blood loss. The easiest way to stop bleeding is to pinch the wound with your fingers. If the artery is damaged, finger clamping is performed above the injured area.

Capillary bleeding occurs if, for example, a dog bites a finger by force. First aid does not provide for an urgent stop of bleeding. It is recommended to let the blood drain a little, this will prevent infection from entering the bloodstream.

In case of arterial bleeding, a tourniquet should be applied above the damaged area. For venous bleeding, a clean pressure bandage should be used. At the same time, it is important to observe one rule: the bandage is applied for no more than an hour, in warm weather, and for no more than two hours, in cold weather.

Bleeding after a dog bite threatens not only blood loss and, as a result, a serious disruption of the human body. With such injuries, the likelihood of blood poisoning is very high. To avoid undesirable consequences, you must contact medical institution, where first aid will be provided for a dog bite.

Help with soft tissue damage

A dog bite is usually a puncture or laceration. The laceration has jagged edges and heals for a long time. In addition, deep damage increases the likelihood of infection.

First aid for dog bites and wounds is primarily to stop bleeding. Next, you should disinfect the damaged area of ​​the skin. To do this, the wound is first washed with soap and treated with an antiseptic. The use of hydrogen peroxide is recommended. After disinfecting the wound, an antibiotic ointment should be applied and bandaged with a sterile bandage. After all these activities, you should consult a doctor.

Infection during a bite

When a dog bites, there is a high chance of infection. It should be understood that even in the case of a bite of a domestic dog, vaccinated and healthy, many microbes accumulate on the teeth of the animal, which, when bitten, can enter the human body. The most common bacteria that can be contracted after being bitten are:

  • staphylococcus;
  • streptococcus;
  • Proteus;
  • corynebacteria.

The most dangerous bacteria are considered the causative agents of tetanus and rabies. Infection of the wound is accompanied by some symptoms. First, the skin around the bite becomes red and inflamed. A rash and white discharge from the wound may also appear. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Help with a bite infection

Help with a dog bite with infection is not possible at home. In order to avoid adverse consequences for the body, the victim should be assisted qualified specialist... At home, you should only stop the bleeding by letting the blood drain for two minutes to reduce the risk of infection. You also need to treat the wound with an antiseptic.

First aid for a dog bite will consist of suturing if the wound is lacerated, administering a vaccine to prevent the development of infection, and prescribing drugs ensuring the speedy healing of the bite.


The greatest danger when attacked by a dog is the risk of contracting rabies from a sick animal. Rabies is viral disease, damaging the central nervous system. Without proper treatment, it will inevitably lead to death. The disease is most often transmitted when the saliva of an infected animal enters the human bloodstream.

The incubation period of the disease can last up to six months. That is, the disease can make itself felt after the bite wounds have healed. A person has following symptoms diseases:

  • a slight increase in body temperature;
  • fear of water;
  • irritability, aggression, panic attacks;
  • hallucinations.

It is important to understand that after the onset of symptoms of the disease, it is useless to fight the disease. The disease lasts for about a week. At the last stage of the disease, paralysis of the limbs and eye muscles occurs, then the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the body is disrupted, as a result of which death occurs.

Symptoms of rabies in dogs

Domestic dogs are less prone to rabies than stray dogs. However, there is still a risk of infection in a healthy vaccinated pet. If a person was attacked by a stray animal, there is a practice of trapping such dogs in order to monitor them and identify signs of rabies. Infected dogs show the following symptoms:

  1. On initial stages diseases in such animals there is lethargy, lack of appetite. Dogs avoid people, do not go out in bright light.
  2. At the next stage, the animal shows unreasonable aggression, completely refuses food, reacts painfully to loud sounds and bright light.
  3. Late stages are accompanied by profuse salivation, apathy. On aggressive behavior the animal is provoked by harsh sounds. Then paralysis sets in and the animal dies.

Often there is this form of rabies, when the animal behaves very friendly and affectionate. If you suspect that an animal has been infected with rabies, you should contact the veterinary service, as the dog can pose a threat to others.

Rabies treatment

In the event of an attack by a dog, you should contact a medical facility as soon as possible, even if the animal does not show signs of rabies. Does not exist exact date incubation period of the disease, in each a separate case he is individual. Therefore, you should not wait for time after the attack of the dog, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If a dog has been attacked and bitten, first aid (rabies vaccine may be prescribed by a doctor) should be provided as soon as possible. After the vaccine is given, the body starts producing antibodies that fight infection after about ten days. The vaccine is administered to the victim in several stages, the last one on the ninetieth day.

In addition to the vaccine, the victim is injected with an immunoglobulin preparation. These are antibodies that fight the virus until the body starts making its own. An injection of immunoglobulin is effective only in the first three days after possible infection... It is done at the site of the lesion and intramuscularly.

If, after the bite, it was possible to catch the attacking animal, control is established for it over the next ten days. If during this period the dog does not die and does not show signs of rabies, vaccination is allowed to be interrupted.

Causes of aggressive dog behavior

According to statistics, more than one hundred and fifty thousand people annually suffer from dog attacks in Russia. Children and adolescents are especially often attacked. This is due to the behavior of the child, he is excessively active, makes loud noises, and can accidentally hurt the dog. The animal begins to get nervous when faced with such behavior, fears aggression from a person and, as a result, attacks first.

Very often, an animal attacks when a person next to him experiences severe fear. The dog reacts to powerful emotions and feels superior. The dog attacks, defending its territory, its puppies, and also in response to aggressive human behavior.

From the above, we can conclude that the reason for the aggression of a healthy adequate animal in most cases is human behavior. Accordingly, a person is usually able to prevent an attack. But if the attack did occur, first aid for a dog bite should be provided as soon as possible.

The injury caused to this animal can threaten not only health, but also human life. What to do if bitten by a dog? How to provide first aid to the victim? This is extremely important to know in order to avoid tragic consequences.

Why are dog bites dangerous?

Depending on the severity, doctors subdivide them into superficial and deep. With a superficial dog bite, the teeth of the animal pierce only the victim's skin, and a puncture wound is formed. With deep trauma, muscle tissue, blood vessels are affected, and a person can lose a lot of blood due to a laceration. Most often, dogs bite people on the legs and arms. Much more dangerous are wounds in the neck and head, since fractures of bones and ruptures of large vessels are possible internal bleeding with a lethal outcome.

Pathology most often manifests itself in two main variants. V best case the wound is shallow and becomes infected with pathogenic bacteria that multiply in the mouth of the animal. In such a situation, the inflammatory process begins with tissue suppuration. A wound infection usually develops within the first or second days after injury. When pathogenic flora enters the circulatory system, there is a risk of sepsis - infection of the whole body, but this rarely happens.

The most dangerous variant of a bite is infection of the wound with the rabies virus. People bitten by dogs are usually primarily driven by fear. You need to try to overcome it and determine whether the bitten animal is vaccinated against fatally dangerous disease... As a rule, this is not so easy. If bitten domestic dog, you can find out from its owner if she is vaccinated. But what if the dog bit the owner? This happens sometimes, especially with cruelty to animals. And in this case, the likelihood of rabies can never be ruled out.

The greatest risk is posed by the homeless, stray dogs, especially if they are huddled together. You should know characteristic symptoms mad dog that immediately catches your eye. She has:

  • saliva flows abundantly from the drooping jaw;
  • eyes squint;
  • the body twitches at times from convulsions;
  • there is a need to gnaw the ground, inedible objects.

It is important to consider which part of the body the dog has injured. Neck and head bites are the most dangerous because rabies viruses enter the brain very quickly. According to medical statistics, the disease develops in 90% of such cases and reaches its apogee in 9-10 days. With leg injuries, the disease occurs in 20-25% of cases and much later, several months after the bites.

Signs of pathology

What you need to know about symptoms after a dog bite? About development in the wound bacterial infection testify:

  • redness, swelling;
  • the appearance of pus;
  • an increase in nearby lymph nodes;
  • temperature rise;
  • malaise of moderate severity.

Quite different symptoms with the development of rabies. Once in the brain, its viruses multiply intensively and gradually cover the entire body, damaging the nervous system. First of all, the salivary glands, muscles, lungs, intestines, kidneys are affected.

You need to know that rabies develops in 3 stages, and each of them has its own characteristic manifestations. For the initial period, which lasts several days, the following symptoms are typical:

  • pain in the area of ​​an already healed wound that occurs much later than the bite;
  • headache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • insomnia;
  • depressed mood, increased irritability;
  • general weakness;
  • sometimes a rise in temperature.

During the period active development pathology, which also lasts 2-3 days, there are short-term, but more frequent attacks of psychophysical arousal of the patient. They are usually provoked by the sight and noise of water, bright light, loud noises, sharp gusts of wind. During the moments of seizures:

  • muscle cramps occur;
  • pupils dilate;
  • the face twists into a grimace of horror;
  • breathing becomes rapid, noisy;
  • saliva, foam are vigorously secreted from the mouth;
  • behavior becomes extremely aggressive;
  • delusional ideas, hallucinations appear.

After this, the disease ends with a period of apparent improvement in the condition:

  • the convulsions stop;
  • excitement is replaced by calm;
  • consciousness is clearing up;
  • due to paralysis of the respiratory center of the brain or cardiac arrest, the patient's death occurs.

First aid

What to do first of all in case of dog bites?

If the victim suspects that they have been bitten by a rabid dog, it is important to call slight bleeding... To do this, you need to strongly massage the injured area or even cut the skin so that blood flows. Only then should the wound be disinfected and bandaged.

Competent first aid for a dog bite allows you to block infection of the body and minimize its consequences. After that, the victim should be immediately taken to the trauma center. The doctor, after assessing his condition, will prescribe adequate treatment.

At lacerations ah it is necessary to put surgical stitches. To eliminate the risk of sepsis, you need to inject an antibiotic (Amoxicillin, Clavulanate or Doxycycline, Metronidazole). If it is known for certain that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies, a tetanus shot is sufficient. And how to treat a dog bite at the slightest suspicion that it may be terminally ill?

Rabies vaccination

Thanks to its implementation, many human lives... When a dog is bitten, it is important to start treatment as early as possible, no later than 8 hours after receiving such an injury. If the wounds are deep or shallow, but the head, neck, fingers, hands, genitals of a person are affected, immunoglobulin injections should be done. This drug neutralizes the rabies virus. Sometimes in a day or two and even a week after its introduction, allergic reactions of varying severity may appear.

Then the traumatologist prescribes the victim a course of injections of the rabies vaccine. it effective drug, thanks to which the body forms immune defense from the deadly virus. Vaccination is not necessary only if the owner of the dog presents a certificate confirming that it is vaccinated against rabies.

The number of injections is determined based on the information about the dog that has bitten the patient. If this is an unknown stray animal, 6 injections are prescribed. The first is done immediately on the day of the victim's treatment. The rest he receives, arriving at the trauma center on the 3rd, 7th, 14th day, then after 1 and 3 months.

Vaccination is carried out according to a different scheme, when the dog that bit the person is known, not vaccinated, but outwardly healthy. She is isolated and monitored. If within 10 days he does not show signs of rabies, the victim is given only 3 injections: on the day of treatment, on the 3rd and 7th day. During the course of vaccination and six months later, you can not use alcoholic drinks, unnecessarily overwork, sunbathe and visit the bathhouse, allow hypothermia of the body.

After each injection, the victim should be kept under medical supervision about half an hour. If necessary, he is given anti-shock treatment. At the end of the course of vaccinations, the patient receives a certificate indicating the type and series of vaccines, possible post-vaccination side effects.

Such reactions, although rare, do occur. May be:

  • redness, swelling, itching at the injection site;
  • headache;
  • temperature rise;
  • a slight increase in lymph nodes;
  • malaise.

Pregnancy and childhood are not grounds for refusing vaccinations. They are required even a few months after a dog bite. Vaccinations are provided free of charge.

In Russia, annually, only registered dog bites with an attack on a person is about two million cases. Moreover, these statistics do not contain those people who do not apply for medical care.

In this publication, we will talk about what to do when a dog bites and how to provide first aid to an adult and a child if a pet or stray dog ​​has bitten an arm, leg, or finger.

Dog bites resemble puncture or laceration wounds in terms of the nature of the injury. But. ... P with any type of bite, always Great chance wound infection.

This can be explained by the fact that in oral cavity(in the mouth) of any animal and person is always a large number of pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. A dog's teeth are sharp, and when it bites, germs inevitably enter deep into the wound and then into the blood. In severe cases of an attack on a person by dogs, a bitten adult or child may have more than one wound, but several, including bites of the face, hands, and legs.

Attacks by dogs on children are especially dangerous! Indeed, unlike an adult, a child cannot always defend against an attack, so his parents should always be on the lookout if there is a pet dog in the house. After all, she may not always be a friend. Moreover, in this regard, whelping females are dangerous, raising and feeding their offspring.

If you keep a dog at home or come to visit where to keep a pet at home, you need to know and follow a number of rules for handling dogs.

Rules for handling a domestic dog

  1. never leave your child alone with an unfamiliar dog, and even more so with several, when you come to visit;
  2. do not leave children at home alone with a pet dog;
  3. your child should never approach someone else's dog;
  4. if the dog does not respect (rather, you cannot control it yourself completely) the child - be afraid that she will someday attack him;
  5. if the dog does not look into the eyes of a person, it can attack;
  6. if the dog has bitten once, it will surely bite again;
  7. you should never approach animals if they eat, fight or care for each other;
  8. never let's lick open wound cats or dogs;
  9. pets must be vaccinated against rabies.

When attacked by dogs

When a dog attacks a child or an adult, it is necessary, first of all, to drag or drive away the animal. For this, everything that can be obtained at hand is suitable: a stone, a stick, a picket fence, a bag, a mop, a trash can. Any dog ​​bite should alert both parents and medical professionals... There are two types of bites: superficial and deep. Each type requires a different approach.

Procedure for a bite: first aid

Wound treatment

The bite site - the wound - must be washed with warm soapy ( laundry soap) solution for several minutes. Some experts suggest treating the wound itself with hydrogen peroxide.

It is worth applying an antiseptic (solution of potassium permanganate (pink solution), solution of alcoholic iodine, alcohol - no more than 70%) and treat the skin around the bite.

Dry the bite site and apply a sterile bandage.

In case of severe bleeding, it is necessary to take measures to stop it - use a tourniquet, a pressure bandage.

If the dog tore off any parts of the body - fingers, ears, etc., the torn off fragments should be packed in a clean plastic bag, covered with ice, indicated on the bag with the victim's name and transferred to the hospital.

If the dog is domestic

Taking into account the likelihood of contracting rabies (in this case, it almost always ends in death, if you do not start treatment), it is necessary to request from the owner of the dog a certificate of vaccination of the dog.

If the dog is stray

Immediately inform the state veterinary service about the fact of an animal attack on a person. And to help specialists with information on the whereabouts of a sick animal for catching biters and placing it in quarantine under veterinary sanitary supervision.

Be sure to contact the trauma center at the place of residence. The traumatologist will determine the damage from the bites, provide medical assistance. You definitely need to know whether your child has been vaccinated against tetanus.

What not to do

Since the rabies virus targets the central nervous system(CNS) of a person, and the course of vaccination is determined by the duration of the incubation period, which is 10–90 days, it is clear that helping the virus by independently affecting the central nervous system is unacceptable. We are talking about the inadmissibility of the use of alcoholic and other drugs that depress the central nervous system, thereby helping the rabies virus.

Biting the fingers and the face of animals infected with the rabies virus is especially dangerous.

Folk remedies at home

I want to warn readers in advance that in cases when a dog has bitten, you need to do all of the above. And home folk remedies for home use are provided for informational purposes only, in addition to the above. Nobody canceled consultations of a surgeon, traumatologist! Consult with them when treating dog bites.

  1. When a dog or wolf bites the wound, after initial treatment, apply gruel from the leaves of meadowsweet or the leaves themselves.
  2. An onion, ground with honey and vinegar and applied to the wound, helps with dog bites.
  3. When bitten by animals, apply grated grass to the wound, drop caps, lotions from sweet clover herbs or clove decoction.
  4. Mint, superimposed with salt, treats dog bites.

Tips and recipes for treating dog bites from old folk remedies:

In the old folk clinics the following tips and recipes for treating dog bites are given:

  1. in case of a rabid dog bite, it is recommended to wash the wound with salt water and moisten the wound with nut oil until healing. In this case, nut oil is also used for internal use(1 tablespoon 3 times a day);
  2. when bitten by rabid dogs, drink an infusion of immortelle inflorescences, 1 tablespoon three times a day;
  3. according to the views of traditional medicine, "vinegar, if given a pound in the morning and evening, in the fastest way and completely cures from hydrophobia";
  4. with any poisonous bites the most useful remedy steam for a long time in a Russian steam bath (any poisons and toxic substances come out with sweat);
  5. nettle with salt (in the form of a lotion) cleanses contaminated wounds and helps with dog bites;
  6. with bites of poisonous snakes, scorpions, as well as dog bites, garlic with honey helps, which is taken orally and put in the form of gruel on the wound.

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Bitten by a dog, run to the hospital!

I'll tell you with a personal example: what to do if you are bitten by a dog. Where to go, what injections, bite prevention, how not to get sick with rabies. Advice from the veterinarian Polina Platonova on the Lina Vet channel.

Dog - best friend person. Most people certainly agree with this statement. Indeed, the loyalty of this animal has become the talk of the town. However, despite its wonderful qualities, a dog can cause significant harm to a person - to bite. Everyone should know what to do if a dog is attacked, how to minimize harm from meeting an aggressive animal, and how to treat the effects of bites.

Why is a dog bite dangerous?

More than 150,000 Russians seek medical help every year after being attacked and bitten by dogs. Dozens of people die of rabies, transmitted by a dog bite. The number of cases of canine aggression increases in summer period and people suffer more from pets than from homeless people. Most often, adult men and children get bites: toddlers two to four years old and adolescents 10-14 years old.

The worst of all is the bites of dogs of fighting and some service breeds: german shepherd, bull terriers, rottweilers, pit bulls, dobermans. The bite force of these animals is very high and they cause serious damage.

A dog bite is an injury, the severity of which depends on many factors:

  • Bite forces - wounds can be different:
    • superficial (stabbed), when the integrity of the skin is slightly disturbed; such injuries, in the absence of complications, heal rather quickly;
    • torn when the bites are much deeper - torn can be soft tissue, and in some especially severe cases, joints, bones, ligamentous apparatus are damaged.
  • Bite sites: in adults, most often the legs (ankles) and hands (hands and forearms) are affected, dogs can bite children on the neck, face, head. The most dangerous is damage to the neck and head, deep wounds in these places can be fatal.
  • The state of health of a dog - various bacteria and viruses enter the wound with the saliva of an aggressive animal, among which the rabies virus is the worst.
The most dangerous are dog bites in the neck, head and face.

Rabies is a severe disease that is transmitted through the saliva of a sick animal. The disease is terrible with one hundred percent death. You can become infected with the virus not only when saliva gets into the bitten wound, but also in the case of slobbering of damaged skin or mucous membranes.

It is worth knowing that the virus is contained in the animal's secretions 8-10 days before the visible symptoms of the disease. Therefore, with a bite of any dog, even a seemingly healthy one, it is imperative to contact a medical institution.

The fact that a dog is sick can be determined by its appearance and behavior:

  • drooling, foaming at the mouth;
  • drooping of the lower jaw;
  • vomiting;
  • periodic seizures;
  • hoarse, muffled barking.

It is likely that an aggressive dog with a drooping jaw has excessive drooling and seizures, and is sick with rabies.

The dog is excited, aggressive, ready to attack, can gnaw on the ground or objects in its field of vision.

What is the likelihood of contracting rabies from a sick animal? It directly depends on which part of the body the bite fell on. If the neck or facial tissue is damaged, then the possibility of getting sick is very high and amounts to 90%. With a bite on the hand, the probability of infection is 50-60%, if the shin, shoulder or thigh is injured, then the percentage is even lower - about 20.

In addition to infection with rabies, after a bite, there is a high probability of developing tetanus, the causative agent of which may be present in the soil, on various subjects and it is easy to hit the wound. Tetanus is a disease, the prognosis of which is always disappointing.

In addition to the possibility of getting tetanus or rabies, dog bites can have the following consequences:

  1. Significant blood loss if the wounds are very serious; large arteries can be ruptured or organs damaged with the development of internal bleeding.
  2. Wound infection - occurs in 15-20% of all cases of bites; more often it is a local purulent-inflammatory process, in rare cases - systemic infection with the development of a formidable complication - sepsis. There are many different microorganisms that are pathogenic to humans in the dog's mouth. Once in the wound, germs cause infection. Depending on the type of pathogens in the wound and the condition immune system the affected person's time for the development of an inflammatory reaction varies from 8 to 24 hours.
  3. Psychological trauma. The attack of an aggressive dog is especially dangerous for children, pregnant women and the elderly. Weak children, old people and women are not able to actively repel the animal, therefore there is high risk serious damage. In addition, bites threaten consequences in the form of shock in the child and the threat of termination of pregnancy in future mother... An elderly person's bite can result in a heart attack, which requires immediate attention.

Symptoms: local and general reaction to the bite

At best, if the dog is not very large and the bite fell on a closed tight clothing part of the body, you can get rid of only hematomas from the compression of soft tissues by the teeth without damaging the skin. Even a weak dog bite is quite painful; with severe injuries, the pain is very pronounced.

Puncture wounds are punctures in the skin with minor bleeding that can be easily stopped. After the blood stops, the wound may ooze, edema (swelling) and redness appear around the punctures, a rash in the form of small pimples, the skin may itch or, conversely, become numb (numbness). These signs indicate that the bite is quite deep and an inflammatory reaction is developing. An increase in pain, swelling, discharge from a wound with a characteristic odor, and these symptoms appear several hours after the bite, can speak of a purulent process. The nearby lymph nodes increase, general weakness and fever join.

The dog can inflict puncture wounds and abrasions with teeth - such injuries in the absence of infection are easier to heal than lacerations

Lacerated wounds are accompanied heavy bleeding, pain, severe weakness and malaise, pain shock is possible. The likelihood of infection with such injuries is much higher.

Tissue damage from bites large dogs can be very significant

If the bitten dog was sick with rabies, then the first signs of infection in humans can be detected within a week after the attack. Time initial manifestations the disease is associated with the site of the bite, the depth and extent of the injury. The closer the damage is to the head (brain), the earlier the symptoms appear.

The first period of the disease is short - only 1-2 days, it manifests itself in this way:

  • soreness reappears in the area of ​​the healed bite;
  • body temperature may rise;
  • worried about headache and severe weakness;
  • the infected becomes irritable, depressed, loses appetite, he has an unreasonable anxiety, fear, melancholy, sleep disturbances.

Further development the disease leads to irreversible disruption of the work of the most important cents (respiratory and vasomotor) and the patient dies.

The most terrible consequence dog bite - contracting the fatal disease rabies

The prodromal phenomena characteristic of rabies are similar to the first signs of an equally dangerous disease - tetanus. The incubation period of this severe infectious disease lasts from a week to a month. The patient has a dull nagging pain at the site of injury, the surrounding muscles may tense and twitch. During this period, the patient may complain of weakness, headache, sweating, loss of appetite. Then the symptoms characteristic of the disease join - tension and cramps of the chewing and facial muscles (trismus and "sardonic smile"), painful difficulty in swallowing, strong tension of the muscles of the back of the head. The further development of the infection is manifested by tetanic (generalized) convulsions - the strongest involuntary contractions of skeletal muscles, while the patient feels excruciating pain. In the worst case, tetanus can lead to muscle tears, compression fractures of the spine, asphyxia, and cardiac arrest.

What to do in case of a bite wound

If the bite is not up to blood, and the dog simply squeezed the soft tissues with its teeth, it is enough to wash off the saliva that has fallen on the skin with a stream of water and soap, disinfect this place with any available antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, alcohol) and apply cold.

With any bite to blood, even if a pet that has been vaccinated has shown aggression, you must contact the nearest medical institution - an emergency room, clinic, hospital. Large lacerations, especially in the head area, require first aid and an immediate ambulance call. Early treatment and prevention of rabies and tetanus can save the victim's life.

First aid

Before sending the bitten person to the hospital or the arrival of an ambulance, certain manipulations need to be carried out. Algorithm of actions:

Do not cauterize the wound, apply any ointments, bandage tightly, put napkins, bandages, etc. into the cavity.

Further treatment

Upon arrival at the hospital, the patient is treated for bites:

  • scratches, abrasions, small puncture wounds are treated with an antiseptic and a sterile bandage is applied;
  • deep lacerated wounds are subject to PHO (primary surgical treatment):
    • under local or general anesthesia foreign objects, blood clots, dead tissue are removed from the wound;
    • treat the cavity with antiseptic solutions.

To prevent secondary infection, stitches are not applied to the bitten wounds. Large vessels are sutured in case of massive bleeding or torn tissue with very extensive damage. At the same time, primary sutures are applied with a drainage-washing system, secondary sutures are applied, or skin grafting is performed. The latter is shown to eliminate cosmetic defects- if the bites are on the soft tissues of the face.

Bitten wounds small size treated with antiseptics and do not apply stitches

According to the indications, diagnostic measures can be carried out:

  • taking smears for bacteriological examination of the material;
  • blood sampling to identify infectious agents;
  • ultrasound or x-ray examination if there is a suspicion of being deep in the wound foreign body or injury to bones and joints.

After the measures taken, the patient can be released home or offered hospitalization. The indications for inpatient treatment are the following conditions:

  • extensive deep damage;
  • signs of wound infection (fever, swelling and redness of the surrounding tissues, purulent discharge);
  • infection with dangerous pathogens;
  • immunodeficiency state of the patient.

As well as local treatment, the patient is given systemic therapy, which includes antibiotics - for dog bites, Amoxiclav or Augmentin, Ceftriaxone or Ciprofloxacin, Lincomycin are prescribed. Antibiotic therapy lasts 7 days.

The decision on the application is decided by the doctor on an individual basis; usually penicillin or cephalosporin drugs are prescribed for dog bites

If the treatment is carried out in a hospital, the victim is prescribed an intravenous drip of physiological or 5% glucose solution. With large blood loss - blood substitutes.

At home, for the prevention of purulent inflammation, you can use washing with 1% Dioxidin solution, apply synthomycin emulsion to the wound. Change the dressing as needed.

Video - what to do if bitten by a dog

Preventive vaccination

After the attack and bites of the dog, the victim must be vaccinated against rabies (against rabies) and the administration of tetanus toxoid. Rabies vaccine is not given if the aggressor is a domestic dog vaccinated against rabies, and the owner has documentary evidence of this fact.

A patient bitten by a stray or unvaccinated domestic dog can be injected with rabies immunoglobulin (before the vaccine) if no more than 72 hours have passed since the attack. Immunoglobulin, which is a ready-made antibody that neutralizes the virus, is injected around the wound and into its depth. This method is used if the injuries occurred in the neck, face, head, genitals, or in the case of very deep wounds, regardless of localization, as well as in the case when the saliva of the attacking dog got on the mucous membranes, for example, in the eye or mouth.

The rabies vaccine (a weakened virus that stimulates the production of antibodies to the pathogen) is injected intramuscularly into the shoulder. The course is only 6 procedures according to the scheme: after the first injection, 2 days should pass, after the second - 3 days, next vaccination do on the 14th day after the first injection, then on the 30th and 90th days.

The course of vaccination against rabies consists of 6 injections according to a certain scheme

The number of injections depends on the information about the bitten dog. It is recommended to monitor the attacked animal for 10 days. If during this time the dog does not become ill with rabies, the victim receives only 3 injections of the rabies vaccine. In the event of the death of an animal or the impossibility of obtaining data about it, it is carried out full course vaccinations. The victim must undergo treatment regardless of the time of treatment, even if several months have passed since the incident.

There may be side reactions to the vaccine:

  • fever;
  • headache;
  • swelling of the cervical and axillary lymph nodes;
  • locally - soreness, swelling and redness at the injection site.

After the introduction of immunoglobulin, complications are possible:

  • the development of a local allergic reaction (after 1-2 days);
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • serum sickness (one week after the injection).

Therefore, the places of vaccination and administration of immunoglobulin should be equipped with means for anti-shock measures, and the patient is monitored after injections for 30 minutes by the medical staff.

During the course of treatment and six months later, one should not drink alcoholic beverages, overheat and hypothermia, do hard physical work.

Video - how to protect yourself from rabies

Traditional methods of treating bites

Alternative treatment cannot replace a visit to the doctor. Apply folk recipes is possible only as an addition to traditional methods dog bite therapy.

Traditional healers offer different variants treatment of bitten wounds: local compresses, intake of herbal infusions and decoctions inside. In any case, the wound must first be thoroughly washed with soap and water. Then you can make lotions or compresses for which they use:

  • saline solution (1 large spoon per liter of boiled water);
  • diluted 1: 1 alcohol tincture propolis;
  • Fresh Juice aloe;
  • a mixture of garlic, onion and salt (1 tablespoon of grated onion and garlic each with the addition of a teaspoon of salt);
  • onion gruel with honey (1 chopped onion, mixed with a tablespoon of honey);
  • fresh nettles, chopped to a homogeneous gruel with the addition of salt;
  • pounded leaves of meadowsweet (helomini) or plantain;
  • dry herb powder;
  • infusion of herbs:
    • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of St. John's wort mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of yarrow, pour boiling water (300 ml), let it brew for 2-3 hours; strain and apply gauze napkins soaked in the product to the wound;
  • infusion of eucalyptus or calendula flowers (20 g of dry raw materials per 300 ml of boiling water).

These products can only be used for minor puncture injuries. With lacerations, it is imperative to go to the hospital.

Inside, you can take decoctions and herbal infusions with wound healing and bactericidal action.

Infusion of cloves:

  1. Steamed dry clove buds (10-15 pieces) in a glass of boiling water.
  2. Insist 1.5-2 hours, drain.
  3. Take 1 large spoon three times daily before meals.

Infusion of sweet clover herb:

  1. For a glass of boiling water, you need to take 1 teaspoon of the plant, insist for 6 hours.
  2. Drink the medicine in a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Infusion of immortelle:

  1. Pour 10 g of dry raw materials with boiling water (250 ml), leave for an hour.
  2. Take 1 large spoon three times daily half an hour before meals.

Photo gallery - unconventional treatment for dog bite wounds

The immortelle is used to treat dog bites both externally and internally. Clove has disinfecting and wound healing properties, so its infusion is used to treat dog bites Melilot is used as a wound healing agent Ground nettle leaves are applied to the bite site
An onion-honey mixture is used to treat bites as an anti-inflammatory agent. Fresh leaves plantain or juice from them is applied to bitten wounds for healing Aloe juice has powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties Calendula is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is used to treat wounds, including bites.

Food of the victim

There is no need to adhere to a special diet after a dog bite. Nutrition should be complete, rich in vitamins and minerals in order to accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues. You need to eat foods high in vitamins B, C, A, E, K and D.

In the first days after severe bites, given the possibility of developing an inflammatory reaction, acidosis and edema in the area of ​​injury, it is advisable to eat alkalizing foods (vegetables and fruits) and somewhat limit salt in the diet.

  • protein sources:
    • veal, turkey, chicken, dairy and fermented milk products;
  • the right carbohydrates:
    • fresh fruits, vegetables (including legumes and leaves), berries, whole grain breads, cereals;
  • healthy fats:
    • vegetable oils, nuts, oily sea fish and seafood.

The diet of a dog affected by teeth should be dominated by vegetables, lean meat, fruits, sea ​​fish

To improve metabolic processes and speedy healing, you need to drink enough liquids - at least 2 liters per day, including natural juices, rosehip decoction, dried fruit infusion. Alcohol should be excluded from the diet, the consumption of animal fats, smoked meats, fast food should be minimized, confectionery, foods with food additives, dyes and can cause allergic reaction... Healthy balanced diet will help damaged tissues recover sooner.

How to avoid

Not only a stray dog ​​can attack a person. AND a pet, if provoked, can cause serious harm. To avoid being bitten by a domestic dog, you must:

  • respect her personal space: the place where she sleeps and eats, puts her toys - it is very important to teach this to the youngest members of the family;
  • not tease or annoy the dog when it eats;
  • do not allow children to play too actively with the pet, especially alone - the dog can bite by accident, carried away by the game;
  • do not try to take away puppies from a nursing bitch;
  • do not separate the dogs if another animal attacked the pet while walking;
  • limit the contact of strangers with your dog - protecting the owners and the territory, even the most peaceful dog can behave inappropriately.

In addition, the pet must be vaccinated, trained and educated in a timely manner. Wanting to grow a reliable guard out of the dog, some owners encourage it to be aggressive. If there are no special training skills service dogs, you can sooner or later pay for such an unreasonable upbringing own health... Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for dogs to severely bite their owners or small children living in the family.

By encouraging aggressive behavior of his pet, the owner risks being bitten himself.

To avoid being attacked by a yard dog:

  • you need to bypass dog packs or lonely aggressive dogs, by all means try to avoid contact with such animals;
  • if it was not possible to get away from the dog, you cannot run away, look the animal in the eyes, show fear;
  • do not attack first, you need to try to slowly leave the territory that the dog, most likely, considers his own and protects;
  • if the animal is preparing for an attack, you can try to stop it with a loud shout, a handful of sand or earth thrown into the eyes, or with improvised means (bag, umbrella, stick, stone) - the dog must see something in the hands of a person;
  • lovers of cycling or jogging, it is advisable to get an electric shock or an ultrasonic animal repeller.

Video - Dr. Komarovsky in detail about dog bites

Dogs are our four-legged friends. Loving animals is wonderful. However, do not forget that even a domestic dog is an animal, and its behavior is sometimes unpredictable. Observing the rules of behavior with pets and street mongrels, you can avoid bites and their consequences in the form of severe infectious diseases.

Probably, stray dogs live in every city in our country. It should be admitted that most often they do not attack a person, but there are always exceptions. It must be remembered that any dog ​​can bite, both domestic and wild - homeless. And if this trouble happened to you or to someone from your loved ones, do not panic. The main thing is to know how to properly respond to such an accident. So, let's talk about the dangers of a dog bite of a person, consider what to do with such a nuisance, and discuss after a dog bite.

As practice shows, in more than fifteen percent of cases, a dog's bite is complicated by the addition of an infectious lesion and even the development inflammatory process.

A dog bite has occurred - what to do after that?

If you are bitten by a dog, be sure to see your doctor. With such a nuisance, you can go (drop in) directly to the emergency room - there you can be assisted around the clock. First aid to the victim can also be provided at home.

First, wash the wound under running water, using ordinary soap or any other detergent... Perform this manipulation for at least five minutes.

Various antiseptics can be used to treat the wound and its edges, for example, seventy percent alcohol, five percent iodine solution, betadine, chlorhexidine, and miramistin. Hydrogen peroxide can be injected directly into the wound cavity.

If the bite has caused severe bleeding, you need to stop it. When providing first aid, be guided by the type of bleeding. To stop it, a tourniquet can be applied, you can also press the vessel with your finger. Sometimes the problem can be dealt with with the help of maximum flexion of the limb, its elevated position and by applying a pressure bandage. If the bleeding is not severe, you do not need to stop it right away - it will wash the animal's saliva and microbes from the wound.

A sterile bandage (not tight) should be applied to the bitten area. After the victim must be taken to the nearest emergency room.

If you have been bitten by your own dog during the game, and the wound is uncomplicated, you can simply rinse it with an antiseptic and bandage it with sterile gauze using any antibacterial ointment. This recommendation is relevant only if the dog received all necessary vaccinations... But consulting a doctor will still not be superfluous.

In traumatology, a victim of a bite from an unknown dog is injected with anti-rabies drugs. In some cases, immunoglobulin is used - it is injected around the wound and directly into its depth. The COCAV vaccine against rabies can also be used. It is administered no more than six times at a certain interval - on the day of the bite, after three days, seven days, fourteen days, thirty days and ninety days.

Tetanus vaccination is also usually given.

Bite stitches are usually not stitched to avoid infection of the wound. But in some cases, suturing is still carried out - when the bites are located on the face, with extensive wounds, and also to stop bleeding.

When an infection joins or for its prevention, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to the victim. Such funds are usually used in mandatory if the wound is deep and punctured. Also, the doctor may prescribe prophylactic antibiotics if the victim has many shallow wounds focused on the limbs. Antibacterial drugs are used without fail if the patient has AIDS, diabetes or if he has recently received chemotherapy or has had a spleen removal. The drugs of choice for dog bites are broad-spectrum antibiotics - Amoxicillin or Clavulanate. And for allergies to penicillins, Metronidazole is used in combination with Doxycycline.

Many dog ​​bite patients also require psychological help... Sometimes they are prescribed sedatives or tranquilizers.

What is the threat of a dog bite, what are its consequences?

The dog is a pretty strong animal. Her muscles create tremendous pressure, which, when bitten, leads to puncture and laceration wounds. The victim may be damaged muscles, blood vessels, and tendons.

The situation is aggravated by aggressive microorganisms that live in the mouth of every dog. The animal's sharp teeth cause germs to penetrate deep into the wound, and then into the blood. It is fraught with joining infectious complications... With their development, the victim's skin becomes inflamed and fluid separation is observed whitish... Infection also often makes itself felt with a reddish rash near the bitten area.

Possible dangerous consequences the bite includes rabies. The very first symptom of this disease is hallucinations, which are accompanied by headaches, excessive sweating and fever. The victim may also have an aversion to water and muscle spasm. Rabies is untreated and causes death... To prevent rabies after a dog bite, it is worth seeking medical help immediately after self-washing the washing wound.

Sometimes dog bites lead to the development of tetanus, in which the patient has a fever and muscle spasms. Such an injury can also be complicated by sepsis - blood poisoning.

If you are bitten by a dog, be sure to contact the emergency room. It works at night, on weekends and on holidays.

Folk after a dog bite

Traditional medicine will not help provide first aid to a patient with a bite. But they are able to speed up the healing processes of the wound surface already treated by the doctor.

So for a long time to heal non-healing wounds traditional medicine experts advise preparing an ointment from twenty grams of celandine root and thirty grams of burdock root. Grind such components and fill them with one hundred milliliters sunflower oil... Boil such a product over a fire of minimum power for a quarter of an hour, then strain, cool and use to lubricate the affected areas several times a day.

Propolis is also characterized by excellent healing and bactericidal properties. To prepare medicine prepare a fatty base from such a beekeeping product, for example, vegetable oil, fish oil or pork fat... You will need five parts of a fat base and one part of finely chopped propolis.

Bring the fat base to a boil, then pour the prepared propolis into it. Simmer for an hour without letting the medicine boil. Strain the finished product through cheesecloth and use to lubricate wounds. It is best to store this ointment in the refrigerator.

Some healers are advised to prepare a medicine based on nettle leaves. To do this, put them in a half-liter jar almost to the top and fill with seventy percent alcohol. Send such a remedy to the sun for a week, then strain and use to wash the wounds. Perform this procedure just before applying the dressing.

You can also use fresh nettle juice - soak the dressings with it. Yarrow juice also has remarkable bactericidal, antiseptic and healing qualities.

If you are bitten by a dog, see a doctor as soon as possible and do not self-medicate, because it can cause serious consequences.