Lesson on traffic rules in the senior group. Entertainment according to traffic rules in the senior group of kindergarten. Finger gymnastics "My family"

If your task is to organize thematic lesson or GCD for learning the rules traffic, refer to the positive experience of colleagues set out in the publications of this section.

Here you can find plans for conducting and ready-made notes of successfully conducted classes, which contain many valuable ideas and successful pedagogical discoveries. During educational activities, using the format of a conversation and a quiz, supplement and consolidate the knowledge of children about the main road signs, traffic signals, the rules for crossing the roadway and behavior on the streets. Develop decision making skills problem situations where pedestrians or passengers may be trapped. Enrich active vocabulary children, improve them dialogical speech.

Have a great traffic lesson with us!

Contained in sections:

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All sections | Traffic rules, traffic lights, traffic. Summaries of classes, GCD

Target: Arouse interest in awakening spring nature, introduce spring changes, give an idea of ​​​​primroses. Continue to introduce children to non-traditional technique plasticine art, spray painting and poking, learn how to create...

Open OOD on traffic rules "Journey to the country of traffic rules" in the middle group Occupation according to traffic rules in middle group "Journey to the country of traffic rules". Tasks: Educational: consolidate children's ideas about the appointment traffic light, about its signals; specify what it means colors: red, yellow, green; give children an idea of ​​the organization movements...

Traffic rules, traffic lights, traffic. Summaries of classes, GCD - Cognitive-speech lesson on traffic rules in the mixed group "Let's Help Pinocchio"

Publication "Cognitive-speech lesson on traffic rules in the mixed group "Let's help ..."
In our preschool great attention is given to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities safe behavior on the roads and in transport. We spent leisure time and quizzes, entertainment and holidays, training games, educational games. In early February, we held a cognitive and speech ...

MAAM Pictures Library

Synopsis of the GCD "How Thomas learns the rules of the road" in the senior group Purpose: to create conditions for fixing the rules of the road and road signs. Tasks: Activate the vocabulary of children on this topic. To consolidate and systematize the knowledge and ideas of children about the streets of the city, traffic rules and road signs. Build skill...

Goal: - Continue to acquaint children with traffic lights; - Learn to sculpt a traffic light from a whole piece of plasticine; - Depict three colors of signals by applying; consolidating the knowledge and skills of children in sculpting an object consisting of several parts, using direct and circular ...

Goal: consolidating the knowledge of older children preschool age according to the rules of the road. Tasks: 1. Clarify children's knowledge of road signs; 2. Fix the ability to correlate the sign with a specific situation; 3. Exercise in the ability to find safe way to destination...

Traffic rules, traffic lights, traffic. Lesson notes, GCD - Lesson summary in the second junior group according to the rules of the road "Traffic light and Zebra visiting kids"

Summary of the lesson in the second junior group according to the rules of the road "Traffic light and Zebra visiting kids" Purpose: 1. To form an idea of ​​​​traffic safety and correct behavior on the roadway. 2. Teach the child to understand what signals ...

Summary of traffic rules in the senior group "Journey to the Traffic Light" Purpose: to continue to learn the rules of the road. Tasks: - to consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road; - to consolidate children's ideas about road signs already known to them; - teach children to be responsible for their own safety; - Develop creativity...

Safety in preschool kindergarten

Abstract of the OOD on traffic rules in the senior group of the kindergarten "We know the rules of the road by heart"

Iskhakova Svetlana Minnullovna, educator MADOU No. 106 d / s "Zabava", Naberezhnye Chelny

Program content:

Target: formation of skills of safe behavior on the road.


Tutorials: to consolidate children's knowledge of traffic signals, to consolidate the rules of safe behavior on the road, to expand children's knowledge of transport, to learn to act in a game together, on a signal, to follow the rules, the ability to assemble puzzles and justify answers.

Developing: continue to form the skill of navigating at a traffic light, comply with the requirements of road signs, develop thinking, attention, coordination of movements, develop speech and activate children's vocabulary

Educational: to educate in children a culture of behavior on the road, a sense of respect for the work of a traffic police inspector, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in real life to develop speech.

Equipment: road signs pictures, multimedia installation, slide "Dunno

and SMS message”, cars, split pictures of transport, skittles.

Preliminary work: conversations: “How to behave on the road? ”, “Passenger transport”, review plot pictures on the topic of traffic rules, "Transport" studying the traffic light, memorizing poems, guessing riddles, observing traffic while walking.

Vocabulary work: Overground, underground, pedestrian crossing, regulated and unregulated.

Methods used: practical, playful, conversation, art word.

Methodical methods: verbal - question-answer, repetition, visual - display, demonstration, gaming, outdoor game"Cars are coming."

OOD move.

The children are in the group.

Educator: Hello guys, today we have guests. Shall we say hello? In what language, yet, can we greet you?

Children: in Tatar. Isә nmesez.

Educator: I'll tell you a secret, I received a message today (slide on the Dunno interactive whiteboard and SMS)“My name is Dunno, I wanted to go to school with Znayka, he studies there. - I have no idea how to get there. I got to your city, and it’s scary to walk down the street all the time I get into some unpleasant stories. Help me figure out how to properly follow the rules on the roads and streets of the city. Thanks in advance!"

Educator: Can we help? Guys, we live in a big beautiful city with green wide streets and avenues. A lot of cars and trucks move along them, trams, buses go and no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. In order to preserve our health and life, we must strictly observe the established rules of the road.

To avoid accidents.

must be strictly observed

Traffic rules

And norms of behavior.

You remember, friends.

We can't be on the road

Run, jump and jump

And play football with the ball.

And don't think wrong.

It's not at all dangerous here.

Learn little by little how to cross the road.

(Viktor Veryovka)

Educator: Our kindergarten is located next to the road where there is a lot of traffic. various transport. You need to go to the tables and there are tasks for each of the guys, you need to assemble pictures from pieces to make a whole car. And we will show Dunno what kind of transport drives through the streets of our city.

What transport did you get?

Children: Cargo, passenger, special equipment, names of transport.

Educator: Now I suggest you try to answer questions about knowledge of the rules of the road.

What part of the street should pedestrians walk on? (On the sidewalk)

On which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk? (On the right)

Why should you stick to right side? (In order not to interfere with the movement of pedestrians)

Where should I wait for a trolleybus, bus? (At the bus stop)

How should a passenger behave in transport? (Get in and out at a full stop, speak quietly, be sure to hold on to the handrails, give way)

When you are walking with your parents and you need to cross the street, how should you walk? (Hold your parents hand)

Can you play on the road? (You can't because there are cars going there)

What types of pedestrian crossings are there and what should preschoolers know? (Regulated and unregulated, ground, underground and elevated pedestrian crossings)

What is a controlled intersection? (This is an intersection where traffic is regulated by a traffic controller or traffic lights)

Educator: Can we guess the riddle?

At the transition strip

On the side of the road

Beast three-eyed, one-legged,

An unknown breed

With multicolored eyes

Talks to us.

The red eye looks at us:

Stop! - says his order.

The yellow eye looks at us:

Carefully! Stop now!

And green: well, go ahead

Pedestrian, cross!

This is how he talks

Silent... (traffic light)

Educator: What is the red light for guys?

Children: Red light reminds of danger (fire trucks), we stand at a red light and do not cross the road

Educator: Yellow light in the middle. Why do you need yellow light?

Children: Yellow light means get ready. The driver from afar sees a yellow light and slows down. And we must be careful when we see a yellow traffic light. Yellow - those who work on the roads - bulldozers, rollers that lay asphalt. And the road workers are wearing yellow suits.

Educator: Ah, behind him green light. What does a green traffic light mean?

Children: When it lights up green eye traffic lights, we can cross the road calmly, but at the beginning carefully looking around.

Educator: I want to draw your attention to the fact that there are still many different signs on the street, only they are all mixed up and you can’t make out where which sign is. I ask you to complete this difficult task to tell about these signs. ("Children", "Aboveground, underground pedestrian crossing" "Pedestrian crossing", "Point one medical care”, “Food point”, “Parking place”, “No entry”, “Road works”, “Bicycle path”).

5. Physical education "Bus"

Here we are on the bus

and we sit and we sit.

And from the window

We look, we all look.

Looking back, looking forward

like this, like this, like this, like this.

Well, the bus is unlucky, unlucky

The wheels are spinning

like this, like this, like this, like this.

We rolled forward

Like this, like this, like this, like this.

And the brushes rustle on the glass

Bzhik-bzhik, bzhik-bzhik

All the droplets want to sweep away

Bzhik, - bzhik, bzhik, - bzhik.

And we don't just sit there


And loudly, loudly we all buzz


Let our bus shake

Like this, like this, like this, like this.

We're going, we're going forward


Educator: I suggest you play a little. Let's line up in two lines. In front of you are cars and four skittles on the right and left. It is necessary to move the cars between the pins, the team that does not touch the pins will win. And the first to finish our relay race.

7. Reflection: What did we do today? What were they talking about? Correctly. We have worked hard with you. And Dunno I will send photos of our lesson.

Let's say to our guests: Goodbye! And also in the Tatar language: Sau bulygyz.

Olga Vasilyeva

Open lesson on the rules of the road in senior group kindergarten"The City of the Little Pedestrian".

Educator: Vasilyeva O. E MBDOU No. 17, Kemervo

Senior group

Target: to systematize children's knowledge about the rules of the road, about road signs.

Educational task: clarify children's knowledge about the concepts of "road signs", expand and consolidate children's knowledge about traffic signals and traffic rules; to fix in the speech of children the words: pedestrian, passenger, sidewalk, names of road signs.

Development task: develop memory, thinking, the meaning of traffic lights, a pedestrian crossing, develop ingenuity, speed of thinking, speech activity.

Educational task: educate the general culture of behavior on the road.


Educator: Hello, Dear friends! Look how many guests have gathered, let's say hello to them. Together: Hello!

Educator: The key that opens the locks in the souls of people is a smile. You have to know how to smile beautifully. Now we will give each other a smile. And we will send our smiles to our guests (children blow off their palms).

Guys, you and I received a letter (showing) from the “City of a Little Pedestrian”, and inspector Svetoforov Svetofor Svetoforovich writes to us. He got in trouble. Let's open the letter and find out what happened.


"My dear boys and girls!"

I've heard a lot about you. I was told that you are the best, bravest, quick-witted, attentive, smart and funny. Therefore, I want to instruct you to unravel this difficult matter. So: mystical unknown things are happening in our city. Disappeared from the streets of our city road sign. Not a single detective was able to figure out what was happening in the city.

I won't tell you exactly which sign is missing, because I need to make sure that you know the rules of the road well and that you are worthy of an award. I hope you can guess and return this sign to us, and we will again have order on the road. I have several tasks, they are difficult, but interesting. For each correct execution of them, you will receive a part of the image of the sign that disappeared from the streets of our city.

I'm sure you will succeed! And you can help me! Good luck to you!

Your Svetofor Svetoforovich.

Educator: Guys, the inspector of traffic lights put on our shoulders a responsible task, which even experienced detectives cannot afford. Therefore, we must not let him down. Are we up to the task? Can we find the sign that disappeared? Then we start.


1. If you put your foot on the road,

Pay attention, friend: the road sign is a red circle,

A man walking in black is crossed out with a red line.

And the road, it seems, but ... It's forbidden to walk here!

(No Pedestrians")

2. By cars here, friends,

Nobody can go

You can go, you know, children,

Just on…. ("Bicycle lane".)

3. You will notice this sign immediately:

Three colored huge eyes.

Eye color defined:

Red, yellow and green.

The red light is on - it is dangerous to move.

For whom the green light - drive through, there is no ban. (Traffic light)

4. In the white triangle

With a red border

Little schoolchildren

Very safe.

This road sign

Everyone in the world knows:

Be careful,

On the road ... (children).

5. Apparently they will build a house -

Bricks hang around.

But in our yard

Construction site not visible

(No entry).

6. Where the steps lead down

Get down, don't be lazy.

Pedestrian must know:

Here ("Underpass").

Well done! You have successfully completed the first task, and you receive the first part of the badge.


Stand in a circle. I will throw the ball and ask questions, and you answer the question and return the ball to me.

Who is on the road? A pedestrian.

Who is driving? Driver.

How many eyes does a traffic light have? Three eyes.

If the red “eye” is on, then what is it talking about? Wait.

If the green “eye” is on, then what is it talking about? You can go.

Where are we waiting for the bus? At the bus stop.

Tell me where children are allowed to play. At the playground.

If you are traveling in a bus, car, then you (passenger).

How do cars move? (go)



I'm in the countryside this summer

(hands on shoulders, circular motions forward)

Traveled by car with grandfather

(hands on shoulders, circular movements back)

On the road here sometimes

No markup

(straight leg forward on the toe alternately).

Well, then how can we be

How to cross it?

(straight leg back on the toe alternately).

If there are no cars, then you can

(We threaten with a finger of one hand)

Just be very careful

(We threaten with the finger of the other hand).

Left - right view

(Hands on the belt, head turns)

Don't run and don't fly

(We threaten with a finger, alternately changing hands).

And without too much fuss

You cross the road

(Walking with high knees).



TASK number 3. "It is possible - it is impossible."

To complete this task, you need to split into 2 teams, and for this we will remember that all road signs are divided into groups, one of these groups: Warning signs. They have a triangular shape. Background - white, drawings - black. Red edging. Warn road users of dangers.

Group 2: Mandatory signs. The shape is round, the background is blue, the drawings are white. Require road users certain actions, such as the direction of the turns.

Look at the back of your chairs. What's there? Those with red road signs, go to the table where the Warning Red Sign is. Another team, your desk with a blue sign.

There are pictures in front of you. One team chooses pictures depicting cycling places. The second team - places where cycling is prohibited. (They lay it out, then I voice the questions).

At the stop ... (not possible)

In the yard ... (You can)

At the stadium... (Can)

On the road (no)

In kindergarten .... (You can)

On the highway (Not allowed)

On the highway.... (it is forbidden)

In the meadow (possible)

On the stairs (no)

On the sidewalk ... (possible)

Did all the teams complete the task? Let's check with each other.

Okay, you get another part of the sign.

TASK № 4.

If you act in accordance with the rules of the road, then answer in unison: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends,” and if not, then be silent.

1. Which of you goes forward only where there is a pedestrian?

2. Who flies forward so fast that they don't see a traffic light?

3. Who knows that the green light means the way is open?

4. What does the yellow light always say about attention?

5. Does anyone know what the red light means, there is no move?

6. Which of you, going home, keeps his way along the pavement?

7. Which of you gave way to the old woman in the cramped carriage?

TASK number 5.

You need to split into 2 teams again. Go to the tables, you will see pictures with the task on them. You will all soon become first graders and you will need to learn how to cross the road correctly, so now we will try to help schoolchildren find safe road from bus to school.

All parts are assembled.

Guys, what sign did we get? (Crosswalk). Now we know that this sign has disappeared in the City of the Little Pedestrian, and we need to return it. (We put a ready-made sign in the envelope.)

In order to assemble all the parts of the sign, we completed tasks, let's remember which ones:

Guessed riddles;

Determined places for cycling;

Answered questions about traffic rules;

Helped find a safe way.

Presentation of medals.

Program content:
To acquaint children with the work of a traffic controller, to help remember his signals:
1. The traffic controller is turned to pedestrians with his chest or back - you can’t cross the street.
2. The traffic controller is facing the right or left side - the path is open.
3. Raised hand up - corresponds to a yellow traffic light.

To consolidate previously acquired knowledge, to cross the street in specially designated places, observing the traffic signal, focusing on road signs and markings.
Summarize children's knowledge about public transport, about behavior in it.

Previous work: target walk to the crossroads, monitoring transport, looking at illustrations, reading S. Mikhalkov's poems "Idle-traffic light". Learning songs about traffic lights, about the friendship of children with the road alphabet.

Street layout, road signs, a set of letters for naming vehicles, sketchy drawings for each child, pencils, an oven.

Lesson progress:
Leading:-Children, a guest came to us today. (Emelya enters) Children, did you recognize him, who is he?
Leading: but he is upset and embarrassed by something, tell Emelya, what happened to you?
Emelya:“The policeman took my stove away from me and sent me to learn the rules of the road. Guys, I chose your kindergarten, I know that they will teach me everything here and help me in trouble.

Leading: Indeed, Emelya, it is difficult to manage transport, because we have certain rules for passengers, pedestrians and vehicles. And our children are familiar with certain rules of the road. Stay with us and we will teach you everything and help you return your oven.

Questions for children:
1. What helps to cross the street correctly? (road signs, traffic lights, markings)
2. Emelya, are you crossing the street alone? No, I don't know the rules of the road.
3. Children, tell Emelya and show how to cross the street.
4. It's spring, the roads are slippery, what is the danger when crossing the slippery road?
5.Children look at the picture and tell me what is the danger for a pedestrian here?
6.What modes of transport do you know?
7. And you, Emelya, what types of transport do you know (broom, mortar, flying carpet, walking boots)

Leading: These are fabulous, and children want to know the real ones (truck, car, special,
passenger, horse-drawn)
Leading:- And we not only call, but also know how to read.
Leading:- Children in these envelopes are letters. It is necessary to collect the words: KAMAZ, VOLGA, BUS (children from a set of letters make up the name of the vehicles)
8. What is public transport for? (children's answers)
9. Who are the passengers? (children's answers)

Emelya: And then who am I? I lie down on the stove, I say magic words and I go anywhere and everywhere.
Leading: There is only one stove and you are alone, you do not bother anyone, and there are certain rules of conduct in public transport.
Exercise "gait and mood", Children with the help of facial expressions depict various situations in public transport.
-Show your attitude towards people if they enter the bus with ice cream and talk loudly?
-What feelings will you have if the boy gives way to the old woman?
-What emotions will you have if a passenger enters the bus with a dog?
How will you feel if the driver politely reminds you to be considerate to each other?

Leading: Emelya, do you know what a crossroads is?
Emelya: No. (children answer)
Leading: And who regulates the intersection? (children are traffic lights), but we know merry song about the traffic light, children, let's sing. Song "Electronic Man"

Leading: We know that the most trusted friend and an assistant on the road, this is a traffic light, but who then comes to the rescue if the traffic light turned out to be faulty. Here the traffic controller hurries to the rescue, the guard, the traffic controller, by turning the body, with hand gestures with a special rod, gives certain signals that drivers and pedestrians must obey.
1. If the traffic controller addresses the pedestrian with his chest or back, arms to the sides or lowered, this position corresponds to a red traffic light. You cannot cross the street.
2. A raised hand corresponds to a yellow traffic light. Prevents the transition from starting.
3. The traffic controller faces pedestrians with the right or left side, arms extended or lowered, this position corresponds to a green traffic light.

Leading: Guys, what is the name of the person who replaces the traffic light? (children's answers)
Leading: The wand is a striped stick in the hand of the traffic controller, it controls the movement, which is why it is so politely called. Say it all together - ROAD! When it is light outside, everyone can see the traffic controller and the baton, but with the onset of darkness, the baton begins to glow
because it is painted with special paint.

Leading: Let's play the game "Controller" boys are cars, girls are pedestrians, everyone moves according to the signals of the traffic controller.
Leading: Guys have pedestrians different mood when they walk down the street, you need to call the mood of the pedestrians.
The game "Brook". Who gets into the "Brook" names the mood of the pedestrian: cheerful, boring, attentive, etc.

Leading: Pedestrians and drivers must know the road signs and traffic rules, everyone needs to be attentive and collected on the road, and we will learn this in the classroom. Let's play the game "What sign is gone"

Leading: Emelya, we taught you everything; recognize and correctly name road signs, behavior in public transport, maybe they will give you a stove. Let's go to the pedestrian crossing, wait for the green traffic light and go through the pedestrian crossing to the parking lot.

Leading: Emelya, how can I help you now, because your stove is in a parking lot.
Inspector: Before giving, I must test your knowledge.
Inspector: Thanks to the children, you learned the rules of the road very well, but you have a number on the stove, and there is no transport without a number. (The inspector hands over a driver's license, attaches a license plate, the stove passes.

Emelya: Children, are you careful? Emelya whispers the magic words “At the pike’s command, at my will………”
A disk with the sounds of the street appears from the stove. Children listen to the sound recording, identify the sounds of the street: zhzhzh-start the engine, shshsh-grass rustles underfoot, prr- a motorcycle rushed by.

Inspector: Although there are rules of the road, there are violators on the streets. There are people who break certain rules. I have prepared special cards, you need to recognize the violator of traffic rules here and paint him in red, tell how and why he violated the rules. Emelya also performs the task.

Exercise "violators."
Emelya: How you helped me a lot, can I come to you more often, I learned so much.
Leading: We are very glad that we were able to help you, come to us more often for classes on the rules of the road.
Emelya: I want to thank you, because my oven is magical. Whispers magic words and takes out gifts for children and leaves.

Leading: Guys, knowing the rules of the road, we will always follow them and help others, by doing this we will save our health, well-being and happiness of other people. After all, human health is the most important wealth in life.
Song about friendship. to the music, the children leave the hall.

Title: Summary of the lesson on the rules of the road in the senior group "WE GUEST EMEL"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, SDA

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of employment: MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 54" Snow White ", Almetyevsk"
Location: Almetyevsk city

Abstract open class according to the rules of the road in the senior group of kindergarten.

Topic: "Journey to the country of traffic rules"


The purpose of the lesson. Continue to acquaint with the rules of the road, learn how to practically apply them in different situations. develop thinking, visual attention the ability to navigate the environment. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.



Continue to introduce the elements of the road;

Improve dialogic speech, intonation expressiveness of speech;

Continue to reinforce the rules of conduct on the roadway;

To develop in children a sense of responsibility while observing traffic rules;


To develop the basics of traffic literacy in children, to expand children's knowledge about traffic lights, about the meaning of traffic lights;

Develop interest in the art of appliqué, develop the ability to carefully use glue,


To form friendly, benevolent relations between children;

Develop the ability to listen to your peers without interrupting;

To form a desire to obey the rules of the road.

Dictionary activation:
. To fix in the speech of children the words: pedestrian, passenger, sidewalk;
. Fix the names of road signs in speech.
Methods and techniques:
game moment, art word, display, conversation, task, explanation, examination, consolidation, encouragement, result.

Tasks of integrated educational areas:

"Safety". Expand your understanding of the rules of the road. Continue to introduce the elements of the road. Clarify how traffic lights work.

"Artistic Creativity".To introduce children to the art of applique, to form interest in this type of activity. To form the ability to carefully use glue: spread it thin layer on the reverse side glued figure, apply the side smeared with glue to a sheet of paper and press firmly with a napkin

"Knowledge".Fix the names of the shapes: circle, rectangle.

"Socialization". To form friendly, benevolent relations between children.

"Communication". Fix in the dictionary of children: rectangle, traffic light, signal, transition, stop public transport. Develop free communication with adults and children.

"Reading fiction» .Develop the ability to guess riddles and correlate them with the image.

Preliminary work:

Conversation “Traffic signals”, “Red, yellow, green”, “Road signs”, “Rules for crossing streets and roads”, “About the striped zebra” and the road sign “Pedestrian crossing”, “In public transport”

Didactic games: "What is a street", "I am a driver", "Road signs"

Reading fiction: Ya. Pishumov "Machines", V. Berestov "I'm going to run", M. Plyatskovsky "Stop the car!", S. Mikhalkov "If the light turned red", S. Yakovlev "You need to obey without a dispute", B. Zhitkov "Traffic light"

Viewing photos of "Streets of our city"

Drawing "Truck", application "Bus", designing "Our street"

Drawing up a story about the traffic situation according to the plot picture.

Course progress.

caregiver: Guys, guess the riddle:

What is this very strange

Wooden man?

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key

Everywhere his nose sticks it is long ...

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

Children: Pinocchio.

Educator: Today Pinocchio came to visit us. But he came for a reason, he told me that he wants you to help him.

He ended up in our city, got lost in it and got scared. He doesn't know how to behave in the streets of our big city. Can we help Pinocchio?

Children: Yes.

Educator: What city do we live in?

Children: Moscow.

Educator: Let's help our guest not be afraid to walk the streets. But for this we will go to little trip. Get on our imaginary bus. And first, solve the riddle.

There are two rows of houses

Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row.

square eyes

They look at each other.

Children: The outside.

The first stop on our street will be called Journey into History. Let's tell Pinocchio what people traveled on for a very long time, when cars had not yet been invented, there were no buses and trains.

What do you think?

Children: on horseback, on carts.

Educator: right guys! Look at our screen and listen to S. Mikhalkov's poem "From the carriage to the rocket"

Presentation display.

Educator: This is how people lived in the distant past. But people got tired of depending only on horses and they came up with ....

What did they travel on?

Children: trains, cars, planes, etc.

Educator: What good fellows you guys are, observant. But let's go further.

Our next stop is called "Traffic Light".

Now the children (S. Fomina, N. Kombarova, A. Lyakhova, V. Egorova) will help me tell the “Tale of the cherished lights.”
(The scene "The Tale of the Treasured Lights" is being played out)

Educator: In one beautiful old city, three lights met at the crossroads: Red, Yellow and Green. A dispute ensued between them about which of the lights was the most important.

Child (red light): I, red, the most important - the color of a fire, a fire. When people see me, they know that there is anxiety and danger ahead.

Child (yellow light): No, I yellow, more important. My color is the color of the sun. And it can be both a friend and an enemy. So I warn you: Be careful! Attention! Do not rush!

Child (green light): Friends of the lights, stop arguing! This is me - the most important color - the color of grass, forest, leaves. I remind everyone of safety and tranquility.

Educator: And so the dispute of cherished lights would have continued at the crossroads of the city, if the lone hero had not intervened. He had three eyes, but they had no color. Here's what he said:

Child (traffic light): Friends, do not argue! Each of you is very bright color and each one is very important. Let's be friends! We will always help all people on the streets of the city together.

caregiver The cherished lights were very happy. And since then, at the crossroads of big cities, friends-lights and a friend of a traffic light drive cars and pedestrians!

Educator: Do you understand, guys, why do you need a traffic light on the streets?

Children: yes, so that there are no accidents, etc.

The game "Colored cars" is being held.(whose garage will be assembled faster).

Educator: and now we will go further and our next stop is called the stop “Riddles about road signs”.

Educator: Why are there road signs on the streets?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Let's now check whether you know road signs or not.

Here I have road signs on my table and your task is not only to solve the riddle, but also to find the road sign that is mentioned in this riddle. And so, let's start. First riddle.

Riddles on traffic rules:

  1. All familiar stripes
    Children know, adults know
    Leads to the other side ... ("Pedestrian crossing".)
  2. By car here, friends,
    Nobody can go
    You can go, you know, children,
    Just on…. ("Bicycle lane".)
  3. And here, guys, no laughing matter,
    Nothing can be driven here.
    Can only be done on your own
    Only for pedestrians. ("Footpath".)
  4. You will notice this sign immediately:
    Three colored huge eyes.
    Eye color defined:
    Red, yellow and green.
    The red light is on - it is dangerous to move.
    For whom the green light - drive through, there is no ban. (Traffic light)
  5. In the white triangle
    With a red border
    Little schoolchildren
    Very safe.
    This road sign
    Everyone in the world knows:
    Be careful,
    On the road ... (children).
  6. What is a road sign?
    Red cross on white?
    Day and night you can
    Feel free to contact!
    The doctor will bandage the head
    White scarf
    And provide first aid. (Point of medical care).
  7. Brake driver. Stop!
    The sign is a ban in front of you.
    This sign is the strictest
    So that you do not enter into a mess.
    You must follow the sign
    "Under the brick" do not call. (No entry).
  8. Stop, crowds of people.
    The bus will be coming soon.
    City transport is waiting here,
    They go to the office, to the shop, home.
    They go to school, kindergarten,
    On holiday they go to the parade.
    In the street circuit
    City transport in high esteem! (bus stop)
  9. Long drive, tired
    And stomachs growled
    They confessed to us
    That have been hungry for a long time.
    It hasn't been five minutes
    Sign hangs - dine here. (Point of supply)
  10. This sign is for those who are sick
    Who is not happy with their health.
    Roadside Aibolit
    Heal you, cheer you up. (first aid station)
  11. I am an expert on the road

I parked my car here

Parking by the fence

She needs to rest too! (parking place)

The game "Answer correctly" the children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center with the ball, to which of the children the teacher throws the ball, he answers.)

Walking down the street. So this ( a pedestrian)

If you are traveling in a bus, car, then you ( passenger)

Do cars fly?

Does a traffic light have 8 eyes? ( no - 3 signals: red, yellow, green)

Do cars sleep in beds? ( no, in the garage, in the parking lot)

What is the name of the place where people wait for the bus ( stop)

What is the name of a place that includes roads, parks, residential yards, playgrounds (the outside)

Educator: Our next stop is called "Assemble a traffic light."

Children are divided into two teams. Assemble the traffic light and glue it, making an application on paper.

Educator: and at the end of our journey, I would like to play one more game with you.

If you act according to the rules of the road, then answer in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all mine
friends," and if not, then shut up.

  1. Which one of you is moving forward?
    Where is the transition?
  2. Who flies forward so soon
    What does not see a traffic light?
  3. Who knows that the light is green
    It means the way is open.

And that the yellow light is always
Are you talking about attention?

  1. Who knows what the red light is
    Does that mean there is no move?
  2. Which of you, going home,
    Keeps the path on the pavement?

6 Which of you is in the narrow carriage
gave way to the old lady?

Outcome: What good fellows you guys are! You know the rules of the road well! Now I'm calm for you. I know for sure that nothing will happen to you. Goodbye.


- Guys, did you enjoy your trip? What do you remember the most? What tasks did you find difficult? (short lesson survey)