International day of television and radio broadcasting. Outline of the lesson on the world around (preparatory group) on the topic: International Day for Children's Television and Radio Broadcasting

Natalia Tarasovskaya
Summary of the lesson "Children's TV Day"

Guys, guess the riddle. (presentation slide)

The magic chest is in the corner,

Sings songs, tells stories.

House on legs, in the middle of the window,

The window will light up, the movie will appear.

That's right, this television.

Do you like to watch television?

What do you like to watch the most (children's answers).

TV is a foreign word, it consists of two parts:

« body» - far away "video"- look, see, i.e. look into the distance. (see video "What TV children answer)

Guys, TV called information technology, is one type of information. With its help, we learn a lot of new and interesting things. We can say that this is the main, modern, interesting, creative, necessary, colorful source of information.

TV Day celebrated - November 21, this is a young holiday, but history television for over 80 years(1939).

Just 20 years ago in 1994, UNICEF International Children's Fund established this date in France. The birthplace of information broadcasting for kids and young people is the United States.

At children's television two holidays: "World" is celebrated on December 12, and International - on the first Sunday of spring.

The main idea of ​​the holiday is that the media should be interested in showing children's programs, should also interest the child in their work, and maybe time will pass and they will receive new professional staff who will be interested in working for television. Such a holiday is very important for our entire planet. If children grow up kind, educated and happy, then you can be calm for the development of the whole world.

In that children's day, adolescents and youth become not only listeners and spectators, they actively participate in the process of creating a program, in various events. Everyone is given the opportunity to talk about their dreams, desires, as well as exchange other vital information with peers not only in their own country, but also in any corner of the world.

The first youth radio channel was the radio station "Youth", the first callsigns of which sounded on the air on October 16, 1962, and two years later the famous and "old" children's TV show« Goodnight, kids!.

(see presentation slide)

A monument to the legendary Russian children's body and radio host Valentina Leontieva. She was an announcer on Central TV and hosted such oldest programs as "Visiting a fairy tale", "GOOG night kids!", "Alarm". Everyone called her just Aunt Valya. (see presentation slide)

Riddle - The whole Universe lives in it, but the thing is ordinary. (Television)

Riddle - Lives without a language, Does not eat or drink, But speaks and sings. (Radio)

A bit of history television: presentation slide

The broadcasts were broadcast four times a week for two hours a day. day. At that time in Moscow there were no more than 100 TVs.

To make the image black and white TVs seemed color, a special plastic film was sold in stores. The film was applied to the screen, and it turned out "colored" image!

Black and white screen TV was less notebook sheet, and the sound is so quiet that you had to sit at a distance outstretched hand from the apparatus. To increase the size of the image, he produced a special magnifying lens - glass or plastic. It was filled with water, placed in front of the screen, and a very large magnifying glass was obtained.

The oldest TV show on our television was first called"Cinema Travel Club". It spoke about different countries and continents. The most "old" TV show for kids"GOOG night kids!". Both programs are long-lived of our television are listed in"Guinness Book of Records".

Radio is a method of communication that uses radio waves. (long, short, medium). It is also called wireless communication. (see the video cartoon MOLE and TRANSISTOR)

Where all the programs are filmed and take place broadcasting? It's famous in Moscow television Ostankinsky tower television center with a height of 540 meters. Every city has its own television center. St. Petersburg also has TV tower 316 meters - a steel tower built for the Leningrad television center in 1956-1962. Located on the Aptekarsky island at the address Academician Pavlova street, house 3. (see presentation slide)

I suggest you now split into two teams and build your own TV tower.

Construction from a large floor constructor« TV tower» .

For us to watch the channel with our loved ones TV shows what is needed for this? let's guess riddle:

Day and the night stands on the roof of this wonderful guard

He will see everything, hear everything, share everything with me. (Antenna)(Satellite antenna (see presentation slide)

The antenna picks up and transmits channel signals to the apartments of houses television and radio broadcasting. And so we can watch our favorite cartoon or movie.

Each channel has its own logo. Look and name the channels that you know. Known TV shows that were before and are now. (see presentation slide)

Remember with your children your favorite children's TV shows: (see presentation slide)

Well, now, musical pause, let's arrange our own studio and record the program "Guess the melody" (let's play) (selection of melodies of songs for children)

The essence of the game is as follows. The host gives everyone present to listen to an excerpt from a song. You need to guess the melody and name the cartoon. Do not shout, but raise your hand.

On the television programs are filmed on a variety of topics in order to create TV show need a variety of specialists television.

There are many involved in filming. different specialists. How does it work TV(see video)

D/Game "Guess the Photo Riddle"

I will tell you riddles about people performing their professional duties on television, and you need to select the appropriate photo according to the profession of people and name the profession.

1. Who shoots various reports, talks with people to introduce people to the most various events, news that happens in the world. (The reporter).

2. Who is responsible for the technical readiness of the entire sound complex of equipment for operation. (sound engineer)

3. Worker television reading news text in front of the camera. Always in sight, so he is beautifully and fashionably dressed, well-combed, pronounces words correctly and expressively. (Speaker)

4. The artistic director of the program, who selects the team for its creation and is responsible for the publication of the program. (Producer)

5. This is a specialist who maintains lighting equipment and is responsible for its performance. (Illuminator).

6. The person who cheats appearance announcer, actors, so that in front of the camera they correspond to the script. (make-up artist)

7. Prepares scenery for filming various programs, decorates the studio, changes the scenery according to the scenario. (Decorator)

8. One of TV show creators making a video of it. (Operator)

9. The one who sews costumes selects them for actors, announcers, presenters. (Dresser)

10. Worker television and radio broadcasting. The “face” of a channel or program. He is responsible for conducting TV and radio broadcasts. They become after they have worked as correspondents. (Leading)

Children repeat aloud the names of professions. (see presentation slide)

"International day of children's television and radio broadcasting", a holiday in "KidBurg", St. Petersburg. Guests will be able to visit the TV-fair and the school of announcers and TV presenters, take part in the quizzes "Through the pages of history" and "Live broadcast", learn how to shoot videos for a video blog at a special master class. (see slide presentation)

Saint Petersburg has television children's choir and radio - one of the oldest musical groups in Russia. They perform with different concerts. They are invited to different cities. The conductor directs the choir. (see presentation slide)

Creative work.

Guys, and now I invite you to participate in the creation of a program of various programs. I think that you will add your favorite channels and broadcasts, your favorite cartoon characters, TV shows.

Before you lie on the tables TVs but they don't show anything. Let's make their screens colorful.

Draw on screens TV fragments of the most favorite programs or heroes. (Children work).

And also the guys TV and radio, you can write letters and send them by mail. You can congratulate, wish the actor or presenter, or just draw your favorite movie or cartoon character. (see presentation slide)

I will also seal your drawings in a large envelope and send them to television.

Reminder for children to watch television as much time as possible (See Lupida video)

Once the TV was perceived by people as a wonderful window in Big world. With the advent of computers, the passion for watching television programs and films has lost its former fervor. First, you get used to even the most amazing phenomenon sooner or later. Secondly, everything that is broadcast on TV can be easily viewed on the Internet, regardless of the time of day, based only on own desire. But even the stubborn facts of reality are not able to completely discount television and radio - all the same, there are passionate patriots of the centenarians of technological progress. This also includes kids and young people who prefer successive pictures on the "blue screen". March 3, 2019 - International Children's Television and Radio Day- a holiday of those who care about interactive education and leisure of small and young residents planets.

About the holiday

Founder world day children's television and radio broadcasting, a few decades ago, UNICEF - the International Children's Emergency Fund - spoke. The decision to create official holiday interactive media workers was adopted in the spring of 1994 on French soil. International Children's Television and Radio Day is celebrated every year on the first Sunday of March.

UNICEF representatives with this step set several tasks for the employees of television and radio companies: to show in holiday children and teenagers of the Earth with their sincere interest in their comprehensive development and contemplation of satisfied smiles on children's faces, as well as the active involvement of children in work in the media in order to get talented media personnel over time.

What is the purpose of the holiday?

Development of children's television

The birthplace of information broadcasting for kids and young people is the United States. The moment of emergence of children's television as such dates back to the 50s. the last century. American media workers approached this issue with a purely commercial purpose, namely, to “promote” goods for young viewers. The calculation was made so that the kids, after watching the commercials, began to pester their parents with a request for a purchase, thus providing them with relevant information. And he more than justified the expectations of advertisers.

The result of the success was the dominance of the chosen model of children's television for 40 years. During this time, the moral principles of society fell into decay, and pathetic attempts to change the situation only aggravated the deplorable situation.

The Americans found a way out, looking at the experience in this area of ​​the USSR. Our country initially took a completely different path - upbringing and education. In other words, TV for the Soviet guys was something like an encyclopedia, a friend and a nanny at the same time. Soviet cartoons taught kindness, films for youth showed the life of peers of real children with their joys and sorrows.

What are we seeing today? American children's television managed to get out of the "commercial swamp": back in the early 90s. an appropriate act was signed that gave youth broadcasting the status of an educational apparatus, but our country was picked up by a current of overseas absurdity, examples of which include the notorious The Simpsons, Rangers and other nonsense.

Less and less often you will see cute Cheburashka, kind Cat Leopold and clumsy Winnie the Pooh on the “blue screen”, but airtime commercials almost exceeds the duration of the cartoon or the program itself. But most importantly, there are no specialized children's channels in Russia, because no one has the slightest desire to invest in the development of such projects - due to the laboriousness and lack of great financial benefits.


It is difficult to name the most popular program for young viewers, but I will not be mistaken if I assume that the Good Night, Kids! program, which was broadcast on September 1, 1964, has every chance of being such.

For the first time the program was aired on the second channel of the then Central Television of the USSR. Modern version bears little resemblance to the first episodes of the TV show. Initially, it was a demonstration of pictures with text that sounds off-screen. After they were replaced by performances with the participation puppet characters: Tepa Hare and Pinocchio. Along with the scenes played out, the leading programs told fairy tales to young viewers. Much later, the famous quartet appeared: Khryusha, Stepashka, Karkusha, Phil - and cartoons that are still present in the program today. Over the entire period of the existence of the program, many presenters have changed, all of them were original in their own way, interesting to the guys. Valentina Leontyeva and Vladimir Ukhin enjoyed the greatest popularity and, accordingly, children's love. And the transfer owes its birth to Valentina Fedorova, who created “Good night, kids!” inspired by a German cartoon seen in the GDR.

Radio waves also have their own long-liver and favorite of the public - the Yunost radio station. In autumn 2012, it celebrated its golden jubilee - 50 years of existence in Russia.

Regular listeners of the radio station will surely remember the wonderful programs, one of which was the "Field mail" Youth ", intended for army servicemen, as well as their relatives and friends. It can be said that it turned out to be the most durable compared to other programs, because it still exists.

The development of the life of the radio station has always been unstable. In particular, for quite a long time it did not have its own frequency. And even when the problem was successfully solved, and in 2008 Yunost acquired a new sonorous name, YuFM, in connection with the transition to a modern band, little has changed: some of the programs will be closed, then broadcasting in a number of regions will be curtailed, then everything will be returned to original view. However, this does not prevent her from still arousing genuine sympathy for young people.

Children's television and radio broadcasting is a branch of communication that every country needs. What crumbs, schoolchildren and students listen to and watch today will affect their worldview tomorrow, and in years to come - on the society of any state as a whole. May all who work for the future of the planet receive the most sincere congratulations! Thank you for the culture, development and education of our children.

Communication tools allow you to exchange information, perform an educational and entertaining function. The software product requires High Quality submission of materials, following given topic. Specialists from various industries are involved in their manufacture. To honor workers who produce children's television programs and radio broadcasts, as well as introducing children to creativity, journalism, studying and popularizing broadcasting, an international holiday was established.

When does it pass

International Children's Television and Radio Day is observed every year on the first Sunday of March. In 2019, it falls on March 3rd. The date is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the world.

Who notes

The event is celebrated by broadcasters, teachers, pupils, their parents. Broadcast-related institutions, employees of companies involved in the creation of children's television and radio programs join the celebrations. international public, educational organizations, charitable foundations contribute to the festivities.

History and traditions of the holiday

The event was established by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in April 1994 in Cannes. The idea was widely disseminated and supported. In many countries, children's audiences are invited to create programs and get involved in broadcasting.

Creators international date urge to draw the attention of society, governments to the problems associated with violations of children's rights. They are in favor of increasing the quantity and quality of thematic educational programs.

Seminars and conferences are held on this holiday. settle down thematic classes in educational institutions where pupils are told about the principles of functioning of television and radio broadcasting. Programs created with the participation of children are broadcast on the air of the mass media. Contests and games are being prepared, the winners of which receive prizes, awards, diplomas, certificates for outstanding achievements. Activities are carried out that develop cognitive, Creative skills. Presentations of the works of pupils are arranged, the operation of the equipment, the rules for handling it are demonstrated. Honored figures of the sphere tell the stories of their achievements. There are meetings with characters in the form of movies and animated films.

In more than 100 countries of the world, thousands of regional, city, central television channels and radio stations provide airtime for broadcasting children's TV programs and radio shows.

Scientific articles and dissertations are devoted to topics related to the holiday.

The founder of the event, the United Nations Children's Fund, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965.

The first foreign channel for young viewers in Russia began operating in Russian in 1998. In 2007 there were 8 new similar TV projects.

The first program for children on Soviet television is the program "Happy New Year!". She appeared on the air on January 2, 1939.

Target: creating conditions for the successful assimilation of the topic "Children's TV"


Help students figure out the history of children's TV

To create conditions for the formation of the ability to work with different sources of information, based on personal experience on the topic and the knowledge of their classmates;

Develop thinking, memory, listening skills;

Raise interest in the subject through the use of ICT tools;

Formation of UUD.

1. Personal UUD

    the inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level;

    awareness of the student's responsibility for general well-being class

2. Regulatory UUD

    accept and save a given learning goal;

    take into account the guidelines of action in the educational material highlighted by the teacher;

    plan together with the teacher their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

    adequately accept the assessment of an adult.

3. Cognitive UUD

    help identify and formulate a cognitive goal;

    generalize the acquired knowledge;

    consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement in oral form.

4. Communicative UUD

    create conditions for educational cooperation with the teacher and peers;

    develop skills when working in a group, in pairs.

    control the actions of the partner;

    emotionally positive about the process.

Intersubject communications: literature, history.

Equipment and technical training aids:


The course of the open class

There is a video with screensavers for children's TV.Presenter 1 Good afternoon, dear viewers. Young viewers send many letters and drawings to our program. In their letters, the guys ask to tell the story of Children's Television. And today our program is dedicated to Children's Television.Lead 2 "International Day for Children's Television and Radio Broadcasting" was established at the initiative of Children's Fund United Nations Organization (UNICEF) 1994 in the city of Cannes. Since then, the second Sunday of December is celebrated All-Russian holiday Children's Television and Radio Broadcasting.

- Presenter 1 : More than a hundred countries of the world provide their airtime for showing children's TV programs and radio shows. Thereby, professional holiday"Children's Television and Radio Day" automatically became a holiday for children around the world.Our correspondents prepared a special report:

Correspondent 1 Children's broadcasting began in January 1939 with the program Happy New Year. The first children's program, or rather New Year's performance"Zaikin's House", was shown on Soviet television back in 1940. True, in those years, several thousand “TV sets for individual use” were produced, and they were very expensive. in 1951, the first children's program appeared and it was called "Young Pioneer" Children's magazine was conceived as a koleidoscope of the most different topics. The pages of the magazine talked about scientific discoveries.

Correspondent2: Working on the radio show took a lot of time and effort, but it paid off. Radio shows lived for years, a good radio show could be repeated more than once; the editors took into account that every year a new generation of radio listeners is growing up, for whom the repetitions sounded like premieres. During the week of different programs several times the "curtain" of the radio theater for children "opened". His repertoire included hundreds of works. For kids younger age radio shows based on folk tales many countries. For schoolchildren - dramatized works that were included in school curriculum and provided for extracurricular reading.

Correspondent 3 Children's broadcasting was based on experiments, because it appeared for the first time. Authors and directors were required to be able to work in different genres. On the air you could see a puppet show, and reading a fairy tale and a conversation for round table, a meeting with a famous person and a live report from a pioneer holiday. In those years, a lot of letters with drawings and drawings came to the children's editorial office. interesting offers, and they also represented the basis of future programs. (There is a video clip)Correspondent 4 After 1955, there was also an idea to create special programs for children. And one of the first, after the founding of the Main Edition of Programs for Children, was the TV show “Good night, kids!” - the main long-liver of our television screens. (Introductory slide) The program “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, the first release of which dates back to 1976, was very popular among young viewers of the 70-80s. Presenter Valentina Leontyeva, Aunt Valya known to all children, opened it with words (video clip)Presenter 1 ,Our journalists visited the city of Priozerskoni and prepared a report on the development of children's television in the 80s.Correspondent 5 V years of development of children's television, our city also did not remain indifferent to children's television. Active, creative and energetic people worked in the children's editorial office of the Priozersk television studio "Youth". The programs were prepared for children of preschool and school age. For preschool children, the program "Baby" was broadcast, in which the children themselves, ordinary children of our city, took part. "Baby" is an informative and entertaining program.Correspondent 6For teenagers, the program "Your Choice" was broadcast - a conversation about professions, people of one or another specialty took part in them, who talked about their profession. On the eve of Victory Day, the children's edition invited participants of the Great Patriotic War, covered the meetings of veterans with schoolchildren, the guys sincerely and with interest listened to the stories about those difficult years.Lead 2 . Thank you for the fascinating story. Our correspondents visited school No. 3, Priozersk and asked the students of school No. 3 with questions about TV. Attention to the screen.(Video report)1. Do you watch children's channels and which ones? What children's programs do you like to watch, why?2. Why children's TV fascinates children? From what childhood Can I watch TV and for how long? Do television images affect children and how?3. Do you think television harms children's health? Can children be banned from watching TV?After watching _ What kind of children's channels do you watch? (pay attention to children's drawings)How long do you watch TV for a long time?What are the benefits of children's TV?Presenter1. – Our correspondent is in touch with us, who visited the hospital and asked for advice from doctorsCorrespondent 7 . Good afternoon, I am reporting from the school office nurse, which will give some tips for children to watch TV.Doctor: Rules for watching TV by childrenThe distance to the TV screen should be at least 2 meters and not more than 6. The optimal distance is -3 -4 m.You can only watch TV while sitting. Preferably in a chair, sofa or chair.The screen must be directly in front of the child. You can't watch TV from the side.When watching TV in the evening, turn on the overhead light in the room. It is unacceptable to watch TV in the dark!If bright sunlight enters the room, cover the window with curtains.If the child is prescribed glasses, they must be worn while watching TV.The duration of continuous TV viewing is1-2 cells - 15 min.3-4 cells - 20 minAfter this time, you need to take a break of 10-15 minutes, or at least gymnastics for the eyes.Total TV viewing per day should not exceedfrom 8 to 12 years - 1 hour,from 12 to 14 years old - 1.5 hours, From 14 to 17 years old - 2 hours.Do not leave the TV on while the children are busy doing other things. A working TV creates background noise that negatively affects the nervous system.Failure to observe the distance from the TV screen, the wrong posture while watching TV and exceeding the viewing time lead to impaired vision, posture and emotional overwork.Presenter 1: Thanks for the valuable advice.Lead 2 : Statistics is a serious and necessary thing, correspondents of the children's channel have collected some statistics and that's what happened, attention to the screen.Correspondent.8 We were interested in many questions about watching TV and found out:How many times a week do you watch TV?18 children (60%) - every day;10 children (33%) on weekends;2 children (7%) - very rarely watch TV.Do you watch TV alone or as a family?15 children (50%) - one is watching;10 children (33%) - with a brother or sister;5 children (17%) - the whole family.Correspondent 9 : Do you watch everything or do you prefer some specific programs?16 children (54%) watch everything in a row;10 children (33%) - films and cartoons;4 children (13%) - only children's programs.If you were on desert island, what items would you order a good wizard to make your life interesting and not boring?12 children (40%) asked for a TV;10 children (33%) - food; 8 children (27%) - toys, books.
Presenters 1 . Thanks to our correspondents, and we continue. Of course, there are pros and cons to television, about this our next report.
Correspondent 10 .Watching TV gives children the opportunity to:- relax, forget problems, get away from fears and worries;- find answers to questions that adults do not answer because of their employment;-understand what is good and what is bad;- learn about various phenomena in different fields of knowledge;- develop imagination, fantasy, emotional environment;- to take free time.
Correspondent 11: At the same time, long-term television viewing negatively affects the health of children:- vision, sleep, appetite worsens, overloaded nervous system child; - scenes of aggression, cruelty, violence are dangerous for the not yet formed child's psyche;- occurs in children real addiction, passion for television.Today, children's programs occupy a certain share (we have already said, no more than 3-4% on federal channels) in the broadcasting network and allow remote education, development and entertainment great amount children and teenagers at the same time. This is the main advantage and dignity of television for children and teenagers.Presenters1 On this, our transmission came to an end with you were .......Presenter2 .and...... See you soon!