Methodological development on the topic: Sand therapy as a method of comprehensive development of the child. Sand animation as a means of comprehensive development of preschoolers. Features of sand therapy classes

"Often hands know how to solve a riddle,

with which the intellect fought in vain,

Written by C. G. Jung.

Psychologists have long concluded that simple tricks and conventional materials can solve many problems. Today we will talk about sand therapy - classes for children and adults used in speech therapy, psychiatry and analytical psychology. This unusual technique was invented by K. Jung, and then distributed by the psychologist M. Levenfeld.

Sand therapy is one of the types of art therapy. Its peculiarity lies both in the simplicity of the method and in the most conventional materials for games and exercises.

This therapy uses a waterproof box standard sizes(50x70cm). It can be wooden, plastic or any other, but usually preference is given to natural materials. Psychologists who conduct sand therapy sessions call it a “tray” because the height of the box is only 8 cm. Such dimensions were not chosen by chance - they are ideal for classes with children, as they allow you to look at the entire working area at the same time. The inside of the sand therapy box is painted blue, symbolizing infinity.

Sand used for sand therapy must be pre-screened and calcined. They should fill the box, but not to the brim, but only 2/3 of the volume. Sometimes water is used along with the dry component so that the child can sculpt various figures from wet sand.

Separately, it should be said about toys for sand therapy. You can use any items, but only small ones (up to 8 cm). Usually these are both natural materials (pebbles, cones, twigs, shells) and man-made (children's toys, human figures, architectural buildings, cars, plants, household items and much more).

Classes are held both individually and in small groups. As a rule, at first the baby is invited to simply get acquainted with the materials - touch the sand, toys. Then the teacher (or doctor) gives the child various tasks, which may vary in degree of difficulty depending on the age of the child, his diagnosis and the purpose of this course of sand therapy.

Exercises and games for sand therapy can be as follows:

  • build a castle, city or house of your dreams;
  • draw a certain figure on the sand or create a “picture”;
  • using toys, play various problem situations together;
  • arrange "floods" and "floods", saving toys from water;
  • firmly squeeze the sand in fists (used to stimulate the development fine motor skills and speech, as well as to overcome aggression);
  • give the child freedom in the game - let him create exactly the compositions that he wants (this helps to better understand what worries the child).

Sand therapy is used not only in child psychiatry. This technique also helps quite normal, healthy children to overcome crises. transition periods, slight speech difficulties, elevated level aggression and other problems. Along with sand games, fairy tale therapy, music therapy, work with paints, clay, etc. are often practiced. All these types belong to art therapy and help children cope with some developmental or communication problems, better understand and know themselves. It is noticed that

literally after 10 sessions of sand therapy, children make better contact, become less aggressive towards their peers, begin to show their emotions more freely and pronounce words better.

It is best to take a course of sand therapy with a qualified child psychologist. In addition, sand activities are often used as play elements in schools. early development, in some methods of teaching preschoolers (for example, Montessori). Sometimes sand therapy is used in specialized kindergartens (speech therapy, for visually impaired children, etc.)

Educational psychologist

MBDOU MO Krasnodar

"Kindergarten No. 36" Chasovskaya N.V.



Sand therapy as a method comprehensive development child.

"Often hands know how to solve a riddle,

with which the intellect fought in vain,

Written by C. G. Jung.

Psychologists have long come to the conclusion that with the help of simple techniques and ordinary materials, many problems can be solved. Today we will talk about sand therapy - classes for children and adults used in speech therapy, psychiatry and analytical psychology. This unusual technique was invented by K. Jung, and then distributed by the psychologist M. Levenfeld.

Materials for sand therapy

Sand therapy is one of the types of art therapy. Its peculiarity lies both in the simplicity of the method and in the most common materials for games and exercises.

As part of this therapy, a waterproof box of standard dimensions (50x70cm) is used. It can be wooden, plastic or any other, but natural materials are usually preferred. Psychologists who conduct sand therapy sessions call it a “tray” because the height of the box is only 8 cm. Such dimensions were not chosen by chance - they are ideal for classes with children, as they allow you to look at the entire working area at the same time. The inside of the sand therapy box is painted blue, symbolizing infinity.

Sand used for sand therapy must be pre-screened and calcined. They should fill the box, but not to the brim, but only 2/3 of the volume. Sometimes water is used along with the dry component so that the child can sculpt various figures from wet sand.

Separately, it should be said about toys for sand therapy. You can use any items, but only small ones (up to 8 cm). Usually these are both natural materials (pebbles, cones, twigs, shells) and man-made (children's toys, human figures, architectural buildings, cars, plants, household items and much more).

Sand Therapy Exercises

Classes are held both individually and in small groups. As a rule, at first the baby is invited to simply get acquainted with the materials - touch the sand, toys. Then the teacher (or doctor) gives the child various tasks, which may vary in degree of difficulty depending on the age of the child, his diagnosis and the purpose of this course of sand therapy.

Exercises and games for sand therapy can be as follows:

  • build a castle, city or house of your dreams;
  • draw a certain figure on the sand or create a “picture”;
  • using toys, play various problem situations together;
  • arrange "floods" and "floods", saving toys from water;
  • tightly squeeze the sand in fists (used to stimulate the development of fine motor skills and speech, as well as to overcome aggression);
  • give the child freedom in the game - let him create exactly the compositions that he wants (this helps to better understand what worries the child).

The relevance of sand therapy for children

Sand therapy is used not only in child psychiatry. This technique also helps quite normal, healthy children to overcome transitional crises, minor speech difficulties, increased levels of aggression and other problems. Along with sand games, fairy tale therapy, music therapy, work with paints, clay, etc. are often practiced. All these types belong to art therapy and help children cope with some developmental or communication problems, better understand and know themselves. It is noticed that

literally after 10 sessions of sand therapy, children make better contact, become less aggressive towards their peers, begin to show their emotions more freely and pronounce words better.

It is best to take a course of sand therapy with a qualified child psychologist. In addition, sand activities are often used as game elements in early development schools, in some teaching methods for preschoolers (for example, Montessori). Sometimes sand therapy is used in specialized kindergartens (speech therapy, for visually impaired children, etc.)

Educational psychologist

MBDOU MO Krasnodar

"Kindergarten No. 36" Chasovskaya N.V.

A small child, once on the beach, immediately begins to enthusiastically play with the sand. And adults like to build sand castles. And this is not surprising. According to psychologists, playing with sand has a beneficial effect on our psyche, relieves negative emotions, anxiety, sometimes even help in solving problems.

Children who love to play in the sandbox, build castles, paint with sand grow up confident and more likely to succeed. Besides, joint classes with sand help parents to study the behavior and development of the child.

The essence of the method

The sandbox is a good diagnostic tool that helps to effectively overcome a variety of personal problems and relieve internal stress. Sand therapy helps to release and understand your true self, helps to restore your mental integrity.

The child often does not know how to express his anxieties and fears in words. Sand therapy for children helps to do this. The child plays an exciting situation with the help of toy characters, creates a picture of his own world from the sand, thereby freeing himself from tension.

Playing in the sand with various figures, the child has the opportunity to change an uncomfortable situation for him or his state in game form thus gaining experience independent solution problems, both internal and external. The child transfers the experience gained into reality.

In addition, it should be noted unique properties sand, which is able to "ground" negative emotions, bringing harmony to the human condition.

Short story

The sand therapy technique began to be applied at the end of 1920 by psychotherapists Anna Freud, Erik Erickson and others. W. Jung developed the technique of active imagination, which is considered the theoretical foundation of therapy.

In 1930, Margaret Lowenfeld invented the Peace Building technique, which was used to work with sick children and children of character.

After studying the "Peacebuilding" methodology, Dora Kalf developed the Jungian "Sand Therapy", which was used in work with both children and adults. It uses a tray filled with sand and a lot of small items. The Sand Therapy program complements other types of psychotherapy.

It is very relevant in modern world. We are increasingly moving away from nature, forgetting our natural beginning. Classes with sand help to return to the primitive feelings and sensations.


What is sand therapy for? Classes with sand help to determine the characteristics of the child's personality, to understand oneself and one's self, contribute to the development of thinking, imagination, fingers.

They teach children to create models of their fantasies, understand them and explain them. Classes help to overcome difficulties in communication, teach you to express your thoughts in words, be responsible for your own actions and deeds, rely more on yourself, contribute to the development of self-esteem, getting rid of fears and consequences psychological trauma and gain confidence in yourself.

Sand therapy for children preschool age is not used to change or remake the child, it gives him the opportunity to be himself. Such games are a symbolic language for self-expression. Manipulations with toys help the child express his attitude towards himself and other people, to the events taking place.

What Problems Does Sanding Help Eliminate?

Children's sand therapy helps to cope with various behavioral disorders, establish relationships with other children and adults, get rid of psychosomatic diseases, increased anxiety, fear, neurosis, survive the difficulties that are associated with various family and social situations. It is useful for children with special needs.

Kindergartens and schools have just begun to use the influence that sand therapy has on mental development children. In the future, it is planned to make such classes mandatory.

Trying to draw with sand, children learn letters and numbers faster, learn to distinguish between the concepts of "right" and "left", to distinguish between day and night, seasons. Therefore, sand games can be used not only by a psychologist, but such activities help teachers to teach children much more effectively. Sandbox promotes development visual-figurative thinking, perception and memory, tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands.

Stages of sand play in children

The general stages of such a game were identified by John Allan in 1986:

1. Chaos. At this stage, the child selects a lot of figurines, dumping them into a container of sand. figurines have different sizes, belong to different categories, among them there are no plants and animals. This behavior of the baby speaks of the anxieties, fears and confusion that prevail in his life. This stage can continue for several sessions.

2. Fight. At this stage, good and bad heroes, predatory and herbivorous animals, earthlings and aliens, etc. appear among the figures, which means confrontation, hostilities, conflicts. The stage can take a long time. At this stage, you can not rush the baby, offering to introduce a positive character. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to overcome the internal conflict on his own, at the pace he needs. The completion of the stage can be judged by the peace treaties concluded, the pardon of the enemy and the preservation of his life.

3. Exodus. This stage means harmony and balance. At this stage, all objects are interconnected, greenery and fruits appear among the figures, animals are arranged in pairs.

Sand play at home

For homework you will need a box (65 × 75 × 8), blue paint, a container of water, a lot of small toys. Make sure that the play box is not rough or has sharp edges. Inner surface the box is painted blue, which has a beneficial effect on the psyche.

Sand for sand therapy is better to take yellow. But in order to create accents in the game, dark-colored sand is also suitable. In order for a child to sculpt sand figures, a container of water is needed. Figures for the game must be no more than 10 cm in height. Suitable toys made of plastic and metal.

Base games

There are many games for sand therapy, for starters, you can try the most popular:

1.Game "Guess". Several figurines are buried in the sand and the child is invited to recognize them without removing them from the sand.

2. Game "Funny stories". Simple words are laid out in the sand with letters of the alphabet. Then you need to read them with your child. After that, the baby closes his eyes, and the letters are hidden in the sand. The task of the child is to find the letters and restore the word.

3. Game "My city". The kid should display his town on the sand or even magical land. You need to come up with a story that reflects what is happening in the sandbox. All participating characters can be given names.

Group games

Sand therapy for preschool children is carried out in groups of 4-6 people. In the event that the participants are aggressive or hyperactive, there should not be more than 3 people in the group. Group lessons develop the ability to play in a team, communicate with other children, play certain roles, listen to yourself, your feelings and worries, and express your thoughts.

tasks group lessons with sand is the improvement of the skills of practical communication using verbal and non-verbal means, the development of fantasy and imaginative thinking, the ability to concentrate, and the increase in the activity of children.

The game is as follows. Children become wizards who must create fairyland on uninhabited land. Children are allowed to take whatever they see fit. The country is created by everyone together or in turn, without interfering with each other, until it is built.

At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the behavior of children, how they contact with each other. Sand therapy for preschool children is useful because, while playing, children learn to resolve conflicts on their own, overcome difficulties together, listen and hear others.


It is contraindicated to engage in sand therapy for children who are hyperactive and have a syndrome for epileptic children, babies who have allergic reactions dust and fine particles, as well as lung and skin diseases.

Sand therapy for preschool children under the guidance of a psychologist is an excellent type of activity that helps parents get answers to questions that relate to inner peace their baby, which allows them to understand the causes of conflicts, fears and anxieties and successfully correct such conditions.

An article for kindergarten parents "The meaning and role of fairy sand therapy for preschool children."

Author: Skripnikova Valentina Mikhailovna.
This material will be useful to parents, educators, teachers-psychologists of a preschool educational institution. This material can be used for children of early, younger, middle, older preschool age.
Explanatory note:
Fairy tale therapy for children– an excellent and wonderful assistant that helps to improve mental state child, emotional mood child.
- Development of cognitive and emotional sphere children of senior preschool and primary school age.
- Development cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking.
- Improvement of fine hand motility.
- Development cognitive activity and motivation learning activities.
- Improvement subject-game activity and development of communication skills.
"When grains of sand fly into the sky, they turn into stars.
But when the stars fall down, they can no longer be distinguished from simple sand.
Stars are grains of sand that are above your head,
And the grains of sand are the stars that are underfoot."
Felix Krivin.

Sand is gift of nature, and this gift of nature, which is available to each of us with early childhood. This sand is very mysterious, it has the ability to fascinate a child, its lightness, plasticity, the ability to take any form.
People learn the world through 5 senses and the most ancient of them is tactile sensation. The first sensation of a child in the world is a tactile sensation.
Sand play is very useful for mental health and all-round development of children.

All children love to play with sand, they want to draw, and they draw with everything that comes their way, whether it be a stick or something else, they want to dig a hole, bury their feet in the sand, using spatulas, molds, various owls.
When playing with sand for a child, the process itself is important.
Fairy tale therapy for children is an excellent and wonderful assistant that helps to improve the mental state of the child, the emotional mood of the child.
With the help of the right fairy tale, you can “cure” a child from shyness or indecision, complexes, for example, to understand the causes and occurrence of it bad behavior, wrong behavior.

And with the help of a sandbox and sand, and in the manufacture of various figures, you can play fairy tales. Due to the fact that the baby will endow the fairy-tale characters with his feelings, anxiety, character, endow the heroes created by him, all his grievances and complexes, which until that moment were hiding in the hidden corners of his soul, will come to light.
And we adults, having understood what specifically excites the child, we can help him solve his problems.
Sandbox games- one of the most favorite activities of many children. But not everyone knows that this activity, in addition to interest, brings many benefits to children. Playing in the sand allows you to recreate the image of the real world and transform it, thus children can release blocked energy in the process of such a game and activate the self-healing capabilities inherent in the psyche of any child.

One of the main mechanisms for the positive impact of sand therapy is based on the fact that the child gets the experience of creating small world, which is a symbolic expression of his ability and right to build his life, his world with my own hands.
Building and destroying, and then re-creating fairy castles or just beautiful picture, the child harmonizes his own internal state, emotional mood.
By plunging his hands into the sand, a person is mentally transported many years ago, when free creativity and knowledge of the world were an absolute norm for him, and playing with molds was the most important occupation. Playing with sand in a child relieves anxiety, tension, the symptoms of chronic stress disappear, the emotional mood and self-confidence and self-confidence increase.

And playing with sand promotes inner relaxation and activation of creativity.
sand therapy is a game with sand as a way of development of the child.
Sand therapy is very close to the kids, after all, since childhood they have been sitting in the sandbox, and their first words, their first interpersonal connections and communication with children take place there - in the sandbox.
Therefore, playing with sand helps children to relax, relieve muscle tension, they have a desire to feel protected, games develop fine motor skills of the hands and can even help in learning letters, mastering reading and writing skills!

The method of fabulous sand therapy occupies a special place in psychological practice due to its versatility.
sandbox game,- it's like a fairy tale, in which a person is a wizard or a fairy and can transform the current situation that bothers him, and transfer the acquired experience of construction into his real life. Through the sandbox you can see the inner world of a person. Sand play serves as both therapeutic and beautiful. diagnostic method for a specialist. For children, it's simple natural way talk about your anxieties, fears and other important experiences, overcome emotional stress. Unlike an adult, a child is not always able to express his feelings in words. inner restlessness, to tell what worries him, worries.

In this regard, various difficulties may arise in the life of the baby. Children love to build and destroy fabulous cities, love to sculpt letters in the sand, write block letters words, draw intricate patterns in the sand, “walk” with their palms, fists, each finger of the right and left hands alternately.
sand therapy- one of the varieties of art therapy. sand animation, therapy is one of the most amazing and beautiful views visual arts and animations. In sand therapy, paintings are created from loose material - sand. The images created in the sand are a reflection of the unconscious child. They are like dreams, but you can also feel them. With their help, we bring out experiences, internal problems, child conflicts. They become relaxed, cheerful and inspired: they create their own world, and it is infinitely pleasant for them to do this.

Sand therapy develops fine hand motor skills, finger movements become more dexterous, confident and differentiated.
After reading the fairy tale, ask the child to draw it, mold it from plasticine or present it in the form of an application. The child draws, sculpts, or works with plasticine and in his drawing embodies everything that worries him, all his anxieties, feelings and thoughts, thereby freeing himself from anxiety or another feeling that worried him and worries him. Image quality doesn't matter. A child who uses in his works dark colors, experiencing strong feelings, experiences, and some monsters, horror stories, fire may appear at work. A repeated drawing based on the same fairy tale will already be a little calmer, and the colors will be a little lighter and more beautiful.
It does not matter what the child will draw, whether it be a stick, a pebble, a finger, or even a jet of water, all this, of course, brings great benefits for the child, for the development of his creative abilities, for the development creative imagination and thinking.
There is such a direction as land art– use of sand and other natural materials(twigs, moss, seeds) thereby creating interesting compositions and objects.
With children, you can play the game “Magic Prints”: leave prints of your hands and feet in the sand, and then finish or supplement them with improvised material to make meaningful drawings - fish, cats, flowers, etc. Sand construction is very useful - the creation of various buildings and everything that comes to your hand and comes to mind for you and your child. For example, a child squeezes sand in his hands, and thereby lowers his internal tension, the aggressive state of the child decreases.

You need just explain to your child what and how to do so that the building is stable, reliable, durable and does not fall apart at the first breath of the wind, and then already give freedom of choice to your further action to your child. Let the child think for himself what his construction will be, and let him show his own ideas about what his construction should be: will he have a castle, a fortress or a garage, a hangar, or something impossibly fantastic? Fantastic castles built, serve good material for creating role-playing game, one has only to offer the child to beat it all, come up with new history, and the child picks up and develops this idea, and then various sticks, twigs, leaves, flowers are used. It is important that the child, during the game, pronounce words, phrases about what he built in the sandbox by ear, pronouncing the words aloud, the child learns to hear himself, and this contributes to the development of speech, thinking, and imagination. Games in the sandbox are not only exciting, but also useful for the baby: according to psychologists, they have a beneficial effect on general development, stimulate finger motor skills, teach to achieve the set goal, develop Creative skills, fantasy, imagination and, of course, perseverance.
Living together with fairy tale characters of all kinds of situations, during which the transition of the child from the real world to the imaginary world, and vice versa, is carried out.
Playing out the situation on the sand, he has the opportunity to look at it from the side, which allows the child to correlate the game in the sand with real life, comprehend what is happening around, and find, or at least look for ways to solve this problem.
Playing in the sand, the child exchanges thoughts and ideas with children like him, partnerships develop between children.
But the most important thing for a child is that when playing with sand - “there are no rules!”
Try to arrange with a child, a bucket shower and you will see a storm positive emotions He will remember this for a long time. Make sure that at first there is a little rain - a thin stream of sand, and then the rain, let it intensify, scoop sand with two palms and pour it on the child. The child realizes the idea of ​​his involvement in the events of the surrounding world, then the child ceases to be afraid of rain, and the world ceases to be hostile to him. This exercise well relieves tension, anxiety, aggression, stress in your child.
It is difficult for a child to put into words what is happening to him, what oppresses him, what worries him, because he has a small vocabulary, and to be sure, sometimes adults cannot find the reason restless behavior child, get to the bottom of the original source.
But anxiety, fears gnaw at him, his soul, and then there is a transfer of this anxiety, this heartache on the body, the child begins to hurt.
The child begins enuresis, stuttering, incomprehensible to anyone aggressive behavior.
It is desirable to project your inner world from the outside, maybe draw, mold, but a child, for example, in young age draws poorly, parents get upset, they can’t understand what’s going on, and then sand therapy, sand games can come to the rescue, with the help of such games, the child is freed from heavy load internal experiences, and slowly but surely is on the mend.
Playing with sand will help Your child to express what he himself does not yet realize and does not understand.

Sand animation as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler.

Sand drawing, sand animation - these are the names of the same occupation, which has become recent times popular.

There is a huge amount unusual ways and painting technique, but sand painting is mesmerizing. Sand is a mysterious material that attracts to itself. Its flowability attracts both children and adults, fascinates with its suppleness, the ability to take any form: to be dry, light and elusive or wet, dense and plastic.

Let's remember hourglass, although they were created to count the time, but how difficult it is to take your eyes off the falling grains of sand. Each of us has our own positive memories from childhood associated with playing in the sand - sea, river or those that fall asleep in sandboxes near the house. However, the sand is not so simple. Elementary, it would seem, games can be very useful for the mental health and development of children. AT certain age children begin to beckon to him: they want to touch the sand, play with toys, dig into it with a spatula, dig a hole.

1 Drawing in the sand accessible to children different ages. Toddlers can create the simplest drawings by drawing with their fingers on an evenly poured layer. To change the picture, you do not need an eraser or a new sheet, just run your finger over the sand. This activity will develop motor skills in the same way as drawing finger paints and much less mess. Little children enjoy painting with sand. Sand is very good for developing fine motor skills. And besides, the child learns to distinguish texture various substances. Indeed, for drawing, you can use not only dry, but also wet sand - it can be smeared on glass.

Drawing has the most beneficial effect on the development of older children. Teachers and child psychologists note that the school performance of those children who have begun to engage in sand painting improves significantly. This type creativity stimulates accelerated development thinking and speech of the child.

Children involved in drawing are much more stress-resistant, because. sand helps the child get rid of negative emotions, relax and relieve nervous tension. Such children are much less nervous, less touchy and aggressive. It is very beneficial to engage in sand therapy with emotionally unstable children.

What are the benefits of sand painting for children?

It is very useful for children to "communicate" with sand and any bulk materials. Playing with sand is not only entertainment for a child, it is the development of tactile sensations, fine motor skills of hands, speech, figurative and spatial thinking, creativity child.

One of the methods of analytical psychotherapy - sand therapy - allows you to develop a child's fantasy, normalize psycho-emotional state, activate adaptive functions at any age. Art therapists, business coaches, correctional teachers use sand therapy in preschool educational institutions - children's preschool institutions. To solve each specific problem, we use various methods sand therapy.

Sand treatment is one of the areas art-therapy.

K. Jung and his followers are traditionally considered the "father" of sand games or sandplay. K.Jung developed the technique of active imagination, which is considered the theoretical basis. emergence sandplay began in the 1920s with Charlotte Buhler's development of the "World Test" which was successfully used as a diagnostic tool in child psychiatry.

In 1930, a new technique appeared, which was implemented by Margaret Lowenfeld, who founded the London Institute, it was she who first placed toy figures in matter. This technique was borrowed from the "world test" Margaret's wards created entire large-scale compositions in the sandbox and called them "My world". Thanks to this, there new method called "world technology". Dora Kalff, a follower of K. Jung, became the successor of this method in the 50s, combining the "world technique" and the Jungian direction, and thereby creating sand therapy.

Dora Kalff's discovery was that sand Pictures created by children can become a reflection of their thoughts and experiences. Application of this useful The technique has been tested not only on young patients, but also on mature people.

In sandplay, they are used as non-verbal means (when creating a plot) and verbal ( story about the finished picture or inventing a fairy tale that reveals the essence of creation). This method is actively used art- therapists, Helstat specialists, family and child psychotherapists, educators and speech therapist in dow.

Method features

The method is suitable for everyone age categories. As soon as a person dips his palms into the material, his imagination begins to draw colorful pictures of the golden beach, the bright blue of the sea and the white flakes of clouds slowly floating across the sky. Just as sand allows water to pass through, it absorbs and negative energy. The smallest grains of sand, only connected together in a certain way, allow you to create your own work. They symbolize a life in which a person, arranging events and thoughts in a certain way, gets the desired results.

A complex effect on the human psyche is provided due to tactile stimulation of very sensitive nerve endings of the palms and hands. A state of meditation arises, nervous tension is relieved. According to the images and symbols resulting from the drawing, one can draw conclusions about the specifics of personal problems, identify the needs of a person. Studying the captured, we see a three-dimensional image of the inner world, unconscious problems and conflicts.

The goal of therapy is to develop in the child the acceptance of his own "I", to teach him to trust and love himself.

Tasks of therapy:

  • upbringing positive attitude to life, to oneself;
  • fostering responsibility for one's actions;
  • training the ability to trust oneself and exercise self-control over one's actions;
  • treatment of excessive anxiety when planning actions and overcoming obstacles;
  • developing self-confidence.

Method principles

Sand therapy is based on the creation of figures or images on a plane. Initially, you need to test by asking to create your own image and describe it in words. The children's audience sees this as a game, which is actually a powerful diagnostic tool and a corrective technique. You can do it with music or listening to a fairy tale, depending on the task of a particular procedure.

The method is used as a stand-alone or as component the following areas of treatment:

  • sand art therapy;
  • psychology;
  • speech therapy;
  • development of speech, writing, counting, memory and attention;
  • therapy aimed at developing self-awareness, self-respect;
  • detection negative thoughts, learning to deal with them;
  • impact on several family members in order to correct behavioral disorders;
  • child psychoanalysis.

Method capabilities

Sand therapy in kindergarten will allow you to cook your very first meal, build your first house. Being a reflection of the inner world, sand therapy provides the following points:

  1. Creates a natural comfortable environment for the creativity of the child, which stimulates his creative activity.
  2. Revives abstract images, simplifies the ability to understand the addition of letters - into words, numbers - into mathematical operations.
  3. Gives children the opportunity to "live" the situation together with the heroes of fairy tales.
  4. Provides a transition from reality to a fairy tale, makes it possible to check the correctness of the decision in a given situation.

Children with speech disorders have complex emotional disturbances, which is expressed in a mismatch emotional reactions specific situation. This complicates contact with peers, leads to hyperactivity or tightness. This gives rise to the need to include a wide variety of methods in working with children. It has been proven that sand therapy allows you to develop communication skills, teaches you to express and understand yourself, your feelings.

Indications for therapy

There are the following indications for sand therapy:

  • experiencing an age crisis;
  • inability to put into words their experiences;
  • the presence of psychological trauma;
  • inability to independently make a decision;
  • delayed psychoverbal development;
  • emotional retardation, "poorness";
  • psychotherapy of various addictions;
  • reducing tension;
  • development of all kinds of sensitivity;
  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • expanding horizons;
  • increased anxiety, emotional lability.

Relevance sandplay is very high these days. Through tactile Feel not only speech and cognition develop, but also children get rid of unmotivated aggression, the teacher begins to understand his pupils better.

Psychotherapy distributed with the help of sand kindergartens and schools are not universal, but soon this technique will be mandatory for all educationalinstitutions with providing special equipment. It is important to apply this method in working with children with features having onr,zpr, violations vision, cerebral palsy, the disabled. It is enough just to give such children the inclination to build, and they will already begin to create entire universes.


  • attention deficit, hyperactivity;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • psychiatric illnesses;
  • increased anxiety;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • dust allergic reactions;
  • lung diseases;
  • skin diseases and hand injuries.

Psychotherapists use the method with children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Class equipment

The following devices are used for the healing game:

  • a waterproof box, the walls of which are painted blue, and the bottom is blue;
  • a special sandbox that changes color - a tablet;
  • clean sand, which during certain games must be moistened;
  • a set of figurines symbolizing buildings, people, animals, cars;
  • symbolic objects that will denote wishes made, chests with treasures, treasures;
  • fairy tale characters - good and evil;
  • religious items and souvenirs;
  • natural objects - shells, twigs, cones;
  • housewares;
  • bolts, screws;
  • plastic letters and numbers, geometric shapes.

After testing, learning games for preschoolers begin according to needs, age, identified violations, cognitive disorders.

In the future, you can connect interactive, developing activities, and only then - projective games, exercises.

Requirements for a teacher

Starting the game, small hands come into contact with a unique universe. It is necessary to create a friendly, trusting environment, take into account all the nuances of the voice, its timbre, observe the following important parameters:

Sand therapy for preschool children develops fine motor skills of the hand, stimulates blood circulation in the brain, speeds up mental processes, normalizes psychological reactions. It is necessary to connect the methods of color therapy to this process, since they are powerful signals for the development of personality.

Game techniques

What you need for sand therapy at home

If parents want to organize sandplay Houses, then for this they need:

  • pallet;
  • sand;
  • miniature figurines;
  • Pebbles, plants, etc. to create a specific landscape.

Depending on the tasks set, sand therapy can take place in the form of games aimed at:

  • phonemic development;
  • correction of pronunciation of sounds;
  • literacy training;
  • educational games;
  • family sand therapy;
  • projection games.

The lesson includes the following plan:

  1. We introduce the baby to the sandbox, explain that the blue side symbolizes the sky, that you can create any kind of terrain: mountains, deserts, and by pushing the sand apart - the blue sea.
  2. We give you the opportunity to hold the collection in your hands geometric shapes, animals, household items.
  3. The figures that the baby chooses symbolize his condition today. The most important thing is to ask him to tell what he thinks about the chosen figures.
  4. We carefully observe the baby: how he enters the situation, with whom he identifies himself.
  5. We teach a child careful attitude to the material.
  6. We formulate the topic at the beginning of sand therapy, conduct classes according to the plan, and after its completion it is important to draw a conclusion about the work done, put all the used objects and toys in their places, and clean up after themselves.

Games for the development of auditory attention and memory

  • Games aimed at increasing vocabulary, building extended phrases.

By the age of three, a person pronounces basic words correctly. Some children speak indistinctly, swap syllables and letters in words, put stresses incorrectly. In the case of an inattentive attitude to problems with speech, by the age of 5, he understands that he is speaking incorrectly and begins to be embarrassed about this, withdraws into himself. Can arrange speech games in sand. To do this, children draw letters, learn to build syllables and pronounce them loudly or quietly, in a singsong voice, in a whisper.

Having put different figures in the container, we teach the child to name animals, write - what letter his name begins with, and what sounds these animals make. You can play tic-tac-toe.

  • Cognitive geographic games in the sand.

After simple games with the construction of houses, rivers, seas and boats on them, we begin to develop spatial thinking. For classes, a map of the world or continents made independently in the form of a puzzle is suitable. To do this, you need to purchase two identical geographical maps in the store and divide one into 4-6 fragments. We give the baby a sample card and offer to fold the puzzle. Gradually we begin to add continents, oceans. Then we complicate the game by making a "sea" at the bottom of the sandbox, pushing the sand apart. During the game, we pronounce the names of countries, their capitals, find out who lives there. For example, in France the capital is Paris, and the French live there.

For each country, we select characteristic vegetation and animals, placing palm trees, elephants, crocodiles in the sandbox. We explain what a tropical climate is, why birches do not grow there. You can travel to North Pole, having previously made a supply of salt, polystyrene foam or cotton wool for snow.

  • Fantastic games with transformers on the sand.

We imitate the life of other planets, the lunar landscape, star Wars, which will be of particular interest to boys, will help them realize their desire to be a superhero, teach them to fight and win.

Depending on the age of children, in addition to geographical and fantastic, there are the following types of educational games:

  • historical;
  • find logical pairs;
  • learn to eliminate the superfluous;
  • take a tour of the city;
  • count objects, build logical series;
  • learn to navigate: what is - top, bottom, right, left.

Projective games

The peculiarity revealed by Z. Freud to attribute one's feelings and desires to external objects is very helpful in working with children. The child is asked to do the following:

  • describe the existing images on the sand and endow them with some qualities;
  • create a single whole from disparate parts hidden in the sand;
  • come up with a story or a fairy tale with characters and objects from the available figures in the sand;
  • draw a non-existent animal, and others.

It must be remembered that projective methods cannot be unambiguously interpreted, they are socially and situationally determined, aimed at studying the child's personality as a whole. Given that these techniques are not standardized enough, they are used for diagnosis and treatment by psychotherapists.

Sand therapy includes big variety individual and collective games, classes. Illuminated boards or sand are actively used various colors. This will help the child to express the existing emotional state.

A series of games and exercises with sand from books T. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva "Miracles in the sand" contribute to the development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity, fine motor skills, creative imagination, help in the knowledge of one's external and internal world.

Here are some games:

  • Hand prints. With the help of this exercises The baby learns to evaluate sensations. The teacher or parent shows the ward an imprint of his palm
  • on the sand, the patient repeats the same. The hand is pressed in and immersed in the pallet.

First, the leader describes his feelings. He leads his story about sand, what kind of material it is soft or rough, how he feels small particles with his skin. Then follows the story of the kid about the sand.

  • Rain or waterfall. This game is good remedy to relieve muscle tension and aggression. The teacher or leader says that the waterfall has begun. A small person pours sand on the back of the adult's hand, and then he performs the exercise for the baby.
  • Creation of patterns. Draw on the sand with fingers, cams, brushes various patterns and then tell what the child sees when he looks at them. This can be both flowers and animals, branches, etc. Such an exercise has a positive effect on psycho-emotional the condition of the children.
  • Hide and Seek. The game helps in finding out psychological problems ward and help in getting rid of them. The preschooler is offered a choice of several items that he must bury in the sand, and then dig up and tell about all the hidden items.
  • Story playback. The psychologist offers the patient to create his own world, using a choice of miniature figurines. If a goal sand therapy - getting rid of aggression, then a small person will choose negative characters and arrange a war and destruction, thereby relieving tension and calming his anger.

Psychologist's advice to parents: how to decipher the signs

From sandplay specialist Ulyana Naumova, you can hear the following:

  • The kid can make any buildings and in the ways he wants, adhering to three main rules: do not pour sand outside the pallet, do not destroy the buildings of other children if he plays in the company.
  • Parents need to keep an eye on what the child builds. For example, if he is building a house, the walls of which are very thick, it means that he has a desire for security, which he may lack, wants to strengthen his internal boundaries so that everyone notices them and does not cross.
  • Power is a symbol of the fact that he does not have boundaries, which is why there is no comfort.
  • The appearance of candles or a hearth testifies to the lack of warmth and care in the baby. The presence of chaos in the child's play space shows what kind of disorder is inside the patient or portends an immediate start to change.
  • It is important to keep an eye on the game. little man, asking him questions: why exactly this composition turned out, what significance all these structures have for him. With the daily construction of the world, the baby becomes better behavior, sleep becomes stronger, anxiety and tension go away.


Sand painting will help the child relax, it has a fascinating effect on viewers and artists. Sand therapy can be carried out to music and allows you to solve many problems of diagnosis, treatment and development of cognitive abilities. At the same time, almost all types of analyzer organs are involved in the process:

  • vision;
  • hearing;
  • tactile sensitivity;
  • sensory perception.

Sand therapy for preschool children allows you to develop speech, motor skills, hearing, sociability, creativity, creative abilities. In addition, it relieves stress, relieves fears, helps to express internal conflicts and experiences, increase self-esteem. Sand therapy contributes to the formation of self-esteem in a small person, teaches him to understand himself.