Essential oils for the bath during pregnancy. Which essential oil should not be used during pregnancy? Diseases or skin problems

The use of essential oils in the most important period a woman's life is a topic of controversy. Can they be used during pregnancy? It is possible and necessary. But with the mind, and benefit - both for the mother and for the child.

First of all, for many consumers, an essential oil simply has strong smell vegetable oil. What could be further from the essence of ethers? Essential oil is a powerful volatile organic substance containing up to 200 different chemical compounds with therapeutic properties. And this should be strictly remembered during pregnancy!

Each ether has its own unique effect, and all essential oils have the ability to have a complex effect on the body, quickly penetrating into the blood. This means that essential oils will affect not only the body of a pregnant woman, but also the fetus. And not every essential oil is suitable for use by pregnant women.

All essential oils containing ketones are strictly prohibited during pregnancy. All of them are potentially neurotoxic, and can cause miscarriage. Typical examples are sage, dill, rosemary, verbena, hyssop.

In addition, some esters are able to influence hormonal system, being hormone-like (eg, geranium, clary sage, sacred vitex). Especially it is recommended to avoid these esters in the first trimester of pregnancy. The exception is when esters are prescribed by a qualified aromatherapist with medical education and years of practice.

More oils forbidden during pregnancy You can . There you can ask questions and get advice. Contraindications to the use of essential oils during pregnancy are covered in our separate material.

However, many essential oils are not only allowed, but also recommended for use during pregnancy:

  • essential oil of lemon: very effective for combating nausea with toxicosis, eliminate morning sickness, will destroy bacteria - causative agents of catarrhal diseases.
  • Essential oil of lavender: improves sleep, eliminates anxiety, used in compresses for migraines and headaches.
  • Essential oil of bergamot: improves mood in mental and physical fatigue, used for depression, has a cooling effect, helps with urinary and genital infections (sitz baths, after consulting a doctor)
  • Essential oil of mandarin: soothes and strengthens, helps to establish contact between mother and fetus, used in massage mixtures against stretch marks on the skin.
  • neroli essential oil: eliminates anxiety and panic attacks, helps with insomnia, strengthens the skin.
  • Essential oil tea tree : used as an antiseptic for many infectious diseases, used to treat various mycoses, improves immunity.

How to Use Essential Oils During Pregnancy Safely

For safe and useful application essential oils during pregnancy stick to a few simple rules:

  • Eliminate internal application esters, use essential oils only for external use: as components of massage preparations and for aroma lamps. 3-4 drops of ether added to 10 ml massage oil- a sufficient dose.
  • To eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis, it is possible to use oils both in an aroma lamp and applied to a handkerchief or napkin. You can also apply a small amount of essential oil to the area of ​​​​the solar plexus (after dissolving the ether in vegetable oil 1:10).
  • Experts recommend exclude essential oils in the first trimester of pregnancy. After the first trimester, the placenta is formed to protect the baby, so you can start using essential oils.
  • Start with the smallest dosages. When any negative reactions(rash, redness, headache) it is worth canceling the use of this ether.

Essential oils act quickly, effectively penetrating into the blood. Before using any essential oil, consult a specialist, do not self-medicate, especially in the first months of pregnancy. Choose only high-quality 100% natural essential oils that have all the relevant quality certificates. Do not use untested oils with an unknown composition, without documentation and chromatograms, from a dubious manufacturer. Remember: not only your health, but also the health of your child depends on it!

Pregnancy does not mean giving up the use of essential oils. On the contrary, during this period of life, a woman should surround herself with light, harmonious things that bring true joy. Herbal and aromatherapy during pregnancy can not only support the health of the expectant mother, but in some cases replace the use of synthetic drugs.

Of course, you should not take risks, forgetting about the responsibility for the health of the child. However, this applies not only to essential oils. Do I need to consult a doctor? Definitely, if the pregnancy proceeds with any complications! In the case of an uncomplicated pregnancy, it is desirable, especially if the doctor is really your good adviser and mentor.

In any case, you should be careful and not neglect and follow some rules:

  • Use no more than half the usual dose of essential oils.
  • Use only highly diluted (mixed with base) essential oils.
  • Use only natural essential oils, the quality of which you are absolutely sure.
  • Avoid internal use of essential oils.
  • During pregnancy, some aromatherapists do not recommend taking baths, even with essential oils. Some, on the contrary, recommend their reception. We have given here a few aroma bath recipes, to use them or not, the choice is yours.

When considering the use of essential oils during pregnancy, one should first of all note which oils should never be used during the first months of pregnancy, either because they are poisonous and can harm the mother and fetus, or because they can cause miscarriage. If you avoid these oils, then during pregnancy you can safely use aromatherapy to maintain good condition health of the expectant mother in general and in order to minimize various unpleasant effects accompanying this period, such as nausea, back pain and swelling of the legs.

Essential oils to avoid during the first three to four months of pregnancy include, first, those described as stimulating menstruation; secondly, those that are recommended for use during childbirth to enhance uterine contractions; and thirdly, several rather poisonous oils capable of harming both the mother and the fetus.

The following oils should not be used during pregnancy:

  • aniseed
  • arnica
  • basil
  • birch
  • carnation
  • angelica
  • oregano
  • jasmine (first three months)
  • hyssop
  • camphor
  • cedar tree
  • cypress
  • cinnamon
  • marjoram
  • Melissa
  • myrrh
  • juniper
  • nutmeg
  • pennyroyal,
  • peppermint,
  • patchouli (for recent weeks)
  • wormwood
  • rose (first three months)
  • rosemary
  • fennel
  • thyme
  • fennel
  • thyme (thyme)
  • sage officinalis
  • clary sage
  • tarragon

Chamomile and lavender are also referred to as menstrual-stimulating oils, but in minimum quantities and in a well-dissolved form (from 1 to 1.5%), they can be used, except in cases where there is a risk of miscarriage, for example, if the expectant mother or women in her family have had miscarriages in the past, or if she has during pregnancy there were bleeding, or if the doctor warned her about the threat of miscarriage.

  • Orange
  • Bergamot
  • Geranium (in small doses)
  • Jasmine (carefully)
  • kayaput
  • Lavender (careful)
  • Frankincense (carefully)
  • Levzeya
  • Limett
  • Lemon
  • Japanese mint (carefully)
  • nioli
  • Neroli
  • Petitgrain
  • Pink tree
  • Rose (carefully)
  • Chamomile (carefully)
  • sandalwood
  • Pine (be careful!)
  • Tea tree
  • Eucalyptus

Possible ways and situations of using aroma oils:

aroma smoker

The aroma burner will create a cozy atmosphere and improve the atmosphere in the room (remember about half the dosage!).


Everyone knows that during pregnancy it is necessary to protect yourself from influenza and acute respiratory infections. But even in the midst of the season of respiratory diseases, sometimes you have to visit crowded places - in a clinic, a store, on the street. Aromamedallion with pine, tea tree or eucalyptus oil will help protect yourself from colds, flu and acute respiratory infections, cope with the attack of viruses!

The best remedy for morning sickness is Japanese mint essential oil. It can be inhaled from a bottle, carried around with an aroma medallion, or added in small amounts to a bath. A bath with peppermint essential oil will have a refreshing effect on summer heat. For nausea, ginger tea will also help.

Aromatic baths

Aromatic baths can be taken throughout pregnancy and can be a great pleasure for the expectant mother and a great form of relaxation. But again, avoid hazardous oils and too hot water.

In the last months of pregnancy, women often experience discomfort, including due to sudden movements fetus. During this period, sleep disturbances are not uncommon. Take a relaxing bath with neroli or ylang-ylang oils. The total amount of oils should not exceed 8 drops. To help you fall asleep, apply 2 drops of lavender to the edge of your pillowcase.

Enrichment with oils for skin and hair care products. On the background hormonal changes, the condition of the skin and hair also changes - and not always in better side. The most careful attention is required for hair after childbirth. Oil enrichment of skin and hair care products - great way maintain your beauty.

Aroma massage

Massage with essential oils helps to reduce pain and tones the muscles that carry an increased load, helps prevent the development of cellulite, the appearance of stretch marks. Attention: during pregnancy, massage can only be done experienced specialist! At home, you should limit yourself to light self-massage of the feet, hands, face.

The mammary glands increase in volume during pregnancy and require especially careful care. Use gentle massage oil: add 3 drops each of geranium and orange to a tablespoon of sweet almond oil. Almond oil- an excellent remedy for cracks and sores of the nipples that occur during breastfeeding.

belly massage

During the first four months, it must be done very carefully, and after this period, abdominal massage is not only useful, but also very pleasant. Very often a developing child reacts to the massage given by his mother. The child, who usually kicks hard in the abdomen, is quiet during and for a while after the soothing oil massage. Babies whose mothers received regular massages during pregnancy are usually calm and cry little after birth.

Starting from the fifth month of pregnancy future mother should not only be massaged by a massage therapist, but also daily rub oil into the stomach and thighs to prevent the formation of stretch marks. massage mixture: 1 tablespoon almond, jojoba or wheat germ oil with 3 drops of petitgrain or neroli.

During pregnancy, blood circulation in the legs is often disturbed and the veins swell. Mix 2 tablespoons of almond oil with 2 drops of lemongrass, 2 drops of cypress and 2 drops of lavender. Gently massage your feet daily with this stress-relieving blend. If the veins protrude noticeably, best effect can be achieved with geranium oil (note that for pregnant women it must be highly diluted!). Add 4 drops of geranium to 1 tablespoon of carrier oil and gently massage your feet from bottom to top.

On recent months During pregnancy, swollen legs are a common problem for women. If the swelling is strong and persistent, it is better to consult a doctor, but if they are moderate or the ankles swell after standing for a long time or at the end of the day, then foot massage with geranium oil will help. It is preferable that the massage is done regularly by an aromatherapist, but a woman can do this massage herself, rubbing the oil in even, smooth movements from the ankles to the thighs.

During pregnancy Bottom part the back is under a lot of pressure. Your condition will be facilitated by rubbing with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of carrier oil and 2 drops each of sandalwood and lavender oils. Pain can be relieved Bath with 6 drops lavender oil.Foot baths. Foot swelling can be reduced with cool orange, lemongrass or lemon oil foot baths - add 2 drops directly to a basin of water. While resting, keep your legs elevated by placing pillows or a bolster under them.

Essential oils have always been and will be popular as excellent means for personal care, as a preventive measure for all kinds of diseases and pains, as a means of relieving tension and stress. Can women use essential oils during pregnancy, or are there any restrictions?

Among medical professionals There is a rather negative opinion regarding the use of essential oils during pregnancy, since the effect of their components on the expectant mother and her baby has not been sufficiently studied.

However, expectant mothers continue to use them quite actively. The main thing is to do any business wisely, then there will be no negative consequences.

First of all, you should know that during pregnancy, the usual dosage of oils should be divided by two - more than absolutely any oil can be harmful.

Further, essential oils are used by pregnant women only in a diluted form, externally in the form of applications, to combat stretch marks as an addition to the base oil or cosmetics, as fillers for aroma lamps.

Essential oils during pregnancy: contraindications

Firstly, if there was previously intolerance to any essential oil, then it is strictly forbidden to use it during pregnancy! Yes, and previously used oils can be perceived differently by the body, because during pregnancy it has enormous loads, and even previously loved food can be rejected by a picky sense of smell. Therefore, any new oil should be used with caution at first, starting small and gradually increasing the dosage or duration of aromatherapy. Experimenting with new oils that have not been tried before pregnancy is also not worth it.

Secondly, you can not exceed the above norm for pregnant women. Recall that any dosage for ordinary person pregnant woman should be divided in half.

Thirdly, it is strictly forbidden to take any essential oil inside!

Fourthly, any innovation must be clearly agreed with the doctor. This Golden Rule for pregnant women, and it without fail applies to all pregnant women!

Fifth, you should refrain from using any essential oils for at least the first three weeks of pregnancy! After all, it is the early dates that are the most disturbing and dangerous, when you should not interfere in the secret course of things.

You should also refrain from taking any essential oils if:

  1. There was a miscarriage in the past.
  2. There is epilepsy.
  3. There are heart problems.
  4. There are diseases of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland.
  5. There is diabetes, thrombosis.
  6. During the current pregnancy, vaginal bleeding occurs.

There are also essential oils that should not be used during pregnancy in any form.

Essential oils forbidden during pregnancy

If it was customary to use essential oils for certain purposes, each expectant mother you need to know the list of oils that are strictly prohibited throughout the entire period of pregnancy:

  • nutmeg;
  • myrrh;
  • fennel;
  • juniper;
  • patchouli;
  • cinnamon;
  • Melissa;
  • cypress;
  • marjoram;
  • sage;
  • basil;
  • cedar;
  • thyme;
  • chamomile;
  • rosemary;
  • hyssop;
  • jasmine;
  • carnation;
  • tansy;
  • laurel;
  • thyme;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • tarragon;
  • oregano;
  • lavender until the 16th week of pregnancy.

The use of these essential oils even in small quantities can lead to such undesirable consequences like premature contractions or even miscarriages and more.

For example, rosemary oil can lead to increased pressure and contractions. Nutmeg oil can cause hallucinations. The use of basil oil can lead to pathological changes cells. Jasmine oil provokes premature birth. Sage oil can cause uterine bleeding. And so on - the list is endless. As you can see, the use of oils prohibited during pregnancy can really lead to tragic consequences. And, therefore, one should take seriously this issue and use only approved oils and with the utmost care.

Moreover, the list of allowed essential oils during pregnancy is really wide. Let's consider in more detail when and how one or another oil should be used.

What are essential oils for during pregnancy?

Essential oils for headaches during pregnancy

It is no secret that during pregnancy you can not use most of the usual drugs. And headache attacks in the position are unbearable. And then they come to the rescue folk remedies in the form of essential oils of eucalyptus, mint or lavender. It is necessary to dilute 3 drops of any of the above oils in a glass of water, moisten a piece of cloth in the solution and apply the resulting compress to the forehead and temples.

Essential oils for nausea and vomiting

The "miracles" of toxicosis are quite typical for expectant mothers in the first trimester. This phenomenon is temporary and will surely pass soon, but how to survive this terrible state?

In this case, essential oils are used as aromatherapy. Peppermint, lemon, lavender and eucalyptus oils are perfect for this purpose. Just a few drops can be added to the pillow. But, most importantly, do not overdo it, otherwise the opposite effect may be caused.

There is also such an option - a few drops of mint essential oil should be added to a bowl with hot water and leave the resulting solution overnight on the floor. Enough three days regular use this method to subdue nausea.

You can use an aroma lamp to aromatize the room, or spray it with water with a mixture of essential oils. Add 3 drops of lavender oil and 1 drop of eucalyptus and mint oils to an aroma lamp, or to 100 ml of water in a regular spray bottle.

Essential oils for infections

Self-reliant therapeutic action essential oils do not carry, but with complex treatment or as a prevention of colds, their effect is undeniable.

As in the previous example, you can pour the water into a spray bottle and add a few drops of essential oil there in order to irrigate the room with it. Eucalyptus, pine and tea tree oils are suitable.

With the help of an aroma lamp, you can also use essential oils of lemon, ginger, cypress.

In pregnant women, immunity is somewhat reduced so that there is no rejection of essentially foreign (by 50%) DNA. And, therefore, resistance to various kinds of viruses is noticeably reduced. Most drugs are strictly prohibited for use by expectant mothers! Therefore, the prevention of such diseases is first of all! In addition to the wonders of aromatherapy, do not forget about fresh air, often ventilate the premises and most go out.

Essential oils as a remedy for insomnia

Some pregnant women sleep like a baby, others are less fortunate. And the longer the period, the harder it is to fall asleep. You can’t sleep on your stomach anymore, doctors also forbid it on your back. The belly is big, how can I get settled here to forget a sweet dream? In this case, essential oils of ylang-ylang, rose, bergamot are suitable for aromatizing the room. You can also scent the room or put a few drops of any oil on the corner of the pillow.

Essential oils for stress and anxiety

An excellent cure for disorders of this type is the aromatization of the room with essential oils of chamomile, rosewood or bergamot. During pregnancy, you should carefully protect yourself and your baby from negative emotional upheavals. Aromatherapy is an excellent weapon against such surges, ideally it can be combined with yoga for pregnancy and meditation.

Essential oils against edema and varicose veins

These problems rarely bypass expectant mothers. At varicose veins a warm bath is a good solution (remember, hot baths are prohibited, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy). Add 2-3 drops of essential oil (lavender, lemon, geranium...) to the water after mixing it with an emulsifier (for example, 1-2 tablespoons of sea salt).

Edema will help relieve foot baths or foot massages with base oil. You can add essential oils of lemon, lavender, neroli.

Essential oils for heartburn

Heartburn is a common problem faced by expectant mothers already on later dates. Lemon, tangerine or mint oils are perfect for aromatizing a room or a light massage in the solar plexus area.

Essential oils for constipation

Constipation is a delicate problem that many face during pregnancy. In this case, of course, it is better to consult a doctor, since an urgent correction of the diet is necessary, and it is also possible without special medicines no longer manageable.

But you can also alleviate your situation on your own before a visit to the doctor. Essential oils of anise, tangerine or orange will help in this. It is necessary to dilute a few drops of oil in a carrier oil (for example, olive oil) and massage the abdomen in a clockwise direction, avoiding strong pressure.

Essential oils for hemorrhoids

May be an unfortunate consequence prolonged constipation or in the background hormonal adjustment. After pregnancy, hemorrhoids will most likely go away on their own. But you can relieve pain symptoms and minimize hemorrhoids.

A sitz cool bath with 3-5 drops of oil and 2 drops of lavender oil pre-mixed with an emulsifier will do.

Essential oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

Everyone's nightmare future mother this, of course, is the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks). This is where essential oils come in handy. To begin with, it is worth deciding on the base oil (olive, jojoba, wheat germ oil), which will be used to massage areas of the skin potentially prone to stretch marks (stomach, thighs, chest). Further, it should be remembered that the course of massage should be regular! It must be done every day clean skin, after shower. Only in this way the skin will receive enough moisture, become elastic and without problems be able to stretch as much as necessary.

As additional oils, you can use essential oils of geranium, lavender, calendula, orange. For example, there is such an option. Take 4 tablespoons olive oil, add 2 drops of lavender, geranium and orange to it. Gently massage the problem areas with the resulting mixture.

The mixture is best prepared immediately before use, as it tends to deteriorate quickly. If not, then store it in the refrigerator. special container which does not transmit light. But if there is the slightest suspicion, for example, the mixture has changed its smell or color, then it is better not to use it.

More about some essential oils during pregnancy

The issues listed above that essential oils can alleviate or even heal are by no means exhaustive. There are many other reasons why you should keep a tube of this or that essential oil. Let us consider in more detail the most famous and popular oils that are used during pregnancy today.

Eucalyptus essential oil during pregnancy

Eucalyptus is indispensable when it comes to the first signs of a cold. It is used as dry and wet inhalations, as aromatherapy or lubrication of the nasal mucosa. Dry inhalation - rub a few drops between the palms and inhale the resulting aroma. Wet - add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to a liter of boiling water and breathe in vapors. Aromatherapy - aroma lamp or spraying the room with water and essential oil. Lubricate the nasal mucosa with a base oil (1 tsp), which is mixed with eucalyptus (1-2 drops).

With symptoms of nausea and vomiting with the help of eucalyptus, you can significantly improve your well-being with the help of an aroma lamp.

Peppermint essential oil during pregnancy

No less popular today, but worth it once again check with your doctor that it is not contraindicated. Can be used by adding 4 drops to the aroma lamp. At correct application mint oil will relieve fatigue and irritability, relieve vomiting and nausea, and significantly improve overall emotional background.

lavender essential oil during pregnancy

The use of this essential oil for early dates strictly prohibited! Only a doctor can give the go-ahead to use them, each in its own time.

Oil is widely used due to a wide range of properties. So, lavender soothes, relaxes, improves psycho-emotional state solves problems with insomnia. This excellent prevention edema and varicose veins.

Essential oil of orange during pregnancy

Orange oil perfectly relieves swelling, relieves pain in the abdomen with constipation, in addition, it excellent facilities for body care as a prevention of the appearance of stretch marks. In the first case, we are talking about foot baths, in the second about the massage of the abdomen with base oil. In the third - about rubbing the necessary parts of the body regularly with a base oil.

Lemon essential oil during pregnancy

Excellent cosmetic product which strengthens hair and nails, smoothes small wrinkles restoring skin elasticity. A bath with lemon essential oil relaxes, boosts immunity and promotes a good, peaceful mood. 3-5 drops are enough for a large bath.

Summing up

Essential oils are a great way to tidy up both externally and internally, tuning in to a light and calm wave thanks to the wonders of aromatherapy. They improve health, relieve swelling, eliminate delicate issue constipation and hemorrhoids ... Not by themselves, of course, but in combination with the treatment prescribed by the doctor. The list can be enumerated ad infinitum. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it and not harm either yourself or your baby. Therefore, you should know exact list essential oils prohibited for use, as well as how to use permitted ones correctly. We have written only the main properties of well-known essential oils, but only a doctor will select for you those oils that are right for you. After all, each person is individual, especially a pregnant woman is individual!

Video "Essential oils during pregnancy"

, basil, chamomile, cedar, hyssop, jasmine, fennel, marjoram, myrrh, juniper, sage, laurel, thyme, mint ( except spikelet), anise, thuja, parsley, cinnamon, tarragon, sassafras, cloves, oregano, tansy. A number of the listed oils can provoke a miscarriage, others are toxic, and still others activate contractions. Therefore, it is forbidden to use them orally, as well as in large quantities, for example, for massaging large areas of the body or for taking baths. In the form of applications, they can be used to fumigate a room, but only after a preliminary discussion of this issue with a doctor. Allergy-to-be mothers should approach the choice of oil with extreme caution.

But there are a number of essential oils that will help improve the condition of a pregnant woman, even out the emotional background. Lavender oil can be used safely by all women from sixteen weeks of pregnancy. And those who have not previously had miscarriages can be used from the first days of pregnancy. TO safe oils include oil of cypress, neroli, lemon, spearmint, ginger.

Oils destroy pathogenic microbes, relieve inflammation, they regulate mood, activate the immune system and are very good for tearfulness, anxiety and other mood disorders characteristic of pregnant women.
In the event that the use of a particular oil is in doubt, it is imperative to visit a consultation with a gynecologist or aromatherapy specialist to resolve the issue.

To make a massage with essential oil, you need to dilute it with a carrier oil. These are fatty oils of a very high grade, which are produced by cold pressing from fruits, stones or seeds. As a base during pregnancy, wheat germ oils, jojoba oil or sweet almond oil are more suitable. Fixed oils contribute to the preservation of moisture in the skin, increase its turgor, carry useful vitamins and biologically active components.

Mineral oils should not be used as a base - they cover the body with a thin film that does not allow the pores to breathe and does not “let” essential oils into the skin.

For vomiting and nausea, lavender, spearmint, cardamom, ginger, lemon, and eucalyptus oils should be used. If it hurts morning sickness, may I help next procedure: in the evening, take a bowl of hot water and drip three to five drops of essential oil, put the bowl near the bed. You can apply a drop of oil directly to the pillow. The healing smell will envelop the whole room and will gradually affect the body. Such procedures have a wonderful effect on work. digestive tract, and on an emotional background. Usually to get noticeable result you need to do this procedure for three days in a row. The most effective of these oils is lavender oil.

It is also convenient to fumigate the room with an aroma lamp. To do this, you can make a cocktail of three drops of lavender oil, one drop of eucalyptus oil and one drop of peppermint oil. You need to pour into the aroma lamp already warm water. You can irrigate the room with oils and using a conventional spray bottle, which must be clean. For one hundred milliliters of water, the same amount of oils is taken as for an aroma lamp.

Spearmint and lavender oils are suitable for relieving headaches. Two or three drops of oil are taken in a glass of water and a cold lotion is made. You can rub a drop of oil into the whiskey.

To improve sleep, ylang-ylang oil, sandalwood, patchouli, rose are shown. You can do any combination of oils. They should be fumigated in the bedroom or sprayed bed sheets before bedtime.

From heartburn during pregnancy, spearmint, tangerine or lemon oils are effective. These oils are used for rubbing into the epigastric region ( with base oil) or for fumigation of the room.

For constipation, rubbing oils of eucalyptus, orange, mandarin into the abdomen is indicated. Rubbing is carried out clockwise, with light movements in a circle.

To alleviate the condition of the vessels of the legs, which suffer greatly during gestation, oils of geranium, lavender, cypress and calendula are shown. You can make contrast lotions with one of these oils, as well as with cocktails from them. It is impossible to treat diseased vessels with oil, it can only be applied to a damp cloth.
You can also do a very gentle foot massage using this mixture: seven drops of cypress and lemon are diluted with fifty milliliters of base oil. Massage is done from the bottom up, starting with gentle tapping with the fingertips.

From hemorrhoids will help mini-baths using three to five drops lemon oil and one or two drops of lavender oil ( before starting the procedure, dilute the oil with an emulsifier).

From stretch marks that appear during pregnancy, massage with this mixture will help: fifteen milliliters of wheat germ oil, thirty milliliters of almond oil, fifteen milliliters of avocado oil, two drops of carrot, lavender, calendula and geranium oils, four drops of neroli oil. Massage will be more effective if done immediately after a shower, directly on damp skin. It is advisable to continue the procedure immediately after
To improve mood, eliminate depression, you should use oils of geranium, eucalyptus, orange, bergamot, ylang-ylang, sandalwood. And those who suffer from excessive vulnerability during pregnancy should fumigate the house with sandalwood, rose, lemon, frankincense, and geranium oils.

It is often criticized by medical specialists due to insufficient knowledge of the effect of the active components of oils on the baby. However, the popularity of funds based on these natural ingredients among expectant mothers remains consistently high. Aromatherapy, massage, wraps and compresses with the addition of a variety of essential oils become a panacea in the fight against mood swings, feeling unwell, back pain and stretch marks. At right choice and clearly dosed use, essential oils are not harmful, however, there is a certain list of harmful oils that should be categorically excluded.

Essential oils that harm the health of mother and child

The prohibited essential oils for the entire period include such popular and frequently used preparations as lemon balm, chamomile. Cedar, basil, hyssop, fennel, juniper, myrrh, sage, laurel, thyme, mint, thuja, tarragon, lavender, cinnamon, dill, parsley, oregano, tarragon, cloves, thuja, are also banned. Active ingredients these essential oils can lead to complications during gestation, and in individual cases provoke premature contractions and lead to miscarriage. These oils are by no means recommended for use even in small quantities. The future should also avoid contact with possible allergens. It is most likely to seek help from a specialist who will help you choose the optimal components and, taking into account the patient's state of health.

Lavender essential oil can be used after the 16th week of pregnancy, provided that there have been no previous miscarriages.

How to use essential oils during pregnancy

If the decision to use essential oils is nevertheless made, there are several things to consider. important nuances. First, it should be reduced at least twice from the usual. Secondly, essential oils are strictly forbidden to be taken orally, these products are only allowed in the form of applications, as part of massage oil and as a filler for aroma lamps.

Lemon and ginger oils are excellent remedies for nausea and vomiting. In the fight against colds tea tree oil will help. Rose, orange and ylang-ylang will give you peace. And almonds and orange will save you from stretch marks.
And, thirdly, it is wiser to refrain from using any oils in the first three weeks of pregnancy.