24th wedding anniversary cards. Satin wedding (24th wedding anniversary) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS

Congratulations on your twenty-fourth wedding year

In your wedding satin anniversary - 24 years!
I hasten to congratulate you and wish you
So that only happiness was waiting at the threshold,
So that in love you do not have to suffer!
May everything that is and will be in this life
Only love is big, without borders!
And this happiness is in the world of many destinies,
Find each other among many faces!

You carried love through all the years,
You overcame grief and sorrow,
I wish tomorrow and always
You were as happy as you were at the beginning.
I wish the candle of love always
It burned, warming you with itself.
To have your own star
And it would be called love.

We wish you a happy life
Your marriage without marriage should be.
We wish you happiness, joy in full,
To be the envy of everyone around you.
And so that you get drunk not only from wine,
And because you love each other.
You found in each other not only a spouse,
But the most faithful, kind friend.
So be healthy, live richly
And sacredly keep this date in your soul.

Let time fly
Just don't get old
Live in hope
Pity each other
Keep the love
Get around the trouble
And be happy
In the anniversary year!

We heartily congratulate you,
May your happiness last forever.
Love is stronger than strong steel
So that problems do not know you.
We celebrate the satin wedding with you,
So that you do not change over the years.
Love, health and patience,
So that there is no doubt about happiness.

satin wedding

I hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary!
You've been married for 24 years!
Just as strong may your passion be
To love never to be forgotten!
I want your house to be filled
Such pleasant, pure children's laughter!
Let thunder bypass the souls
Fate accompanied, so that success!

Everything happened as you wanted:
Today again, as then,
You put on chastity rings.
Those days flew by in an instant.
Love is forever.
May you be together for many years
But there is no limit to love.
And the years are not terrible for you,
Love is forever young.

I saw how this couple created their union,
And, of course, how the very first toddler was born,
How: their hearts were guarded every day and every hour.
My congratulations at this moment for you.
I wish you warmth, happiness and love,
So that in the morning nightingales sing only for you.
So that you can afford more
Fur coats, dachas and cars to buy new.

I congratulate you heartily
And I drink my healthy glass
For loyalty, for love, for affection,
For your friendly family!
I wish you to live without boredom,
In harmony, joy, love.
I wish your grandchildren
You brought a lot of happiness!

SMS texts of congratulations satin wedding

24 years ago, succumbing to your charm, I traded my girlish freedom for a quiet family life, kids and housekeeping. And you know what? I am absolutely happy! Happy Atlas Anniversary to you, dear!

On the day of your Atlas wedding, I wish both of you to always see and appreciate in your spouse what you loved him for. Your marriage is made in heaven!

Your union has been going on for 24 years, you have wonderful children, the house is a full bowl ... So what kind of "marriage" is this? This is the highest grade! I wish you to continue to keep the brand! Happy wedding!

You have been together for 24 years now. And this is a long time, it's a lot! We're glad you're doing well. We are happy that you have been together for so long. We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary. We want to keep it that way.

You have already lived together for 24 years. Good round date. And we wish happiness for many years, so that in thirty years you will be there again.

For many years it is joyful to live, to love faithfully and be loved, not to know misfortune and grief in life - that's what I want to wish you. Happy Atlas Wedding Anniversary!

Precious metals and stones - only beautiful names eternal love, many years of fidelity and constant desire to be near. No value in the world can change that. Happy Satin Wedding Anniversary!

My only one! You and I have lived together for 24 years. As many more years will pass, and I will love you as faithfully and tenderly as now.

Every year - a platoon. Each decade is a larger division. Every anniversary - I look at the reason. So command this parade for as long as possible and without fail together! Happy Satin Wedding!

We do not tell you - be happy: you can do it without us. We do not say to you - be healthy: today confirms this best. We tell you simply: Happy Atlas Wedding Anniversary!

SMS texts of congratulations on the 24th wedding anniversary

We are glad that you have been together for 24 years. You are happy because you are together. We wish that this happiness pursues you to the end.

Oh, how beautiful is our union! Everyone will agree with me. I am absolutely not afraid that he will someday become dusty. Happy Anniversary, Happy Satin Wedding!

Happy Atlas Anniversary married life! Live happily and amicably, have everything you need in life, keep the fire of holy love until the platinum wedding!

Congratulations on your Satin Wedding Anniversary! May there be many more such anniversaries, and the number of those celebrating is growing year by year. Let grandchildren and great-grandchildren take care of you, like the apple of their eye, with joy and love!

Congratulations on your Satin Wedding Anniversary. Be happy, healthy and also love each other until the Platinum wedding. Let the care of your children give you longevity!

Congratulations on your Atlas wedding anniversary, we wish your family to always live in love and understanding, then happiness cannot be avoided! Be faithful and do not forget the first meetings!

Congratulations to the most loving guys on the Atlas wedding anniversary! I wish you to be a single organism all your life, until old age. You can do it!

Happy Satin Wedding! You lived together for more than one year. Everything in life was joy, anxiety. Whiskey already turned white from worries, but together you walked along the road. We wish you to live in such fidelity until the platinum wedding!

Happy Atlas Wedding Anniversary! Let your Friendly family let's go a long way together! May there never be resentment and tears in your home, but only joy and ringing laughter!

Happy Atlas Wedding Anniversary! May it never be such that all dreams come true, and all the best in the past. No matter how old you are, if you are together, you are happy, and you will always find something to dream about together!

24 years have passed since the happiest and most unforgettable event in the life of the spouses, it's time to celebrate another anniversary. During this period, much has been passed, and joy and sorrow were divided in half. Therefore, no one doubts the strength and sincerity of feelings between two loving hearts. The symbol of this wedding anniversary is an atlas. This is a very beautiful, delicate, light and at the same time durable material that characterizes the relationship between husband and wife, emphasizes their ability to yield to each other and shows the tenderness and warmth that they feel. And ahead of the spouses is waiting for more than one solemn date.

From relatives and friends is, of course, good. But the best and romantic option– arrange a dinner for two within the walls of your cozy home. Decorate the room, you can even add rose petals to the decor, turn on quiet and pleasant music, light candles. It is better for the couple to celebrate this anniversary in private. If there is a desire to celebrate her outside the home, then the wife can wear satin dress in which she will be irresistible and at the same time elegant, and the husband can emphasize the symbolism with a tie made of the same material. Friends can confine themselves to verbal congratulations by phone, send a postcard or SMS in which they write touching poems with wishes. If you still want to give a more substantial gift, then you can opt for a set of chic bed linen. pleasant surprise for them will be tickets to an interesting event.

Poems 24 years of marriage

Fate winds like a beautiful ribbon -
Here comes the satin wedding!
I wish you good luck and happiness,
To bypass any misfortune.

May only the best be in your life,
Let the fun not decrease in the house!
Evenly and passionately let the hearts beat
And love never leaves!

Congratulations, you have lived together for 24 years -
You have been through a lot together.
Survived hardships, all sorts of hardships,
And before the satin wedding today you came.

I congratulate you on your satin wedding,
I wish you to be together for many long years.
Let your life become a heavenly estate,
I wish you happiness, many years without troubles.

There are many round anniversaries in the world,
People, events, the most important dates.
But today our souls are very warm
A satin wedding is an indestructible fact!
Congratulations, young again,
We wish you to live both in affection and in warmth.
Fly through life as if on wings
Love to lay satin on the ground.

I will tie a gift with a satin ribbon,
What is in this gift, now I will tell you:
In it, the joint aroma of intoxicating,
And a crystal star over your destiny.
There is a rustle of leaves, pure children's laughter,
There are failures, victories and success.
So live on, cherishing love!
Let your soul sing with happiness!

A little to the silver has not yet reached.
Congratulations on your satin wedding.
For almost a quarter of a century, you stretched the wedding,
And every year you shine, as if for the first time.
Nice to see you so happy
Nice to see that love is alive!
Let's shout "Bitter", let it spin
From kisses again the head!

You lived together without sorrow;
God bless you and live without hassle -
You have celebrated so many anniversaries!
Look, it's only a year before the silver one:
No one will say that in vain
Two dozen happy years!
Well, happy satin anniversary!
Forever love to you and advice!

24 - the term is already considerable,
You have met many different things in your life,
But on this day, forget about everything
We will sing an ode to the satin wedding!

Let your loyalty guide your fate,
You created that imperishability out of love,
Which lives always in the hearts,
Which cannot be expressed in words

After all, this is a gift - to keep feelings for each other,
Being happy is an art
You keep improving it.
After all, there is nothing more important than family!

Wishes, congratulations
They already sound in the apartment,
The family notes
Already 24.

Atlas of this glorious wedding
May it bring good luck.
Live in love and understanding
No problem and no worries.

That's holiday date came,
We wish you, my friends,
Peace and tranquility, idyll
In your life for all years.

Be patient with each other
Do not waste ardent words,
After all, everyone knows that the family to destroy
Easier than always returning later.

You love, trust, wait,
Get a little frivolous
So that you can do things
As before in early years.

Congratulations guys on your 24th birthday family life. You have a satin wedding today, and I sincerely wish you the same light, smooth and shiny joint later life how tender satin fabric. Let 2 be the number that symbolizes you - always together and for one, let 4 be the number that symbolizes the 4 cardinal directions, from which the wind of happy changes will constantly blow in your direction. Health to your family and frequent bright holidays.

Do you have a reason to celebrate?
And there is certainly a reason.
Satin wedding anniversary!
It is an honor for us to be guests on it.

We wish you prosperity
Great love for another hundred years
There is a reason for joy
But for despondency, definitely not!

Your family is now 24,
With this holiday, with great fun!
Be the most contented in the world,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!

Wedding Satin lightness gives you
And in relationships - smoothness and harmony.
May nothing ever make you sad,
Children love you, granddaughters - amuse!

Delicate smooth satin
It flows like a waterfall under the weight.
Aesthetic full embellishment,
He hints at the beauty of love.
You've been through a lot of years together.
Full 24 passed,
Your feelings are strong and durable.
May you never be stung
Disappointment and adversity.
You family good weather.

An amazing reason has gathered us today -
You have an anniversary of unquestionable love.
So let everyone around give you smiles,
Let trouble and mistakes bypass your house.

Let life be like atlas soft and smooth,
Kisses are filled with passionate and sweet,
May the family prosper long years -
You are always together, under any weather!

Today you celebrate a satin wedding,
And it seems as if you got married yesterday,
May every moment give you happiness,
And talk to each other about love words!

Let everything be as before
The husband will sing a serenade to his wife outside the window,
And his beloved wife will wait for him in the hope
About love now you think alone!

For twenty four years with you
We have become a real strong family!
We have love and respect
Mutual gratitude and patience.

We are happy that we have passed this way,
But there are still new ways in the future
Beautiful, bright, interesting,
Various and wonderful!

Oh how sweet she is
Our wedding is satin!
Life is wonderful with you!
Everything goes by itself.

Twenty - plus four years old,
How we got married
And now we're just like that
We won't part with you!

Atlas is a great occasion
A great reason to be a wife
I want to confess to you again
In love for you big and unearthly.

Do you remember our snowboards?
And sleds, skis and skates?
How fun, how loud it was,
How did we laugh heartily?

In the spring we went to the parks,
She always made me laugh
I want nothing to change
Let at least forty-two pass.

It's not yet silver anniversary which is celebrated in noisy company, but the date is still quite serious. It is believed that during this time the joint life of the young should have become smooth and beautiful, like the atlas itself. Children by this time are already growing up and often leave the family, difficulties are far behind and the couple can enjoy a carefree life.

Few guests are invited to a 24-year wedding. They include friends and relatives who know everything about the couple's life. It is advisable that everyone bring a silk piece to the house. It does not matter whether it will be a thing, a piece of furniture or just a ribbon on a festive package.

The 24th wedding anniversary is of particular importance for the couple themselves. This is the time when it is necessary to refresh the senses, and the more spectacular the young people come up with, the better. Bouquets of expensive roses, tender gifts, a homemade cake with wishes is a classic of the celebration, which everyone can diversify at their discretion.

Wedding traditions for 24 years of marriage

There are few rules for celebrating a small celebration, but they exist. If you want to celebrate your 24th wedding anniversary perfectly, follow these guidelines:

  1. Atlas should be the predominant material in young people's clothing. A silk dress, shirt, tie is the perfect choice.
  2. The table setting should be dominated by satin. It is not necessary that the tablecloth be satin (although this option is ideal), decorative napkins, ribbons on appliances or flowers, and small decorative materials are enough.
  3. 24 years - perfect time For warm wishes and family memories. Prepare a family album with photos, a wish book, share warm memories with loved ones, tell guests about the most important points. This will make the holiday home and memorable.
  4. If there is a small secret in reserve that can please the spouse, a satin wedding - right time tell a secret. Let there be no more reticences in life that can make the common path not so smooth and lasting.

How to celebrate your 24th wedding anniversary

According to the rules, a satin wedding should be a quiet event. The ideal option is modest gatherings in a restaurant with a soulmate. It is not necessary to take children to the event, on the contrary, it is advisable to leave the couple alone without friends and relatives, so that they again plunge into romantic atmosphere first dates.

For lovers of home celebrations, a satin wedding gives a wonderful opportunity to visit children and grandchildren, to gather everyone for common table. Remember: the celebration must remain quiet. No fanciful dishes and decorations - only homemade recipes, classic serving and a maximum of silk ribbons in the home interior.

According to the rules, a gift for the 24th wedding anniversary should not be too pretentious. Try to choose things that are pleasant and memorable for a person, but remain very personal. There are no other requirements for organizing the celebration.

What to give for a 24th wedding anniversary

The anniversary is just around the corner, but you don't know what they give for a satin wedding? Not scary. The main thing to remember: a gift for satin anniversary must match the theme of the wedding. There are a few spectacular ideas satin wedding gifts that everyone will love:

  1. Silk tie - perfect option for women choosing worthy gift to your spouse. If you want a souvenir to be remembered, it is advisable to pick up a thing from famous designers good, everything famous fashion designers produce many original accessories for men. You can complement the gift with a silk handkerchief in the color of the tie.
  2. Beloved wife is supposed to give a silk nightgown or other quality linen. If you are not sure about the preferences of the spouse and her size, you can choose a silk handbag. Today they are especially popular. Opt for gold, silver or black models classical form They will go with any evening outfit.
  3. Those who are invited to the anniversary of friends can be advised to choose a tablecloth as a gift or decorative napkins. special gift can become bedding made of satin. However, if you don't know the couple well enough, it's best not to risk it.
  4. Silk clothing can be a luxurious option for many couples. Beautiful dresses, fashionable blouses, spectacular Men's shirts under cufflinks - this is an incomplete list of suitable things. Of course, you need to be careful with such a present - if you are not sure about the size of the thing or the tastes of your soulmate, it is better to take something neutral.
  5. Silk souvenirs, including artificial flowers, dolls and other things - neutral gifts for the heroes of the occasion. They can be offered to the newlyweds by both relatives and close friends.

When choosing a gift for a satin wedding, you need to take into account the taste of the young, their personal needs, the style of the interior, and so on. And, of course, they always remain an appropriate present for an anniversary. beautiful flowers, good wishes and other surprises for the young.

Satin wedding married couple celebrates exactly 24 years from the date of marriage. Satin is a light and smooth fabric, this is exactly how family relationships should be after such a long period. life together. It is believed that all the difficulties are already behind, the children have grown up, life is arranged - all that remains is to enjoy what has been achieved and maintain the fire of love for later life.

Usually this anniversary is celebrated together or with children. To please parents and give them the opportunity to spend an evening together, children can present movie tickets as a gift or book a table for the newlyweds in a cafe.

According to tradition, a husband can give his wife a satin nightgown or an evening bag, and she can give him nice shirt or a tie. As suitable gift napkins or a satin tablecloth are suitable for friends, and if you have time and desire, you can do beautiful roses from bright satin ribbons.

Like a satin track
Spread for twenty years
And just a little more
Only four, no secret!

Let the roads run ahead
Let them carry away the years
Let there be many acquaintances
And love is always the same!

Let there be health in the family,
Let harmony reign
Let expanse awaits everywhere,
And may God bless!

The satin ribbon will lie for years -
Those that you side by side passed together.
Will bind all sorrows, troubles, hardships
And it will carry away so that you can go freely.

Twenty-four is a serious date!
Devotion, happiness she absorbed.
Worth more than world gold
Your love, which, as before, is tender!

Congratulations on your satin wedding. In 24 years, you have managed to build a strong happy family, and this is a great achievement that deserves sincere congratulations, admiration and respect. wish your further joint path to the silver top was bright and smooth satin ribbon good luck, prosperity, prosperity and love.

Congratulations on your wedding date!
Let not round, so what!
Twenty years yes plus four -
Not everyone can endure!

Like satin is strong and smooth
your thoughts, your feelings,
We wish you sweet life
Let there be no place for sadness!

A little more and a quarter of a century
Will live for two.
You are two lucky people
You won't find them in the world.

The satin wedding has come,
But we know that there is no limit
For you. We hasten to congratulate you
We wish you many important things

You commit more together,
And celebrate anniversaries.
We wish you lovely grandchildren
What else can you dream of?

Like a smooth fabric shine,
your tender feelings radiance,
May happiness go to heaven
Will invite you on a date!

You've been together for 20 years
And 4 more years.
You - happy long years
And in the family without thunderstorms!

You are bright, satiny! You are a miracle of miracles!
We wish you a joyful and clean life, as from heaven.
Let it be sweet, warm and good at home ...
And you will live together for another hundred and twenty years!

Family birthday - twenty-four years ...
You have already understood that the main thing is not money, not the weather,
And only the laughter of children and the best person,
Which is close, next to stay for a century!

You carried love through the years
Look at each other with tenderness,
We reached the satin wedding by the hand,
So, let's go to the golden one!

Soul to soul, hand to hand
Getting rid of adversity
Drive away fear and boredom
Always together, only forward!

Congratulations on your satin wedding
I wish you many years to live.
Know no troubles, no quarrels, no grief,
Buy an estate for you by the sea.

So that grandchildren please the eye,
You would not be forgotten.
With all my heart I wish you happiness
So that bad weather does not overtake you.