Essay on the topic: "what should a true friend be?". What should be a close friend: the main qualities

The life of any person is not easy. It is difficult to live it alone, without support, understanding, support. Everyone needs . Who is he?

How does friendship come about? How is a person capable of becoming close? Usually spontaneous. After all, you can't force someone to be friends, right? It will not be possible to arouse sympathy in a person if it did not originate in his heart.

A common team can contribute to the emergence of friendship. Only such relationships are under great threat. A real friend is acquired, but disappears as soon as this very team breaks up, or interests change. Such people are called simply acquaintances.

So what should a friend be like? In short, the answer will be: “The best!”. Just what exactly is included in this definition? Each person has his own criteria for friendship, desires and ideas. AT this issue laws, requirements or prohibitions cannot be established. We will not allow a similar approach when choosing a friend.

Distinguishing a real friend from a casual friend and acquaintance is quite simple if you listen to your heart and carefully look at the actions of a comrade.

Everything is simple. true friend has certain qualities that will not manifest itself in relationships with other people. So, what are the features in question?

Loyalty and reliability

Knows how to keep secrets, does not discuss you behind your back, does not spread rumors. He will not allow people around him to talk ugly about his friend. He is absolutely reliable. Relations with a true friend are distinguished by honesty and stability. In addition, such a person:

  • knows how to keep his promises;
  • does not fail;
  • sincere;
  • hospitable;

Honesty and Trust

These are the main ingredients. Without them, the relationship cannot be considered as such. Being honest with your comrade in any situation is very important, even if the truth turns out to be bitter. In the relationship of friends there is no place for falsehood. With a friend, you can share whatever you want. Friendship implies complete trust.

Ability to forgive and listen

A true comrade has a priceless gift. He knows how to listen when needed. Can forgive if necessary. We must remember that no one is perfect. Failure to forgive kills friendship. Having harbored indignation, resentment, it will not be possible to build a trusting relationship. You can be honest with a friend. Strong man knows how to forgive other people's mistakes, be tolerant and tolerant.

A true friend not only shares the problems that have arisen, but also shows interest in the events in the life of a friend. He always lets his interlocutor speak out, does not interrupt him.

Be able to listen - important indicator, indicating the sincerity of the relationship between friends.

Support and care

A significant quality is the ability and desire to provide support and care. Without them trusting relationship can not be. He will always support, both in grief and in joy, even if he does not share and does not understand your act. He is absolutely disinterested. If possible, a friend is ready to fulfill the instructions of a comrade, to give wise advice.

Respect and empathy

Mutual respect should be the foundation of any relationship. Friendship is no exception. It’s comfortable in the company of a friend, it’s not scary to be frank. A friend will always try to understand, support, lend his shoulder. He will not allow himself to be familiar and will always respect the individuality of a friend. Besides, a true friend ready to reckon with your actions, accept them as a fact, without judging. Every person has flaws. However, it is the friend who will try to reconcile with them.

You can talk for a long time on the topic of relationships, give a description. However, everyone decides and chooses for himself. It is important for someone that he shares his interests, for example, he was fond of fishing or skiing. Someone prefers to communicate with people of their profession. Such friendship also has a right to exist.

Most importantly, relationships are built on trust and respect. That's the only way to get them through. long years and maybe for the rest of your life. Neither temporary distance, nor misunderstanding, nor the emergence of other interests can destroy such a "foundation". Even at a distance, a true friend will remain the closest and dearest person.

Friendship is something that no person on our planet can do without. Everyone wants to have real friends. And we are talking about friends, relations with which are based on equality and disinterestedness, and not about those who maintain relations with you only for their own benefits.

To begin with, you must realize that the planets and stars revolve not only around you, and you are not the center of the universe. Become simpler and understand that you are surrounded by exactly the same people as you. You must learn to talk to them without arrogance, prejudice, contempt.

It goes without saying that to completely avoid conflict situations no one can, but it is necessary to try to make sure that they are resolved as quickly as possible. If quarrels are a normal model of communication for you, then there is no need to talk about any friendship.

One of the main distinctive features a good friend is that he will never reveal other people's secrets to anyone.

If a person, right and left, tells the secrets that other people have entrusted to him, not a single person will want to have anything to do with him.

Mandatory quality of someone who is interested in how to become a good friend, should be the ability to provide support and sympathy to loved ones. If necessary, you should be the first to offer help from your side, and not wait until you are asked for it.

For those who want to learn how to make friends themselves and make good friends, we can recommend following tips :
1. The first thing you need to do is to accept yourself with all your features. If you can’t do this, how will others be able to accept you?
2. When you accept yourself, you realize that you are ready to accept others. Everyone has their own flaws, but don't be too hard on others and remember that you aren't perfect either.

3. Try to make time for people close to you and important to you. Very often this is difficult to do because of things that seem more important to you. However, if communication moves to the top of your list of life priorities, you will have time for everything.

4. Learn to listen to people. Despite its apparent simplicity, the art of listening to people is very complex. Very often we miss the information that the interlocutors tell us during the conversation. If you want to become a good friend, then you must pay attention to everything that others tell you.

6. Do not forget that for each issue, any individual person has his own own point vision, which seems to him the most correct. A true friend will always take this circumstance into account and, instead of trying to convince someone, will first try to understand his thoughts.

7. In order to become closer to someone, you need to find common ground with him and common interests. This will help you set up friendly relations. To search common themes has not become something difficult and impossible for you, you must constantly work on yourself, constantly expanding your horizons.

8. The most important thing you should always remember is that if someone close to you needs help, you should not wait until you are asked for it. You simply must take the initiative in your own hands and do everything to help your friends in difficult situations for them.

A variety of things can happen in our life. unpleasant events. So, we can get divorced, part with a loved one, lose a job, etc. In moments like these, I want to count on someone's support. You are very lucky if you have best friend who will do their best to help you and get you back on track. After all real friendship is really strong. It cannot be affected by time or distance. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the signs that you have an ideal best friend. If you make sure that there is such a person next to you, then do everything in your power to never break contact with him, because you are incredibly lucky!

Nothing changes in your relationship, even if you don't see each other for a very long time.

Fate can be different. So, you can leave for a couple of years to work in another city or even a country. Of course, you won't be able to see your buddy several times a week. This is the normal state of affairs. However, when you return home, you will realize that nothing has changed between you during the separation. You will be just as fun and funny to spend time together as before.

Ready to help at any time

Happen in our life different situations. So, we can find ourselves on a bad date and not know how to leave it, or we can lose our wallet and be left with no money to travel home. In this case, all that remains is to call your best friend, and he will rush to your aid.

A true friend will never let you suffer alone.

When you have hard times, he will be next to you every minute. And no matter what you do - dance all night in a disco, cry in a fast food cafe or sit in front of the TV on the couch, your friend will keep you company.

A friend will always have your back

A good friend will always tell you if he hears someone say bad things about you. The best friend himself will react and with dignity answer these people to insults addressed to you. Even if you do stupid mistake he will protect you. After all, this is the duty of a best friend.

You can always ask him to be with you.

If you are overcome in the middle of the night negative thoughts and worries that keep you awake, then calling to ask you to talk or meet will not anger your best friend. After all, he understands that without a good reason you would not bother him at such an hour. And if you already went for it, it means that the matter is really serious.

You may not have the same tastes, but you compromise

For example, your friend loves documentaries, and you are set to watch a light comedy in the evening. True friends won't fight over this. Most likely, they will decide to watch both films in the evening.

You don't like the same people

Surely, if you went to school or university together, you disliked the same classmates or students. However, such emotional connection has another level. So, for example, if a guy dumped your girlfriend, then you will be angry with him a little less than she is. And it is unlikely that you will miss the opportunity to express your attitude to him.

Your friend will do anything to make you smile, even if you don't feel like doing it.

If you don't want to leave the house anywhere, and you feel overwhelmed, then a real friend will visit you every day and come up with something to cheer you up. And in the end, he will make you smile and even laugh.

They tell the truth, not what you want to hear

After a few cocktails and a couple of shots of vodka, you can declare that now is the time to send a text message to your ex boyfriend. A friend will let you do it. But real friend will simply take your phone away from you and prevent you from doing something stupid that you will regret only a few hours later.

A true friend is willing to listen to your problems over and over again.

He will always have the patience to listen to the story of your breakup with a partner for the thousandth time. A true friend will not refuse to be a "vest" and wipe your tears, even if you already know absolutely everything about his problems. When it comes to advice and assessment of the situation, he will assure you for the hundredth time that you amazing person and that your ex was very stupid to leave you.

(1) Of course, it is easy for readers, because they are not tormented by creative searches. (2) But have you ever thought about the torment experienced by a person who writes a virtuous Easter story ?!

(3) After all, firstly, all topics have already been exhausted, parodies on topics are tired: what are you going to invent here? ..

(4) I have a friend who is a novelist who does not pursue success, fashion, or money ...

(5) And somehow on holy week I saw that my friend was upset or agitated about something. (6) Trying not to hurt his author's pride, I brought him to the point that he told me the following:

- (7) The editor comes to me. (8) And what's worse is my real, good friend ...

- (9) For God's sake, an Easter story!

(10) I meekly and convincingly turn the button of his jacket and in the most gentle voice I say to him:

- (11) You yourself are a writer and you know as well as I that everything easter themes already used.

- (12) At least something, - he draws dejectedly, - for example ... "Inkwell" ?!

- (13) Only very short-sighted people choose objects standing near them for examples and comparisons! ..

(14) This hurts him to the core, and he pours out of a bag:

- (15) "Booth", "Cypress", "Palais Royal", "Lily of the valley". (16) Don't like it? (17) Well, finally, "Grass"? ..

- (18) Yeah, “Grass”? .. (19) Stop! .. (20) This is already something spring and good for Easter. (21) Let's think seriously about weed! ..

(22) A friend's face is drawn out. (23) I tell him in the most gentle voice:

- (24) Wait ... do not despair! (25) There are a lot of herbs, let's take Watercress ...

- (26) "Cress"? he repeats dejectedly, like a wooden parrot.

- (29) Sorry, this already belongs to the field of veterinary medicine!

(30) I caught up with him already in the front, when he, angry, put his feet into galoshes and put on his hat.

- (31) We must write seriously, - he said. - (32) Of course, I do not have a gift ... (33) But if I wrote, I would write simply. (34) Do you remember how you and I - you were eleven years old, and I was ten - how we ate prosvirki and some small pimples in the garden of the children's hospital?

- (35) Of course, I remember!

- (36) Do you remember spurge?

- (37) And horse sorrel?

(38) We both fell silent.

(39) And suddenly our disgraced official educational institution tenderness... boarding school... Froebel system... nit-picking class mentors... mutual espionage... abused childhood...

- (40) Do you remember, - he said and suddenly burst into tears, - but do you remember the green loose fence? (41) Burdocks and deaf nettles grow near it ... (42) There is always shade and dampness. (43) And some unusually golden, or rather, bronze beetles crawl over the burdocks.

- (44) Do you also remember: suddenly a ray will slip, dew will play on the leaves? .. (45) How thick it smells of greenery! (46) You won’t move away from this Moscow fence! (47) Like diamonds, dew drops are burning ... (48) A long, thin, white worm, twisting the earth, crawls out ... (49) Of course, it is beautiful, because we put it on a bent pin and threw it into the street puddle, believing that we will catch a fish! (50) Well, tell me: is it possible to write this? (51) Then we looked clear, with simple eyes, and the world trustingly opened up for us: animals, birds, flowers ... (52) And if we love and feel something, then this is only a pathetic reflection of childhood impressions.

- (53) So, therefore, there will be no story? the editor asked.

- (54) Isn't everything we talked about a story? (55) So, after all, naive, simple and affectionate? ..

(56) The editor hugged me and kissed me.

- (57) What are you ... - he said, but did not finish, his eyes moistened, and he quickly turned and left, accompanied by the cheerful barking of my dear friends - St. Bernard dogs ...

(According to A.I. Kuprin)*

* Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich (1870-1938) is a Russian writer who addressed a wide democratic audience with his work. Cheerfulness, humanism, the plastic power of descriptions, the richness of language make Kuprin one of the most widely read writers today.

"download" and calmly "exit". And forget about its existence until the next time. Meanwhile, thousands of people live online as in parallel world, and this world is, unfortunately, much more important for them than the one where they study, work, eat, sleep, meet family and friends. The world of the Internet is inhabited by people - real and fictional. It gives you the opportunity to run away from your appearance, gender, age, ethnic background. A person has a desire to realize the ideal "I", throw out aggression, impress others, gain power over others. As a rule, one who has thoroughly settled on the Internet, in real life has difficulty communicating. A person is suspicious, anxious and withdrawn, painfully reacts to the slightest setbacks, and attractive appearance deprived. But in the "virtual" can appear as a prince on a white horse. The anonymity, the mystery of the image is an explanation of why virtual novels are so common in the network environment. In addition, anonymity helps to evade responsibility: communication can be interrupted at any time, which is not so easy to do in life. An attempt to meet an Internet lover often turns into the end of a romance. In a personal meeting, you will always see a completely different person, his real image will not correspond to the virtual one. And this discrepancy is not due to the fact that the person lied to you. He deceived himself first of all. Even if we strive very hard to stay sincere online, our online image begins to exist on its own. Of course, The World Wide Web makes it possible to live rich emotional life, gain communication experience, get rid of complexes. However, the ease of communication that the Internet gives, most often turns into real addiction from the network. And as a result, real life, communication become poorer. Sociologists and psychologists are increasingly asking the question: will virtual life become the future? social norm? Is it really a sad picture that awaits us: in ten or twenty years, the country will be inhabited entirely by hypocrites living in several virtual worlds? Or will it be unfortunate people who hid from real life, dependent on the Web, who left the real world for the sake of the ghostly world?

I have many friends. We have fun together. But not every friend is perfect. For me perfect friend- is the one who will always come to the rescue.

Once I got into a very unpleasant situation. In the summer I fell into the lake and got all my clothes wet. My parents were not at home, and I could not change into dry clothes. All the guys sympathized with me and told me to stand in the sun to dry quickly. Only Seryozha ran away somewhere. I decided that a friend decided to throw me in difficult situation. But a few minutes later Sergei brought me his dry clothes. I was able to change my clothes and continued to play on. Thanks to Serezha's act, I did not catch a cold, and my summer was not spoiled.

Then I realized that Serezha is my best friend. He figured out how to help me and saved me from trouble.

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