How to make lunar shellac. Performing lunar manicure shellac. Features of the lunar manicure and to whom it will suit

The fashion world does not stand still, and rapidly moving forward with large and small chains. Fashion on clothes, hairstyles, hair coloring changes rapidly. Even fashion for manicure is changing almost every day.

Today in the fashion elegant French manicure, tomorrow in fashion a contrast gradient on the nails, the day after tomorrow there will be something else in fashion. And these trends need to be taken into account not only by manicure crafts, but also to their clients. First, in order not to look old-fashioned, secondly, it is always nice to try something new one of the first.

Highly not ordinary manicure - Fashion trend

What is the name manicure with a hole?

Actually, moon manicure or manicure with holes is some alternative option familiar to all french manicure (Franch). Franch is when top part The nail is highlighted using a varnish of another color from the main color of the nail.

In the traditional version used varnish body-colored, white and transparent.

More modern option It implies the presence of more contrasting colors, additional patterns, gradients, rhinestones, sequins.

French manicure with rhinestones

Manicure with wells - allocation of the nail well from below to other color, rhinestones, sequins, than anything.

So, the main difference between the real Franch from the lunar manicure is that Franch implies the selection of the nail on top, and the lunar manicure is from below.

Traditional lunar manicure

Sometimes the masters use not semicircular wells, but triangular. Manicure is obtained stylish and unusual.

Some wizards at the request of customers can combine Lunar Manicure and Frenc. Then the very beautiful, fashionable, combined manicure is born. In such a manicure, you can add rhinestones, patterns and sequins. But you need to know the measure, since the abundance of small parts is strongly dispelled.

How to make lunar manicure at home: step by step instructions

Make the lunar manicure "how on the cover of the magazine" is not at all difficult. But such a manicure will require you some accuracy and understanding of the basic principles of creating a spectacular manicure.

Even if you are completely novice, it will be not difficult to create such a manicure if you follow all the advice below.

So, what will be required to create a manicure with wells

  • nail file
  • several cotton sponge
  • orange chopstick For nails
  • nail polish remover
  • tool for treating a finger in front of a manicure or something fat so that the lacquer is easily erased from the finger
  • two varnish color and colorless lacquer For securing work
  • special stencil (circle with hole inside)
  • patience

If you do everything right, you will have such a manicure at the exit.

Now the technology of creating a blue lunar manicure:

  1. Treat nail. With the help of a sawn, make the shape of your nail the perfect, and with the help of an orange stick to move the cuticle, degrease nail plate And put the base under varnish. Himself finger near the nail to handle special mixtureso that the lacquer caught on the skin can be easily removed
  2. On the prepared nail to apply a smooth layer of varnish base. In our case, it is a white varnish
  3. Now you need to put stencil, slightly standing for the bottom of the nail to get the crescent
  4. Lacquer than another color (in our case - blue) cover the remaining nail part without a stencil
  5. Secure the resulting manicure layer of colorless varnish

Tip! Apply a new layer of varnish solely after the layer of varnish is completely dry. Otherwise, the varnish will be covered with bubbles or simply will not drown, and your efforts will be in vain.

This is the easiest version of the lunar manicure. If you wish, you can use other varnish colors.

How exactly draw the wells on the nails gel with varnish or shellac?

Draw a flat pattern on the nails - a whole art that requires a maximum concentration from the master. Exception - if the stencil is used. There is enough accuracy.

But the hole on the nails should have perfect formOtherwise, the manicure will look cheap and inaccate. If you do not need such an effect, arrow with a brush, gel varnish and a lamp and ahead!

So that manicure with holes with a gel lacquer and shellaca came out "as it should", prepare:

  • two gel varnish, contrasting color
  • basis under gel varnish
  • tassel thin
  • lamp with UV rays
  • stencils for French manicure

Now the most interesting - what ways are there ways to draw an ideal well on the nail?

Method 1:

  • The outline of the future well to apply very thin tassel
  • Scroll to the well in 2 layers, each layer dried by 2-3 minutes
  • Then apply a colored coating above the well, reaching the border with it, and to do it in the same way

Method 2:

  • On the whole nail to apply color gel lacquer, dry well
  • On the dried layer of gel varnish to draw a brush well, fill the borders of the wells at the base of the lacquer of another color, dry
  • Complete manicure gel varnish, seal the coating

Method 3:

  • Note a place for the future well
  • On the entire nail to apply a color gel lacquer, be sure to dry. It is advisable to make two layers
  • Apply a lacquer of another color in the well, dry. Make two layers
  • Complete manicure gel varnish, seal the coating

These were the main ways to create a perfectly smooth well using a lacquer and shellaca gel. Above the method of creating a lunar manicure using a stencil. This method is also suitable for any type of varnish, not only the usual one.

How exactly draw the well on the nails acrylic paint?

The technique of applying the well acrylic paints does not differ from the technique of applying the gel varnish pattern or ordinary varnish.

To implement the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating moon acrylic manicure Prepare:

  • tassel
  • varnish basic, base under varnish, colorless varnish
  • dots (or need normal) maybe the toothpick
  • cotton woven disks
  • nail polish remover
  • acrylic paints

To make the lunar manicure with acrylic paints, follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare your nails: give them a form, move the cuticle, degrease the nail plate.
  2. Apply a layer of basic varnish and varnish the main color, let him dry.
  3. Now the thin tassel type acrylic paint the desired color, Note the boundaries of the future well, fill the well paint.
  4. Now Optional Step: With the help of Dotsa or Needle, you can make absolutely any drawing on the nails, in addition to the holes - monograms, flowers, butterflies.
  5. After the paint is driving, apply a layer of colorless varnish to secure work. This step is mandatory.

That's all. Manicure with wells with acrylic paints Ready! Such a manicure will last not so long as gel varnish, but still it is worth trying to do.

How exactly draw the lunar manicure with ordinary varnish?

The easiest way to draw wells with ordinary varnish - stencil. This method was described in detail above, so it makes no sense to write about it again.

Tip! If you do not have a special stencil for a French manicure, you can make it yourself from cardboard and scotch, or use a conventional isolate, painting tape or plastic coating plastics.

Creating a lunar manicure with a special stencil for Franch.

Lunar manicure with self-made stickers with ordinary varnish.

Moon manicure shellac with stencil

Shellac is a variety of lacquer gel, which combines the properties of the gel and ordinary varnish. Apply and shoot Shellac is also simple as the most ordinary varnish.

No special secrets and secrets to create a lunar manicure shellac, alas, do not exist. There is a proven shellaca application scheme that you need to take the basis and stick to it throughout the development of a manicure with holes.

  1. Give nail the necessary form, prepare it for coating shellac, pre-degreased
  2. Apply Shellac on the nail plate
  3. Secure Shellaka layer
  4. Manicure is ready

In just 5 steps, you can create a lunar manicure shellac. It is much faster than when using gel lacquer, because the latter need to be dried after each layer applied. Shellac does not require such a relationship.

How to make a manicure with triangular wells?

The manicure with triangular wells is somewhat different than a manicure with holes in the shape of a crescent. Nevertheless, even in this performance, the Moon manicure is quite simple and can almost anyone can make it.

So, to create a lunar triangular manicure you will need:

  • Two varnish different colors And one colorless varnish
  • Liquid removal fluid, cotton sponge
  • Two strips made of adhesive tape, scotch, patch, tape (to choose from)
  • Pilochka and an orange wand for giving nail shape
  • Time and patience

Step by step description of the process itself:

  • Prepare nail to applying a varnish: Treat the nail plate with a sawmatch, remove or move the cuticle using an orange or one for this procedure cotton wand, degrease nail with primer or ordinary means To remove varnish.
  • Apply the lacquer of the color that you would like to see in the area of \u200b\u200bthe well.
  • Now cut the thin strips of adhesive tape, the triangle stick them, as shown below in the diagram
  • That part of the nail, which is not closed by stripes, put on a lacquer of another color. Let dry lacquer. After that, remove the adhesive tape.
  • Secure the manicure with a small layer of colorless varnish.

How exactly paint the lunar manicure with a transparent well on short nails?

The very first version of the lunar manicure was as a transparent well. Later Women They began to invent ways how to make wells of different colors, because it looks in a new way.

Let's go back to the first option - the lunar manicure with a colorless (transparent) well. To create such a manicure perfectly smooth, you will need:

  • stencil
  • liquid removal fluid, wool or cotton disks
  • colorless varnish and color varnish (one bottle)
  • pilochka and Orange Wand


  1. Prepare your nails: give them the form, degrease and remove the cuticle.
  2. Apply a layer of colorless varnish, let him dry completely.
  3. Now attach to the base of the nail stencil, it is a future hole. All that above the stencil is filled with colored varnish. Give the lacquer completely dried.
  4. Now apply another layer of colorless varnish.
  5. Ready! The classic moon manicure with a transparent well will delight you for a long time!

How to draw double holes in a lunar manicure with a transparent strip?

Manicure Moon with a transparent strip - a more approximate option to the classic of all existing species Moon manicure.

For such a manicure, it will take significantly more time than for the standard, because the hole will have to draw as many as two times.

A set of materials that will need to create a lunar manicure with a transparent strip includes:

  • orange wand, cotton disk, saw
  • liquid removal fluid, sponge
  • two colored varnish and one varnish colorless
  • stencils for French manicure with thin inner boundaries than more stencils - all the better

Now about how to create a manicure with transparent wells:

  1. Purify the nail plate the desired form With the help of a saw, remove the cuticle.
  2. Now degrease your nail with help special tools or liquid for removing varnish.
  3. Apply a colorless varnish on the entire nail, let him dry.
  4. Now attach stencil so that it ended in a place where the hole will begin.
  5. The first color varnish fasten the top area (where the edge of the nail).
  6. The second lacquer fill the area of \u200b\u200bthe well (if desired, you can use only one varnish).
  7. Now let each lacquer dry and secure the coating thin layer Colorless varnish.

Take note! Very often there are variants of manicure, in which the transparent strip is filled with rhinestones or sparkles. In this case, it is not necessary to apply a method that has just been described above. You can make an ordinary manicure with holes, and on the border of the wells to apply rhinestones or sequins.

Moon manicure ideas: Photo

The article describes not all variants of the lunar manicure, but only the simplest. More complex options Manicure with wells are shown below.

Black and gold color - excellent festive or weekend combination. The black color is strict, it is perfectly complemented by the golden overflows of sequins.

A few years ago a trend appeared - a combination matte varnish With metal elements, which used foil or special lacquer with a metal effect. Gentle Moon Manicure Bright Blue Moon Manicure

Video: Lunar manicure 4 ways to draw a hole! Nail design!

new-fashioned phenomenonwhich is increasingly in taste to modern fashionable. Retro manicure now that season does not go off pages fashionable glossThe beauty salons are successfully replicated by a new-fashioned tendency in the sphere of their services.

We offer in detail to figure out how to make the lunar manicure shellac at home. Overtime self-hard technique You will be able to surprise those around the unique "Hollywood manicure" worthy of a red carpet.

Undoubtedly, in order to use Shellac coating, you need to purchase special equipment . But believe me that such an investment will pay off in a short time!

After all, the design of the lunar manicure with the help of shellac much longer retains his original viewWhat will help save you on salon procedures.

Materials required for lunar manicure

Depending on the design you may need various materials . But the generals are as follows:

  • shellac of any colors and shades;
  • protective base under;
  • protective covering;
  • classical manicure set for nail processing;

As additional Materials With which you can embody the ideas of the moon manicure of the Shellac, given in this article just below, you will need:

  • special glitter for manicure (glitter);
  • acrylic paint;
  • little tassel with a fan short pile;
  • toothpick;
  • bullies different flowers and shades;
  • decorative.

Technology for creating lunar manicure shellac

To begin with, we need bring your handles in order. Believe me, no new-fashioned nail design will save non-accurate and untidy hands. That's why step-by-step instruction Provides the following actions:

  1. Clean the nail plate From the residues of a varnish coating using a lacquer removal tool.
  2. Cut or spill your nails, giving them the desired form. It should be immediately noted that the lunar manicure gel is especially impressive on marigolds classic oval form . All the irregularities of the nail plate we remove with a peel for grinding.
  3. Preparing relaxing Hand Bathin which you can add a few drops essential oil Roses, jasmine and pinch sea salt. Such a healing cocktail will help carefully to care for their hands, feeding the skin with useful trace elements.
  4. Since the lunar manicure special attention attracts to the base of the nail (LUNUL), then work carefully cuticula zone mitigatingAnd then gradually remove the surplus with manicure scissors or tongs.
  5. Before you depict the lunar manicure with the shellac, it is necessary to carefully degrease the nail plate.
  6. Now getting staining. Depending on the selected design, we apply to the nail color, which is selected for the lunula. It can be like a transparent base (creates an effect of a short-hearted nail) or Shellac contrast color. "Bake" layer of varnish 2 minutes in UV lamp.
  7. For those who do not boast of drawings of perfectly smooth contours, we advise you to use in advance prepared distractions for manicure. The lunar manicure of the shellac is allowed both in the standard and reverse position of the stencil, which gives two opposite effects in the smile image. So, we have stencil so that it covers the Lunula zone, and the free area is staining the main tone of the manicure.
  8. Remove stencils And you dry your nails in UV lamp. When applying multiple Shellac layers, do not forget to dry your nails after each coating.
  9. Covered nails secureDrinking.
  10. Now we apply a moisturizing cream on your hands and make self-massage palms.

Master class, how to make lunar manicure Shellac See on video:

Shellac admits different decorative elements In the nail decoration: Colored painting, rhinestones, drawings, beads.

Lenuly drawing form may be a standard or reverse smile, triangular or rectangular shape, transparent or matte. Especially spectacular on the nails, a combination of metal varnishes with a matte basis is found.

One of the innovations of the current season is the combination of lunar and. Such a design lunny Frenc It looks very impressive on the nails, especially performed by contrasting colors.

Application scheme Such a nyl-design is practically no different from the above, and is absolutely executed with their own hands.

Only besides staining the lunula, you will need to cry alternately. contrast tint also tip nogot. He can coincide with the lunar, so be completely different - it all depends on your imagination.

Note that lunny Franch Manicure visually shortens nailsTherefore, it is recommended for execution on long nails.

Master class how to make Lunar Frenc Manicure Shellak Look at the video:

Much of popularity in Art Neil Art acquired Lunar manicure Shellac. By itself, the lunar manicure is not a novelty and originates since the 20s, when the fashionista of those years did not paint the base of the nail plates. Later famous Kuturier Dior revived the design forgotten on its show. Then the models came to the podium already with an improved lunar Neil Art.

Among the representatives of the wonderful sex, manicure shellac is enjoyed in great demand. Shellac - varnished coatwhich keeps on the nail plates for a long time. It is suitable for thin and brush nails, prone to bundle. it excellent option For those who appreciate time. This gel hybrid and varnish has a strengthening and shock absorbing effect, protects the nails from the effects of external factors.

Creating a lunar shellaci-based manicure

Shellac is a durable coating and has a wide flower palette. It does not include harmful substancesWhat makes it absolutely harmless to health.

Such manicure will suit Even pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Now this technique Available not only in beauty salons, but at home. Fantasia of paints is limitless here. You can choose 2 varnish of any color to your taste, and you can do it and one, simply leaving the space at the base is not painted.

To perform the lunar manicure shellac at home, needed:

  • lamp for drying gel;
  • 1 or 2 Shellac selected color;
  • thin tassel;
  • stencil;
  • fixer;
  • nail file.

I give our nail to the sawn shape to our nails. We apply on the nail surface of gel varnish basic color And we dry under the UV lamp 2 minutes. If you use in your design only one shade, before applying the main layer, put on the nail stencil and fill the nail plate. Lunul leave an imbreakable one. If you want to make a two-color design, then the stencils impose on top of the base color and with the help of a tassel draw a smile. With confident in your capabilities, you can do without a stencil, using only a brush.

Is it time to go to a relatively distant past? Let no time have time. Of course, we are not about domestic music group! These musicians, like any other, will not help in a difficult business for the care of women's nails. It is about the most incredible popular and stylish lunar manicure, which again entered the fashion.

In the forties of the last century, charming had their own marks with such a luxurious manicure. And now, finally came true! You can not forget this "old". Moreover, when according to the current mods of fashion, it was "new" again. And this means that the actual flow of fashion and the giving the invaluable self-confidence of each modern seductive!

Of course, the wizards will be asked to post a round sum for such a bright and resistant manicure. But it is worth looking at this disgrace, in terms of payment for the treatment of teeth in private and state dentists, for example. Who will go to private dentistry, where they can't even be touched? So with the lunar manicure, which is urgently needed by each of the fashionistas, is out of doubt. In "State Dentistry" will not understand, ask the girl to make it cheaper to the lunar manicure. Still would! Accordingly, everyone will have to do ... Well, who will do better? Especially, having such video tutorials of manicure at hand.

Nail design: Moon manicure (gel varnish)!

Moon manicure gel varnish!

A selection of video lessons on the lunar manicure gel varnish for beginners:

Below is a whole selection step-by-step video The lessons of the lunar manicure gel varnish for beginners, which will undoubtedly teach you something necessary and useful. Squares from the video are small, click "Full screen" or double-click on the video for a more convenient viewing.

Now it is very fashionable to complete the lunar manicure to use Shellak. The name of this manicure was obtained thanks to the technology at which the tool is applied to the nail: to highlight the lunula, a contrast lacquer is used.

This method ultimately leads not only to spectacular appearanceBut also to resistance, because the shellac allows the coating to be saved for three to four weeks.

If there is deficiencies in the coating after soaring the gel varnish, they can be fixed a bit. It is not necessary to scare a spoiled view - everything is fixed with the finish coating. After its application, the nails are dried by a lamp for two minutes.

It is worth noting

If it seems that the manicure does not have enough contrast, you can use add-ons. For example, along the wells you can apply a line with paint for nails or ordinary varnish. They can easily erase and can be changed at least daily.

And before making the lunar manicure shellac, you need to know how to get rid of the coating. To remove the upper layer of the nails are treated with a saw, the abrasiveness of which is 180 units. Then the fingers are turned around cotton disks, moistened special fluid. To accelerate the process, the foil turns around on top. The duration of this stage is 10 minutes. Shellac must move independently if it did not work, you should use a plastic seabe or an orange wand.

Moon manicure: design ideas (photo)

Moon manicure gel varnish: color combinations

In the lunar manicure you can use different colors. What combinations most often used by performing the lunar manicure gel varnish?

The most luxurious is the combination of black and gold. It is so great that it is not used daily, it is intended for solemn and festive moments.

When the moon manicure is performed by gel, it is quite safe, you can use a combination of raspberry and black.

Due to this, the image will become somewhat reckless, which is very suitable for young fashionable.

To create strict and incredible stylish image Use the combination of white and black or cream and black. Such a moon manicure gel varnish will be ideal for work: office, conference, business meeting.

Also use inversion - a combination of a dark month and a bright basis. Thanks to the creation of contrast, the manicure makes the image bright and bold. With the help of juicy "fruit" colors, carefree and cheerful image is created. It can be used on vacation or on a friendly meeting.

To make the lunar manicure gel to make more diverse, "month" can be made of different thicknesses: a thin strip or noticeable crescent.