Celestial Celestine. Main diagnostic features. Celestine in Eastern magic

Blue, colorless, light green, white, gray stone Celestine was named for the heavenly color of its crystals, from the Latin word caelestis, which means "color of the sky." Once this mineral was called "sicilianite" in the place where its samples were first found, but the dissonance of this name led the German scientist Abraham Werner to rename it, calling it celestine. The stones found on the island of Sicily were bright blue, but there are other colors of celestial crystals: like the palette of the heavens themselves, the mineral can be yellowish and reddish hue sunset or brown and grayish storm clouds.

Blue, colorless, light green, white, gray stone celestine was named after the heavenly color of its crystals from the Latin word caelestis

Celestine is a mineral that is strontium sulfate with the formula (SrSO4), having the same chemical composition, which is similar to barite, but differs from it in crystal structure and color in the burner flame: the celestine flame burns with a crimson-red fire, while the barite one has a greenish tint. Thus, one mineral can be easily distinguished from another.

The hardness on the Mohs scale is 3-3.5 units, and the density is 3.9-4 g / cm³. Luster varies from glassy to pearlescent. The mineral is very fragile and dissolves even in water. Sensitive to sunlight and fades in the light. Although the density of barite is higher, which helps to distinguish minerals from each other, however, there are intergrowths in which both substances grow through each other. Such formations are called barytocelestines.

SrSO4 is formed in sedimentary rocks in the form of crystals and druses in geodes and crevices. It also forms granular and columnar aggregates, veins and crusts. It is found most often among limestones, gypsum rocks and dolomites, together with native sulfur, aragonite, calcite and rock salt; among granites and pegmatites, formed at very high temperatures. However, sometimes such crystals are formed as a result of the drying of small-sized reservoirs with sea ​​water. In addition, SrSO4 was found in some marine organisms, for example, in openwork bone skeletons of unicellular radiolarians.

Very beautiful sky-blue crystals are brought from the African island of Madagascar, transparent collectibles come from Austria, and valuable jewelry samples mined in Spain. In Russia, the mineral is found in Buryatia, the Urals, Yakutia and the Volga region.

The largest celestite geode known today was found in the United States, in the state of Ohio. It is a cave in rocky soil, with a volume of 10 m³, completely overgrown with meter-long celestite growths throughout inner surface. Now the cave, which is a natural mineralogical museum, is open for tours.

Mineral celestite (video)

Magical and healing value

Although chemists claim that only isotopes of strontium in pure form however, the water-soluble salts of this element are certainly not completely safe. Yes, they do not kill a person instantly, but who can guarantee that they do not accumulate in the body when constant contact with stone? It is better not to risk or be too careless about poisonous and radioactive minerals.

Nevertheless, esotericists claim that bluish celestial crystals have a healing effect on the human soul and allow you to overcome karmic problems. They affect the throat chakra, vishuddha, which controls the respiratory and hearing organs, as well as skin bringing a sense of satisfaction with their activities in professional and public life. They make a person more eloquent with constant contact with the stone and relieve him of the fear of public speaking. In addition, the blue crystal can work as an amulet to attract money and good luck. However, such an amulet is recommended only for those born under the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius.

Gallery: celestite (25 photos)

Celestite (video)

Application of the mineral

An ore mineral containing strontium is used in many industries. It is used in glass, ceramic and pyrotechnic industries, pharmacology and metallurgy. In the metallurgical industry, strontium is used for alloying copper and aluminum alloys, and in addition, in the form of anti-corrosion spraying on aviation zinc alloys.

Although the interest in the stone on the part of jewelers does not fade away, rarely does anyone take up the manufacture of jewelry from it.

On an industrial scale, such activity is generally absent due to the fact that even the most beautiful pattern fragile, unstable and highly radioactive.

Private craftsmen sometimes take on the cutting of a mineral, but as a result, the cost of the product becomes very high.

Therefore, the main part of celestial crystals becomes an interior decoration as collection items. Apart from natural stones processed ore forms also take on a decorative function: for example, a two-kilogram blue ball can decorate any room, and it will cost only about $ 200. Particularly popular is the "chrysanthemum stone" - a druse of crystals that form a flower that looks like chrysanthemum petals, growing on a dark granite or slate background.

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Celestine is a naturally occurring strontium sulfate. The name of the mineral comes from the Latin "celestis" - "heavenly" and characterizes the beautiful blue color. Among the varieties of celestine there are crystals gray-blue colors with a wide palette of yellow and red shades.

Transparent and translucent stone has a structure similar to barite. Minerals are difficult to distinguish outwardly, but celestite can be identified using the color of the burner flame directed at the crystal. Greenish tint flame appears when barite is heated. A bright crimson color indicates that the sample under study is celestine.

A stone with a glassy luster is characterized by increased brittleness, irregular fracture and susceptibility to impurities. It dissolves in water, and when exposed to direct sunlight becomes faded and colorless.

The first samples of celestite were mined in the 18th century in Sicily, thanks to which the mineral was called sicillianite. However, the geographical dissonance of the name led to the fact that the German scientist A. Werner decided to give the stone a different name - "celestine".

Mineral deposits

Celestine is a common rock and has many deposits in different corners planets. Crystals are mined in Madagascar sky blue, in Austria - transparent samples. Italy and England, New York and California, Ontario, Michigan and Pennsylvania are rich in celestine deposits. High-quality jewelry samples are mined in Lower Saxony and the Spanish province of Granada.

Promising mineral deposits are being developed in Russia: Tabolskoye in the Tula region and Mazuevskoye in Perm region. Collection transparent samples red-brown colors the northern regions of Turkmenistan are rich. In the mountainous regions of Dagestan, beautiful blue crystals are mined. The largest deposits of celestine, whose production is estimated at millions of tons, are located in Canada, Mexico, China, Iran and Turkey.

The magical properties of celestine

The positive and benevolent qualities of celestine have a beneficial effect on the mood of others, which is why the energy of the stone is used during meditation. It will allow a man to feel confident in his abilities, while a woman will be able to feel her own charm and attractiveness.

Celestine is a stone of talented individuals. He will wake up hidden opportunities and potential, will make a person more eloquent, eliminating the fear of public speaking. To maximize these qualities, it is necessary to ensure daily contact with celestine.

The magic of the mineral is expressed in amulets and talismans. An amulet with celestine will help a woman survive a personal drama, a break with her beloved man and give her strength to cope with difficult period. Suspicious and emotional personalities need to wear a talisman with a mineral in order to learn how to remain calm in extreme situations, and to think adequately when it is necessary to make a quick and correct decision.

Medicinal properties

Despite the fact that celestine is a mineral little studied by lithotherapists, he is credited with amazing healing properties, common to all natural stones of blue color. It normalizes blood pressure in case of hypotension and hypertension, improves blood supply, restoring the capacity of blood vessels, and alleviates the condition with rheumatic pains. The use of celestine is effective in eye diseases, the properties of the mineral help to restore vision.

The nootropic effect of the mineral requires its careful use, since the rhythms of the stone alternate increased mental activity with stages of inhibition, emotional decline and sleep. To experience positive influence and the strength of the stone, a person needs to subordinate the generated rhythms to his daily cycle, otherwise the owner of celestin is threatened with loss of sleep, fears and depressive intrusive thoughts up to mental disorders.

Scope of the mineral

The main component of celestine is strontium, which has found its application in many industries - pharmaceutical, industrial. It is used in ceramic, glass and pyrotechnic production. In metallurgy, strontium is involved in alloying alloys and providing the hardness of copper and aluminum, acts as an anti-corrosion coating for aviation alloys and zinc.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, strontium began to be used for the manufacture sparklers, salutes and lighting rockets. In modern times, strontium nitrate, released from celestine, is a component of fireworks in the form of red lights.

Celestine is sometimes used in jewelry business, however, only the most experienced and daring craftsmen undertake to cut and set it. In no case should the stone be treated with X-rays, otherwise, by increasing the radiation, strontium atoms long years will be harmful and dangerous to human body. That is why jewelry with celestine is not mass-produced, but has a single character.

Zodiac sign

Of all the signs of the zodiac, only astrologers can confidently speak of Gemini as the favorites of the Celestine. The influence of the stone on the rest of the representatives of the zodiac constellations has not yet been explored.

Representatives creative professions, including writers, artists, designers, designers and architects, as well as those who have clearly defined life goals and ways to achieve them, the mineral will help regardless of which zodiac sign a person belongs to.

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The name of this mineral comes from the Latin "caelestis", which literally means "heavenly". The stone was so named due to its magnificent blue color. Celestine is a mineral of the sulfate class; it usually contains impurities of calcium and barium.

The color of this stone is usually blue or grayish-blue, with the presence of various shades: most often with red or yellow. The transparency of this mineral varies from transparent to translucent.

Celestine is very fragile, so it should be handled very carefully. The main deposits are adjacent to limestone, dolomite, gypsum. In the territory former USSR the main deposits are located in the Southern Urals, in Central Asia, the Volga region. Abroad, the leaders in the extraction of celestine are Germany, Great Britain, the USA, Italy and other countries.

This mineral is often used as a raw material for the extraction of strontium compounds, which are used in the sugar, pharmaceutical industry, pyrotechnics, and is also used in metallurgy for alloying certain alloys.

Medicinal properties of celestine

The medicinal properties of celestine are not well understood, so celestine is rarely used in folk medicine. So far, only a few assumptions of experts reach us.

Some traditional healers it is believed that this mineral is characterized by properties inherent in almost all blue crystals. That is, there is a conjecture that celestine normalizes cardiac activity and blood pressure, relieves hypertension and hypotension, reduces appetite and chronic pain in the stomach, relieves rheumatic pains. Celestine is also used for eye diseases, including visual acuity disorders.

We must not forget that prolonged exposure to celestin on a person contributes to the occurrence in its owner obsessive fears which can lead to mental illness.

The magical properties of celestine

Celestine has similar qualities that Celestite has, that is, according to this version, magical properties celestine contribute to the development of eloquence, oratory in general, eliminate the fear of public speaking.

Celestine creates around the owner an atmosphere of goodwill, trust and joy. The stone is used by some for meditation sessions. Some magicians believe that a mineral can awaken the most hidden and hidden talents. For men, celestine gives self-confidence, and for the fairer sex, attractiveness.

Astrologers have not yet unequivocally established which of the signs of the zodiac this mineral favors. As a talisman, celestine is recommended to be used by people who have clearly defined their goals in life and will spare neither time nor effort to achieve them.

Even the smallest unprocessed fragment of celestine can serve as a talisman. The stone will help its owner gain self-confidence.

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Appearance and properties

Celestine is strontium sulfate. Represents transparent or translucent crystals of a prismatic or columnar form. The color of the mineral is light blue or light gray, sometimes with a purple, yellow or red tint. It occurs in geode cavities of sedimentary rocks, often forms spherulites - spherical accumulations of crystals or druses - columnar crystals with a common base.

Interestingly, the presence of celestine in the skeletons and shells of some marine organisms has been established. It is possible to obtain a mineral artificially.

Place of Birth

The deposits of this mineral on our planet are quite extensive. Its deposits are located in different parts of the world:

  • the highest quality blue celestines are mined in Madagascar;
  • in the USA in every second state there are deposits of these amazing crystals, many of them are unique in color and shape;
  • unique chrysanthemum celestines are found in China;
  • in Russia they are mined in the Volga region and in the Southern Urals. One of the most large deposits located on the Pinega River near Arkhangelsk;
  • unusual orange-red stones are found in the Beineu-Tyr deposit in Turkmenistan;
  • heavenly gems are mined in Canada, Germany, Austria, Italy, Great Britain and other countries.


Celestine is a source of industrial production of strontium, an element that is used in metallurgy, medicine, nuclear energy, electronics, and chemistry. Strontium is also used in pyrotechnics. Red colors in fireworks and salutes in most cases are the result of burning strontium. This property of strontium is also used in the production of tracer bullets and flares.

Madagascar blue stones are especially highly valued, as well as two-color Texas celestines. In the US, a large geode covered with celestite crystals is open to the public and is called the "Crystal Cave".

In jewelry, this mineral is used infrequently. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is considered a radioactive stone due to the strontium it contains. However, experts say that natural strontium in 99% of cases does not pose a danger to humans. Be that as it may, if you are going to buy an ornament or a decorative figurine made of strontium sulfate, it will not hurt to arm yourself with a dosimeter, or you will have to prefer to admire the unsafe gems in the photo.

Healing and magical properties

Like all transparent blue crystals, celestine has a calming, pacifying effect, relieves depression, bad thoughts, painful memories, unfounded fears.

Celestine amulets are used for meditation, promote connection to higher spheres, develop esoteric abilities.

For a long time, the mineral celestine was considered a stone of speakers. A talisman from it helps to overcome the fear of public speaking, inspires self-confidence and develops eloquence. He also patronizes people of creative professions.

The influence of celestine on the signs of the zodiac has not yet been studied.

Celestine opened in the 18th century. The first crystals were found and described in Sicily. Hence the Italian name for the stone. His name is translated as "infallible", or "heavenly". By the way, people in Sicily are also called Celestines.

The name is male, interpreted in the same way as "angel". Why did all these associations go to the mineral? The fact is that the gem is painted in light blue tones. They remind of the sky and everything heavenly. However, there are other blue stones as well. How to identify among them celestine?

Description and origin of celestine

Celestine - stone, which is confused with barite, and dolomite. However, the first twin is much heavier than the celestial mineral. Calcite is more often colorless, while dolomite has characteristic saddle-shaped crystals.

Celestine crystals are in the form of columns, prisms, or thick plates. Usually, they fill cavities in rocks. Geologists call these reservoirs geodes. The mineral is also found in ordinary cracks. The stone can fill in the veins in the rocks and form crusts on their surface.

Gem crystals are often large in size. Celestine is a mineral, whose aggregates reach 40-50 centimeters in length. These are mined in Canada, Germany, Austria. In Russia, large crystals are found in the Volga region and the Ural Mountains.

Most of the samples of celestine are blue, blue-green. However, there are also almost gray, colorless and brown specimens. Brown can be mixed with yellow or red. Sometimes, geologists find two-tone crystals. For example, in Texas there are white stones with blue tips.

Looking for celestine in sedimentary rocks. Therefore, the mineral is not uncommon at the bottom of the seas. Sometimes, the gem is of hydrothermal origin, that is, it falls out of solutions flowing through cracks in rocks. However, according to Chinese legend, celestine formed differently.

Demons have come to the heavenly corner of the Earth. They messed up everything around. The celestials had to destroy uninvited guests along with nature. To restore paradise, the gods scattered a miracle shift. It was from them that crystals of celestine sprouted.

Chemical and physical properties of celestine

Chemically, the mineral is strontium sulfate. Calcium and barium are often mixed into the crystal lattice. Thanks to them, the stones begin to fluoresce in ultraviolet rays. Crystals sparkle in daylight. The luster is glassy or mother-of-pearl.

The beauty of celestine is overshadowed by its softness. For a gem, they give no more than 3.5 points. Most materials can scratch a heavenly stone. In addition, the mineral is fragile, easily destroyed when pressed, dropped.

Being strontium sulfate, celestine is simply determined with a gas burner. It is enough to bring the mineral powder to it and it will turn carmine red. It is strontium that gives this color when heated. By the way, if there is no doubt about the origin of the stone, it is better not to heat it.

AT sunshine, for example, celestine may lose its blue tone. This is especially inopportune if the crystal is inserted into jewelry. True, a gem is rarely placed in yes rings because of its fragility and, accordingly, the complexity of processing. The mineral finds application in other areas.

Application of Celestine

Celestine buy sought as a raw material for large crafts. Figurines, vases, columns are cut out of the mineral. Stone cutters compete for raw materials with industrialists.

They use the rock to mine strontium. This element is essential in the production of glass and ceramics. The metal is also used in pharmaceuticals, adding to some medicines.

Without strontium, and hence celestine, the pyrotechnic industry cannot do. Metal nitrate is needed for fireworks, otherwise there will be no red fire in the sky. During the First World War, celestine was even recognized as a strategically important raw material. The mineral was purchased for the production of lighting rockets.

However, society knows the name of the mineral more precisely as a human name. Only experts know about the stone. But famous Tsyukhtsinsky Celestine- the famous wrestler from Yakutia. Recently, the man received the Oscar of Martial Arts.

Also known is the book Celestine or sixth sense". Its author is Muserovich Malgozhat. This is a children's writer. The work is a kind, exciting fairy tale, the main character of which is called by a Sicilian name.

Medicinal and magical properties of celestine

Magicians believe that the mineral relieves the owner of the complexes, contributes to the disclosure of natural potential. In particular, the stone bestows eloquence. Therefore, the gem is recommended as a mascot for teachers, speakers, actors, politicians.

Better if they are women. It is to them that celestine is closest in terms of energy. The mineral reveals charm, softness in ladies, helps to be graceful and attractive.

Use the stone in their practice and lithotherapists. They attribute the properties of all blue crystals to celestine. It is believed that blue tones help to normalize blood pressure and regulate the activity of the heart. The gem is used to relieve the pain of rheumatism. Crystals are applied to the joints.

Eye diseases are another specialty of Celestine. The mineral is able to improve vision, but the stone, on the contrary, reduces appetite. Therefore, crystals become those who are on a diet, watching their figure. However, esotericists note that prolonged contact with a gem can cause an unreasonable feeling of fear, a panic attack. It is better to wear celestine periodically, and not constantly.