Black zirconium stone. Description, properties, use of zirconium in jewelry. How to distinguish from a fake

For lovers of diamonds, a perfect way out is a zirconium stone in jewelry... It is an excellent imitation of a diamond with a brilliant luster that is indistinguishable on visual inspection. Not every woman can afford to wear diamond jewelry - this is the reality, and it is difficult to argue with that. An inventive human mind is always looking for loopholes for reconciliation. own desires with personal capabilities.

About stones and not only

Before talking about the origin, you should define the terms. The fact is that scientific name"Zirconium stone" does not exist. Science knows several substances with similar names:

  • zirconium metal;
  • a mineral of magmatic origin zircon, its chemical definition- zirconium silicate;
  • The stone, which is most often called simply zirconium, is a synthetic zirconia stone (cubic zirconia).

Origin and properties of stones

Zircon and zirconium, despite the similarity in names, have a different nature. The mineral zircon is found in rocks of magmatic origin, placers of this stone are formed in the event of weathering of the rocks containing it.

The name zircon comes from the Persian "tsargun", which means "golden stone".

Zirconium - artificial material, synthesized at the Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences (FIAN), hence its name "cubic zirconia".

Zircon and zirconium in jewelry

Both are used to simulate diamonds in gold and silverware, as well as in costume jewelry. At the same time, zirconium copes with the task more successfully than zircon, even a specialist with hard work will be able to distinguish zirconium sparkling with brilliant luster from diamond without special research. Zircons, on closer examination, create numerous light refractions, in contrast to diamonds, which refract a beam of light once.

In jewelry, zirconium inserts are much more common than natural zircons. The reason for this is the scarcity of stone deposits; in small quantities it is found in Brazil, Australia, Thailand, the Urals and Yakutia, as well as on the island of Madagascar. Zircon is a semi-precious stone; buying jewelry with zircon is quite an expensive pleasure.

Zirconium as an artificial material is more affordable, but especially large specimens can be expensive. Zirconium looks equally good both in jewelry made of precious metals and in costume jewelry. It is used in compositions from different types stones or as a substitute for diamonds.

Features of processing and wearing the mineral

An important feature of the physical properties of zirconium for jewelers is its lower hardness compared to diamond, only 7.5 on the Mohs scale. When cutting a stone, inserting it into a product, care must be taken, careless handling leads to scratches and chips on the surface. For the same reason, zirconium products require especially respectful attitude when worn.

Jewelry, in which zirconium is inserted, are deservedly in high demand among fashionistas. With the appropriate cut, this stone looks no worse than fabulously expensive diamonds, and the reasonable price makes it affordable even for people with low incomes.

Buyers who chose jewelry masterpiece, which is decorated with zircon, it should be borne in mind that this stone is prone to fading. Wishing to keep it color range it should be protected from frequent exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Colors of stones

Most common natural color mineral - brown. The stone acquires various shades when special processing... To give the zircon a sky-blue hue, it is calcined. Rarer specimens are blue zircons, which are also popular with jewelers. But the most popular is a transparent colorless stone, because only such zircon can be used to create artificial diamonds.

In addition to the above, there are stones of pink, yellow, golden, red, green colors.

According to the color palette, zircon is classified into the following groups:

  • hyacinth - stones of all shades of red;
  • jargon - yellow, golden stones;
  • matur - diamond - transparent stones without color;
  • Starlight is a pale blue stone, especially beloved by jewelers.

Beneficial effects on the health of the wearer

The healing properties of a mineral depend on its color.

Zircon of yellow, orange, golden hues brings relief from diseases of the stomach and liver, helps to reduce blood pressure.

Blue - cures diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, promotes weight loss, and also facilitates the course of brain tumor processes.

The dark brown, almost black mineral increases the body's resistance to viral infections.


Zircon has long been considered endowed with the ability to bring success and wealth to its owner. In ancient times, he was the property of the sages, he brought them the gift of clairvoyance, knowledge of the future, insight into thoughts and inner world person. Set in jewelry pendants and worn as an amulet, zircon protects against unkind people and liars, promotes the development of memory and observation. It is believed to be an amulet for judges and criminologists.

There is a belief that in case of difficulties in life, this stone, placed under the pillow before bedtime, will help to come to the right decision in the morning. Zircon bright colors returns joy, instills optimism and self-confidence.

Wearing the mineral by overconfident adventurers and crooks can lead to undesirable results. Overconfidence inspired by the mysterious magic of zircon robs people dangerous professions caution and leads them to a tragic ending.


Astrologers claim that the most beneficial effect wearing zircon has an effect on people born under the constellation of Sagittarius and Capricorn. Owners magic mineral he brings optimism and self-confidence, all their undertakings are accompanied by success.

Aquarians who wear zirconia as a pendant boast heightened intuition and quick wits. This is especially true for people undergoing training in any sciences. It has been noticed that the mineral that accompanies Aquarius during study brings improvement in brain function, facilitates memorization and assimilation of information.

Recovery vitality, achieving self-confidence, astrologers recommend Taurus to constantly wear zircon, set in an amulet.

It is contraindicated for dreamy Pisces and Cancers, who tend to concentrate on themselves, and tends to enhance both positive and negative character traits.

Wearing artificially created zirconium does not magical influence on the owner, it does not affect his fate and health in any way.

The fact that the zirconium stone in jewelry is available to both students and housewives is enough, and is able to decorate with itself and wedding dress brides, and the everyday suit of a business woman.

Jewelry has always attracted the attention of ladies. But " best friends girls "is not only expensive diamonds... Jewelry from others noble stones are also popular among the fair sex. They add sophistication, integrity, mystery to the image. A necklace or pendant made of natural stone testifies to good taste, the originality of a person.

One of the most interesting semi-precious stones considered zircon. The iridescent luster of this gem resembles a diamond. What is a zircon stone, what are its properties, how to distinguish it from a fake - you will learn about this and much more below.

Zircon stone: what does it look like? Meaning

Zircon is often called the "younger brother of diamond" because of their physical resemblance. The stone got its name from the Persian word "zargun", which means "golden color".

However, the Persians probably only encountered a certain variety of zircon, since this crystal can be green, dark red, grassy, ​​purple, golden, brown and even black. But in jewelry most of all, its transparent "brothers" are appreciated.

Also in antique times people wore zircon amulets, believing that the stone gives them the power of power. Also, ancient sages preferred to wear this stone, believing that zircon gives them the gift of foresight and good intuition. But we will tell you more about the magical properties of zircon below.

Origin story

Zircon is one of the oldest minerals on earth. This fact is confirmed by a stunning find by scientists - Australian zircon, whose age is estimated at 4.4 billion years. But here's the bad luck: despite the unique physical properties, beauty, special shine and rich color palette, this mineral is not appreciated by humanity at its true worth.

In ancient times, it was constantly confused with other stones of similar color, for example, with topaz and tourmalines. Transparent zircons were often passed off as Ceylon and Matar diamonds.

And only after the 15th century, Europe was able to appreciate this stone, however, calling it differently. Yellow varieties of zircon were called "jargons", blue - "starlites", and red-brown - "hyacinths". Alas, these names did not appeal to the rich nobles, therefore particular success stones were not used.

The fate of zircon in Soviet time, when an artificial analogue of a diamond was created -. V English language this synthetic mineral is called Zirconia, "thanks" to which its second name, zirconium, appeared in the Russian language. This is how zircon became, unfortunately, a "victim of science", although in terms of its physical and external parameters it is able to occupy a more worthy place.

Physical properties

The physical characteristics of zircon are as follows:

  • zircon is a mineral;
  • main component: zirconium silicate;
  • color: transparent, gray, yellow, green, pink, shades of red and brown;
  • Mohs hardness: 6–8, brittle stone;
  • density: 4.6-4.7 g / cm3;
  • shine: diamond, strong;
  • refraction: high.

Substances such as hafnium, zirconium and uranium are mined from the stone. The average size of the mineral is several millimeters, but large stones are very rare.

Pay attention to one detail: opaque (especially bright green) and large stones have a high background radiation. It is better not to wear them, and it is also not worth keeping them at home.

Basic types, colors

As mentioned above, the stone is rich in its palette and varieties. Let's consider the most famous and popular ones:

  1. Matar Diamond: transparent zircon, which got its name from its deposit. Today it is mined on the island of Sri Lanka (Matara).
  2. Jargon (Siamese zircon): a stone of yellow shades, which includes golden, straw, smoky yellow.
  3. Hyacinth: transparent crystal of orange, red or red- Brown color with pink, crimson or yellow tints.
  4. Malacon: dark brown zircon; contains a small amount of impurities of radioactive elements.
  5. Starlit: transparent stone blue-blue shades.


V pure form zircon is rare, more often it is part of alkaline igneous rocks... Deposits of this mineral were found in Brazil, Thailand, Australia, on the island of Madagascar. They are mined in Canada, Norway, on the Korean Peninsula. Deposits have also been found in Russia: in the Urals and in Yakutia.

Magical properties

It is believed that zircon changes its magical properties depending on the color. Unusual shape the double pyramid still attracts the attention of many people who are fond of magic.

It is believed that this stone develops in a person supernatural abilities, endowing its owner with a prophetic gift.

According to magicians, he brings success to businessmen, entrepreneurs, prompting the right decision when concluding important transactions, conducting negotiations.

Small transparent zircons evoke interest in science in the wearer, develop mental abilities, concentration and perseverance.

Zircon products help to cope with the state of depression, to find spiritual harmony, to stock up on energy to overcome life's difficulties.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists attribute to zircon healing properties, manifested depending on the color and type of stone. So, blue stones, in their opinion, improve bowel function, relieve a person from constipation.

Stones dark colors help with colds and hypothermia. Yellow-red zircons stimulate appetite, while transparent ones, on the contrary, help to overcome excess weight... Hyacinths, on the other hand, help cleanse the body.

In general, any zircon is medicinal, and wearing it has a positive effect on work. endocrine system.

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac?

Zircon stone renders soft impact, therefore, it can be worn by representatives of almost all zodiac signs.

The mineral is good for Aries, Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius and Scorpio.

But for Streltsov it can be called a talisman. This stone is able to smooth out the conflict of body and spirit inherent in the representatives of this sign, will help them gain spirituality and leadership skills achieve mastery in a professional career.

Bearers of the stone under the sign Aquarius feel the rush mental abilities, a Taurus feel confident in their abilities and increase their vitality... Astrologers advise wearing varieties of yellow and golden-red zircons Aries... The stone will teach them to love, to take care of their loved ones.

Gems encrusted in rings will help Virgo find a soul mate and real friends, Libra- reveal your talents, and Capricorn zircon will give optimism, help develop intuition.

Scorpions it is worth wearing this stone to cope with problems and protect against negative impacts. Lions the mineral will bring peace and harmony to the family, settle quarrels and conflicts. The stone will help create an atmosphere of love, support and understanding.

And here Cancer and Pisces Astrologers do not recommend wearing zircon: the mineral will make the former egocentric, and the latter, overly dreamy.

Most of all, zircon favors Aquarius. They should choose blue, gold, yellow and colorless minerals.

Talismans and charms

Even in ancient times, sorcerers and magicians attributed miraculous powers to zircon. For example, a red stone gives a lady mystery and charm. A woman wearing zircon earrings becomes sexy, attractive and mysterious.She is able to lure any man to her.

The yellow stone is a symbol of wisdom and success. If you want to improve relationships with people around you, to establish a business, then this gem is just for you.

Pendant with zircon blue- the traveler's mascot. Be sure to take it with you when going to long journey... This amulet will protect the traveler from possible trouble.

Indian yogis believe that zircon has the ability to store energy, relieves fatigue from the wearer and gives him vigor. Wear earrings or a ring with this stone before meditation, and your chakras will definitely open.

An amulet with zircon will help a timid person make decisions more boldly and push them to achieve their goal.

When using zircon as a talisman, try not to let it touch your skin. It is better if the gem is framed.

Jewelry how to wear?

Zircon is a very fragile stone and needs a reliable protective frame made of precious metal. Transparent gems look great in gold or silver frames. In addition, they successfully imitate a diamond.

Zircon inserts are used in the manufacture of earrings, rings, bracelets, pendants, necklaces.

Calm reddish-brown and yellow shades of the stone go well with casual clothes... Large gems in an expensive frame will be a wonderful accessory for an evening dress.

Jewelry should be worn carefully: the stone is very fragile and chips and scratches are easily formed on it.


Zircon small size not very expensive: from about $ 30 / carat. Medium-sized stones are more expensive: up to $ 100 / carat. The most expensive is considered to be blue Starlite (about $ 200 / carat), which is not so easy to buy.


A fragile stone will need proper care.

A few tips for stone owners on care and storage:

  1. Buy zircon jewelry that has a sturdy frame.
  2. Do not store jewelry in a jewelry box next to other jewelry.
  3. Remember this stone is afraid chemical substances included in household chemicals.
  4. Clean zircon jewelry with a flannel cloth soaked in soap solution.

How to distinguish from a fake?

We have already talked about the similarity of zircon with diamond, but the brilliance of this stone is special, which makes it possible to accurately determine its authenticity.

In addition, when determining the naturalness of zircon, you should pay attention to such nuances as:

  1. Scuffed edges.
  2. The presence of voids and inclusions.
  3. Bifurcation of the mineral cone.

Well, chemists have another way to determine the authenticity of zircon. To do this, you need to check its background radiation.

Difference between zirconia, zircon and cubic zirconia

Zircon, zirconium ( artificial diamond), cubic zirkonia - the stones are completely different. Quite often cubic zircons are called cubic zirconia, and unscrupulous sellers often write abbreviated "circus" on products, which misleads buyers.

Remember that real zircon is extremely rare on the market, so ask the seller what exactly is meant by the abbreviated name. Also, remember that something like artificial zircon, does not exist.

Cubic zirconia is an artificial diamond. It does not have such a bright shine as zircon, and the edges are more rounded, while cubic zirconia has sharp edges. The presence of voids and inclusions will also tell you that this is a natural stone, while cubic zirconia is homogeneous.

There is one more difference: cubic zirconia is heavier than zircon, so do not be afraid to hold it in your hands before buying and estimate the weight. Or you can pick it up and take a closer look to see if the edges bifurcate on the cone. If so, then this is definitely a real stone.

People close to physics can determine its density. If, when dividing mass by volume, the figure is 4.6 - 4.7, then this is zircon.

What stones is it combined with?

Stones in jewelry are the best friends of not only women, but also men. Their popularity is due not only to their appearance, but also to the magical properties that they possess.


An excellent solution is to use zircon jewelry in tandem with spectacular jewelry.

  1. There is an interesting legend associated with the origin of one of the types of zircon - "hyacinth", according to which this stone appeared from drops of blood of the Hyacinth, killed by the wind by Zephyr during the contest of the gods.
  2. Zircon is recognized as a stone of power in some countries of the East. That is why jewelry with this gem is worn by politicians, public figures and preachers.
  3. But in tsarist Russia red-orange zircons were worn by artists, merchants and travelers.
  4. Indian yogis value zircon very highly, believing that this mineral is able to concentrate powerful energy.

This is such a stone - zircon: beautiful, mysterious, healing. Purchase it and wear it according to the tips presented in this article. Something will definitely change in your life, and for the better.

Compatibility horoscope: zirconium stone properties zodiac sign Gemini - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The zircon gem has a long history dating back to ancient times. Its name comes from the Persian word "zargun", which means "golden color".

V different times this stone also had other names, such as stalite, yakint, iakinf.

By its structure, the stone is a zirconium silicate with admixtures of zinc, iron, copper, titanium, calcium and other elements. Zircon is a brittle mineral of magmatic origin. It has a strong diamond luster, for which this stone is sometimes called the younger brother of the diamond.

However, colorless zircon is very rare, and in in kind found only in one place on earth - in the south of Sri Lanka. There it is mined under the name Matar diamond.

Zircon is often confused with cubic zirconia, a synthetic analogue of diamond.

In addition, one should distinguish between zircon and zirconium: the second is a silvery-white metal, in the photo the difference between these minerals is easily noticeable. In the 90s, zirconium bracelets with medicinal properties became widespread.

Cubic zirconia is often used in imported jewelry - this synthetic material also has nothing to do with precious zircon. The difference in gloss can be seen even in the photo.

Features of the appearance of zircon

The color palette of zircon is wide enough. Coloring ranges from golden to black, most often brown minerals with a gray or red tint. In the jewelry environment, stones of a certain color received their own names.

So, yellow crystals are called jargon or Ceylon jargon (Siamese zircon). Pink zircons are called hyacinths.

Blue crystals are called starlites (from the English "star light", which translates as "starlight"). Dark brown shade the mineral is called malacon, and the orange-red is called yacinth.

A distinctive property of zircon is its ability to change its color during heat treatment (heating). This feature is widely used in the jewelry industry, where stones of incredible colors are obtained in this way: from turquoise to bright yellow. In addition, zircon tends to discolor under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and in individual cases- direct sun rays and even when taking a photo. This should be taken into account when storing it.

However, it is worth knowing that zircon is often radioactive, and therefore one should be careful about its large crystals. Zircons of a green hue especially often have an increased background of radiation. It is very dangerous to store such minerals in your home collection, so do not trust colorful photos from online stores.

Zircon is a fairly common mineral; it is mined in Norway, Brazil, Australia, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar.

In Russia, small reserves of zircon have been explored in the Urals. Very often this stone is a side stone when mining different kinds granites.

Zircon and zodiac sign

Traditionally, zircon is considered a Sagittarius stone. People of this zodiac sign, as a rule, are charismatic and easy-going, but sometimes too careless. The magical properties of zircon allow the representatives of this zodiac sign to avoid many troubles.

It is also recommended to wear jewelry with this gemstone earthy, airy and fire signs Zodiac. The importance in the sock for Capricorns, Aquarius and Aries is increasing. Zircon adds charm to Capricorns, Aries makes them softer and more receptive to beauty, and Aquarius lowers them from heaven to earth, making their dreams more realistic and achievable, at the same time strengthening the intuition of this zodiac sign.

However, representatives of such signs of the zodiac as Cancer and Pisces are not recommended to wear zircon.

Introversion increases in Pisces, and people born under the zodiac sign Cancer become too self-centered.

The astrological patron of this stone is Jupiter, the planet of great achievements, power and influence. Therefore, it makes sense to wear jewelry with this gem for those who want to lead the crowd in the name of a high goal of public importance.

Magical properties - a stone that sharpens the mind

For a long time, various magical properties have been attributed to zircon. In particular, it is believed that zircon has a positive effect on the mental abilities of its wearer: it increases intelligence, sharpens the craving for knowledge and enhances charisma. it last property allows the owner of zircon to gain power over others - therefore, this stone is useful for politicians and public figures who want others to see them as a leader.

In addition, zircon "clarifies the mind" of its owner and on the part of deception, allowing him to detect liars and fraudsters in his environment in time, a zircon pendulum can determine this even from a photo.

So this gem is very helpful in concluding profitable deals and other business matters.

This gem was very revered in India, as the ancient Hindus considered it to be the stone of the sacred dragon, which "eats the moon and sun", that is, controls their eclipses. Zircon is associated with the Sahasrara, the parietal chakra of the "thousand lotus petals."

Lithotherapists use this mineral to normalize work gastrointestinal tract improving sleep and healing ischemic disease hearts. This stone reduces appetite, relieves constipation, and also has soothing properties.

Interesting facts about zircon:

  • Zircon is common in Freemasonry, and the leaders of Masonic lodges wear magic rings with this gem.
  • Red zircons were popular among the Russian merchants; jewelry with orange stones was considered special chic.

Pick up a stone for yourself:

What sign of the zodiac are suitable for jewelry with zircon

Zircon is a silicate of zirconium metal, a classic, transparent mineral that is actively used in jewelry. Its popularity is due to its rich palette variety different shades... Usually, jewelers calcine the minerals to produce clear crystals. With their brilliance, zircons are like precious diamonds, although their cost is much less.

Practical, kind, stubborn and hardworking people born under the sign of Virgo will be pleasantly surprised to learn how much zircon suits them as a talisman. The stone has the unique ability to boost mood and minimize sadness and depression. Often, Virgos experience melancholy, sadness, hesitate, if you need to do right choice... It is zircon that radiates positive energy joy, will help direct thoughts in the right direction.

For those who are lucky enough to be born under the zodiacal constellation Cancer, the mineral will be useful for increasing libido. These people move back, leaving their soul mate no chance to fulfill their carnal fantasies. The Cancer woman is distinguished by her special puritanical views, which makes her partner a little upset. Zircon has a special energetic structure called a double pyramid. In the very core of the stone lies sexual power, and the shell contains a charge that increases determination, reduces the fear of defeat.

For representatives of the majestic and slightly selfish sign of Leo, zircon will help to pacify or muffle such negative character traits as: pride, irascibility, lack of self-control, intolerance. A lion woman who has received a jewelry with a stone as a gift can suddenly change, soften. The talisman with zircon has the most the best way to its owner, if presented by a loved one. Especially increase energetic properties stone if the giver was born under the sign of Cancer.

Sagittarius is a very active sign. Sagittarius people are always worried, they are ready to come to the aid of friends, comrades, they constantly arrange someone to work, borrow money. They non-stop solve someone's problems and save time for themselves. A charm with zircon will help turn such a sacrifice into a boomerang. All good deeds will turn to their creator and bring him prosperity and longevity. Properties are doubled if the talisman is presented to Sagittarius by a friend born under the sign of Leo.

Zircon will be of significant benefit to the lucky ones under the sign of Libra, who have a fickle and fickle nature. People of this zodiac sign live with a lack of balance, balance. An amulet or jewelry with zirconia will give them these qualities in full. The sexual energy hidden in the stone will help you become much more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

The Gemini sign is fraught with dual nature... People born under this constellation very often cannot feel inner comfort. The spirit of contradiction accompanies them everywhere. Zircon will help you find peace and harmony. Will pacify the frantic pace of life, subdue attacks of anger and pride.

Aries is often ambitious and impatient. Psychological games, without which the representatives of this sign cannot live, drain the physical state of people. The charm with zircon will raise the physical tone, fill with energy and give new strength for making difficult decisions.

The gentle, creative and vulnerable zodiac sign of Pisces needs energy supply kindness and tranquility. A transparent zircon crystal will not only delight Pisces with its beauty, but will also bring some dimensionality into their life, give self-confidence and endow them with special life wisdom. Talismans and charms with this mineral will always enhance the mood and protect their owner from ailments and bad eyes.

Zirconium stone - properties, zodiac sign

Zirconium, or rather, zircon, is a natural mineral that can be colored in different colors... The beauty of this stone is often compared to a diamond, but it costs much less. It is impossible not to say about the properties of the zirconium stone, which affect all signs of the zodiac. It is recommended to wear jewelry with this mineral for honest and modest people, as it helps them avoid deception and insincere people. Zirconium increases the attentiveness of a person who is engaged in intellectual work. Zirconium will become a powerful talisman for people leaders, since it will moderate their ardor a little and teach not to waste strength and energy on trifles. Creative individuals the mineral will allow you to develop imagination and reveal your creativity.

What sign of the zodiac is the zirconium stone suitable for?

Like all existing minerals on earth, zirconium can affect a person, both with good and with bad side... That is why it is important to know how the stone will reflect on the signs of the zodiac:

  1. Zirconium will be an ideal talisman and helper for Aquarius. It is recommended to stop your choice on pendants with a stone of blue, yellow and gold. The mineral will help develop intuition and analytical skills.
  2. To feel for yourself positive properties zirconium stone, the zodiac sign Aries is recommended to choose precious rings... The color of the mineral should be red or gold. The decoration will improve attentiveness, and representatives of this sign will become more sensitive and loving in relation to relatives.
  3. People born under the auspices of Capricorn should give preference to jewelry with a blue and golden mineral. The rings are recommended to be worn on the left hand and on the middle finger.
  4. The properties of the zirconium stone for the zodiac sign Leo will help you learn to enjoy life. Scorpions will be able to appreciate a similar effect from jewelry with this mineral.
  5. It is not recommended to wear jewelry with zirconium for Sagittarius, Taurus and Libra, and this applies to all colors. The thing is that these signs are selfish and closed, and the energy of the mineral will only aggravate the qualities.
  6. People born under the auspices of the zodiac sign Pisces and Cancer should avoid contact with zirconium, since the energy of the zirconium stone acts on them with negative side... By using jewelry with this mineral, Pisces becomes more narcissistic and self-centered. Crayfish will make zirconium suspicious.

Properties of zirconium stone for Gemini and other signs of the zodiac

As already mentioned, this mineral exists in different color shades, which directly affects the properties and energy of stones. For example, jewelry with clear zirconia helps people to accept correct decisions and they also improve brain function. People who have supernatural powers

transparent mineral will increase the gift of foresight. Yellow zirconium can enhance sexual energy, and it helps single people find a soul mate. In addition, such a mineral will help get rid of depression. Brown stones will become amulets for people who are related to the earth. Blue zirconium will help its owner find harmony in life. Those wishing to improve their financial situation it is recommended to choose jewelry with a green mineral. Such a talisman will also help you learn how to spend money rationally. Single people are advised to use the mineral orange as it makes its owner attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Zircon and zodiac signs

Zircon, translated from Persian, is "gold-colored". Zircon, in any color, emits a brilliant golden light. In the old days in Russia, zircon was also called in another way: iakinth, iacinth, yakint. Zircon has always and everywhere been considered a talisman of wisdom and honor. It is known that once the Indians believed that zircon "causes" solar and lunar eclipses... Zircon supposedly improves appetite and has a beneficial effect on liver function. It was even earlier believed that red zircon prevented pregnancy.

Zircon stone for Aries

Zircon inspires the Aries who owns it. From any difficult situation, zircon will help find Aries, albeit non-standard, but, nevertheless, correct exit... Aries should be advised to wear some kind of product with zircon to a meeting or negotiation (which has to do with work) - so both parties will be happy to conclude something in common.

Zircon stone for Taurus

Taurus zircon will charge great mood, will give confidence and "lead" with a proudly raised head and a life-affirming smile. With zircon, Taurus' life will be restored by touching either side. There is no place for anything bad with zircon, even for fleeting sorrows. Romantically, Taurus is also a born winner.

Gemini zircon stone

With zircon, Gemini will learn to plan, not only their upcoming day, but also "create" schedules for longer periods. Zircon will "hand" Gemini wisdom and prudence, teach them to look further ahead. Also, zircon will wean Gemini from their characteristic talkativeness, it will also help to become a little more discriminating in people and details.

Zircon stone for Cancer

Cancer zircon will rush to help in matters of the heart. Zircon promotes the "release" of the so-called pheromones, which attracts the opposite sex as close to Cancer as possible. Cancer with zircon is becoming more desirable, sexier. Zircon makes the wounded side of Cancers more confident and "harder". Any difficulties will be overcome with zircon.

Zircon stone for Leo

For strong family happiness Leo should buy and constantly wear zircon in the form of jewelry. Then there will be no quarrels, conflicts in the family, and love, support, understanding will triumph. In the work question, zircon, in relation to Leo, will also settle all the "irregularities". In addition, zircon protects Leo from nervous breakdowns and emotional emissions, preventing the aggressive attitude of the Leo owner.

Zircon stone for Virgo

Virgo zircon helps to find your soul mate(here it concerns both friendship and love). In any case, zircon attracts a good, positive environment for Virgo. Zircon also helps to recognize deception and meanness. Virgo with a stone is reliably protected from negativity from everywhere, healthy from the inside.

Zircon stone for Libra

Scales with zircon are often lucky. In particular, zircon reveals Creative skills its owner, shows the talent of Libra to the world. Artistry and a sense of humor will become one of the main advantages of Libra that the zircon mascot has. In love, Libra and zircon are the same winners, it's hard to resist their charms.

Zircon stone for Scorpio

Scorpions will serve zircon faithful helper in strengthening family ties. In the Scorpio's house, thanks to zircon, coziness and a kind of idyll are formed, felt by any guest. Like another fiery, rather aggressive, sign, zircon keeps its wearer from rude words and harsh actions.

Zircon stone for Sagittarius

Zircon attracts courage and even self-confidence to Sagittarius. Therefore, Sagittarius should be careful to use the "magic" of zircon, so as not to be called a proud man. But, one way or another, zircon will give Sagittarius patience and strength to do large volume work for relatively short term that will cause that very pride. And, in principle, this feeling is justified.

Zircon stone for Capricorn

Zircon will contribute financially to Capricorn. Capricorns, with the help of zircon, have a business acumen and skillfully "settle" more difficult situations... With zircon, Capricorn is happy and in personal life... It is calm and reliable with him. Zircon also increases energy.

Zircon stone for Aquarius

For Aquarius, zircon strengthens intuition, develops thinking. Zircon contributes to the mental improvement of Aquarius. Aquarius with zircon can easily master science or become a specialist in the field of investigation and research. For a similar result, for more action, Aquarius should wear zircon in the form of a pendant or pendant - any jewelry worn around the neck.

Zircon stone for Pisces

For Pisces, zircon trains intuition, develops imagination and expands the "horizons" of the worldview. With zircon, Pisces is interested in a lot, and they are in a hurry to "absorb" more more knowledge... Fish, after such a find as zircon, also quickly become monetary rich. Zircon will help you invest in a profitable business.

Zircon stone magical properties

Fragile zircon carries a tremendous charge of energy. Since ancient times, it has been called the stone of power. The color of zircon is usually brown in various shades: from light golden to almost black. Zircon is sometimes compared to diamond due to its similar brilliance. In addition, it has the ability to change color when heated. After heat treatment, the new shade remains for some time, but not for long.

Large opaque specimens, painted in a rich green color, may indicate an increased radiation background of the rock and environment... It happens that the zircon stone is confused with zirconium ( synthetic diamond, which has no magical properties at all), but these are different stones.

Transparent zircon is called matar diamond. Orange or red zircon is hyacinth. Siamese zircon is a golden or straw colored stone. There are other varieties of this stone that have their own names.

Zircon is so beautiful that it is difficult for an ignorant person to distinguish it from a diamond. At the same time, it costs much less, which means it is quite suitable in order to look presentable with relatively low costs.

Zircon stone, magical properties and their healing effects on humans

Zircon works well for people who are honest, straightforward and humble. He helps them to distinguish truth from falsehood, not to fall under the dangerous influence of unclean cunning. Zircon increases your attentiveness and observation many times over. These qualities are useful for both students and all people engaged in intellectual work that requires concentration of thought.

Zircon makes its owner more cheerful and cheerful, sets him up for optimism. Its energy is light and extremely positive.

In ancient times, zircon was credited with contraceptive properties. It was believed that if you put a piece of zirconium on your stomach, then conception will not occur. However, this is a dangerous misconception. Zircon, on the contrary, is very fond of new life. An amulet with this stone increases the chances of becoming parents several times over, regardless of which of the couple wears it. Unlike pyrite, this stone is not fixated on the gender of the owner.

What sign of the zodiac is zircon suitable for?

The zircon stone has such calm, kind and balanced magical properties that many signs can wear it. It is equally good for Aries, and for Capricorns, and for Aquarius. Leos and Scorpios can just as easily enjoy life in all its colors. as well as the more superficial and good-natured Gemini and Libra. Pisces can become a little more narcissistic and self-centered with zircon, but this is not always harmful. Zircon is not recommended for Cancers due to their suspiciousness and tendency to reflection, but this applies only to single Cancers. Those of them who live in a family and have already found their happiness have already been taught life not to dwell on themselves. They will also benefit from zircon, instilling optimism and improving their everyday mood. Good qualities zirconiums are fully manifested for leaders, people who are accustomed to leading and “igniting” the crowd. He will help them not to cool their ardor, not to splash their strength on trifles. Creative natures they will also find in zirconium an excellent amulet that energizes imagination and stimulates new extraordinary achievements and creations.

Cubic Zirconia: an empty vessel for positive energy

One of many artificial minerals which have both medicinal and magical properties. It's all about the way the stone is made. Cubic zirconia (aka zircon) is grown in an accelerated way, imitating the processes that occur in nature over millions of years.

A grown zircon crystal is essentially an empty vessel that can be filled with any energy filling. This circumstance makes the stone suitable for wearing by everyone, without exception. But in this case, too, there are conditions and peculiarities.

Artificial stones are never distributed according to the signs of the zodiac. But the properties and significance of cubic zirconia play a role in how the mineral affects representatives of different signs.

Meaning and basic properties

Since the stone is created in laboratories, it does not initially carry any energy. He - clear sheet, on which you can "write down" positive emotions or the darkest thoughts. The position of "empty" and absolutely pure mineral makes it unsuitable for permanent wear. Initially, the stone must be charged with positive.

For the first time, jewelry with cubic zirkonia should be worn at a social event, a holiday that carries a lot positive emotions... If you are sure that during the event you will be surrounded by friends, and the reason for the holiday itself is pleasant and positive, feel free to decorate yourself with zircon. This will allow you to charge the mineral with a positive and then use this charge for a long time.

Under no circumstances should a stone be carried with you at a funeral, in a cemetery or in an unfamiliar place. The crystal can absorb all negative energy and bring misfortune to its owner for a long time.

The value of cubic zirconia stone lies in its ability to gain energy and direct it to help its owner.

Cubic zirconia for zodiac signs

The properties of cubic zirconia stone for the signs of the zodiac are approximately the same. But the impact is manifested in different ways.

Affects the intelligence of the representatives of the sign. The stone will help in mastering new knowledge, acquiring new skills. Crystal for Aries is a pass to the world of science. The stone forms a clear idea of ​​the truth. Representatives of the sign become more judicious and their sudden emotional outbursts gradually soften. The properties of the zircon stone for the zodiac sign Taurus are favorable in many aspects. They help protect oneself from self-deception, energetically support this active sign... For calves, cubic zirconia is a battery. The stone takes away the energy of the representatives of the sign when they are at the peak of their activity, but they give it back at the moments of decline. Zirconium stone gives the twins worldly wisdom and the ability to plan. Usually impractical and short-sighted twins receive prudence from the stone and are able to regulate their own lives much more successfully. The soft and unobtrusive effect of the mineral helps twins get rid of excessive talkativeness and promiscuity.

Zircon is a highly demanded material in jewelry art... And this is quite understandable, because after cutting this magnificent gem has a bright iridescent luster, reminiscent of outward appearance precious diamond.

At the same time, the stone is not as dense, more common in nature and less expensive. For these characteristics in the East, he is called “ younger brother diamond ".

For the first time, zircon was discovered in Ancient Persia, where its name "zargun" was born, which means "the color of gold".

The magical properties of the stone, which were attributed to him by ancient people, were largely due to its luxurious golden hue... This can explain that the crystal was immediately "appointed" as the talisman of the god of trade, Mercury.

Traditionally, zircon is considered a masculine stone.

In the religions and customs of the peoples of the world, it always symbolizes strength, luck and wealth:

  • Indian yogis consider zircon, along with diamond, to be the most powerful accumulator of bioenergy.
  • The stone of dark and black color develops in men a penchant for oratory and instills confidence in their righteousness.
  • In Russia, the red gem was considered the patron saint of merchants. It was customary to wear a ring with scarlet zircon for serious deals so that its owner would win.
  • Gold zircon is able to develop in a person the gift of comprehending the supernatural. That is why talismans with a transparent mineral yellow color often used in magical rituals.
  • A pendant made of blue color stone assists in hiking and travel, helps to return to native home no loss.
  • For women who want to meet their betrothed, you need to wear zirconium earrings - this will attract the future husband, wherever he is.
  • With its bright, radiant light, precious zircon saturates vital energy its owner with positive flows and helps to overcome any difficulties.

Note! The strongest magical qualities possess gems enclosed in a gold frame.

Who suits the zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology

The characteristics of zircon are most clearly revealed when worn by people with leadership abilities seeking power. It is a stone for speakers, judges, politicians and public figures.

To know who the "younger brother of diamond" suits the horoscope, it is necessary to remember that the patron saint of the mineral is Jupiter, which means that he interacts best with Sagittarius. For the rest astrological signs the possession of zircon can have completely different effects, sometimes even having a negative effect.

Zodiac sign Influence
Sagittarius Perfect fit. Helps in all matters, attracts good luck, protects from the evil eye.
Taurus It instills self-confidence, increases vitality.
Aquarius Develops intuition, receptivity to learning, sharpens mental abilities.
Fishes Not recommended. It can drag you into a fantasy world, distract you from reality and become an obstacle in achieving your goal.
Virgo Helps in solving life problems, drives away melancholy and despondency, gives joy.
Cancer Wear with care. Increases feelings of depression, can develop egoism, bordering on egocentrism.
a lion Softens harsh character traits, pacifies authority and impulsiveness, makes its owner softer and more compliant.
Aries Contraindicated. Able to make a person aggressive and restless, it interferes with objectively assessing reality.

With other signs, zircon interacts neutrally, without bringing tangible benefits but also without causing harm.

Note! In order to reduce the danger posed by the stone for some horoscope signs, it is better to wear rings with zircon on ring finger left hand. This can minimize the negative properties of the mineral.

What color and what it looks like: types of stone

Untreated zircon is found in nature in a wide variety of shades.

The name of each type of mineral depends on how the stone looks, as well as the place of its production:

  • Transparent colorless rock - Matarskiy diamond.
  • Yellow, golden, smoky crystal - jargon or yargon.
  • Red, crimson, brown stones- the most common and are called hyacinths.
  • Dark brown, black (with increased radioactivity) - malacon.
  • Blue, light blue (not found in nature, the color appears after heat treatment) - starlite.
  • Orange is yacinth.

Note! Zircon is considered the least safe Green colour... The saturation of the hue speaks of increased content radioactive uranium in the mineral. Therefore, only transparent green specimens are allowed for use in the jewelry industry.

How much: price

How much a natural gem costs directly depends on the color of the stone. The most expensive is considered to be blue or bright blue zircon, the shade of which is obtained after firing a light brown transparent material.

These are very rare and exclusive samples, so the price of one carat of such a crystal on the world market can reach $ 500.

Yellow, brown, green and red varieties cost from $ 30 to $ 100 per carat, sometimes, depending on purity, up to $ 150.

Products and jewelry made of stone and its application

In the art of jewelry, zircon occupies one of the main positions. Products from it are present in the catalogs of all leading jewelry houses in the world.

Jewelry with this vibrant gemstone will perfectly complement any outfit - from casual to evening. Especially luxuriously transparent zircon is combined with white and red gold frames.

Most often, two types of cutting are used in stone processing:

  • Stepped - a method when the top of the stone is made in the form of a polygon, and the sides are trapeziums or isosceles triangles.
  • Diamond - consists of 57 faces and is capable of particularly brightly reflecting light from the surface of the crystal.

Zircons grown into other breeds are a real boon for collectors who appreciate natural beauty gifts of the Earth.

Besides its external attractiveness and a variety of esoteric characteristics, zircon has great importance as a source of the element zirconium, the metal hafnium and the rare uranium.

The mineral has found its application in various industries. It is an indispensable component in the production of refractory materials.

Medicinal properties: are they there?

In lithotherapy, zircon is used to relieve symptoms associated with diseases of the heart and endocrine systems.

Depending on the color, the mineral can be used for the following health problems:

  • Blue is used to reduce appetite when overweight.
  • Yellow helps with kidney disease, bad job stomach, gives a sound night sleep.
  • Colorless reduces inflammatory processes skin.
  • Hyacinth has the ability to stop bleeding, soothes nervous system, relieves stress and fatigue.
  • Black minerals treat colds, strengthen immunity, and relieve symptoms of hypothermia.

Rumor has it that homemade medications with zircon are regularly used by the head of the Vatican Pope to improve the condition of the body.

Note! Self-medication is dangerous. If you have any concerns, it is better to consult a doctor to prescribe adequate therapy, and medicinal properties stones will be an additional help for you on the way to recovery.

How to spot a counterfeit: checking for authenticity

Often, unscrupulous sellers try to pass off artificially grown cubic zirconia for precious zircon.

Distinguishing an analogue at first glance is not easy, but there are several right ways to help you determine the authenticity of a mineral:

  • Natural zircon necessarily has a small amount of inclusions and voids. To better determine their presence, it is enough to examine the stone with a magnifying glass.
  • Zircon has high degree refraction of light, due to which it has a multicolored luster similar to diamond.
  • Compared to cubic zirkonia, a gem is lighter, since its density is much lower than that of a synthetic one.
  • The main difference natural crystal- a small amount of radioactivity emanating from the rock. This value is small enough to influence a person, but his very presence proves the authenticity of the material.

Mineral deposits

The origin of zircon is due to the magmatic nature of its occurrence. There are not so many deposits of it on Earth, basically this mineral is mined together with other rocks.

The main production of zircon is carried out in:

  • Australia.
  • Brazil.
  • Cambodia.
  • Madagascar.
  • Mozambique.
  • Nigeria.
  • Sri Lanka.
  • Thailand.
  • Vietnam.

In Russia, zircon deposits have been discovered in the Urals, Yakutia and the Kola Peninsula.

Care and storage

When storing jewelry with zircon, you need to remember that this mineral is quite fragile, so it must be protected from impacts and other mechanical damage.

For a gem, a strong and massive frame is preferable, which will protect it from damage. You should also be aware that this precious breed can change its color when exposed to sunlight.

  1. Store zircon and zirconia products separately from other jewelry.
  2. Do not expose the stone to chemicals.
  3. Do not leave jewelry in bright sun for long periods of time.
  4. Cosmetics and perfumery can leave darkening on the transparent surface of the stone.
  5. To make the crystal shine and remove dirt, just wash it in soapy water and wipe it thoroughly with a soft flannel cloth.

Zircon is a gem with luxurious appearance and attractive luster. Jewelry with it will perfectly emphasize the elegance of any image, and those around you will notice your refined taste and sense of beauty.

Eleanor Brick

Zircon is a unique mineral and gemstone with luxurious shine diamond. Due to its rich color spectrum, zircon, whose magical properties are often used by devotees unconventional ways treatment and magic lovers, in its properties and characteristics competes with many precious stones and is used in the jewelry industry to imitate expensive gems.

The healing properties of zircon

Since Ancient Rus people believed in the medicinal properties of zircon and used it to fight diseases. Stones of yellow-red color were worn, without removing, to improve appetite and normalize the functioning of the digestive system and the endocrine system, to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Colorless and blue stones zircon help in the fight against extra centimeters and blacks relieve cold symptoms caused by hypothermia.

But you should limit the direct contact of the mineral with skin, so you need to wear zircon in a gold frame.

Zircon and magic

When carrying out rituals and conspiracies, zircon and magic are inseparable because of the crystals in the form of pyramids, which tend to concentrate energy in one place. Magicians value white zircons because they are used to replace diamonds in rituals without losing quality. The magical properties of zircon include:

stimulating the development of intellectual and mental abilities, which is relevant for schoolchildren, students and knowledge workers;
attitude to the formation of philosophical thoughts;
strengthening the abilities of clairvoyance and foresight;
opening the chakras and establishing a connection with other worlds.

The magical properties of zircon are also hoped for by "down to earth" people, whose profession and work is connected with the circulation of money, trade, doing business and developing entrepreneurship. Wearing a talisman with zircon - good sign because it helps in business development, increase income, financial well-being and stability.

Zircon color properties

The magical and healing properties of zircon depend on the color of the gem. So, minerals of yellow, orange, terracotta flowers and similar shades tend to increase sexual energy and increasing confidence in their sexual performance. They help you understand your attractiveness, reveal your charm and attract love. Zircon yellow shades when worn constantly, it relieves emotional lethargy, depression, endows the wearer with determination and self-confidence.

Green zircon helps to increase financial income, wealth and success. Brown minerals help in agriculture since they increase yields, they treat colds and relieve unpleasant dreams. Blue zircon stone will help with weight loss and getting rid of bad habits.

Problems will be solved by zircon

Depression, blues and apathy will help to overcome the golden pendant with zircon, the brilliance of which will teach you to notice the beauty in the world around you, instill confidence and help in the development of optimism.

Or you can't decide which activity to choose? Then buy a piece of jewelry with zirconia. He will help you discover your talents and hidden resources, "Chase away" gloomy thoughts, sort out preferences and give strength and perseverance.

You find it difficult to make the right choice and make an important decision - and these problems will be solved by zircon! Put a stone under your pillow at night and by morning you will have solved all your questions and problems. In addition, zircon is a symbol of successful, active and self-confident people, therefore it contributes to self-discovery, establishing new contacts and useful acquaintances.

Psychosomatic properties of zircon

Zircon emits positive energy, so the owners of the gem notice that it invigorates the body and brings it into balance emotional condition person. In addition, products with this mineral have a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep - insomnia is not terrible with it.

The psychosomatic properties of zircon help in exposing deception, revealing secrets and upsetting intrigues. Therefore, this stone is chosen by straightforward, honest and modest people. In addition, zircon is also called the stone of prosecutors and judges - if necessary, it will help to reveal the secret and get the necessary information.

The influence of zircon on the signs of the zodiac

Zircon is a versatile stone that will suit everyone, especially those born under the sign of Aries and Aquarius. The influence of zircon on the signs of the zodiac is manifested in the development of aesthetic abilities, sensations and intuition. In addition, a zircon talisman will protect against bad surroundings, unworthy people, enemies and ill-wishers.

November 20, 2014