Where to start teaching your child to read. How to teach a child to read syllables at home. Primary school teacher's advice. Learn only vowels

Modern parents teach their kids to read literally from the cradle. For this, there are completely different, but quite effective methods that work great with the proper perseverance on the part of mom or dad.

But if for some reason the child refuses to study, the matter becomes more complicated, because the closer to school, the more skills he should already have. future first grader, which means that it is up to the parents to teach a 5-6 year old child to read as soon as possible.

A good help for parents of children of 6 years old will be the manuals "Learning to read" or the like. The author's ABC book is very popular. Zhukova, who helps the child to master the science, which is not easy for him, as much as possible.

How to get a child interested in reading at the age of 6?

Often a 6-year-old child does not want to learn to read if they pay little attention to him and simply do not study with him. Mom must from the very early age motivate the child printed word, buy him bright colorful little books and read together. Over time, the kid will fall in love with the daily ritual of reading fairy tales and will want to learn to read himself.

Usually, children who have not mastered the basics of reading by the age of six have little motivation to learn. The task of parents is to make it as effective as possible. To do this, you can use the method of rewards for the work done, as well as praise - after all, it means a lot for the growing person.

Mom can provoke the child to want to read. For example, for amateurs computer games will help if the parents refuse to find the game he needs in the search engine, but will convince him that he can do it himself, it is enough just to learn to read.

How to quickly teach a child to read at 6 years old?

In order to maximize a short time It will take a lot of effort to teach someone who has never done this to read, because there is very little time left before school. It is not at all necessary that the child knows everything, because now he is taught in stages:

In no case should you urge the child on, scold him for misunderstanding, and even more so raise his voice. From this, the kid will not understand what is required of him, but will only withdraw into himself and complicate the learning process.

To assess learning outcomes, you need to know how a child should read at 6 years old. The reading technique will help with this. Timed one minute, and let the kid read a simple text. Since by the end of the first half of grade 1, children should read about 25 words per minute, then 10-15 will be quite normal for a six-year-old.

Gone are the days when a baby, being " clean slate”, Entered the first grade. The child was taught everything at school: letters, numbers and other wisdom, and the parents could only help and control the development of little Einstein. Today, not even all kindergartens provide the basics of reading and counting, and the conditions for admission to educational institution have become tougher and without the knowledge of literacy, the baby may not be credited. Therefore, dad and mom have to arm themselves with various training manuals and start self-study children. And if you still somehow manage to master the letters, then very often difficulties arise with reading. We will talk about how to teach a child syllables in our article.

Everything in good time, or hurry up slowly

There are hardly any parents who would not like to proudly brag to their acquaintances that their baby, at the age of 5, can easily “swallow” Leo Tolstoy's four-volume War and Peace. But such a desire, rather, from the world of fantasy. Every child is unique, and it is presumptuous to expect reading to be their favorite pastime. It is better not to try to force your child to catch up and overtake neighbors or friends in the development of children, but in search of an answer to the question of how to teach a child syllables, try to trust only him: sooner or later, the child himself will declare his desire to learn to read.

You ask: how to understand that the child is "matured"? Let's list a few signs:

  • The crumb is able to coherently retell the movie you have watched or a fairy tale you have read: he easily makes sentences and clearly expresses himself;
  • The child can easily recognize sounds by ear. In order to be convinced of this, invite him to repeat the syllables you uttered: "ma-ra", "pi-ni", "za-na", "bu-zu", etc. If there are no problems, the task can be complicated , adding one more syllable ("ka-ta-ka", "zu-bu-zu", "la-ta-la"). Control the correct pronunciation;
  • The kid easily navigates in space, knows where "right", "left", "top" and "bottom" are.

If this simple exam is passed, you can safely start learning to read. By and large, even a five-year-old toddler with the proper level of development will not be difficult to master this wisdom.

How to teach a child to read syllables?

Before teaching a child syllables, it is important for parents to understand: the whole process should take place in a playful and entertaining way. In no case should be forced - this can discourage the child from reading for a long time.

Teaching a child to read syllables is usually not that difficult if you get creative. Where do you start? Naturally, with the development of vowels. There are usually no problems with them, but the consonants require more thoughtful study. In order to avoid problems with the compilation of syllables in the future, it is important to pronounce the consonants in a sound form, that is, not "bh", but "b"; not "en", but "n".

You should do no longer than 15 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time. The main thing is to do this every day so that the information received is not forgotten and firmly entrenched in the baby's memory.

As soon as the letters become familiar to perception and the child easily learns to recognize them, you need to start reading the syllables. This is also not difficult. You can make flashcards, or even better, use a primer and start learning from the simplest. We find or write the letter "m" and pronounce it together with the child. Then we do the same with the letter "a". Now you can tell a story about how the letter "m" is in a hurry to take the letter "a" by the hand, and when they meet, it turns out a very melodic "m-a". It is better to choose simple syllables, which include only two sounds: "ka", "yes", "na", "ha". Take your time - constantly review the material you have covered. Then proceed to the study of complex syllables: "shchi", "chu", "not", etc. After them, proceed to mastering the syllables beginning with vowels: "an", "od", "mustache", etc. And only when the kid reliably assimilates the passed material, it is possible to proceed to the combination of syllables into simple words: "ma-ma", "re-ka", "la-la".

The entire learning process can be quite lengthy, and sometimes it even turns into a multi-season series "How to teach a child to syllables", and in very difficult cases, the last episodes are "examined" by the parents after the toddler enters school.

Some techniques suggest learning syllables, reading them as if in a chant, and this is enough gross mistake: the baby, accustomed to "singing" syllables, over time continues to do the same with reading whole sentences, combining them into one endless word, without punctuation marks and pauses. Therefore, it is more advisable to learn to read with expression, making an appropriate pause after each word or punctuation mark.

How to teach a child to connect syllables?

When the baby can confidently manipulate the syllables and pronounce them clearly with expression, it's time to learn to read the words. They should consist of two-letter syllables, be short and understandable to the child ("fish-ba", "zu-by", "me-so", "mo-lo-ko").

It is very convenient to teach a child to connect syllables, according to teachers, using books for preschoolers, where words are correctly divided, there are many illustrations, and the texts are quite short.

As soon as your child masters the wisdom simple words, you can tackle more complex ones without fear: "weight-na", "doll-la", "cat-ka", etc. Try to choose words where the first syllable consists of three letters, and the second - of two.

Answering the question of how to teach a child syllables, it is worth emphasizing that systematicity and constant repetition are important here. For this purpose, use pre-made cards with syllables: "ba", "bo", "bu", "be", etc. You need to make them for each consonant and vowel letter. With the help of cards it is very convenient to form words: "va" + "for" = "va-za", "ly" + "zhi" = "ly-zhi".

Parents should understand that each child is different, and the speed of assimilation of new knowledge is different for everyone. It is quite possible that you will face the following situations:

  • The kid knows absolutely all the letters, but for some reason does not want to combine them into syllables;
  • There are no problems with letters and syllables, but the toddler has absolutely no desire to learn to read.

Take a closer look at the child: it is quite possible that he wants to cope with the task faster, so he is in a hurry with the answer; the kid has forgotten or mixed up some letters; he is simply afraid to master the unfamiliar and move on to a new stage of learning.

In any case, it is unacceptable to press, and even more so to shout and scold a child in the learning process. This will discourage him from studying for a long time. Get the kid interested, learn by playing - and you will succeed. And when you meet a friend who complains that her child does not want to learn to read, then with a clear conscience you can say: “You don’t know how to teach a child to syllables? Come on, I'll tell you. "

Text: Tatiana Okonevskaya

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This question is relevant for parents.

Every year the school curriculum becomes more complicated, when entering the first grade, the child should already be able to add prime numbers, know the alphabet and read syllables.

If these skills are not available, the child will not be able to master the basic program and will feel oppressed, inferior, which will negatively affect the formation of the psyche.

How to teach a child to read by syllables at home and when to start learning

Teaching a child to read words by syllable on their own is not as difficult as it seems. home furnishings comfortable for him, the child feels more confident. Now in bookstores you can find great amount all kinds teaching aids and books for toddlers to learn basic knowledge.

Of course, you need to start with the alphabet. There are also techniques for memorizing letters. Rough Montessori letters and Zaitsev's cubes are in great demand. If they are not interesting to the child, you can pick up something else, the choice is huge. It is possible that the baby is receptive to music and is best able to memorize the alphabet with music boards or other toys.

Consequences of Learning Too Early

It is important to understand not only how to teach a child to read by syllables at home, but at what age you can start doing it. Every parent wants his baby to be the smartest and most educated. There should be a measure in everything. Ophthalmologists and psychologists strongly oppose too early education... It is believed that a child is consciously able to perceive information no earlier than from the age of 5 years. Up to this age, any educational exercise should only be in game form... You can't burden the child's psyche too early with responsibility.

Consequences of trying to learn too early:


Communication problems, isolation;

Nervous tics;

Stuttering, groundless excitement;

Obsessive fear.

You can't try to make a genius out of your child. Much more important to keep it psycho-emotional state and bring up a decent, sociable and self-confident person. Every kid is different. For some, knowledge is easy, for others it takes a little more time. In any case, parents should not forget that this is - Small child who, first of all, needs love and support.

How to tell if your child is ready to learn

Signs to help determine the child's readiness to learn to read by syllables and master skills:

The child knows how to coordinate well in space;

The child distinguishes sounds in words, deliberately tries to pronounce them correctly;

The kid clearly forms his desires into logical sentences;

Lack of speech therapy problems with speech;

Independent craving for knowledge.

A Simple Exercise to Determine Readiness

Children's brain must be able to be aware of what he saw. The easiest way to get cards is with the image of letters and words for these letters. For example, the letter "A" and a watermelon is drawn on the card. The child needs not only to explain what kind of berry it is, but also to clarify that its name begins with the letter "A".

When the baby, seeing the card, will pronounce "A" - watermelon, "B" - drum, etc., it means that he is ready to learn to read by syllables.

How to teach a child to read by syllables at home: an effective technique

Educators and psychologists have developed methodological rules, following which parents can teach their child to read syllables quickly and confidently. The main thing is to follow the sequence.

1. The alphabet. First of all, the baby must learn the letters, one by one.

2. At the second stage, it is important to teach how to pronounce syllables consisting of two letters.

3. You can move on to the pronunciation of syllables consisting of three letters.

4. Now the child is ready to learn how to independently combine syllables into simple words.

5. The last stage- connection of syllables in Difficult words and the first reading attempts. The parents are already at the home stretch.

Important! The learning process should be easy, stress-free. This should be done in a playful way. If the child does not succeed in something, you cannot scold the baby, otherwise he will lose his craving for learning new information. It will be very difficult to regain his interest, even at school.

How to teach a child to read by syllables at home: combine letters into syllables

A syllable consists of consonants and vowels. Initially, the baby must learn to pronounce the vowels. There are not so many of them, so it will be easier for the child. After that, you can move on to consonants. Learning begins with the most common sounds - "m", "p", "b".

Parents should not combine consonants with vocabulary when teaching. For example, you cannot say "peh", you need to pronounce "p". Let the child say exactly "p", then add the vowel "a" and get the syllable - "pa".

It will be a great pleasure for the kid when he can independently assemble his first word from the cubes - "mom" or "dad".

Reward for results

The kid must understand that his achievements bear fruit. It is very important for parents to encourage and grasp the child, only in this way he will have a craving for knowledge.

For example, when the baby has built the first word out of cubes on his own, take him to playground where he has not been, or buy something tasty. The child will like that he was praised, he will try to put together new words - more complex, with unequal syllables.

Reading a book together

When the mastery of literacy on cubes is over, you can move on to reading books together. The most important thing is that the selected book is bright, has many pictures and large letters that will allow the little child not to strain their eyes.

It is very important at the first stage to ask the kid to try to find the familiar syllables "ma", "pa", "ba" and others on his own.

Read together, so the children are much more interested and they feel the support of their parents. So that the kid does not lose a line, it is necessary to teach him to follow it with his finger. So parents will see if their child is reading them correctly and, if necessary, correct the mistake.

Important! You need to buy books with different fonts. It happens that a child may not recognize a letter if it is written differently. It is very important to teach him to recognize letters in different fonts and not to postpone it.

How to teach a child to read by syllables at home: useful tips

1. When purchasing educational books for kids, you should pay attention to various techniques... Diversified development will help the child to more easily perceive new information.

2. If the parents have clearly decided to teach their child to read, this should be done every day. Even if there is a sorely lack of time, you still need to try to allocate 15-20 minutes in the morning or before bedtime.

3. Before giving the child new information, it is necessary to repeat the material already covered. This will be a kind of brain exercise.

4. Baby attention very unstable, after 20 minutes of exercise, the brain switches from exercise to extraneous things. You need to try to meet this time.

5. Even the smallest achievements of the child must be praised. If this is insignificant for the parents, for the baby the new skill becomes a real achievement. The praise of the child will lead to the fact that he will even more strive for new discoveries for himself.

To make it easier for the little student to remember all the information received, it is recommended to combine theory with practice. For example, parents have just learned the letter "A" with their child. You can try asking your baby to find this letter around him during walks or household chores. These can be stands, books, store signs and much more. This kind of gymnastics will allow you to consolidate the information received and better assimilate it.

Understanding how to teach a child to read syllables at home is not difficult. It is much more difficult to be patient and devote time to exercise every day, at least 10-15 minutes. Parents' efforts will not be in vain. When baby will go in first grade, he will be proud that he can already read.

How to teach a child to read syllables and then fluently

Many of us still remember that blue ABC book with a big bright letter "A" on the cover. Thanks to this book, millions of children quickly learned to read. Time passed, and now these children have matured and become parents themselves. But now they are already do not refer to the same book , by which they themselves once learned to read. Nowadays there are so many methods of teaching children to read in fashion that you can easily get confused - what to choose in order to quickly teach a child to read and, most importantly, correctly. Tyulenev's technique designed for teaching babies almost from the cradle, Zaitsev's cubes and rough Maria Montessori letters promise miracles in learning. Young parents rush between all these ways, and with them their child.

And yet, how to teach a child to read , which method to give preference, when to start learning and with what? These questions concern many young dads and moms. But few of them think about that to learn letters and be able to put them into words and phrases with suggestions is not the most important thing.

Early development of babies is very fashionable now. ... As soon as the child is one year old, they begin to teach him to read and count. But it has already been proven that this is fraught with consequences for the developing psyche of children. The belief that the earlier you start teaching your child the better is wrong. According to neuropathologists, parents very early learners can harm your baby.

Let's see how a child is formed.

early pregnancy and up to three years, the formation of the first functional block of the brain takes place, which is responsible for the emotional, cognitive and bodily perception of the child.

V three years old and up to five years - eight years, the second functional block of the brain is formed. It controls perception: vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch.

According to ophthalmologists, early childhood education reading is fraught with consequences for the eyes - myopia may develop from premature visual stress. Experts do not recommend teaching to read earlier than at the age of five or six. Before this age, the formation of the ciliary muscle, which is responsible for visual acuity, occurs.

The development of the child's conscious mental activity occurs between the ages of seven and fifteen.

The functional blocks of the brain are formed sequentially. All attempts by parents to "jump" any of the stages will negatively affect the development of natural processes that occur in the child's body at one time or another. There is simply a distortion in natural development baby. Consequences of early childhood education may not appear immediately. That is what they are fraught with. Over the years, this can affect emotional and personal relationships with people. And it can also result in an unpredictable form: stuttering, tics, neuroses, in various speech disorders and obsessive movements.

How to determine that a child is physiologically ready to learn to read?

- the child has formed a speech, he can speak in sentences and make a coherent story;

The baby has no speech therapy disorders ... And here we mean not only the correct pronunciation of individual sounds, but also disturbances in the rhythm and melody of speech;

The child is well oriented in space, not getting confused in the concepts of up and down, right and left;

The child's phonemic hearing is sufficiently developed - it easily recognizes the sound not only at the beginning of a word, but also in its middle part and at the end of a word.

How to teach a child to read correctly so as not to cause tears, reproaches and resentment? This question is most often asked by parents of future first-graders. Of course, you can stop at the usual method for everyone. It comes down to daily monotonous activities, during which the child learns to write hooks and sticks. and also reads the ABC book. But all dads and mothers know that such activities carry boredom, fatigue and irritation, the child does not learn to read thoughtfully. As a result, an unwillingness to study develops. And although the child will receive certain knowledge and skills, such training is unlikely to become for him a good school for the development of feelings and emotions, as well as a means of knowing the world around him and himself in it. For learning to become fun game and turned it into a collaborative creative process children and adults, so that the child learns to read correctly and quickly, choose a different path.

Just like toddlers learn to understand spoken language they must learn to read words and sentences. But the most important thing is that it is quite real and the facts confirm this.

Scientists have proven that the eye sees, but is not aware of what it sees; the ear perceives sound, but does not understand what it hears. The whole process of understanding this takes place exclusively in the brain.

When we hear a spoken word or sentence, the sounds are split into several electrochemical impulses that are sent to the brain. Our brain connects all these impulses together and perceives their meaning and meaning. Similar action happens with vision. Our eyes see what is written, but do not understand it. The brain does not see what is written, but understands it.

The visual and auditory endings are passed through the brain, which processes the information received. In the event that the baby had to own only one of the many skills, then such a skill would undoubtedly be the ability to read ... It is this that is the basis of all types of standard, formal and non-formal education.

How to quickly teach a child to read so that he does not get tired and does not lose interest? Exercise regularly, but not for long. For the first lessons, five to ten minutes will be enough. Gradually, this time can be increased to thirty minutes. Conduct a game activity - the child should be easy, interesting and not bored.

Before starting the reading technique, learn all the letters with your baby. Cubes will help very well with this. The pictures drawn on them will help you recognize the subject and associate it with the letter. Teach your kid to name the letters correctly: watermelon - "A", house - "D", etc. Play a game with your baby - ask him to find the letter "A". At the same time, do not rush to make hints. The child must learn on his own find the desired cube. If he doesn't succeed, he needs help.

You can read with modern methods of teaching preschoolers to read correctly by clicking on the link - EXPAND THE PAGE . 10 important tips to help you teach your child to read correctly:


What method of teaching reading to adhere to ? Teaching your child to read by syllables, give preference to the usual primer, which was compiled by K. Zhukova. This book is an effective assistant for a child who is learning to understand how to put letters into syllables, syllables into words, and these words into whole sentences. There are not many pictures in the book, but they are quite enough so that the child is not bored.


In which sequences to learn vowels and consonants... First, we teach the child an open vowel - A, O, U, E, Y. Now you can proceed to solid consonants - M, N. But make sure that the child pronounces them correctly: not "uh", and not "me", but just "m". The next in turn are muffled and hissing sounds: Ш, С, etc.


Do not forget to repeat the material from the previous lesson with your child in each lesson. Remember together what sounds you learned in the last lesson. By consolidating the material covered, you will help your child develop a competent reading mechanism.


Take a look at the ABC book. Show the kid how the first letter of the syllable "m" rushes to the second letter "a". Explain to the child that this is how it should be pronounced: m-m-ma-a-a - m-m-ma-a-a. In such an accessible form, the child understands that one letter is running to another. As a result, they are spoken together, without separating from each other.


Now we begin to study simple syllables. To easily teach a child to read, you need to start with simple syllables with only two letters: ma, la, ra, mu, mo. The kid must master and understand how two letters form a syllable. It is important for him to master the mechanism of reading by syllables. After he understands this, he will easily learn to read more complicated syllables - with voiceless and hissing consonants: shi, yes, woo, etc.


You can start learning more complex syllables. Don't rush to read words or books. Let the kid learn the syllable reading mechanism better. Just complicate the task - read with him the syllables that begin with a vowel: am, aw, he, up.


After we have mastered all the syllables, we proceed to reading the simplest words: "ma - ma", "ra - ma", "we - lo".


How easy is it to teach a child to read by syllables? Be sure to teach your child to pronounce syllables correctly. This is a guarantee that he will learn to read well. Note. According to one of the methods, teachers and educators in kindergartens teach children to sing syllables. Kids quickly get used to it and sing syllables constantly in one breath. However, they do not make any pauses between words. Some kids get so carried away that they sing the entire paragraph without observing punctuation marks - periods, exclamation and question marks. If you decide to teach your toddler to read, do it well. Don't let your child sing everything. Pay his attention pauses between words , and especially between sentences. Teach the child to this order: sang the word - pause, sang the second - pause. In the future, he himself will learn to shorten the pauses. But at the beginning of training, it is simply necessary to do them.


At what age is it better to teach a child to read. Don't be ahead of the curve. At the age of three or four, it is unlikely that your child will be interested in poring over books, learning to read and put letters into syllables. At this age, it is definitely too early to start learning to read. The only exceptions are those cases when the child himself unambiguously expresses a desire for this.

But at the age of five and six, children must be dealt with so that they can read and write words. in block letters... Those children who go to Kindergarten, educators teach this. If your child does not attend kindergarten, you will have to deal with the child. Let your grandmother or grandfather take over this responsibility at least in part. As a last resort, hire a tutor. This is necessary because modern techniques suggest that baby will come in the first grade already prepared and reading in syllables. This is also important from a psychological point of view. If you teach your toddler to read before school, in first grade it will be easy for him read and the first stress from school can be avoided.

TIP 10

To quickly and correctly teach a child to read syllables, turn study into a game ... Do not force your child to read expressively or fluently. It is much more important that he could independently put letters into syllables, read them in a book, be able to form words, phrases and sentences. He simply needs to master the technique of reading. It doesn't matter if at first it will be slow and difficult for the baby. Remaining calm, smoothly and quietly help him correct mistakes as he reads. Let it be like a game. After all, in the game you can relax without getting stress. In the process of learning to read, it is necessary to achieve exactly what the kid understands without straining what the elders want from him.

If you adhere to these tips, you will be able to teach your baby to read fairly tolerably in a month and a half.

If your child already knows how to passably read whole phrases by syllables, gradually move on to teaching the baby fluent reading. Below are 14 lessons with which you can teach your little one to read fluently, and most importantly, correctly. Teaching a child of six - seven years old fluent reading is desirable no more than 30 minutes once or twice a day. You can complete these lessons in any order. There are no more than 4 lessons per day.


How to develop vigilance in a child

Try this task:

In a row of five to six vowels, insert one consonant. Invite your child to find an extra letter. You can vary this task.

Write down the words in which only one letter is different: whale - cat; juice - bitches; wood - weight, etc. The child must answer how the words differ from each other.


Gymnastics that develops articulation in a child

These activities help to improve pronunciation, promote proper breathing. and help to make speech clearer.

The game "put together a word from the halves"

Find simple words with two syllables. One lesson will require at least ten words. Write these words on two cards and have your child assemble the words correctly. The cards need to be changed constantly.


How to train attention quickly

The task is as follows. Your little one is reading the text in the book. At your command "Stop!" he takes his eyes off the book, closes them and rests. At the command "Read!" the child must find the fragment where he paused his reading.


Semantic guess (anticipation)

The principle of anticipation - when reading, the child's peripheral vision sees the outline of the next word. From what he read, he concludes which word should be next.

To develop a semantic guess, you can do with the child next exercise... Write the words in which either a letter or a syllable is missing. Give the child the opportunity to guess for himself which letters need to be entered ... These activities will significantly improve your child's ability to read fluently.


Teach your child to read parallel

You will need two identical texts. Start reading slowly, and let the child read after you, following the lines with your finger. Gradually accelerate the pace, but make sure that the baby does not lag behind.


Reading for a while

Pick up plain text. Time it (for example, a minute) and have the child read. When the time is up, count how many words the child managed to read in a minute. On repeated reading, the child will read more words.

For development ... Read them slowly and in a whisper at first. Then - confidently and loudly. Make sure your child can clearly pronounce the endings of words. In the same way, read proverbs and sayings with your child.

How to teach a child to read well? The kid must learn to read to himself. When a child reads aloud, the eyes see the text and send a signal to the brain. At the same time, the organs of speech are prepared, and the ears perceive the spoken text.


The accent game

Find a word with several syllables and try stressing each syllable with your child. The child must determine which stress is correct.

Try to involve your child in the reading process. Reading his favorite fairy tale, stop at the very interesting place... Say that you are tired of reading and ask your child to read a short portion of the text.


See filmstrips

This lesson is the best way to train your reading technique.


How to develop a child's visual field

a) Draw a table. Write one letter in each box. Invite your child to read them all silently, pointing at the letters with a pencil. You need to read as soon as possible and memorize the sequence of letters.

b) Invite your child to read the unfamiliar text to himself ... This should be done as quickly as possible and with closed lips. Then offer to retell what you read ... Now you can read the text again, but this time aloud.


Role-play reading.


To teach your child to read fluently, practice reading upside-down text.
This is how the memorization of integral samples of letters develops. The child will learn to combine the semantic ending of the word with the letter analysis. You do not go to this exercise right away, but when the child learns to read without errors. Thanks to this exercise, the child will learn to read quickly and correctly.


Find the word game

Say any word and invite your child to quickly find it in the text. This is how the ability to see the integral image of a word is formed and verbal memory develops.


Rhythmic exercise

While reading an unfamiliar text, the child must tap a certain rhythm that has been learned in advance with a pencil.


Playing with consonants.

Invite your child to inhale: and while exhaling, quickly read any set of fifteen consonant letters. For example: p, t, d, k, w, v, n, g, s, h, x, b, f, g, p .

Now you know how to teach your child to read well and fluently. But never try to teach your child fluent reading. if he is under 6 years old or he is still poorly prepared (he does not know all the letters, he often pronounces words incorrectly while reading a simple text written in large print).


You have passed the stage of learning the alphabet with your child. He can easily find a given letter in the text. It's time to move on to the next step - learning to read. How to teach a five-year-old child to read?

Your next task will be teach a 5 year old to read syllables... Start by connecting two letters - a consonant and a vowel. Explain to your child that they need to sound together. While walking with your child, or doing household chores, play simple words into syllables with your baby. Make flashcards with letters to make it easier to form and read syllables.

At this stage, it is necessary for a 5-year-old child to master the technique of folding syllables from letters. If you studied letters by alphabet or using cubes, now you need to have no pictures - they distract the child's attention.

How to teach a 5 year old child to read?
Turn the learning process into a game. Write letters on a piece of paper, print them on a computer, paint them on a Whatman paper that hangs on the wall. And you can write letters on the rump, poured thin layer on a tray.

Associative games are very helpful. While walking, draw the child's attention to the surrounding objects, with their outlines resembling letters. For example: a television antenna on the roof resembles the letter "t", a satellite dish resembles the letter "o", a lamppost resembles the letter "a", and so on.

It is better to start learning to read a 5-year-old child with short three-letter words - cat, nose, garden, etc. Words with paired syllables will help a child quickly learn to read: pa - pa, ma - ma, ba - ba. It is very good to read the words in a chant. When the child reads the word, ask him what letters it consists of. Help him if he himself wishes it.

How to properly teach a five-year-old to read sentences from familiar words? It is important that sentences are not long and complex. If next to the sentence there is a picture of what it says, it will be easier for the child to understand that he did not work in vain and read the sentence correctly. He will experience the joy that he did it on his own.

After you have mastered reading syllables with your baby, you can start reading simple words and simple sentences. To do this, you need small children's books with rhymes and stories. ... How to quickly teach a child to read rhymes?

Reading with a child 5 years old small rhymes, not only the reading technique will develop. Such activities contribute to the development of the child's memory and logic of thinking. A prerequisite is the presence of a picture next to each rhyme ... It should depict the event referred to in the rhyme.

Here is an example of such a rhyme: “we cooked soup from pearl barley groats, but it turned out to be porridge, that's our grief.” Before you start reading the rhyme , ask the kid who is shown in the picture, what he is doing, and what is nearby, etc. Then, after reading the first line, repeat it with your child. After reading the second line, repeat two lines already. Usually kids love these books and read them with pleasure. And even s remember rhymes by heart ... The baby will experience great pride after reading rhymes to one of your guests. Sometimes the child cannot remember some incomprehensible or difficult words for his perception. Do not rush to prompt in this case. Remind him that he is already big and can handle it himself. This will help a 5-year-old child to cheer up, and he can easily read difficult word and continuation of the rhyme. Read new rhymes with your child everyday. Be sure to repeat the old ones. And when guests come to you, ask the kid read your favorite rhymes - he will do it with great joy.

When the child knows the letters well enough, feel free to move on to composing and reading syllables. Do not underestimate this important stage in your child's development. Explain to your child how to connect the letters correctly. Turn your activity into a game ... Letters-magnets will help you with this. Move them with your child and read aloud. Ideally, this stage should take place at the age of four. In extreme cases, at the age of five.

And if you missed this moment - how to teach a child to read at six? If you see that your child is not ready for school, take your time. Let him sit at home some more. Do a good job with him. After all, it's never too late to start learning. Don't panic. Not all children can read at the age of six.

How to teach a 6-year-old to read correctly? The teaching method is pretty simple. You need books with colorful pictures in which all words are written in syllables. But keep in mind that you do not have much time for training. At the right approach for classes, you can teach your daughter or son to read well in six months, maximum - in a year.

It is important to understand here that reading for a 6 year old child should not be a tedious obligation. It should be his favorite pastime. If the child himself strives to read, your studies will be much more fruitful. They will be interesting and exciting. Therefore, your task is to develop the child's interest in reading. Turn classes into a game, come up with a variety of ways to learn , teach your child to read games online. And in no case should you scold the child when something does not work out. This can alienate the child from classes, and reading will be associated with punishment.

Reading should be done regularly. Work with your baby for at least an hour a day. But this must be done with his consent. The child's first books should arouse interest in him so that he strives to read them every day. Having learned to read before school, your child will feel confident against the background of the rest of the students.

Start reading small rhymes with your child 6 years old ... You can move on to reading fairy tales later. After all, at first it will be difficult for a kid to master a large amount of information. Be sure to ask your toddler to tell you what he has read. It is useful for developing the memory of a 6 year old child. Plus, it will have a positive effect on the development of your baby's personality traits. It is very important during training to praise the child for his achievements, no matter how small they are. This will help not only rapid learning reading techniques - your child will feel more confident and believe in themselves. After all, the child so needs your affection and love!

It is almost impossible to overestimate the importance of knowledge of the English language in our time. Many parents understand perfectly well that teaching a child to read in English - it is simply necessary. First, these activities will help prepare your child for school. Secondly, they will fill possible gaps in the school curriculum. And thirdly, it will definitely come in handy for a child when mastering a computer.

Each parent has certain knowledge of the English language ... But not everyone knows how you can use this knowledge to pass it on to your own child.

How easy it is to teach reading on English language your baby? Take your time to learn the English alphabet with your child. ... You can confuse the child with this. But there are situations when a child has learned the name of the letters, but does not know how to read - very often this is observed in schoolchildren. This is fixable. You need to explain to the kid the difference between the names of the letters and their pronunciation.

How to quickly master the technique of reading in English for a kid ? This question is asked not only by mothers who own initial knowledge language, but also young teachers. The main condition for this is positive attitude learning and positive motivation. It is important to convince your child that reading is fun. Purchase books for the child in English with bright and colorful illustrations. Explain to your child that if he learns to read, he will be able to read these books himself, which will pleasantly surprise dad, mom, grandparents.

Before moving on to teaching, watch movies in English with your baby without translation. The child needs to hear how it sounds English speech... Buy a book with expressive pictures for your baby to help and facilitate language learning. It has already been noticed that children learn English quickly enough, even not knowing how to speak Russian properly. This is due to the fact that children easily perceive new information.

Start learning English by reading the alphabet ... Pay attention to correct pronunciation. Find a few simple words and say them together. Conduct activities in the form of a game - so the child will be better involved in the learning process.

How easy is it to teach a child to read English by syllables? When your baby learns to distinguish between letters, begin to add syllables. It is very good to teach a child using plasticine letters. Sculpt them with your child. So he will better remember not only their pronunciation, but also how they look. Invite your child to collect a familiar word from plasticine letters. If he makes a mistake, calmly explain to the child what it is. Do not scold your baby, help him and praise him constantly. He will try even harder. After all, your opinion is very important to him.

Such a game will very well help in mastering the English language: take sheets of blank paper and write the pronunciation of letters on them with markers. Spread the papers all over the house. A game with associations will also help teach a child to read in English - go to the table and name it English name... Each time passing by, the child will remember the English word. This will greatly speed up the process of language acquisition.

You will definitely need children's books in English. It is desirable that they contain a lot of pictures, and the texts are easy for the kid to master. The read texts must be translated together so that the child quickly remembers the meaning of the words.

It is not enough to say: I want to teach a child to read in English. It is important to know the sequence of the training.

- starting your English lessons, learn the alphabet;

Explain to your child that in English, one letter can mean different sounds;

Read words with an open syllable with your baby: bite, name, Pete, etc.;

Then you can master reading simple English words with a closed syllable: six, map, not, pen, etc .;

Now try to combine English words open and closed syllable; do this while playing with cubes or cards with written letters: you call the baby a word - he adds it up. So you will train visual and muscle memory;

Try to make simple sentences with your baby;

Now you can make up various phrases with your child;

At this stage, you can move on to reading books and listen to audiobooks with your child;

When a child has mastered the simple rules of reading in English , move on to more complex texts;

If you constantly praise your child for even the smallest achievements, reading in English will become his favorite pastime and the child will be able to quickly learn to read any texts in English.

Preschool reading

The child learns to read in Russian or English during the preschool period. Collective lessons are carried out in the form of games, mobile and logical, but they do not always give desired effect... How to help a child if his reading level does not match general norms or just stopped growing?

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Also, do not forget that in school curriculum the child is given to read a large number of material. Due to the voluminous list of the studied literature and the tasks performed, he may simply get tired and lose interest in learning. In this situation, you should offer your help and try to help the child learn important information.

How to teach a child to read quickly and correctly in primary school?

Reading quickly and reading correctly is not the same thing. If the child easily transitioned from syllables to quick reading, this does not yet guarantee the assimilation of information. In order to teach the child to also reproduce the material covered well, simple and effective exercise for the development of your child.

The list of exercises recommended by the world's leading teachers is updated annually. The choice of any of them should be based on already achieved results the child or help to achieve a certain level of reading and understanding of the material.


What do the experts recommend? If the child's reading speed has reached the above minimum, then it is time to teach him to read it quickly and correctly. It is advisable to start paying attention to this issue no later than grade 2, so that the child can effectively master a large amount of new knowledge.

Effective exercises for a second grader will be reading sentences the other way around (playing with a bad guy) or deforming them, playing "tops and roots", using cards. The first step to correct reading can be classes on reading sentences in reverse, that is, from the end. This will arouse a real interest in the child in the absurdity that will result. T

the effect will be achieved if you change the words in the sentence in places and invite the student to collect them in correct sequence... What will this give the child? Older people read and memorize quickly, because they guess the endings of words, think out the essence of sentences. These exercises will help your little one to master this ability and increase the speed of thinking.

The game of "tops and roots" is even more effective, it is suitable for children elementary school at any age, but it is recommended more often for children who have already gone to grade 3-4. You can perform the exercise using a regular ruler and your favorite book (you can use it as a training book). Cover the top or bottom half of the word for the child to try to guess. If it is difficult to do this the first time, then briefly show the text to the baby and only then close part of the word. It is difficult for a first grader to complete such a task, but children from 8 years old often complete it with great interest.

c "> Method of reading by syllables and transition to whole words

If you cannot learn to read quickly and correctly due to the transition from syllables to whole words, then there is a solution to this problem. special technique. Famous teacher, professor I.T. Fedorenko and his colleagues offer guidelines and exercises to help your baby learn to read whole words. The main condition for their effectiveness is regularity and feasibility, that is, parents need to pay attention to reading every day for about an hour, without overloading the child. large volumes work.

The following guidelines will help you to quickly improve your reading technique:

  • support constant interest a child to read through competitions, tournaments, prizes and interesting games. In no case should the prize be money, it can be cooking your favorite dish, going to the cinema or some other general activity;
  • do it all together. The algorithm for this recommendation is simple: read a race, if the child is tired - replace him for a while, try to empathize with the characters with him, show interest in his thoughts. V in this case the child should feel that your goal is not to increase his academic performance, but a desire to learn as much new as possible together;
  • depending on the interests of the child, you can use such techniques (you can learn at home on free video) as tongue twisters, rhythmic reading, humming text from a book, etc. If the kid is not interested in this, then you can use subtitles in cartoons, read comics and exchange short notes.

Exercises such as:

  • reading in waves, when the same text is read at different angles. First, the child reads a small text in the usual position, then you can turn the book over to 170 degrees. If your child is interested, you can even try reading upside down. Over time, he will be able to read whole words much faster than before;
  • building up words and reading in a column. Parents can begin to build up their child's knowledge with the same root words in alphabetical order. It is enough to take the root of one word and add new prefixes and endings to it. As they increase, words need to be arranged in a column and note how quickly the child can read them after several memorization sessions;
  • retellings of small texts, reasoning. For this exercise, you need to choose small texts with vivid characters. They should talk about a problem that may interest the child. After reading several sentences together, it is worth pause for the baby to retell them and express his attitude to their content.

When reading with your child, it is recommended to use video tutorials with subtitles. This will help your baby learn to move quickly from one sentence to the next. Such video training should be combined on topics, for example, the animal world, cartoon characters and much more.