Rapid resorption of bruises. How to quickly get rid of a bruise on the face. Traditional medicine for bruises

With whom you don’t happen, you are late, you fuss, and in a hurry you suddenly get a blow in the face with a closet door.

Redness and swelling appear at the site of the blow, and at the end of this sad story there is a bruise on the face, he is also a hematoma, jokes of friends and mournful contemplation in the mirror of the injured face. How to quickly remove a bruise under the eye?

Cold. If you start immediately with cold treatment, then even after a severe bruise, hematomas will not appear.

Apply ice wrapped in a cloth to the bruised area for 15 minutes. If there is no ice in the house, a bag of frozen fish will do (previously they fought with bruises by applying frozen meat to bruises, some extreme people still consider the treatment of bruises to be the most correct one: o).
No refrigerator - soak the bruise for 15 minutes under running water cold water. If there are bruises on your legs, try to lift the damaged area, thereby reducing blood flow, lie down on the bed with a pillow under your feet.
If the bruise is on an arm or leg, tighten the area tightly with an elastic bandage - less blood will get under the skin, which will greatly reduce the bruise.

All day, with an interval of a maximum of 2 hours, apply ice to the bruised area. Treating bruises with cold causes blood vessels to constrict, blood flow is reduced, and the pain and size of the bruise decreases, because in subcutaneous layer less blood gets in. Just do not frostbite your hands and feet, after every 15 minutes of cooling, take a break of 10 minutes, giving the skin the opportunity to "recover" after cryotherapy, especially when pain appears from the cold.

An effective remedy to remove a bruise is to apply a very cold compress immediately after receiving a blow. with lavender oil, or with virgin hazel distillate. Dilute 1 tablespoon of hazel distillate (Hamamelis virginiana) in a glass of very cold water, apply a cold cloth soaked in this mixture to the bruise.
A reasonable precaution, especially if you have a family member with a talent for bruising, is to freeze ice cubes from this solution in advance and keep them in a signed plastic bag in the refrigerator.

A good option for ice cubes is an infusion. comfrey (Symphytum officinale) which contributes rapid healing damaged tissues.

A handful of finely chopped parsley beat in a glass of boiled water and freeze in the form of cubes, parsley perfectly relieves swelling with bruises. The cure for a bruise will always be at hand, just wrap it ice cube into a cloth and apply to the bruised area.

Warm. But suppose that it was not possible to quickly remove the bruise. On the second day, the swelling around the bruise should already be gone, otherwise you need to wait.
When the swelling subsides, the bruising treatment moves on to the next step - heat is needed, which will help expand the blood vessels and allow them to carry away the blood and lymph accumulated under the skin.
arm yourself warm heating pad, as an option, you can use salt heated in a pan or sand poured into a fabric bag, it will come down and regular sock. Warm up the bruise three times a day for 20 minutes, until the bruise disappears.

Use various warming agents - compresses, rubbing.

The bruise should “ripen”, changing color from red to purple and blue to yellow, this is due to the breakdown of hemoglobin at the site of injury, but if after injury the bruise does not change color, remains purple for several days, this is bad sign, an attached infection is possible - consult a doctor!

After the swelling around the bruise has already subsided, traditional medicine offers to treat bruises mainly with the help of compresses and lotions. Any of the recipes listed below will help remove the bruise, use one or more recipes at once, but do not forget that the skin needs breaks between treatments.

Essential oils . To make the bruise go faster - use essential oils. Good for fresh bruises lavender oil, and for old ones - rosemary.

Bodyaga. Bodyaga is a freshwater sponge, you can buy a preparation in the pharmacy in the form of a ready-made gel or powder, and it costs a penny .. Treatment of bruises with bodyagi powder is considered an effective and fast remedy.
It is necessary to grind 2 tablespoons of bodyagi powder into powder, add 1 tablespoon boiled water and a drop of vegetable oil. Grind until a slurry is formed, spread it on the site of the bruise and rub it in lightly, the sensations are vile - the mixture pricks.

If the bruises on the legs apply the bodyagi preparation to the tissue, apply this bandage to sore spot and leave to dry. After drying, the badyag is carefully washed off. warm water.

Bodyaga is used no more than 2 times a day, in the morning and before going to bed in the evening, otherwise there will be irritation on the skin.
Bodyaga from bruises on the face is not the best pleasant remedy, especially if you need to remove a bruise under the eye, because. accidental contact with the badyagi in the eye causes severe pain...

Iodine. On the second day after the bruise, draw a grid of 5% iodine tincture at the bruise before going to bed. Iodine warming the bruise improves blood circulation and acts anti-inflammatory. Until the morning the grid will disappear, do not worry.

Vodka. Mix half a glass of vodka and half a teaspoon of salt. Apply a swab soaked in this mixture to the bruises. Renew the compress when it starts to dry out.

Calendula. A good remedy for bruises and bruises is calendula tincture. You can buy it at a pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. Take 20 grams of calendula flowers per 100 ml. 70 - degree alcohol. You need to insist 2 weeks, so it's better to cook it
in advance. It keeps for a long time. Use this tincture for compresses and lotions.

Cabbage. Apply to a long bruised place fresh leaves cabbage. Beat them lightly before juice appears. Wrap in a gauze bandage and apply a compress to the site of injury. Change compresses as they dry out.

Beans. Make a nightly compress of boiled white beans, grinding them to a puree. Tie the top with a cotton cloth or bandage.

Garlic. Cut into 2 parts with a clove of garlic, lubricate the bruises or apply gruel from crushed garlic to the bruise.
You can also make a mixture: pour 3 tablespoons of fresh chopped garlic with 300 ml of 6% vinegar, leave for a day at room temperature In the dark. Strain, rub the bruise with tincture 2-3 times a day.

Horseradish and radish. Several times a day, apply gruel from radish or horseradish grated on a fine grater to the site of injury.

A pineapple. This fruit contains enzymes that help speed up the resorption of bruises. Rub bruises with freshly squeezed pineapple juice or pieces of fruit.

Onion. Finely chop 1 medium onion and add 1 teaspoon of honey. With this mixture, make compresses 2-3 times a day.
If there is plantain, the compress will be even more effective.
Chopped medium-sized onion, mixed with 1 tablespoon of dried plantain powdered. Add the same amount of honey and mix thoroughly in a water bath. Apply with bruises in the form of compresses three times a day for 2 hours.

Beet-honey compress . Grate fresh beets on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the resulting slurry. Apply this mixture on the bruise, cover cotton fabric or gauze and secure with a bandage. Keep the compress for 2-3 hours, then rinse. Do 1 time per day.

Atksusno-salt lotions. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of 9% vinegar. Moisten a napkin in this solution and apply three times a day for 30 minutes to the site of the bruise.
You can mix vodka and vinegar in half in a glass, add 1 teaspoon of salt. Apply a wet swab to the bruises three times a day for an hour, renewing the swabs when they dry out.

Vitamin C. As a rule, bruising often occurs in people who are deficient in vitamin C. To make up for it, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, green onion, sauerkraut.

Onion with salt - good remedy from hematomas: 5-6 heads onion, chopped on a grater, mix with 1 tablespoon of salt, wrap the resulting mass in a cloth and apply to the affected area. Three times a day you need to make a fresh compress.
If necessary, repeat the procedure for several days.

Potato starch is an ideal folk remedy for bruises. Dilute starch with water until a slurry is formed and apply to the bruised area. A miracle will not keep you waiting for a long time - the very next day there will be no trace of a hematoma!

Banana peel. Surprisingly, banana peel is great for fighting bruises. ! Apply the inside of a banana peel to the affected area for just half an hour.
Based on materials from lovage.net, pensioner46.ru

Aloe. Apply a cut aloe leaf to the injury site. You can glue it on with adhesive. Good for minor bruises.

Well, in my opinion, the most the best remedy- immediately put on a bruise grated potatoes. My grandmother did this to me as a child - it went quickly: o)

Medications. Pharmacies sell many products that help relieve the effects of bruises. With their help, you can get rid of bruises in a day. The main thing is to use them according to the instructions - some of them 3 times a day, and some every 2 hours.
Means that have proven themselves: "Heparin ointment", "Troxevasin", "Rescuer", "Arnika", "Indovazin", "Bruise-off", "Lition".

PS. In older people, the appearance of bruises can be explained by the fragility of blood vessels and age-related destruction of connective tissues. In people with weak blood vessels, even blows are not needed for the formation of a bruise, bruises can appear from medium-strength pressure on the skin, measures should be taken to strengthen the walls of the vessels.
Helps get rid of bruises cold and hot shower, increased consumption raw carrots, sweet peppers, onions, white cabbage and citrus fruits.

Contributes to the formation of bruises on the skin excessive stay exposure to the sun and taking blood thinners such as aspirin.

If a bruise appears for no reason, be sure to consult a doctor, bruising may be associated with diseases of the circulatory system.

And in conclusion, we can give an example of a conspiracy used by our ancestors, because the word also heals. The plot is read on water poured 40 times. It sounded like this:

“I will pray to the Lord God, I will worship the Holy Most Pure One.
Dawns-Zarnitsa, God's helpers, proceed, help to speak from a blow. Blow-blow, get away from the small bone and from the large one, from the joints and from the face. There will not be a blow, do not break the white bone, do not dry the red blood, do not flog the blue vein, release from pain, endow the servant of God (name) with health. Amen!"

From the article you will learn about folk remedies that help remove a bruise within 2-3 days. Choose the most suitable recipe. Learn the names of fast-acting ointments from hematomas. Learn about their uses. Understand how cold and warm compress on injured skin. You will know which one should be applied immediately to the bruise, and which one only on the second day after the bruise. As a result, you can effectively carry out the treatment procedure.

Instant Recipes

Unfortunately, immediately current prescription no bruising. Usually, bruising completely disappears 12-15 days after skin injury. But, if you follow our recommendations, then you can get rid of small purple-red (fresh bruises, form within an hour) or blue-violet (acquire this shade on the first day) spots on the skin in 2-3 days.

Note! The most you can hope for is to use the tips below to try to make a fresh bruise lighter (less noticeable) in 8 to 12 hours of treatment.

A bruise or hematoma is formed as a result of rupture of small blood vessels under the skin, which occurs as a result of injury to it. Such damage can be removed with folk remedies, for example, using an ice cube. But if a bruise appeared under the skin on its own, then one cannot do without the advice of a specialist and the use medications. This defect may be a consequence of a disease of the circulatory system.

Folk fast remedies

There are plenty of ways to allow a short time get rid of bruises. But when choosing a recipe for quick resorption of a bruise, you need to carefully study what components are included in its composition. After all, if a person is allergic to any product, then in addition to a bruise, a rash may appear on his skin, which is usually accompanied by itching.

ice therapy

Auxiliary element:

  • Ice cube (you can use frozen food).

How to use: Apply ice to the site of a fresh bruise, hold for at least 10 minutes.

Result: Ice stops the leakage of blood from damaged vessels, relieves swelling, preventing the formation of a blood clot, and prevents the color of injured skin from changing from red to blue.

Note! If you are on the road and there is nowhere to get ice, then soak a handkerchief in cold water and apply it to the injured area, this way you can avoid the appearance of a very noticeable bruise.

An effective remedy for bruising on the leg or arm

Auxiliary element:

How to use: Immediately after the bruise, bandage the sore spot, the faster you do this, the less bruising will be.

Result: The bandage will prevent the blood vessels from dilating, which usually happens when they are damaged. As a result, blood will not enter the surrounding tissues and the bruise will not increase, but it will not disappear either. To completely remove a bruise that has had time to appear, use special gels (see the names in the “Medications” section).

Heat treatment

In order to resolve the hematoma, you can act on it with heat, but you only need to do this only on the second day after its appearance.

Auxiliary element:

  • Bottle or heating pad with warm water.

How to use: Apply heat to the bruise 4 times a day for 15 minutes.

Result: After heating the site of injury, the vessels expand, blood thins and its circulation accelerates, as a result, the bruise disappears in 1-2 days.

Tar soap quickly copes with hematomas on the body, the video below tells how to carry out the treatment procedure:

Turpentine and honey - a compress for the night.

This composition is effective for blue-violet hematomas that appear on the 2-3rd day.


  • Natural honey - ¼ cup.
  • Gum turpentine - ¼ vodka glass (100 gr).
  • Vaseline - 0.5 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Combine the ingredients and mix until a homogeneous composition is obtained.

How to use:
Apply the mixture to cotton pad or a bandage folded several times, apply a compress to the bruise and fix with adhesive tape.

Result: Turpentine and honey improve the condition skin, enhance blood circulation in healthy vessels. If the bruise is not large, then it almost disappears within 8 to 12 hours.

Cabbage leaf with fresh hematoma


  • White cabbage leaves - 2-3 pcs.

How to cook: Pass through a meat grinder cabbage leaves. Squeeze juice out of them with cheesecloth.

How to use: Soak a cotton pad in cabbage juice and apply to the sore spot. Change the compress every 20-30 minutes if you want the bruise to disappear in less than 2 days.

Result: Cabbage juice contains: retinol - relieves inflammation, removes spider veins, soothes the skin; vitamin C - restores damaged tissues; vitamin K - relieves swelling and inflammation.

Meat compress


  • Meat plates.

How to cook: Take a piece of any raw meat, cut it into slices.

How to use: Attach the meat to the bruise, cover the top with a piece of bandage and fix with adhesive tape. Use a new strip of meat every hour. When you go to bed, apply a mesh of iodine to the bruised area.

Result: After 2 days of such procedures, the bruise is almost completely resolved.

Very often, bruises are the result of bruises. You will learn how to treat bruises from this material.

Healing cake


  1. Fuck root.
  2. Natural honey.
  3. Vegetable oil.
  4. One yolk.
  5. Flour (any).

How to cook: Peel the horseradish, wash it, grate it and squeeze the juice out of it. Take 1 tsp. juice, add the same amount of oil and honey to it, mix everything thoroughly. Then add the yolk to the mixture chicken egg and flour. Knead a soft dough and make a cake out of it according to the size of the bruise.

How to use: Make a compress for the night. Put the cake on the bruise, cover it with polyethylene and a bandage from above, fix it with a band-aid. Additionally, cover the sore spot with a warm towel.

Result: By morning, the bruise becomes paler, after 2-3 days it almost disappears.

You can try to get rid of a bruise with a banana peel, you can learn how to do this from the video below.


Pharmacy ointments and gels help get rid of bruising by relieving inflammation and swelling at the site of injury. In addition, the components of such preparations accelerate the regeneration of damaged cells and increase blood circulation in healthy vessels, due to which the hematoma quickly resolves.

Note! At the beginning of treatment, you need to use preparations for bruises that can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, for example, Zhivokost, then you need to use only warm compresses and warming ointments.

Pharmacy formulations for bruises different origin are made on the basis medicinal herbs, heparin (a substance that prevents blood clotting), non-steroids (a group of agents that accelerate the recovery of damaged cells), vegetable oils and even bee or snake venom.

Zhivokost (comfrey root)

The drug is available in the form of ointment, gel and cream. The tool has a healing and analgesic effect, relieves swelling and resolves hematomas. It is recommended to use it for bruises near the eyes, most importantly, make sure that the substance does not get on the mucous membrane.

Application: Rub the gel or cream 3-4 times a day into the hematoma. If you purchased an ointment, then make compresses with it at night.

Result: Bruises go away in 1-2 days.

Approximate price: 209 rub.

The drug is made on the basis of the freshwater sponge badyagi (algae). Available in cream, gel and powder form. The tool promotes vasodilation and normal blood circulation, due to which swelling on the injured area of ​​​​the skin disappears and the bruise resolves. "Badyaga" is not used to treat bruising on damaged skin.

Application: Rub the product into the skin, preferably immediately after injury, 4-5 times a day.

Result: The bruise disappears in 2 days, but subject to frequent treatment of the affected area with a gel or cream (you have to endure pain, it arises from frequent massage injury sites).

Approximate price: 60 - 100 rubles

The drug is available in the form of an ointment and cream, it is made on the basis of a medicinal perennial plant - mountain arnica. The healing properties of this flower contribute to the rapid healing of wounds, the resorption of subcutaneous hematomas and the removal of muscle pain. After applying the cream to the bruise, local blood flow is activated, which in turn contributes to the disappearance of traces of subcutaneous hemorrhage.

Application: Apply the ointment or cream to the bruise without rubbing, leave it to absorb on its own. During the day, repeat the procedure 2-3 more times. The course of treatment can last 2 weeks, but keep in mind that blistering dermatitis may occur at the site of application of the ointment.

Result: Small bruises 2-3 cm in diameter, disappear in 2 days.

Approximate price: from 40 to 230 rubles (the cost depends on the form of release of the product and its quantity in the package).

The drug contains heparin (promotes the resorption of blood clots) and benzyl nicotinate (a vasodilator). The last component improves the absorption of heparin by tissues.

Application: If the bruise is 3 - 5 cm in diameter, then apply ointment to it with a layer of 2 - 4 mm at least 3 times a day.

Result: Small 2-3 day bruises disappear within 5 days.

Approximate price: 60 rub.

The tool contains active ingredient troxerutin, which strengthens the walls of capillaries, relieves inflammation and swelling, promotes the resorption of subcutaneous blood clots. Available in the form of ointment and gel.

Application: Rub the ointment or gel into the bruise 2-3 times a day.

Result: After the first day of using the drug, bruises begin to disappear.

Approximate price: 120 rub.

The active ingredient in this remedy for bruises and bruises is a heparinoid. The substance helps to restore damaged tissues, increases vascular permeability, prevents the formation of bruises and resolves existing hematomas.

Application: Apply ointment thin layer(1 mm) on the bruise and rub with massaging movements until the product is completely absorbed. Treat the hematoma in this way 3 times a day. If you have a very large bruise, then it is better to compress with this ointment at night.

Result: A small bruise disappears within 2-3 days, and it takes at least a week to treat an extensive hematoma.

Approximate price: 170 rub.

The product contains gum turpentine and snake venom (gyurza), due to which it has an analgesic and warming effect, relieves swelling and normalizes metabolic processes in the skin. After applying the ointment to the bruise, the tissues warm up and blood circulation improves, which in turn promotes the resorption of blood that has frozen under the skin.

Application: Soak a washcloth in warm water and wipe the bruised area. Apply the ointment in a thin layer on the bruise and rub it into the damaged skin for 2-3 minutes. After using the ointment, wash your hands thoroughly, which will prevent it from getting into the mucous membrane of the eye. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day until the traces of injury disappear.

Result: Due to the warming effect of the ointment, small bruises disappear in 2-3 days.

Approximate cost: 30 gr - 130 rubles 50 gr - 200 rubles

Note! Doctors recommend monitoring the bruise during the treatment period. If, instead of brightening, it became edematous and acquired a very purple color, then, most likely, an infection of the injury occurred. And this means that the recipes given in the article will not be useful to you yet. Urgently go to an appointment with a doctor who will examine and select the right course of treatment.

Question answer

Why do red itchy spots appear on the skin during treatment with badyagi? Maybe I'm allergic to the drug?

This is a common side effect and also a sign that the medicine is working. Badyaga is an algae, it consists of microscopic needles that cause skin irritation, against the background of which vasodilation occurs and blood circulation increases. It also causes redness and slight itching. The drug promotes the rapid resorption of hematomas, so if you want to quickly remove a bruise, then be patient.

Itchy skin does not need to be endured, there are many ways to get rid of it. Find out the causes of its appearance and start treatment.

I have hard bruises after injections, how can they be cured?

In this case, compresses help with tar soap. Above in the article there is a video on how to do them. Good help and iodine grid, which is drawn on a diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin 1 time per day.

I have bruises on my legs for no reason, how to remove them?

Nothing happens without a reason, so contact a phlebologist who diagnoses and treats vein diseases.

Where can I buy gum turpentine to prepare a remedy for bruises?

Gum turpentine is sold in pharmacies in the form of oil, in 100 ml bottles. It is also called turpentine oil. The approximate cost of funds is 150 rubles.

Can ointments containing snake venom be deadly to humans?

Such hazardous ingredients are added to medications in microscopic quantities. In addition, not poison is added to pure form, and an extract from it. Therefore, the tool cannot carry a mortal danger to a person.

What to remember:

  1. You can heal a bruise in 2-3 days if you use one or more of the remedies listed in the article correctly and regularly.
  2. Immediately apply ice or a cold compress to the injured area. So you can slow down the circulation of blood in damaged vessels and thereby prevent the accumulation of a blood clot under the skin, i.e. bruising.
  3. A warm compress and warming ointments are used only on the second day after the bruise, they contribute to increased blood circulation and resorption of the hematoma.
  4. Before applying folk recipe in order to get rid of a bruise, make sure that you are not allergic to its ingredients, such as honey, which is a strong allergen.
  5. If your bruise did not go through all the “blooming” paths (from red to blue-violet and light yellow), but remained purple, then an infection got into the skin when it was injured. Seek immediate medical attention.

A hematoma is an accumulation of blood in a limited body cavity. Hematoma formation is associated with rupture of a blood vessel. In this case, the blood is collected in a certain place, surrounded by connective tissue.

Hematoma occurs as a result of trauma to tissues and organs. Its presence is very easy to diagnose. It looks like a bruise that can be blue, red, or even black.

Most often they go away on their own, but extensive damage requires qualified treatment. For this, both pharmacy and folk remedies are used.

The main cause of hematoma is trauma that caused internal bleeding. This can occur with a bruise, impact, pinching and other damage. However, hematoma can also occur as a result of non-traumatic damage to the vessel. In some cases, small bruises can also occur with some diseases of the internal organs.

Although hematomas most often form as a result of trauma, there are factors that affect their frequency and size. These include a decrease in blood clotting, a violation of vascular permeability and an increase in their fragility.

In addition, the likelihood of their occurrence is higher in older people, in the presence of chronic diseases, reduced immunity and exhaustion.

Types, degrees and main symptoms

When a bruise occurs, few people attach serious importance to them. However, in order to prevent serious problems with health, it is necessary to know what degree of the disease does not require special treatment, and what degree needs qualified therapy.

Degrees of hematoma:

  1. First degree. It is a minor damage to the skin, which disappears on its own within a few days;
  2. Second degree. In the second degree of hematoma, more serious damage is observed, such as muscle rupture with the formation of a hematoma and soft tissue edema. At the same time, the place of damage hurts, and general well-being worsens;
  3. Third degree. Muscles and tendons are damaged, dislocation may occur. The third degree is especially dangerous for trauma to the head, joints and coccyx;
  4. Fourth degree. Most dangerous degree, as a result of which the functioning of the damaged part of the body may be partially or completely disrupted.

According to the type of hemorrhage, hematomas can be arterial, venous or mixed type. And according to localization they are divided into intermuscular, subcutaneous and subfascial.

Main symptoms:

  • pain;
  • the occurrence of swelling;
  • impaired function of the damaged muscle;
  • puffiness;
  • change in the color of fabrics;
  • pulsation that occurs when an incomplete rupture of large arteries;
  • local and general increase temperature.

First aid for injury

A bruise can happen to anyone, so it is important to know how to give first aid to reduce the likelihood of a hematoma or its size. Help can be provided to the victim himself or his relatives.

Most often bruises and blows fall on the head and limbs. This damages muscles, nerves and blood vessels. When a vessel is damaged, blood enters the surrounding tissues, forming a hematoma.

To reduce pain and swelling, it is necessary to apply cold to the damaged area. It could be ice, snow, or a bubble. cold water. You can also use a cloth soaked in cold water.

Particular attention should be paid to head contusion, which may be accompanied by a concussion. Therefore, after the first medical care, it is recommended to show the patient to the doctor.

What is dangerous brain hematoma: the doctor tells about the symptoms and complications, about the treatment, watch the video:

Treatment of bruises and bruises at home

Every person at least once in his life faced with the appearance of bruises and abrasions on the body.

And if the damage does not cause discomfort, then special treatment does not require. However, in some cases, a bluish-colored swelling of a significant size forms at the site of the injury, which causes severe pain or even muscle dysfunction. In this case, various ointments and gels are recommended that speed up recovery.

Traditional medicine is also strong in the treatment of hematomas. Therefore, recipes of traditional and traditional medicine can be combined with each other.

traditional medicine

To traditional medicine relate medications which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

To the most effective means should include:


Traditional medicine also gives excellent results in the treatment of hematomas.

To the most effective recipes applies to:


A hematoma is a collection of blood under the skin resulting from an open or closed injury. To eliminate, ointments, compresses and balms are used.

If the treatment of hematoma at home did not give positive result within 3-4 days of regular procedures, you must consult a doctor.

After all, even a slight, at first glance, bruise can lead to serious consequences for the whole organism.

In contact with

A bruise can appear even from a small accidental bruise. When bruises form in places that cannot be hidden under clothing, they must be disposed of as soon as possible. This can be done not only with the help of expensive medications, but also by resorting to the methods of traditional medicine. Such methods have no contraindications, side effects and available to anyone.

How does a bruise appear?

The most common cause of bruising is bruising. Upon impact, small subcutaneous vessels rupture, and the blood that has flowed out under the skin thickens, forming a bruise. It is also called a hematoma.

Stages of subcutaneous hematoma

Depending on the force of impact and the degree of damage to the skin, there are simple or complex. If there are wounds on the skin, nerves and bone tissues are affected, the hematoma is complex.

With elimination simple bruising doing a great job folk methods, more complex, often require medical intervention.

But bruises are formed not only from bruises. Bruises can be the result of any disease, the use of some medicines, as well as age-related changes hormonal background which is seen in many women.

First steps in case of injury

In order for the resulting ones to be less painful and come down as quickly as possible, a number of actions must be taken immediately after the impact:

  • Provide a state of rest of the bruised part of the body, try not to set it in motion. If possible, it is recommended to apply an elastic bandage.
  • In case of damage to the finger, leg, hand, they should be kept upright for some time. This will ensure the outflow of blood, significantly reduce swelling and pain.
  • Apply a cold compress. This can be done with household items such as frozen food, ice, or a plastic bag filled with cold water. In order to avoid frostbite or hypothermia of soft tissues, the freezing should be wrapped in a towel (1-2 layers) and kept at the site of damage for no more than 15 minutes. After a couple of hours, it is advisable to repeat the compress. Exposure to cold contributes to vasoconstriction, which in turn reduces the severity of bruising and the feeling of pain. Cold compress effective only for a day after the injury.

Cold on a bruise - first aid

  • Make an iodine grid at the site of the bruise. It will serve as an anti-inflammatory agent, improve blood circulation and accelerate wound healing.
  • After eliminating the primary edema (approximately a day later), make a warm compress. You can use salt for this. It is heated in a pan, poured onto a handkerchief or into a sock and applied to the damaged area. A boiled egg wrapped in several layers of cloth is also suitable. Keep a warm compress for 15-20 minutes. Warming up is recommended to be done three times a day.

Folk remedies for bruises from medicinal plants

In order to remove a bruise, it is not necessary to buy expensive medications. All available folk remedies help to quickly reduce hematomas. Consider the most popular and effective methods based on traditional medicine recipes.

  1. Tincture of calendula, golden mustache. A compress is made from it and used as first aid.
  2. Infusion of coltsfoot, celandine, chamomile. A mixture is made from the listed herbs, poured with boiling water (1 tsp of the mixture per 100 ml of water) and insisted. When the infusion has cooled, they need to soak a piece of tissue and apply to the bruise. Hold as long as possible, and repeat as often as possible.
  3. Fresh leaves of plantain, wormwood, or burdock. They are crushed to a mushy state and applied to the site of the bruise.
  4. Aloe. It is often used to remove a bruise, as it has a wound healing and resolving effect. The juice of aloe leaves is impregnated with a cotton pad or a piece of bandage and applied to a sore spot. You can cut the leaf lengthwise and apply it with the inside to the skin.
  5. Bodyaga. Very effective folk remedy, with which you can quickly remove a bruise. Bodyaga possesses irritant, activating the process of blood circulation and promoting the resorption of edema. It is sold in the form of powder and ointment. The powder is diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1 and mixed. The resulting slurry is applied to the bruised area, kept for 40-50 minutes, then washed off with warm water. The procedure must be repeated at least twice a day.

home remedies for bruises

Important! When treating a bruise in the eye area, you need to be especially careful not to allow the product to get on the mucous membrane.

Folk remedies for bruises from food

In cases where it is necessary, and medications and medicinal plants not at hand, food will help out. Such folk remedies are used to eliminate bruising on any part of the body. With their help, you can quickly remove bruises under the eyes. Products with healing properties, is in any kitchen:


It must be cleaned, grated on a coarse grater and put on gauze folded in three or four layers. The compress is applied to the bruised area and left for 30-40 minutes. For more quick effect, it is desirable to cover it with something warm, for example, a bag of heated salt. The procedure must be repeated throughout the day every two hours. Suitable for compress potato starch. It is mixed with warm water to a creamy state and applied to the site of bruising. The exposure time is the same as in the treatment with fresh potatoes.

Bruising Products


You can also remove a bruise with such a folk remedy as cabbage. Red cabbage contains three times more useful elements than white cabbage, so its use is more effective. The compress is made from the leaves mashed to the formation of juice. The sheet should be on a sore spot until completely dry. The procedure should be repeated 4-5 times a day;
garlic and onion. They are crushed into gruel, a little salt is added, transferred to gauze and applied to the bruise.

Mixture of beets with honey

The most effective folk remedy, but only suitable for people who do not have allergic reaction on the components of the mixture. Grated on a fine grater, beets are mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. The compress is applied to the bruised area for two hours once a day.


Plain salt able to get rid of a hematoma of any complexity in a very short time. It is made into highly concentrated saline solution and used as a poultice. It is better to leave such a lotion overnight, covering it with plastic wrap and fixing it with a bandage or plaster.

Apple vinegar

Highly effective way elimination of hemorrhages. Vinegar must be diluted with water (two teaspoons per liter of water), soak a cotton pad, bandage or handkerchief in the solution and apply to the bruise area. Keep it for 30-40 minutes, repeat the procedure three to four times a day;
vodka. A vodka compress is very effective and can quickly get rid of bruises. To do this, vodka must be heated, moistened with a piece of cloth in it, applied to a sore spot and covered with plastic wrap. The compress is fixed with a plaster or bandage and left overnight.

Iodine mesh on a bruise

Important! If alcohol is used, it must be diluted with water (1: 1), otherwise the skin is possible.

There are a lot of popular ways to remove a bruise. When choosing the most suitable one, one should take into account the degree of damage, the size of the bruise and the part of the body that is to be treated. Any of the methods can be used either alone or in combination with other methods, including medication.