How to calculate the sex of the child by date of birth. The sex of the child by the date of conception is the most accurate methods. How to calculate the sex of the child to the birth dates of the parents

Life realities do not always coincide with the fact that a person plans to himself, but most people continue to believe that the most important moments of their life can be subordinate to the plan. And even by refusing such a wonderful surprise, as the news of the sexuality of the newborn heir, the sex of the child is trying to calculate.

There would be nothing reprehensible in this, especially in cases where the question of prevention hereditary pathologies In children of a certain floor. But, unfortunately, there have nothing to do with science and only injected parents. Let's see what kind of techniques, how to calculate the sex of the child offer all kinds of calendars and table counting tables, they are reliable.

In contact with

Simple and affordable seems to calculate the floor of the child and the so-called pregnancy calendars. Calculate the sex of the child on the table can be in a matter of minutes, the main thing is to tune in to the existence that day when this will require a plan of action.

Floor planning a very difficult question

Widely use the Chinese technique to calculate the floor of the child on the table, women became about from the middle of the last century, when such near-tailed trends as astrology and numerology were on the wave of popularity. The popularity of this technique can be explained by the authority of the state that presented the world of Chinese wise men and ancient Chinese medicine, as well as ease of use.

Judge for the calculations you will need the entire pair of accurate data:

  • date of conception (only month, even the number is not necessary);
  • the age of a woman at the planned child's birthday.

To use the table for calculating the floor of the child will be able to anyone who ever played the Sea Battlefield or simply loved mathematics in elementary school.

  1. The top line of the table is a list of months of conceiving a child from January to December.
  2. Left vertical is the age of the future mother.
  3. At the intersection of the horizontal line with the vertical, the "forecast" is captured - in the form of letters "M" (boy) or "d" (girl). The method is easierless.

Any sensible person is clear that it is possible to predict, and even more so it is to calculate the sex of the child on the table - this is the same thing that you throw the lot, the accuracy is about the same.

Why did the method of calculating the sex of the child on the table so popular? Well, it is often popular with extremely dubious theories, therapies and techniques, so it was always - and two hundred, and a thousand years ago, and even in our sophisticated age.

Somewhat bigger to the other eastern Methodology - Japanese, using a conception calendar. Calculate the sex of the child is offered on the table.

The theory of blood renewal is deeply anti-scientific, since the composition of human blood is updated much faster than in the declared 3 years for women and 4 years - for men.

Nevertheless, the table exists, and it has the opportunity to familiarize yourself with:

  1. Top horizontal graph - full age Father at the time of conception (from 18 years).
  2. The left vertical column is the full age of the mother at the time of conception.
  3. At the intersection of lines, as in the Chinese table, the letters defining sexuality Future baby.

Example: If the father is 30 years old, and the mother is 25, then the girl is waiting for the table. How to calculate the sex of the child if they need a boy? We look at the table:

  • a year later (when the Father is 31, and Mother - 26), the table again predicts the birth of a girl;
  • after 2 years, the table depicts a mystery in the form of a m / d, that is, the floor of the child can be anyone with the same probability;
  • finally, only after 3 years (when the father is 33, and mom - 28) the table promises the believed "M".

This looks like a Japanese table to determine the child's floor

Do not have to wait for so long? No, supporters of blood update ideas explain that the results of this technique can vary, depending on which month is conceived. For example, the Father is still 30 years old, and mom after 3 months marks 26 years old, at this moment the table "predicts" the boy, this time and can be used to conceive the heir until the Father is March 31. Given all these nuances, and it is proposed to make your own calendar of conceptions.

And not on the table, but by the formula? Yes, blood update theory offers such an option. For example, we continue the calculations with the already "familiar" pair - he is 30, she is 25 years old.

  1. We divide the age of a man on 4 (30: 4 \u003d 7.5).
  2. The age of a woman is divided by 3 (25: 3 \u003d 8.3).
  3. Compare results: 7.5< 8,3.
  4. Who has more result, he "won."

In our case, a woman defeated, which means that a couple at the time of reaching the age of 30 and 25 full years The girl will be covered. As you can see, the data coincided with the predictions of the Japanese table, but there is nothing surprising in this - the table is compiled on such calculations.

How reliable these ways?

The accuracy of the methods considered should not even think. They are no more accurate to predict on the undercurned coin, and possible coincidences that percent percent may boast family par - nothing but just coincidences. The one who knows that affects the sex of the child, as fertilization occurs and will never trust easient theories, and will not look for a "table to hang out the sex of the child" (the speaker speaker speaker).

Recall, half of the person is laid in fertilization and depends on the chromosoma set of the spermatozoa, which will be able to penetrate the egg. During the penetration, fertilization occurs - the merger of female and male sex cells into one whole, called the zygote, which will already have 46 pairs of chromosomes, which determine the gender of the inclined child.

Fertilization is possible only after ovulation, and with the moment of its occurrence, another popular way is associated as to calculate the sex of the child.

What is the basis of a child planning method for conception time? In this technique the main role Ovulation is assigned around which all calculations are made, how to calculate the sex of the child.

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is called the exit from the ovary of the ripe genital cell and the release of it from the elastic membrane - the follicle.

  1. In the ovaries, a woman from her very birth dwells several millions of different in the quality of uncooked eggs.
  2. By the time of the offensive reproductive age Their number is reduced to several hundred thousand.
  3. Ovulation matures only one or two eggs ready for fertilization.
  4. The growth of the follicle and the entire ovulatory process is stimulated by the pituitary gland, which produces a special substance - luteinizing hormone. If the production of LG is insufficient, ovulation does not occur and the pregnancy cannot occur.

What is the importance for the question how to calculate the sex of the child has ovulation? Egg lives only one day. If the cell is fertilized, it will perish, and after 14 days, the woman will begin (regulated). It is believed that if you plan in fertilization on the date of ovulation or per day before it, more damaged spermatozoa containing y-chromosoma, carriers of a male gene material approach the first to the egg. What are trying to use parents who are interested in how to calculate the sex of the child to be born a son.

How to calculate the time of ovulation?

If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, it is not difficult to calculate the moment of ovulation - it comes, as a rule, 14 days before the start of the cycle. The first day of the cycle is called the day of the appearance of a woman blood discharge From the vagina, even if they are not too intense. The duration of the selection is not important, it can be 2 days or 8, the countdown should be conducted from the first day of the regulation.

How to find out a regular cycle? We will have to trace the cycle for at least 3 months:

  1. Mark the first day of menstruation in the current month.
  2. Wait for the next regulator.
  3. Consider how many days have passed from the previous beginning of the monthly.
  4. Squeeze from the beginning of the following monthly so many days ahead as you counted last time, mark the day in the calendar.
  5. When the following monthly occurs (already third in a row), compare the date of them started with your mark in the calendar - if they arrived earlier or later the "planned" period, it means that your menstrual cycle is irregular. If they arrived on time - we can assume that regular.

How is the cycle without a pregnancy

In general, the regularity of the cycle can be judged by the results of observation at least during the year, since menstruation can be spontaneously changing their cyclicity, especially in young girls. If you are sure that your cycle is regular, take away from his estimated early 14 days, it will be the day of ovulation.

How to calculate with an irregular cycle?

More difficult to calculate the date of ovulation to women with irregular cycle. In this case, several methods for tracking ovulation are offered:

With ultrasound control (folliculose) it is possible to obtain the most accurate data with an accuracy of the forecast to 12 hours. But you can't call this technique cheap, because to obtain evidence of the evidence, it is necessary to pass, not one, but several ultrasound studies (3-5 procedures).

Cheaper bypass pharmacy test On ovulation, similar to a pregnancy test and consisting in the definition of Hormone Lg in the women's urine (in the ovulatory period its level rises). However, this technique is impossible to be called, since the increase in the level of luteinizing hormone is sometimes connected not with ovulation, but with gynecological and other pathologies.

It looks like a test for ovulation

Finally, the technique that does not require any financial investments is the measurement of basal temperature. It is measured in a state of complete rest, so requires some preparation.

Preparation for the calculation

To compile a graphic of basal temperature, you will need:

  • notepad or notebook;
  • specially dedicated thermometer;
  • if the thermometer is not electronic, and the watches will also be needed.

All of the above should be at hand, next to a sleeping place, even a thermometer must be in advance (from the evening) shake from previous testimony. It is necessary to keep full rest after sleep when the temperature is measured.

At the time of measuring the basal temperature, it should be abandoned by late dinners and, moreover, from "nightboards", to at least 8 hours passed from the last meal before the measurement.

Measurement order:

  1. Start measurements follows the first day menstrual cycle. Waking up, it should, without getting out of bed, take a thermometer and gently introduce it into the rectum.
  2. After 5 minutes, pull out a thermometer and remove the testimony. Record reading in notebook.
  3. From the testimony to make a schedule with the beginning of coordinates in the lower left corner.

Nizhny horizontal line It should be separable on days, and the vertical is for temperature divisions. Each division must correspond to 0.1 degrees, since the diagnostic value in this process is only 0.4 degrees. So it is recommended to start the countdown by vertical from 36,1O C.

The noticeable growth of basal temperature is usually manifested from 12-14 days (with a 28-day menstrual cycle) if the temperature holds on increased level (+0.4 or +0.5 degrees) three days, it means that ovulation took place. How to calculate the sex of the child when conceiving at the moment of ovulation?

The principle is:

  • if you wish to conceive a boy, the Socia must occur no earlier than a day before ovulation;
  • if you need a daughter, take sexual intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation.

Nothing difficult. This is not a conception table, calculate the sex of the child help certain dates.

How to build a graph of basal temperature

What is the connection, you ask. The fact is that the carriers of the male genome, that is, y-chromosomal spermatozoa is much robble in X-chromosomal, that is, carriers of a female gene material. However, the first people live only 24 hours, and the second - as many as 72. So it turns out that by the time of ovulation around the egg, only those spermatozoa, which are carriers of the desired genome may be present.

  1. If the sex act is performed on the day of ovulation or the day before it, then the first to ripe genital cells will distinguate the nimble y-chromosomal.
  2. If the sexual intercourse occurred 2-3 days before ovulation, then the Y-chromosomal to the moment of fertilization will already be perished, and some X-chromosomal will remain.

Nothing complicated, but there is nothing scientifically confirmed in this theory, how to calculate the sex of the child. A 100 percent table has the same chances to justify the forecast as the method of counting ovulation.

Is it possible to calculate the floor of the future kid 100%?

Anticipating disappointment of future parents, we influenced that it would not be possible to calculate, let's try to offer the most desperate option. True, it is possible to use it only for considerable money and strictly in medical records.

We are talking about an extracorporeal fertilization, or the ECO procedure, combined with the pre-infantry genotyping (ICSI method):

  1. Procedure with auxiliary reproductive technology ICSI does not imply calculate, it is designed for people with high-quality sperm impaired and other sexual deviations.
  2. The procedure uses father's sperm (ejaculate), in which, even despite complex forms infertility, you can highlight a morphologically healthy seed.
  3. The fertilization of the selected genital cells occurs in vitro, that is, in the tube, which allows you to check the zygotes for the presence of hereditary diseases and sexuality.
  4. Choosing the most high-quality embryo, it implanted the future mother intracerevical (that is, injected through cervical Canallocated between the uterus and her neck).

There can no longer interfere with the finished embryo on the sexuality of the finished embryo, so the Eco + Ixi technique is 100 percent floor planning, but not its calculation.


  1. Unfortunately, the search for methods, how to calculate the sex of the child on the table is completely useless, the forecasts of the tables are not scientifically justified.
  2. It is not necessary to place special hopes and to calculate the moment of ovulation, to program the fertilization of the egg with a certain spermatozooma little to do, this process is subordinate to the exceptional case.

Today, many of the receipt may seem funny: It is unlikely that the floor of the child depends on the roof and wind cats outside the window. But some can still be useful, to answer the question: how to determine the floor of the future child?

To determine the floor of the future child, it is worth knowing the mechanism of its education. The sexuality of the baby depends on the father: what chromosome will have a fertilizing spermatozoa (women's x or men's Y), the fetus organs will develop. However, something still depends on the mother. Young women more often give birth to boys, and the second pregnancy usually brings the girl.

The boys are born more often than girls (105 against 100), but more often dying. Therefore, the total number of men is inferior to the number of women.

The floor is determined immediately after the fertilization, because only one spermatozoa is penetrated into the egg cell: either female or male. It is believed that after female orgasm More chances for fertilization of Y-sperm, because after orgasm there are allocations that help the male cell make it easier to penetrate the uterus and extend their livelihoods.

At the stage of formation, all embryos are present only female signsAnd men begin to manifest themselves later. Only then the Y-chromosome begins to influence, form purely men's organs and parts of the body. Given all this, it can be argued that the floor is determined only by the activity of certain spermatozoa, and affect the development of the baby after conception is already impossible.


Today you can influence the sex of the future child. To do this, consult with doctors, follow special diets, having sex in certain days. There is a high probability, if you fertilize the egg 2-3 days before ovulation. In order to give birth to the boy, you need to fertilize a woman per day or at the time of ovulation.

Blood type

There is a version that the future of the child depends on the combination of blood groups of partners. Calculate the floor on this table is not difficult, but the accuracy is not high. You can simply compare the results on the table or find a calculator that myself will determine the likelihood of a particular event according to the blood of parents.

Thus, the combination of mother and father gives such results.

It is believed that women with the first group are more often born girls, and with the IV group of boys.

Chinese calendar

There is a Chinese floor definition table based on the age of the mother and the month of conception of the baby. Chinese table is pretty simple. According to one legend, she was found in ancient Chinese burial and copied so that future mothers could determine the floor of their baby.

The versions about what the creators were based on, separated. The most popular version suggests that chinese calendar Lines lunch calendar. Other researchers talk about the connection of the floor and age of the mother, as well as the influence of the month of conception.

Scientists Beijing conducted research and proved that accuracy ancient calendar It is 98%, which is quite a lot for the old Scripture. However, to determine the sex of the child in this calendar, a woman should have a regular menstrual cycle. The Chinese calendar will help those who only plan to conceive the kid.

Japanese calendar

The Japanese table is more complex. It defines half the months of birth both parents. The table consists of three parts: the age of spouses and interpretation of the result. It is necessary to find a figure where the age of spouses intersect and find it in the third part of the table. There will be marked months of conception for which it is necessary to ensure. The likelihood of the appearance of a boy or girl will be determined by crosses: than them are more, the more chances.

The first table, we define the number of the birth of parents.

The second table, we look at the top line the resulting number and by the number of crosses determine, in which month it is better to conceive a child.

What the people say

Barely test will show two cherished stripsI want to know who lives under his heart. This is a good desire, but ultrasound will be able to show the floor only for 2-3 months, when the Y-chromosomes can fully manifest themselves (or not to manifest them at all). Signs may seem stupid and absurd, but absolutely everyone will still think and remember the grandmother's advice. To satisfy your curiosity, you can compete with some of them. Even if the ultrasound shows a different picture, it is unlikely that it will upset future parents too much.

Appearance and Food Future Mom

How to determine the floor of the future child appearance Pregnant? The girl allegedly picks up the beauty of the mother. Pregnant woman observes acne, hair is losing glitter, the skin becomes a flabby. Having trimmed a boy, a woman on the contrary good. It is impossible to say that this sign is 100% useful, because similar changes depends on hormonal background And lack of vitamins that take fruit from the mother.

Also a pregnant boy often attribute the desire to eat salty and meat. The desire to eat something definite may appear in each person with a lack of any substance. Pregnant women pull on salty only because with the active development of the hormone of pregnancy, the vessels are expanding and the pressure increases, and the salted products contain sodium, which thickens blood. Thus, the pressure comes to normal even with extended vessels. The desire usually passes to 2 trimester, when the placenta ripens and the level of progesterone drops.

Thrust to sweet, which allegedly talks about the future girl, may indicate the lack of other useful substances.

Many are judged by the field in size and the form of the abdomen. It is believed to be round wide belly It suggests that the girl settled inside the woman. With acute, oval belly, it is customary to talk about the boy.

Ring with thread

There is another very entertaining way to determine the floor of the future child. It helps to learn what children generally and in what order are human. The method acts on men and women. To check, you can do everything on parents and grandmothers that will no longer give birth. You need to take a ring or any other object with a hole, to turn it into it. It is necessary to lower it three times between the fingers of the left palm and delay over the city. If the ring is spinning, there will be a girl if the line goes, then the boy. You can repeat the procedure and find out the floor of the second child. The last time the ring will clearly stop.

The probability of these signs is not more than half, which is a finger in the sky.

Truthful signs

  1. Men who work in a harmful environment more often have daughters. The fact is that y-spermatozoa is weaker than x-spermatozoa, so they are dying in such conditions.
  2. You can find out the floor of the future kid on the family. The sign is relevant only in those who grow in large family. If there are more than four brothers and sisters, you can easily compare their number. The predominant floor will prevail in all children.
  3. What parents, such children. It is noteworthy that the strong spirit of parents who are engaged in important, serious affairs are usually born boys. Soft, patient families are more often getting daughters.
  4. Bad habits. It also noted that in families where girls are smoking, more often there are girls. The fact is that the most Y-chromosomes are dying, and stable X-chromosomes prevail. The same applies to men with various diseases.

Formula for calculations

There is a simple formula that can determine the sex of the child. It is based on the age of mother and the date of future childbirth. You need to take away from age 19 and summarize with the date of delivery. With an odd result, it is worth counting on a boy, and with even on a girl.

Another formula involves the use of the mother's age and the day of conception. Looks like the formula: 49 \u003d (3 × zh \u003d m +1)

The day of conception here is designated as ZCH, and the age of mother symbol M. The result can talk about the boy, if even, and the girl, if an odd.

You can check the probability of both formulas, and compare the results.

Blood update

In women, the blood is updated every 3 years, and men every 4. By whose will be fresh at the time of conception, you can talk who played key role in question.


If the floor definition is not critical and the pair is simply rejoicing pregnancies, it is worth waiting for up to 2-3 months to pass an ultrasound. It is very accurate way Determine the sex of the child, although it is erroneous. The kid can lie in so pose that the doctor is difficult to consider the genitals. He can stay in such a position to the birth in order to become a surprise for parents.

Ultrasound also helps timely diagnose malformations.

Study of the accumulate liquid and cord blood

Analysis calopal fluid called amniocentsis. The procedure is performed through the puncture in by an oil bubble bubble - Press the liquid, later investigate its composition.

The method is considered risky, therefore it is resorted to it only with serious suspicion of genetic deviations. The laboratory is primarily determines the state of chromosomes. Floor child is important because some diseases are transmitted only by boys and only girls. Amniocentesis gives 99% of the result of the result.

Cordsenthesis - Analysis of cord blood. The procedure is identical to the previous method, but for the study take urgent blood. With it, various anomalies and pathology (hemophilia) are also diagnosed. Cordsenthesis is effective from 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Gender Test

The gender test allows you to determine the sex of the child as of urine. In the process, reagents are used in which the morning urine is fed. Substances are stirred and follow the color change. Orange color speaks about the girl, and green about the boy. The test is relevant after 9 weeks of pregnancy. Accuracy is 90%. The gender test is possible only because in the urine of the mother contains a lot of fetal hormone.

DNA test is more complicated, but allows you to learn the floor for 6 weeks. A laboratory assistant determines the presence of fetal DNA enzymes in the mother's blood. The accuracy of the test is 99.9%, which is quite a lot. Research is expensive.

You can determine the gender in the heart rate. A competent gynecologist can with great accuracy to determine the gender of the kid listening to it heartbeat. The boys usually less than 140 blows per minute, and girls are more.

Many future parents are not particularly concerned about the question of who will be born, it is important for them to be healthy mother and child. There is even a category so "dislike" parents that they deliberately refuse to learn the floor of the future Chad, even when mommy passes an ultrasound.

But there are families already raising two boys or girls, where the appearance of a certain sex is very desirable to appear. In some cases, the scheduling of the child is due not just curiosity. It happens in families with hereditary diseases (hemophilia), where the Floor Factor Kid is decisive for the birth of a healthy child.

Anyway, many studies are devoted to the issues of pregnancy planning and sex. Many studies are devoted to scientific and accomplishment. What can be trusted?

How to calculate the sex of the child in a calendar of pregnancy?

It has been genetically found that the sex of the child is determined by male sex cells, which, unlike female, have two types of chromosomes: female type Hx and Male - Hu. The content of them in the seed fluid is approximately the same. But the length of their life and the rate of promotion of these cells entering the woman's body during sexual intercourse is very different. XX (female), living longer, moves slower than male XY cells, which die faster.

Spermatozoa male type "hurry" as soon as possible to fertilize the egg, which falls into uterine tube Only for 12-16 day of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, they are far from always reaching success and dying, "without waiting for" a meeting with a female cage.

Sperm Sperm S. female set Chromosomes, moving towards the place of merger more than men, participate in fertilization if the sexual act takes place on 8-11 weeks of cycle due to the fact that their "competitors" by 12-16 days of the cycle, without having met the egg in their path, die . It leads to .

When the love act passes during the finding of the finished egg in the pipe (after ovulation), then faster (Hu) spermatozoa dare to get ahead of the "squash", then count on.

When calculating the floor of the child, determined by this way, it is important to know the duration of the menstrual cycle of the mother, which ranges from 28 to 35 days.

For example, at a cycle in 28 days, a possible day of conception is considered to be 14 days of cycle, and with a 35-day cycle, this date is shifted for a week, i.e. for 21 cycles. All calculations affecting the sex of the future child mentioned above are based on the specific duration of the mother cycle. It is important to know that fertilization does not occur during sexual intercourse, and later, because Spermotozoids need some time to meet with an egg.

Method accuracy

This method of planning is generally accepted among obstetrician-gynecologists and is considered one of the most accurate. However, it does not give one hundred percent warranty. Error B. this case is 3-5%. The fact is that the duration of the cycle is not constant. Can affect her various factors: Women's health status, climate change, time zone and others.

Not all future mothers are equally susceptible to such factors. Planning the floor of the future kid, you should choose the most favorable time For this, then the calendar method will be able to help.

Paul baby taking into account the month of birth and age of mother

The year of the mother's life (even or odd) and the month of the conception of the kid affect its floor. So, on the even one year, the age of mom (16, 18, etc.) boys are born in the odd months (January, March, etc.), and girls - in the even months (February, April, etc. ). And vice versa, in an odd year (17, 29, etc.) - girls are born in odd months, and in even - boys.

This method works only in cases when it occurs in the middle of the calendar month. It is important to take into account the exact date Birth of women and avoid conception in that month when she was born.

The age of the mother has crucial importance to the sex of the child. The appearance of a male baby is most likely in young mothers and women with. Girls are most often born among average age moms.

This statement is associated with strength and maturity reproductive function Women. At middle age, it is most developed.

The disadvantage of this method should be considered that the age limits are not specified in it. Yes, and operates by the average categories. For each particular case, there is little use in the fact that in large samples this method gives pretty high results. After all, not many children are now born in families. And in this case, the error of the technique is significant.

Statistics argue that for each hundred born girls falls on six boys more. Nature itself regulates the equilibrium of human floors. Of course, the curiosity of parents wishing to find out as early as possible, who will be born, partly explain. After all, it is known that already in the mob of Mom Kroch hears sounds and intonation of the voice. And so I want to refer to the future offset, call it by name, and not to talk about someone who is uncertain! But still, in a hurry to learn the gender of the baby only for curiosity is not worth it! After all, as a rule, any kid in the family is welcome. The main thing is that he was healthy.

Floor determination on the combination of parents of parents

Known methods of prediction of the floor of the carnate baby depending on the variations of the blood group of its parents, along the combination of their rhesus, according to the cycles of their blood updates. All of them are sufficiently conditional, do not guarantee a hundred percent result. The following is a table for the planning of the gender of the baby on the blood group of his mom and dad.

There are a number of techniques recognized by the gynecologists and obstetricians when the gender is determined by early timing to wear. One of them is based on testing hormones staying in the urine of mom. When staining the urine woman in green color You can expect the appearance of a boy, in orange - girls. This forecasting is considered to be reliable by 85-90%. In this case, the health of mom is crucial at the time of testing, because The presence of hormonal diseases either completely changes the picture of the observation.

Also known is the way of recognizing Paul Crumbs already on the sixth week of tolerance on the particles of its DNABlood Mom. Although this test is considered not cheap, but it gives one hundred percent reliable result.

Each couple waiting for the baby wants to know in advance who they will appear. And some go even further and try to schedule their birth. Consider whether it is possible to determine the sex of the child by the date of conception, and some forecasting methods known for today.

How to calculate the day for floor planning

As the sacrament of childbearing is worried about people from ancient times, the definition of the child of the child by the date of conception exists in every nation. In addition, scientific research in this area is increasingly discovering the problem and offer their ways to appoint days in which there is a high probability to conceive a son or daughter.

Scientific justification

Considering scientific justification The issue of the embryo is enough to have small knowledge in the field of anatomy in order to agree with their version. The floor of the embryo depends on the chromosomes of the cells that came into contact. Women's cells are all endowed with x-chromosomes. This means that they do not affect the floor of the embryo. The male are several types: X and Y. Which of them there was an interaction of a female cell and the future floor depends:

  • Both X-type cells: girl;
  • Women's X and Men's Y: Boy.

But can the couple influence their cells and choose the floor of his baby? Today it is possible if we refer to the characteristics of spermatozoa, on which the floor of the future child depends on the date of conception. Consider the main features of Y-type cells:

These criteria show that intercourse at the time of staying in female trait The finished cell leads to the fertilization of the Y-spermatozoa. They are much faster than cells X reached the cell and fertilize it. If the finished cell in this moment No, y dying very quickly - up to 24 hours. So, to conceive the Son, you need to hold an act clear on the day of ovulation.

X-type cells possess such parameters:

  • slowness, small mobility;
  • High viability.

They are able to hold out in a woman's sexual environment up to 3 days. In some cases, even up to 5 days. Thus, to predict the birth of a daughter, you need to create such conditions:

  • Conduct an act when there is no female cell yet.
  • Male y-cells die.
  • A female egg appears.
  • Slow X has already advanced and ready to meet with her.
  • In the genital paths there is no Y that can determine the male floor of the embryo.

To recreate similar situationIt is necessary to carry out an act in a couple of days before ovulation. At the same time, the main thing is not to repeat it later, so as not to give the chance of Y-cells to "reach" until the day of the cell appear. So, using a scientific justification, you can define the floor of the future child by the date of conception:

  • Girl: on the eve of ovulation (2-3 days);
  • Boy: At the time of the cell outlet.

Detection of the day of ovulation

If there is a desire to use such calculations, then you need to figure it out with the definition of this an important point - ovulation. In fact, everything is quite simple. You can calculate it like this:

  • Remove the duration of the cycle. This will require to calculate the number of days between menstruation. In this case, the length of the roles themselves does not play the role; starting days. Usually, the parameter varies within 25-30 days.
  • The cycle is different due to the term of ripening the follicle and cells. Everyone is unique and may require 11-16 days. This first phase will not help us. It is impossible to calculate it.
  • The second part of the cycle is the same in all: 14 days. It is so much that the ovary "came" to normal and prepared for the production of a new cell.
  • So, we go from the opposite: from the first number we take 14 days. The result obtained indicates the number of days to be counted from the first day blood discharge. This will be an ovulation day.

Consider the calculation of the sex of the child by the date of conception on the example. A woman cycle is 27 days, and the last periods happened to the 5th day. We produce simple calculations: 27-14 \u003d 13. From 5 numbers, count on 13. The expected ovulation falls on the 18th. If the spouses want to conceive the Son, the act should hold exactly the 18th, if the girl is 16.

As can be seen, everything is simple. But there are cases where mathematical calculation will not be enough. First, a woman may fail, because of which the cell will ripen longer this month or simply will not happen. Changing rhythms can cause any causes affecting the level of hormones:

  • stressful situations;
  • infection, illness;
  • reception of hormone-containing drugs;
  • Departure to the country with a different climate;
  • Change of living conditions (vacation).

Therefore, any calculations better confirm additional means. Such can perform tests. Today they are presented a lot and everyone can choose optimal option in quality and price. They react to luteinizing hormone (LH), which reaches a maximum 12 hours before the cell appears. There are also more expensive, but reusable devices that can reveal the moment of ovulation on the saline content in saliva.

If the woman has irregular periods, calculate the sex of the child by the date of conception, it will be quite difficult. After all, every month they have different length and respectively B. different moments Cell comes out. Therefore, they should only approximate the day based on their minimum cycle, and testing to reveal it more accurately.

Food for influence on the floor

In addition to all of the above, scientists - adherents of this method are considered to be mandatory "Subscribe" need type Spermatozoa necessary to increase livelihoods by trace elements. It is known that:

  • For the vital activity of Y-cells, sodium and potassium are needed;
  • X-cells prefer calcium and magnesium.

Based on this, scientists advise severally change the power mode in advance before pregnancy planning. You need to use more products with the specified elements and limit those that contribute to the opposite result.

When planning a daughter, it is necessary to eat seafood, fish, rabbit, chicken, dairy products, eggs, rice, cereals, roasted bread, many fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, legumes.

When planning a son you need smoked, dry sausages, meat products, mushrooms, potatoes, bananas, cherry, apricots, prunes, dates, peas, lentils, egg white.

But changing the diet is with the consent of the doctor. Child for normal Development Many vitamins and minerals will be required, do not lose them. Therefore, the doctor may appoint a diet with regard to your expectations. No need to be afraid to eat "not that" product. With small doses, the number of "unnecessary" element of the destructive action will not. The main thing is to observe the measure and somewhat increase the consumption of products rich in the element, which contributes to the extension of the vital activity of cells involved in the effect on the floor.

Online calculator - action principle

Today it is proposed to determine the sex of the child by the date of conception of calculators working most often according to the algorithms described in the first section.

They allow you to make your characteristics and get ready-made calendars for the coming months, where optimal dates will be marked. If you specify the floor forecast, the cells will crush pink - for a greater likelihood, get a girl, or a lilac-boy.

Our calendar takes into account such data for calculation:

  • cycle length;
  • number of days of menstruation;
  • Start last menstruation;
  • include the floor forecast;
  • How many months do the calculation.

Calculation of the sex of the child in two last periods of menstruation

There is another second calculation method - for the last two numbers of menstruation. It is suitable for women who do not follow the rhythms and do not speak such information. It is worth considering that in such a situation the calculator of the child determination of a child by the date of conception will not always give the current result. This is due to the possibility of inconsistency of the latest testimony with the usual, which took place earlier.

Checking your parameters, we receive parameters marked on the calendar:

  • Three numbers when it is possible to conceive a daughter, the last of which falls over the day before the day of the "birth" of the cell;
  • Ovulation Day, when the maximum probability of getting a son;
  • Two days, when you can also count on the boy - per day and on the following after the cell exit.

As you can see, the sex of the child by the date of conception calculator calculates, taking into account the scientific methods known to us relative to the vital activity of cells with different types chromosome. Of course, you need to understand that the act on the eve of ovulation is not always productive. Because spermatozoa y can and die before the cell output, and then it turns out reverse result. If you have a conception after the appearance of the cell, then you can not get pregnancy at all. Due to this life lifetime. She lives about the day, and therefore can perish by the time the spermatozoa fall into the genital paths.

As for the conception of the daughter, the first date will not rather bring the effect. After all, X-type spermoids will not always be able to hold out 4 days before the female cell appears. The life of their life is different from everyone and can reach up to 5 days, but the normative parameter, which is found in most cases - 3 days.

Therefore, even having received a forecast for the floor of the child by the date of conception online, it is not worth it to be blindly followed, but to take into account your knowledge of this topic.

Chinese calendar for determining the child

You can also determine the floor of the future child using the Chinese calendar of the child by the date of conception. This technique is very ancient and used even in Ancient China. It is believed that since then the table has not changed, but used by women to predict the heir, which is important for the Chinese. They say, even today, many Chinese use this table.

It looks like this way:

To take advantage of this table, you must follow the instructions:

  • Find a horizontal string corresponding to your age.
  • In the vertical columns are months. Find coming.
  • View forecast for each of them.
  • Select your option (boy or girl).
  • Write months when you predict the desired effect.

Use the table easily and additional methods Not required here. The day of the conception is the moment of ovulation. To "strengthen" the effect, it is worth combining already famous methods The appointment of the "necessary" day with the table.

If we consider reviews of those who defined the sex of the child by the date of conception, the table does not always show the correct result. In particular, there are forums where moms have reflected their data on their children already. The ratio of coincidences is talking about the doubt of the table at least in 1/3 of cases.

Adherents of Chinese theory found this excuse. They talk about a different way of counting the birthday of the Chinese. According to Chinese teachings, a person is born already in the womb. Therefore, it is the day of the confusion of the embryo and is recognized by them for the birthday. That is, to use the table advise to add another 9 months to their years. And it often translates the woman to another line, where other forecasts have been marked in the fields. But on this method The interpretation of the table has no proven data to learn efficiency.


Do you trust the definition of the sex of the child by the date of conception to the table, you will have to solve yourself.

Skeptics, for example, indicate the lack of father's data. But, as you know from scientific research, It is from him that the floor of the newborn depends. In addition, the direct relationship between the age of the mother and the conception date scientifically failed to anyone else.

Japanese table for determining the sex of the child

Therefore, some prefer another option of calculations - the Japanese table. It includes two interrelated signs. The first is needed to assign a control number. This figure is determined by the date of birth of each of the future parents. At the intersection of months is the number that matches the pair:

Having learned this number, you need to go to the decoding by the second part:

Here you need to follow the instructions:

  • Find your number in the vertical column.
  • Look at the desired column (Boy, girl).
  • Find in the latter the greatest values.
  • Spend direct to column with your digit. The month most favorable is written here.
  • The remaining months can be determined in comparison of the parameters for the son and daughter. Choose those where exceeding more.

You like this table more users. If the Chinese table is revealed by the floor of the child by the date of conception and age of the woman, the characteristic of the Father takes part in the Japanese. But statistical data on its effectiveness is also not.

Renewal of blood and resusions - what medicine says

In addition to the listed methods, you can refer to medicine. Everyone heard that the forecast of the edge of the embryo occurs along the blood group, the values \u200b\u200bof the reserves or by the structure of blood update. Although these methods are also not 100%, do not fully disappear from them.

When planning a child, a couple gives some analyzes. Blood is checked not only to identify deviations in health, but also for the compliance of the ray-factors of the pair.

It is no secret that with certain parameters, it is not easy to get pregnant even with the normal functioning of sexual function in each of the spouses. Especially dangerous is the situation when negative rhesus At a woman. It affects the rejection of male cells, which makes it very difficult for the process of fertilization and the subsequent stage of attachments fruit egg. If the mother with such rezm will consolidate the fruit with positive factorPerhaps even the emergence of immune complications.

Directly the forecast looks like this:

Blood table for calculating the floor of the future child

So, we disassembled how to determine the floor of the future child by the date of conception on calculators and Chinese forecasts. Consider a way to make it possible to do on the table of blood.

By choosing your characteristics, we get a very likely answer. Nevertheless, statistics speak of some error. Otherwise, we would not see the situations of the birth of different children in one family, which is not at all uncommon.

How blood renewal affects the sex of the child

Another medical scientific method The blood update is considered. It is known that the spouse whose blood is "younger", directly determines the floor of the embryo. In a woman, blood is rejuvenated somewhat more often - every 3 years. Date last update It is necessary to determine from year of birth. If the woman gave birth, he received severe injury or was treated, combined with large blood loss, then the calculation should be done from this year. It happened an unscheduled rejuvenation. For men, the countdown occurs similarly, but taking into account the frequency - every 4 years.

After calculating the criteria, a pair should be founded, which of them was rejected by the latter. If the father has, then the boy stands, the mother has a daughter.

So, learn half a child by the date of conception today can be several options, the main of which we considered. The effectiveness of each causes a stake in doubt, except may be the first - scientifically justified. Therefore, no one promises the guaranteed result. But if you combine a few, then it is quite possible to hope for the desired effect.

Probably there are no such parents who would not like to know who will be born. To this end, a Chinese table was created to determine the sex of the child. It is she who will help everyone who wants to know who to wait: Son or daughter.

Table How to find out the wait
in the form of belly to help ultrasound
The doctor has a useful apple
Who will be the signs of pregnant

If you also lack patience and you want to know what color the slider to choose, then the floor definition table will answer your questions.

Ancient Chinese Table

The Ancient Floor Floor Recognition Table was first discovered in Beijing more than 700 years ago. She was in the tomb of the monk-hermit. When the archaeologists studied in detail the find, they came to the conclusion that they have in their hands moon calendarwhich can point to the floor of the future kid with high reliability of the result.

In order to find out who you will be waiting for, son or daughter, you need in the left column chinese table Definitions of the floor of the future child find the month of the alleged conception, and in the top line - the age of the girl at the time of conception. The intersection point will indicate the gender of the baby.

Ancient Chinese Table

Application of the Pythagora system

There is another no less famous way Find out who settled in the tummy of the future mommy is the definition of fetal floors on the Pythagore table. Numerology was gaining great popularity in all spheres of human life, therefore, the Pythagorean system trusts a considerable number of future parents.

According to this method, Each word, including the name, corresponds to a certain figure, to receive which is possible using a special table.

  1. Need to write full name Future mommy, which is registered in a birth certificate (respectively, a maiden name), and after the future dad.
  2. After that, a month of conception of the future child should be recorded.
  3. Of all the numbers received, consider the total amount, and then the resulting number is divided by 7.
  4. If the ultimate digit is even - wait for the girl, if the odd is a boy.

It is worthwhile to know that this method is ideal for cases when the addition of one child is expected, not twins or triple.

Table Pythagora

Blood update method

This method implies the use of a table update table of future parents for fetal recognition depending on the date of their birth.

  1. Such cycles differ in men and women, and also consist of certain periodsstarting from the date of birth.
  2. Full age future mom It is necessary to divide by 3 (as the blood of women is updated once every three years), and the future of the Father - by 4 (in men blood is updated once every four years).
  3. There is a prerequisite for the knowledge of the approximate day of conception.
  4. When calculating, it is necessary to consider the full age (even if you are the next day 30 years - you need to count 29 complete).

By comparing the remainder of the division from the father and the mother, it can be concluded that the residue is more (respectively, blood is stronger), such a gender and wait for the kid.

But it is worth noting that blood is always updated during operations, with donation, abortion. In this case, it is necessary to start counting from the date of the last blood loss.

Use only if there are positively resounds from the mother

According to some data, the table for the detection of sex a child by age "works" only if there is a positive reserves.

If mommy has a blood band with negative rhesus factor, everything will be the opposite: who has "older" blood for the day of conception, such a gender is born.

Mother's age and French diet

Elena Shamrina led his studies for more than 20 years and was able to establish that in nature there is a certain dependence of the conception of a child from the parity / oddness of the age of the future mother.

  1. To born the girl - you need to "engage creative process"On the even months of the year (February, April, June, August, October), if a woman has an even age. For odd age, respectively, in the odd months of the year.
  2. To be born a boy, in an even age woman should have conceived in the odd months, and an odd age - in the even months. Thus, if a woman has an odd age, then it will be easier for her boyfriend, if an even - girl.

Another method is known for many years. He got the name "French diet", as it was the French that found that the likelihood of the birth of a boy or a girl is determined by the power of the future mother during the period of menstruation, which precedes the subsequent conception.

Scientists came to the conclusion that the parents of boys used more products rich in sodium and potassium, and girls - calcium and magnesium.

For the purpose of planning the sexuality of the child, two diet were offered, which contained a set of some products. For two months, future parents had to comply with the specified diet. Success was striking - up to 80% of cases, spouses received exactly the one who wished them more.

If young dream of a boy, you need to eat more:

  • potatoes;
  • mushroom and meat dishes;
  • cherry, bananas, oranges, peaches.

It is necessary to eliminate all dairy products, nuts. We will not be slightly sent to the food.

If parents want her daughter, then future mommy should:

  • adhere to a dairy diet;
  • eat beets, carrots, cucumbers, green peas, onions, nuts.

Exclude plums, bananas, melon, potatoes and citrus.

The most accurate way

What kind of existing tables for determining the child is the most accurate? Certainly, most in a true way Find out who will be born, performs ultrasound procedurethat will prescribe a doctor when contacting it.

However, there is another, which has not considered above, the method that allows you to precisely precisely as possible, who will be born - this is a Japanese table of conception for the detection of the floor of the future heir.

Such a table acts as the most truthful and popular way of planning, as well as the establishment of the sexual agent of the future child. Many geneticists assure that this process It is impossible to predict. However, Japanese scientists safely denied this theory, and offered their own method, which is based on simple calculations.

Japanese method

They are confident that the combination of chromosomes is easy to predict with the first birth of both parents, as well as the exact time of fertilization. In other words, male organism Spermatozoa generates with a certain set of chromosomes at specific time intervals. Thanks to this approach, you can reliably find out who settled in the tummy.