Wedding rings when they appeared. Wedding ring - history and legends. What does "language of the rings" mean?

How to wear a wedding ring? It, according to established traditions, is worn by newlyweds at weddings. It symbolizes love and fidelity. Contemporaries are accustomed to the custom of exchanging engagement wedding rings, and it seems to us that this has always been the case.

However, this is not entirely true, and historical facts talk about amazing traditions past centuries, and fashion trends manicure 2017 you can read in.

Wedding ring - a historical perspective

Scientists studying ancient world, disagreed about the origin of such a tradition. Some say that it happened in Ancient egyptwhile others argue that it is in ancient Greece.

Since these states are close to each other, then maybe some mixed marriage and served as the beginning of the exchange of jewelry for those who decided to start a family. An interesting fact is that wedding symbols then they braided from the reeds.

It was these braided rings that were a wonderful prototype wedding jewelry modernity. And after a while in Ancient Rome rich grooms presented it not only to the bride, but also to her parents.

This gift symbolized the man's desire to take responsibility for the maintenance of the girl.

Since then, more than one century has passed, and such a tradition, like brides, has appeared among many peoples. However, depending on religion and national preferences, not all wedding rings are worn on one hand.

Not only that, there were times when rulers determined how to wear a wedding ring. Historians confirm that there were a lot of such legislative acts, so there were at least ten ways of wearing - according to the number of fingers.

Traditions of different nations

Exist different traditionshow to wear a wedding ring. According to researchers, in ancient times, more people still wore wedding jewelry on the middle finger of their left hand. The reason for this was the opinion of the healers of those times. They assured that there is a certain nerve in the human body that connects this finger to the heart.

This tradition still exists among many peoples. However, in those countries where Orthodoxy is the main religion, it is worn on the right hand. In the event that trouble occurs in the family and one of the spouses dies, then the widower or widow puts a ring on left hand.

Muslims wear a wedding ring only for women, because it is not customary for men to wear such jewelry. And gypsies wear jewelry on a gold chain around their necks.

How to wear a wedding ring

Today, the exchange of rings during the marriage registration ceremony is part of everything. wedding ceremony... For many years, when the newlyweds are presented with rings, the words are said that they have no beginning or end, implying the eternity of love. And gold, from which wedding jewelry has long been traditionally made, symbolizes purity and purity. Read about wedding dresses

Thus, putting a ring on the ring finger, the newlyweds promise each other long love, dedication, mutual respect and patience. Without all this, the family is not able to exist for a long time.

Jewelry designers began to offer new models of wedding jewelry. Some newlyweds still choose classic, completely smooth, while others prefer rings interspersed with precious stones.

You can also purchase a wedding ring not only made of gold, but also of silver, palladium and titanium. There are even ceramics and plastics on the market, but this option is usually preferred by young people with an unusual outlook on life.


Rite of exchange wedding symbol when creating a family for many hundreds of years, "overgrown" with signs, superstitions, secret omens.

  1. It is not customary to give it, pass it on to someone, or even just allow it to be tried on. But life situations there are many that sometimes you have to do what, according to signs, it seems like it is not supposed to.

In the event that you need to transfer your jewelry to someone, you need to put it on a table or some other surface. When returning, ask the person not to hand it over, but put it on the table again. It is also recommended to wash the ring in running water to wash away someone else's energy from it.

  1. A good omen is the inheritance of wedding jewelry through a generation: from grandmother to granddaughter. A particularly favorable sign in this situation will be if the grandmother was happily married.
  2. How to wear a wedding ring left over from relatives who have died? This cannot be done, it is considered a bad omen.
  3. In ancient times, a ceremony was performed with them, which supposedly strengthened the relationship of the spouses. Two rings were immersed in a small vessel with water and frozen for a short time. People believed that in this case they became one, and in the future they will always be attracted to each other.
  4. It was believed that if a girl touches a box with rings for the bride and groom, then soon she will be married.

Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in omens or not and how to wear a wedding ring, but there is one good omenthat it is necessary to create a family out of love with mutual respect: in such a marriage, very beautiful children will be born. And the decoration will become a reminder of wonderful day weddings!

Wedding ring has long been considered a symbol of marital fidelity. This item is credited with mystical properties, and certain traditions have always been associated with it. The exchange of wedding rings between spouses at a wedding takes place in many countries, and very often the question arises as to which hand to put it on.


The meaning of this important accessory determined by the culture of the people, there are three main versions of what it means. In ancient times, this decoration was brought by the groom to the family of his beloved, by this he showed that he has every opportunity to provide future spouse... Parents could be convinced of the well-being of their betrothed daughter.

According to another version, putting the ring on the finger, the future spouses made a vow of love, endless and immortal. The ring is a symbol of infinity. According to the third opinion, these objects were the links of one chain, and it unites husband and wife forever.

A wedding ring - how to wear for women / men

How to wear a wedding ring correctly - main question, which worries the newlyweds. Historians discovered the first jewelry during excavations in Ancient Egypt. Know used rich accessories from precious metalsand poor people are iron.

Due to their high knowledge of anatomy, in the old days, healers believed that the wedding ring should be worn on the left hand.

In ancient times, the decision of how this item should be worn was determined by the rulers. There were countries where they were worn even on thumb... Each nation has its own traditions regarding the rules for wearing wedding rings.

Which hand is wearing a wedding ring depending on religion

The rule of wearing these accessories is largely determined by religion.


Orthodox Christians consider everything to be correct that is related to right side human body. In countries where Christianity is professed, wedding rings are worn only on the right hand. This is practiced in Russia, Greece, Ukraine, Belarus. The widows change the ring on the opposite hand.


Muslims prefer to wear a piece of jewelry on their left hand as a tribute to tradition. True, this rule does not apply to men. In the East, men are not supposed to walk in gold, this is a sign of bad taste. Muslims either do not wear gold accessories or wear silver jewelry.


Followers of Catholicism and Protestantism put rings on ring finger left hand. Historically, it happened in the countries of Northern and South America and some european countries (France, Austria, Germany, Spain), Australia. Catholics explain this tradition by the fact that the left hand is closer to the heart, which is also located on the left.

Who and where wears on the left hand

In many countries, it is customary to wear jewelry on the ring finger of the left hand. But in other countries, things may be different, european women prefer to wear a ring on forefinger, and gypsies generally wear this accessory on a chain.

On the left hand, the wedding ring is worn for a reason, the ringed person expresses in this way warm feelings to your soulmate from the bottom of my heart. But on the other hand, the right hand has always been considered a symbol of wisdom, and was associated with the right decisions.

The question often arises on which hand the Armenians wear the accessory, because they cannot be attributed to Catholics and Christians. Armenians prefer to wear this important element on the left hand. The explanation is simple - the energy of love passes through the left hand, which supports the family in difficult periods.

Not all Catholics wear a wedding ring on their left hand, in some countries (Spain, Austria, Norway) this item is worn on right hand... And the inhabitants of Cuba, Mexico, France, Turkey, Japan, Canada support the traditions.

Who wears on the right

According to Russian traditions, it is customary in Russia to wear a ring on the right hand on the ring finger. It is customary to wear wedding and engagement rings on the same hand in Israel, India, Greece, Georgia, Norway, Spain, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Poland. In Holland, this tradition is supported by those who do not support Catholicism.

As for the engagement ring, in Russia there are no specific rules for wearing it, so each person independently makes a choice on which finger to put it on. In most cases, the left hand is bandaged, but some women prefer to wear it together with a wedding band.

Wearing a wedding ring on special occasions

A ring on the ring finger is an indicator of status, but it can be evidence of more than just marriage. It is worn in a certain way during divorce and widowhood.


It happens that love passes, and two recently close people become strangers. What is the correct way to wear an accessory in this case, and is it worth doing it at all? After divorce ex-spousesusually just take off the wedding ring.

The question of what to do with the accessory after this, everyone decides for himself. The opinion of many men is simply to hand it over to a pawnshop. Girls often regret throwing it out, but you shouldn't give your jewelry to another person.

Leaving it in your casket is strange to say the least. Who wants to ring a woman with an object that a former spouse gave.

The feminine view of these things is simple, often it just changes into the other hand and rushes on. But there are signs according to which you should not leave this accessory, it will remind you of the past. AND new life it's easier to start from scratch.

Another point concerns the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else's ring. Any decoration carries the energy of the owner, whether it is worth transferring it and personal troubles to another person. After all, if the ring did not bring happiness to one person, it is unlikely that it will become happy for another. Therefore, wearing someone else's wedding ring is not recommended.

Death of one of the spouses

After the death of one of the spouses, the accessory must be worn on the other hand. This is a symbol of loyalty to a loved one even after death. Some women take off their jewelry and put the husband's ring on their left hand as a sign of eternal connection, or wear both at once on the ring finger.

In general, the widow herself decides whether to continue wearing this important accessory at all.

Signs associated with wedding rings

Wedding rings, according to people, are a magical symbol of marital ties. Naturally, many signs and beliefs are associated with them.

Your ring should not be given to anyone to try on, and even more so to wear. If it is impossible to refuse the request for fitting, then it should be transferred only by placing it on the table.

It comes back in a similar way, and before putting on the accessory should be held under running water or in a salt solution for some time.

You can not get engaged with rings that got after a divorced couple or from a widow. But if the rings were passed to the young from grandfather and grandmother, who have lived their whole lives in love and harmony and are alive by the time of the wedding, this is considered happy omen... You can use the rings of spouses who have lived happily for more than 25 years.

In some countries, the practice of freezing the rings in a glass of water. It was believed that when the water thaws, these objects remember their unity, and will always reach out to each other, supporting the spouses in family life.

An unmarried girl can accidentally touch the bride's ring at a wedding or take the box where it lay. This will lead to the fact that soon she will marry herself. Believe it or not in these signs is a private matter for every woman.

Many girls are interested in the question of whether it is possible to wear an engagement ring before the wedding.... By folk signs, you can't do that. This may cause unpleasant moments during a wedding ceremony or even a wedding cancellation.

Engagement ring

After the matchmaking, a beautiful ceremony followed, which was called the engagement. The young man asked her father for the hand of his betrothed. And on this significant day, the groom proposed to the girl and presented her with a ring, which is usually called an engagement ring in honor of the event.

Which hand should you wear your engagement ring on? Some put it on their right hand, and wear it on the ring finger before the wedding, until it is replaced by a wedding one. Further, the engagement ring is either put on with the engagement ring, or worn on the other hand. Moreover, they must be combined with each other, be made of the same material and are similar in texture.

In the West, they prefer to take it off altogether after the wedding, after which it becomes family heirlooms and is passed down from generation to generation. In Germany, a ring is put on the left hand, after the wedding, changing into the right.

The engagement ring should be worn, not removed, until the wedding itself, and carefully protected. It is a symbol of the beginning happy life families. His loss, according to signs, leads to the collapse of the marriage.

After wedding ceremony you can wear the engagement ring on any finger of the right or left hand, some prefer to do it all the time, others use it as beautiful accessory when attending significant celebrations.

It is not worth breaking wedding customs. But at the same time, one should not forget that a long and happy marriage primarily provided sincere love and the loyalty of both spouses.

The wedding ring symbolizes marriage. It's kind of an indicator of marital status person. By this decoration, you can always determine whether a girl is married or not. It is enough just to look at the finger where the wedding ring is worn. But, of course, not all peoples have a common tradition to single out marriage in one specific way.

Which finger is wearing a wedding ring in Russia

Such jewelry looks very beautiful and original. You just need to remember that it is better to choose rings with a channel setting, so that the stone is attached in a depression, and not on the surface. Such rings are ideal as wedding decoration... They are outwardly smooth and the probability of a stone falling out is very low.

When choosing stones, the bride and groom are usually guided by their tastes, but more often they give preference white - cubic zirconia or real diamonds. This is not surprising, because wedding rings are worn all the time, and they should go well with other jewelry or clothing.

Engagement rings with other precious stones are much less common. This is not entirely practical, it is not always easy to combine them with clothes or accessories. But it is not the only reason... Some stones can change their color over time. For example, blue sapphire sometimes darkens. And green emeralds, which are not cheap at all, are very fragile.

In the West, engagement rings with stones are very common. Most often this is a thin ring with one precious stone, in fact, classic version... Romantics prefer to buy jewelry with a heart-shaped pebble. Rings with a large central stone surrounded by small crystals look very impressive.

On which finger do women wear a wedding ring, if the engagement took place before? On the same - nameless. Such an adornment is worn over a wedding dress if it is appearance allows. Otherwise, the bride herself decides whether to put it on the other hand or even put it in the box. After all, she changed her status, became married woman and now another ring symbolizes marriage.

Most important attribute marriage - wedding ring. There is no wedding at all without engagement rings. In fact, for a wedding, two conditions must be met: the presence of the spouses themselves, i.e. the groom and the bride, and the presence of wedding rings. You can do without wedding dress, without veil, without wedding bouquet, without witnesses, guests, banquet, wedding and all other attributes of the wedding. But, putting a ring on the hand of the second half, loving hearts commit the most intimate wedding ritual... Wedding rings bind the two fates firmly and for a long time, ideally until death.

But what does a wedding ring really mean?

There are many comic interpretations in this regard. For example, the initial account in married life - 0: 0. Probably, this version was invented by grooms - football fans, who, upon getting married, secretly hope to score more than one goal into their bride's goal (although life after the wedding shows that brides are much more effective in hitting a penalty kick against their betrothed and are able to easily parry any blow of the groom at their gate). A more radical version says that wedding rings are checks from pomegranates. That is, a wedding, according to this version, is the beginning of a war, in which each of the spouses planted a grenade on the other. It's good that in real life you can put a maximum of a pig. Some people joke that, they say, the wedding ring is the real shackles or handcuffs. This version is not as scary as it seems at first glance. For example, handcuffing a bride to the bed is not every groom's dream! In general, you can look at any thing in different ways, it all depends on the mood of the beholder. Someone thinks, like Kozma Prutkov, that the ring is the first link in married life. And someone thinks that this is shackles in marital hard labor and runs away from the wedding, like evil spirits from holy water. And someone revels in the infinity of the ring, and believes that the love of the spouses is also endless.

In fact, the symbol endless love and is one of true values wedding ring. In ancient times, the ring was considered a talisman: putting it on the hand of a loved one, you seem to protect him from all kinds of misfortunes and adversities, protect him from everything bad and hostile. This is probably why the engagement ring at a wedding is so important that a wedding is unthinkable without it.

Where did the tradition of wearing a wedding ring come from?

Rings were worn in ancient Egypt, there was even a hieroglyph in the form of a ring, meaning infinity. It is Egypt that can be considered the source wedding tradition betrothal of lovers. Here, in the valleys of the fertile Nile, one of the most ancient civilizations on Earth flourished under the blessed sun. Many of the traditions we know originate here, including the traditions of engagement and weddings. The Egyptians in love wore wedding rings on the middle finger of their left hand.

In ancient Rome, rings also existed, but only women wore them. The engagement took place long before the wedding - the groom dressed his bride with an iron ring, which she was obliged to wear before marriage, so that everyone could see that the girl was already busy. After the wedding, the groom took off the iron ring and put on a gold one. In Jewish tradition, the groom gave the bride not a ring, but a gold coin as a sign of his serious intentions and symbolizing your willingness to provide for your beloved. The wedding ring, always made of gold, was already worn by the bride at the wedding.

Another secret of the wedding ring

Why is the wedding ring worn on the ring finger? Let's do a simple experiment. The Chinese believe that:

The thumb is a symbol of parents

Index - siblings

Medium - a symbol of yourself

Untitled - a symbol of the second half, beloved or beloved

Little finger - a symbol of children

Now put your palms together as shown in the picture. Middle fingers - those that symbolize themselves, bend and touch the outer sides, the rest are pads.

Now, in turn, try to tear off the pads of your fingers from each other, while the rest of your fingers should be together.

Thumbs up. Happened? No matter how much we want it, our parents leave us sooner or later.

Indicative. They also come off easily from each other. Our brothers and sisters have their own way, and we are not on the way with them.

Little fingers. Come off without special efforts... Our children grow up and leave us. Sooner or later they will live their own lives.

Unnamed. Does not exceed? Correctly. Only these two fingers cannot be torn from each other, because lovers have been together all their lives, and will always be together, no matter what happens.

Therefore, at the wedding, rings - a symbol of endless love - are put on the ring fingers to loving groom and the bride were together for the rest of their lives.

About changing rings for a wedding - ancient pagan tradition... What do the rings mean? Just look at them: round, closed ... endless. Name: circle is a symbol of infinity and eternal love two people who have tied their lives. Noble metal - expensive thing and symbolizes the seriousness of intentions. But why exactly the ring finger? The answer may surprise and touch those people who do not know anatomy very well - an artery goes from there, right into the heart. All this means ... forever. Together until death. Remember this when you stand under the aisle and the wedding arch.

traditions and history of wedding rings

The tradition of giving each other rings for a wedding is very ancient. Even the Egyptians several thousand years ago presented their halves with rings as a sign that neither gods nor people could destroy their love. And even in very prehistoric times, archaeologists find evidence that the brides of past eras wove reed rings for themselves.

But the metal in wedding rings was the first to be used in ancient Rome. And despite all the wealth and luxury in other everyday aspects, the rings were simple and smooth pieces of metal. But at the same time, such decoration was very expensive and meant exactly what it means now - the inviolability of marriage bonds.

But they were the first to hit chic and luxury in Italy in the late Middle Ages: there, wedding rings began to be decorated with real diamonds.

But everyone already understands that throughout all historical eras there have been cases when marriage was only a formality, in order to get any benefit. But even so, for engagement, engagement and the official wedding ceremony, everyone was exactly given rings (at every stage).

Until the end of the Middle Ages, many peoples throughout Europe had to literally redeem their wife from their parents. That is, to give some material values \u200b\u200bfor her, but putting on the ring was only a formal confirmation that the marriage took place.

Interestingly, the rings found by archaeologists throughout Europe are very interesting in terms of jewelry, and this period of decoration begins after the thirteenth century. For example, the ring in Nuremberg, which is kept in the city museum. This chic work of art is very simple, but the inscription "Faithfulness in me" is engraved on the inside.
Over time, the technique of making wedding rings only became more and more complicated. Their form became more and more graceful and now there is variety. design solutions, embodied in wedding rings only pleases our eyes.

Traditionally, the groom buys the rings. But the bride can help him choose this ring. The most important parameters are two interrelated: material and price.

Let's take a closer look. Gold rings are a good tradition (gold can be either white or yellow). But if the budget allows, you can think about purchasing a platinum ring. It's expensive, but that's why it is an excellent demonstration of the groom's seriousness.

History has not left us with any strict prescriptions about what exactly should be wedding rings. Naturally, men prefer more strict option, more classic solutions, but for women there are absolutely no barriers. These can be rings that consist of two metals, rings that are inlaid with precious or semi-precious stone, are decorated with a diamond cut or diamond rings in general. The last women prefer most of all and it is not surprising, because cut diamonds are the best stones that nature has created.

But it doesn't matter if they are not to your taste or there is no way to purchase them. You can pick up exactly the stone that would suit your horoscope the most.
The jewelry industry today is incredibly diverse when it comes to wedding rings. Going to jewelry shop you can see more than a hundred different types of rings.

IN recent times yellow smooth wedding rings (such as the ring of omnipotence in the movie "The Lord of the Rings"). IN last years fashion trend are considered thin and graceful rings, masterfully decorated with jewelry stones.

If you want something special and unusual - order yourself an individual ring. To do this, you need to contact the jeweler and provide him with a sketch. In this case, the bride's name is usually written on the bride's ring and vice versa. But this is not a rule at all and it is not necessary to do this. It all depends only on your imagination and desire to receive for real unique ring, with whom you will be a unique bride on your wedding day and the same unique wife all your life.

Ordering individual rings is very, very popular lately. But at the same time, like everything else, the rings must be made in a single concept, that is, two unique and chic rings, which at the same time are completely different - worse than two more modest, but made in the same style.

Signs associated with wedding rings

1. It is believed that wearing massive rings is a prosperity.

2. If, God forbid, the ring is lost - this is the first bell for divorce and parting.

3. If you touch the wedding ring at a wedding, then soon you will be walking at your own wedding.

4. Taking parents' wedding rings is to repeat family pathpassed by them.

5. If the wedding ring fell out of the hands of the groom or the bride - this is treason.

In no case let us try on the wedding ring - it is believed that this will make both people unhappy (the one who gave to try on and the one who measured).