7 years have no children what to do. Why do we have no children? The expert "Battle of psychics is responsible. Life in pitch darkness

The interest of the public to the children of celebrities is quite explained. People want to make sure that the stars are the same people as we are with you. It is such curiosity that the celebrities earn millions of dollars, publishing photos of their newborn kids. However, to put your life at the bottom not all. Yes, and children are not all available.

Naturally, when famous women Reach certain ageAnd the children still do not have, the public has certain issues. Why does a woman want to give birth? Perhaps she is bluntly, or the refusal of motherhood is a thoughtful step, a kind of strategy on the path to success? In each case, which we consider below, the causes are different. But all these women unites the solid age and the absence of descendants.

Helen Mirren

She always knew that she would not have children, and calmly treated it. She does not care what others think about this, this is her choice, he is quite realized, and change something late.

Gloria Stinem

She is absolutely happy without children, but does not encourage women to follow her example, despite the fact that it is a Yellow feminist. In her opinion, not everyone can sing Opera Arias, respectively, not everyone may be a parent.

Stevie Nicks

The singer has no children, she abandoned motherhood consciously, preferring to build a successful career. She did not have time for diaper, parental meetings And other concerns associated with maternity.

Oprah Winfrey

According to the OPRA itself, if she had children, they would have hated their mother. The rejection of motherhood is a voluntary and deliberate head of the television star, but it is a little bit. It is known that Oprah had a son who died. After that, she decided not to give birth anymore, but he loves to communicate with children. She created his own academy for girls and considers pupils of the institution with his daughters.

Porsha de Rossi and Ellen Degens

We combined these women in one block, because they are lesbians and married each other.

They are constantly asked about when they plan to acquire children, but women say that they have too many glass items in the house to let the kids there. Of course, they are joking, their decision is not based on this fact, it is weighted and deliberate.

Dolly parton

She frankly rejoices that she has no children. However, the joy on this occasion did not come immediately, in his youth singer dreamed of children and even invented them names. However, fate has developed differently, but Dolly is not upset about this, like her husband with whom they have been together for many years.

Catherine Hepburn

This actress believes that it would be a terrible mother, since it is very selfish. She would not have endured children's whims.

Condolee Rice

This lady has no children nor her husband. But built a brilliant political career and quite satisfied. She believes that otherwise would not be so happy.

Betty White

Another careerist. For her, the issue of motherhood has never been the main thing.

Lily Tomlin

It is recognized that if he had chosen another profession, it would be necessary to give birth to a child. It was not able to combine acting with maternity with maternity.

Angelica Houston

It believes that if he had given birth to a child, he could not part with him for a minute. Therefore, the lack of children allows her to live a full life.

Lisa Minnelli

She wanted to give birth to a child, but could not medical indications. Now Lisa takes care of children with various pathologies. It provides assistance to the kids around the world, so it does not feel lonely.

Kim Catherol

Kim believes that the children would bring chaos to her life. Yes, when they are small - it is very cute, but you grow up the descendants - this is true for her headache. She says that he will definitely become a mother in the next life.

Cameron Diaz

Question about children Cameron is replied evasively. She believes that it is not ready to take such responsibility, because it takes a couple of days to take care of the child, but at least 18 years old. Without weekends and breaks. The actress believes that without children it is easier for her to solve his problems. She went to her career with his head and asks not to disturb her more questions on this topic.

Zoe Diagel

It is rumored that Zoe last year, secretly gave birth to a child, but she herself does not recognize this fact and generally stops all sorts of journalists attempts to develop this topic. Zoya believes that this is a personal matter of everyone, and a person is not obliged to answer all questions.

Chelsea Handler

She is ready to be aunt, the godfather, anything, just not the mother. It claims that she has no time to raise children, and to trust them with nanny - meaningless.

Jennifer Aniston

Being married to the sexiest actor Hollywood, Brad Pitt, Jennifer never was able to give him a child. However, the actress does not lose hope and confident that someday will definitely become a mother, while actively refutes all sorts of rumors about her pregnancy, which appear in the Western press almost every week.

Ashley Judd

Her position is quite original. She believes that in other countries, children are starving, shamelessly. After all, it is better to take care of who was already born, regardless of the degree of kinship. She is ready to give her love to all the children of the planet - orphaned, patients abandoned. Concentrated on their own children, in her opinion, only egoists can only. So she argued in his youth, her position did not change and so far.

Jennifer Westfeld

She also could not have been able to solid age Can not get children. However, there were many other events in her life, which she did not assume. Jennifer believes that he will still have time to know the joy of motherhood, despite the fact that she is already 47 years old.

Elizabeth Gilbert.

All women are divided into 3 categories. The first refers those who are born for motherhood, to the second - those who love other children, but does not want to give birth to their own, and to the third - those whom and close to children can not be allowed. It is important to understand what category it refers to. She refers to the second category and believes that he will never change his opinion. She is absolutely happy and satisfied with the current state of things.

Candes Bushnell

For her, a child is her career. She devotes his whole life to writing and not ready to change anything. She did his choice in his youth and does not regret it.

Dita Von Teese

She believes sisters and her husband with their children. She was "lucky" to marry a person who can even take care of himself, not something about children. But Dita does not consider his life as defective, it is the same person as others.

Marisa Taiway.

She does not recognize the Institute of Marriage and does not understand why a woman should give birth to be considered a full-fledged.

Margaret Cho

A comedian woman refers to the issue of motherhood with his own humor. She believes that her past will negatively affect children. After all, Margaret "had the honor" to work in the sex industry. Perhaps this is not the main cause of its abandonment of motherhood, but it is precisely the official version. Believe it or not - the case is personal.

Careless celebrities feel good in their status, however, if they had siblings, they would probably be even happier.

One woman came to the teacher with the question why she had no children. She said that they and her husband were unsuccessfully trying to conceive a child for many years. Couple really tried everything - from the most modern methods Treatment of infertility before visiting holy places and folk healers. But everything was useless.

- What are you ready for your child born? - asked the teacher.

"To all," a woman replied confidently.

- Are you ready to die?

"Yes," this woman replied.

But she did not die. Rather, the woman died, who could not be children. And the one began to learn awareness, a long-awaited daughter was born in two years.

Do you say this story is too similar to the fictional? Or to the parable of spiritual teachers who are overflowing online expanses? But the fact of the matter is that this, like a miracle story, absolutely true, and all its participants real people. Although B. this case This is a miracle, rather, carefully prepared than performed by magic wand. "Die" - meant not physical death, but a refusal of worldview, beliefs and thoughts that did not allow this woman to become pregnant. Having a unreleased intention, she was able to change and the child appeared in her family.

In this particular case, we are talking about a miracle, because this couple had karmiccauses of infertility. In order for a miracle to happen, they needed to touch the high spirit, to their highest "I". The woman learned to realize her female nature, ceased to put pressure on others, took responsibility for what is happening in her life. And this is the awareness of itself, as a soul, increase its vibrations on energy level. The ability to have a child came as the result of completed work.

So, there are three global reasons why the conception and birth of the child are impossible. It should be borne in mind that in all three versions there is very hard pressure. public opinion The fact that "children need sure for happiness."

First karmic cause infertility we just considered. It is very complex option. But, as you can see, he is not hopeless.

The second reasonthe soul in the embodiment decided that she was not needed such an experience in this life. In this case, a person becomes happy, freed from the desire to meet the standards. He realizes himself and its true needs. He understands that in fact he does not want this and he does not need it. His happiness and execution of his destination lies in a completely different area.

Third reason the lack of children is how contradictively it did not sound, in the absence of desire to have children.In this case, the awareness of what I really want is also required. In order to be happy, such pairs you need to understand that they do not want it and, in a large account, they do not need it. Perhaps the desire to have children is secondary, and most importantly, it is still personal freedom, relations and career.

However, the moment comes when society begins to put the question: "Why don't you have children?" Sometimes this question in the family arises very rigidly and then the relationship between spouses become unbearable. Suppose the couple reached everything that was dreaming about. There is a house, apartment, material security. But the depression begins. "I don't know what I would still want." Lose trusting relationship between partners ... and everything comes collapse. "There are no children, so everything is so bad," many people think in such cases. But true intentions People give them actions, not words.

Therefore, when healing, a person is invited to act unexpected methods for it. And how they are executed, characterizes true desires. For example, spouses come with a question about infertility, in the learning process, their relationship is settled (they healed) and steam under any pretext ends classes. This suggests that in reality they did not want children. But this is not the reason to be unhappy.

It is also possible that thanks to the awareness of his reluctance, there is an understanding of what the children did not want before, and now - want it! And then the contract that they unconsciously concluded with life or with themselves, you need to simply reformat. To do this, it is enough to say to yourself: "Now I want to have children and I change my former point of view." Usually, so that the child appears, grabs one such awareness. It means: the acceptance of experience, changes in intention and, like the result - a change in consciousness.

Modern couples turn out to be in difficult circumstances. They constantly experience the pressure of society and relatives. Parents insist that their children will take off the offspring. But not all adults have the opportunity to give birth to a child. Someone builds a career, someone has no financial opportunity to bring up a child, and someone physically does not turn out to conceive the heir. How to live without children? The answer to this difficult question Look for below.

Do not blame anyone

A person must understand that he is unique. Each person comes to this world is no coincidence. And therefore each person has their own life values And its own arrangement of priorities. Someone seeks to acquire family, and someone wants to realize the inner potential. And if a person has no opportunity to give birth to a child? How to live without children? First that married couple Must understand, this is what no one is to blame. Do not blame parents that they gave birth to you with such defective, should not be angry with the fate for having tried you with reproductive ability. And in no case cannot make claims to your partner if after analyzes it turns out that he is "to blame" it. Understand, from what you will be on someone to tear your irritation and discontent, your life will not be happier. Yes, it is difficult to accept the idea that life has deprived you one of her joys. But still you need to somehow adapt in this world. Many people can live without children happily. Take as granted that you are one of these people.

Support each other

When the family takes place in the family, the spouses must support each other. Did you find out that you can't have a child? Ask consolation from my husband. Native manWho promised to be with you and in happiness, and in the mountain, I must climb and console. Yes, life will be severe and difficult. How to live without children? Try the first time you do not think about it. The problem is impossible to decide when you live it. It should be removed a little and only then when the emotions are sick, look for a solution. The support of the spouse at this stage is very important. A native man who will also be bad should not shout and curse fate. It will be impossible to accept the situation with the situation. But to understand and accept the problem in your power. Take away from current adversity. Walk more with your second half, go to the movies and meet with friends. Life continues, and you need to understand it. Do not think how couples live without children. You will still have time to answer this question. When you just learned about your problem, you should not cheat yourself. Console yourself and partner. Routine cases I. habitual entertainment Help Return peace of mind.

Psychology and physiology

Are you thinking about how to live without children? It is difficult to accept the situation that you do not like. But not all people think about the fact that the diseases them are not good. After all, not yet people on earth are childless. More minority. So why did Nature made you childlessly? Most physiological problems lies in human psychology. If the person can not accept something and understand, then it will be sick. For example, a person who is overly concerned about external species, will constantly fight with skin problems. Acne and acne will eternal satellites Such a person. The same applies to the offense. If the person is offended about and without, in a near future, it may be detected by cancer. If you argue from this point of view, it is easy to understand what problems have a childless person. It is believed that fate will never give the offspring of the person who does not deserve it or will not be able to raise a child. Many cases in which women who changed their behavior, habits and lifestyles have discovered, are reliably known to their surprise that they are pregnant. Eliminating the psychological barrier, you will get the opportunity to fix your physical health.

Complete with the situation

A person who cannot accept something will suffer very long. Yes, there are such situations that you personally do not feel, you will not know what it is. How can I live without children? Someone seems impossible to someone, and someone deliberately refuses to give birth. There are many people, and everyone has different situations. You can't give birth? Do not catch up. Try to distract yourself and distract the partner. Constantly discussing the problem, you will not find a solution. No need to pretend that you are fine. We must admit that there is a problem, but do not fight her, and let go. Can't give birth to a child and live for him? So maybe fate decided to give you the opportunity to learn how to live for yourself. Write plans and implement them. You have nothing else. Families can normally exist without children only when each of the partners will allow themselves to move on. Yes, there will be condemning views, there will be eternal questions. Do not boil and respond to them calmly. The indicator of what you took the situation is your reaction to it. Yes, there are no children, but we still live happily, and our life will be rich and interesting - here is a worthy answer to all questions.

Do not waste money for fortune-law and traditional medicine

In the world there will always be those who want to bet on someone else's grief. Are you looking for an answer, how do people live without children? The first thing that comes to mind after a complete medical check is to turn to a fortuneteller or witch. Do not do this. Charlatans in the world are a lot. All of them will promise great health if your wallet is quite thick. Decorations and herbs will not return to you that Nature did not give. There was no more case to help the folk medicine. Its only advantage is that people who work for witches, and gypsies predicting sourid childbirth - good psychologists. They inspire a man simple ideaswhich can turn his consciousness and at the expense of this to establish the work of the body. You can get more qualified assistance in the Psychotherapist's office. He will explain to you how to learn to live without children, how to take the situation and let go of despair. Configuring your thinking on positive LadThe psychotherapist will make the same job as the fortune tellers. But the fee that you give a doctor for work will be several times lower than the amount that folk healers will be swore.

Get pet

You have no one to throw out surplus tenderness? Get the dog. Animal helps a pair to brighten boring leisure. A little pet will need to train and raise. If you are heading a purebred pet, then it will be possible to ride the exhibition and receive medals for your own achievements on the traverse field. How do people live without children? They find the outstand in their favorites. Such substitution helps well at first. The person who is in despair starts a friend who demands constant attention And care. Thoughts that you need to feed the dog, take a walk with her and compose wool, will take a lot of space in your head. Yes, the dog will not replace children, but the animal is also a big responsibility that you take. And moreover, you help the creature to adapt in this life and give him the opportunity to survive in the complex world.

Spouses who have no children, but there are dogs, live much more friendly. They take care not only about themselves and each other, but also about the third creature. This helps people feel their responsibility and significance. And most importantly, well binds people to the house, and the apartment with the advent of the pet becomes more cured.

Find pluses

In any, even the most difficult, the situation has its advantages. You do not understand how women live without children? But such ladies have more opportunities to realize themselves and their talent. Women can look attractive all the time, can attend all sorts of spa treatments more than once a month, but every week. Ladies have time reading, knitting, drawing and hiking. Free time is something that there is a childless couple in excess. If it is properly disposed of this valuable resource, people can live very productively and happily. When there is no need to take care of anyone, a person becomes free. The married couple can break on any weekend and go to a spontaneous journey. They will not have to think about who can temporarily give a child.

Husband with his wife, who have no children, can devote more time to each other, and therefore love in such a family will never fade away. Is it possible to live without children? Can. If there is no possibility to start a child or there is no desire to do this, then why think about how you can exist differently. Live for yourself, live in for the sake of a partner, and you can find many advantages in your life every day, which will never have families with children.

Associate career

What do people who live without children do? They build a career. When no one burdens a person, he can plunge into work with his head. Working problems will take it more than everything else. In the evening, such a person will spend time with his wife, go to the movies or walk around the city. Entertainment may be weight. But still like a person Lives work and often lives at work. Such hard work remains unnoticed. Persons who strive to implement themselves quickly rise through the career ladder.

How do women live without children? They quickly get an increase and seek to keep the conquered positions. The ladies are not inferior to younger competitors, since those have no sufficient experience and there is an encumbrance in the form of children. Career takes most of the girl's life. And if such a lady is waiting for a favorite husband's house, then her life will be beautiful. Woman will not feel that she is deprived of something.

Move your favorite thing

How to live a young widow without children? For some time, the girl will need to return to women who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex. And before that time, the lady should find a hobby. Not all women have the opportunity to realize their talents at work. Some ladies have a soul to something like that, for which they do not pay sufficient number money. For example, to needlework, sport or music. All is free time Woman can devote to the classes that will improve her natural abilities. Behind your favorite business, a woman will forget about his sophisticated and adversity. Pleasant work must capture you entirely. Monotonous repetitive actions give space for thoughts. You do not need it. Try to find a lesson that will require full concentration from you. For example, embroidering the cross, you will be something else to be distracted. But embroider-embroidering, you will have to think all the time where to put stitches. Therefore, it is not necessary to change the area of \u200b\u200bactivity strongly, you can slightly upgrade your favorite activity.

Live for yourself, and not for your beloved

Each person at the end of life remains alone. Even if the family couple has children, they grow up and visiting parents not too often. Over time, people begin to lose sight and hearing. Every year, building a dialogue with your loved one is becoming more difficult. If you take it into account, it will not be so difficult to answer the question of how to live without children after 40. Life will continue anyway, regardless of whether you have children or they are not. A person should be an interesting person to 40 years old and first of all do it not for someone, but for himself. Every year, anyone more and more spends alone with him. And even with each year you did not pee this circumstance, gain knowledge and find the hobby. A loved one will be near, but he will not entertain you 24 hours a day. At work you can also live either. Therefore, any person should be aware of youth simple truththat each person comes into this world one and leaves him too alone. Do not suffer from this thought. Let her inspire you to become for yourself best friend.

Read more

How do lonely women live without children? They devote a lot of time to classes that help to reveal their own but resting from time to time. Lonely ladies can read in moments. Reading opens the new worlds in front of a woman, gives her the opportunity to think about what she never thought about, and know something unknown. Do you think it's boring? Today is unwise read. Most people prefer tv books. But it is very stupid. Modern programs are made not to teach a person to something, but to entertain it. Similar programs are suitable for women with children who cannot afford to afford such luxury as reading. And ladies who are not burdened with babies can read all the weekend. Knowledge, pleasure and exciting process of turning pages like many. Rejoice that you have time to sit with a book and drink a cup of tea. Many girls have no such opportunity.

Do charity

With distribution large number Resources, people can learn from first to how to live without children. Reviews of persons who are not burdened with children are different. Someone regrets that he cannot have children, and someone is glad that it is possible to live for yourself. What do person, who can not have offspring? People who do not have children have financial wealthSince they work a lot. Where do the feces of persons who live without babies? People are engaged in charity. Similar identities are pleased to help in need. A person who creates good deeds will definitely be rewarded. Of course, this will happen only when things are sincerely committed, and not to earn another karmic plusion. Having giving himself, his time, his strength and their money to help others, a person understands that it was not for nothing that was born to this light.

A person who is engaged in charity may never continue his own genus, but it will help many people to save life. If a married couple loves children, but they have no opportunity to start own babyThey can help the needy guys and spend time with them. For example, start helping the nearest childhood and its inhabitants.


Living all my life without children is not as difficult for those people who may take themselves and find joy in life. What is the most pleasure from? From travel. But not all people with children have enough money to see this world. Well, in those persons who have no children, there is an opportunity to visit many corners globe. Careless couples travel a lot, learn an unusual culture for themselves, and also try to taste a strange food. People enjoy accommodation in expensive hotels and from holidays in tents. True various methods Travel, persons soon find their own style, which are not always adhered, but very often.

Thanks to the journey, people receive new impressions that parents acquire from communicating with their younger children. Family couplesTraveling for which becomes commonplace, it is better to interact with each other. They often occur situations in which they have to help their partner. But difficulties are the best check of love, and at the same time, and the way to regret it again. Careless couple has a lot of common memories that make their marriage not only strong, but also almost invulnerable. People who spend a lot of time with each other and at the same time can not bother, can count on the fact that only death will be separated with their partner.

We lived with my husband for almost 20 years. Marriage registered 12 years ago. I am older than 10 years. He is my second husband, I have a first wife. I have adult children from the first marriage and now I'm already twice my grandmother. Once upon a time: "Do you give birth to me?", I'm not thinking about: "Yes." We loved each other and I was in the seventh heaven from the fact that my second husband is so caring, warning and affectionate. At the beginning of our relationship, my acquaintance for my question, what should I do with such a young, answered that, what do you lose? Let five years, yes will be yours. And I began to live with such thoughts that it was temporarily that he was young, and I am and after some time I wouldn't need it. Then I still said that you can't hold the guy with children. If I knew how he would remember these words and I would repeat them with a reproach. I was then about 334 years old. Time went, my beloved offered me to marry him. And I have not yet been divorced with my first husband, never loved paper rolls and courts. Then I began to think that time leaves, and we stand still. It is necessary to resolve, or give birth, or to leave me. I did not even consider the second option, before it was attached to it. So - to give birth. But it was a huge but. My father told me straight text; "Do not try to give birth from him." I always respected my father, and so that he condemned me, I just couldn't. The relationship with her husband and father were quite good. And now my husband remembers my father always with respect. Only here to convey that the father forbade me to give birth, I can't. First, the husband will not believe, secondly, he will be to the memory of the father differently, I do not know how. That's how they lived until the Father became. It remained on my hands my mother is disabled. Life was twisted: Mother disabled, daughter transitional age (I left the house, I quit schools, lived with a free life), and I was even smashed. Husband now says that he saw all this, understood, and did not stick to the question about total baby. I had a spiral, because my husband had a long sexual intercourse and so that he did not bother the question where to cum (sorry for such details), I inserted it. I have never done abortion for your life, I'm just pathologically afraid of pain there, so I also take it away for a long time (she was some kind of worn and had to penetrate the uterus). As time went. Daughter winds nerves. The son went to the army to the border from Chechnya, also worried. Mother died. Spiral, of course, I took out, but with anesthesia. Sex life lived on a calendar or with a rubber band. Now he recalls me that I "did not want." And I never gave birth to children "specially", scheduled. And when there was sex, he asked how? I replied that "I don't know, but do not interrupt, go on." That is, I was ready to get pregnant then. And he got up and pulled the gum. Now explains that it was necessary for him to say: "Let's do a child." I have never been a surviving mother, and I have not seen a direct man's dirty male in children. Years walked. Then he had the idea that I didn't want children with him, because I'm tumbling with others. " It turns out to whom he only went, and to whom only did not appeal to his guesses confirmed. I did not find the facts of my betrayal (they are not), but Dodumal, and life continued. But after that, he began without warning, as if culturally, to say, drop his seed into me. Well, they became with her husband to live in the "open". Pregnant did not work. We went to the doctor, he was discharged on the delivery of the spermogram, he did not go. Then the husband still started talking about the children and said that if you can't give birth - let's sleep. And I answered him what why to adopt when he could have his own children? To do this, just need to get away from me. He stayed with me. Says - loves. Were different situations. After some time, once he wanted to leave, but he said, compared her with you, and remained. I learned about this woman, it was six years ago. It became risk him strongly. He explained that I was the best, and he was with me. Our quarrels and even scandals became frequent. I was jealous, and now I continue to jealous, and he is now aged when the man's "demon in the rib". And now it is as he expressed "clinical". We have almost every day the scandal on the soil of what I did not give him, because I had other men and I had no children from him. He does not want to listen to me, rushes constantly to leave. He says he hates. But at the same time, he says that he loves only me and will always love me, and here I am so sad that I did not give him. And again all his claims to me in a circle. I know that at present he has a different woman. I am sure that he at the beginning just told her her trouble with me. BUT last month, seeing this everyday behavior (he is building plans with me for the future: to change the window, take a rest, etc., then says: "I will leave the car, I will give half to you and I will live alone"), I think that she Begins to influence him in his side. I love him, but not just now I love, he is my half, my life. My children have their own life, there is a grandson (you can say robust), which I suggested to raise him. And he says that "it's not my blood, it's your blood, go, and you raise it." Constantly says that I still fuck him. Finding out relationships every day third week with varying success. That loves and "sorry." I hate and leave, I am old, I don't need anyone, and you live. I am very worried about him, chosen on the reception to a psychologist, but it got drunk on this day and fell. Now recorded on Friday, how to live in the world to help. I myself live on pills, and he besides them on alcohol and began to smoke. Even when everything is fine, he says it is not going to go that I love me very much that he loves me very much, I am the most, most. And I can not imagine my life without it. Yesterday it was openly dares to tell him that the fate is so. He is only crookedly grinning and crying. Help us.

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I am 40, I have no children and I am happy! Why does nobody believe me? Thanks for honesty 👍. Confession of Chayldfrey.

"Few people believed that in our 40 years I will enjoy life. But I received an unexpected gift - I am little worried about the opinion of others. " "A few months before my 42nd birthday, I dined with friends and met a famous elderly writer.

I just decided to write a book about what to be a lonely woman over 40 years old without children, and thought that this meeting was not accidental. I was his fan, and I expected that he would share with me with his wisdom, and maybe he picks me. When the drinks brought, I sketched a plan of my story: no one has prepared me to what a wonderful life could be, despite loneliness.

I traveled all the time, did what I wanted and when I wanted, without experiencing fear fear before the time, who pursued me in my 30 years.

And on the contrary, no one warned me that it would be really difficult - for example, my mother's disease and her disease. As I finished the story, the famous writer put his glass on a white tablecloth, leaned back and stated: "Glinnis McNikol, You are a terrible life! ". It was not exactly what I was hoping. It continued:" You are completely alone in the whole world, and you have no one to help. "

He turned to my friends, having abruptly interrupting their conversation. "Do you know how terrible this woman?" She is alone!

My friends almost fed with their cocktails. I tried to protest, assuring that I was fine, and very enjoy myself. But he stated "I want to help you." Then he instructed the waiter to complete his untouched steak and insisted that I take it home.

He thought he had shown kindness. But this did not change the fact known to me - no one believes that Single and Childfrey can enjoy their lives.

This is a kind of trap for women of the 21st century of a certain age. If I insisted that I would be happy, then I would look like a lady, which too much argues. Recognize me, that everything is bad, it would only strengthened public opinion.

I often meet this type of distrust - both from men and from women, although women are usually more tactful. My married friends often expressed envy about my big new apartment - And that I live alone in it.

But it did not import their sadness about the fact that I am so lonely. Even surrounded by the best friends, there was always someone who encouraged me with a phrase "not too late." Look, informing to friends that I spent a month in Paris, I heard "pleasant that you can still enjoy." As if the fact that I enjoyed myself - herself! With baguette! In Paris! - was something heroic.

For a long time I missed these remarks by ears.

Not so long ago, a girlfriend told about my book a group of women aged 50 to 60 years. They began to laugh. She asked what was so funny. "Your girlfriend will spill around at the age of 48," they said. "And then a cum bank will appear in her house."

Like this! As if I did not understand the consequences of my decision. Everyone is deeply uncomfortable the idea of \u200b\u200ba woman to live independently, and moreover, rejoice in life.I chose not to have children, but this does not mean that I do not communicate with the children. For many, I am aunt Mlinis. I have two nephews and a niece that I love. I go to them on birthdays, sports events And I read them stories for the night. I always call, if something happened and need advice.

I am a forever, and sometimes a confessor. Sometimes it seems to me that I have almost everything that the majority. But this is not true. I have more, and less than the average woman whom the husband and the child are needed to become significant. Although it may change!

The other day my niece stated: "I want to be the same as you, Aunt Mlinis! Single without children. " She's 7.

On the next morning After this fateful dinner, I got a chop from the refrigerator, roasted an egg in a pan and enjoyed my decadent breakfast. " Do you believe that a woman for 40 without children can be happy?