Why the skin of a newborn is red. Common skin problems in infants. Physiological jaundice of newborns

The skin of a newborn baby is so delicate and sensitive that any careless touch can cause redness, and pathogens can easily penetrate under the thin epidermis in the event of a scratch. The main functions of the skin of newborn babies are not yet fully performed, but gradually, month after month, they are steadily improving.

Features and functions of the skin of newborns

The skin protects the body from external influences. It consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis, basement membrane. Superficial layer of the skin infant the first year of life (especially in newborns) is thin, sensitive, contains a lot of moisture. The skin contains numerous capillaries. Sweat glands, formed at birth, almost do not function for the first 4 months of life, since their excretory ducts are underdeveloped.

The peculiarities of the skin of newborns are that the epidermis is still functionally immature, covered with a fat-like cheese-like lubricant, which promotes microbial contamination. If the grease covers the baby's body at birth with a thick layer, this can cause the development of dysbiosis and pustular skin diseases.

The function of a newborn's skin improves as the baby grows and develops.

Thanks to protective function the skin protects the child's body from harmful effects environment. At an early age, protection is imperfect, since the surface structures of the skin are delicate, easily injured, and can serve as the entrance gate of infection. Thin surface layer and well-developed capillary network promote enhanced absorption different kinds toxic substances, this contributes to the occurrence of pyogenic infections.

V childhood the regenerative ability of the skin is well expressed, this is manifested in fast healing wound surfaces.

The ability for cutaneous thermoregulation in babies is insufficiently manifested, which is associated with the immaturity of the thermoregulatory center and the increased return of moisture through the body surface, low activity sweat glands... All these factors lead to rapid hypothermia or overheating of the child.

The excretory function of the skin in children is well developed. Together with sebum, sweat, horny scales, water and metabolic products are excreted from the body.

The pigment and vitamin-forming function of the skin is the formation of pigments and vitamin D3 under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Sensitivity is carried out at the expense of numerous nerve endings that provide the perception of touch, itching, pain, pressure, heat, cold. So, skin irritation with poor care can cause anxiety for the child, sleep disturbances.

Respiratory function provides a small amount of total gas exchange. The participation of the skin in gas exchange increases with an increase in ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure, as well as with an increase in body temperature.

Violation of the protective, respiratory, thermoregulatory, excretory and other functions of the skin can lead to grave consequences: from injuries involving a large surface to fatal outcomes.

Anatomical and physiological features of the newborn's skin are characterized by:

  • increased vulnerability;
  • the ability to absorb chemicals;
  • a tendency to develop reactions accompanied by edema and blistering;
  • rapid dehydration;
  • imperfection of thermoregulation;
  • a tendency to infection and the occurrence of viral and microbial diseases.

How to properly care for the skin of a newborn baby

When caring for the skin of a newborn baby, the main focus is on preventing irritation or damage to the epidermis, rubbing against clothing, maintaining the vitality of beneficial microflora, eliminating contact with irritating substances, preventing long-term contact with baby's secretions, reducing exposure to moisture.

How can I take care of my baby's skin to improve its functional capacity? To treat the skin of newborns it is necessary:

  • clean with gentle detergents;
  • remove urine and feces;
  • protect from irritating factors;
  • protect from direct sunlight.

In addition to observing all these conditions for caring for the skin of infants, the baby's predisposition to allergic reactions must be taken into account.

Baby's skin requires regular and thorough cleansing, especially in the anus and genitals. It should be borne in mind that detergents can irritate the integument of the body due to the alkaline components, shampoos often have a degreasing effect. In addition, irritation in a child may occur due to the long duration and frequency of bathing, high temperature water, hard towels and sponges, the use of various aromatic additives. General care items must be boiled after thorough washing with soap and water.

To care for the skin of a newborn up to 6 months of age, a baby needs to bathe daily for 5 minutes at a water temperature of 36.5-37 ᵒС. After six months, bathing is carried out for 10 minutes every other day at a water temperature of 36 ° C. In the hot season, the child is bathed daily. You can use soap for washing no more than 2-3 times a week.

Daily washing is required, as is washing after each bowel movement.

When treating skin in children early age you must not use force, use strong and odorous substances.

Personal hygiene rules are instilled in children gradually, as they grow. Toilet skin for a newborn includes:

  • washing in the morning and evening;
  • washing hands after using the toilet, before eating, after playing with animals, when returning from a walk, from children's institution etc.;
  • daily (for girls 2 times a day) toilet of the genitals;
  • daily shower with change of underwear, weekly bath with change of bed linen;
  • use of individual combs, brushes, washcloths, towels, etc.

Before caring for the skin of newborns, you need to choose non-aggressive cosmetical tools depending on the individual characteristics baby. It is recommended to lubricate the skin of young children after bathing with a special emulsion with a high content of moisturizers.

Toilet of the skin and care of the mucous membranes of the newborn

How to properly care for newborn's skin, mucous membranes, nails and hair?

Skin care. Every day after a night's sleep, the child is morning toilet... The kid is washed, washed, dressed in dry clean linen. There is also a toilet of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.

Separate cotton swabs are used for each eye, the treatment is carried out with boiled water or special means for the eyes in the direction from the outer to inner corner eyes.

When caring for the skin and mucous membranes of a newborn, the baby's nose, if it is blocked, is cleaned with cotton cords and wicks. Then cotton flagellum, lubricated with sterile vegetable oil, is inserted into the nasal passage with rotational movements of the fingers and immediately carefully removed.

Care hairy part heads. In children, scales often form on the scalp and eyebrows. They consist of cells of the stratum corneum and fat secreted by the sebaceous glands. When scales appear, they are lubricated with sterile vegetable oil. In the presence of large layers, it is recommended to make oil compresses, after which the crusts are removed with cotton swabs, and the hair is washed.

Nail care. Nails are cut from the first weeks of life as they grow back at least 1 time per week. For this, small scissors are used. On the fingers, the nails are cut roundly, on the legs - in a straight line.

Caring for the external auditory canals. Once every 1-2 weeks, the external auditory canals are cleared of wax. More often for this purpose, cotton filaments are used dry or moistened with boiled water.

The ear canal should be protected from water ingress while bathing.

Treatment of the oral mucosa. Treatment of the mucous membrane is carried out only according to indications. The treatment is carried out by gently touching the mucous membrane with a loose cotton swab.

Nipples, sterile pacifiers are changed several times a day, they are stored in a sterile jar with a closed lid.

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The baby is born into this world unprotected. Therefore, he needs special attention every minute. Special care the skin of the baby also requires, because immediately after childbirth it is especially vulnerable. We will talk about the features of the skin of a newly born baby and the rules of caring for it in this article.

Function of the skin

The skin is called the outer cover of a person. This is the largest organ. Its area in adults can reach 2 sq. M. Very important functions are performed by the skin:

Barrier (protects the body from a wide range of external influences);
- breathing (supplies oxygen);
- metabolic processes;
- thermoregulation (when the ambient temperature rises, the vessels of the skin expand, sweat is released, its evaporation contributes to cooling);
- providing different sensitivity (pain, pressure, temperature, etc.).

The skin is a very important organ. Thanks to her, we interact with environment while maintaining its integrity. It is the skin that receives the first signals and "hits" outside world protecting other organs from damage. However, all of the above functions do not appear in the skin from birth.

Features of the skin of a newborn

Mothers should be aware that the skin of a newborn is different from that of an adult and has its own characteristics. Baby skin:

Thin and more permeable, since its cells have small size;
- prone to dryness due to excessive moisture loss;
- does not handle well enough barrier function since it has an acidic pH;
- susceptible to the means applied to it due to the large surface area of ​​the body in relation to the mass;
- does not provide sufficient thermoregulation due to immature blood supply and vascularization of the skin;
- sensitive to sunlight due to the lower pigment content;
- susceptible to inflammatory and infectious processes as a result of the immaturity of immune defense factors.

All these features confirm the need for special attention to baby's skin care from the very birth. So, let's start from the moment of birth.

Do you need to remove the grease?

As you know, children at birth are covered with the so-called cheese-like ("cheesy") smear. It is a pasty mass gray-white with pearlescent shade consists of fat (product sebaceous glands), skin cells and vellus hairs of the baby. The lubricant can cover the entire surface of the newborn's body, but more often it accumulates in the folds of the skin, groin areas, folds of the limbs and on the neck.

Until recently, it was believed that the lubricant should be removed directly in the delivery room. To this end, the midwife immediately after childbirth wiped the baby's body with a swab dipped in sterile vegetable oil. Today, scientists have found that lubricants perform important functions:

Antioxidant (excretion free radicals),
- antibacterial,
- wound healing,
- mechanical protection,
- moisturizing.

Therefore, at present, it is not recommended for obstetricians both in our country and abroad to cleanse the baby of lubricant at birth. If necessary, remove its excess only in places of accumulation.

Newborn skin care in maternity hospital

As we have already said, the main requirement for caring for baby's skin immediately after childbirth is to maintain a protective cheese-like lubricant. In the future, during the entire stay in the hospital, the mother needs to monitor the condition of the baby's skin. Based on these positions, the joint stay of the mother and the child in the same ward is especially valuable. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

Often, a baby needs special medical supervision and treatment in a neonatological department. As a result of carrying out some medical procedures, the baby's skin may be damaged. I will list the factors contributing to this:

Prematurity (childbirth less than 32 weeks of gestation);
- libraries;
-use of a number of drugs (muscle relaxants, cardiotonic drugs);
- the use of plasters, cuffs for measuring blood pressure, endotracheal tubes, nasal cannulas, feeding tubes, electrodes for monitoring vital functions, ventilation, oxygenation;
- surgical intervention, the presence of a postoperative wound.

Skin care for children who are in the group high risk on the occurrence of skin damage, special attention should be paid. It is important to prevent skin contact with damaging substances, to minimize the use of plasters for fixing needles, endotracheal tubes, probes. Today, an ordinary rough plaster, which, when removed, injuring the baby's skin, can be replaced with a modern one, which has a polyethylene base.

It is very important that the doctor conducts dynamic observation and records data on changes in the skin in the medical history, and upon discharge gives you all the recommendations you need for caring for your baby's skin at home.

Umbilical cord care

The umbilical cord connects the mother and the fetus during pregnancy. Through her, the child receives everything he needs nutrients... After birth, the need for the umbilical cord disappears, so it is cut off. At the same time, the baby has an umbilical cord residue, which disappears in 5-15 days. Then, at this place, umbilical wound.

Until recently, it was recommended to treat the umbilical cord residue with antiseptics (brilliant green solution), which had a damaging effect on the baby's skin. Today it has been proven that the use of antiseptics and antibacterial drugs does not reduce the risk of inflammation of the umbilical region (omphalitis). Therefore, they refuse to use them.

At the same time, it is possible to be discharged from the hospital with an umbilical cord that has not fallen off. It is better to leave it open and make sure that it is not injured by diapers and clothes. The residue itself must be dry and clean. In case of contamination of the residue with urine or feces, it is necessary to rinse it with warm boiled water, then dry it thoroughly with a clean cloth. In place of the fallen umbilical cord a wound is formed, which quickly epithelizes (heals) under the crust.

Cleansing the skin of a newborn

It should be remembered that the skin of a child is very vulnerable, therefore, it is necessary to prevent any damage to the skin, including those arising from care or preventive and therapeutic measures. I also recommend avoiding tight swaddling your baby, which can damage his delicate skin.

It is not recommended to wash a newborn with solid soap, especially alkaline, as it changes the acidity (pH) of the skin. In order to cleanse the baby's skin and maintain the optimal pH value, special products can be used:

- cream gels;
- shampoos;
- wet wipes.

It is necessary to use skin cleansing and care products specially formulated for newborns and young children, the effectiveness and safety of which has been proven in clinical studies.

Newborn skin care at home

Application of care products healthy skin the child should focus on moisturizing and preventing moisture loss. The basis of care is ointments and creams.

The ointment does not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, creates additional protection from damaging factors (urine, feces, friction), and also retains moisture. The cream, on the contrary, penetrating deeply, moisturizes all layers, promotes healing of wounds and injuries. TO special means baby skin care also includes:

- milk;
- powder.

When choosing a particular type of care, you should consult a pediatrician and follow his recommendations. It is worth remembering that there are restrictions on the use of certain products (ointments, creams) during the first month of a baby's life.

Rules for applying cream under a disposable diaper

For a long time, one of the most discussed in pediatrics has been the issue of safety disposable diapers(diapers). Previously, it was believed that diapers are harmful because of the possible formation of diaper rash.

Today it has been proven to prevent unwanted consequences using diapers, you can use simple remedy- special protective cream... However, when applying it, you must follow the basic steps:

1.Place your baby on the changing table with a clean diaper underneath; it is important to ensure that the baby does not overcool; for this, the air temperature in the room must be at least 20 degrees;

2. take off the diaper you are wearing;

3.Clean your baby's skin with a damp cloth;

4.apply a protective cream on groin folds and the baby's crotch;

5.wire air bath; for this undressed baby, put it in the crib or leave it on the table for 5-10 minutes;

6. then remove the excess cream that has not been absorbed;

7. Put on a disposable diaper.

Compliance with these simple rules prevents the creation of a greenhouse effect under the diaper and is the prevention of diaper rash.

Poor grooming and its consequences

Due to insufficient information about the characteristics of the baby's skin and the rules for caring for it, the mother can tolerate the impact of traumatic moments. Therefore, I want to draw your special attention to the factors that damage the skin of a newborn:

Overheating, hypothermia, overdrying (when using various medications);
- a burn from the use of a heating pad;
- long-term detention in wet diapers, diapers;
- excessive or insufficient application of a protective cream under the diaper;
- rough skin cleansing;
- use of solid alkaline soap;
- tight swaddling, long-term forced position of the baby.

The listed factors can lead to the development of a number pathological conditions on the child's skin: burns, prickly heat, diaper dermatitis, abrasions, bedsores. In all these cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor for the appointment of therapy. Positive effect it is noted when using dexpanthenol ointment or cream (vitamin B5).

Toxic erythema

It is important to distinguish the consequences poor care from the so called toxic erythema... Despite the formidable name, this disease is absolutely harmless. It is rare and is accompanied by a rash in the form of pronounced redness of the skin with small white nodules and vesicles filled with fluid. The main places of occurrence of erythema are: the folds of the arms and legs, buttocks, chest and scalp.

Toxic erythema in newborns does not require treatment. All that is needed is careful maintenance and an airy bath. However, care must be taken to ensure that the nodules do not burst or fester. The main symptoms of toxic erythema, if the recommendations are followed, disappear in a week.

Allergic dermatitis

Also, do not forget about the possible occurrence of an allergic reaction that may appear on the skin at the beginning of the use of the mixture, the introduction of complementary foods, the use of a number of drugs.

In the event of allergic (atopic) dermatitis, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen that caused the reaction: replacement of the mixture, withdrawal of complementary foods, drugs, etc. For the purpose of treatment, intestinal adsorbents and desensitizing therapy are also prescribed, which the doctor selects.

But in most cases, there is no reason to worry. The first rashes on the baby's skin are temporary and usually go away by the end of the neonatal period.

Newborn skin

The phenomena listed below are considered normal conditions skin of a newborn. In addition, in this article we will also talk about the most common "marks" on the skin of babies.

  • Simple erythema- This is redness of the skin of the newborn. It can be observed 6-12 hours after birth. This condition is caused, first of all, by the skin getting used to contact with air, because for 9 months the baby was in aquatic environment... Gradually, the baby's skin adapts to new conditions, and excessive redness practically goes away by itself by the end of the first week of life.
  • Peeling skin... It occurs more often in post-term babies born later than 42 weeks of pregnancy. After a week and a half, the peeling disappears. You can help your child cope with this condition by treating the skin after bathing with baby milk, which moisturizes the skin and makes the scales easier to separate.

  • Toxic erythema.
    It sounds threatening, but in fact it is not a big deal. On the 2-3rd day of life, the baby has dots in the form of yellowish-white dots with seals in the center, surrounded by a circle of reddened skin. They are usually found on the limbs, around the joints and on the chest. At the same time, the child's well-being is not disturbed. They usually disappear after 5-7 days without any treatment.

  • Milia- the so-called white nodules on the wings of the nose, the bridge of the nose and on the forehead, which can be seen in the baby in the first weeks of life. These are narrow sebaceous ducts clogged with a secret. They uncork on their own and go away without any treatment within 1-2 weeks of life.
  • Acne in newborns(infantile acne). Perhaps there is no other physiological change on the skin of newborns that would cause in parents and, sadly, medical professionals, erroneous conclusions. Most often, newborn acne is mistaken for an allergy. And first of all, they advise mom to go on a strict diet.
    If the child is artificial, it is urgent to change the mixture, then it is not suitable for the baby. Well, of course, after all, the face of a three-week-old child, which was clean yesterday, today is completely covered with rashes similar to acne. We are in a hurry to please young parents, this condition has nothing to do with allergies. Acne in newborns occurs in about 20% of children. Its appearance is caused by the stimulation of the sebaceous glands by maternal and endogenous androgens. Average age the onset of the rash is three weeks. These rashes are very similar in appearance to juvenile acne: on the face, especially on the cheeks, less often on the scalp, inflammatory papules and pustules appear. In most cases, this condition is mild and requires only daily cleansing with soap and water. No complementary treatment not required, as neonatal acne spontaneously resolves within 1 month, maximum four months, without scarring.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis is a condition characterized by redness and the formation of sebaceous scales. The first rashes are found already at the 3rd week of life and are localized most often on the scalp, but can also be on the face, ears and neck. When localized on the crown of the head, these changes on the skin are also called milk crusts. Fatty, yellowish-gray scales merge, forming plaque of various sizes from small single foci to solid vast areas, sometimes up to several millimeters thick. This plaque sits tightly on the skin and cannot be peeled off. It looks like dandruff. Under a bloom, inflammatory skin changes are not observed. At the same time, the itching of the baby does not bother. When treated with baby oil, seborrheic scales are easier to remove and comb out from the scalp.
  • Nevi are local congenital lesions caused by a malformation, in the structure of which any component of the skin can take part. They are found either at birth, or appear at any time of life, but more often in young age... V infancy most often there are vascular nevi, that is, they are based on abnormal structure vessels of the skin. They are formed as a result of expansion of capillary nodes located in different depths of the skin, thereby forming sometimes very variegated pictures. From a cosmetic point of view, their significance is very serious, especially in cases of common nevi localized on visible places skin.

  • "Stork spots".
    These orange-pink spots can appear on the forehead, eyelids, on the back of the head, they are found in the place for which storks carry babies, which explains their popular name"Stork spots". They are caused by the accumulation of blood vessels under the skin of the baby. In medical language, they are called "vascular nevi", and the people are called "birthmarks." As the child grows, the skin thickens and the blood vessels change, these spots lighten in the first two years of the child's life and become noticeable only when the child cries or strains heavily.

  • Flat vascular nevus
    (capillary hemangioma, " wine stains») is a flat spot of various shapes and sizes. If the dilated capillaries are located on the very surface of the skin, they light red... If the capillaries are in deeper layers, then the nevus acquires a slightly purple tint... It is very often located on one side of the face with localization mainly in the upper part of the cheek. Sometimes it spreads to mucous membranes. Less commonly, it can appear anywhere on the body. Spontaneous reverse development of this nevus is never observed. Therefore, a hemagnioma requires the consultation and supervision of a pediatric surgeon.

    "Strawberry" spots (cavernous hemangioma).
    This vascular formation rises above the surface of the newborn's skin more strongly than all others. birthmarks... Usually, bright red, has a convex porous surface. Most often it grows rapidly in the first weeks of a child's life. With age, it gradually becomes flatter, shrinks and turns pale. It appears shortly after the birth of the child and reaches maximum size around the age of 3 months. Approximately 50% of these stains disappear by the time the child turns 5 years old, and 90% - within the first decade of life. If the hemangioma is located in a place where it constantly injures and bleeds (on the arms, legs) or presents cosmetic inconveniences (for example, on the face), it can be removed using injections and laser therapy.

  • Mongolian spots... They are blue to pale gray in color and look like bruises. Such spots are found on the back and buttocks, sometimes on the legs and shoulders, in nine out of ten children whose parents belong to the black, Asian or Indian race. These subtle spots are also quite common in children in the Mediterranean region, but very rarely in fair-haired and blue-eyed babies. These bruised spots fade over time, but in most cases, do not completely disappear.

  • Birthmarks... These are bumps on the skin, brown-black in color, ranging in size from a grain of millet to large, hair-covered spots. At their core, moles are pigmented nevus, benign education that does not require any treatment. In very rare cases, when a nevus large sizes may need it surgical removal due to the threat of his malignant transformation.

  • Flat coffee-and-milk-colored birthmarks
    ... It's flat age spot, light brown shaped like a puddle of spilled coffee. As a rule, these spots are small, oval but can be several centimeters in diameter. They can be found on the skin of a baby from birth. Most of this type of stain persists throughout life.

As you can see, almost all the conditions described above do not require a special medical intervention, and only a few of them - medical supervision. However, a newborn may experience skin changes that require immediate appeal to the pediatrician.

Even during pregnancy, you try to imagine the first meeting with your baby. What is he? Who do you look like? Do you recognize him? Are all newborns really the same? And I already want to squeeze this miracle to myself ... But now the desired moment is rapidly approaching. The head has already appeared, you already hear his first cry ... And the midwife is showing you YOUR treasure ... Before you in all its glory appears a wrinkled, crimson-red from exertion, a tousled wet lump wide open its tiny mouth. He almost completely fit in the hands of the midwife. Will he stay that way?

Lada Starostina
Pediatrician, MM A them. THEM. Sechenov

The neonatal period lasts from the moment of delivery to 4 weeks of the child's life. During this time, there are so many changes! The newborn baby is really wrinkled, because he was in amniotic fluid... But literally an hour or two will pass, and the wrinkling will disappear - there will be a slight swelling of the face, eyelids, labia or scrotum. This swelling will also go away in a day or two. And then the baby will be able to open his eyes - they are still cloudy. There may be hemorrhages on the sclera (whites) of the eyes, which resolve within a few (3-4) days.

Naturally, you immediately start to figure out eye color. But in most newborns, regardless of heredity, at birth, the eyes are blue in color. The exception is children of dark-skinned: they are brown-eyed at birth.

Of course, every mother will carefully examine the visible parts of the baby's body - his face, head. Let's take a closer look at this.

Do not wonder crimsonred skin - do not forget that the baby has come the hard way from the uterus through the birth canal, has suffered severe stress, enormous tension. When the baby is shown to you for the first time, even before the first toilet of a newborn, its skin will be covered with a white creamy substance - a lubricant that helps it pass through the birth canal more easily and protects it from bacteria. 1-2 days after birth, 40 - 45% of newborns develop jaundice. This is due to the fact that in the liver there is an intensive restructuring of fetal (fetal) hemoglobin, which was necessary for the fetus for oxygen exchange through the placenta, to mature hemoglobin, with the help of which gas exchange in the lungs is carried out. Jaundice, as a rule, is not very pronounced - it is a slight icteric staining of the skin, mucous membranes, sclera of the eyes. It appears on the 2nd or 3rd day of life and usually lasts 7-10 days. At this time, "intrauterine" blood (fetal hemoglobin) is replaced with an adult version.

In many dark-skinned children, on the skin above the buttocks in the region of the sacrum, "Mongoloid spot" - a bluish spot. Don't be alarmed, this is not a bruise. By the age of 5-7 months, this stain will disappear.

In the place with which the baby was pushed through the birth canal of the mother, there will be a slight swelling - a birth tumor, the so-called cephalohematoma. It will resolve within 7 days.

In the process of passing the head through the birth canal of the mother, the bones of the skull find one another. This is felt on the child's head with a small bony longitudinal protrusion. By the end of the week, the bones fall into place, and the size of the head will increase by an average of 1 cm. A large fontanelle (the place where the bones of the fetal skull converge, not yet fused, but connected by membranes), and if it is not visible, then it will be quite possible to feel it. And you will probably notice that the baby's head is relatively large in comparison with other parts of the body: while it takes up 1/4 of the entire "height" of the baby.

Some children are born with quite a lot of hair on their heads, and some are “bald as a knee”. Do not worry. Even now, there is hair on the baby's head - fluffy, moreover, the baby is covered with hair almost everywhere, except for palms, feet and lips. During the first 3 months of life, vellus hair will be completely replaced with coarser hair. And hair color can also change - even over the course of several years: blonde hair can become quite dark afterwards.

Some kids push black hair (lanugo) may cover the shoulders, back, forehead, and cheeks. This is a sign of immaturity or prematurity. This increased hairiness will disappear within a few weeks. Another cause of concern for moms can be the almost complete absence of cilia and eyebrows. Unlike hair on the head and body, it is bristle, more coarse hair... They grow much more slowly, so a newborn baby may not appear immediately, but after a few weeks. Their color can also change.

The face of the newborn is somewhat swollen, it goes away on the 2-3rd day. After the swelling on the face has passed, some children may experience so-called suck distal spots in the area of upper eyelids, bridge of the nose or on the forehead between the eyebrows, above the ears and on the border of hair growth behind. Usually, such spots do not fade for a long time and gradually disappear at the age of 3-4 years.

Also, with the convergence of edema on the baby's face, miles - yellowish pimples on the nose, chin and cheeks of the newborn. Do not be alarmed! These are enlarged sebaceous glands that show through the skin. Gradually, as you gain mass, and accordingly the fat layer, the miles will cease to be noticeable.

Now let's look at those parts of the body that are hidden by the diaper. All babies already have nails at birth. In a full-term mature baby, the marigolds stand for nail bed... Immature and premature babies do not. The nails are soft, but at the same time they can very painfully scratch the baby's skin. Therefore, already a newborn baby can have a "manicure" - carefully trim the nails.

In the first week of life, the skin of the crumbs can peel off strongly: exfoliation "in utero noisy "skin and replacing it with a new one.

V delivery room a special bracket is placed on the umbilical cord at a distance of 1 cm from the umbilical ring. The remainder of the umbilical cord disappears on the 2nd or 3rd day in the hospital, in its place remains an umbilical wound - a depression covered with a crust. By the 8-10th day, the umbilical wound will heal. The little man will simply acquire a navel - a reminder of the intrauterine connection with the mother.

Be sure to pay attention to body parts such as mammary gland and genitals. On the 3rd - 4th day, both boys and girls may experience engorgement (enlargement) of the mammary glands. A colostrum-like fluid may even be secreted. Do not squeeze out under any circumstances! Apply a dry gauze bandage so that rubbing against clothing does not injure the delicate skin. By the 10th day, this condition usually disappears. This condition may coincide with such a phenomenon as the "hormonal crisis" of a newborn in girls, when whitish mucus can be released from the genitals. It can sometimes be stained with blood. Do not be afraid of this - it is the maternal hormones that "come out". It will go away in 2-3 days. Do not be surprised if the labia majora do not cover the small ones - gradually everything will be the other way around. Some girls may also have a protruding hymen from the vagina. In a few weeks she will be "drawn" into place.

As for the boy, you should pay attention to his scrotum. Normally, it should be relatively large and hang freely. It should not fit snugly against the crotch. The testicles should already be in the scrotum.

It remains to consider only the oilcloth tag on the baby's hand. It contains the gender of the child, the surname and initials of the mother, the number of the medical history and the time of birth of your baby. Carefully preserved in your home archive, it will someday remind you of that exciting moment when you first saw your "treasure".

For the first time taking her child in her arms, mommy notices how fragile, small and delicate he is. His body requires care, protection and attention. Including the skin of a newborn, which must be looked after especially carefully from the first days. In the maternity hospital, the nurses are sure to show you how to do this. You must not skip a single fold, otherwise particles of the epithelium will accumulate there, and become favorable environment for the development of inflammatory processes.

What you need to know about newborn skin

The body of a newborn baby at birth is covered with a special cheese-like whitish grease. It protects the baby's skin from damage and naturally helps him pass through the birth canal. Most of all it accumulates on the face, ears, in the armpits.

The lubricant consists of epithelial cells, fats, intermediate products of carbohydrate metabolism. Heavy pollution skin mucous and blood secretions of the birth canal contributes to various skin diseases and infection. Therefore, after birth, the baby's body is immediately cleaned with sterile vegetable oil. If the skin is very dirty, the baby is gently washed in warm water using a clean cotton swab.

Many people notice that the skin of a newborn baby is very red. This is fine. In the blood of infants, the content of red blood cells is increased. And since the subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis) is still insufficient, the blood vessels are clearly visible. In addition to redness, a vascular pattern is observed on the skin. The underdevelopment of the hypodermis makes the baby susceptible to cold. Therefore, newborns quickly freeze.

The baby's skin is velvety and delicate to the touch. It seems to be due to lanugo (infant fluff). It covers the shoulders, back, hips of the child. But after 2-3 days, the crumbs begin to peel off, and dry skin is noted. So skin getting used to the new environment. The sebaceous glands function poorly. Therefore, the greasy protective film does not cover the skin and does not help to retain moisture. Basically, peeling is noted on the limbs: heels and hands.

Majority skin symptoms is normal physiological process typical for newborn babies. The older the baby becomes, the whiter and smoother his skin becomes, resembling an adult.

How is baby skin care performed?

Before conducting important procedures, an adult needs to pay attention to:

  • your nails. They should be cut short and filed so as not to injure the baby;
  • there should be no jewelry on the fingers and wrists - they can easily injure the child;
  • if purulent wounds, fungi and other dermatological defects are found on the hands, it is better to entrust the care of the baby to a healthy parent;
  • hygiene products must be hypoallergenic, sterile, and of high quality. It is better to choose a cream on water based, and powders and soaps without fragrances.

Especially carefully you need to handle all the folds of the newborn.

We start by washing the child

A newborn's toilet begins in the morning when he wakes up.

  1. It is necessary to wash the child's face with boiled water. It's easier to do this on the changing table, where everyone will be at hand necessary funds... At first, the water temperature should reach 37 C, then it can be lowered to room temperature.
  2. First, the eyes are treated. With a cotton swab dipped in water, gently wipe the eye from the edge to the nose. Use a sponge for each eye. If there is suppuration, they are removed with a decoction of chamomile, and then eye drops prescribed by a doctor are dripped.
  3. Wipe the nose with water. The nostrils are cleaned with cotton swabs dipped in sterile vegetable oil... You can prepare it yourself: 100 ml sunflower oil bet on water bath for 40 minutes. This amount will be enough for mommy for a long time.
  4. The ears are treated with a cotton swab, not a stick. Use cotton buds extremely dangerous when caring for an infant. The crumb can twitch and be injured. We must not forget about the places behind the ears. They need to be wiped and oiled.
  5. The cheeks, forehead and chin of the newborn are washed with a damp swab, moving smoothly from the forehead to the bottom. Once again, there is no need to lubricate the baby's skin with oil. Otherwise, the pores will clog, the skin will not be able to function normally - acne (), rash, redness will appear.

Proper body care

After defecation, the child is washed with soap in running water and the diaper is changed. The longer the baby is in a dirty diaper, the more more likely occurrence of skin problems. The water cleaning procedure is carried out under the tap. The baby is laid on the hand of an adult, tummy down. Its head rests on the elbow. Washing movements are directed from the genitals to the buttocks.

After washing, you can use a special or powder. They will not allow diaper rash to appear. Any cosmetic products should be applied only to cleanly washed skin.

If there is diaper rash, prickly heat or an allergic rash on the baby's body, and the mother lubricated them without preliminary cleansing, by this action she harmed the child and aggravated the situation.

Up to six months, a newborn needs to be bathed every day. In addition, the child needs, conducive to hardening. They also do not allow diaper rash to develop on the priest and in the genital area. Air baths are carried out daily. The baby is undressed and allowed to lie down freely for 5-10 minutes (depending on the air temperature in the room).

Bathing a baby up to a month should be boiled water 37 C. Manganese solution, decoction of chamomile, calendula, string can be added to the water. You cannot use too strong a decoction. It is enough to lightly color the water.

Excessive amounts of herbs have a negative effect on the baby's heart and respiratory system.

  • the bath is installed in a place convenient for bathing, and prepared water is poured into it;
  • the child is undressed and carefully lowered into the water, holding his head with his left hand;
  • if the baby has gone to the toilet before, it needs to be washed before bathing, and only then put into the bath;
  • lightly water the shoulders, chest, face of the newborn, paying special attention to the folds. It is necessary to wash your palms;
  • when shampooing, you can do light child massage;
  • when the little one is washed, it will be doused clean water and wrapped in a large soft tissue(a sweatshirt diaper or sheet is perfect);
  • after washing, the baby is allowed to dry completely, the folds are lubricated, the navel is treated and dressed in clean clothes ironed on both sides.

So that the baby does not injure himself with regrown marigolds, they need to be cut regularly. At first, you can put on scratch mittens on the baby's hands. Perfect timing for a baby's manicure - when he ate and fell asleep. Then the baby will not twitch, disturbing mom. Scissors should be chosen with rounded ends -.

Features of baby's skin and body care are the competent treatment of the navel. Until the umbilical cord falls off, the baby cannot be bathed. As soon as the loss occurs, the wound is treated disinfectants... Usually, babies are discharged home when the cord has already disappeared, and the parents have to heal the wound.

At the end of the water procedures, hydrogen peroxide is dripped into the wound and they wait for it to hiss. Wipe off the liquid with a piece of sterile bandage, and again drip peroxide. When the disinfection is over, the navel is smeared with a solution of potassium permanganate (or brilliant green) -.

Common skin problems in infants

Various rashes are often observed on the baby's skin, making the parents anxious.

  1. Red pimples with white blotches appear in the first few weeks of life, and disappear by 2-3 months. This is a common manifestation hormonal changes known as. Having separated from the mother's body, the baby begins to get rid of her hormones, which got to him in the womb and with the first sips of colostrum. There is no need to treat these rashes. They pass without medical intervention. In no case should they be squeezed out, wiped with alcohol, lubricated hormonal ointments... Acne infection is highly likely.
  2. Often, parents are afraid of yellowish ones. They appear due to the increased work of the skin glands. The released liquid is layered on the scalp, dries up and forms crusts. At proper care they are easy to deal with behind the scalp. Before daily bathing, the baby's head is lubricated with oil, and then combed with a soft comb. The crusts come off quickly and painlessly.
  3. Miliaria is the result of overheating of a toddler and wearing synthetic clothing. The first reddish spots go away if you follow hygiene rules-. When bathing, you can add chamomile broth or a decoction of oak bark to the water. It is necessary to monitor the quality of the child's clothing. It should not have buttons, large seams, ribbons. All fabric that adjoins the baby's body must be made of natural fibers... Otherwise, prickly heat in a child will be a frequent occurrence.
  4. Diaper rash occurs if the newborn's skin is not adequately followed after a bowel movement. It is necessary to change diapers and diapers every 2-3 hours and often leave the baby without clothes so that his skin can breathe. If it is not possible to wash the baby who went to the toilet, you need to remove the diaper and wipe the baby's skin with a baby wet wipe.

Competent care of the skin and mucous membranes of young children consists in:

  • prevention of prolonged contact of the baby with urine and feces;
  • protection of the skin from damage and injury;
  • upon detection of scratches and wounds, their timely disinfection;
  • regular hygiene procedures.