How to get a haircut under a square. Laying caret at home. Haircut technology classic bob for medium hair

Some model haircuts can be done on your own. These include caret. This model has not gone out of fashion for many years, and it appeared in ancient Egypt.

In order to understand how to cut a square on your own, you need to get acquainted with the classic way haircuts. Then it will be easier to understand the patterns of quick bob haircuts and bangs in one cut.

How to cut a bob: haircut principles

Classic technology consists in layer-by-layer removal of length, starting from the back of the head. To begin with, all hair is divided into zones, stabbed so that they do not interfere with work with the neighboring area. at the bottom occipital zone separate the first strand along the border of hair growth. She will be the control. It is carefully cut in a straight line at the desired length - usually this is the middle of the neck.

How to cut a square? Checking the control strand: after combing, the extreme hairs are connected with tips. If it is selected and cut correctly, this connection will be located on the central axis of the neck, above the seventh vertebra.

Then, along the control strand, the entire occipital zone is cut: both the lower and upper parts. Go to the temporal zones, combing each separated layer and pulling the strand to the control. If you neglect this and rely on your eye, then the face may turn out to be more short strands. To lengthen the face, the first control strand is made with a concave line. With subsequent orientation to it, the edging line continues to be lowered.

Sometimes the length of the face is set immediately. In this case, it is easier to do the entire edging in a circle, then it remains to focus on the first layer and rise to the crown in rows.

Haircut architecture and modeling

On your own, you can understand by determining the architecture of the haircut. The classic straight bob with even bangs has a smooth edging. When combing and pulling down, its line is horizontal. Sometimes for thick hair, a slight lengthening (by 1-2 mm) of each row is made so that the hair curls beautifully inward.

For asymmetrical bob the edging line on one side descends to the shoulder, and on the other it is even. Such a caret begins to be performed as a classic one: one side is made even, and the second is cut with lengthening to the face. To do this, comb all the hair from the crown to the sides, determine the length of the strand near the face and cut it off. The entire temporal zone is sheared along it: both the lower and upper parts. At the same time, the control strand is pulled back and each layer is leveled along the edging.

How to cut bangs

Bangs - a separate haircut. In order not to make a mistake in its formation, you should carefully separate the hair of the parietal zone. Not a single hair from the temples should fall into the bangs. For thicker voluminous bangs a triangle is separated, the top of which will be the crown, the base is the frontal edging of the hair. To further increase the volume, cut the hair of the separated zone, lifting it perpendicular to the surface of the head. This is shown in the video.

In addition, the video master explains in simple language how to cut a square at home to a child or girlfriend. In the case of very thin and weak hair this method is not recommended. It is better to stay on the classics or choose original way cut bangs in one motion. It's good for fine hair.

The hair separated from the parietal part is well combed and collected in one bunch on the bridge of the nose. A straight cut is made - and the bangs are ready. It will be semicircular, not straight, but also beautiful. You can adjust its length by cutting just below or above the specified point.

Self haircut

For many girls, the question of how to cut the bob herself has become relevant. There is nothing complicated about this, since this haircut does not require any special skills. The main thing is to correctly select the zones, determine the length of each, try to do everything as accurately as possible.

by the most in a simple way highlighting the desired areas is picking up hair with rubber bands. The hair is washed well with shampoo, a balm is applied and combed thoroughly. Then all the hair is connected in a ponytail and fixed with an elastic band, trying to make sure that they do not twist. The length of the square depends on the height at which the tail is tied. This haircut works best when the tail is collected in the middle of the neck, and the hair is taken into it, covering the ears.

To properly cut the tail, you should cut one centimeter below the gum. Do not try to cut the entire length at once. It will be much more accurate if you cut the hair in layers. After the entire tail is cut off, the gum is removed and the hair is trimmed.

Many people ask hairdressers how to cut a bob at home. Professionals do not like to give any final recommendations. It almost always happens that a second one is added to one technology in a haircut. For example, you need to correct the line of the back of the head or add volume in this area. To do this, the master performs graduation, in which the hair is cut with a pull up. It is not necessary to cut the whole head like this, it is enough to highlight a circle on the crown, gather the hair together and cut it off at a distance of ten centimeters from the surface of the head. Thus, the occipital zone rises.

It happens that after an independent cut, an uneven contour is obtained. It's OK. You can thin out by holding the scissors almost parallel to the direction of the hair. Make shallow cuts of 2-3 millimeters. So pass along the entire length of the edging.


So, with the help of several professional tricks, you can cut your hair under a bob, as in a salon. Important condition for a successful haircut - accuracy and attentiveness. Try it and you will succeed.

Kare is one of the most ancient and universal haircuts. One of the main advantages of this hairstyle option is that it can be performed not only according to the classical canons, but also with a variety of changes.

A graduated bob haircut for women is one of the options for a classic hairstyle. Let's consider what its features are.

It's usually pretty short haircut, so the strands at the back are cut to middle line occiput. Next, steps are made to the temple line, and the line ends at the chin, the strands are cut at an even angle.

Optionally, you can make such a haircut for medium hair, shoulder length. It is not recommended to leave a long length, as the haircut will completely lose its shape.

The ideal hair structure for this hairstyle is thick, heavy and straight.

But on curly hair create perfect line will be impossible. It is not recommended to do this hairstyle on damaged (burned with paint or badly split ends) hair, as it will not look good.

Face oval

As you know, a haircut must be selected, paying attention to the oval of the face in order to correct its shape. In this respect, graduated caret is practically universal option hairstyles, because by making small changes, you can choose a haircut for any shape.

  • Oval. This face shape is considered ideal, any haircut suits it.
  • Elongated oval. To correct an elongated face, it is recommended to make a hairstyle with bangs, moreover, this part of the hairstyle should be straight and thick enough.
  • A circle. In order to visually lengthen the oval of the face, it is recommended to choose a bob with an extension to the face and an asymmetric oblique bang.
  • Square. To visually make the face more feminine and rounded, it is worth profiling the strands near the face, it is also better to make the bangs equal and always oblique.

Read also: Haircut garcon will make any lady younger

Graduated caret looks especially good on girls with slightly angular facial features, clearly defined lines of cheekbones and lips.

One of the hairstyle options is a graduated bob haircut on a leg. The peculiarity of this haircut is the rear view: the hairstyle completely opens the neck, so this option is suitable for girls in whom this part of the body is not satisfactory.

If the neck line is not denounced by grace, then a haircut with an elongated graduated bob will visually correct the defect. In this case, the hair will cover the problem area.


A photo of graduated bob haircut options allows you to understand that this hairstyle looks great on anyone's hair natural color. But especially beautiful image can be created using highlighting. To do this, the strands located in the upper part are painted, those that will be illuminated by the sun. With properly done highlighting, the strands will shimmer beautifully and create the effect of a voluminous hairstyle.

Haircut Disadvantages

This haircut has a number of disadvantages, among them:

  • graduated bob haircut technology is not overly complicated, but it is important to do the haircut correctly, if the recommended technique is violated, a neat hairstyle will not work. Thus, it is necessary to entrust the haircut to the master, whose qualifications there is no doubt;

  • so that the haircut does not lose its shape, it needs to be corrected every 4-6 weeks, depending on the rate of hair growth;
  • haircut requires styling, it is not difficult to make it, however, if you do not style your hair, then the hair will stick out in different sides creating a dandelion effect.

Read also: Haircut with fire for the health of your hair

Execution technique

To perform a haircut, you need the simplest tools: combs and regular scissors. Finishing operations may require thinning scissors and a razor. In principle, the haircut scheme is quite simple, but the technology must be followed exactly so that the hair lies as it should.

Below is the cutting technique:

  • to perform the work, the popular “strand on strand” technique is used;
  • begin work with the selection of a control strand, which is combed on the neck along the growth line;
  • while continuing to work, combs the strands on the back of the head by parting horizontally at a distance of 1 cm;
  • the occipital region is cut with a zero guy;
  • then you need to go to the processing of the temporal strands, here the work is carried out according to the same scheme;
  • now you can release the upper strands and comb the strand on the forehead. When determining the cut line, you need to remember that when drying, the strands will become shorter by about a centimeter;
  • further strands are isolated by making requisitions horizontally, but when cutting in this area, the strands are raised at a right angle to the head, due to this, graduation is obtained;
  • to make the haircut look natural, you need to ensure that the transition from the upper zone to the lower one is imperceptible. To do this, you will need to comb the strands vertically and cut corners;
  • now you need to carefully comb your hair and complete the edging, removing minor flaws if they are revealed;
  • it is further recommended to profile the hair using a sliding technique. You can perform thinning on all sides of the haircut. The degree of thinning is determined individually. So, if the hair does not differ in density, then you need to do basal thinning, especially in the back of the head.
  • It is generally accepted that the ancient Egyptians came up with a bob haircut. For many centuries, men have worn a bob hairstyle.
  • Women showed particular interest in haircuts in the 20s of the 20th century, when they appreciated the convenience of short haircuts.
  • Over time, many women began to wear a bob haircut. This hairstyle is rightfully recognized as one of the most popular.

One of the reasons for this is that bob is equally appropriate as an option for office hairstyles, hairstyles for evening out and walks with friends. A bob haircut is convenient, practical, and most importantly, it can be easily transformed from the usual version in the evening. It is enough to make a minimum of effort, a little imagination 15-20 minutes of time and the evening hairstyle is ready!

Despite the fact that the bob haircut is considered universal, it looks best on straight or slightly curly hair.

Bob haircut options

There are a lot of bob haircut options. It can be smooth and voluminous, suggest the presence of a straight or “oblique” bangs, or even do without it. In the latter case, the hair can be combed back. This type of bob haircut visually “lengthens” the face.

You can do short and long version bob haircuts, however, the optimal, classic haircut is considered to be a haircut, the length of the hair at which reaches the middle of the neck. In this case, the strands have different lengths, but common line cut; the top strands of hair are the longest.

There are several haircut options:

  • It can be a square with strands elongated in front.
  • Kare with curled up ends of the hair. This effect is achieved by grading and pulling the horizontal strands.
  • No less popular is the option of a haircut with an oval contour. However, this option is unlikely to look advantageous on full-faced girls or girls with a round face.
  • Very beautiful, the asymmetric caret looks original.
  • Special success uses a bob haircut with a short-cropped nape and a lush mass of hair in front.

Who cares?

A bob haircut looks equally beautiful on both thin and thin hair. thick hair. An experienced hairdresser will select individual option bob haircuts and cutting techniques in accordance with the type of hair and their characteristics.

A bob haircut skillfully emphasizes the dignity of the girl's appearance.

Hair coloring and highlighting with caret

You can make a haircut more interesting by coloring both all hair and individual strands. For example, dyed dark color hair will emphasize the contour of the haircut itself and visually make it more voluminous.

Skillfully executed coloring will make the haircut "playing" and present advantageously natural color hair. Very often, hairdressers color several strands blonde hair in even more light color, this approach allows you to make the hairstyle more expressive.

Bob haircut styling

In general, having made a bob haircut, do not be afraid to experiment.

  1. In order to style your hair with a bob haircut, you need to distribute it on wet hair along the entire length of the styling product (ideally mousse), and then dry the hair using a hair dryer.
  2. Using a round comb on the sides, curl the hair towards the face. You can use your fingers to treat the ends of the hair with a special tool (gel, wax) to emphasize the structure of the haircut.

How can you diversify a bean?

You can choose both a straight parting and a zigzag or oblique parting. For the evening version, you can “highlight” with mascara or glitter varnish.

  • You can make a bob haircut with the help of various stylish hairpins or invisibles. This method is especially suitable for young girls. The main thing is not to overdo it. You can stab your hair (right or left) with one invisibility with rhinestones or stones.
  • Headbands are very relevant today. They are very comfortable, with their help the hair will not climb into the eyes. You will not touch them with your hands, which will keep them longer in pure form. Buy Headbands different colors and skillfully combine them with your outfits.
  • To do evening version bob haircuts, you can curl one strand of hair (right and left), and collect the rest of the hair in a ponytail or shell. Wear sparkly earrings and a necklace. You will be simply irresistible!

Texture caret

One of the latest bob haircut trends is textured haircuts. World-famous stylists recommend wearing a haircut - quads-"disheveled".

With regard to hair color, they do not make any restrictions, except that the hair color must be in harmony with the chosen image and not contradict it. Smooth texture and strict geometric lines are still relevant - features classic caret.

Kare-"razreshki" favorably distinguishes a woman from the rest. Due to the uneven structure, this hairstyle looks very interesting and advantageous. The red tint of the ends of the hair near the face line gives the hairstyle a special zest, and the subtle highlighting of individual strands makes it voluminous and airy.

Bob haircuts - photo

Kare is a feminine haircut that became popular in the 20s of the last century. AT classical performance a cut is created that clearly outlines the lower hairline middle length. Required attribute- straight bangs. Now the hairstyle has acquired all sorts of modifications, and the place of honor fashion pedestal confidently holds the square on the leg.

Who suits the bob hairstyle on the leg

All options look good on straight hair and give elegant image. With the right choice of length and shape, the hairstyle suits everyone, regardless of age, preferred style, and it is combined with curly hair. It happens with and without bangs, straight, straight at the back, or asymmetrical. If you opted for this haircut model, then it is important to consider that it emphasizes the neck, completely opening the back of the head.

For owners short neck this property allows you to visually lengthen it, but if at the same time it is wide or there are aesthetic defects, then it is advisable to refuse to cut the bob on the leg, preferring it classical forms, at a low level from the hairline. This hairstyle looks spectacular slim girls and women with a thin neck and narrow shoulders, emphasizing the "swan", delicate silhouette.

With a thin hair structure, the haircut must be graduated, avoiding a straight cut line, and parted in the middle. On the thick hair any type of caret looks beautiful. If the face is round, do not ignore the caret on the leg with an extension that can “stretch” it. An elongated face can be shortened with strands below the chin and long bangs. Wide cheekbones are masked by the design of a graduated transition with tips bent inward and an oblique contour of the bangs.

Varieties of bob haircuts

A bob haircut on a leg differs in the length of the side strands, the back cut, the transition angle from the back of the head to the temporal. From the method of graduation (smoothed transition from long strands short) depends on the volume and appearance hairstyles. Great importance the shape plays, the length of the bangs - with its help, you can emphasize advantageous accents, retouching unwanted ones. Asymmetric lines can work wonders, turning yesterday's prude into a femme fatale vamp.

graduated hairstyle

With such a haircut, the cut is not even, but a fashionable "ladder". Optimal for thin hair, as it adds extra volume. Without bangs draws a round face. On curly hair, the “steps” pattern is lost, so straightening with an iron will be required to give the intended look. Short strands begin from the cut-off nape. Gradually they lengthen - the longest are at the level, or in the area just below the chin.

Kare on the leg with elongated front strands

This version of the hairstyle repeats the graduated bob haircut on the leg with smooth transition lengths with the difference that the front strands reach shoulder level. The more pronounced the transition, the brighter the image. It is advantageously combined with a bang, but it looks no less impressive without it, with wide cheekbones shrinks the face. An elongated square on the leg brings femininity and charm to the look, softens the sharp features of the face.

Fashionable haircut with short bangs

A daring short bang to the middle of the forehead can radically change the image. This hair style is known for sensational cinematic images. Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Best of all, such bangs are combined with elongated strands, but if the face is not elongated, then it looks great with short ones. In the image of its owner, a square on a leg with a bang brings playfulness, adds expressiveness to the eyes, emphasizes the beautiful shape of the eyebrows, refreshes and makes the face younger.

Bob-car on a leg

Used here external graduation- each subsequent strand is 0.5-1 mm shorter than the previous one. Due to this, additional volume is created, especially at the back of the head, and a "rebellious" look is given. The cut is even at the back, or with a smooth transition upwards. The hairstyle can be done with elongated strands; bangs are not provided in the classic version. The haircut is easy to care for and takes a little time to style - it is customary to lift the hair at the roots. It has versatility and suits almost all the fair sex.

asymmetrical hairstyle

With the help of asymmetry, you can create an extravagant image that emphasizes the advantages and hides the flaws of the face. The nature of the changes made to the hairstyle should be discussed individually with the master. Here, both different lengths of side strands and unusually made bangs are created. Asymmetry looks more interesting on dark hair, on which the transition edges are more pronounced against the background of more fair skin.

Technique for performing a square on a leg

Subject to simple rules the scheme for performing a haircut is not so complicated, and yet it is better to put your head in the hands of professionals who are fluent in technology. How to cut a caret on a leg:

  1. Divide clean, moistened hair into four parts along the middle vertical parting from the forehead to the back of the head, and horizontally along the line of the temples, crossing in the center of the head. Fasten with hairpins.
  2. First, proceed to the design of the back of the head - "legs". To do this, separate the lower strand from the level of the ears, securing the rest with hairpins. Thin strands are cut alternately in the direction from the bottom up, forming a “toe”.
  3. After completing the toe, the occipital strand is separated and cut off along the length to which the bob haircut on the leg will be oriented. Similarly, all subsequent occipital strands are cut.
  4. Then they proceed to the frontal part, aligning the length according to the intended value, at the same angle.
  5. If a bang is provided, then its design is started at the end of the haircut.

Benefits of a bob haircut

With this practical hairstyle, hair always looks neat thanks to well-defined lines. The only condition is frequent visit a hairdresser to maintain it: the hair on the back of the head grows quickly, the toe needs to be adjusted. The advantages include:

  • good volume maintenance even without special means styling, which is relevant for thin, sparse hair;
  • when selecting good option- hair length, bangs, shape, cut angle - suitable for any type of face;
  • visual rejuvenation, especially in combination with short bangs, makes the haircut universal for age categories - it harmoniously fits into elegant style both women 40+ and young girls;
  • favorably emphasizes the neck, revealing the attractive fragility and defenselessness of female nature.

Video: how to make a beautiful caret

Laying on a bob haircut can impress even the most sophisticated fashionistas with a variety of options, the ability to create any look and choose the ideal length of curls.

Kare is a cult classic or, in the language of youth slang, the peak of hype. This is a universal hairstyle that is always in trend, in the subject and out of place.

The strict geometry of the lines and the smooth structure of the bob haircut with thick straight bangs gave Egyptian rulers a special mystical grandeur.

There are many modifications of the caret - straight, asymmetrical, graduated, double, legged, bob, cap, variations with bangs or partings, etc.

For each age category and absolutely under any shape of the face can be found perfect option, which will emphasize your individuality, will focus on strengths, while hiding the nuances that do not suit you.

Pro Tips:

  1. Round or large features faces - a graduated model and torn tips framing the contour will do.
  2. Elongated shape and high forehead - will center the proportionality of the face thick bangs and the bottom contour line just below the chin.
  3. Subtle neat features - it will look chic short bob with an open neck.
  4. wide cheekbones, pear shape and soft features - feel free to wear a square in the style of a "ball", laid with the ends inside.
  5. A square shape and a heavy chin harmonize and soften the features of an elongated two-layer bob with a voluminous top and strands covering the jaw. Side parting, oblique or torn bangs will look stylish.
  6. Oval shape - you can wear any modification of the haircut.
  7. For any face shape, asymmetric curls with streaked strands are considered ideal.
  8. Too much Long neck- balance is achieved with a model with a lower contour to the shoulders.

Large ladies with a small head size are advised to avoid squares on short hair. It is better to make a graduated model of medium length.

Another advantage of the bob - a haircut can be performed on any structure of curls. Even on wavy or thin hair haircut will look very stylish and spectacular. It all depends on the technique of execution, styling and professionalism of the master.

How to style a bob hairstyle with bangs

Styling options depend on the type of bangs:

  • light voluminous bangs are easy to style with a hairdryer and a round brush;
  • asymmetry or straight bangs are best pulled out with irons;
  • oblique bangs will create an attractive look, if the styling is done with a curling iron, the hairstyle with the tips outward looks especially stylish;
  • torn, short or vintage versions are quite easy to do with your own hands, if you use styling products - wax, fondant or cream.

Focus on the goal when creating styling. For work or business meeting suitable for a strict office version.

If the target is romantic date, then create the most attractive image.

Elongated caret

This haircut option is a model with a lower contour line to the shoulders. There are several modifications of the elongated caret, which are selected according to the shape of the face or personal preferences.

Who should pay attention to this haircut and try to lengthen their hair:

  • strands falling on the face balance the proportions round face, and heavy features are made more refined;
  • narrow face with high forehead easy to adjust with graduations along the entire length and bangs;
  • owners square shape faces will go layered caret - the upper shortened layer will create the desired volume, and the lower contour with elongation will make the features softer and more feminine;
  • for heart-shaped face the best option there will be a haircut with a shortened contour of the lower occipital zone and the most elongated strands to the face;
  • elongated asymmetry will smooth out imperfections triangular face with a pointed chin.

It must be borne in mind that an elongated caret is a rather demanding haircut. If you are going to wear smooth straight styling, then your hair should look perfectly groomed.

You will have to maintain the geometry of the lines monthly and ensure increased care curls. Do not let the haircut look like an overgrown caret. Otherwise, the essence, exquisite charm will be lost and the highlight of the extravagant hairstyle will disappear.

An extension with graduation or styling with waves is much easier to wear.

Evening hairstyles on a square

Another reason for such a wildly popular haircut lies in its versatility. Kare fits perfectly into the wardrobe of a business woman, informal casual style, business everyday life, casual or evening attire.

The hairstyle is created beautifully and quickly with a minimum of styling products and effort. It is enough to turn on the imagination and fantasize about your image.

A little skill and a strict office image almost instantly transforms into an enchanting evening hairstyle.

Best Options evening hairstyles to create a unique image:

  • square back - dry with brushing (round brush), start laying from the occipital region and do not forget to comb the strands towards the nape;
  • hollywood wave - stylish styling will be provided if you use curlers or tongs;
  • quolos sideways - pretty haircut suitable for any event, looks great with evening dress.

Festive hairstyles on a square

When choosing a hairstyle for a holiday, wedding or other bright event, you need to evaluate and think through every detail - makeup, outfit and accessories.

Luxurious images for the celebration:

  • square with weaving - twisted strands are pinned up on one side beautiful hairpin, and on the other - braided with a wide oblique;
  • vintage - all curls are twisted in reverse side, while the entire volume is created in the front;
  • retro - briolined waves formed by fingers look unusual and extravagant.

Laying a caret at home

Based on the caret, you can create many stunning images. But you will need special tools and accessories:

  1. Hairdryer with diffuser (nozzle for volume).
  2. Plain + triple curling iron.
  3. Iron for straightening (or winding).
  4. Comb with a ponytail + brushing (round brush) of different diameters + bombing (flat brush).
  5. Simple and thermal curlers.
  6. Clamps.
  7. Styling products (foam, mousse, gel, wax, fondant, varnish of weak and strong fixation).
  8. Headbands, hairpins, hairpins, nets, invisible.

Be sure to follow the safety rules:

  • do not allow styling products to get into your eyes;
  • do not keep hot tools on your hair for a long time;
  • it is forbidden to turn on electrical appliances with wet hands;
  • keep the curling iron (or irons) away from the scalp.

Ways to lay a bob without bangs

The priority element of the model is the parting, which can be straight, oblique or curly.

Ways of laying along the parting:

  • straight - curls are divided into two equal parts, suitable for an oval face with the correct proportions;
  • oblique - in one area less hair, in another larger, ideal option for almost everyone;
  • curly - more often performed in the form of a zigzag, which can be smooth or strictly geometric, with a shallow or deep grip, the element creates interesting innovations, it is especially recommended for thin, weak curls.

Laying on a caret with volume

There are many options, but the fastest ones that allow you to make an ultra-modern hairstyle are bouffant and corrugation.

The bouffant is performed in root zone a comb with frequent teeth by alternately separating the strands and using varnish.

Corrugation (nozzle on the curling iron), forming structured curls of different sizes.

In just a few minutes, you can achieve a fantastic volume and an unusually original image.

5 options for beautiful bob styling

Laying a haircut, transforming the model into chic hairstyles, is very simple. This can be done independently at home, your desire is enough.

Fashionable versions in 5 minutes, all styling is done on freshly washed hair:

  1. Express styling - dry the curls with a hairdryer with a diffuser, tilting your head down. You need to model the hairstyle with your hands, creating a randomly styled hairstyle. Fix the strands with varnish. Don't use a comb to keep the "creative mess" effect.
  2. Unique curls - apply mousse, gently wind the strands on curlers and dry with a hairdryer. Leave for a few minutes. Release the curls from wrapping, break with your fingers, fix with varnish.
  3. Volumetric fantasy - apply a means for volume, throw all the strands on one side and dry, then alternately throw each dry strand to the other side. Shake the curls with a sharp movement of the head and treat with varnish.
  4. Avant-garde - each strand is folded into a ring and secured with a flat clip. All curls are completely treated with strong fixation varnish. Let dry, then remove the clips without breaking the rings. Ideal for short bob.
  5. Root volume - strands of medium thickness are fixed with clamps at the roots and fixed with varnish. Leave for a few minutes. Then remove the clips, slightly break the curls with the tail of a comb or a special comb with rare teeth.

New Year's hairstyles for caret

To create a non-trivial New Year's image exclusive accessories that can be purchased, but it is better to do it yourself, will come in handy.

The trend is jewelry that looks special - original, spectacular, stylish, but at the same time elegant:

  • wide stripes, handkerchiefs or headbands with a floral print;
  • massive hairpins decorated with stones or ornaments;
  • pearl multilayer nets or hair threads;
  • invisible, decorated with brooches in the form of flowers, animals or beads;
  • Greek style in accessories;
  • as well as colored ink, sequins for hair of various configurations, varnish of different shades.

Haircut caret on the leg

The square on the leg has several modifications - classic, graduated, asymmetric, shortened and elongated.

Haircut has characteristic feature- a clear contour, geometric pattern and a contrasting transition from long curls to short ones.

Facial strands are formed within the chin. In the occipital zone, a leg is cut, made in a semicircle or triangle, the neck is open.

The crown in the form of a cap is made with an even cut. Accordingly, the model acquires smoothness and some solidity. Different variants styling allow you to create always new images.

Haircut is universal for all types of face and hair.

Curls on a square

With the help of curls, you can create incredibly beautiful styling that endows the image with romance and airiness, or, on the contrary, gives impudence and rebellious charisma.

The advantage is the variety of ways to cheat, which allows you to constantly surprise, and sometimes shock, those around you with your extravagant transformations.

There are a lot of options, choose curls for every taste:

  • elastic curl or beach waves;
  • with perm effect;
  • asymmetrical curls;
  • large or small African;
  • corrugated or chaotic;
  • with the effect of naturally curly or wet hair;
  • Hollywood (Marilyn Monroe styling), etc.

Long-term laying on a square

Long-term styling or carving is great alternative perm, wherein harmful effect on the hair structure is reduced to a minimum.

Advantages - the ability to wear in a natural version, keeps styling for a long time, the ability to perform to any length, it is washed off on its own.

To obtain perfect result carving is best done in the salon by a professional. Confident ladies can easily cope with the procedure at home.


  1. Rinse your head well to remove styling products from curls.
  2. Dry naturally lightly blotting with a towel.
  3. Apply color protectant to color-treated hair.
  4. Perform winding on strands - technique, shape and size of curlers as desired.
  5. Distribute the solution to all areas.
  6. Insulate your head with a plastic bag or hat.
  7. The exposure time is indicated in the instructions.
  8. Rinse the twisted strands thoroughly, apply a fixative, hold for up to 3 minutes.
  9. Dry naturally.

Step by step instructions are included with the package.

Laying a caret with a curling iron

With the help of a curling iron you can achieve various options curls - large, small curls, spiral, round, etc.

The shape of the curl depends on the diameter of the appliance and the thickness of the strand - the smaller they are, the more elastic the curl will turn out and vice versa.

If you want to achieve a certain result, for example, Hollywood curls, then you need to consider. winding method and technique.

The principle of action how to wind on a curling iron when cutting a bob:

  • divide hair into zones, secure with clips;
  • start the procedure from the bottom section;
  • separate the strands, wind a little, not reaching the roots to avoid burns;
  • when you wrap in all areas, slightly break the curls with your fingers or a rare-toothed comb;
  • Please fix the style with hair spray.

Hairstyles on a caret step by step

In just a few minutes, a square of any length can be easily transformed into stylish hairstyle. For example, consider one of the possible options.

Trendy bob haircut with lengthening in stages for beginners:

  1. Wash your head.
  2. Dry with a hair dryer, pulling the strands with brushing with a brace up.
  3. Select the square at the crown, divide into 4 parts.
  4. Make a basal pile of each strand and fix with varnish.
  5. Gently, with the help of bombing, comb your hair, following the haircut model.
  6. Pull the front strands with irons, slightly tucking the tips down.
  7. The layout is ready.

On the square different lengths you can do a lot of everyday or evening luxurious hairstyles:

  1. Malvina.
  2. Whelps.
  3. Bundle.
  4. Fox's tail.
  5. Waterfall.
  6. Retro.
  7. French and many others.

Laying caret to the shoulders

The model is performed in an absolutely even or cascading cut. The basis of the haircut is the preservation of the main length, which allows you to find your own individuality.

This version of the hairstyle is always relevant, suits literally everyone, hides the shortcomings of a short neck and a heavy chin.
The priority nuance of styling for a shoulder-length bob haircut is the creation different images, comfortable to wear and easy to carry out.

Bob-car: styling options

Bob-caret is a trendy trend that combines two models of haircuts at once. In the front, the hairstyle looks like a square, and on the side and on the back of the head it looks like a bob.

Styling modifications:

  • perfectly smooth classic;
  • style asymmetrical bob for different lengths;
  • hairstyle short or with lengthening;
  • creation of a high voluminous crown;
  • model with cascade elements;
  • curl styling;
  • disheveled caret-bob, decorated with torn tips;
  • avant-garde.

Laying for a caret with waves

Today, retro styling is ultra-hype, taking its rightful place at the top of trendy trends. The history of creation goes back to the beginning of the last century, the time of the New Economic Policy.

The methods of execution are varied - with the help of clips and a hair dryer, irons, foil and tongs, you can do it with your fingers on a special composition.

Especially popular is the styling of "Dita Von Teese" (burlesque singer).

The dizzying image of a Hollywood celebrity can be seen in memorable photos of a self-made woman.

Blow-dry styling

It is considered the fastest and easiest of all the options offered. For example, express styling, which is described above.

With the help of additional devices (various clamps, diffuser, curlers different forms or just your golden pens) you can make a lot of incomparable hairstyles for all occasions.

It is important to remember that if you prefer blow-drying, be sure to use thermal protection for your hair and set the hot air to medium so as not to overdry your hair.

Laying on a caret: video

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