Christmas toys from light bulbs. DIY Christmas decorations from light bulbs. Required for manufacturing. Video: master class on making a penguin

With the approach of the New Year holidays, an irresistible desire to create wakes up, and it is just in time, because we can save some money on Christmas decorations by preparing them for the holiday with our own hands. You can create Christmas decorations from anything, for example, from old used light bulbs, if you did not throw them away. Of course, new ones can be used too, if the hands reach for creativity.

So what can we offer? What new toys can be made from old light bulbs. How to breathe new magical and fabulous life into them, festive atmosphere New Year?

cute snowmen

The first thought that comes to mind is good-natured, smiling snowmen made of small light bulbs. It will be easy to make them, for example, by painting a light bulb in White color, on a whitewashed light bulb you can easily draw a funny smiling face. A carrot-nose can be made from salt dough; real craftswomen can find fimo or some cold porcelain. The base of the light bulb can be easily and very nicely decorated with a small cap made of fabric. Stick pens can be glued to the universal glue-gel. A very funny face and an attractive decoration for the Christmas tree will come out.

A snowman can be simplified by smearing, for example, the entire light bulb with glue and sprinkling with white or silver sparkles. With rhinestones or paint on top, draw noses, ember eyes, a sweet smile and buttons. stick handles - required attribute snowman!

Santa Claus will be in time for them. It will be even easier to make it if you own brushes and paint. A beard can be made of cotton wool, as the well-known poem says. However, you can draw not only Santa Claus, but also the same snowman, and a penguin, and New Year's bottle champagne.

Animals from famous fairy tales: we make Christmas decorations from old light bulbs

If you can draw the faces of famous heroes, then you can diversify the Christmas tree branches with cute muzzles of animals from different fairytale heroes. Light bulbs instantly turn into bright familiar characters.

Speaking of a pair of deer for Santa Claus. They, like snowmen, can be drawn on a primed light bulb, adding horns from dough or cardboard, decorating them with the same bright New Year's hats.

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Sophistication of decoupage: a master class on decoupage of an old light bulb

Of course, the drawn faces are too simple and take on some exquisite work. The decoupage technique will be just right. An exquisite, beautiful Christmas tree toy will turn out from simple New Year's napkins and will not require such artistic skills as drawing characters. Simple, fast and very beautiful, especially if you add a little sparkle. Here short master class for decoupage:

  1. Prepare the light bulb to change it, wipe it with alcohol, this will degrease it and remove dirt. Get some primer and prime thin layer light bulb with a piece of foam rubber.
  2. After the primer is dry, paint the future toy white with acrylic, although the choice of color is up to you, it all depends on your idea. While the acrylic dries, choose the right one. New Year's motive, napkin just right.
  3. After cutting out the desired piece, glue a piece of napkin onto a dried light bulb with decoupage glue. If extra wrinkles appear, then you can go over the dried bulb with sandpaper.
  4. The toy already looks festive, but this is not enough, there is not enough background decor. Sponge add a little blue tint toy below and above. Glitter will add festivity to the toy, they can circle a drawing, an inscription or draw a snowflake. Pairs of large snowflakes and small dots near the base will not damage the toy.
  5. Secure your piece with glossy acrylic and add a thread. The plinth, if desired, can be masked with an acrylic contour, depicting icicles.


Light, cute toy will hint to Santa Claus about your desire to travel. In other matters, it is not a sin to decorate with such a toy not only Christmas tree.

Yes, old light bulbs turn out to be downright inviting long journey Balloons. The base of the light bulbs can serve as a basket for travelers, and the glass part can serve as a ball that can be painted on glass with the most different ways. Exquisite, light, sophisticated, no, impossible to pick up right word to describe these wonderful products.

openwork joy

If you are good with a ball of thread and crochet, then it will not be difficult for you to decorate light bulbs with lace. After all, you can simply crochet them, getting a wonderful toy on hastily. Toys can be diversified with different colors of threads, add beads, borders, everything that fantasy tells.

By the way, with woolen threads you can tie a light bulb tightly, with a pattern or shaping, strawberries, for example, or a small mushroom.

Simply brilliant: Christmas decorations from old light bulbs

maximum effect and minimal cost strength? Yes, you certainly may! Coloring the light bulbs different colors or covered with glue, sprinkled with dry sparkles on a light bulb - a trifling matter, you can decorate them later with ribbons, and rhinestones, and more sparkles. You can't distinguish such a toy from a simple Christmas tree toy from a supermarket.

More Photo Ideas:


For those who confidently hold a palette and a brush in their hands, you can paint a light bulb in a variety of ways, placing on it not just drawings, but a whole art, real paintings and incredible stories. Pictures or bright ornaments are a great design for a light bulb of any size.

A little for the plinth

It is worth focusing on the base. If it costs nothing to paint the glass part of the light bulb, then the decoration of the base is not a simple thing, ugly, steel, it knocks out of overall picture and spoils all the charm of the craft, giving out that an old light bulb is hiding under the Christmas tree toy. Remember the plinth, decorate them with hats, pigtails, cotton wool and bows, depending on the design of the toy itself.

The options for decorating a light bulb can be very diverse, simple and crazy, bright, shiny, voluminous, decorated with bows and felt hats, with the addition of salt dough, sparkles, beads, paints. Do not be afraid to fantasize, inventing new characters to decorate your forest guest.

If everything is clear with the previous versions of Christmas tree decorations from light bulbs, then how to make a snow globe from old light bulb? If you want to be truly original New Year's crafts, then this master class is created especially for you.

Well, let's start. In order to put something inside the old light bulb, it must be opened and the filament removed. This is actually quite simple to do:

Now that the lamp is free, you can put anything inside, such as a miniature Christmas tree and sparkles. Then you get a real snow globe.

Instead of snow globe can be done very personal gift for a loved one. Sequins are not needed, but you will have to find a small piece of wire.


Somehow I saw on the Internet New Year's toys made with my own hands from light bulbs) I really liked this idea (because I'm already pretty tired of plastic New Year's toys) and now, when there is still time to start making such toys, I select all necessary material. I invite you, who are interested in this idea, to join. Moreover, such creations will appeal exclusively to all children, and therefore, for some time computer games can fade into the background)

The closer the New Year holidays, the more I want to create! And the most grateful time for self-made Christmas decorations right now. You can create them from anything, for example, you can make Christmas decorations from light bulbs. Ideally, for this, take the accumulated burned-out lamps, but if the soul is boiling with inspiration, and the hands are required to create, then you can use new ones that have been waiting for their daylight hours in the pantry for many months. So what Christmas decorations can be made from this ordinary and already useless thing in everyday life?

Cute and good-natured snowmen made of light bulbs.

Having caught fire to make toys from light bulbs with your own hands, the first thought or idea that comes up is snowmen. It is easy to draw a funny face on a primed light bulb painted white, a carrot nose is easily made from salt dough, and for true hand-made craftswomen there is an opportunity to make snowman noses from fimo or cold porcelain. The lamp base is beautifully decorated with a cute fabric cap. Well, you can also add stick hands by gluing them to a universal glue gel or a glue gun. There is a huge field for imagination here.

That's all - wonderful snowmen in such funny Christmas hats will decorate your Christmas tree with joy! And they will be paired with fabulous grandfathers, penguins and others new year characters. Cute little animals and characters from favorite fairy tales

Since drawing faces on the lights turned out to be so much fun, why not increase the number of characters that will decorate your New Year's branches? Wonderful and very cute New Year's toys made of light bulbs are all kinds of little animals! Such an adorable pair of bunnies will look very cute! And you can also provide the bunnies with New Year's caps, such as in this photo.

But besides bunnies, there are many other animals that we strongly associate with new year holidays. Which of them can come to your mind? For example, a deer. Yes, yes, if you wish, you can make funny deer out of a burnt out light bulb! And also New Year- the holiday is cold, snowy, which means that curious penguins on the Christmas tree will come in handy!

After the light bulbs are primed and the palette of colors lies in front of you, more and more new ideas come to mind. What other toys from light bulbs for the New Year can be made with your own hands? Sophistication of decoupage in the creation of toys from light bulbs

In addition to rather childish crafts that are distinguished by enviable immediacy, one may wonder how to make a toy out of a light bulb in a more refined style. For this, a technique such as. AT recent times this type of hobby has become very popular, as it allows you to create very beautiful things without special artistic skills. Therefore, prime the light bulbs, pick up napkins with New Year theme and create an elegant masterpiece for the New Year for your Christmas tree.

The lightness of balloons.

If in coming year the only thing you really want to get from Santa Claus is a trip to hell and warmer, or even better - several trips a year, then the Christmas tree will need to be decorated ... That's right! Balloons!

You can create a graceful, lacy lace by choosing to work multi-colored threads. From smooth silk threads, a classic lace pattern will turn out, and the products will be more sophisticated.

Simple and tasteful

Well, if you want to get maximum effect, with minimal effort - you can go the most simple way. Having painted the bulbs in different colors, you can sprinkle them with dry glitter on an adhesive base, or use ready-made glitter for decoration in a tube. You can make toys both completely shiny, and alternate matte and shiny stripes.

These toys from old unnecessary light bulbs will look very impressive! Especially if their decoration is complemented with shiny rhinestones!

For freelance artists.

Well, for those who confidently hold a brush in their hands, and a supply of paints at home is a must, you can paint the bulbs with wonderful patterns, turning them into real works of art. You can use clear ornaments or a noble floral pattern, or you can hit the avant-garde - in any case the result will be impressive.

Options can be very diverse. Can be used salty dough, cute caps and hats made of fabric, structural paste for creating icicles and three-dimensional relief, coloring and decorating with sparkles and beads, and possibly tying a light bulb on the base beautiful bow. Choose the option that best suits your idea!

Every day of this year brings us closer New Year holiday. And, probably, there are few people who do not like him. What is a holiday? Still, this is not delicious food on the table and the opportunity not to go to work, but high spirits, joy from the time spent with friends and relatives. It's time to start creating good mood! Finish all the important things and start preparing for the holiday. A good mood will help to make pre-holiday chores, and decorating the house for the holiday also belongs to them. Crafts made by hand - they are alive, warm and create the atmosphere of your home. Today I will tell you what can be done on the basis of old, "burnt out" light bulbs.

In order to start making crafts from light bulbs, prepare:

  • light bulbs of different sizes
  • paints (watercolor, gouache or acrylic)
  • brushes 2-3 pieces
  • small pieces of fabric
  • glue (in tubes, it is better to take supergel, it dries quickly) or a glue gun for hot glue
  • acrylic varnish (it is sold in needlework stores)
  • if there are plastic eyes
  • twine or thread
  • braid
  • scissors
  • sequins, beads, rhinestones

Several methods have been invented for making Christmas tree decorations from light bulbs. One of them very simple: apply glue from a tube to a light bulb and sprinkle it with sparkles. The light bulb must be held by the base and gently rotated so that the sparkles evenly cover the entire glass.

A light bulb smeared with glue can be dipped in sequins, the extra ones will crumble from it, and those that are stuck will stick well.

Keep in mind that to decorate light bulbs, you can take not only small sparkles, but also stars, snowflakes, hearts and any other small decorations that you have.

Light bulbs of different shapes, covered with multi-colored sequins, will decorate your Christmas tree this year.

You can hang such beautiful light bulbs-toys one at a time, or you can make a garland out of them. And there is another idea: stick light bulbs in a circle on a wooden rim or thick cardboard and get a New Year's wreath. it can be decorated with bows, spruce branches, beads or tinsel.

Second way as simple as the first one: paint the light bulbs with a brush and paints, and then glue stars, flowers, Christmas trees cut out of golden, silver or colored paper onto the dried paint. From the braid we make loops.

By the same principle, we make out the light bulbs, which are shown in the photo below. Just paint the bulbs white. Attaching Christmas stickers. If you don’t have such a mesh with beads at hand, you can replace it with ordinary gauze. Stick a piece of bandage on the plinth, do not forget to fasten the ribbon for the eyelet under it. Let the glue dry. After that, apply supergel to the “bandaged” base, on which sprinkle sparkles or stick small beads.

Third way light bulb decorations for the New Year are also based on gluing light bulbs to glass different decorations: beads, beads, rhinestones. The loop on which the toy light bulb will be hung can be made of soft copper wire.

But fourth waysuitable for those people who have recently done repairs and have a little structural paint left. Do not forget that any liquid color can be added to this paint and then the toy will be the color that the paint has acquired. Take an ice cream stick and carefully apply texture paint to the light bulb glass. Irregularities are only welcome! Then, when the toy is dry, continue decorating it as you wish. If you want to paint a “face” on a toy, do not forget to do not apply structural paint to this place.

Fifth way making toys from light bulbs consists in inventing an image of a toy and the ability to draw a little. You must figure out in advance how the future “masterpiece” will look like. Maybe even draw it on paper. The fifth way is the production of a thematic toy, an image toy, a mood toy. The faces of the toys will have to be carefully drawn and try to give them a good mood. Make "hats" from pieces of fabric by gluing them to the base. Do not forget to fasten and glue the twine for the eyelet under the cap. If everything works out, these toys will become a real decoration of your home during the New Year holidays.

To themed toy can be attributed to such a curly and "well-fed" angel. If you look closely, there is nothing complicated in its manufacture. And drawing a "face" will not be difficult.

And such a garland of snowmen in multi-colored hats is also not difficult to make, if only there were light bulbs.

In any case, there are not many snowmen on New Year's Eve.

And these attractive cooks, aren't they a miracle? And it's very easy to make.

And if the cooks seem boring to you, make a tribe of savages out of light bulbs or a flock of moles with shovels, as in the photo below.

Savages and moles are not your topic, then maybe penguins will do?

A cute bee is a light bulb painted in black and yellow stripes with wings. She can also attach antennae made of soft wire.

The bulbs shown in the photo below are painted in several layers of paint. First they were painted blue, and then after drying they added white and vice versa. And on top they have already drawn snowflakes, stars and a Christmas tree.

Method number six almost the same as the previous one with the difference that in that version the toy is only drawn, and here additional details are pasted. Like these ones funny snowmen(boys and girls) are made of small light bulbs. Spouts can be molded from plasticine or made from colored paper. Multi-colored hats are pieces of fabric glued to the base of the light bulb and tied on top with twine.

The variety of snowmen is amazing, but you can also come up with some of your own characters. Stick hands glued to hot glue (from a glue gun) look spectacular.

You can come up with your own image for each light bulb, there is no limit to your imagination.

We draw and paste everything that comes to mind, as long as it is fun and funny.

And this toy got quite a decent nose, but the eyes had to be glued different size because there weren't enough of them.

Method number seven very simple and does not require special skills and a large number time. And it consists in winding thick threads around a light bulb. Everyone who knits has a whole basket or box of leftover threads. Here, use them. Light bulbs-toys will be multi-colored, because for sure you have not only gray and black yarn! And the tip of the thread, both at the beginning and at the end of the work, must be fixed with glue.

Eighth way. Paint the light bulb as described above, dry it. Cut out the picture you like from a napkin or a magazine and carefully glue it onto the acrylic lacquer to the light bulb. When the painting is dry, dip the brush in acrylic lacquer and cover the entire bulb. And in the photo that you see below, the light bulb was not painted, but simply wrapped and pasted over top layer colorful napkins, and then varnished. And next to the left is a light bulb that is painted golden paint from a spray can, and the stripes are applied from sequins. To make these stripes appear, grease not the entire bulb with glue, but only those places where the sparkles should be.

Ninth way Turning light bulbs into toys requires perseverance, ingenuity and skill. If you are such a person, try to make such toys or come up with your own.

Do not rush to throw out burned out light bulbs! It is quite possible to find a use for them: for example, to make Christmas decorations.

Cover the paw with a primer (I have a universal primer)

And paint with white acrylic paint

We will select suitable napkins with small motifs. Cut out the motifs and separate the color layer from the two white ones.

Let's cut off the drawing along the contour. You can just cut it out, but then the edges of the napkin will be more visible.

We glue the motif with PVA on the light bulb. In the narrow places of the light bulb, it is better to cut the napkin with wedges so that there are no wrinkles.

If there are still folds - try to lift them perpendicular to the surface - then it will be convenient to remove them. In the photo, such a fold is marked with a red arrow.

If the napkin is not enough for the entire diameter - do not be alarmed, all this can be finished. I don't have a forged grate.

After the glued motif has dried, carefully cut off the folds with scissors and lightly sand the surface from small folds.

We take acrylic paints and a small piece of sponge.

We mix the paint, achieving the shade of the background we need. The background is usually light and is easiest to achieve. desired color gradually adding desired tone to white paint.

We paint on fine brush in right places. Now the forged fence on which the birds sit is even. I also drew a trunk to the brown twigs - it turned out a tree

To fill the voids, take another napkin - we are interested in snowflakes on it

Pulling out snowflakes

And glue them to empty places

We are waiting for drying, lightly sand with the finest sandpaper and varnish

We decorate the base of the light bulb with silver lace. I attach the lace with a glue gun. First, the first row - I align it along the bottom.

Now the second row - I align it along the top - so that the very tip of the light bulb is closed. Glue first lower part lace.

We make cuts along the upper part, along the entire length. Insert a wire, ribbon or cord - so that later you can hang the toy and also glue it with hot glue. We fill the entire top of the bulb with glue and, overlapping each other, we fix the trimmed sections of lace

We decorate the lower part of the light bulb with glitter. It can be attached to varnish or PVA glue. It is better to varnish on top so that the glitter does not crumble.

The closer the New Year holidays, the more I want to create! And the most grateful time for hand-made Christmas decorations is right now. You can create them from anything, for example, you can make Christmas decorations from light bulbs. Ideally, for this, take the accumulated burnt out lamps, but if the soul is boiling with inspiration, and the hands are required to create, then you can use new ones that are waiting for their bright hour for many months.

So what kind of Christmas tree decorations can be made from this ordinary and already useless thing in everyday life? Today "House of Dreams" will tell and show what kind of New Year's toys you can make from light bulbs.

Cute and good-natured snowmen made of light bulbs

Having caught fire to make toys from light bulbs with your own hands, the first thought or idea that comes up is snowmen.

On a primed light bulb painted white, it is easy to draw a funny face, a carrot nose is easily made from salt dough, and for true hand-made craftswomen, there is an opportunity to mold noses for snowmen from fimo or cold. The lamp base is beautifully decorated with a cute fabric cap. Well, you can also add stick hands by gluing them to a universal glue gel or a glue gun.

That's all - wonderful snowmen in such funny New Year's caps will gladly decorate yours! And they will be paired with fabulous grandfathers, penguins and other New Year characters.

Cute little animals and characters from favorite fairy tales

Since drawing faces on the lights turned out to be so much fun, why not increase the number of characters that will decorate your New Year's branches? Wonderful and very cute New Year's toys made of light bulbs are all kinds of little animals!

Such an adorable pair of bunnies will look very cute!

And you can also provide the bunnies with New Year's caps, such as in this photo.

But besides bunnies, there are many other animals that we strongly associate with the New Year holidays. Which of them can come to your mind? For example, a deer. Yes, yes, if you wish, you can make funny deer out of a burnt out light bulb!

And the New Year is a cold, snowy holiday, which means that curious penguins on the Christmas tree will come in handy!

New Year's toys from light bulbs photo

Harmful gremlins in Christmas hats? Why not!

What kind of toy can be made from a light bulb

If you take a light bulb with a shape similar to an onion, then a funny Cipollino will come out of it.

After the light bulbs are primed and the palette of colors lies in front of you, more and more new ideas come to mind. What other toys from light bulbs for the New Year can be made with your own hands?

Sophistication of decoupage in the creation of toys from light bulbs

In addition to the rather childish crafts, which are distinguished by an enviable immediacy, you may wonder how to make a toy out of a light bulb in a more refined style. For this, a technique such as decoupage is amazingly suitable.

Recently, this type of hobby has become very popular, as it allows you to create very beautiful things without any special artistic skills. Therefore, prime the light bulbs, pick up New Year-themed napkins and create an elegant masterpiece for the New Year for your Christmas tree.

The lightness of balloons

If in the coming year the only thing you really want to get from Santa Claus is a trip to hell and warmer, or even better - several trips a year, then the Christmas tree will need to be decorated ... That's right! Balloons!

Outdated light bulbs make amazing, wonderful, inviting balloons to travel around the world! The base of the lamp turns into a basket for travelers, and the round part directly into itself. Balloon. If all the balls run in uniform style, painting them with a contour on the glass, it will turn out very exquisite outfit for your Christmas tree.

Well, if you want to make them bright and varied, then they will be perfectly combined with the rest of the Christmas tree decorations.

Openwork perfection

If you are good at crocheting, then this will be great idea for decorating light bulbs! After all, you can simply crochet them and get delicious New Year's toys from burnt out light bulbs at the exit.

You can create a graceful, lacy openwork by choosing multi-colored threads for work. From smooth silk threads, a classic lace pattern will turn out, and the products will be more sophisticated.

But if you take thick woolen threads, then the toys will turn out to be more fun and charismatic, and ideas for tight knit you can come up with a lot, you can tie a fungus, or you can - a juicy strawberry!

Simple and tasteful

Well, if you want to get the maximum effect with minimal effort, you can go the simplest way. Having painted the bulbs in different colors, you can sprinkle them with dry glitter on an adhesive base, or use ready-made glitter for decoration in a tube. You can make toys both completely shiny, and alternate matte and shiny stripes.

These toys from old unnecessary light bulbs will look very impressive! Especially if their decoration is complemented with shiny rhinestones!

For freelance artists

Well, for those who confidently hold a brush in their hands, and a supply of paints at home is a must, you can paint light bulbs with wonderful patterns, turning them into real works of art.

You can use clear ornaments or a noble floral pattern, or you can hit the avant-garde - in any case, the result will be impressive.

And finally: decorate the base of the light bulb

With such decoration of lamps, the main issue will be the decoration of an ugly base that can give out headlong into New Year's toy a simple, unremarkable light bulb, moreover, also burned out. That is why, making a princess out of Cinderella, the good fairy treated the shoes in a special way, understanding perfectly well - Nice dress this is good, but ugly shoes will spoil the whole impression! This is what should be taken into account when creating Christmas decorations from light bulbs, you should not forget about the processing of the base.