The most common skin diseases of the penis. Features of eczema on the genitals in men and women

The genital fungus is very easily transmitted through sexual contact, and sometimes infection can occur with a simple handshake with a sick person or through objects common use... When the first symptoms of the disease occur, which in most cases are quite eloquent, it is necessary to consult a doctor and start timely treatment... The disease cannot be ignored, in the hope that its symptoms will go away on their own, since in such situations, without proper treatment, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes located in the genitals will only worsen.

Fungal infection is a consequence of an increase in the activity of spores of microorganisms, it can occur on any part of the body, including the genitals often serve as the place of localization of fungi. Fungi that cause human infectious diseases are pathogenic microorganisms, which are divided into three types: yeast, mold and domiformes. Mycoses developing on the human genital organ are more often caused by a yeast type of fungi. An increase in activity and the development of a fungal infection occurs due to a decrease in immunity, when the body does not have enough strength of its own to withstand its onslaught. If the fungi have entered the body, get rid of them without medical care almost impossible. If you ignore the treatment necessary in case of infection with mycosis, you can cause significant damage to health, since from advanced stages the disease suffers not only skin covering genitals, but also the general condition of the body.

Reasons for development

Mycotic lesions are considered one of the most common gynecological pathologies... The danger of infection lies in the possibility of development various diseases internal organs, not excluding vital ones. The cause of the infection is considered to be unfavorable factors leading to a weakening of the immune system. The causative agent of the fungus is capable of long time exist in the body in an inactive state and only under favorable conditions begins rapid and uncontrolled growth. The following contributes to the development of fungal infections:

  • reaching old age;
  • excess weight;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • hypothyroidism disease;
  • diabetes;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • treatment using hormonal drugs or antibiotics;
  • chronic infections.

In such conditions, the body's defenses are weakened and the fungus is able to begin its activity. Often the reasons for the development of mycosis is sexual contact with patients who have this disease.

Symptoms of the genital fungus

Fungal infections bring significant discomfort to everyday life, showing whole line unpleasant and disturbing symptoms. The most severe manifestation is fungal infection of the genitals, with the development of which patients experience the following:

  1. Feeling of severe itching in the groin area and on the skin folds the female vagina and the genital organ in men.
  2. The emergence profuse discharge similar to cottage cheese.
  3. Pain that occurs during urination.
  4. A state of weakness and loss of strength.
  5. The formation of cracks in the skin of the genital organ.
  6. Burning sensation on the mucous membrane of the genitals.

If at least some of these symptoms appear, it is best to see a doctor and get tested. Timely started treatment can relieve possible complications which can be very serious, up to and including infertility.

Symptoms in men

In men, the fungus manifests itself as following symptoms... First, a rash appears in the groin that has reddish color and accompanied by a burning sensation and severe itching... Redness with a whitish coating may also occur on the glans penis. During urination, the patient feels pain. Symptoms like these can be accompanied by a characteristic sour odor. If you find such signs, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Signs of genital fungus in women

In women, most often the fungus causes the disease with urogenital candidiasis, or thrush. When the vulva is damaged, vaginitis occurs, which causes a lot of concern, as it is accompanied by characteristic discharge, itching and burning. A woman feels soreness during intercourse, she has profuse foamy discharge, accompanied by unpleasant odor... The mucous membrane of the penis becomes sensitive and irritated upon contact with water or urine.


When mycosis is found that has affected the genitals, it is very important to start treatment faster and prevent further development illness. For this, antifungal agents intended for topical use are prescribed, such as suppositories, cream, ointment, or douching solutions. During the period of treatment, the patient must carefully adhere to the rules of personal hygiene so as not to become a source of infection for others. Usually, the entire course of treatment lasts no longer than two weeks; to eliminate discomfort, in addition to medicines, you can wash with water with the addition of baking soda, as well as with furacilin, decoctions of chamomile, wormwood, calendula, sage. With extensive lesions, suppositories and various ointments are used, as well as the drug in tablets Fluconazole. The course of treatment and its duration are determined by the doctor based on the severity of the lesion.

Diagnostic tests

If you suspect a fungus of the genital organs, it is necessary to pass tests and conduct laboratory research for availability and shape fungal infection, as a result of which further treatment will be prescribed. For diagnostics, the most latest developments in the field of medicine, which allow you to obtain complete and reliable information about the presence of pathology. The main method remains the examination of the smear under a microscope, and in some cases - microscopy of urine. For a more accurate diagnosis, gynecologists use the following techniques:

  • general collection of anamnesis;
  • visual inspection;
  • internal examination using gynecological mirrors;
  • bimanual examination.

When carrying out diagnostics, it is examined bacteriological culture discharge, without which treatment cannot be started. The study of the analysis of inoculation for dysbiosis makes it possible to identify opportunistic flora and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Additional analyzes for fungal diseases of the genital organs are studies for hepatitis, for the detection of chlamydia, HIV, microplasma and other pathologies.

Types of ointments for skin disorders of the genital organ in men

It is possible to eliminate the fungus that has affected the genitals of a man using an ointment belonging to the imidazole group in the form of Clotrimazole, Candida, Miconazole, Econazole. Antifungal ointments such as Nystatin, Pimafucin, and Sanguiritin are considered effective in the treatment of mycosis. After using the ointment, sprinkle the affected area with streptocide or dermatol.

Treatment in women

The presence of fungal infections of the genital organs in women is difficult to treat. The methods used in these cases should be complex, including systemic treatment and local funds with antifungal action. For internal use it is recommended to take Diflazon, Flucostat, Mikoflucan. As local preparations vaginal suppositories are prescribed, such as Iodoxide or Livarol. Clotritmazole cream is recognized as quite effective. After the treatment, it becomes necessary to restore normal vaginal microflora, for which drugs with lactobacilli are used. Complex vitamins are taken to increase immunity.


The drug Pimafucin belongs to a broad spectrum of drugs. It effectively eliminates the symptoms of many forms of fungal infections, disrupting the integrity of the cell membranes of microorganisms, leading to their death.

The drug is available in candles, in a cream, in tablets and in the form of an ointment. Women are encouraged to use suppositories, while men use ointment. In case of severe infection, in addition to local treatment prescribe the drug in tablet form. The tool is used up to four times a day, the duration of the general course of therapy is determined by the doctor. If after a week there is no improvement or side effects, you must stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Clotrimazole from fungus

Clotritmazole can be presented as an ointment or cream. Under the action of this remedy, the symptoms of the fungus are easily eliminated, the course of treatment usually lasts no more than a week. The preparation applied to the skin is well tolerated and does not cause allergies or irritation. A small amount of ointment significantly slows down the development of the fungus, and a sufficient dosage can completely eliminate the pathogenic process. Ointment Clotritmazol is applied to the previously treated soap or soda solution skin three times a day.


Compliance with certain dietary requirements will affect general condition organism and will greatly facilitate the treatment of a fungal infection of the genital organs. Sufficient amount vegetables and fruits will increase the defenses and will help to normalize the natural microflora. Foods containing carbohydrates should be limited, as well as try to give up fried and fatty foods. Hot spices, smoked meats, canned food, and alcohol are prohibited during treatment. In turn, share fermented milk products with a fungus, it should be increased, while the alternation of kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt should prevent the development of the resistance of the fungus to lactobacilli entering the body.

Compliance with the diet in conjunction with the treatment medicines, contributes to a more rapid suppression of fungal infection, therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations received from the doctor and not violate them.

There are quite a few diseases of the penis. Consider the main infectious and inflammatory diseases that can affect the penis.

Infectious diseases of the penis are most common, since inflammation is already a reaction to a foreign infection.

Genital herpes

The most common sexually transmitted disease is caused by a virus herpes simplex type 2... Pathology is characterized by a chronic (lifelong) course with exacerbations and periods of remission.

  • group rashes in the form of bubbles on a reddened, swollen base;
  • subjective sensations (itching, burning, pain);
  • delay in urination;
  • general manifestations of fever (in advanced cases);
  • eroded areas;
  • the appearance of brown plaques.

A complete cure for genital herpes is impossible. Acyclovir is used for local and systemic treatment.


The sexually transmitted human papillomavirus, getting into a man's body, may not appear for a long time.

HPV causes in men:

  • warts;
  • papillomas;
  • genital warts.

The penis is most commonly affected by HPV types that cause genital warts. In the photo, this venereal disease of the penis looks like grouped papular neoplasms, flesh-colored on a thin leg. With further growth, they remind cauliflower... They are easily injured and bleed.

Surgical treatment of the disease -. Additionally, drugs that increase immunity are used.


The pathology caused by treponema pale refers to venereal diseases of the penis. The disease has three periods, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms.

  1. Primary syphilis is characterized by a (painless ulcer with a smooth, lacquered red bottom) that occurs at the site of the pathogen.
  2. Secondary syphilis is characterized by the formation of a morphologically diverse rash (papules, pustules), which peels off, but does not cause subjective sensations.
  3. The tertiary period is characterized by damage to the nervous, the formation of syphilitic gum in various bodies, also various rashes.

Timely treatment completely eliminates the disease.


Pathology appears with a decrease in the body's immune forces due to excessive reproduction of conditionally pathogenic flora - fungi of the genus Candida.

Symptoms of this disease of the penis:

  • white bloom (cheesy look);
  • itching, burning;
  • areas of erosion;
  • discomfort and pain during intercourse and urination;
  • signs of inflammation (redness, swelling).

Male thrush is treated with antifungal drugs that are used topically, in severe cases - systemically.

Gonorrhea and non-gonorrheal urethritis

This group of diseases of the male penis is characterized by similar symptoms.

The causative agent of gonorrhea is gonococcus. And not gonorrheal urethritis causes:

  • Trichomonas;
  • ureaplasma;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia.

Common symptoms of penile diseases:

  • itching and burning in the area of ​​the penis;
  • pain when urinating;
  • discomfort during and after sex;
  • excretions of different nature from the urethra;
  • inflammation;
  • dysuric disorders.

To confirm the diagnosis, use laboratory methods diagnostics aimed at identifying the pathogen. Treatment is selected individually, most often after determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics.

Inflammatory diseases of the penis

Inflammatory diseases of the penis are much less common, but they cause considerable discomfort to patients.


Balanitis is a manifestation of the disease of the head of the penis, which is characterized by inflammatory processes in it.

Postitis is called inflammation of the leaves. foreskin... Separately, these pathologies are rare, therefore they are united by a single name - balanoposthitis.

These diseases of the penis arise from infection of smegma that accumulates under the sheet of the foreskin.

Symptoms of pathology:

  • subjective sensations (itching and burning, pain);
  • discomfort when opening the foreskin;
  • inflammation;
  • discharge of pus.

With a mild course, the disease is treated with strict adherence intimate hygiene and local use antiseptics. At severe forms use antibiotics.


Pathology is characterized by inflammatory process in the cavernous bodies of the penis. The cause can be any infectious disease that has spread to the genitourinary system.

Manifestations of the disease of the male member:

  • fever;
  • pain in the penis;
  • swelling, blue discoloration of the organ;
  • acute painful erection.

Cavernitis is treated with antibiotics in a hospital. In a number of cases, surgery is required.

Congenital anomalies

There are also congenital diseases, deviations that are observed in children. Most of the problems are solved with a timely visit to a doctor.

Phimosis and paraphimosis

Phimosis is a constant narrowing of the foreskin, which does not allow the head to be exposed. - pinching of the head by the foreskin (occurs when self-treatment phimosis). Pathologies are characterized by dysuric disorders and pain.

These types of diseases of the penis are treated surgically. Circumcision is performed to release the head.

Hypospadias and epispadias

Every man recognizes a photo of these diseases of the glans penis. Pathologies are congenital and are associated with a violation of the exit site of the urethra. Hypospadias - the urethra opens under the head (sometimes on the trunk or even near the perineum).

Epispadias - above the head (the true form of the disease is non-closure of the anterior wall of the urethra).

These pathologies are often combined with other developmental abnormalities. genitourinary system and are treated only surgically.

Rare member diseases

TO rare diseases can be attributed to a malignant tumor of the penis, as well as prolonged erection, causing inconvenience.


Prevention of diseases of the skin and mucous membranes of the penis

  • observance of personal hygiene;
  • choosy sex life;
  • protected sexual intercourse;
  • timely treatment of any infection;
  • regular visits to the urologist;
  • accuracy when taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs.

To prevent the appearance congenital abnormalities of the penis, certain preventive measures must be observed by a pregnant woman. In some cases, the cause of the anomalies is unknown.

Penile skin- a very vulnerable spot. Diseases of the foreskin and other areas of the dermal layer of the penis make up from 5 to 15% of all primary visits of men to a urologist or dermatovenerologist. The list of diseases is wide. All pathologies can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • infectious and inflammatory pathologies (the most numerous group);
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • pathological conditions of a dermatological profile;
  • oncological diseases;
  • viral diseases.

Only a specialist can understand such a variety of diseases.

The skin of the penis is highly vulnerable

Here are the most frequent problems with whom men turn to a specialist.

Contact dermatitis

One of the most common diseases of the skin of the penis. Contact dermatitis is an inflammatory and degenerative disease of the dermis and foreskin, resulting in irritation. During pathological process note:

  • redness of the affected area;
  • burning (intense desire to scratch the skin area);
  • in severe cases, the dermis ulcerates, areas of weeping irritation are formed.

However, despite all the discomfort, danger to life and health similar state does not represent. Contact dermatitis develops as a result of wearing uncomfortable thick underwear and constant mechanical stress on the dermal layer of the penis.

Genital herpes

It is provoked by the herpes virus of the second type. In the course of the pathological process, red spots form on the foreskin, other parts of the dermis, which, after a few days, transform into papules filled with serous fluid, dead herpes viruses and leukocytes (pus). After a few more days, ulcerative defects form in the area of ​​the penis, which itch strongly.

You can distinguish herpes from dermatitis by the nature of the rash. With herpes, they look like bubbles, moreover, over time, they capture more and more new areas of the dermal membrane. With dermatitis, the skin becomes denser, covered with red rough spots.

Genital herpes is transmitted sexually with unprotected intercourse. With untimely therapy or "sagging" immunity, papules form on the lower abdomen, buttocks, covering more and more new areas of healthy skin.

Herpes is one of the most common diseases of the skin of the penis.


Develops in the specified area a little less often. This is observed in the advanced phase of the pathological process. The penis becomes covered with reddish scaly plaques, which in the subacute stage become pale and grayish or beige in color. In this case, the surface of the spots is filled with silvery scales. Psoriasis on the penis over time captures the entire organ, individual lesions merge together, forming new foci. This is an extremely painful disease, therefore timely treatment is required.

Other forms of dermatitis

It differs from contact dermatitis only in origin. Dermatitis can be:

  • allergic;
  • infectious;
  • viral;
  • and others.

In all cases outward manifestations will be identical.


The disease is transmitted strictly sexually. More rare cases of transmission of infection by other routes. At the first stage of the course of the disease, a painless lump forms in the area of ​​the skin of the penis or glans: the so-called chancre. The dermis around the affected area can grow and become larger in size (visually due to local inflammation). After some time, the hard chancre ulcerates and becomes the gateway to infection. At the same time, all the time of the course of the disease, he does not cause the patient great inconvenience. Still after certain period of time, the hard chancre passes without a trace. The next stage of syphilitic lesions begins. Further, a massive rash begins to form on the penis in the form of painless red spots. This is a nonspecific symptom. Skin peeling on the penis is possible. In the same period, there is an increase in local lymph nodes.

If syphilis is not treated, after a few years it leads to the formation of so-called gummas on the organ. These are painful seals that, when opened, form fistulas and deep ulcers. With untimely therapy, necrosis of the penis and loss of sexual function are quite possible.


Typically, the area of ​​the penis is formed. They look like soft formations hanging on long legs, painless on palpation. Their treatment is prompt. Since tumor-like structures have a high oncogenic potential, their prompt removal is required.

Melanoma (skin cancer)

It is observed relatively rarely. Lovers of sunbathing without clothes on the beaches and in solariums are most susceptible to it. Melanoma looks like dark spot irregularly shaped, slightly rising above the skin. Again, this is a nonspecific trait, testifying in favor of a pathogenic process, but it is not known what genesis. Diagnostics is intended to put an end to the question.

Penile skin cancer is curable when diagnosed early

Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin

Looks like a lot more dark skin, with uneven edges, sometimes with ulceration.


It is possible to distinguish diseases from each other only through specific diagnostic measures. It is recommended to consult a dermatologist or dermatovenerologist. You should not be ashamed to contact venereologists - health is more valuable than false pride.

During the initial appointment, the specialist conducts an oral survey of patients, determines the nature and duration of complaints, identifies typical manifestations of the disease through a visual assessment of the anatomical structures. A number of specific studies are required:

At the discretion of the doctor, it is possible to prescribe additional studies.


Treatment is aimed at addressing the underlying cause of the disease. Can be assigned:

  • antibiotics;
  • topical anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • glucocorticosteroid ointments;
  • antiseptic drugs (like Miramistin);
  • antihistamines.

Specific groups of drugs, as well as their names, are selected by the doctor, based on the patient's condition and the type of pathological process. In exceptional cases (malignant tumors of the dermis), surgery is indicated.

Penile skin diseases are numerous. Understand them only experienced specialist according to the survey results. So the patient can count on a quick diagnosis and the appointment of adequate therapy.

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Diseases of the skin of the male genital organs have always been a sensitive subject and causing many experiences. However, men tend to let any ailments take their course, at times without even bothering to self-medicate. But such behavior is fundamentally dangerous and fraught with serious consequences, since any, even external manifestations, are a sign of ailments occurring in the body or vital organs.

Usually, diseases of the skin of the penis are manifested by a wide variety of rashes, sores, redness, blisters, itching, peeling, which in itself is a signal of the development of diseases, not only external, but also internal.

In most cases diseases of the skin of the penis indicate:

  • infectious and chronic diseases;
  • neglect of hygiene standards, which is a provoking factor for the development of skin diseases;

The most common diseases of the genital skin by the nature of the rash

Seborrheic dermatitis
- redness and slight swelling - at first, itching and erosion - for more later stages development. There are many factors provoking dermatitis: from malnutrition, before tissue allergy underwear... In addition, dermatitis can be caused by sexually transmitted infections, diseases of the internal organs. Having noticed the symptoms of genital dermatitis, be sure to see a dermatologist, not only for external getting rid of the disease, but also to exclude others, more serious ones.

Secondary syphilis
- makes itself felt a couple of months after infection. Then it begins to appear on the penis with flesh-colored spots, a rash all over the body, weakness, swollen lymph nodes, headaches. When observing signs of syphilis, an urgent need to consult a urologist to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

- chronic pigmentation disorders. It appears as white spots not onlyon the genitals, but also on any other parts of the body. It does not lend itself to any treatment and medicine is still not known the factors that provoke vitiligo.

- malignant tumor... One or several nodules are more often black, but sometimes pale pink.
Often, the manifestation of melanoma is accompanied by erosion and surface compaction. Most often, a tumor of this type is located in the scrotum or on the surface of the genital organ.

Lichen planus... This infectious disease on the skin of the genital organ makes itself felt a couple of days after infection. Then red spots are drawn on the surface, which after a day or two fade in the center, being colored more often in yellow, and the contour of the spots retain the same color, only slightly swell, become rough. Deprive suggests complex treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

Psoriasis... Clinic of psoriasis on the penis: the formation of red or pink plaques, itchy and scaly,

they can rise slightly above the surface and cause discomfort to the wearer. Psoriasis has similar symptoms to infectious diseases, therefore, requires a mandatory examination in medical conditions to confirm the diagnosis.

Diseases of the skin of the penis: the appearance of scales, peeling:

Secondary syphilis... In addition to the symptoms described above, peeling often appears with secondary syphilis.

Candidiasis or thrush... Their main symptoms: redness, itching, peeling, giving off a sharp unpleasant

smell. Erectile dysfunction, pain during intercourse may also occur. Medicine recommends treating these diseases for initial stages since the risk of male dysfunction and infertility increases.

The manifestation of signs of any of the above diseases of the skin of the penis threatens not only male function, but increases the risk of infertility and dangerous complications... Therefore, be sure to consult a urologist when you find these signs, because even outwardly harmless rashes can be a signal of more severe ailments.