What to give 8 year old. Physical education present for a sports person. What surprises would be out of place

Ecumenical choice gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

  • The 8-year-old girl is still a little girl playing with dolls. Therefore the purchase toy houses, furniture and various accessories for existing dolls- a good presentation option. Will be where the dolls live, sleep, renew their clothes. Here it is important to remove the size of the dolls in advance so as not to be mistaken with the furniture.
  • Give her soft toy - a huge rabbit, on which she can lie down and leaf through a book of fairy tales, a wonderful bear cub or a funny cat in her home collection.
  • I think your daughter will not refuse boy toys- a radio-controlled car, helicopter or ATV.
  • I have no doubt that the girl has already mastered the computer. Give a disc with the popular Sims simulator- this is very addicting game: she will be able to stylishly dress her character, create an atmosphere in the house, go on a visit, go to work. The main thing is not to save money and buy a licensed disc.
  • However, if your girl spends too much time at the computer anyway, then it is better to refrain from such a presentation. Will help distract her dance mat, and even better to give the baby ball gown and recorded in a dance studio.
  • Will she like it interactive tennis- it connects to the TV, the screen looks like a real court, and the infrared sensor instantly reacts to hits with a racket.

What to give for development?

V overall development child is extremely important period in particular in the mental. The girl should get real pleasure from games that require mental stress. Otherwise, future self-development will be difficult, which means that there is little to bring the joy of learning. It is educational games that are destined to fill the existing gap:

  • puzzles- you have an excellent selection of both paper and cardboard options, and more modern - 3D-puzzles. You can assemble a figurine from them and leave it in the form a beautiful souvenir... Practical in this regard, wooden puzzles with models of all kinds of cars and other types of vehicles, as well as architectural monuments;
  • puzzle- stand in the same row with puzzles. Here you can opt for an ordinary Rubik's cube, known to us from childhood, or decide to buy a modern Neocube;
  • board games great option funny, useful and, most importantly, spending time together... Any games are suitable: from simple bingo and dominoes, role-playing "Mafia" and ending with checkers, chess and backgammon.

Everything is like an adult

At this age, the girl is more attracted to toys made from natural materials than plastic ones:

  • if the table, then let it be small, but always wooden;
  • if the grill set is iron;
  • if the dishes are glass or porcelain.

And believe me, a portable kitchen or dressing table and other toys will not become dusty.

As for the set of dishes and cutlery, no girl will refuse them. Buy a set with Hello Kitty for her birthday - your daughter will be infinitely happy with such a gift.

The purchase of an unusual lamp with lightning or a lava lamp for the table will also cause an emotional storm. The first is a plasma ball: spectacular and mysterious. It can be used in magic games fairies and sorcerers. Such things are best presented as an addition to the main gift.

Physical education presentation for a sports person

When a girl disappears on the street, be glad that she is not at a computer or TV. The main thing is not to walk aimlessly. Present to the birthday girl:

  • bike- on spring-summer season this is the simplest and win-win idea... If the girl does not know how to ride a two-wheeled model yet, then be sure to check if the bike you are buying has retractable safety wheels;
  • rollers and skates- buy them only if you know for sure that your daughter will use them. And also keep in mind that in a year the girl's leg will grow and sport shoes will not fit;
  • kits for active games - present darts, tennis rackets.

How to please a young fashionista

All girls have one weakness: they love to spin in front of the mirror. First, they watch mom, then they start trying on her jewelry, try to use lipstick, perfume ...

  • Therefore, feel free to buy a girl stylish shoes , new Nice dress, a fashionable handbag, a children's umbrella from famous designer... Be sure to visit the costume department: they love to decorate their hair. By the way there will be different hairpins and rubber bands. All this will cost you inexpensively.
  • Satisfy your interest in cosmetics: buy shower gel, bubble bath balls, shampoos, hygienic lipstick... At the same time, keep in mind that children's cosmetics will no longer work here.
  • Also as a gift you can give suspension for cell phone, unique case with a photo of the birthday girl.
  • Give a girl certificate for new hairstyle or a creative photo session- at this age, many girls sleep and see themselves as models or actresses, so posing in front of the camera is in their blood. There will be a reason to “try on” dreams on yourself, and just admire professional shots.

Even a girl who has everything will not refuse a photo session of a professional photographer.

  • Will please your daughter set "Young perfumer" with which you can create your own scent.
  • pay attention to accessories... You can make your baby very happy with a small handbag, stylish sunglasses, a fashionable panama hat and a bright scarf.

Little girls love flowers as much as we do - this should always be remembered by dad. Be sure to complement any of your gifts to your daughter bright bouquet fresh flowers... Although you can diversify this element with a hand-made bouquet of flowers, toys, balls.

Let him do good

8-year-old girls differ from their peers - boys - more creative direction. It is a sin not to take advantage of this feature.

  1. Buy bright stationery, various paper, applique figures. If your girl is already drawing on a "professional" basis, then you can give her watercolor paints, or acrylic, sets art brushes, easel. And if the girl is only taking the first steps - buy a prepared picture - the child has to paint over and put the creation in a special frame on his own.
  2. It's probably time for a girl learn to sew and knit- availability of training kits in stores with ready-made patterns and with blanks facilitates this process. You can also offer sets with plaster mass - it must be placed in the enclosed molds, dried and painted.
  3. I never cease to wonder how many are on the shelves of stores interesting for creativity and needlework... Sometimes I want to try something myself. Isn't it great that now any kid can create their own jewelry? Present this set to your daughter.

There is no better gift book

Indeed, the book has long been considered one of the best gifts in our country. It is especially important when looking for a gift for a girl for her 8th birthday. An encyclopedia with vivid drawings and stories about space distances, the inhabitants of our planet and other books will help the baby to replenish her knowledge of the world around her.

Do you want to do real magic? Get a panoramic book - there is a whole game world in it on each spread.

I remembered with a smile my childhood years, when I was running around with my friends with a variety of questionnaires and questionnaires, when I saw modern notebooks and diaries for girls on the counter of a bookstore. Our girls also like and need them.

We instill responsibility and teach caring for our neighbors

Give your daughter pet... Animals should be in the life of a growing child, and if until now you have postponed the purchase of a puppy or a kitten, now it is just right. Having a personal pet will teach your daughter to treat animals responsibly.

Of course, this is an important decision, so before buying a pet a hundred times check all the pros and cons. It should be noted that an 8-year-old child will not be able to take care of them on their own. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to help the baby, then limit yourself to purchasing a parrot, turtle or fish. With them, the hassle is much less.

Today I was able to consider only a small part of the ideas for choosing a gift for the birthday of an 8-year-old girl. However, they are suitable not only for a birthday - it is quite appropriate to present such gifts, for example, on the New Year.

Hope you find something useful and you find and take suitable advice on a note. I will be sincerely glad of this.

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

1. A real microscope or binoculars
In many children's stores, the developmental goods department has a good choice microscopes and binoculars, which are designed specifically for children, but have serious functionality... You can also find toolkits for scouts and doctors here.

2. Great fun puzzle
For a child who loves to collect jigsaw puzzles, you can purchase a large jigsaw puzzle of 1000 or more pieces. Together you can assemble a picture, and place the result under glass, insert it into a frame and hang the resulting picture on the wall.

3. Constructor or railroad
Today in stores there is huge selection design models from various materials(these can be models of houses, cars, airplanes, helicopters, steamers, railways, etc.). You can also buy a Lego constructor, many kids love to collect them!

4. Children's board game
Today's popular board games for children help develop the thinking and outlook of the child. Do not buy a game that is too complicated, pay attention to the recommended age indicated on the package. Having figured out the rules, you can invite all the gathered guests to play.

5. Sports bike, rollers, skate, real leather ball, etc.
Active child the best gift will sporting goods associated with any sport that the child enjoys. This can be a bicycle, roller skates, a skate, a scooter, hockey or figure skates, a real leather ball, skis, a snowboard, and new sports equipment.

What to give a child? Many parents, grandparents, friends and acquaintances ask themselves such a question on the eve of a birthday, New Year or other important holiday... To make your choice correctly and your gift was appreciated, be sure to find out the interests of the child. But do it in disguise, rather than asking directly. Remember, not only the gift itself is important for the child, but also the effect of surprise. Try to surprise!

At the age of 8-10, children not only play with toys, they develop their own passions and hobbies. Someone likes to draw, someone is crazy about football, someone likes to read books. Be sure to pay attention to this! Listen to the child's conversations, children often share their dreams and desires while playing.

If you still have doubts and do not know what you can give a child for 8-10 years. Do not worry! There are a few original options, which, unambiguously, will appeal to any child.

There is a series universal gifts, which, no doubt, will appeal to both girls and boys, among them:


Designers help to develop not only fine motor skills hands, but also imagination, creativity, organizational ability and critical thinking. Give preference to only reliable and high quality trade marks... Lego is especially popular among children. According to statistics, about 1150 parts are produced every second, and more than 36 billion a year! Just imagine what volumes it is! The kits of this Danish company beat all sales records. Therefore, you can be sure that the child will like such a present.

Thanks to wide choice, choosing the right set and buying Lego is not a problem. What are Lego and how to choose? There are classic universal sets that are suitable for both a boy and a girl. There are also themed sets with specific plots and characters.

  • For boys 8-10 years old, such series are suitable as: City, Junior, Master Builder, some Technic sets, Creator, Angry Birds, Star Wars other.
  • For girls 8-10 years old - Junior, Friends, Creator, Elves, Super Hero Girls and other sets.

In addition to construction sets, there are original Lego toys, such as watches, souvenirs, figures and a keychain, which children also love.

Board games

An excellent gift for a child of 8-10 years old is a board game. The main thing is to choose the right game! The benefits of such a gift are obvious.

  • Parents will be able to have fun together family leisure, to know more friend about a friend and learn to trust.
  • The board game will not let the child get bored, for example, when he is sick and cannot actively spend time.
  • Some games can be taken with you on the road or traveling and while away the time on the road.
  • Games develop erudition, logical and strategic thinking, broaden horizons, allow you to learn something new and useful.

For boys and girls 8-10 years old, you can safely choose such popular games as UNO, Crocodile, Lotto, IQ-Twist, Monopoly, various quizzes and memo.

Boys are a special people. At this age, they are addicted computer games, like to actively spend time with friends and on their birthday or New Year dream of receiving gifts such as:

  • toy weapons;
  • interesting kits for conducting chemical experiments;
  • various sets for creativity, for example, for burning, gluing models of ships, planes;
  • bicycle, rollers, scooter or skate - for young lovers extreme (don't forget to get a helmet and protection!);
  • sets of soldiers and military equipment;
  • table football, hockey or billiards;
  • remote control car.

The child will be delighted with such gifts!

Girls at this age tend to imitate adults. Therefore, gifts such as:

  • play themed sets: a set of a hairdresser, a doctor, kitchen utensils, beauty saloon;
  • dolls: classic barbies, baby dolls, disney princess, mannequins for creating hairstyles and makeup;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • interactive toys: pets, toy tablets, unusual creatures;
  • kits for needlework and creativity: for modeling clothes, for knitting, for creating original bracelets and baubles and others.

Such gifts will surely please and will be remembered!

Childhood is a wonderful time and a carefree time. the main task adults keep it for the child as long as possible. Therefore, try to avoid "grown-up" and practical gifts. It is also not worth giving money. With the help of a presentation, every adult can give a child a fairy tale and make it happen cherished dream... And he will remember this all his life!

What to give a boy for 8 years old? Choose interesting and useful gift boy younger school age harder than his peer, despite the vast assortment of the toy world. Future man- is no longer a baby destroyer. The boy at this age turns into a creator and creator. He develops a sense of responsibility and independence, he prefers more "complex" toys and hobbies. SuperHelper will help you choose the best one depending on your preferences, character and interests. Boys are so different, and what makes one child happy can ruin the holiday for another.

We develop intelligence

Inquisitive boy 8 years old begins to take an interest in the realistic nature of things. He has many questions that need to be answered: how does a TV or computer work, how a car works inside, or why a light comes on. Such a reason and a future engineer will undoubtedly appreciate:

  • cognitive board games such as: "Monopoly", "Mafia" or "Cosmopoly";
  • sets for experiments: for a future biologist - "Underground World", for a young physicist - "", and for a chemist - "Miracle Tree";
  • a game or new educational video game;
  • chess, checkers and backgammon;
  • books and encyclopedias on geography, technology, history of discoveries, about robots and computers.

Strengthening physical strength

At the age of 8, children begin to actively attend sports schools , sections, circles and are addicted different kinds sports. The future conquerors of sports peaks are now beginning to form a sense of duty, responsibility and striving to achieve their goals. Super Helper will help these boys become real athletes and offers everything related to sports and physical development:

  • accessories: flying saucers, footballs and basketballs, tennis rackets and swimming goggles;
  • games: table tennis, championship boxing set, badminton, basketball set, billiards, darts,;
  • inventory: skis, bicycles, roller skates, skates, sports walls for children, suits, T-shirts and shoes.

And yet he is still a child!

Although a boy of 8 years old has already grown from kindergarten age and comprehends the basics of mathematics and grammar, but psychologically - he is still a child... Therefore, toys can still please the little boy. In a large assortment of toy variety on the site, you can find a gift for an 8-year-old boy for every taste and budget. Everything related:

  • with transport: radio-controlled cars, railways, boats and airplanes;
  • with construction: prefabricated aircraft and ship models, Lego constructors, transformers and robots;
  • with military affairs: binoculars, blasters and crossbows;
  • with emotions and impressions: going to the circus, horseback riding or flying in a wind tunnel.

You can give a child 8 years old a lot, relying also on hobbies: for the artist - paints and an easel; a musician - a player or a guitar; for a craftsman - a set for burning or cutting.
But there is something in common that unites all the boys! Every modern student will be delighted with technical innovations and computer gadgets. In the immense kingdom of electronics, the best fantastic gift for an 8-year-old boy will surely be found.

TOP - 250 gift ideas for a boy for 8 years can .

What to give for a birthday to an 8-year-old girl? There are many options. The specific choice depends on the preferences of the birthday girl and the donor's budget.

Choosing a gift for an 8-year-old girl: development, play and beauty

1. Book

The best gift, as has been known for a long time, is a book. If the baby loves to read, she will definitely be pleased with the colorfully illustrated edition.

For girls eight years old, for example, the following works are suitable:

  • Little Witch(O. Preysper, publishing house "Rusich", cost - 300-400 rubles. )
  • Polianne(Eleanor Porter, Two Elephants Publishing House, cost - 180-220 rubles. )
  • (Carroll Lewis, Machaon Publishing House, cost - 500-600 rubles. )

2. Lego construction set

Lego Is a construction set popular with children of both sexes and all ages. Fascinating toy develops imagination, Creative skills, fine motor skills and perseverance. At the same time, a high-quality constructor never gets boring, because with it you can come up with more and more new games. There are special series for girls - stylish and glamorous Friends and fairy-tale Elves... You will have to choose a set based on your financial capabilities - the average "Ship of Naida" from the Elves series (costs about 2500 rubles) or the big "Grand Hotel" (Friends series, average price - 9.000 rubles. ).

3. Set "Young perfumer"

Set "Young perfumer"(manufacturer - KARRAS, price - 650-750 rubles. ) Is a unique toy that will enable a young birthday girl to create own perfume... Floral notes, sophisticated French or spicy oriental flavors- the specific choice depends only on the preferences of the hero of the occasion.

4. Play-Doh PLUS Cake Factory

Game set Play-Doh PLUS Cake Factory (price - about 1,000 rubles.) - this is a high-quality soft multi-colored dough for modeling, original designs and unusual molds for creating plasticine sweets. What else can delight a young birthday girl ?! The set develops imagination and fine motor skills, providing great opportunities for story games... This is a great workout before experimenting in a real kitchen.

5. Soft toy

Soft toys still delight 8-year-old girls. Plush Friends Pose festive atmosphere and become full participants in all kinds of games. It can be a classic cozy teddy bear with a bow tie and shiny eyes, or a character from a cartoon popular among girls - for example, pony Princess Celestia(25 cm sonic horse costs about 1.500-1.700 rubles. ).

6. A set for creating bracelets from rubber bands

A set for weaving bracelets from elastic bands will allow the young princess to show designer talent. Jewelry made by yourself will become irreplaceable accessories in the image of an 8-year-old girl. The birthday girl will be happy to weave bracelets for herself and her friends, while developing fine motor skills. Suitable for birthday large sets- for example, (costs about 1.300-1.500 rubles) .

7. Torso for creating hairstyles

A dummy for creating hairstyles will delight any 8-year-old girl, because every baby has a desire for beauty and self-improvement from birth. With the included accessories you can create the most different hairstyles and set up bold experiments. 27cm torso from a proven brand Demy Girl will cost the donor about 1,500 rubles.

8. Coloring bag

Handbag for coloring, for example a model Love from the brand Diamant (the average price is about 1,000 rubles.) - this is fashionable style, comfortable strap and in general stylish accessory, which will become a very useful and functional gift. But the most important thing is that the baby will be able to color the black and white drawing decorating the model with the felt-tip pens included in the set at his own discretion. No one will have such a second handbag.

9. Album "The Book of My Stories"

Creative album "Book of my stories"(publishing house "Mann, Ivanov, Ferber", price - about 600 rubles. ) was created especially for children with a penchant for writing. The beautifully illustrated edition contains tips and advice for young authors that can give a talent a boost for further development.

10. Diary for girls

Diary for every girl(publishing house "AST", price - an average of 360 rubles. ) Is a brightly illustrated hardcover notebook, where, in addition to the events taking place in life, the birthday girl can write down her plans. After some time, the girl will be very interested in re-reading these texts and remembering everything that happened to her when she was 8-9 years old. Plus, journaling keeps your thoughts in order and helps you find the right solutions.

- the daughter of the Moth-Man Luna Milews, the heiress of the Rat King, baby Mausedes, an inhabitant of the deep sea of ​​Posi Reef: about what kind of toy the birthday girl is missing for full of happiness, it is easy to find out in a private conversation with her. Very naturalistic imitations of the characters of the popular animated series dolls cost an average of 1.600-2.800 rubles.

Interactive doll Zapf Baby born , imitating a real baby as accurately as possible, will delight the 8-year-old birthday girl. Maternal instinct is inherent in girls from birth, so a toy baby that requires care and attention will captivate the baby for a long time. The baby doll knows how to eat and drink, open and close his eyes, cry, go to the pot. In the game, the girl will learn to take care of the kids and be imbued with them special love. Price unique toy- 5.100-5.500 rubles.

13. Beautiful pajamas

Beautiful pajamas- a great gift for an 8-year-old girl. A woman should always and everywhere look perfect, and it is better if this is learned in early age... Another reason to buy stylish kit- coming into fashion in children pajama parties... In order not to miscalculate with the quality, you should pay attention to models Next- what distinguishes them stylish cut, material, pleasant to the body, comfortable cut. On average, sets of 2-3 beautiful pajamas are on the official website from 1.600 - 2.800 rubles.