Knows what men dream about. What do men dream about, what do they want? About the initiative partner

Men belong to stronger sex, they are brought up in such a way that they are decisive, courageous, self-confident, restrain their emotions, be reliable and responsible, but they are still people, and, like women, it is also hard for them, difficult, painful, insulting and want to hide from everything in the world of dreams about a better life. They also dream, although they rarely share their dreams with anyone, so as not to run into misunderstanding and ridicule.

What do men dream about?

It is common for any person to dream and fantasize, otherwise he would have continued to live in caves and hunt mammoths. And the past century has changed nothing. Men continue to dream and plunge into their fantasies, especially when things are not going well at home or they have not yet achieved their success.

Oddly enough, despite their severity and seriousness, restraint and focus on specific results, the representatives of the stronger sex love to fantasize, build castles in the air, think about desires. They need dreams in order to understand their feelings, emotions, desires, to understand what they want to get from life. This allows them to free the soul from accumulated emotions, especially experiences, disappointments, resentment, irritation, restore order and restore spent forces. In their dreams, they manifest all those desires, emotions and feelings that they have to restrain and what to keep silent about, because they were taught this way in childhood.

For them, this is a kind of beacon that sets the direction where they should move, what to strive for and how to do it best. Most often, their dreams are associated with the desire to fulfill themselves, to take their “place in the sun”, to get and possess what they like, at least with another person, at least with some object or status. They think about how to reach the peak that beckons them, what needs to be done for this, and what obstacles they will have to overcome along the way. Most of all, they want to remain always and under any circumstances on top.

It is very important for them what place they occupy in society, and to achieve what they, in their opinion, deserve. If we discard the imposed image successful man with the help of TV, film or the media, then for the most part for each of them success is something of their own. But they must be really good at this, for example: be the best farmer, locksmith, excellent doctor, teacher, military man who became a general, or an excellent special forces fighter, succeed in business and in general in what he likes. Because he understands that all professions are important and humanity cannot do without them.

It’s bad when a man is deprived of the opportunity to realize himself in the area that interests him, no matter whether it is considered successful by someone or not. Subconsciously, he understands that the concept of success is too vague, how many people, so many opinions, but under the pressure of society, parents, it’s worse if his wife, he can choose what he doesn’t like at all, what will devastate his soul, turn him into an unhappy a person who, for some reason, has to do something that he is not interested in at all, but brings money.

Of course, a man, according to his duties, must be responsible for his family, but it is not necessary to do this where it is difficult for him, therefore it is so important not to rush to get married, listen to your parents too much, but with the help of your desires, understand what you like and go this way . And then and future wife will be next to happy man and children with an accomplished father, and not with a neurotic who does not know why he lives at all.

This is what men dream about and try to realize, if self-doubt does not force them to turn onto the path that seemed better to someone. But if he doesn’t like her, let her be made of gold, she won’t bring happiness to anyone, money is money, and when the husband is unhappy, they won’t help, and they won’t make anyone in the family happy.

The stronger sex thinks about future achievements, acquisitions, the realization of some innermost desires. They want to get what they could not get in childhood. Everything they buy means something to them. With their help, they get joy, satisfaction, draw strength to move forward, strive to overcome the tasks and questions that confront them.

Someone really wants to have the coolest car, someone has a modern gadget, someone has grown out of this or he already has it, but he still strives for something. Usually, when a man understands who he is, what he likes to do, how he can achieve his own success, how much time and effort it will take, he begins to think about procreation, family and future wife.

Of course, this is ideal, someone has been married for a long time, someone managed to get a divorce, but there are also those who were in no hurry to tie the bonds of Hymen, and were busy with work, immersed in it with their heads, because a man with a healthy psyche, I want to first achieve success, self-realization, and only then does he realize that he can take responsibility for another person, and then he seeks to realize this dream.

Men. What do they dream about

  • They like a variety of things, especially those related to their hobbies. Some are so passionate about something that they dream of how to get a fishing rod, a rare book, an autographed soccer ball from their favorite football player, get to the Champions League final, the World Cup, the Olympics and see live how athletes perform, score goals, win, to feel the taste of competition, the energy of a mass of people who love sports, just like him.
  • They want to be happy, to enjoy what they love, to achieve results, to be the best in the profession, to be appreciated, admired, given their due, subdued, by how strong, courageous, confident, successful, beautiful they are.
  • They dream of love, of a woman with whom they want to start a family, have children. Yes, men also think about children at a certain point in time, they want them to have heirs, those who will continue their family.
  • They want to build a house, plant a tree, be a support for those they love.
  • Their dreams of real woman different from what women want from men, but still also include a list of qualities that his beloved should have. They want her to be faithful, economic, well-groomed, affectionate, attentive, caring, admire them, support, respect, care and love.
  • If they have a beloved, but the relationship is not the way he would like, he will dream that his wife would stop swearing, criticizing, being offended, blackmailing with sex. After all, for him, night communication, and even better morning communication, is important and is not separated from the concept of love. He does not understand why a woman forbids access to herself if she loves him, but he did something wrong. This causes anger, irritation, because what kind of love is it when they cannot enjoy each other.
  • In their dreams, they want to be men that make women bend their knees so that they are always on top, especially in the eyes of other members of the stronger sex. Because it raises their status, allows them to feel confident in a male society, the position in which is very important for them.
  • They dream of their family being a quiet and peaceful haven for them, where they can afford to relax, relieve stress, rest their souls, gain strength, lick their wounds after a particularly difficult fight for their place in the sun.
  • He wants to be able to do only what he likes, what inspires him, pleases him, gives him pleasure, and no matter how much money it brings. So that the beloved understands and accepts it.
  • But since it is impossible to feed a family without money, this often remains a dream until he manages to earn money with the help of his favorite hobby, which at first does not always bring income. When he decided to marry without success, to continue the race without having a source of income that would allow him to raise children in normal conditions, in order not to sit on the neck of his wife, he complicated his path, and then his dreams will be connected with the achievement of financial well-being.

Men in their dreams can afford everything. With their help, they relax, understand their feelings and desires in order to decide what they want. Women who want to know what the stronger sex dreams of will always be interesting, desirable and attractive for them, who doesn’t want to be next to the one who wants to understand them. And besides, it supports and helps to fulfill his innermost desires.

Everyone has erotic dreams, but not everyone dares to admit it. We jealously protect the world of our sexual fantasies even from our closest ones, maybe that's why we are so lonely. Some psychologists believe that it is in dreams that a person is truly free. One can speak of a deviation from the norm only when he does not control his dreams, but becomes their slave. I wonder what men dream about?

Erotic fantasies are useful

According to a French proverb, we dream of what we lack. Men indulge in erotic fantasies when their sex life does not satisfy them. What are they dreaming about? It depends on the life experience, the level of personality development, the wealth of imagination. Men's fantasies are very specific, situational: for example, perverted sexual intercourse with beautiful woman, sex with elements of sadism and masochism, group sex... Dreams know no boundaries.

For those who have sexual problems, dreams provide an opportunity to relieve tension, they can even be a kind of training during which you can work out certain models behavior, find a way out of any difficult situation. Imagine young man, who experiences such excitement before intimacy with a woman that it becomes the cause of his "defeat". Playing the act mentally, he can prepare for it so that later, in a state strong arousal don't lose your head. But, unfortunately, it also happens that a man who does not succeed in something, repeatedly reproduces his defeat in his imagination, not one step closer to solving the problem. Then he needs the help of a sexologist.

It should not be thought that erotic dreams are exclusively the lot of men who are sexually unsatisfied. Everyone dreams without exception. Fantasy is a factor in the development of personality, it also has cognitive significance. In addition, in thoughts you can afford more than in reality. And the dreams of men are not so strikingly different from the fantasies of women as to deserve condemnation. Men's fantasies are characterized by great detail, an abundance of "technical" details. They focus on action, not feelings. Women often imagine the situation, the atmosphere, but these can be unusually spicy pictures. The female imagination is in no way inferior to the male.

Fantasies in a couple

And here the question arises: if both sides have such a violent fantasy, why do they not dare to reveal their secret thoughts to each other? Maybe by showing more courage, talking about their desires, they could enter together into a richer world of sensations?

Yes, no doubt, but... The problem of communication between partners is not an easy task. Many find it difficult to translate their feelings into words. Everyone knows how to make love "as God told us," but they don't like to talk about it. Long years live under the same roof, sleep together, eat together, raise children and at the same time know so little about each other. A woman for many years may feel resentment against her husband because he, having received satisfaction, turns away from her and falls asleep. She can complain to a friend, but she will never admit it to him. Perhaps revealing the secret of the soul to anyone, even to a loved one, is a risky business. Complete spiritual intimacy between a man and a woman is possible only on a short time when we are so delighted, so fascinated by another person that we evaluate him uncritically. And then more serious advisers take the floor - criticism and common sense.

And again the question: does this exclude the situation when a man says to his beloved woman: “You excite me terribly, but even more when you put on black underwear”? Of course not! Such attempts should be made at least to ensure that your union remains attractive for as long as possible. Having the opportunity to do what you want, you will be able to avoid bitter mutual resentment. Even if at first the partner rejects the offer, it is possible that later he will find it attractive. Don't rush, let's get it right. Among my patients was a young couple who overcame the crisis after the husband persuaded his wife to watch a very "spicy" movie. She understood what model of eroticism her partner expects from her. Of course, the motives for her resistance are understandable. If you were brought up in the notion that sex is something obscene, then you will be ashamed to admit your desires. Women who reject an offer to enrich their sex life are often simply unsure of their attractiveness.

It happens that a man and a woman dream of a completely different things: he is about extravagant "seasonings" for marital sex, and she is about her husband being more sensitive and romantic. And if they share their secret desires, there is a chance that they will be able to satisfy each other. However, do not deviate from the "iron" rule: I will not do anything that violates my freedom and because of which I will be forced (forced) to endure suffering. Sometimes one of the partners comes to mind crazy idea, and he begins to persuade the other to carry it out. Don't open your soul. For example, do not disclose close person their fantasies of group sex or cohabitation with another. Talking about it may not hurt anyone yet, but any attempt to realize such dreams is a ticking time bomb. It is possible that your partner will suffer irreparable moral damage.

It's fantasy!

TO fortunately, erotic fantasies are not at all the same as real plans. Too many men, for example, unwittingly indulge in dreams of raping a woman. But after all, being in a situation conducive to the use of force against a woman, they do not go for it. Many perfectly sane women dream of being raped by a strong, muscular man. However, it is doubtful that they wanted to realize this fantasy. Well, if someone fell into, having learned that his partner dreams of "treason", then let him frankly answer himself if there was anything like this in his own fantasies. norms in sex intimate life- this is something very conditional, a product of culture. We adapt our behavior to them, but in the world of dreams we allow ourselves to discard them. This is the call of nature, we are not ashamed of nudity, we are not shackled by the principle of monogamy. In the world of fantasy, no one looks at us or judges us harshly.

Of course, there are people who, under the influence of their worldview, try to "amputate" part of their imagination, but this is not so simple. The imagination doesn't follow orders very well. And yet, we should remember that in our seemingly safe world of dreams, troubles can await us. Persistent, obsessive fantasies are one of the symptoms mental disorders. When we become so dependent on our imagination that the image that arises there becomes prerequisite achieving sexual satisfaction, we are in danger.

There is a confirmed pattern: a man who is satisfied with his sex life, more often sees in his dreams women who have surprisingly many features of his constant partner. Maybe this is proof that our imagination knows what it's doing. Therefore, do not try to rein him in, like a naughty schoolboy.


This article is more likely intended for notorious people, whether men or women, who are not able, being married, to indulge in the realization of their inner urges. And with regard to the inner world of sexual fantasies, right, I agree with the author, he will not go anywhere and worse than that a person who, by virtue of his social position trying to put him over significant status than his own inner world. Those who "do not agree" with the article, know that it really exists, and by rejecting it you are simply moving away from reality, it is better to accept it now so that in the future it will not suddenly hit you somewhere ... let's say) in the ass =)) What is typical, close people who read this article still won’t open and won’t do what they want ... =))

01/09/2004 17:06:31, Ruslan

May I ask the site administrator? WHO personally decides for you whether to publish this nonsense as an article or invite the author to hang it up as a regular message in the conf? Really interesting ;-)))

Sooooooo :-(

Rare nonsense, claiming to be global generalizations.

I don't understand what all these universal quantifiers mean: "everyone dreams", "everyone imagines", "everyone has it".
How can you not for a second doubt your "omniscience"?
What is the purpose of the article? What's new on the issue?

Comment on the article "What men dream about"

sexual relations Keywords: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family. Wow, that's why you need to have more than one sexual partner so that by the time of marriage you understand what you really like.

An interesting man always evokes sexual thoughts. How is he, what. It's not because you're ready to sleep. Fantasy and reality. Content Among other erotic neuroses (I won’t call them fantasies) I want so much in all possible poses I need sleep!!!


the temperament of a person. In general, do not nudite, almost everyone tries on the surrounding men like that. And with the continuation or not, this is a private matter for everyone, that is, none of your business. Free woman has the right to behave as he wants (was it before marriage?)

27.11.2017 14:38:41, Intel

So what about erotic fantasies? she asked in her normal voice. - Well, why should I fantasize when you are already lying next to me. Men have sexual fantasies - this is good, because you also have a fictional tireless Banderas.

embodiment of fantasy. Advise experienced! there is an opportunity to arrange an MZHM meeting, but I want to and prick. I am very excited by such a video, and the thought that this could happen to me, too, is very somehow discussed with a lover, not very close, sometimes ...


Apparently you don't want to...
Many sexual fantasies are actually not as exciting as they think....
Of course, you need to try it once, at least to understand it.

24.01.2012 21:11:53, 1

Thanks everyone for the responses! After the weekend, if everything goes well, I'll report back)

24.01.2012 10:59:31, and want and prick

Sexual relations: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family. We did not rush things, we needed a man who would suit both of us. In the meantime, the search process was going on, my wife received permission from me to fuck with other men...

And the dreams of men are not so strikingly different from the fantasies of women as to deserve condemnation. Talking about it may not hurt anyone yet, but any attempt to realize such dreams is a ticking time bomb.


I have wildly depraved fantasies that I don’t present to my soul mate, because I’m afraid that suddenly he will agree :)) I wouldn’t like it. It doesn't particularly bother me. Because just a riot of hormones. It seems to happen to every woman at some point in the cycle, and quickly passes.

If the half does not support any fantasies, they can always be realized with the other half. Why force a person to do what he does not want ;-)

Sexual relations: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family. For 7 years he himself was engaged in my sexual education and emancipation. And then it turns out that I was simply not ready for what happened in ...


If the husband does not want, then it is not worth trying, the desire should be mutual. Talking in bed is one thing, and when it comes to threesomes, then there can be problems, such as jealousy, etc... My wife and I tried threesomes with a man, but we were both ready and wanted this and, in general, everything turned out great. positive emotions weight. We want to meet again the three of us.

We swam - we know :-) And the conversations, oh, how they excite thoughts. We have not even reached the implementation. Apparently they talked too much. Divorced out of jealousy :-)

11/30/2006 11:16:15 AM and I'll hide

16.07.2003 20:34:49, advice from

my husband is also fond of Internet pornography, although relatively speaking its healthy part - adult aunts with big boobs. it started three years ago and I quarreled with him almost to the point of assault (on my part). result:
1. I found the strength to talk to him not in a raised voice and listen without interrupting why he likes it. The motives were quite understandable and not offensive to me. in life, by the way, he does not change me.
2. I agreed with him that the child will never see him at this activity and he will make sure that the photos are not available to the child
3. I told him that his hobby was unpleasant for me and that there should not be any views with me. From time to time this rule, unfortunately, is violated.
as a result, we hardly quarrel over pornography, he tries not to annoy me, I try not to get attached. after several lengthy conversations about why this is bad (in my opinion), he, in his words, removed the most ugly photographs from his collection. Lately as far as I know, he replaces modern photographs with photographs of the 60s, relatively modest. that is, I managed to turn something in his brain.
talk to your husband without judgment. listen to him very carefully. tell him about what you think is completely unacceptable (child porn or bestiality there). adult male violence grown woman in all variants or vice versa - a very common type of sexual fantasies, and not only in men but also in women too. Just because you don't fantasize about it doesn't mean your husband isn't normal. you need to pay attention to indirect signs:
1. passion for action movies on video and books of similar subjects
2. increased interest in crime chronicles, newspapers of this kind, etc.
3. violence in terms of tone towards you or the child
and some other little things, you yourself can notice them, or most likely there are no such little things, because your husband, judging by your story, is completely normal and is tormented by guilt in front of you, because pornography in a decent society is, in principle, not welcome, and even in your topic more. talk to him without fail, do not worry, do not imagine any horrors. he hid from you because it is very intimate and he himself does not understand whether it is bad or not. be delicate with him in this matter and he will continue to trust you even more.

07/16/2003 08:22:08 PM, Nio

Sexual fantasy. Wife and husband. I ask because I need to somehow bring a fresh stream to sex with my husband, but I don’t have any fantasies. By the way, about putting on a rubber dick, a lot of men like it., my husband is in that chilse.

We open for you the dreams of men!

  1. Good dream. They are designed in such a way that they almost always wake up with a feeling of "not getting enough sleep."
  2. Four cars (at least). Why do they need so many cars? To appear cooler and become more personable!
  3. Own apartment or better - a house. Let it be one-room, but own, not rented! Men would and away country house didn't give up!
  4. Many different alcoholic beverages. Preferably - all kinds and more! Then you can show off your collection and please your guests with an abundance of choice.
  5. Beautiful wife. The man does not want to waste time searching. He dreams that his wife finds him herself, and that she does not force her to marry him!
  6. Cancellation of menstruation (not the fault of pregnancy). They are tired of having to forget about sex once a month for a few days.
  7. The same female names. They want everyone they know to have the same name. It would make life easier for them! They wouldn't get into awkward situations!

bizarre dreams of men

  1. The tie is self-tying. They do not like to ask women to tie their tie. And they themselves rarely master this “craft” perfectly. Of course, they don't want to spend time studying.
  2. A fly that fastens on its own. And even better - all the clothes with their complete absence.
  3. Control panel for women. And men also dream of creating buttons to control them on their own!
  4. Garbage bags that take themselves out. Apparently, women too often ask their loved ones to take out the trash.
  5. The appearance of "beer" muscles instead of "beer" tummies.
  6. Slippers in the form of tanks. This dream is only suitable for a person who loves to play the famous and popular game.
  7. Allergy in women to shopping and jewelry. This dream, alas, is not feasible. But the representatives of the stronger sex really like to dream about it!

A man dreams of having this:

  1. Tablet.
  2. A twisted laptop.
  3. Modern phone.
  4. All accessories related to his favorite sports.
  5. Big wallet filled with money.
  6. Excellent workplace with the same excellent salary.
  7. Large and spacious bed.
  8. Huge TV.

Dreams for the sake of which they (boys and men) are able to go to great lengths:

  1. Conception of a child only with the participation of three women (no less!). "Males" will gladly increase the birth rate in the presence of such conditions!
  2. Luxurious harem. All of them "suffer" from polygamy. Even those who shout that they are monogamous.
  3. Unlimited and reliable Internet. Now it is already impossible to imagine a man who would do without a "virtual friend".

Why is it useful to know the dreams and desires of men?

Because the question "what to give a man?" will disappear by itself (thanks to this knowledge)! Temporarily switching to gifts:

  1. Clock. When is this gift appropriate? When you give it to someone who wears a watch and does not look at a mobile phone!
  2. Nice perfume set. It is better to choose such a thing together with the one to whom you are going to give it.
  3. Kit board games. What is the man playing? Finding out is easy! Ask or observe the person.
  4. Shoes. The best “shoe” gift is branded shoes or sneakers. Give shoes if you know the size of a person's feet!
  5. Cloth. Read about the gift above. The principle of donation is the same. With such gifts you need to be careful!
  6. Coffee maker. A jar of coffee will also wonderful gift if the "man" cannot live without such a drink as coffee!
  7. Tie. Learn how to tie this "thing" before you decide to present it to him. And then he asks to tie .... And you don't know how to do it!

These things are also suitable for gifts:

  1. Electric kettle.
  2. Travel bag.
  3. Pen.
  4. Leather diary.
  5. Tickets (to the cinema, to the circus, to the theater).
  6. A bottle of expensive cognac.
  7. Keyboard vacuum cleaner.
  8. Ball for decision making.
  9. living chair.
  10. Automug.
  11. Thermal mug.
  12. Mug with a lid.
  13. Piggy bank with a key. You can store many interesting things in it. And you can - finances (the second is more relevant).

A man, like a woman, needs best friend. The difference is that women need friends in the plural, and one person is enough for him to share news with him and consult on everything.

Intimate desires of men:

  1. Surprise. Buy, for example, superbody or erotic lingerie. Do not believe it, but the man will be happy to withdraw from you a purchase of this kind!
  2. Sex every night. It happens so rarely with them lately! Women sometimes have a headache, then they are tired of homework, then something else ....
  3. Watching lesbian sex. It really excites them! So much so that men are ashamed to admit it. Many do not admit, afraid of the reaction.
  4. Photoshoot before relationship. They like to photograph nude women.
  5. Intimate haircut. Well, men love it when women can see smooth skin in "mysterious" places!
  6. Women's initiative. A man is tired of pestering a woman! He was tired of the stereotype that the first step should be made by men. And what about women?!

Don't scold men because they love heels and stockings! Not…. Not to wear, but to watch how women wear them! And if, besides stockings and shoes, there is nothing on the woman's body .... They go crazy!

Men dream of always seeing a woman (their chosen one) in good mood. They do not tolerate female whining, because they are not used to being "vest".

They dream of their wives being fickle. You didn't think about that! "Inconstancy" should concern exclusively them appearance. Men want women to change their hairstyles, outfits, figures…. However, they understand that this will never happen. Here is one version of the answer to the question of why they cheat.

Another dream - a rain of money! Did you think that men are created in order to "roll up" finances? They also want money to appear independently, and not through labor and wages.

Men's fantasies often excite women.

After all, you want to be the most ideal object of desire for your man and show in bed that it simply cannot be better.

Many girls, knowing the fantasies of men, can win the heart of any handsome man, but still you should not experiment with the first person you meet.

It is better to choose your husband or boyfriend for this.

What do men mostly dream about?

  • road adventures;
  • filming;
  • role-playing games;
  • in men's fantasies there are extraordinary girls;
  • hard games;
  • secret watcher.

Fantasies of men about road adventures

V modern world almost every man has a car and for him it is not just a vehicle, but his whole life, so it is not surprising that many fantasies are contained in this iron box.

The most common dream for men is to drive a car with, which suddenly “hides under the steering wheel”. Such actions of women excite men, add adrenaline and risk to them.

Risky motorists also dream of manually pleasing their woman during the trip. All this happens without looking up from the movement of the car, so do not be surprised if your man asks you to undress during the trip, but seize the moment and have fun.

Man filming fantasy

Most men love with their eyes and this is the true truth, so it’s not in vain that they choose beautiful women as partners, albeit stupid women. Any man likes the bed scene with the observation of what is happening in the mirror, let alone shooting love on a video camera.

Making homemade naughty videos is coveted. Not all guys can tell their soul mate about this, so it will not be superfluous to take the initiative and fulfill the male fantasy.

In such a fantasy of men, everything looks beautiful: graceful curved bodies, smooth movements, plexus of bodies and developing female hair. But the reality is that we all do not have perfect bodies, and not all men fully accept their partner.

If you are sure that your partner loves you with all your strengths and weaknesses, then you can safely take the camera and fulfill your man's secret fantasy.

Role playing is the perfect male fantasy

Men distinguish several characters in their fantasies:

  • nurse;
  • teacher;
  • schoolgirl.

Of course, role-playing games performed by a nurse and a patient are the most common. Men, not realizing, want to obey their woman, so in this game they are your patients, and you are the main doctor.

Such dreams of men allow them to relax and be obedient, to fulfill all your instructions and enjoy you. This does not humiliate or belittle the dignity of men in any way; the image of a nurse is associated with them only with care.

You can start your fantasy with a nurse with an external examination with the help of various accessories. Next steps depend only on your imagination and modesty. All the same, you know your man better and you decide how to treat him!

Men like the image of a teacher because of the strict appearance of a woman. Stockings, strict skirt, a white blouse, and the most interesting for male fantasy are glasses. In this image, you will definitely spend time with great pleasure for a long time, especially since you yourself will like being a teacher.

To have a relationship with a young schoolgirl is the dream of every fourth man. V adolescence boys dream about relationship with mature and experienced woman, but at an older age they already want to see a small, innocent schoolgirl nearby. Such the image is suitable to the fantasies of men 25 - 30 years old. In these years, they just want to experiment, so cute girls go ahead to buy or prepare costumes for role playing.

Extraordinary girl in male fantasy

to unusual and extraordinary girls men attribute women with a large, different skin color, piercings, and so on. It seems to them that with a girl of this appearance, sex will be completely different, but this big mistake.

Men's dream of hard games

Hard fantasies come to men who hold leadership positions. Since they lead at work, at home they want to be commanded at home.

Fantasies about a strict mistress in leather boots and a corset, with a whip in her hands excite every third self-sufficient man.
Some lower ranked men prefer to dominate women and like to spank them as part of a one-time game.

Fantasy secret spectator

Many men love to spy on women. There is also a game called peep show.

Awareness of impunity and the conditions of immunity turns on and provokes to a great desire.

From here, men have a request for a partner to caress themselves in front of them and everything like that.

Drive your man crazy and fulfill his fantasy without his asking. So you can, liberate yourself and even sometimes save your marriage.

Some men's thoughts about sex are even funny. And it’s better for us not to know about others, so as not to destroy the image of a romantic and a knight, because even a knight sometimes dreams of tacos ... But curiosity turned out to be stronger than prudence. Read on and don't say later that we didn't warn you.

Forbidden Fruit: Well, I really want it!

  • "I have long wanted younger sister his girlfriend. A very sexy girl, but she is only 14! And she seems to want it too. You should have seen how she dresses and how she flirts with me! Lolita is resting. I'm going crazy, but I have to restrain myself ... However, I always want my girlfriend too. Alexey, 26
  • “I fantasize about sex with my boss. She is a typical harpy. He arrives before everyone else, stays up late, drives an Infiniti with a driver. And not that she finds fault with her subordinates, but she is very demanding and loves to teach us like little children. I often want to lift her skirt right at the meeting, tear all the buttons on her blouse, tilt it to the office table and ... And plug her mouth with a pack of printer paper so that she does not try to command me. Ruslan, 22
  • “My favorite fantasy is a sultan in a harem. Sultan - this, of course, is me - on a golden throne (or in a leather chair), and there are many beautiful naked maidens around who obediently do everything that I order - they massage my feet, dance erotic dances, bring wine and cigars, but at least crow! Not much that pops into my head. The main thing is that they do everything silently and with a gentle smile, and when it bothers me, they dutifully disappear. But how can that get boring? Cyril, 29
  • “I am a successful person, long and hopelessly married. Nose young years I am excited by the thought of submitting to a strong and powerful woman. An absurd beauty who ties me up, beats me, humiliates me, wipes her feet on me. I serve her like a faithful slave, crawl on my knees, fulfill all whims, idolize my mistress. I am the head of my family, my wife is too passive to be a mistress even in bed. Therefore, for many years it was just a fantasy, but 3 years ago such a woman appeared in my life. My Goddess. We live in different cities, we meet infrequently, but each meeting is unforgettable!” Igor, 32
  • “I have a banal fantasy: I want a Hispanic like Jennifer Lopez. Have you seen what kind of priests they all have?! There is trouble with priests in Russia, I'm telling you seriously. All are flat, there is nothing to grab onto. And I want a swarthy girl with such a round juicy ass, a thin waist and a big firm breasts. If a smart one gets caught, I’ll get married right away!” Sasha, 24

Thoughts during sex

  • “When I feel like I’m about to finish, but I want to prolong the pleasure, I think about sex with an old, fat, vicious concierge from our entrance. The problem of overexcitation is immediately solved. Anatoly, 24
  • “We have been married for 4 years and I really love my wife. But sex with her from some time on became less exciting, somehow became boring ... Therefore, in order to enhance the sensations, I often think about other women during sex, imagine them in her place. For example, her best friend». Kostya, 27
  • “I am a math student, and one day I was so fascinated by a problem that when a girl began to seduce me, I continued to solve this puzzle in my mind. The decision came exactly at the moment of orgasm! Or did the orgasm come from a decision? It was a little embarrassing when, after sex, the girl began to tell how good she was and how she loves me. I didn’t think about her at all ... Although it’s still nice. Maxim, 22
  • “I have a fad: the partner must finish at the same time as me. And when I'm ready, and she's not yet, I get angry and think to myself: “Come on, don't slow down!” But this only makes it worse. You have to relax, and then everything works out by itself. Valera, 20
  • “During sex, I think: “Oh-oh-oh! Woo! Ah-ah-ah! Cool! “Nothing smarter comes to mind.” Sergey, 30

“Let different interjections mumble - and it’s pleasant to listen, and not distracting.”

Hidden hatred of women's habits

  • “I don’t like tiger girls who scratch my back during sex. Firstly, it hurts, and secondly, it's fake. I noticed a long time ago: all these cat fights happen only the first few times, and then they disappear. It seems like the girl showed how passionate she is, and now she can relax and have fun. Why can't you just be yourself from the start? Arseniy, 3 4
  • “A couple of times I came across girls who love “dirty words” and all sorts of expressions from porn films. Maybe it turned them on, but for me, on the contrary, all desire disappeared. Well, it's funny! I still remember some of their pearls and laugh like crazy. Quote? No, no, it's indecent!" Fedor, 28
  • “Many ladies consider themselves goddesses of oral sex, but in fact they do it terribly - monotonously, ineptly and simply painfully. Ladies, be gentle! And, I beg you, no teeth!” Alexander, 31
  • “I hate two questions that I often hear at the very wrong moment: "What do you feel?" and "Do you love me?". Still, of course, the question of the century: “What are you thinking about now?”, But it is popular after sex. I just don't know what to answer, you have to think! And I'm not at all up to it. And I generally think that chatter in such important point out of place. Only comments strictly to the point. For example: "You crushed my leg." Or: "Let's try standing on our heads." And if everything is fine, it’s better to let different interjections mumble, it’s pleasant to listen to and doesn’t distract.” Stas, 24
  • “I would like to give a razor to all the women of the planet! I hate thickets in an intimate place, and generally untidy girls. If I see, for example, bitten nails, the desire immediately disappears. Edward, 26
  • “But I just hate egoists who lie and enjoy themselves, but they themselves do nothing for a partner. As if only they like being kissed and caressed, and a man should be glad that he is allowed to please such a princess. Well, I'm glad, of course ... But not for long. And for permanent relationship I prefer gentle and altruistic girls. And both in bed and outside of it. Vladislav, 27

Collected by Alisa Gavrilova