How to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education? What it takes to open a pharmacy from scratch. How to open a pharmacy from scratch: how much does it cost

A business like a pharmacy does not need a special introduction, because drug sales points are found everywhere, and are akin to grocery stores - there is always a demand for them, even without much advertising. It is enough to find appropriate place in a residential area of ​​your city and no longer need to search. but Lately the pharmacy business is subject to increased control and regulation by the state, are canceled tax incentives, insurance payments are growing, and competition with large pharmacy chains can become a serious problem. Therefore, before opening a pharmacy from scratch, it is necessary to take into account many nuances and carefully prepare, preferably by drawing up a professional business plan.

The concept of a pharmacy is too general and is divided into several types of activities: pharmacies, pharmacy stores, pharmacy points and kiosks. All this different organizations, characterized by the ability to sell certain drugs, provide various related services and a huge list of regulatory requirements, as well as material costs, so how much it costs to open a pharmacy.

What you need to open a pharmacy

  1. Premises. Since 2003, the Russian Federation has adopted a standard according to which the area of ​​a pharmacy must be at least 60 sq. m. On this area, the following premises will have to be located: production - a trading floor and a warehouse, as well as utility rooms - an office of a manager and an accountant, a staff room and a toilet. To open a pharmacy, you need to equip a warehouse for storing medicines with special devices that control air parameters, and install security and fire alarms everywhere. And another one important detail- all blocks of the pharmacy should form a single room, isolated from other organizations.

In addition, the premises for a pharmacy should be located in places of large man-flows. For example, near metro stations or supermarkets, at bus stops public transport and in shopping centers, etc. Choice good place- this is one of the most important components of the success of a pharmacy.

  1. Staff. First, all employees must have a pharmaceutical education and it will not be easy to recruit staff. The person who will manage the pharmacy is called a pharmacist and must have a special certificate of a specialist, as well as relevant work experience of at least 3 years. It is the pharmacist who is the most important member of your team, who will set prices for the assortment of your pharmacy and largely determine the success of its activities. Therefore, before opening a pharmacy from scratch, it is advisable to very carefully approach the issue of personnel selection, especially a pharmacist.

It is also worth considering creating mental community, creating favorable conditions for the work of all staff - even the cleaning lady. You can organize a system of cooperatives and incentive awards, which will certainly have a beneficial effect on the development of your business.

  1. Range. Before opening a pharmacy, you need to create a stock from scratch. For a pharmacy, it ranges from 1500 items and for a pharmacy - from 2500. Constantly expand the range of products, in particular, you can sell related products - cosmetics, dietary supplements, herbal teas, devices for diagnostics, baby food and much more. Buying inventory is quite expensive, which would represent the lion's share of the budget to open a pharmacy from scratch.

What documents are needed to open a pharmacy

To register a pharmacy, you must register a legal entity, preferably an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To choose the option with an individual entrepreneur, you need to have a pharmacist or pharmacist diploma. If you do not have such a diploma, you register an LLC and hire a manager with a pharmacist diploma. Next, you need to select the type of pharmacy (pharmacy / kiosk / pharmacy) and register with the tax office with the appropriate OKVED codes.

The most difficult stage is obtaining a license to implement pharmaceutical activities issued for 5 years. This process can take up to two months. To obtain a license and open a pharmacy from scratch, you will need to submit a set of documents established by the decree of the government of the Russian Federation No. 489 and pay a license fee (in 2011 it cost 2600 rubles).

And of course, it is required to obtain standard permits for the premises, such as an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor and SES, to issue a sanitary passport and permission to place an object. By the way, the decision to open a pharmacy is made by the local government.

How much does it cost to open a pharmacy from scratch

In a small town, it is possible to open a medium-sized pharmacy from scratch for about $ 40,000. In Moscow, for this money, you can only open a pharmacy with an area of ​​60-75 square meters. Since the process of obtaining a license is rather complicated and ornate, you can pay a special company (from $ 5000), which will take over the process of registering all permits and thus he will significantly reduce the time to prepare for the opening. In this case, the costs will be very significant and not comparable to that or a similar small business, it is worth thinking twice about the feasibility of a pharmacy.

Despite the fact that the mark-up on the cost of drugs is very high (25-45%), the average return on sales is only 10%. It looks not very attractive for small single pharmacies, but the real money well is in the creation of a pharmacy network, the turnover of which can reach 250-450 million rubles per year.


    • You need a higher farm. education, a valid certificate of a specialist and 5 years of work experience. However, you can hire a person to manage your pharmacy with the appropriate education.

  1. I have a pharmacist education (graduated in 2007 g, but experience I don’t have at all), I want to open a pharmacy in a small town. Are there any chances?

If you are thinking about how to open a pharmacy, you need to know the many nuances of this case. Below we give detailed instructions actions: from the preparation of documents to the purchase of equipment and medicines.

In the material, we answer the questions:

  • How to open a pharmacy store from scratch, how to prepare documents, choose equipment;
  • Is it possible to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education, how then to register a company;
  • How much does it cost to open a pharmacy and how much profit it brings.

Types of pharmacies

Everything pharmacies in Russia are divided into three types: a pharmacy, a pharmacy kiosk and a point. You can read in detail the list of requirements and features of each type of work in the order of the Ministry of Health on the types of pharmacy organizations. Institutions different types differ in the main list of drugs approved for sale. For example, prescription drugs are only allowed to be sold in pharmacies. Also, in small points you cannot buy poisonous and narcotic substances.

An important nuance- before you open a pharmacy from scratch, you will have to start directly from pharmacy organization wide profile. Kiosks and points are a kind of structural divisions that should belong to a pharmacy store. In practice, small kiosks pay off faster. But they can be created only after the organization of the pharmacy.

Another classification of pharmacies - according to the type of permitted functions:

  1. Only selling drugs;
  2. Manufacturing pharmacy - manufacturing medicines;
  3. Manufacturing aseptic preparations.

Price policy

Pricing depends in part on the location of the store. It is advantageous to locate one of the three types institutions listed below.

Discounter. An institution with a limited assortment of the most popular drugs and low prices.

It makes sense to place in busy residential areas, near roads, metro stations and stops - where there are many people every day.

An establishment with an average assortment and related hygiene and cosmetic products. The most common type, it is equally well suited for the central areas of the city, and for sleeping.

Large organizations with more than 7 thousand items and a large selection of related products. In such an establishment, vacation is carried out through several counters, open display of products is allowed. This increases sales by 20-30%. This should be located in the center of the city, so that it is convenient for buyers to get there in search of rare medicines. Most of the clients are central hospital patients, numerous passers-by.

To open a pharmacy in a rural area, you should focus on big choice drugs (often there are only one or two such establishments in the village) and low prices. There is little competition here, you should be located in the busiest places.

You cannot make a big mark-up on medicines, the norms admissible by the state are 10-40%.

Who can open a pharmacy

The pharmacy business implies the presence of higher (HPE) or secondary medical education (in the field of pharmaceuticals), not only from the pharmacist and sellers, but also from the manager. A medical education of another profile is suitable if the employee has additional education allowing you to work in medical aid points and distribute medicinal substances retail. In this case, the head of the company must have work experience of three to five years. In the presence of malware, it is enough three years, secondary education requires five years of experience.

What if you find suitable workers, but you yourself are not in the medical field? Is it possible to open a pharmacy without education? In this case, it is worth hiring a specialist who meets all the requirements, who will take on the responsibilities of managing the company in accordance with the employment contract.

Business registration

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to open a pharmacy and prepare documents correctly.

We register a business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. For a large company planning to grow into a network, LLC is better suited... This status gives more opportunities when purchasing goods, concluding contracts, and increases the level of confidence in the company. Matching codes OKVED: 52.31- "Retail trade in pharmaceutical products", 52.12 - "Other retail trade in non-specialized stores", and 52.32 - "Retail trade in medical goods and orthopedic products" and 52.33 - "Retail trade in cosmetic and perfumery products."

In addition, what other documents are needed to open a pharmacy:

  • Company charter;
  • Certificate of registration with the tax office (receipt of TIN and KPP);
  • Document from Rospotrebnadzor on compliance with sanitary standards and permission from Rospotrebnadzor. Before that, you will need to prepare the retail space for inspections (the corresponding order of the Ministry of Health - "On the sanitary regime of pharmacies");
  • Copies of certificates of education from staff, health books;
  • Production control program (you can order the development in a special company).

The most difficult thing is to get the conclusion of the SES... In addition to arranging the premises in accordance with all the conditions, such contracts will be required: for disinfection and disinsection, disposal of waste containing mercury, garbage disposal, dry cleaning of employees' overalls, regular medical examinations for employees, cleaning of the ventilation system.

How to get a license

To open a pharmacy kiosk from scratch, in parallel with the search for premises, you need to obtain a pharmaceutical license for your activities from the Ministry of Health. The cost of the license itself (state duty) is about $ 100, and the services of private firms for its registration - about $ 1300.

What a pharmacy must provide for a license:

  1. A specialist certificate is required from the head of the institution;
  2. Photocopies of medical certificates from all employees except the cleaning lady. Workers need labor and health records;
  3. Conclusions of the SES and fire supervision;
  4. Legal entity registration certificate;
  5. A document on the lease of premises for a store;
  6. BTI plan;
  7. Certificates for purchased equipment.

The entire list of permits and certificates is given in the order of the government of the Russian Federation No. 489... The license is issued for five years, then it will have to be renewed.

Features of the location of the pharmacy

Ideal places where you can open a pharmacy are buildings on the first line (near roads and highways). The institution should be located in a detached or residential building. It is more profitable to locate points and kiosks on the territory of hospitals and clinics, in large supermarkets. This will create a good demand for the most popular drugs among the flow of "casual" visitors: those who passed by, and did not intend to visit you on purpose.

When opening an institution in the city center, it is important to maintain an adequate price level due to the high competition. In a residential area, it is allowed to raise prices slightly higher than those of competitors. Regular customers living nearby, for the sake of convenience, will in any case visit the same establishment.

Pharmacy store area

According to government standards, the minimum pharmacy area is 65-70 square meters. There is enough space for a kiosk and a point with an area of ​​15-20 sq. m. In our calculations, we focus on an institution with an area of ​​65 sq. m. m in a residential area. Renting the premises will cost about $ 600 per month. Repair and preparation for inspections and the launch of sales - in the region of $ 2000.

Features of the preparation of the premises

You can get acquainted with the list of requirements in the Industry Standard developed by the government of the Russian Federation. What do you need to open a pharmacy?

  • In the building, in addition to the retail space, a wardrobe, a service bathroom and a shower should be placed;
  • Ancillary areas are required: for rest and lunch, reception, unpacking, sorting and storage of medicinal substances;
  • Equipping with fire, light and sound, burglar alarms;
  • Availability of electricity, cold and hot water, heating, sewerage, ventilation;
  • In the room where the medicines will be located, devices are needed that record air parameters (mainly temperature and humidity);
  • Floor covering - linoleum, ceramic tiles. The floor must be insulated;
  • Ceilings and walls are covered with materials suitable for constant wet cleaning with special disinfectant solutions. High light reflectance is also important for walls.

Equipment and furniture

You should open a small retail outlet with the following set of equipment:

  1. Open shelving for medicines (7-8 pcs.), closed glass showcases (3-4 pcs.), counter - $ 800. Good and inexpensive manufacturers: Fabrik Art, Leomebel;
  2. Closed wardrobes for storing medicines (5-6 pcs.) - $ 550. Diakoms, Doctor Furniture, Uzumcu, Alvi, Vernipoll;
  3. Pharmaceutical freezers with a glass door for storing ordinary drugs (2 pcs.) - $ 1100-1200. Pozis, Enisey, AKG, Sanyo;
  4. Medical freezer- 600-700 $. Posis, VTS;
  5. Safe thermostat for the storage of psychotropic and drugs(class of resistance to burglary - the third) - $ 2000. Labex, Valberg;
  6. A computer- $ 500. Lenovo, Asus;
  7. Office furniture for utility rooms (table, chairs) - $ 300. Stoross, Felix, Prism;
  8. Cash machine- $ 150-250. Orion, Mercury, Elves-MK;
  9. Electronic accounting software – 1500 $.

This is the minimum set of what you need to open a pharmacy. The total cost of the equipment is about 8 thousand dollars.

Purchase of goods for sale

To get a good profit, you need to purchase from 2500-3000 products. Each medicine is required in an amount of at least 50 pieces. In addition, in the trading floor, place related products ( wet wipes, contraceptives, creams, shampoos, baby food, diapers, herbal teas, dietary supplements, etc.) The initial purchase of products will require an investment of $ 20,000.


You need to hire four people. This is a manager-pharmacist, two salesmen (for work in shifts), a cleaning lady. Accounting is outsourced. The most important figure is the pharmacist. This is an employee who forms the assortment of the store and controls the quality of work. The salary fund (together with the services of an accountant) will amount to $ 2500-3000 monthly.

Costs and Benefits

So, how much money does it take to open a pharmacy? Capital costs consist of the following items:

  • Registration, preparation of certificates and permits - approximately $ 1700-1900;
  • Payment of rent for three months in advance, repair and decoration - up to $ 4000;
  • Purchase of furniture, equipment and medicines - $ 28,000;
  • Production of signs and signs - $ 150-200.

You will need to invest $ 34,000 in the business. Monthly expenses are in the region of $ 5500. Monthly revenue - $ 7000-9000. Net profit - $ 1500-3500. By expanding the assortment and gaining popularity among regular visitors, the level of profit can be significantly increased.

Is it profitable to open a pharmacy?

Such a store offers highly sought-after products, but faces serious competition. Store maintenance is expensive. The most profitable thing is to additionally organize pharmacy points and kiosks during the first two years of work. They bring more profit for less investment. A small network of 2-3 institutions, after payback, will be able to generate income from $ 10,000 per month "net".

Another option is under the name of the promoted network. It is easier in terms of business organization, but less profitable. than creating it yourself from scratch.

In how to open your pharmacy from scratch, the greatest difficulty is the registration of permits and compliance with the high requirements of the state for premises and employees. Independence from the season, consistently good demand and opportunities for scaling make this business a profitable and long-term project.

The idea of ​​opening a pharmacy is not new in itself, as the demand for medicines remains stable from year to year. It would seem that here it is - Goldmine: you just need to sell goods that almost no one can do without. But will they buy from you? Is this a profitable business? Should you be wary of networkers? Read about this and what it takes to open a pharmacy from scratch in our article.

Opening a pharmacy from scratch: where to start

First you need to answer the question: do you have a pharmaceutical education? It is the answer to it that is the beginning, or rather has a direct bearing on the registration form. If the answer is yes, you can open an IP. As you know, this is the simplest form - this is important if there is no business experience yet.

If there is no corresponding education, then you will have to open an LLC or another type legal entity... This option requires more financial investments than an individual entrepreneur. This is regulated by the normative act "On the approval of the types of pharmacy organizations."

Sell medicines only a person with a pharmacist education and work experience in this area of ​​three years or more is eligible.

In connection with what drugs are sold, they are distinguished:

  • pharmacy of finished medicinal products;
  • Pharmacy;
  • pharmacy kiosk / shop.

How do they differ from each other? Each subsequent type has less authority than the previous one.

Functions common to all types:

  • selling drugs without a prescription;
  • sale in original packaging: medicinal plants, related products and personal hygiene products;
  • rendering the first honey. help.

The first two types can also sell prescription drugs. At the same time, psychotropic substances cannot be sold at the pharmacy.

photo from the site

There are also industrial pharmacies, that is, not only selling, but also manufacturing pharmaceutical products. But it is hardly worth starting such a company for a beginner entrepreneur (especially if there is no appropriate education).

This niche is occupied by large companies that have more human and financial resources. Therefore, it is better to choose the first option: if you decide to expand, the pharmacy will become the main office with a number of controlled branches.

How to open a pharmacy from scratch: paperwork

What documents are needed to open a pharmacy? The list is quite long. You can get acquainted with it in the "Regulations on the licensing of pharmacological activities". However, it must be said about the main papers that need to be processed.

You will need to get:

  • San. passport and permission to operate the premises as a pharmacy.
  • Pharmaceutical retail license.
  • Fire department permission.

The registration will take at least two months.

What you need to open a pharmacy: choosing a location and premises

The main task of a pharmacy as a business is to make a profit. For this, it is necessary that the place of trade is correctly chosen, and the premises meet all the requirements.

A place

At first glance, the location in a shopping center or city center seems ideal. After all, a huge number of people pass there every day. However, it is not. How many people purposefully go to buy medicines in the shopping center? IN best case running for aspirin.

And there are already so many pharmacies in the city center. And, often, well-known brands. To attract buyers, they can afford to lower prices. And the name that is heard, willy-nilly, inspires confidence and pops up in memory.

For a beginner entrepreneur the best choice- dormitory area. The fewer drug outlets in the area, the more people will come to you. Another bonus of this location is the ability to set prices that are not too high, but acceptable for you. After all, you do not have to chase competitors - they simply do not exist.

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There are a number of requirements for it that must be met. This will allow you to quickly and easily obtain permits.

List of requirements:

  • area - at least 80 m²;
  • sales area - ⅔ premises;
  • utility room;
  • place for employees.

A utility room is necessary for receiving, unpacking and storing goods. In addition to the standard requirements for almost any room (ventilation, sanitary facilities, power supply), there are also additional ones.

The pharmacy must be installed:

  • Air control sensors - in the place where drugs are stored.
  • Fire protection system.
  • Security and light and sound alarm.

It is better for a novice businessman not to buy, but to rent a room. To do this, you need to conclude a contract for a year - with a fixed monthly rent.


Regardless of whether you decide to buy or rent a space, it still needs to be properly equipped. This is both repair and purchase of equipment.

The room needs to be equipped with:

  • Furniture: closed cabinets, shelves, counters, etc.
  • Refrigerators and safes for storing a certain group of drugs.
  • Cash registers, computers.

The total cost of equipment and furniture will be 300-470 thousand rubles.

You should pay attention to the choice of materials for repair. The pharmacy is regularly cleaned with disinfectants. Therefore, it is better to choose high-quality paint for the walls, and tiles for the floor.

The purchase of materials and the repair itself should also be included in the business plan for opening a pharmacy: this will require at least another 200 thousand rubles.

What you need to know to open a pharmacy

To give a complete answer to the question “how much money does it take to open a pharmacy?”, You need to choose the form of trade organization and familiarize yourself with the personnel requirements.

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Form of organization

Today there are two forms: closed and open. In the first case, the preparations lie behind the glass windows and only pharmacists have access to them. In the second, the goods are arranged according to the principle of a supermarket: everyone fits and independently takes the right thing... Which form is the best?

Open, according to research, increases sales by 20-30%. But this only works in those parts of the city where at least 10 thousand people pass every day.

Closed- the most reliable and secure. You should choose it for those who decided to open a pharmacy in a residential area. In this case, there will be no risk of theft of drugs from the seller under the nose.

Requirements for pharmacists

The main ones are pharmaceutical education and work experience of at least three years. As mentioned above, these requirements apply to a businessman. Subject to these conditions, you can manage the pharmacy yourself.

Otherwise, a pharmacist with at least five years of experience must be hired as a manager. It will also be necessary to hire at least one pharmacist (others may be needed in the future), as well as a cleaning lady.

A pharmacist education is required for all employees working with the storage, reception, sale and disposal of medicinal products.

It is advisable that your pharmacists are not only educated but also friendly. After all, half of people come to the pharmacy without knowing exactly what they need.

This requires the ability to:

  • Competently answer questions from the category "I need, well, that ... do you have?".
  • Give advice while keeping calm Buddhist monk.
  • Smile wider than the agents of networked cosmetics companies.

People will come to such a seller more often, which means you can earn more.

The idea of ​​opening a pharmacy for a franchise: pros and cons

A franchise is a collaboration of a well-known company (in this case it is a large pharmacy chain) with an aspiring entrepreneur. The network grants the right to use its brand and business models, and the businessman pays money for this. This collaboration has its pros and cons.


  • Minimum advertising costs - after all, the brand is already known.
  • Help " big brother»In promotion.
  • Favorable prices - both for the seller and for the buyers.
  • Reliable suppliers.
  • Assistance in obtaining a license.

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  • The high cost of the franchise. Famous brand it is not cheap, and cooperation with little-known is not worth the cost.
  • The premises, equipment and personnel must be selected independently, but in accordance with the contract.
  • The return on recoupment is in about a year (as when opening a pharmacy without franchising).

Whether to conclude a franchise agreement is up to you. To unequivocally answer this question, soberly assess your knowledge, experience and financial capabilities.

How to open an online pharmacy from scratch

With the development of online commerce, more and more more companies from different business segments "move" (partially or completely) to virtual space... The pharmaceutical business is no exception.

A number of requirements are common for both a regular pharmacy and its online form. They relate to the education of a businessman and employees, registration of a company, equipping storage facilities for drugs.

How to open an online pharmacy - step by step instructions:

  1. Business registration and obtaining documentation.
  2. Renting and equipping warehouses for medicines.
  3. Website creation.
  4. Supplier search.
  5. Assortment formation.
  6. Organization of delivery and consultation by phone.

Unlike a regular drug store, the trading floor of an online pharmacy is a website. You can create it yourself (if you have knowledge and skills) or order it.

A pharmacist is needed to advise buyers: he will answer questions and give advice. You will hardly have enough time to do this on your own. Therefore, it is better to hire a professional.

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When creating a website, it is better to focus on a specific settlement or several areas of the city. So it will be easier for you to promote the site, and subsequently to form an assortment: in the Northern region there is a great demand for enemas and aspirin, in the Southern region - for thermometers and analgin.

To deliver goods to customers, you will need your own vehicle. It must be specially equipped for transporting and storing medicines.

Is it profitable to open a pharmacy

it main question asked by aspiring business women. The profitability of this type of activity in our country is relatively low - 10%. But if you are persistent and active, you can profit from this activity.

It is impossible to say exactly how beneficial it will be in each specific case. After all, you need to take into account whole line factors.

These include:

  • location of the outlet;
  • the size of the settlement / area;
  • presence / absence of competitors in the district;
  • the amount of the rent;
  • selection of suppliers, and hence purchase prices.

It is important to know that only pharmacy chains... If you are willing to work hard to expand your business to the network, then your income will increase significantly. Otherwise, the pharmacy will be a source of, if not a large, but constant income for you.

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One more question can be added to the question of benefits - how much does it cost to open a pharmacy from scratch? The approximate cost is about 2 million rubles. To answer more accurately, you need to take into account many of the factors mentioned above.

Opening a pharmacy from scratch: pitfalls

Scroll medical supplies and related products produced by pharmaceutical companies are quite large. How to choose from all this variety of products and suppliers? And what pitfalls can be found in the procurement process?

It is difficult for a pharmacy that is not part of a network to rely on favorable prices from suppliers. To get a good discount, you can join a purchasing cooperative with the same “singles”.

You need to be careful with the assortment. Do not repeat the mistakes of would-be businessmen who bought expensive products that there was no one to buy. If the pharmacy is located in a residential area (ordinary, not elite), you hardly need to purchase liters of exclusive mineral water and anti-aging creams at 1000 rubles per gram.

photo from the site

The main products of the pharmacy are medicines. In this case, there must be related products. Depending on the specific type, the margin on them can be up to 40 percent. Post them in the most visible place so that their implementation will increase the level of profit.


Weigh the pros and cons before starting your own business in this area. A pharmacy business plan with calculations will give an accurate answer to the question of the cost of opening it. If you have the appropriate education and desire to have a stable income, then you can most likely open your own pharmacy.

The pharmacy business is one of the most profitable areas of business development.

It is second only to the business related to the sale of food, alcohol and tobacco.

People visit grocery stores and pharmacies all the time.

If the consumption of food provides us with an influx vitality then the goods purchased at the pharmacy can save our lives.

Every year the turnover in pharmacies is growing. This is due not only to the poor health of the population, but also to the constant advertising policy, which insists that we cannot live without some kind of dietary supplements, without a certain set of vitamins, etc.

Therefore, a pharmacy is a great way to organize your business. The main thing is to know a number of features of this business. What do you need to open a pharmacy? The article will cover possible ways organization of the sale of medicines and provided approximate calculations.

Features of the pharmacy business

First you need to decide on the type and format of the pharmacy.

These can be standard pharmacy kiosks, small pharmacy points or pharmacy supermarkets.

Sometimes entrepreneurs make mistakes in choosing the type and format of a pharmacy, and the influx of customers and profits depend on this. Let's figure it out!


There are four main formats: premium, family, local and medical pharmacy.

  1. Premium the pharmacy is located in the city center, it is characterized by the presence in the assortment of not only popular medicines and goods for the family. Here you can also find unique and expensive products that are made by premium manufacturers. It is taken into account that the buyers will be wealthy clients working in the area, therefore, the prices in such pharmacies are higher. This is due not only to the possibility of earning a high income, but also to the prices for renting premises.
  2. Family pharmacy is the most common pharmacy format. In such a pharmacy, you can find the most popular products and medicines that will suit everyone. However, the availability of unique drugs that are necessary in special cases are very rare.
  3. Hospital or medical the pharmacy is located in or near the hospital. In such a pharmacy, you can find unique medicines that can only be obtained by prescription. Depending on the location of the pharmacy in relation to the hospital, the range may vary.
  4. Territorial or local pharmacy located in sleeping areas, has a standard set of medicines and essential medicines. The main buyers are people living in houses adjacent to the pharmacy.

Now you can choose the right pharmacy format depending on the part of the city.

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You also need to determine the type of pharmacy.

Traditional New type
  • Pharmacy.
  • Pharmacy.
  • Pharmacy booth.
  • Pharmmarket.
  • Delivery of medicines: self-delivery, online pharmacy.

The new type of pharmacies is distinguished by the presence of not only a counter with medicines, but also the presence of open shelves with products. According to recent estimates, margins at these pharmacies could be up to 40% higher than others, and sales could increase by up to 30%.

Such indicators can be achieved provided that the pharmacy is located in a crowded place and the traffic of people per day reaches up to 10 thousand people. But, despite this, open shelves with goods are beneficial and even with a low level of attendance, the profit is higher than in a regular pharmacy.

Standard pharmacy format with display cases for cosmetics and baby food

This is due to the fact that people can independently read the instructions for a medicine, medical device, etc., consult with the seller and make a purchase. Most people prefer to choose a product calmly, rather than talking to the seller about the quality of the product, knowing that there is a line of angry buyers behind them.

This type of pharmacy is the most common in European countries and in the USA. In our country, this type of sales is just developing, do not miss the opportunity to break into the leaders.

It is better to open a pharmacy in September, since autumn and winter period are the most profitable for making a profit, and summer is a time of losses.

How to open an online pharmacy

One of the ways to sell your products is an online store.

Everyone has their own benefits: entrepreneurs do not spend money on renting premises, paying utility bills and wages, and buyers can freely make purchases, sitting on the couch, and then receive the goods by delivery.

When organizing an Internet pharmacy, you should create a website where all medicines will be presented. Great idea will be the implementation of round-the-clock online consulting.

This option for selling medicines is quite profitable. But you still need to think about the representation in the city, since not everything can be ordered via the Internet and wait one or two days for delivery.

How to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education

Availability medical education is a big plus, but its absence is not critical. You can hire good specialist who would understand the range of products, could check the quality of goods, etc.

At this time, you will be able to deal with the economic side of business development: find new suppliers, conclude deals, carry out organizational activities and calculate indicators.

A5 network pharmacy

Another way to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education is to open a franchise pharmacy. This is a great way to start your business. The franchisor company will assist you in organizing your business, and you will receive a complete set of development instructions.

How to open a pharmacy: step by step instructions

So you've decided to open a pharmacy - where to start? Having decided on the type and format of the pharmacy, you need to take the first step in organizing your business - register a company. After that, you need to obtain a license for your activity, in this case, the sale of medicines.

This process takes a long time, so do not delay and immediately go to receive this document. In parallel with this, engage in the search for premises, suppliers and purchase of assortment.


To obtain a license for the right to carry out pharmaceutical activities, the following documents must be submitted to the licensing authority:

  • A statement indicating the basic data of the company ( legal form, legal address of the company, etc.) and also indicate the list of works that you intend to carry out.
  • Copies of constituent documents.
  • Proof of payment of the license fee.
  • Copies of documents confirming the availability of pharmaceutical education workers, etc.

You will also need to obtain a lease agreement, go through all the authorities and obtain permits to open a pharmacy.


The pharmacy premises can have a different area (the given figures are averaged):

  • Pharmmarket - 100 m 2.
  • Pharmacy (standard store) - 50m 2.
  • Pharmacy (located in medical institutions) - not less than 18 m 2.
  • Pharmacy kiosk (created at enterprises, or organized as a point of sale of medicines without a doctor's prescription) - at least 8 m 2.

It all depends on your financial capabilities. Premises rent is from 30% to 50% of the total cost.

Depending on the format of the pharmacy, the rental price depends: for a premium pharmacy square meter lease can reach 1000 dollars (it all depends on the city), but when you open a small territorial pharmacy, these figures can be up to 300 dollars per square meter.

It should be borne in mind that the rented area should consist of both trading floor, and from the rooms for the staff and a small warehouse. Ideal ratio sales area to other rooms is 80% to 20%.

Now let's talk about location. This key factor has a huge impact on your bottom line.

The best place to open a pharmacy is in places with a large crowd of people: a transport stop, shopping centers or markets.

The territory of the hospital is also well suited, but, unfortunately, such places have long been bought out, and it is rather difficult to open a pharmacy on the territory of the hospital.

Buying premises is an expensive procedure. Better to sign a lease for five years. This is the optimal period for the development of an enterprise selling pharmaceuticals.

The room must have a temperature and humidity sensor, as well as security and fire alarms.


In this area, you cannot hire people who do not have a professional education.

Sellers are responsible for the sale of medicines and their mistake can be fatal.

When selecting personnel, make sure of the qualifications of employees. If people with no experience come to work, then there must be a senior salesperson in the pharmacy who will be able to suggest something to young specialists.


The assortment depends on the form of the pharmacy. But it is best to make a bias towards the standard set of medicines, which is typical of family pharmacies. If the pharmacy sells cosmetics- it will only be a plus. It is women who make up the majority of buyers. Do not forget about specialized departments.

The main problem of small pharmacies is the constant control over the availability of goods. If there are more than 5 thousand items in a pharmacy, it is impossible to keep everything in your head and you need to install special programs to keep track of them.

Business plan

The business plan is the main document, which will display not only the goals and mission of the enterprise, but also the calculations regarding its development.

You must indicate real situation things: how many assets you own, what your competitors are, your initial costs and the strategic development of the company.

Based on these indicators, the bank and investment companies will be able to give you the missing amount of money for development.


As with any type of business, the sale of pharmaceutical products has its own risks.

The risks in the pharmaceutical business are associated with:

  • State regulation of this sector (restrictive acts or changes in the legislative framework).
  • A change in the dollar exchange rate, which entails an increase in product prices.
  • The emergence of new competing firms.
  • A ban on the import of any products.
  • Change in taxation (most often associated with imported products).

All of this can affect the development of your business, but not always significantly.

Approximate calculations

This section will provide approximate calculations for opening a small family-size pharmacy.

So, how much does it cost to open a pharmacy from scratch:

  • Rent - from $ 4,000.
  • Repairs - from 15,000 dollars.
  • Equipment - from $ 2,000.
  • Software - from $ 2,000.
  • Additional costs - from $ 3,000.
  • Outdoor signs and advertisements - from $ 5,000.

The total amount is $ 31,000. It did not take into account the costs of purchasing products, purchasing computers and various furniture. It can only be assumed that the initial investment may be about $ 60,000.

The payback period for a pharmacy is on average 2-3 years, but if the pharmacy is well located and there are no obvious competitors, the first profit can be made in a year. On average, drug mark-ups are up to 30%. Taking into account expenses, you can get up to 10% profit from the total revenue per month, and this is a very decent indicator.

Considering all the features of this area, you can easily earn your first million.

If you don’t have enough money to open a retail outlet, you can choose such an option as a thrift store, because in this case you do not need to invest in a product. and useful tips, read on.

You will find step-by-step instructions on how to open a beer store in the article.