What is the best peeling. Types of peels: what are they and how to choose the best one? Selection of the type of peeling taking into account age, skin type and existing problems

The word "peeling" comes from English expression"To peel", which means "to peel the skin". This procedure was first used in Ancient egypt: balms, oils and acids were used to carry out what is now called "chemical peeling".

In Ancient Rome and Greece, lemon and grape juice, wine and wine acid, spoiled milk, they later came to Europe. In Asia, the procedure appeared in the Middle Ages and quickly became the most popular cosmetic method for maintaining the beauty of the skin.

According to the depth of impact, peeling is divided into several types:

Peeling result

The result of using peeling of any kind is approximately the same, the main difference is in the depth of penetration:

Home options

Among dozens of peeling recipes that can be done at home, especially the peeling from coffee grounds and soda. Thanks to small particles, they perfectly cleanse the skin and help fight unevenness, dull color faces and clogged pores... Both are superficial peels. Also, reviews recommend using coffee peeling for body.

Among the chemical especially note peeling from a mixture of herbs, aspirin tablets or Hilak Forte. You can find ready-made chemical peels in stores that contain safe amounts of acids. During use, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Popular salon peels

Salon p face ling is divided into several types according to the materials used. Each type has its own characteristics and can be suggested by a beautician depending on the problems. To obtain an optimal result, it is necessary to conduct a course of several procedures.

Chemical peeling

One of the most popular peels is chemical: acid burns in a controlled manner that destroys upper layer skin. This allows you to completely renew the epidermis, getting rid of many problems. The procedure is not recommended for dry or excessive sensitive skin.

Depending on the acid used and its concentration it suits almost everyone. Surface peels include lactic (35-70%), glycolic (25-70%), salicylic (15%), almond (30-50%), pyruvic (25-50%), Jessner peeling (a mixture of salicylic and lactic acid with resorcinol). Phenolic (25-35%), salicylic (30%), retinoic (5%), trichloroacetic (10-40%) have a median effect.

Chemical peels can also be done at home., but its concentration should be several times less so that there is no side effects or burns due to misuse.

The process itself is the same in both cases: a mixture is applied to the cleansed skin for a few minutes, which is then removed with a solvent and a large number cold water.

Separately worth noting mesopilling... It is carried out using glycolic acid (1%) and has practically no contraindications, redness and peeling of the skin during the rehabilitation process. It can be used at any time of the year.

One of the types of chemical peels is peeling "Sea needle"... It helps to cope with keratosis, acne, premature aging skin, sun damage, enlarged pores, scars and pigmentation. The peeling is completely natural and consists of minerals, trace elements and plant proteins that strengthen the capillaries and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Mechanical peeling

Mechanical peeling suitable for sensitive skin, since it practically does not injure her. The cleansed skin is sprayed with abrasive particles that remove the top layer of the skin, making it firmer, cleaner and smoother. At the same time, wrinkles are smoothed, scars and acne marks are eliminated.

Ultrasonic and laser peels

Its popularity is due to its speed: good result is noticeable almost immediately, in addition, the skin is not injured and does not require long-term recovery. During the procedure, an apparatus and ultrasonic waves are used, which accelerate the metabolism of the skin and help it renew itself.

A similar effect has laser peeling, only instead of ultrasound, a laser is used. It stimulates metabolic processes and helps to smooth wrinkles and eliminate circles under the eyes.

Enzyme peeling

This is the most light and gentle peeling, which can be used even by owners of dry and sensitive skin. Its action is associated with enzyme substances (enzymes) that improve blood circulation, stimulate the formation of collagen and have a positive effect on the immune and endocrine system. Enzyme peeling suitable for solving simple skin problems.

Contraindications to the use of peeling

Each procedure has a number of contraindications, which the cosmetologist must notify during the consultation. TO general contraindications relate:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation, age less than 18 years;
  2. Allergies and individual intolerance to the components;
  3. Temperature and any viral disease because the body is weakened by the disease;
  4. Acute form of chronic diseases;
  5. Herpes in the stage of exacerbation, inflammation, purulent rashes and acne at the site of exposure.

Also each peeling has a number of side effects, the most common are redness of the skin, edema, impaired sensitivity, peeling. Symptoms go away after a few days.

After salon procedures need to be avoided for a while sunlight , do not sunbathe, do not visit the sauna, steam bath, pool or solarium, and do not use aggressive cosmetics.

In my youth, I had severely problematic facial skin, all covered in pimples and blackheads. Of course, not knowing how to take care of her, I squeezed out inflammation, which led to the formation of scars. It looks awful, even the nicest one tone cream unable to cope with the problem. Masks and creams did not work either. The beautician recommended to take a course of chemical peeling with fruit acids. At first I got scared, but after reading about peeling, reviews about it, I decided to try it. After 6 procedures, I could already look in the mirror from time to time, forgetting about the problems.

Anna, Smolensk

I have been using peeling since I was 15. First, there were "home" samples, from sugar, salt and other products, then switched to cosmetic scrubs and products. But even the most good options did not give such an effect as chemical peeling " Starfish". it natural remedy without preservatives and other rubbish, which perfectly cleanses the face, literally scrapes every pore. We will notice the effect after the first application, and after the third one I threw out the foundation and powder in the trash - I don't need them anymore.

Tatiana, Ulyanovsk

About a year ago, I underwent a mechanical peeling course, as in adolescence the skin deteriorated sharply, turned into spots, acne and pimples popped up on the cheeks, nose and shoulders. I was completely satisfied: the peeling effect is very soft, the face immediately became cleaner and softer, while there were no spots or irritation, which I was very afraid of. The course took 5 procedures and helped me cope with an unpleasant problem. Now I have enough home peeling once a week.


Peeling at home or in a salon is one of the main means of returning the skin to cleanliness, softness and elasticity. Depending on the goals and condition of the skin, the cosmetologist can offer a course of good salon peeling, after which the result can be maintained at home. Choice better peeling for the face directly depends on the condition of the face and problems.

Beyond the face peeling can be applied to the whole body... It will help to make the skin soft and soft, get rid of cellulite, stretch marks, inflammation and rashes, wrinkles and excess weight. It is worth remembering that peeling alone will not be enough: it must be supplemented with exercises, diets, massage and other procedures.

What peeling to choose and not get confused in the variety modern techniques cleansing is the first difficulty that modern young ladies can face in pursuit of the beauty of their skin. Really, modern cosmetology proposes huge selection face peels: acidic (chemical) and enzymatic, mechanical and hardware, deep and superficial, with a fast and increasing effect. An overview of the most popular procedures will make the task easier.

What peelings are

Peeling is a proven way to cleanse the integument of dead cells and keratinized layers, which prevent nutrients and oxygen from entering the inner layers of the skin. In addition, the procedure allows you to speed up the metabolism in cells, activate the processes of regeneration and synthesis of your own proteins collagen and elastin, get rid of scars and spots from acne, age and mimic wrinkles, comedones and sebaceous plugs... Many women use peeling to correct and prevent signs of wilting, aging. skin.

By the nature of the effect on the skin, several types of cleansing are distinguished:

  • Chemical (concentrated acids are used for the procedure);
  • Enzyme (cleansing preparations include biological additives - enzymes);
  • Mechanical (removal upper layers leather is performed using abrasive nozzles and brushes);
  • Physical or cryotherapy (very much used for cleansing and rejuvenation low temperatures and dry ice);
  • Hardware (peeling is performed on special high-tech equipment using ultrasound, laser, infrared beam or low-frequency currents).

Not only the impact technique is important when performing peeling, but also the depth of penetration of the peeling agent. Imagine leather is a layered cake. The top 5 cakes are the epidermis, followed by the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis and subcutaneous fat. So, here peels can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • Superficial peeling- only the layers of the epidermis are involved, up to the basement membrane. The appearance of slight peeling is possible with prolonged exposure to the sun. The rest of the procedure is gentle, without complications. After peeling, the skin becomes softer and more elastic, its color and general condition improve;
  • Median peeling - in addition to the epidermis, the papillary layer of the dermis is affected. After cleansing, severe redness and flaking appears. Thus, weakened, obsolete tissues are replaced by new, elastic and elastic ones. It will take a little time (1-2 weeks) and high-quality skin care for the renewal to complete;
  • Deep peeling is a complex and responsible cleansing procedure. All layers of the epidermis and dermis are involved. After peeling, increased peeling is observed, swelling is possible and inflammatory processes... For the procedure, the presence of highly qualified specialists is required. For deep cleansing the patient's skin is trained and clinical examination for warning possible complications and unpleasant consequences. Rehabilitation is rather difficult, the cosmetologist prescribes a number of anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs and antibiotics, it is used to quickly restore the skin special cosmetics with addition hyaluronic acid and wound-healing components, without fragrances and chemical compounds.

When choosing a peeling, keep in mind that superficial, rarely middle peeling can be performed at home and in beauty salons. However, with regard to deep cleaning- it can only be carried out in a clinical setting and under the guidance of experienced professionals.

Almost all peels have an extensive list of contraindications. In order not to harm your health, before the procedure, consult with a beautician, he will be individual program cleansing, taking into account the characteristics of your body and skin condition, or suggest Alternative option if such peeling is contraindicated for you.

Choosing a chemical peel

What is this acid peeling?

Chemical peeling is the most popular type of facial skin cleansing. During the procedure, an acid or a whole complex of acids is applied to the face, which burns out the layers of the skin with all defects. The higher the acid concentration and longer time exposure, the more pronounced the effect, and the deeper it affects. After acid exposure, the skin starts an active process of cell renewal. During this period, old, dead layers peel off, giving way to new, young and elastic ones.

To speed up the recovery phase of the skin and not harm it, follow all the rules and recommendations for facial care in rehabilitation period... High effect guaranteed!

Pros of acid exfoliation

The advantages of chemical peeling include:

  • High efficiency of exfoliation;
  • Instant achievement of the desired result;
  • The procedure is fast;
  • Surface cleaning with acids can be done at home;
  • Affordable cost of the procedure;
  • Many superficial peels can be done with breastfeeding while not harming mom and baby.

Disadvantages of the cleansing procedure

There are also disadvantages to acid peels:

  • High responsibility - if you overexpose the product or choose an overestimated concentration, then the burn can get out of control and cause great harm;
  • The rehabilitation period is characterized by redness and peeling, and with deep exposure, swelling and inflammation appear;
  • For a day or two after exfoliation, contact with water is prohibited, and after deep phenol peeling, you should even drink the first days through a straw;
  • Many peels can only be performed in winter or late autumn when solar activity is low;
  • If you violate the rules of skin care during the rehabilitation period, the face will remain scars and dark spots.

Which one is better to choose

All chemical peels are good in their own way. For example, glycolic, milk peeling Ideal for dry and sensitive skin, and retinoic cleansing is best for older women. For increased fat content of the epidermis, use fruit acids, and for the problematic type - salicylic. But, if we talk about the final result, then phenol peeling- This is a complete degeneration of the skin.

Phenol peeling is the most difficult and dangerous species acid exfoliation. Phenol - potent substance and at the slightest mistake can turn you from a beauty to a freak. Therefore, when choosing this type of cleansing, contact the best specialists.

Exfoliation with phenol perfectly fights deep wrinkles, sagging and relief of the skin. As a result of cleaning, you will experience a smooth and beautiful skin, at least 10 years younger. This procedure is indicated for women after 40 years of age, when the signs of aging are pronounced.

Do not forget that exfoliation with phenol has an extensive list of contraindications, requires thorough examination and preparation before carrying out. In addition, it is painful and is performed with anesthesia. If the technology, preparatory and rehabilitation periods are performed in full compliance with all peeling requirements, you can be sure that the transformation will be tremendous!

Let's turn to hardware cosmetology

What do hardware peels mean?

Hardware peels are the second most popular type of skin cleansing and rejuvenation. The technology for treating skin defects is somewhat different from chemical peeling. Hardware procedures are carried out using the latest equipment, which can only be operated by specially trained cosmetologists.

Such cleansing uses ultrasonic waves, infrared radiation, a laser beam or low-frequency currents. These factors affect the problem itself, pointwise. At the same time, the integrity of the surface is not disturbed, so there will be no difficulties in skin care during the rehabilitation period. Recovery has minimal side effects.

Pros of hardware cleaning

Hardware cosmetology has a large number of positive aspects:

  • High efficiency;
  • During peeling, the integrity of the skin is not hurt, and the problem is eradicated from the inside;
  • Hardware peels activate own processes rejuvenation, synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, so the effect is more lasting;
  • Cleaning does not disrupt the usual rhythm of life, and after a few days you can safely go to work;
  • Versatility - hardware peels can be used for all ages and skin types;
  • No pronounced peeling and "lumps" of the skin.

Cons of the technique

Hardware peels also have their negative sides:

  • High cost due to the use of high-tech equipment;
  • The procedure is carried out in a beauty salon or clinic, at home it is very problematic;
  • The effect is growing - if you want to prepare for an event, then you need to do this in a few months, and even better in six months.

Which hardware peel is better?

The most formidable and effective peeling in the fight against clogged pores, dead and keratinized layers, wrinkles and the first signs of skin aging is considered to be laser resurfacing. The laser beam burns out problematic dead cells from the inside and starts the production of new cells in their place.

The procedure is performed with local anesthesia or with the use of special anesthetic gels. After deep exposure, severe redness of the face is possible, which with time will pass on one's own. In some cases, the beautician may open sick leave for a few days for rehabilitation.

Alternatively, you can use fractional thermolysis. The procedure resembles laser resurfacing but the efficiency is higher.

Physical peeling

Physical peeling or cryo peeling involves the use of liquid nitrogen, which produces very low temperatures, or dry ice is used. Thus, problem areas, dead cells are frozen and removed, and the skin at an accelerated rate replaces their places with new, elastic fibers. After cleansing, blood microcirculation increases, tissue tone and elasticity noticeably increases, and skin color improves.

Enzyme peeling

Skin cleansing with enzymes or biologically active substances ideal for very thin, hypersensitive skin. Its action is not as deep as hardware or dry cleaning, therefore, it will not work to cope with deep wrinkles and scars. However, you can delicately cleanse the epidermis, get rid of comedones and pigmentation on the face.

After the procedure, there is no irritation, redness or inflammation. Rehabilitation takes place without complications and inflammation. Enzyme peeling stops age-related processes. It can also be used to prepare for more complex anti-aging treatments.

Mechanical peeling

Mechanical cleaning can be of several types, depending on the chosen depth of action: coral peeling, scrubs, microdermabrasion, dermabrasion and others. However, dermabrasion remains the most effective procedure.

For dermabrasion, a special cutter is used, it removes layers of skin with all wrinkles and scars. The process itself and the rehabilitation period are very painful, so pain relievers and anesthesia are used. During the recovery period, it is imperative to observe hygiene and cleanliness, otherwise there is a high risk of infecting and getting purulent rashes in the future.

Before any peeling, carry out an allergy test to the drugs and formulations used in order to exclude additional irritation and complication of the condition of the skin.

If you decide to peel, be sure to consult with a specialist. Sometimes even a minor disturbance in health can be reflected in serious complications. It is also worth noting that regular peels will save you from problems in the future and will keep your youthfulness on your face longer.

It is not easy to put in order the skin of the face without peeling, or rather, a series of procedures that must be completed before the bright sun.

Our expert - dermatologist-cosmetologist Marina Pitertseva.

As old as the world

Actually, the now fashionable procedure, which we call peeling, has been known for thousands of years. The essence of this tricky female tricks in the fact that it is necessary to "remove" the old cells of the upper layer of the skin, after which it seeks to recover and due to this is renewed. The question is how to remove what has become unnecessary. You can act on the principle of emery cloth and grind the surface using abrasives - this is called mechanical peeling... And you can dissolve keratinized skin particles by acting with acids - accordingly, this chemical method... For centuries, they did not know anything else, but technical progress presented a third way -: for this, a laser, ultrasound, etc. are used.

Each method has its own nuances. But peelings differ not only in the method, but also in the strength of the impact. For example, superficial ones affect the very "top" of the skin, removing dead cells. As a result, the earthy tone disappears, the complexion is restored, and the skin becomes smooth and soft. Medium peeling removes the entire superficial stratum corneum, which provides a rejuvenating effect. We will not talk about deep peeling - this is a rather aggressive skin rejuvenation, specific procedures that are akin to surgical procedures and therefore are carried out only in hospitals.

These methods are contraindicated for:

>> chronic dermatoses in the acute phase (eczema, demodicosis, etc.);

>> rosacea.

And now the most important thing: (although there are rare exceptions) it is best done in autumn and winter, while the sun does not pamper us too much. Because thinned skin is vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. In the meantime, let's understand the details of the procedures.

Chemistry starts and wins

The most popular today, perhaps, is a chemical peel. There are dozens of options, what to choose? If you are under forty and the first wrinkles so far only hint about your presence, and you are much more worried about other problems - oily skin, comedones (blackheads), irregularities remaining from pimples and blackheads, a faded complexion - then, most likely, the most suitable option- superficial peeling.

Organic acids are used for it: pyruvic, malic, tartaric, glycolic, salicylic and many others. So, salicylic, among other things, has an anti-inflammatory, weak antibacterial effect and is indispensable for problem skin... A glycolic acid possessing the same properties, besides, it improves the outflow of sebum, "pacifies" too much active work sebaceous glands.

Cosmetologists often offer combined peels, that is, they use a composition of several acids and other substances that enhance the effect of the procedure.

Pros - a short time procedures, as a rule, no more than 10 minutes. After the session, the skin does not turn red, does not turn pale - you can immediately go out to people.

Cons: the course lasts long enough. For good effect it is advisable to do at least 5-10 procedures with a break between each of 7-10 days.

The purpose of the medium peeling is to completely "dissolve" the dead cells and act on the upper layer of the dermis, which makes it possible to get rid of wrinkles, scars, scars, traces of acne, and other defects. Such peeling actively enhances skin regeneration, moisturizes it and, by leveling the surface, eliminates visible defects. It is carried out using different acids, sometimes with the addition of plant components, as well as a mixture of acids with the addition of peptides.

Pros: effectively smoothes both superficial and deep wrinkles, evens out skin tone, provides a long-lasting effect. The course of treatment is only 2-3 procedures, with an interval of one and a half months, that is, visiting the salon will require much less time.

Cons: during the procedure, a burning sensation may occur, after which the skin on the face remains pink for several days, it can peel off and cause a feeling of tightness.

What can you do at home?

You can carry out superficial cleansing of the skin of the face and at home, but not more often than once or twice a week.

If speak about ready-made products, with oily and normal skin can be used special creams- scrubs, better those containing natural ingredients... For dry and sensitive skin, gommage is more suitable - a type of scrub that does not contain abrasive particles, but fruit acids. In essence, it is a very mild superficial chemical peel.

Homemade scrubs also have a good effect. Here are some simple recipes.

A universal scrub suitable for normal to oily skin. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coffee grounds and the same amount of slightly warmed honey (so that it becomes liquid). Mix both ingredients well massage lines apply to face.

You can get rid of blackheads using this method once a week. Mix in equal proportions (about 2-3 pinches each) dry flowers of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and celandine (herbs are sold in any pharmacy). Pour 1 tbsp into a bowl. a spoonful of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water. Hold your face, covering your head terry towel, over herbal steam for about 3 minutes. Then, gently rub the blackheads on your skin, marine or regular. table salt finely ground for two minutes. Wash yourself with cool water. After the procedure, you can lubricate your face with a moisturizer.

For dry skin, take 1-2 ripe figs, place them in a cup and cover with freshly boiled milk. Cover and leave to infuse for half an hour. Remove the figs, beat in a blender (or grate on a fine grater), add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal and 2 tbsp. spoons of milk, stir. Rub this mixture over your face and leave it on for 10 minutes, then wash warm water.

Or maybe we will polish it?

Peels even out the skin, improve the complexion, stimulate the renewal of the upper layer, thereby achieving a rejuvenating effect. The most commonly used methods are:

Microdermabrasion. The tiny crystals of aluminum oxide are thrown onto the skin of the face under pressure, which polish its surface. This method allows you to get rid of the marks left by acne, fine wrinkles ok, pigmentation. Stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin, the skin becomes smooth, fresh and elastic, the complexion is even.

Brossage peeling. Two rotating brushes loosen and exfoliate the stratum corneum. Its surface is smoothed, leveled. In addition to cleansing, brassage improves blood circulation to the skin by massaging it during the procedure. At oily skin such peeling can be carried out once a week, with dry - once a month.

Pros: the effect is noticeable even after the first procedure.

Cons: Mechanical peeling is not recommended for those with thin and sensitive skin.

Universal ultrasound- This is one of the most gentle types of peeling. It is used to cleanse the skin of acne, dead skin cells, sebum, blockages of the sebaceous glands, and removes comedones. Besides, sound wave penetrates into the depths of tissues, due to this, blood circulation improves, muscle tone increases, and a lifting effect appears. Before the procedure, the skin of the face is steamed and an antiseptic solution is applied to it. The session lasts an average of half an hour.

Pros: this one is suitable for all skin types, it can be done at any time of the year.

Cons: This method does not allow to remove acne scars and fine wrinkles.

Literally translated from English "peeling" means "peeling".

Let's find out which facial peels are the best, what procedures can be done in the salon before doing it.

What is it needed for

The appearance of the facial skin changes under the influence different factors - natural aging processes, internal state, exhaust, dust, sun rays.

The pores gradually become clogged, making it impossible for the skin to breathe normally. And its surface begins to become covered with wrinkles and folds, rashes, age spots, scars.

Cell death occurs every 28 days. After that, their particles fill the pores of the facial skin, making it difficult for oxygen, the absorption of valuable vitamins and minerals from the composition of the creams.

To restore the skin beautiful, fresh and healthy look, exfoliation procedure required.

After peeling occurs many useful and pleasant changes:

  • All dead and dead cells are effectively exfoliated.
  • Metabolic processes are activated.
  • The condition of the integument of the skin of the face is normalized.
  • Provides a whitening effect - elimination of age spots, redness.
  • The enlarged pores are narrowed.
  • Recovery is accelerated.

This procedure activates the synthesis of elastin and collagen - important substances, responsible for elasticity, firmness, and therefore, providing natural rejuvenation.

After it, the skin of the face regains its natural ability to absorb oxygen, moisture, valuable vitamins and nutrients contained in caring cosmetics.

To enhance and consolidate the exfoliation effect it is recommended to additionally apply masks with a nourishing or lifting effect.

The type of peeling, the frequency of its application, the depth of the effect should be determined by the cosmetologist.

The most effective treatments in the salon

In beauty salons, there are many procedures for cleansing and exfoliating the skin of the face. All types of peels differ in the depth of action and the type of products used.

Depending on the depth of the impact, there are superficial, middle and deep peels.

In the first case, erbium is used or, easily adjusting the depth of the treated area. And in the second, micromassage is performed, which eliminates tissue swelling, improving blood flow and lymph flow.

Diamond dust exfoliation is an effective view exfoliation.

This procedure is carried out in combination with vacuum massage, which allows you to achieve cell renewal without the slightest damage to tissues.

Most safe peeling- fruity. Beauty salons can offer several effective types of it: wine, apple, lemon, grape,.

Top 10 products of well-known brands

Effective facial exfoliation can be done at home. The main thing for this is to buy cosmetic products.

Ultra Gentle Exfoliating Gel Ultraceuticals

Contains salicylic and lactic acid, special microspheres that provide gentle and gentle cleansing.

Thanks to bisabolol and glycerin, there is no overdrying effect, and natural eucalyptus oil eliminates excess fat and inflammation.

You can use this scrub up to three times a week. Its average price is 4500-5000 rubles.

Peeling Gommage with vitamins E by Christina

It can be used in salons and at home. It contains the most valuable minerals Dead sea, extracts of chamomile, vanilla, mallow, rose, grapefruit.

According to clinical studies, this product is non-allergenic. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

You can buy the product at a price 1300-1500 rubles... An overview of all peelings from this company -.

Gigi peeling regular

Suitable for regular use for the purpose of cleansing and restoring the skin. In its composition, it contains stearic acid, paraffin, kaolin, distilled water.

You can buy the product for about 1100 rubles... Read in a separate article.

Pure Ritual Peel Black

The peeling developed by Helena Rubinstein is an effective exfoliating and nourishing agent.

It is based on extracts of black and white rice, black tea, capable of removing toxic substances. It uses black volcanic stone powder as exfoliating particles.

average price product is 2900-3500 rubles.

Herb Clear Gel Pure by Cefine

Highly soft remedy for all skin types. Its main component is polyglutamic acid obtained from soy extract.

Also included are herbal ingredients and vitamins. The price of the tool 1500-2000 rubles.

Kart papaya peeling

A gentle product based on papaya extract, recommended for dry and aging skin. You can buy it for about 1500 rubles.

Lactolan Peeling by Holy Land cosmetics

Based on a combination of lactic acids, proteins and enzymes. It unclogs pores and makes them silky. The price of this tool is from 2500 to 2700 rubles.

We will tell you separately.

None of us will deny that face is ours business card... Well maintained and Beautiful face always good to see. To a greater extent, the beauty of the face depends on the condition of the skin, which consists of 2 layers - the dermis (inner) and the epidermis (outer). The epidermis is separated from the dermis by a special membrane consisting of a large number of cells. Over time, skin cells die off, giving way to new ones. Thus, the skin is renewed. But if this process is disturbed, then the skin ages.

In order to rejuvenate the skin of the face, it is necessary to stimulate cell renewal. And here face peeling comes to the rescue. Peeling from English Ray off means to exfoliate. This procedure aims to remove the top layer of epidermal cells. The deeper the peeling, the more serious the complications from this procedure.

Varieties of face peels

By the method of exposure to the skin, I distinguish the following types peels: physical, fruit, ultrasonic, chemical, mechanical, laser and others.
According to the depth of impact, peelings are:

  • superficial
  • median
  • deep
Superficial peels(,) are indicated for problematic and oily skin, enlarged pores, acne in order to correct age defects. Superficial peels are very ineffective in case of obvious age-related changes x skin and is mainly used in skin moisturizing and deep cleansing procedures.

Medium peels() are used to correct pronounced age-related skin changes, such as overhanging skin folds, stretch marks on the body, deep wrinkles. Median peeling is also used to prepare the skin for plastic surgery.

Deep peeling() - perhaps the most aggressive cosmetology procedure, which is practically an operation, as it is carried out under anesthesia in a hospital. This type of peeling allows you to achieve excellent results in skin rejuvenation: eliminate age spots and deep wrinkles, create powerful lifting, but deep peeling is associated with a high risk of serious complications.

Now there are more than 50 types of peels, while the newest peels are light superficial, which have a more targeted effect and give excellent cosmetic effect.

Facial peeling video

Facial peeling technology

The choice of peeling depends on what effect do you want to get and what problem does your cosmetologist... Superficial peeling is applied with defects of the epidermis(superficial melasma, freckles); middle - with defects of the dermis and epidermis(mixed melasma, acne, freckles, superficial wrinkles, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation); deep peels- with defects in the dermis (scars, deep wrinkles ah, skin laxity).
Facial peels provide:

  • moisturizing effect;
  • exfoliating action;
  • antioxidant action;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • increased synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, collagen and ceramides.

Facial peeling procedure

It is best to exfoliate your face before bed, as the skin needs to rest, or after taking a hot bath, when the skin is open-pored and well steamed. Start with the least sensitive areas: the nose and forehead. Then apply to the periphery of the cheeks, neck, chin and décolleté, then to the eyelids and cheekbones. Avoid the eye area while exfoliating... Leave the mixture on your face for a couple of minutes. At this time, try not to talk, so facial muscles must be motionless. After two minutes, wash off with warm water and pat dry (don't wipe!) Your face with a towel. The effect will be much better if you apply a moisturizer or mask to your face after exfoliation.
The procedure takes 20 to 30 minutes.

"Effect" time and frequency of the procedure

The procedure is done twice in the first week of treatment, and in the second - once... Continue the procedure for the next four weeks ( full course- six weeks). The "effect" time is from 3 months to six months... Then the facial peeling procedure can be repeated.
Special tools and equipment which uses professional cosmetologist during the facial peeling procedure in the salon:

  • skimmer
  • combined spoon
  • uno-spear
  • a spear
  • skimmer spear
  • micro hook
  • Vidal's needle
  • Magnifier Lamp
  • range (steaming the skin surface before cosmetic procedures)
Aids: disposable wipes and sticks.

Within three days after the facial peeling procedure, use home remedies for post-peeling rehabilitation with a softening, moisturizing, regeneration-stimulating effect.

Preparations that contain glycolic acid in their composition should be excluded for this period.
V sunny days be sure to use products with a UV filter, the degree of protection of which is at least 30.

Facial peeling prices

Beauty saloon

Price in rub.

Beauty saloon

Price in rub.

Beauty saloon

Price in rub.

Beauty saloon

Price in rub.

Orchid Infinity beauty Zig zag Reina
FamilyClub Versal-M Aura esthetician Empire of beauty
Neo Vita clinics Zig zag Eighth wish Infinity beauty
Selfish Celebrity Orchid Versal-M
Myo Mocha Gavroche Crystal apple
Golden Mandarin Eighth wish IPH Butelle
Vite Private workshop Lakis Art Compliment
Studio FamilyClub IPH and K Orchid
Siesta Petrovka-Beauty AquaMed Salon Sofia
health and beauty Epile City Studio IPH
Average price: Average price: Average price: Average price:
Note: The information is not official or promotional. The prices of beauty salons may not be relevant at the time of viewing. The data was obtained by random analysis of the price lists of ten beauty salons in Moscow to provide general information how much does the service cost.

Cost of other facial peeling procedures in beauty salons

from 2,400 to 2,600 rubles
from 1,400 to 1,700 rubles
from 12,000 to 15,000 rubles

Answers to frequently asked questions

Does facial peeling cause skin redness? How many days does it take?
When applying modern cosmetics for skin care, redness disappears after a few hours, and slight peeling - on the second day.

How often should face peeling be repeated?
The choice of the frequency of this procedure depends on the condition of your skin and its type, as well as the chosen depth of exposure. But basically, face peeling can be done quite often - 1-2 times a week.

It is undesirable to peel the face more often than 2 times per week, and if you have a dry skin type, then generally not more than once. Cosmetologists do not recommend using peels if you have acne or other rashes, as well as sensitive skin that is prone to allergic reactions.

Interesting facts about face peeling

The Celebrity Peel is a popular procedure nowadays, which is offered by many beauty salons. Celebrities are mentioned in the name for a reason, as such a procedure was first created for the clients of the Four Seasons Hotel SPA in Beverly Hills, including Halle Berry, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock and many others.
This procedure also has a name - peeling before entering the "red carpet". It is in the name that the whole essence of the procedure is revealed. While a recovery period is required after a regular peel, there are no such problems after a “celebrity” peel.

Contraindications for the procedure

  • progressive herpes
  • sun exposure
  • smoking
  • taking the drug Roaccutane

The result after the facial peeling procedure

  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • smoothing deep wrinkles;
  • deep hydration skin;
  • skin tightening;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • alignment of the skin relief.

Facial peeling at home

Professional peeling in the salon and home peeling that you do yourself are completely different things. You will never achieve the result at home that an experienced dermatologist in the salon can easily provide. Depending on what skin type you have and the problem you are facing, it will match you necessary procedure peeling of the face.