What is interesting in Finland for the new year. Renting cottages in Finland - where is it calmer? Holidays in Finland for the New Year: what to see

People who love to celebrate new year holidays abroad, they begin to think in the autumn which country to choose this time. New Year holidays in Finland will leave an indelible impression on the whole family. There will be a lot of snow, which is so often lacking in Russia. But where in Finland to meet New Year to make the trip memorable for a long time? The answer is simple: no matter what Finnish city a vacationer goes to, entertainment and a lot of things await him. positive emotions.

You can rent a house and enjoy nature, visit ski resort and skiing, or you can book a hotel room, go on excursions and take a steam bath in the Finnish sauna. If the program is correctly designed, then for new year holidays you can go around not only all the sights of the country of the "Northern Lights", but also get acquainted with the Finnish culture.

Should I go to Finland for the New Year holidays?

Finland is beautiful in winter, and it’s not difficult to choose where to go. You can organize a train to the Åland Islands and spend time there or choose from 75 ski resorts. You can celebrate the New Year alone with nature if you rent a hut in a wooded area.

Where to relax in Finland for the New Year: EVERYWHERE! This snowy country can offer a lot of entertainment for a group of friends, a couple in love or a family with small children. Consider the most interesting options.

Leisure options

  1. You can stay in the capital of Finland. Helsinki is a beautiful city at any time of the year, but especially in winter. Sightseeing will leave a lot of impressions, and the capital boasts many architectural buildings, museums and theme parks.
  2. A trip to Tampere is worth at least because of the famous Museum of Modern Art and the legendary Police Museum. It is in this Finnish city that the Moomin Museum is located, because the author of this popular fairy tale comes from Finland.
  3. What is the new year without the Finnish Santa Claus. Travel to Lapland, considered the birthplace of Santa Claus. There you can visit the village where he lives magic grandpa and see the northern lights. Those who love active sports can go skiing and sledding in reindeer or dog sledding.
  4. Savonlinna is famous for its huge number of lakes and rivers. In winter, they freeze, so there is an opportunity to go ice skating or go ice fishing. Be sure to visit the opera festival, which is famous all over the world.
  5. Turku is considered the oldest city in Finland, and a trip there will remain in memory for a lifetime. Be sure to visit the famous Cathedral and New Year's market, which attracts all the local residents of the country. It is in Turku that the government installs the largest spruce.

Visit one of the national parks, and rent a small cottage next to it, where you will relax after a busy day.

Book a room in any of the ski resorts where you will not be bored, or retire to a hut in the middle of nature, where you can hunt, fish and steam in the sauna.

Tours and attractions

What to do in Finland for the New Year? Of course, go on excursions. Finland is a small country and if you wish, you can have time to visit all the most beautiful places this northern state.

Let's define the most "tourist" routes, where you should go:

  1. Lapland and the village of Finnish Santa Claus.
  2. The Siida Museum will tell about the history of the Finnish people.
  3. Restaurant Anaar will treat you to traditional Finnish dishes.
  4. Olafsborg will show the grandeur of its fortresses, where historical battles took place several centuries ago.
  5. Visit the zoo, of which there are 13 in Finland, or the aquarium.
  6. Go to the Laspivaara mine, where you can get yourself a real mountain amethyst.
  7. Visit national and theme parks, attractions and nature centers. It will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults.
  8. Arrange shopping in best stores Finland. On New Year's holidays, from December 26, crazy discounts just begin. Finland has a quality product that can be bought for ridiculous money during this period. Just before buying, carefully familiarize yourself with the restrictions at customs, what you can take with you and what you can’t.
  9. Visit the waterfall in Imatra.
  10. Explore Turku Castle and many other places in this ancient city.

This list is only a small part of the places that the Finnish territory has to offer.

For convenience, download several useful applications, which not only will not let you get lost, but will also want to focus on places that are worth attention.

Ski resorts and entertainment

If there is a passion for outdoor activities, then where to go in Finland for the New Year is very clear.

Despite the fact that there are 75 ski resorts in the country of the Northern Lights, we will consider the most popular ones and highlight their advantages:

  1. Kuusamo-Hand.
  2. Vuokatti.
  3. Tahko.
  4. Kuopio.
  5. Yllas.
  6. Himos.
  7. Levy.

Here are the best resorts northern country compiled according to people's rating vacationers.

Each of these resorts can offer wonderful ski and snowboard trails, frozen lakes for ice skating, snowmobile and sledding, snowmobile trips, ice fishing and a real Finnish sauna.

Cottage rentals and nature

New Year's Eve in Finland promises to make the New Year holidays special. You can rent a cottage and enjoy the virgin nature of this country. Any village located in the bosom of nature will offer a lot of entertainment. Remember that it is better to book houses in advance, so you can not only save money, but also choose the best places.

Consider the most popular regions where you should think about renting a cottage:

  1. Suomi.
  2. Yulyass.
  3. Levy.
  4. Rovaniemi.
  5. If.
  6. Hyakia.
  7. Tahko.
  8. Hand.
  9. Vuokatti.
  10. Lapland.

Remember that most Finns are used to celebrating the New Year on native land and also rent cottages in ski resorts and natural parks, in addition to this, many people from Europe go there, so it’s better to start thinking about renting a cottage in the fall.

The weather for the New Year in Finland is always snowy, so if a person lives in the south of Russia, where there is very little snow, the Finnish land will delight him with abundance.

It is no secret that Russians love this country very much and the following are the most popular tips from experienced tourists who have visited Finland more than once:

  1. Dress warmly, and if you haven’t brought down jackets with you, Finnish stores will sell them at a good price and excellent quality.
  2. Do not forget about equipment if you plan to ski, snowboard or skate.
  3. If you decide to rent a house, then choose the one who will be closer to the lake and with a bathhouse.
  4. Be sure to take your kids to visit Santa Claus.
  5. Try Finnish National dishes and famous strong drinks.

Holidays in Finland will seem like a fairy tale, the holiday is literally in the air.

If you want peace and quiet, rent a hut on the banks of a river or lake, and for people who want fun and activity, go to a ski resort.

Do not forget to bring mementos from the land of the "Northern Lights" that will remind you of magical holiday which lasted for a whole year.

Interesting video: what is interesting in Finland for the New Year

New Year 2019 in Finland is a great chance to celebrate the holiday in the homeland of Santa Claus. During the Christmas holidays, noisy fairs, frosty weather (from -5 to -15 ºС), an atmosphere of a fairy tale and general fun await you. It is not surprising that many Russian tourists prefer the country of Suomi in early January to resorts,.

Options for celebrating the New Year

Holidays for the New Year 2019 in Finland are diverse, so they are suitable for any company. Among interesting ways spend time worth noting:

  • mass celebrations in Helsinki;
  • cottage rental in Lapland;
  • famous ski resorts;
  • sightseeing;
  • sledding, snowmobiling, dog sledding, etc.

In winter, Finland turns into a real tourist Mecca, and when you check into one of the local hotels, you will surely meet travelers from all over. post-Soviet space. Guides, sellers, attendants of entertainment establishments speak good Russian, which eliminates the language barrier and makes the rest more comfortable.

The capital of Finland on the eve of the Christmas holidays becomes especially attractive. Ancient buildings are illuminated with original illumination, narrow streets are decorated with garlands, figures of biblical and fairy tale characters. The main New Year's festivities will traditionally be held in Helsinki on Senate Square, where tens of thousands of Finns will gather 2-3 hours before midnight. For guests and local residents An entertainment program is provided, including:

  • contests;
  • round dances;
  • representation;
  • musical performances;
  • congratulations of the mayor of the city in several languages.

The culmination of the holiday will be a long fireworks display, which is scheduled for 2 am. A fair will be located near the Senate Square, where you can warm up with hot coffee or taste mulled wine. It is strictly forbidden to bring alcohol to the holiday, and breaking the law is fraught with a large fine (up to 500 euros). The Finns are very strict in this regard, and the best you can hope for if you find strong drinks, expulsion from the square under escort.

Helsinki has a huge number of restaurants, cafes and bars, but most of them are open until 2 pm. On the morning of January 1, only nightclubs are closed, such as Storyville, A21 Decades, BrewDog Helsinki, On the Rocks, Shot Bar, etc. Entrance to such establishments is paid (from 30 euros), however, not all of them will vacancies. The average check on New Year's Eve here varies from 100 to 300 euros, depending on the prestige of the club and the amount ordered.

Cottage rental

If you want to spend the New Year 2019 in Finland away from the hustle and bustle of the world, then you need to rent a country cottage. Suomi is famous for its untouched nature with picturesque landscapes that leave in the memory of tourists unforgettable experience. Most suitable place for a peaceful holiday is Lapland, located near the Arctic Circle. It is divided into several resorts (Levi, Tahko, Vuakatti, Rovaniemi), each of which offers tourists different kinds rental property. The table below shows prices for eight-bed cottages in Finland during the New Year holidays:

Resort nameNumber of seatsCottage infrastructureCost per day
Levy8+2 sauna, mini gym, modern Appliances(refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker, etc.), internet, cable TV.from 230 euros
Rovaniemi8 sauna, barbecue, household appliances, internet, TV, free parking, ski equipmentfrom 210 euros
Tahko8 sauna, playroom for children, mini gym, modern household appliances, cable, Wi-Fi, sledges, skisfrom 200 euros
Hand8 sauna, jacuzzi, billiard room, own walking area, household appliances, cable, internetfrom 190 euros
Wuakatti6+2 Finnish sauna, mini pool, billiard room, internet, cable TV, telephone, parkingfrom 180 euros
Himos6+2 sauna, billiard room, cable TV, Wi-Fi, winter Garden, parking, brazier, the possibility of renting ski equipmentfrom 170 euros

Prices for cottages in Finland during the New Year holidays increase significantly. On average, the cost of a weekly stay in Lapland will cost from 1200-1400 euros, and this is just rent. Nevertheless, if you break this amount into 8-10 people, then it will come out quite a budget option recreation. The area of ​​most cottages is 75-100 square meters. m., as a result of which several families can easily accommodate here.

A New Year's holiday in Suomi is unthinkable without the premises of functional ski resorts, of which there are several dozen here. The most popular of them are:

  • Luosto;
  • Levy;
  • Himos;
  • Pello;
  • Vuokatti;
  • Tahko.

For example, the Luosto slopes are located in the very center of Lapland. Tourists love this place beautiful nature Pyhätunturi park and slopes different category difficulties. On the territory of the complex there is a special track for snowboarders and a fenced area for teaching children. Here you can also ride a dog sled (ticket costs 120 euros) or a sleigh pulled by reindeer (140 euros). Sports equipment rental will cost 30-50 euros / day per person.

The ski resorts in Finland provide everything for a boring pastime. If necessary, tourists can warm up in nearby cafes or restaurants, where, in addition to hot drinks, local dishes are served. Among them: kalakukko (pie with fish and meat), deer and elk meat, large sausages, kalaikeitto (milk fish soup), etc. All tracks are equipped with cannons and special equipment for rolling, so the quality of the snow cover on the slopes will not cause any complaints. During the work of the resorts, instructors, rescuers, doctors are constantly on duty, which reduces the likelihood of emergencies and injuries to a minimum.

Sights of Finland

Holidays in Finland in the winter of 2019 for a real tourist will also be marked by the replenishment of cultural baggage. You can join the national heritage of Suomi by visiting iconic sights, such as:

  • Cathedral of St. Nicholas;
  • Ateneum Art Museum;
  • National Museum of Finland;
  • Assumption Cathedral;
  • monument to Sibelius;
  • Sveaborg fortress, etc.

Excursions to Suomi are not cheap (from 40-50 euros), but what you see is worth any money. AT winter time ancient buildings, cathedrals and reserves are covered with snow sparkling in the sun, which gives them a special charm, mystery, mysticism. The country occupies a leading position in the world in terms of the number of national parks (38). The most famous of them is Lemmenjoki, and its main part is made up of impenetrable forests. There are several hiking trails in this park that allow you to get acquainted with the nature of the region.

If you are planning to spend New Year 2019 in Finland with children, then the best entertainment for them will be a visit to the residence of Santa Claus in Santa Park (Lapland). The good-natured old man will give the little traveler a gift, and nimble elves will help to make a snowfield with their own hands. Older children are advised to go to the northernmost zoo in the country - Ranka - which is home to over 60 species of animals. The effect of contemplating representatives of flora and fauna is enhanced by the colorful Northern Lights, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

What do tour operators offer?

Tours to Finland for the New Year 2019 are varied. For those wishing to better days In winter, there are several ways to celebrate the holiday:

  • in a hotel (from 40 thousand rubles per person, 5-day trip);
  • at a ski resort (from 50 thousand rubles for 5 days);
  • in country cottage(from 65 thousand rubles per week).
  • shopping tours (from 20 thousand rubles for 2 days).

Most tour operators invite you to combine several types of recreation, in particular, visit a ski resort or go to one of the shopping and entertainment centers for shopping. The cost of the tour is influenced by a number of factors, the main of which will be the distance of travel, the saturation of the entertainment program and the star rating of the hotel. The cheapest tour will cost residents of St. Petersburg, the most expensive for travelers from the southern or Far Eastern regions of the Russian Federation. By the way, a visa for Russians is issued according to a simplified scheme in a few days.

In this way, new year holiday in Finland in 2019 will appeal to both adults and children. During the Christmas holidays, Suomi blooms with new colors, immerses tourists in a real winter miracle, and brings joy to all visitors. Don't miss the chance to spend main holiday January is productive and extraordinary.

About the features of the New Year's Eve in Lapland, see the following video:


If you are a fan of traditional winter entertainment and fun, then the celebration of the New Year in the cities of Finland is really what you need.

Depending on whether you want to relax secluded and calm, or in a crowded ski resort, you can choose either a chic hotel in Helsinki or a house in Lapland.

  • How and where to spend the New Year in Finland?
  • House rent
  • Fishing for the New Year
  • Shopping in Finland
  • Price New Year's tour to Finland
  • Finland cottages
  • Finland hotels
  • Reviews of tourists

New Year in Finland: how and where?

In winter, holidays in Finland are possible if you choose any of the options, because you can always choose an active and rich winter vacation program.

Considered a splendid spectacle ice festival in Finland. You must definitely visit it. Winter holidays in this wonderful country is also beautiful because, having skied enough in the cold, you can go straight to the water park or even the sauna, where you will spend a lot of fun.

A trip to the famous water park "Serena" , the largest in Finland. Water parks in Finland are equipped with all the paraphernalia of water treatment and recreation. Finland is Dreamland where everyone dreams of visiting. You won't regret if .

The main question, which requires a solution, is a place for celebrating the New Year. There are a lot of options for spending New Year's holidays in Finland.

Renting cottages in Finland - where is it calmer?

New Year's Eve for Fishing Lovers

During the New Year holidays, fishermen will be able to please the under-ice fishing on one many Finnish lakes .

Ice fishing, as a rule, can be combined with other pleasures: first, you race on a motorized sleigh along the endless plains of a frozen lake for several hours, then a Finnish guide will help you find fish place, and soon with the help of a special drill you will be able to make a hole in the ice, cast a fishing rod and wait.

Good luck is guaranteed, because Finland is very rich in fish. Finland's 187,888 lakes offer fishing enthusiasts great opportunities for a wide variety of fishing.

Of lake fish, most often you can catch pike, perch, walleye, trout , as well as cyprinids: ide, bream, asp . Winter fishing in Finland it is also very inexpensive.

The best cottages in Finland for New Year and Christmas

Firstly, spacious and comfortable cottages with huge amount sleeping places . Such cottages, even the most high level, as a result, they become affordable for the average client, the cost per person per day can surprise everyone.

At ski resorts there are cottages, the so-called " paritalo ”, which have 2 completely identical, autonomous halves, each of which does not differ in comfort and cost from a separate cottage, but the advantages of these cottages are that they are located in the best places in the ski center.

The cost of cottages , first of all, depends on their functionality, spaciousness, location and living conditions. Estimated cost per week is from 600 to 2000 dollars , a house for seven to eight people on average costs 800-1500 dollars .

Hotels in Finland for the New Year

Finland has no shortage of hotels, hotels can be found even in small towns. At the same time, many of them are located far from civilization - on the shores of lakes or in the forest and are well equipped.

Many hotels in Finland are equipped with swimming pools, some with saunas. Additional services may be included in the price of accommodation, but it depends on the level of the hotel.

Hotels located in the heart of the city are convenient for those who like to enjoy to the fullest nightlife cities.

Kamp considered one of the most comfortable hotels in Helsinki. It matches undeniably five star hotel. All the most necessary attributes of a luxurious life are added to the wonderful service: crystal chandeliers, a carved front staircase, mirrors in gilded frames.

In Finland, the most famous hotel chains are also considered very popular. Restel Hotel Group, Radisson Blu, Scandic Best Western Finland, Hotels, Sokos Hotels .

Every Finnish hotel, even the cheapest, has a laundry, sauna, gym, and Internet access. Every hotel has non-smoking rooms. Moreover, the trend towards a complete ban on smoking is clearly visible in these hotels.

Who can recommend a hotel stay? For lovers of Scandinavian flair who are interested in unsurpassed nature and local attractions. new year trip to Finland is an opportunity to spend your vacation with benefit and actively.

For those who cannot imagine meeting their favorite holiday without sparkling frost, snowy splendor and real Santa in his legal residence, it is best to celebrate the New Year in Helsinki. It is the country of Suomi that is ready to give its guests the true spirit of winter and the atmosphere of universal rejoicing.

The festive capital is good for fun

Those celebrating the New Year in Helsinki cannot escape the solemn festivities on the Senate Square. It is here that the brightest shop windows, the most festive illuminations and magnificent fireworks on the occasion of the chiming clock at midnight are located. On the morning of January 1, the city looks quite deserted, and therefore you can easily go to explore the old center and arrange a photo session in the present fabulous style. The main attractions are the Cathedral, built in 1840, and the Suomenlinna sea fortress, which serves as the southern gate of the city. UNESCO has included it in its honorary list of the main cultural world masterpieces. The territory of the fortress serves as a venue for Christmas events.

New Year's shopping - dope for the soul

Winter holiday in Finland - a great opportunity engage in profitable and pleasant shopping. Christmas sales let you buy quality clothes at very low prices. Stockmann department stores offer down jackets and shoes, Sports Equipment and all kinds of knitwear, and in the stores of the Sokos chain - big choice goods for children.
The main places for shopping in Helsinki are concentrated around the railway station and the Esplanade Boulevard. Shopping centers"Forum" and "Kamppi" occupy entire city blocks and during the period of sales plunge even seasoned and experienced tourists into a pleasant shock with their prices.
On the waterfront, Finns organize markets selling delicious souvenirs, and here you can buy a jar of cloudberry jam or handicrafts made of wood and leather for gifts to family and friends.

New Year's fireworks in Helsinki

Santa's realm

The most Christmas place in Finland is, without a doubt, the town of Rovaniemi, where Santa's headquarters is located. Exactly there
you can buy real Santa's toys, and meet and chat with him and his tireless helper gnomes. An amusement park was built a few kilometers from the town, in which theatrical performances and New Year's shows leave no doubt that the fairy tale exists.
It is also worth celebrating the New Year in Helsinki because the Finns can not only celebrate on a grand scale, but also happily share their fabulous mood with dear guests.

How the New Year is celebrated in Finland: with children, prices, traditions, what to do, how to rent a cottage.

New Year in Finland

I think that all of us who were brought up on Western Christmas films, where Santa Claus and a large beautiful tree I want something special from the New Year. At this time, they make wishes and make bright plans for the coming year.

Finland for the New Year 2019 is one of those countries where the flavor of the Most Important Holiday of the Year is felt especially sharply. Firstly, the proximity of Lapland, Santa Claus and other Christmas and New Year magic. Secondly, cold weather. Which New Year's miracle without snowdrifts knee-deep?

I propose to start with the practical part, and if you want to read more about how the New Year is celebrated in Finland, get acquainted with the traditions and state entertainment program then go down below.

Where to go for the New Year in Finland?

Traditionally, tourists choose between two destinations: Helsinki and Lapland.

AT Helsinki for the New Year you can mingle with the fun crowd and feel like a part of big holiday. All the fun in Helsinki takes place on Senate Square. It is from here that the holiday is broadcast throughout the country. These are fireworks, concerts, and congratulations from famous figures of the country. Walks at Christmas markets, constant mulled wine and champagne.

Sales start after the Christmas holidays in Finland. End of December - best time to go shopping in Finland. And, of course, as in any capital, Helsinki has the largest selection of shops in the country.

Lapland for the New Year more suitable for families with children and lovers active rest. Lapland is a region and it has several cities. The most popular city in Lapland new year time This is Rovaniemi. Here is the famous village of Santa Claus. And if you go on vacation with children, Rovaniemi - the best place. Here you and your whole family can truly plunge into the New Year's fairy tale.

In addition, in Lapland you can ski, sled with reindeer and huskies, walk through the forest and see Northern Lights. In winter, it can be seen almost every night.

if you need a ski resort then head to Levi.

I think, with the question "where" we figured out, now we'll figure out "how". You can relax in Finland both on your own and on a ready-made tour. I will give all the options and prices, and based on this information you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

The main thing, take care of the trip in advance. Finland is an insanely popular destination for the New Year, and the closer to the holiday, the fewer options you have left.

Tours to Finland for the New Year 2019

See prices for tours to Finland in convenient statistics from Level Travel. And check the prices in , sometimes they can differ by several thousand.

How to organize a trip yourself?

Many people come to Finland on their own, the price is a little cheaper, but more needs to be done preparatory work: find accommodation, air tickets, plus on you obligatory , and . They usually come on their own. big companies who rent a cottage in Finland for the New Year and thus save on housing.

How is New Year celebrated in Finland?

In the second half of December, life in Finland seems to slow down. Finns actively celebrate Christmas, go to visit friends and relatives, and accumulate strength for December 31st. As in many other countries, New year's night claims the most main night in a year. She competes, perhaps, only on April 30, when frostbitten for long winter Finns rejoice at the approaching heat.

because of cold weather, many people celebrate the New Year in Finland behind closed walls: at home, in bars, restaurants or pubs. On the street all the action takes place until midnight. And here I cannot but mention the fireworks.

Fireworks, like ours, go on mass sale in December. blow up the sky colorful lights You can only from 18:00 on December 31 to 02:00 on the night of January 1. Just some 8 hours. And because the Finns come off to the fullest. From 6 pm you will hear the first timid pops, which by midnight will turn into a real light show.

I celebrated the New Year in Finland several times, and all the time I watched fireworks from some roof: either a residential building or an office building. And I can say that the most best view opened to me from the bar "Atelier", which is located on the roof of the hotel "Torni", which means "tower". I had to get here early to get a better seat. I stayed a little more than an hour on their big balcony but the light show was worth the effort.

The main holiday of the country takes place in Helsinki, usually on Senate Square. A huge crowd gathers here to listen to the speeches of the mayor of the city, the bishop and other dignitaries. There are also live performances of singers and dance ensembles. This event is broadcast throughout the country on major TV channels.

Every Finn knows that the mayor won't say anything special, and listens with half an ear, but listens anyway and every year turns on the TV to watch. Familiar? What New Year without congratulatory speech President!

As the clock strikes midnight, the festive excitement becomes more relaxed. People rejoice, drink wine, champagne and congratulate each other, shouting “Hyvää uutta vuotta!” - "Happy New Year!" in Finnish or "Gott nytt år!" in Swedish (another official language Finland).


Another important part of the Finnish New Year is fortune telling. They, as a rule, are engaged immediately after the festive fireworks. One of the most popular ways of divination in Finland for the New Year is casting molten tin. Each is given a small tin horseshoe ( traditional symbol good luck). The horseshoe is melted, and the liquid metal is quickly poured into cold water where it solidifies and takes on a different shape.

It is the shape and outlines of the resulting piece that are interpreted to predict the events of the coming year. Various forms means good luck, health, wealth, happiness, or vice versa grief. If the tin breaks into pieces in water, this is a sign of failure.

1st of January

On January 1, Finns prefer to sleep off. Many are drawn to painkillers due to a stormy night. Others, on the contrary, prefer to spend this day actively - skiing, walking in parks or putting on snowshoes and getting out into the forest. Coffee on this day is sold in record quantities.

The President's speech, the Vienna New Year's Concert and old Finnish films are watched on TV. Eating up leftovers holiday table. Someone spends this day calmly, realizing the transition to the new year and preparing for new achievements. Someone prefers to tumble into the future with a bang and fun, continuing the amusement. It's the same as ours.