How constructors affect children's brains. And what to do when you grow up. Design in doo

As a constructor. Today, hundreds of companies are engaged in the production of children's designers. But which of the brands on the market can be considered the best? After all, after all, for the child we choose ...

The name is derived from "Leg Godt", which means "play well" in Danish. This company has been on the market since 1949, and during this time LEGO has created not only a unique world of children's construction set, but also games, contests, films and amusement parks. Today there are more than 100 types of LEGO sets, these are constructors on different topics, and sets based on popular films and cartoons. The basis of the constructor is multi-colored plastic bricks, small figures of various characters, etc. Everything that the child collects is then disassembled and assembled by something different, and so without repetition many times. All sets are compatible with each other, and by accumulating several different ones, your child can build an entire empire. The only drawback of LEGO is the existence of a great variety of fakes. Be careful when buying.


V last years electronic constructors"Expert" is the best thing on the market for toys for children school age... With it, your child will not only master the basics of electronics, but will also be able to independently assemble more than a hundred different devices. For example, a real radio! Safety, ease of assembly (no soldering) and efficiency of circuits - "Expert" will give a wonderful pastime to a child interested in science and technology.


The company produces educational constructors for children from 1 to 5 years old. For boys and girls there are different sets... Children can easily assemble from large, bright parts various designs with figures of people, animals, etc. Numbers and letters on the details allow you to make up words and numbers in the process. Also popular are sets for children from 7 years old - these are models of equipment and buildings from popular children's games and films.


A Chinese manufacturer made our list thanks to interesting solutions in their toys and very high quality... A child can assemble and disassemble the designers of this company literally by cogs. For this, special tools are included in the kit. Matryoshka cars, robot animals, transforming houses - all this A New Look on the children's designer, which, judging by the demand, the children liked.


This children's set allows you to assemble structures without the participation of adults due to the simplicity of assembly schemes. It also stands out for its price. Of course, the brightness and quality of parts is slightly lower than that of similar imported sets, but for many families, it is the favorable price that is the decisive factor when buying. In general, the popularity of the "City of Craftsmen" is at the level of leading manufacturers.


Famous german firm specializes in wooden construction sets. Educational kits for the smallest kids are classic cubes different forms and colors for the construction of buildings. In terms of quality and idea, the constructor is simply wonderful, forcing the kid and, most importantly, to think - after all, if you act inaccurately, then you cannot build tall buildings. Fine motor skills, coordination, familiarity with shapes, colors, thinking and logic - this is what this seemingly simple wooden construction set is aimed at.


This constructor will be of interest to curious schoolchildren. Most of the models are designed for ages from 7 to 13 years old. But younger children and older children will also have something to think about. The dynamic constructor GIGO will open up to children ecological ways energy production and will help to master them in practice. The energy of the sun, wind, water, salt, etc., embodied in technology and supplied simple schemes assemblies - this is why Gigo's construction sets have become very popular with children of secondary school age.


Great potential for children's creativity it is contained in this constructor, which is designed for ages from 3 years and older. There are only five types of parts of a peculiar shape in the designer, which are attached to each other without special devices(screws, nuts and the like). Thus, the child creates whatever he wants, without construction restrictions: from a tree and a dinosaur to a real bicycle, and all this - from one set of the construction set. The more of these interesting details a child has, the larger structures he can build. Both boys and girls, using only their imaginations, can create and learn at the same time!

9 "Meccano" (France)

This brand is over 100 years old! Perhaps this explains the absolute dissimilarity of the designers of this company. Some kits even have rubber parts that are quite compatible with the same plastic and metal ones. Quality in the most high level! The construction set serves for a long time and does not break down for many years - this is how satisfied parents describe it. All kits are equipped with electric motors, and collected by a child the model, whether it be a car or a robot, is moved and controlled using a special remote control. The only drawback that parents themselves also highlight is high price... But you have to pay for quality everywhere ...

10 "Quercetti" (Italy)

Rounding out our top are "Italian gears"! A very unusual, bright construction set for children from 3 to 12 years old. A set of gears, chains, bushings and other parts, is used to create various gears, with a very dynamic movement. The company also produces mosaics of varying complexity, which will also help in the versatile development of the child.
Buy constructors for children, not just toys - the child should always have room for creativity!

The topic for the current conversation was suggested to me by my child, who suggested playing with him for the hundredth time with his “teeth”. Before talking about specific constructors, let's talk about how important they are in the development of our children and whether they are generally needed.

What is it and why do we need it

So, if we turn to theory, then a constructor is a set of parts with which you can assemble all kinds of models: whether it be a castle, a house, a train, a car or geometric figure... It's hard to believe, but the first one play sets for over 100 years and they are still popular, only changes appearance details, but the purpose remains the same: development. During the game, the child has colossal opportunity develop logical imagination, Creative skills, fine motor skills and just express yourself in creating anything.

The thematic focus of constructors implies the development of specific skills: they can be creative, scientific, educational, entertaining, and so on. Also, manufacturers divide them into boyish and for girls, and according to the method of connecting parts to each other and according to the materials from which the parts are made.

I think it would not be superfluous to mention that each age of children has its own constructor. For the smallest, the details will be large, uncomplicated: more often they are cubes, inserts - in a word, everything that the child cannot swallow or stick into his nose or ear. It is better to play with the baby at first: firstly, you will teach how to do it correctly, and secondly, you will have a great time together. Do not get carried away during the game and command - let your child be the leader.

The genius of the idea of ​​the designer's invention is truly priceless - in the process of playing, our children acquire useful skills that will be useful to them in life: whether it be fixing a children's toy or a crane, building a house or planting a tree.
The great philosopher I. Kant argued that "the hand is the human brain that has come out." And the better the fine motor skills of a child's pen are developed, the easier and faster baby will remember information, learn accordingly. Don't forget this, dear parents.

Let's summarize the need for constructors in the arsenal of a child's games:
- development of imagination, logic, spatial thinking;
- perseverance, purposefulness and ability to achieve the set goal;
- development fine motor skills, speech.

As you can see, the pluses are simply undeniable in their importance in the development of the child, which means there are designers! Now let's take a closer look at the modern assortment of these wonderful toys and make our choice in favor of one or another. Moreover, it could be great gift for a kid or teenager - whether it's New Year's celebrations or a birthday, or just a visit.

What are they, modern designers?

I propose to divide them according to the materials from which they are made. I will be looking at products that meet government standards and health and safety requirements. And the first we will have wooden... They are made only from natural wood: most often it is maple or beech. Beech is preferable, because it is considered food wood and has a smoother, without pores, structure, when coloring the elements gives a smooth surface.

Plastic and plastic. When these materials are mentioned, an association immediately arises with Lego constructor- this brand you will find blocks for kids of all ages. Also, I advise you to pay attention to Mega Bloks - all the details are bright, but not poisonous colors, in a convenient bag and have everything permits for sale. We just purchased an option for the little ones: from one to five years, as a gift. Large details, fit comfortably in a child's pen, I hope that the kid will like our gift.

My son has "teeth", this is the "ZOOB" constructor - it is made of high-strength plastic, this is already a movable version, because the set includes wheels, a parachute, and other interesting details that can captivate your children for a long time: we have been playing for several years and the process of the game does not get bored at all. We only occasionally replenish stocks of parts. By the way, "teeth" are divided into sets for both boys and girls.

Very recently, a very interesting option Designer: Bristle. Its details resemble brushes (translated from english word"Bristle"), they are soft to the touch, with all kinds of pimples, villi, moderately bright and unusual, which will be very interesting and useful for babies for the development of not only motor skills, but also tactile sensations.

You should not ignore the domestic manufacturer - there are products that are quite competitive in quality, which will be cheaper than their European counterparts.

Magnetic constructors. A very interesting version of the game. When we bought the first one for our son, we played with my husband all evening, trying to build all kinds of structures. This constructor is suitable for those children who no longer pull into their mouths everything that fell into their hands, because it consists of metal ball and plastic sticks with magnets at the ends. The size of the stick and ball also varies depending on the set in the set and age. Also, there are magnetic mosaics, with which you can collect pictures from various geometric shapes.

Come on, I'll pay a little attention to Neokubu. I think you have heard about it, and there are entire fan groups on the Internet dedicated to this constructor. Enough interesting invention, which helps to develop not only logic and spatial thinking, but also provides a kind of massage, and also helps adults to calm the nerves. But! Please note that this construction set is nevertheless intended for children of school age.

Tissue. My child has a constructor made of fleece, the details of which are Velcro and are attached to special field... With his help, we studied the structure of a person. We also had soft cubes, on the edges of which were drawn both numbers and letters: in this way we both played and studied.

Metal sets. It seems to me that all parents in childhood had such a set of metal parts, with nuts, bolts, keys, all kinds of brackets and corners. How many evenings I spent with my dad designing houses, tower cranes and other products. And it's great that our children have this constructor - games with it will allow your children to feel like a mechanic or a builder.

Let's summarize

Whatever one may say, but the constructor is one of the important game details in harmonious development child, so you can't do without him. After all, the development of imagination, thinking, logic, motor skills, perseverance and concentration of attention - aren't these arguments in its favor? The kid is coming from simple to complex in his games: his imagination is unlimited and allows you to create fancy turrets, castles, houses and other structures. In the process of games, he studies shapes, colors, connection options - in a word, trains the imagination, and also develops substantive activity(performing an action with an object, according to its intended purpose).

In short, take your child and go to the store for a new construction set and have fun, realizing your fantasies with the help of details. Happy shopping!

Constructor is a set of standard parts from which you can assemble many different models... Finished parts eliminate the time required to make specific parts to order and also do not require special training to create complex systems. Constructors are used to build temporary mechanisms and also as toys for children.

History of origin

Psychological and pedagogical effects

Children's designers are considered universal study guide, which develops hand motor skills, thinking, memory, imagination, and many other skills that will be useful to the child in the future. It is known that the level of a child's development is in direct proportion to the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. The influence of manual (manual) actions on the development of the human brain was known as early as the 2nd century BC. NS. in China .

The first stage of thinking typical for children early age, called effective. Such thinking can be called "manual" - by manipulating objects, the child learns their properties. This means that a young child solves all mental tasks with his hands. The more stock of actions and trials the child accumulates in his experience, the faster he will move to the second stage - visual-figurative, when he will operate not with the objects themselves, but with their images. At this stage, the child solves the problem, for example, on the correct placement of the figures in the corresponding recesses right away, because the tests are performed in the mind. The third stage is verbal-logical or abstract thinking. Here, even practical problems are solved not by hands, but in the mind. Thus, the hand gives rise to the development of thinking. As physiologist I.P. Pavlov said, “hands teach the head, then a wiser head teaches hands, and skillful hands promote brain development again. " About the meaning manual labor in the development of creative thinking, the teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote:

The origins of children's abilities and gifts are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, there are the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movements of a child's hand, the finer the interaction of the hand with the tool, than harder movement necessary for this interaction, the brighter the creative element of the child's mind, the more accurate, subtle, more complex the movements necessary for this interaction; the deeper the interaction of the hand with nature, with social labor, into the spiritual life of the child, the more observation, inquisitiveness, vigilance, attentiveness, the ability to explore in the child's activities.

Age categories

It is customary to divide all designers based on the age groups of children for whom this toy is intended:

  • Younger age group (2 to 4 years old)... For this age group, designers are developing with minimum amount small parts so that the child does not accidentally swallow one of them.
  • Middle age group (5 to 7 years old)... At this age, the child is already able to concentrate on creating something voluminous. There are more details in such constructors and the shapes are more complicated, but still the child can assemble them on his own without the help of his parents.
  • Senior age group (over 8 years old)... For this age group, construction kit manufacturers offer kits with 250 or more parts, in which the plot is presented in more detail.

Gender categories

A study of children's playrooms by American scientists did not find differences in the number of books, musical instruments, soft toys boys and girls. But in some categories of toys, there were dramatic differences. So, the girls had a lot of dolls, doll furniture, clothes, dolls kitchen utensils... There were many boys among the toys different kinds carts, but not a single girl was found to have a toy carriage, train, boat or motorcycle. Of the 48 boys, only eight had one doll each.

Such observations force us to create different constructors for girls and for boys. For girls, they usually include the following plots: palaces of princesses, carriages, various animals, mythical creatures... Kids constructors for boys include figures of ships, military equipment, airplanes, cars, fire stations, police and many others. Color scheme may also differ depending on the gender of the child. Most often, gender division occurs for the middle and older age groups; for the youngest there is no such division, the designers for them are created, as a rule, developing, often in the form of fruits, men, plants and others.

Children love to play, but how to find the right toys for different age groups? Of the many categories of toys, magnetic and metal construction sets are popular at any age. Kids are fascinated by simple construction possibilities, a variety of final options.

What is a metal construction set?

A classic set of small metal parts is a real treasure for creating models of cars, trucks, tractors, platforms, cranes, planes - the options have endless possibilities. The kits are designed for different age groups and are great for developing understanding, imagination and dexterity.

Absolutely anyone from 8 to 80 years old has a lot of fun collecting the models recommended in the instructions. Using the constructor, they collect:
  • construction equipment - bulldozers, tractors, excavators, cranes,
  • aircrafts,
  • military equipment,
  • city ​​cars and SUVs,
  • luxury carriages,
  • robots,
  • toy furniture and household appliances,
  • are studying the power supply.
Your own inventions are even more enjoyable. All parts are in special trays. The versatile complex kit can hold up to 1000. Any of these sets makes a great gift.

What is a magnetic constructor?

Constructors are educational toys that teach children of all ages the basics of technology. in an attractive way without leaving the nursery. Children use the attached stick to move colorful magnetic disks around the board or assemble magnetically fastened structures. There are many options and each set is focused on different age groups.

Magnets are one of those magical toys that everyone loves. Children with constructors and puzzles are intriguing with the end result, but the game is easy to master. Parents love what the child gets necessary skills... The game attracts children to active, practical activities.

Why do parents buy construction sets for their children?

Dads and moms are happy to acquire toy constructors when children show clear interest to design. Busy parents are always looking for ways to keep their kids busy for hours on end. Metal construction sets help to expand children's imagination, encourages creative thinking.

The game is great for indoor use. When rainy days come, a designer comes to the rescue. A huge part of the toy's appeal lies in the variability in the final result.

Kits, containing many small parts, are assembled to form a windmill or car - requiring precise motor skills. Constructive toys stimulate movement control, hand-eye coordination.

One of important aspects metallic or magnetic constructors is that they contribute to the all-round social development through cooperative play, to make decisions and support friends, recognizing the strengths and weak sides each participant in the game.

The toy develops the intelligence, creativity and imagination of children, has a multifunctional developmental value:

  • Language skills: When children play, parents can emphasize new object names, shapes, and other characteristics.
  • Coordination: funny manipulation of details according to the instructions, attaching elements has a positive effect on the muscles of the hands and fingers - this is useful in school for teaching drawing and writing.
  • Intelligence: Assembly teaches "cause and effect" and other important problem-solving skills that are essential for brain development.
  • Spatial Thinking: When children play, they simultaneously learn concepts such as larger or smaller, size and shape.
  • Creative skills: constructors are toys open type... Children manipulate details different ways and gain experience in design, composition and color.
When parents play with their children, it helps to strengthen bond and unity. Children learn to engage and deal with a problem when building, building or connecting parts. It develops problem-solving skills through trial and error. Building toys and games also promote unity among children when they play together. Children also develop confidence, learn patience, perform a variety of tasks and improve memory and brain activity. The designer also encourages children to clean up the room after play.

Why do you need to give constructors to children more often?

Constructive play is an integral part of every child's daily activities. Parents for full development toddlers are required to provide a flow of knowledge and information. Building blocks, constructive puzzles contribute comprehensive development- physical, emotional, intellectual and social.

Toys are an essential part of every child's age change. But children intuitively choose and love educational toys... If the child enjoys making models, parents can buy the Magformers magnetic construction set inexpensively - a toy for use and entertainment.

Play-based educational kits give children a hands-on introduction to construction and robotics. With the help of magnets and metal constructors, it is easy to build almost any product. When a child regularly plays with building parts, he learns the skills of forming a whole from small items, learns to fold, join, assemble, reorganize and disassemble. With the help of educational toys, children begin to develop thinking and memory, and also learn the importance of certain concepts - for example, the concepts of "top", "below", "above", "next", "add". The self-contained little constructor has a transparent plastic cover to prevent loss of parts.