How to use self tanner at home. How to apply self tanner at home. An overview of the most famous self-tanning products

If there is no time or desire to languish under the gentle rays of the sun, but you want to be the owner of beautiful skin of the color of gold or bronze, then self-tanning comes to the rescue. This tool does not require wasting time and health on sunbathing or tanning beds, which is especially undesirable, given the harmfulness of ultraviolet radiation. Self-tanning will give its mistress such a skin tone, as if she had just returned from the Bahamas or Ibiza. Of course, for such an effect, you need to know how to properly apply self-tanning.

Preparation for application

Before using the product, it is imperative to conduct a sensitivity test, because any new cosmetics an allergic reaction may occur. To do this, apply the cream on the inside of the forearm and wait 3-4 hours. If there is no feeling of lack of air, burning, redness or itching at the site of contact of the cream with the skin, then you can continue. In parallel, you should pay attention to how self-tanning will look on your skin type.

Self-tanner is applied to clean skin. When taking a shower, it is recommended to use body peeling to remove the keratinized layer of cells from the surface layers of the skin, otherwise self-tanning will be uneven and will fade rather quickly. For an even shade, depilation is also necessary.

After a shower, you need to thoroughly dry the whole body so that there are no streaks and smudges.

General principles for applying self-tanning

What to figure out how to properly apply self-tanning at home , let's highlight the main points.

  1. Apply the cream in the direction from the head to the feet.
  2. For high-quality application, you need to get a mirror large sizes, and even better - an assistant.
  3. Do not apply the product on skin with rashes, scratches, abrasions.
  4. Choose your self tanner the minimum amount flavors. A one-time smell may seem pleasant, but when applied to the whole body, it can become intrusive. And the absence of flavorings will reduce the likelihood of developing allergies.
  5. The cream is applied in two layers with a time interval of 120 minutes using a spray device or a regular washcloth.
  6. Be sure to wash your hands after the procedure.

Apply self-tanner to different parts of the body

  • Face

It should be remembered that any self-tanning dries the skin. Therefore, after washing, peeling and drying the skin, you should apply a moisturizer for the face. When the cream is absorbed, the product can be applied. To do this, you need to grind a small amount of cream on the fingers and start applying it from the cheekbones to other areas of the face. The second layer is applied only to the nose and cheeks.

  • Back

Don't forget to use lotion to moisturize your skin! After it dries, apply self-tanner with a sponge brush. Try not to touch different surfaces and choose the best temperature regime in the room, so as not to provoke excessive sweating.

  • Legs

Here the principle is the same as with the back, but with the addition of depilation. After the lotion is absorbed into the skin, apply the cream from the upper thighs to the feet. Don't forget your ankles and the space between your toes!

In order for the tan to have an intense shade, it is necessary to renew it every two to three days. In this case, there is no need to pre-peel. You can apply the cream simply on a clean body.

If you fail to achieve the ideal and desired effect the first time, do not be discouraged: apply to the skin lemon juice or baking soda solution and rinse. After a few days, when the skin recovers, you can try the procedure again.

One of the most safe ways that allows you to give the skin a bronze tint, is self-tanning. It can be a cream, lotion, spray, milk or even special wipes. Their action is short-lived, and in the absence of application experience, stains or stains may appear. yellow tint.

If you want to quickly and painlessly get a tan, but do not want to risk your appearance, there is such a procedure as professional self-tanning. It is performed by a cosmetologist and involves uniform spraying of the bronzing preparation. In most cases, the fake tan lasts longer and there is no "spotting" effect.

More about the composition and duration of the effect

The main active molecule in self-tanning products is called dihydroxyacetone (DHA). It is obtained from cane. The action of DHA is to color the top layer of the skin. The applied dye is absorbed into several surface layers of the epidermis.

The cells of the upper epidermal layers no longer have a nucleus and major organelles, so DHA exposure does not cause DNA mutation and is no more dangerous than ordinary shadows, blush or powder. There are still no blood vessels in these layers, respectively, the pigmenting substance is not absorbed into the blood and systemic action (that is, action on internal organs) does not provide. Therefore, to the question of whether self-tanning is harmful to the skin, the answer is unambiguously negative.

Moreover, the dye takes on some of the function of melanin - a natural pigment that is formed during tanning. The task of melanin is to create a kind of barrier against ultraviolet radiation. That is, self-tanning partially duplicates the protection against rays that can cause skin cancer. And if the main active ingredient is added sun protection factor(SPF), then such a tool protects even better from ultraviolet radiation than a regular one.

As mentioned, dihydroxyacetone is absorbed by the most superficial layers of the epidermis. The "life" of these layers is short, and they quickly exfoliate. This is the reason for the short-lived effect of artificial tanning.

Self-tanning is very sensitive to the nature of the surface on which it is applied. So, if it is not clean enough or wet, this can affect the uniformity of application and cause “streaks”.

Cosmetologists provide the service "instant self-tanning". In this case, they usually use either products with a fairly high content of dihydroxyacetone (5-16%), or preparations based on erythrulose. The latter is a DHA-related substance, but has better absorption characteristics, so it spreads evenly over the integuments and colors them in more natural tones, without orange or yellow tints.

How long self-tanning made in the salon lasts depends on the main active substance lotion used, and the client's skin type. Usually this period is longer than when using home remedies, and is 7-10 days.

Types of tanning

Self-tanning can be called 2 types of drugs:


These are creams that do not contain dihydroxyacetone or erythrulose, but only a coloring pigment. It is not absorbed by the epidermis and can be easily washed off with water at any time.

Bronzers are actively used by makeup artists: with their help, the effect of sculpting the face is well created.

Since such an agent is not absorbed, even a small amount of sweat, sebum or water will cause it to spread. So if you want streak-free self-tanning, use products that contain dihydroxyacetone or erythrulose.


They contain sugar from cane extract, and it is they who are able to penetrate into the surface layers of the epidermis. Autobronzates do not begin to act immediately, but after a few hours, while maximum concentration achieved in approximately 8-12 hours (sometimes later). At this time, you should not expose the treated areas to the action of water or alcohol, you should not engage in exercise(so that sweat does not wash off the applied drug).

Please note: Most DHA-based self-tanners for the face will differ from those for the body. This is due to the different concentrations of the active substance.

It is advisable to choose such a time of day for applying self-tanning so that you can stay in the sun for 6-8 hours. home clothes(the tool tends to stain it) and at the same time not go to bed (it is possible to stain bed linen).

Autobronzates are applied after pre-training, which we'll talk about a little later.


Desired shade skin pigmentation written on the product packaging:

  • If you want a dark, chocolate-like color, choose one that says "Dark" or "Fonce".
  • If the desired shade lies in medium brown color scheme, buy Medium or Moyenne.
  • If you do not want to surprise others with a sharp transition from aristocratic pallor to chocolate color, choose Light or Clair.

Indications and contraindications for self-tanning

Anyone can apply a product based on dihydroxyacetone, if he is not allergic to the components of a particular autobronzate. In addition to allergic manifestations, other contraindications are exacerbation herpetic infection, wounds and inflammation at the treatment site. Breastfeeding and pregnancy is not a contraindication.

Which self tanner to choose

Before buying, decide what form of release the product should have, as well as what should be written on the package.

Release form

The action of Biocon self-tanning cream

The result of applying Garnier Ambre Solaire

The effect of Nivea-Sun bronzer

The action of Floresan self-tanning spray
Photos taken from the resource

Self-tanning for the body can be in the form of a cream, milk, gel, lotion, spray or oil. You need to choose one of them depending on the type of your skin:

  • Spray. Suitable for any type, dries quickly enough. For the first application and for the face, it is better not to use such a remedy, since it is not clear where the spray has already hit, and which areas have not yet been painted over. This can cause streaks and uneven coloration. When spraying, the product must be protected Airways and eyes from aerosol.
  • Body milk. Best applied to oily skin. The product is easy to apply and absorb.
  • The cream is used primarily for dry skin; if the latter is very dry and white, it is better to mix self-tanning 1: 1 with a moisturizer, and only then apply. Creams dry out for a long time, during the drying period they can be smeared with clothes or washed off with water.
  • The gel is suitable for all skin types. The agent is quickly absorbed, additionally matting the treated areas, lays down evenly, but rich color does not give.
  • The lotion is optimal for normal and oily types.
  • Self-tanning oil is ideal for dry skin. It is absorbed for a long time, but perfectly nourishes and moisturizes.

Color type

The color type directly affects the choice of self-tanning.

If you are dark-haired, dark-skinned, and do not want to end up with a yellow tint, you need a product labeled "Dark".

For people with hair from light blond to chestnut, owners peach shade skin, as well brown eyes recommended tanning "Medium".

For fair skin it can be a cream, milk, spray or gel labeled "Light".

Choose by rating

The top 10 auto bronzers, according to many women surveyed, look like this (in order from most effective to least effective):

  1. A Clarins concentrate called Radiance-Plus Golden Glow Booster, which requires a 1:1 dilution with milk or moisturizer, strictly according to the instructions. Can be used on face and body.
  2. Lancome's Oil-Free Flash Bronzer Lotion. It is used mainly for the face, but can also be used for the body.
  3. Gel from L'Oreal in a bottle with a dispenser called "Sublime Bronze". It is formulated for use on the body, but when mixed with your favorite moisturizer 1:1, it can also be used on the face.
  4. Cream from L'Oreal "Nutri Bronze". It has a special smell that not everyone will like, contains shine, is absorbed quickly, and lasts for a relatively long time.
  5. Spray from Lancaster Self tanning for the body has been tried by many women who claim that this self-tanner does not give yellowness.
  6. Milk from Floresan. Although it is very inexpensive means, nevertheless, well pigments the skin of the face or torso; they can darken local white spots for 7-10 days.
  7. Dior Bronze Shimmering Glow. This remedy is applied to the face; gives it a golden, without yellowness, shade, and also improves the condition of aging skin.
  8. Yves Rocher "Bronze Nature" not only colors, but also tightens the skin, and also moisturizes it. The tool is adapted for daily use.
  9. "Sun Touch" by Nivea. This is a body spray that contains not only alcohols, but also vitamin E, which is an antioxidant.
  10. Means from Dove "Shine of summer". Body lotion, which acts very gently, slowly stains the skin: the effect can be seen no earlier than after 3 days.

How to apply self-tanner

Applying self-tanner requires a special algorithm, otherwise you risk getting streaks and uneven color. The same steps must be followed if you go to the salon procedure.

So, point by point.

First you need to check if you have allergies. To do this, apply a small amount of the drug on inner surface forearm. Wait 20 minutes, or wash off sooner if the application site is itchy or red. The drug that caused such symptoms should not be used.

5-7 days before the procedure, remove from the usual care plan products that contain fruit or salicylic acid. Otherwise, you can get unpredictable results.

Immediately before applying the auto bronzer, exfoliate with a scrub and a pumice stone. As an exfoliating agent, both purchased and home scrub(salt mixed with liquid soap, honey with soda). Remove carefully long hair at the places of application.

Stop using deodorants 5-6 hours before. The skin should be moisturized with a cream (if necessary), and then thoroughly dried with a dry towel. Now you can apply self-tanner. Put on gloves, and first process more tight skin, then more tender. First paint those areas that are always open to the sun, then the rest of the areas.

Movement - from the bottom up. On the skin of the knees, elbows, self-tanning is needed less than for other areas. Axillary areas can not be stained at all.

When processing the face, so that there is no sharp contrast between the colored skin and hairy part head, before coloring, apply a moisturizer along the hairline, on the ears and on the back of the neck. Clip your hair or put it under the headband so that it does not interfere. The area of ​​the nose and forehead is treated last, the drug should not be applied to the skin around the eyes.

You need to rub self-tanner in a circular motion and pretty fast. It is necessary to process the hands from the outside, but if the drug gets on the palms of the nails and between the fingers, it must be washed off. The product can be reapplied after 30-60 minutes, if so written in the instructions.

After applying self-tanner, do not rinse it off. Lubricate the places where little funds could get, and “joints” with a moisturizer: this will prevent the formation abrupt transitions and different tone. Look at the folds of the skin: they should not contain cream, remove the excess of the latter with a napkin.

Over the next 6-8 hours (unless the instructions say otherwise), you can not:

  • wash or take a shower;
  • exercise;
  • change clothes several times (it is advisable not to wear light-colored clothes at all);
  • lie down in bed.

If you immediately see that the resulting tone is quite dark, wash off the self-tanner from this area using a coarse washcloth.

If the tone does not fit?

If the skin tone that turned out does not suit you, we will tell you several ways to wash off self-tanner.

Method number 1, for the body. We take a warm bath with foam, lie in it for at least an hour, three washcloths, and then scrub the skin on which autobronzate was applied. The method is suitable if you do not like the color of the entire skin, it has acquired yellowness or there are multiple divorces.

Method number 2, for the body. We use a tuff washcloth. Take a bath with foam, and then actively treat the desired areas with a washcloth.

Method number 3, for the face and body. We use lemon. You can cut it, and just rub it with too ugly colored places, then quickly rinse off the juice. You can also use lemon juice: mix 2 tbsp. juice from 1 tsp. soda, rub with such a “scrub” right places. Rinse off quickly: Lemon juice contains fruit acids, which exfoliate the epidermis, and the longer they are kept on the skin, the deeper the effect will be.

Method number 4, suitable if self-tanning was applied to the face, and its overall effect is not to your liking. We use a mask of white clay diluted with sour cream. Keep it for 15-20 minutes, wash off.

Method number 5, suitable for the face and body, if the tone is too yellow or orange. Treat the “affected” skin with baby oil, soak for 10-30 minutes. In this case, the tan will remain, but it will no longer be so bright and yellow.

Method number 6, suitable for fixing small spots. To do this, squeeze a “pea” of toothpaste onto your finger and treat it with too dark areas, massage them in a circular motion, rinse off the paste.

For those who are contraindicated direct solar exposure who are worried about self-tanning will also be a great alternative.

Summer and vacation flew by unnoticed, taking with them warm days, soft sun, and with them a tan ... The next vacation is far away, but you really want to have tanned skin! A moderate golden tan came into fashion thanks to the incomparable Coco Chanel and has since been a model of health, youth and beauty.

But now to have dark skin- absolutely not a problem! It is enough to come to the solarium, 3-5 sessions - and you are a "tanned beauty" in the middle of a snowy winter or a dull autumn. Well, if there is no time or lack of funds (a high-quality solarium with safe lamps is not the cheapest pleasure), creams imitating a tan - self-tanning can come to the rescue. But they also have many disadvantages: uneven tan, harmful components, fragrances and many others. It is best to use folk remedies for self-tanning to give the skin a pleasant shade.

Tea is the best self-tanner for the body

The most affordable folk way is to make self-tanning with your own hands using ordinary tea. It doesn't take long, it's safe and very cheap! In this case, the remedy will be the usual brewing of black tea. Here is the recipe: for half a glass boiled water put 1 tablespoon with a slide of black tea. Depending on the desire to have a strong or weak skin tone, the ratio can be changed. Boil the infusion for no more than 3 minutes, strain, and then use.

To give a golden color to the skin of the face, wipe it with a swab dipped in this infusion 1-2 times a day. Along the way, the skin of the face will become more toned and fresh, frozen tea cubes are well cleaned small wrinkles. If you take a bath with this infusion, the whole body will take golden hue and the surface of the skin will become noticeably better.


In the same way, masks are made from natural coffee. To do this, fry the grains, grind, pour boiling water to a mushy state, cool and apply on the face for a quarter of an hour. This mask also has a scrub effect, after application, apply a moisturizer.


When eaten daily carrot or pumpkin juice, the skin, saturated with carotene, will gradually acquire a light golden hue. The effect will last as long as you use these products. But this method applicable for a very short time, as there may be consequences in the form of allergies due to an overabundance of the same vitamins.

walnuts as self tanner

One of effective ways get a quick and even tan walnuts. A decoction of the leaves of this tree is added to the bath, after half an hour your skin will take brown shade, and after 2 procedures it will become even darker and its golden color will last more than 7 days.


Available is folk remedy like a husk onion. After all, this natural dye has long been used to decorate eggs for Easter. To obtain a decoction, the husk must be thoroughly washed, poured with water, boiled and cooled. You need to use it, as in the case of tea leaves. A decoction of onion peel, in addition to a shade that mimics a tan, has an antimicrobial effect and relieves inflammation on the skin.


Anyone who grows rhubarb in the garden can also make himself a self-tanner for the body at home using the juice extracted from its roots. But often it cannot be used due to the fact that the juice dries the skin very much, after its application it is necessary to moisturize the skin well.

Self-tanning for the face of chamomile and string

For those who are not prone to allergies and skin dermatosis, it is proposed to do self-tanning for the face using a mixture of chamomile and string. For a decoction, the ratio is taken in half, the mixture is boiled and infused for at least 1.5 hours. Strain the decoction and wipe the face. This mixture also has a calming and disinfecting effect, herbs can be used separately.

Chocolate skin tone is not only beautiful, but also fashionable. Girls all over the world prefer tanned skin because it looks healthier, smoother and more natural.

Sometimes spend cash going to the solarium is impractical, and the purchase of cosmetic substitutes, such as self-tanners, does not bring the desired result.

That is why there are homemade ways to prepare such creams. Unlike branded ones, they consist only of natural ingredients, and their use is shown not only for the effect even tan on the skin, but as part of a comprehensive care.

In addition, the compositions can be perfectly used as face masks, lotions or mousses - they not only improve natural color face, but also contribute to nutrition and hydration.

What is it needed for

self tanning home cooking can be used as basic skin care in spring and summer period time, and nice bonus the effect of a light "sunny kiss" will also be. The advantages of such a tool include:

  • no harmful dyes and additives- in self-prepared compositions there are only natural dyes which do not cause any harm to the skin. In ordinary cosmetic preparations molecules are used that color the skin due to a chemical reaction;
  • has a nourishing and moisturizing effect- due to minerals, vitamins and fatty acids, you can not only give the epidermis an even and natural shade, but also nourish it with useful substances;
  • makes skin tone even and smooth and soft to the touch;
  • the procedure requires a minimum of time, and the effect comes much faster than from a visit to the solarium;
  • use a homemade product, can be at any time of the year;
  • homemade creams do not stain the skin, do not create spots on the epidermis. At correct application natural dyes stay on the dermis longer than artificial ones;
  • compositions due to the ingredients have no contraindications.

Disadvantages of home tanning:

  • rinsing off the product from the skin is quite problematic: due to the renewal of the epidermis, the dye comes off unevenly, leaves spots on the skin;
  • to obtain a qualitative result, the solution must always be freshly prepared, and applied carefully and evenly. If you skip any part of the body, you can get the effect of "spotting";
  • homemade self-tanning is able to delight the skin with a delicate chocolate shade from two to five days. Persistence depends on a number of factors: the use of peeling before applying the product, the number of layers applied, the frequency of showering, and others;
  • some homemade formulations are unpleasant in smell. However, it wears off quickly;
  • product may partially stain clothing and bed linen.

Homemade mixtures can be used an unlimited number of times - they are suitable for daily care. And that's why:

Useful material in home remedies:

  • vitamins A, E, C– are an antioxidant complex that protects, nourishes and improves oxygen exchange between skin cells;
  • tannins- able to regenerate damage and smooth out irregularities;
  • antacids - natural antiseptics that kill microbes and have an anti-inflammatory effect. They eliminate redness and inflammation on the skin, as well as the reasons for their occurrence;
  • carotenoids - natural dyes , which give the dermis a natural and even tone;
  • minerals - contribute to skin rejuvenation and alignment of small irregularities. Means with a large amount of minerals are able to speed up metabolism, improve cell function and activate regenerating functions.

We make ourselves

Available great amount home recipes that can color the dermis and restore its functions. As a rule, their components are available in every home.

tea leaves

The most popular recipe that you can quickly cook at home is tea bag lotion. Making it is quite simple: you need to brew very strong tea, on the basis that two tablespoons of the product account for 80 ml of water. The proportions can be varied and experimented with the emulsion at your discretion. In order to achieve quick effect, you should wipe your face with it daily several times a day. For the body, you need to use a jar with a spray.

Important to know: this lotion does not stain clothes and does not leave streaks on the skin. Its regular use contributes to the lifting effect, improves the external condition and functions of the dermis.


For this method, you need to buy whole coffee beans and grind them in a coffee grinder. Gradually add water to the powder until the consistency of a homogeneous slurry. You can also add a few drops of any cosmetic oil. Apply the product to the face and exposed areas of the body for 15-20 minutes several times a day. And to further fix the effect, you should add a few capsules of vitamin E and A.


One of the most persistent body lotions is based on a decoction of rhubarb. Instead of a decoction, you can use the juice of the first extraction - this way the coloring effect will last longer.

In order to make such an extract with your own hands, you need to mix a tablespoon of moisturizer with one tablespoon of juice. The result is a liquid consistency that resembles a melting ointment. The result of such a cream is cumulative.

The first manifestations of an even tan on the body are noticeable after a week of use.

To make a decoction that can be used instead of juice, you need to boil one tablespoon of the roots in 250 ml of water for about twenty minutes, then strain and cool until room temperature. The resulting liquid can be used as a lotion. The composition not only darkens the skin, due to coloring pigments natural type, but narrows pores, smoothes unevenness and makes the complexion homogeneous.

carrot recipe

With the help of carrot juice, you can achieve a beautiful even tan that will not come off in spots, and will appear as evenly as possible.

At home, a golden skin tone can be obtained using next composition: juice from one carrot should be mixed with olive oil (15 ml). This composition Can be used for face and whole body. It is aged on the skin for about 10 minutes as a mask. The method is ideal to emphasize an existing tan or for girls with swarthy skin.

It is not suitable for light-skinned people - the pigment will color the skin in a yellow, unnatural tone.

onion peel

Onion decoction not only stains the skin in one application, but also takes care of the epidermis as much as possible.. It becomes soft and silky after a few weeks. The broth is prepared as follows: onion peel (from several onions of pink and white onion) must be filled cold water and leave for a few hours. Such a solution can be rubbed on the skin until completely absorbed. Rinsing is not recommended.

The second solution can be prepared by boiling onion skins. The broth should be boiled for about 15-20 minutes on low heat, and then cool. When cold, it should be evenly rubbed into the skin of the body and face.

walnut leaves

The tool gives a natural shade. In a few applications, an even, golden tan is achieved. The usual decoction of the leaves is used - added to the bath. In such a bath should be about 20 minutes. Most big pluses from such an application is a minimum of actions, saving time and even tanning.

The product has a lasting effect: the pigment stays on the skin for about seven to eight days.

Blue clay

In dry clay powder (three tablespoons), you need to add one tablespoon of henna and a little cinnamon. This mixture dissolve in bath. It should be taken no more than 20 minutes. It must be remembered that it is possible allergic reactions components, so it is worth doing an allergy test.


To give the epidermis a slight tan effect, not a golden hue, you can use chamomile decoction with the addition of a string. The infusion should be filtered and use on face and body. It is better to apply the product through a sprayer so that the lotion is evenly distributed and does not leave streaks. For the right consistency, mix eight tablespoons of one and the other herb and pour boiling water (1000 ml). It takes about three hours to infuse it.

Preparation for the procedure

For an even shade and a beautiful golden tan, it is necessary to prepare the dermis. Basic Rules:

  • skin should be cleansed before procedures special scrub or peeling. You can use a product based on coffee and honey, and esters should be added as little as possible;
  • for an even tone all over the body before using home self-tanning, hair must be removed;
  • if creamy consistency is used, you should wait after the bath for about an hour so that the pores become clogged;
  • can not be used before lotion chemical and cosmetic creams for body and face;
  • before applying, prepare a towel to remove excess, and pin up hair.

Home product benefits

Home remedies can be used as masks, compresses and peels. Depending on how it is used, it has different properties.

For example, onion peel helps expand blood vessels, speeds up blood circulation and promotes healing. varicose veins veins. Adding an infusion several times a week to bath water promotes healing throughout the body.

A decoction of walnut leaves is used to treat acne And skin diseases. Many say that it regular use as a lotion had a beneficial effect on the skin of the face.

In the eras before the advent of Coco Chanel, women strenuously protected their bodies and faces from sun rays, since it was believed that a tan was the lot of commoners, and only dazzling white skin suits aristocrats. But the Great Mademoiselle turned everything upside down, and now a tan is considered very beautiful, befitting women from a society with sufficient income, having time to idle doing nothing on the beaches.

But advances in the cosmetics industry have made tanning affordable even for busy, pale-skinned women in big cities. Let this product come from a tube or a jar, but nevertheless, with it, the skin looks remarkably fresh and young.

The only question is how to properly apply self-tanning at home so that a tiger or leopard is not reflected in the mirror, but a young and beautiful woman with even golden color face and body, as if kissed by the first rays of the sun.

At its core, self-tanning, regardless of the form of its release, is a coloring matter that can penetrate the surface layer of the skin and appear in it as shades of tan. According to its consistency, self-tanning can be of the following types:

  • cream;
  • gel;
  • lotion or milk;
  • mousse;
  • spray;
  • napkins.

Each of these means has its advantages and disadvantages, so the woman herself determines by experience what consistency of the drug is most convenient for her to work with. Most often used lotions and sprays for sunburn as the most convenient forms facilities.

In order to learn how to properly use self-tanning, you need to understand for what purpose you want to do it.

If you need to revive and refresh a little pale skin, it is worth stopping at light shade facilities. With him it is impossible to immediately become a mulatto, but he will not give unaesthetic brown spots all over the body and face.

For the same purpose, you can make self-tanning with your own hands. It is easiest to use strong brewed tea or carrot juice. Both of these substances will give a light temporary coloring, which is great for toning the legs during the transition from tights to bare feet. So the skin will look fresher and more beautiful, there will be no need to be ashamed of your "blue" winter legs.

Having figured out how self-tanning works, you can proceed to the choice of “your” means. There are many brands of such drugs in the world, but not all of them are equally good. It is best to focus on well-known, trusted manufacturers who are serious about the composition of their drugs.

It must be remembered that tanning products tend to provoke allergies, so you should try to choose a minimally aggressive composition and be sure to do a test before the first use.

Just as carefully you need to consider the selection of the color of the product, especially if you have milky white skin. Self-tanner, which fits perfectly on the skin of a darker woman, can turn out to be a disgusting yellow or orange tint on snow white.

It is best to use samplers or purchase a miniature version of the product to try it on an inconspicuous place. If you like the result, you can take a full-sized container and begin to comprehend the intricacies of applying this substance.

How to apply self-tanner without streaks and spots

The most important thing in how to use self-tanning is the answer to the question: what needs to be done long before the procedure itself? The whole process and the complexity of application are closely related to the preparation of the skin for the adoption of the product. A simple example will help you understand this.

Before painting wooden table top, it is not just thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. It is carefully polished several times until smooth, and then a primer is applied to it. Only after that the paint will lay down thinly, evenly and give a glossy, very uniform and beautiful coating.

The same should be done with the skin, especially if a facial bronzer is used. This method will allow you to apply self-tanner without streaks, distributing it so that the skin remains thin layer which will give a natural, even color.

The basic rules for how to properly apply self-tanning on the face and body:

  • Preparation for the use of the product should begin long before the actual use of self-tanning, preferably 14 days before this event, especially if the skin is dry, damaged or inflamed. Each defect on the skin will subsequently give a speck when applying a self-tanner.
  • The body and face must not only be thoroughly cleansed, but also diligently remove dead skin. It stains first and very intensively, so before you apply self-tanner, it must be removed. For this, scrubs and peels are used. You need to act gently and delicately, paying especially much attention to the most problematic, dry places with thick keratinized skin - knees, elbows and shins.
  • After treatment, the skin must be moisturized and nourished. For this purpose, high-quality body products are used, which are selected according to skin type. Well-groomed, moisturized and “nourished” skin becomes denser and more elastic, it has a smooth surface, which will help to apply self-tanner evenly.
  • Particular attention should be paid to how to apply bronzer for facial skin. Hair, especially light, must be covered, and a thin layer of cream should be applied along the hairline. This will help to avoid getting dye on the hair roots and the formation of an ugly brown contour, which immediately gives out an unnatural tan. The skin of the face is just as diligently prepared for the application of self-tanning, but here the product must be applied along the skin lines so as not to damage or stretch it.
  • You need to apply self-tanning quickly, with light movements, without fixing for a long time in one place. The drug is applied to the knees and elbows last and in a slightly smaller amount than to other parts of the body. The skin here is dry and rough, it absorbs paint like a sponge, so these areas can be stained more strongly.
  • It is extremely inconvenient to handle the back itself, so in order not to get stained, use the help of your husband or girlfriend.
  • Aerosol preparations are very convenient, but require speed of action. In order to learn how to carefully apply self-tanning spray, you need to follow the usual tips, and start coating from the limbs - this way you can get a more even layer.
  • After application, self-tanning usually appears within 4 - 6 hours, it will stain clothes for about 2 hours (spots on white are not removed by anything).
  • After the procedure, you can not swim for at least 6 hours and generally wet the body if you do not want to wash off the tan.
  • To save beautiful colour to the maximum long term, you will have to give up peels and scrubs, coarse brushes and washcloths, aggressive detergents and oils. Used for washing soft gels with a delicate action, can be for children.
  • Most self tanners have bad smell, which disappears after drying, but reappears when the skin gets wet.
  • After application, everyone is interested in: how long does self-tanning last? The shelf life of a tan on the body is individual and depends on the type of skin, the products used for washing and care, the rate of renewal skin. On average, self-tanning can last from 3 to 14 days.

When choosing a product, please note that for the body and face are often offered various means. This is due to the fact that the skin of the face is more delicate and sensitive, requiring delicate care formulations.

How to wash self-tanner at home

Sometimes, if you overdid it with the product, the color didn’t fit or lay in spots, the question arises: how to wash self-tanner? Most simple means make it brighter conventional gels for the shower, especially those containing small balls to enhance the action. These products are especially effective immediately after applying self-tanning, when it “grabs”, it will not work much to lighten the skin tone.

Another option on how to wash off self-tanning is to walk over the body with a stiff brush or washcloth. But only a high-quality body scrub will help to simply and quickly wash off self-tanning at home. In heavily colored areas, you can use baking soda, only after that the skin should be well treated with cream.

Indications and contraindications

Many women are interested in whether self-tanning is harmful to the skin. A good, high-quality product with a normal composition will not harm, so it is very important to navigate correctly when choosing a drug and its manufacturer. If there is only one poisonous “chemistry” in the composition, naturally, using it can cause harm, no matter if it is self-tanning or any other cosmetic product.

As for whether it is possible for pregnant women to use self-tanning, there are no direct prohibitions on this.

Of course, self-tanning during pregnancy is recommended to be used in doses, best of all limited to the face and limbs, and when applied to the whole body, focus on the maximum natural compounds for fear of allergies. A test is required. Only then self-tanning during pregnancy will not cause harm.