How to identify worms in a child: symptoms, routes of infection. How to recognize the signs of autism in young children. Abdominal pain and digestive upsets

How to determine what your child is allergic to

Allergy is the most common disease that people are susceptible to of different ages... Children of the first years of life are especially prone to this ailment, since the fragile the immune system and an immature gastrointestinal tract contribute to the development negative reaction the body to various stimuli. How to determine what a child is allergic to, where and with what methods this can be done, we will tell in this article.

Diagnostic methods

If your child has even one symptom of allergies, you should not try to treat the disease on your own. It is necessary to visit the pediatrician as soon as possible, who after initial examination refer you to an allergist. He will tell you how to determine what your child is allergic to.

In order to find the reason for the appearance of a negative reaction of the body, the doctor will conduct several stages of the examination:

  • Collection of objective information about the signs of the disease and possible hereditary factors;
  • External examination of the baby;
  • Clarification of the relationship between reaction symptoms and possible irritants;
  • Purpose of diagnostic tests.

There are several diagnostic methods that will allow you to accurately find the cause of the allergy:

  • Taking blood from a vein to diagnose the level of immunoglobulins;
  • Skin allergy tests.

Let's consider in more detail how to test a child for allergies with these methods.

Examining the blood

Blood tests for the detection of an allergen have no contraindications associated with age restrictions, and is considered the safest. They allow you to identify more than 200 types of stimuli.

The advantage of this test over others is that the child does not have to come into contact with the allergen. This study determines the presence of immunoglobulins in the blood plasma, special antibodies that react to a certain type of allergen.

Depending on the concentration of these antibodies, the severity of the allergy is determined. That is, if the amount of immunoglobulin is higher than normal, then a conclusion is made about the presence of the disease.

For the analysis to show reliable result, you must follow some rules before submitting it.

  • The study is carried out on an empty stomach;
  • Limit quantity physical activity and emotional turmoil;
  • The day before the proposed study, it is necessary to exclude foods containing potential allergens, as well as spicy, fatty and sweet foods.

The age indices of immunoglobulin will differ. So, normally, in children under one year old, it should not exceed 15 units / m2, and in the period from 10 to 16 years old it can reach 200.

Features of skin tests

There is another fairly common way to identify an allergen in a child.

The determination of an allergen is carried out using allergy tests, or, as they are also called, an allergy test. These studies are informative, although false results have been recorded.

In addition, it is necessary to carry out tests on the condition that at the time of analysis the child is absolutely healthy and does not show signs of allergy. If the baby is sick or has clear signs allergic reaction, research is strictly prohibited. Moreover, tests are done a few weeks after recovery, so that the body fully recovers from the illness. It is forbidden to take antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as paracetamol before performing the test.

If these important conditions will not be respected, data corruption is possible, which will not allow identifying the allergen.

Important! Allergy tests can be done on children over the age of five years old!

This is due to the fact that to detect the reaction, direct contact with the allergen occurs: a scratch or incision is made on the skin of the inner side of the forearm or wrist and a drop of a certain allergen is applied. These studies allow you to quickly assess the body's response: after 15-20 minutes, the doctor can determine the result.

Body reaction

A certain allergic effect on the child's body is carried out in several ways:

  • Drip. During research skin are not damaged;
  • Prik test. An allergen is applied to a skin area, and then a puncture is made with a needle to a depth of 1 mm;
  • Scarification. For a test, scratches are made on the skin;
  • Intradermal. Check the body's response by introducing an irritant under the skin;
  • Application. A gauze swab is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, which is dipped in a solution of a specific allergen. The diagnosed skin area is covered with a bandage, and the result is assessed every other day.

Let us consider the possible reaction of the body to the identification of a certain stimulus.

After the tests, the baby may feel weak and dizzy. it normal reaction organism, which should not be feared.

In some cases, such tests are prescribed for children under the age of five. However, the effectiveness of such studies is low. In addition, there is a high risk of complications.

Specificity of elimination tests

These tests are simple and do not require special knowledge and skills. They are most often used to identify a food irritant, because food allergy is one of the most common forms of the disease in children. Their essence boils down to observing the child's reaction after eating certain foods.

So, if the mother knew what the child ate before his body reacted allergic reaction, it will not be difficult to identify the irritant. It must be excluded from the baby's diet for several weeks. In the event that the manifestations of allergies recede, we can assume that dangerous product found. Or remove potential allergens from the diet, and then inject one at a time and control what kind of reaction the crumbs' body will give.

In this case, a special diary will help to determine the allergen, in which parents need to write down everything that the baby or nursing mother ate. This way you can track foods to which the body has reacted negatively.

This method can be effective for detecting other types of reactions. For example, if you notice that the baby begins to sneeze every time after walking in the park, where there are many flower beds, then there is a high probability that there is a pollen allergen in his body.

You can also find out the negative reaction to certain types medicines... True, such a diary should be kept under the strict supervision of a physician and the immediate replacement of the drug with an analogue.

Observation methods

Observation techniques allow many moms to say, "I understand what my baby is allergic to."

The fact is that after a detailed analysis of all possible reasons manifestations of negative reactions and their elimination, parents will be able to save the baby from unpleasant symptoms allergies and forget about them forever. How to understand what the body is reacting to?

  • Babies are very sensitive to pet hair. To make sure of this, it is enough to take the pets out of the apartment for several weeks and do a thorough wet cleaning;
  • Track, after which the disease worsens. Perhaps the chlorinated water flowing from the tap is not suitable for the child, or his body reacts this way to washing powder... The material from which toys are made can also provoke illness;
  • If you notice that all the signs of allergies disappear when the baby leaves the home walls for several days, perhaps the reason is household dust or mold that is in the apartment;
  • If you experience an exacerbation of the disease during the warmer months while walking outside, pollen is most likely causing the symptoms.

Such methods are quite informative, but not always effective. Then, how to find out what the child is allergic to, the doctor will tell you by prescribing special tests.

Pollen reaction

The special sensitivity of children to plant pollen (hay fever), which is accompanied by sneezing and lacrimation, swelling of the mucous membranes, is diagnosed using simple test... A solution containing the allergen and a control solution are dripped into the baby's nose.

Obvious signs of the body's reaction will determine the presence or absence of a reaction to pollen.

Allergy signals

The child's body gives clear signals for the presence of an allergen. And since he can react to almost any stimulus, there are 3 types of manifestations of the disease.

A skin reaction is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Rash and redness;
  • Peeling and itching;
  • Edema.

Work changes gastrointestinal tract will manifest themselves with such signs:

  • Frequent regurgitation;
  • Constant disturbance of the stool, manifested in constipation or diarrhea;
  • Severe colic and bloating;
  • The presence of dysbiosis;
  • The appearance of unreasonable, at first glance, vomiting.

Failure in the proper functioning of the respiratory system can be determined by a dry cough and a severe runny nose.

In young children, it is common to see a combination of allergies, such as runny nose and skin rashes.

Reasons for negative reactions

An allergy can manifest itself in a child due to many reasons:

  • Unbalanced nutrition of the mother, if the baby feeds on breast milk;
  • Incorrectly selected milk formula or early complementary foods;
  • Chemicals found in care products or laundry detergents;
  • Animal wool and waste products;
  • Plants;
  • Medicines;
  • Cold;
  • Dust.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons that can cause allergies. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, it is better to consult a doctor. After all, without correct definition the provoking factor, treatment will be ineffective.

Timely recognized symptoms of worms that have appeared in the child's body will help start timely treatment and avoid complications

Caution, worms

You can meet larvae or eggs in water, soil, milk, sand, fruits or vegetables. The carriers are most often flies, cockroaches, and other arthropods. And the intermediate host can be both a man and a fish, insects, and other animals.

Common signs of infection

But you still need to understand what symptoms will tell you whether children have worms or not. Many complaints of babies can be attributed to such "masks".



The child starts to lose weight or stops gaining weight. This criterion can be considered specific, since children who are 1 year old and younger should gain weight in accordance with their age. And babies who are 2 or 5 years old should not lag behind in physical development from their peers.

Discovered elevated level eosinophils also indicate the presence of worms. These blood cells normally do not exceed 5 percent, which cannot be said about tests for helminthiasis or allergies. In such cases, this figure reaches 90 percent.

This reaction says that guard cells are synthesized in increased volumes, since they are forced to constantly fight against foreign bodies. Usually this struggle does not work. Leukocytes die in huge volumes, which spurs even greater production of eosinophils. Therefore, when leukocytes are increased in the analyzes, the attending physician advises to decipher leukocyte formula to see which cells are predominant in it.

An accurate diagnosis is made after decoding the analysis results

In the conditions of life modern society great importance acquires psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children.

Concept and role

To find individual approach to the child, to know his strengths and weak sides, the most effective way to teach and educate both at home and in educational institutions, to provide timely psychological assistance, the diagnosis of the child is required. This suggests extensive research psychological characteristics, personality assessment, prognosis of further development.

Research types

There are many types of diagnostics. For ease of use, it is customary to classify them according to various criteria.

The most functional classification is the selection of species depending on the subject of study:

  • Personality diagnostics - determination of temperament, type of self-esteem.
  • Diagnostics emotional sphere... The ability to control oneself, experiences, attitude to moral norms is investigated.
  • Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere is a diagnosis of the intellectual development of children, a study mental abilities, study of lateral preferences (determination of the leading hand, leading eye, etc.).
  • Diagnostics of behavior.

But even this division is very arbitrary, since there is often a complex diagnosis of a child, when a comprehensive examination and assessment of the developmental characteristics of all or several areas takes place.

For practice, it is also interesting to classify by type nervous activity(diagnostics of attention, thinking, memory, speech, learning skills). It is carried out depending on the age of primary school age).


They are very diverse and each of them depends on the type of research. Currently, group methods are already losing their meaning, giving way to individual testing. But in order for the diagnosis of a child to be successful, it is important to choose the right tool that will be used in the future. In practice, psychologists most often use the following set of tools:

  • Observation - the study of the mental properties of a child in normal conditions... This is the observation of behavior, play, interaction with others.
  • Conversation - gives an idea of ​​the child as a result of establishing contact and direct communication.
  • The method of studying the results of children's activities is the analysis of drawings, crafts.
  • Experimental method - involves the study of the subject's actions in specially created, simulated conditions.
  • Children's tests are the most common method widely used by psychologists today.

Test Method

It can be called a complex, complex diagnostic method, since during testing, a wide range of tools for studying and observing the behavior of the tested person, analyzing the results of his activities and experimental conditions are used. Therefore, tests for children are different types- questionnaire tests, task tests, action tests.

Questionnaire tests are often used in personality diagnostics, the questionnaire works well in determining the type of temperament. Task tests are usually aimed at exploring the emotional and intellectual sphere and are especially relevant when diagnostics are needed. Action tests are used in the study of behavior.

Personality diagnostics

Diagnosis of a child for constitutional personality traits: temperament, poise, mobility of nervous processes, etc. essential, as it carries answers to many questions in the behavior of the child. The features of the four main types of temperament are most clearly manifested precisely in childhood and at correct application diagnostic programs for children are easily amenable to pedagogical correction.

Of course, when determining the type, the questionnaire is also offered to his parents. For older children, and independent tests with questions. The analysis of the answers received as a result of testing allows us to call the child choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic or melancholic.

Test "Carrying dice"

In the process of research on the scapula small size stack different amount cubes and give the child the task to carry the cubes about a three-meter distance and return with them back. Then put this burden on the table so that not a single cube falls. The scapula must be held in one hand.

According to the test results, balance is assessed (what behavior the child demonstrates in case of failure, whether he expresses dissatisfaction), the ability to work (how long does the child succeed in completing the task), the mobility of nervous processes (how quickly the child understands and accepts the task, whether he adapts to work, is distracted ).

Self-assessment type determination program: "Ladder" test

A very common test allows you to find out how the child evaluates himself, during which the child is given a drawing depicting a ladder of seven steps, where the middle step is higher than the rest. It is explained to the child that there are good children on the top three steps, and the best children are at the very top, on the seventh step. Bad kids are located on the bottom three, on the lowest - the worst. On the middle step are children who cannot be classified as either bad or good. The test taker should mark his place on this ladder and explain why he placed himself there. When the child chooses a step, he is asked to tell if he really is or wants to be? If he really thinks he is, let him mark the step on which he would like to stand. Let him choose where his mother would place it.

The test allows you to find out how the child assesses his personal qualities, as well as his opinion about how he appears to others (mother).

At the end of the test, the psychologist makes the following conclusions:

  • Self-esteem is inadequately overestimated - the child instantly positions himself at the very top as an indisputable fact, without explaining the reasons, without hesitation.
  • Self-esteem is overestimated - he thinks and chooses the very top, arguing about some shortcomings, but explaining this by factors beyond his control.
  • Self-esteem is adequate - after thinking, marks himself on the second or third step, explaining his choice.
  • Self-esteem underestimated - places oneself on one of the lower steps without argumentation.

Diagnostics of the emotional sphere

Diagnosing a child is impossible without examining the emotional-volitional sphere. In preschoolers, it is predominant over the intellectual sphere. The world is cognized more with the help of the senses than the mind.

Diagnostics of 6-year-old children is very important and informative for parents (educators). Since at this age such feelings as anxiety, fears, and embarrassment appear, for six-year-olds, the environment in which the examination is carried out, the personality of the tester, is of great importance.

Test "Cactus"

Ask your child to draw a cactus on a piece of paper. Don't help or suggest. It is advisable to answer any questions evasively: "Think a little, you will succeed." Do not give your vision and do not express your ideas.

The drawing will tell about the emotional Examine the result in detail:

  • The size and position of the painted flower in space indicates how the child defines himself in the world around him. A large flower in the center of the leaf indicates self-centeredness and leadership skills... The small cactus pictured below speaks of the artist's insecure, dependent personality.
  • Abrupt lines, strong pressure on the pencil betray an impulsive child.
  • The prickly cactus represents aggressiveness. The more needles, the longer they stick out of the flower, the higher the degree of aggressiveness of the child.
  • Cactus planted in flower pot, will draw "domestic" children seeking family protection.
  • A cactus growing in the desert indicates a feeling of loneliness.

Intelligence diagnostics

Task tests are mainly used in the study of the intellectual sphere. In this aspect, the subjects of examination are attention, memory, analytical thinking, fine motor skills, learning skills.

Inclusion test

Disassemble the six-seat matryoshka in the presence of the child and put six twins, differing in size, in a row in size. Then remove one of them and equalize the distance between the remaining ones. Invite your child to find her place in the row. If the task is successful, complicate the test: remove two nesting dolls from a row.

The test is aimed at assessing the level of the cognitive-orientational sphere, orientation to value.

Image classification test

You have two groups of pictures in your hands. Eight represent dishes, eight represent clothes. Show the child the spoon card and place it on the table. Now - a card with a picture of a jacket, put it on the table at some distance from the spoon. The spoon and jacket are positioned in such a way that the row can be continued from one or the other picture.

After that, in a different order, show the child pictures with the image of dishes or clothes with a request to put the next card in the right row. Do not fix if the clothes are in the wrong group. At the end of the test, ask the subject to explain why he arranged the cards this way.

The purpose this test is the identification of the skill to carry out generalization on an essential basis, visual-figurative thinking is investigated.

Test "Finding the seasons"

The child is presented with four pictures depicting the seasons, and they are asked to show where is spring, where is winter, etc., and to explain by what signs he guessed.

The test reveals the formation of ideas about the seasons.

Spot the Difference Test

In front of the test person put two plot pictures, similar at first glance, but upon close examination, they have a number of differences.

The child seeks and names the differences. The test examines attention and comparison skills.

Test "What came first and what then?"

The psychologist shows four plot pictures. On one, the boy is digging a hole, on the second - he pours seeds into the hole, on the third - watering the sprouts, on the fourth - admiring the flowers. The child is invited to place the pictures in order. The test reveals the ability to determine the sequence of events.

School readiness

The study of mental abilities becomes especially relevant when it is required to diagnose a child's readiness for school.

Readiness for schooling presupposes the presence of certain skills and the necessary level of development of thinking, memory and attention.

Test "Exclusion from the row or who is superfluous?"

Presenting a row of four objects (images of objects), the child is asked to find the extra one and explain why. When the person being tested excludes an airplane from a series that includes a truck, a car, an airplane and a cart, ask him to argue for the answer, ask what one word can be used to name all objects, to which mode of transport is the extra one, and to which the remaining ones.

The test reveals the ability to group objects according to the main criterion, the level of formation of ideas about the world around.

Test "Find exactly the same"

The picture shows seven almost identical umbrellas, and two of them are absolutely identical. The difference between the others is insignificant - different specks on the umbrella fabric. The child must independently and quickly find two identical umbrellas. The test checks the level of attention development.

Test "Remember all the items"

The child is offered 9 pictures for study. He must memorize them within 15-20 seconds. Then, turning away, he must name at least seven or eight items. The test shows the level of memory development.

Remembering the years preceding this shocking news, the phrase pops up in my head: "If I only knew ...". I would have a lot less disappointments.

I wish I had paid more attention to the early signs of autism in my child, because I could have helped him earlier. The sooner autism is identified, the greater the impact on the child is the treatment that corrects the critical skills that he will use throughout his life.

Here in Wisconsin there is a program called Birth to Three. If necessary, your doctor can refer you to a local early intervention program.

Autism is like a puzzle.

It is necessary to consider all the "pieces" and understand what they make up. The doctor knows exactly what he is looking for and will listen to your observations to schedule your child a proper examination to make a diagnosis.

So, today we are going to look at some of these "pieces". But first, let's take a deep breath.

This observation list is needed to help you see possible signs, and then bring this information to the pediatrician for further examination. This article is not written to cause additional concern or stress. Remember, knowledge is power!

These are not all the signs of autism in children!

Write down the main early signs of childhood autism and then discuss them with your doctor.

Early sign of autism # 1. No reaction

Watch the child ...

  • does not respond to his name;
  • does not turn his head to determine where the sound is coming from.

As they develop, normal babies begin to turn their heads and respond to noise, parent's voice, etc. Usually, by 6 months, a reaction to loud sounds or speech.

Early Sign of Autism # 2. Is developing Little delayed

Is your child a little late in mastering basic skills? I know that all children develop at different rates, but more often the main stages (that is, the child begins to roll over, crawl, walk, etc.) in children occur within a reasonable period of time.

My son crawled at 10 months, his first tooth came out at almost 9 months, and he began to walk at 16 months.

Early sign of autism # 3. Too perfect

Everyone around says: "What a wonderful baby!"

But sometimes it's not a compliment. If the child is silent, this may indicate autism: withdrawn, does not grumble, poorly expresses emotions, there is no babbling and separate words.

My son was a good, self-sufficient child. He occasionally expressed emotion and babbled a little, but spoke very few words - perhaps four by the age of 18 months.

Early Sign of Autism # 4. Focuses on strange things

It seems that the baby lives in his own little world ...

  • flies in the clouds;
  • does not look into the eyes;
  • does not look for items that you are hiding;
  • does not notice when the parent (or guardian) leaves and returns;
  • focuses only on visually stimulating toys with music and lights.

In our family, we understood everything even before the diagnosis was made, when we decided to remove all battery-powered toys, because the child became obsessed with them and never played with toys like ordinary children, that is, for example, he did not roll the car on the floor, making the noise of the engine.

Most of all Christopher liked the "specific" toys, those with which he had to make certain action that has a beginning and an end, and then repeat it. Toys such as sorters or toys where something pops up.

"Ordinary" toys - cars, Stuffed Toys or a drawing board - he didn't like it. With them there is no clear scenario of the game, you need to show your imagination. This upset Christopher because he didn't know when the game was over.

The only exceptions were toys for sensory perception eg "Penguin Race" or light-up stuffed animals.

Early Sign of Autism # 5. Fixes Attention to Objects

This is similar to the previous symptom, but stronger. When a child fixes attention on something, it means that he is as focused as possible:

  • everything has to happen in a very specific way or order;
  • pays all his attention to objects that entertain or attract a child, that is, videos, music, lamps, electronic devices;
  • will ask to be turned on or shown over and over.

Everything is as it was with our son: he liked repetition and he would throw a tantrum if something was not done exactly as before. That is, the toast should be sliced ​​into triangles, not rectangles. He also asked to include him Baby einstein again and again.

Early Sign of Autism # 6. Life Is Like a Snow Globe

Do you know how it is to consider a souvenir in the form glass ball with snow? Don't you think that your baby perceives life around him as if he is looking at such a ball?

  • Does he sit and watch but never participate?
  • Doesn't he seem to “fit in” with his peers in the playground or kindergarten?
  • Will he sit alone somewhere in the room while the other kids in the group are playing and running without him?
  • In a room full of toys, he finds something else, such as a curtain, and plays with this object?
  • Is he wandering around not knowing what to do?

These constant moments were very difficult for me.

If my son and I came to visit to play, then he either chose objects that are not toys, or sat alone in the corner and looked at some one toy or pressed buttons on it over and over again. I confess that many times I just got up and left because I was upset, embarrassed and upset, and my heart could not stand it when I saw "ordinary" children.

I'm still struggling with this, although it's easier for me. I used to let his differences feed my grief, which made me depressed. But through counseling, a support group, and my faith, I learned to notice strengths son and focus on them.

I stopped using the word "normal" in my speech and saw my son as a problem that needs to be solved.

Early Autism Sign # 7. Selective Imitation

Children who are showing early signs of autism are not interested in imitating anyone.

You can look at this in different ways.

  • On the one hand, it's sad because they won't try to sweep the floor like mom.
  • On the other hand, you can find and positive moment: they will not jump or knock like a brother or sister.

Despite the fact that such children, as a rule, do not imitate the behavior of others, very often, as soon as the development of speech allows, they begin to repeat phrases from films, books and songs.

It is called echolalia- automatic repetition of speech.

In this my son is an "Olympic champion". He never repeated after me or my husband, but he quotes films and books like no other!

The first two years of his "conversation" were like movie scripts. I remember "You are ... a toy, you are not a real Buzz Lightyear!" over and over at 2 am.

Even though it is difficult, there is a great deal of benefit from echolalia. A child who exhibits these symptoms has the opportunity to learn the language and thereby "return" it.

Not all babies exhibit echolalia, so don't be alarmed if your toddler doesn't have it. Remember, the early signs of childhood autism are just observations! The doctor will examine them to obtain the big picture for a possible diagnosis.

Early Autism Sign # 7½. Mom's intuition

This trait has a “half” number, not because it is less important (in fact, it is very important), but because your doctor will not attach great importance to it in order to get a big picture that can lead to a diagnosis. (If he asks you about this, you have a great pediatrician!)

Trust your intuition.

You may be suspicious based on one of the above signs.

Or perhaps there are questions about your child's behavior.

The best thing you can do is ask, and the sooner you do this, the better it will be for your child.

Balancing on the waves of parenting

Your task now is to find the perfect balance on the waves of parenting.

Do not back down and ignore the possible early signs of childhood autism. You cannot just close your eyes and think good things. This approach of “burying your head in the sand” will not help anyone.

Also, don't panic about everyone. possible dangers associated with the word "autism".

Remember, you don't know anything yet. You are just watching possible signs.

Well, if you notice something, you have questions, and you talk to a professional, doctor, teacher and start acting.

Do not panic! Everything is fine!

Autism is NOT a death sentence, you and your child will get over it!

“Normal,” just different.

Another, new way.

Is there someone you know with a child with autism? Have you noticed any of these signs in your toddler?

Infants under one year of age may show signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These signs are sometimes difficult to recognize and may be mistaken for hearing problems by parents. Some babies may indeed suffer from hearing loss or may simply be slightly developmental. If you think your child is exhibiting certain symptoms of autism, you should contact your pediatrician about the concern. [. During the examination, the doctor will assess the health of the child, as well as track his development. Autism can be officially confirmed only when the child reaches 18 months, but a general developmental delay in the child should be noticed by 9 months. Early diagnosis is very important for a child's development.


How to recognize signs of autism in young children

    Pay attention to the child's expression. At 7 months, normal babies express joy and smile.

    • For the first time, a child begins to smile even before 3 months.
    • If a child is not keeping an eye on objects by 3 months, this can be a very early indicator of autism.
    • Pay attention to other facial expressions.
    • At 9 months old, babies interact with others by showing certain facial expressions that match their mood. They can frown, pout and grin.
  1. Analyze when your child started talking. Some autistic children have speech delays and some never learn to speak. About 15-20% of autistic people do not speak at all, although this does not mean that they cannot communicate.

    • By the age of one, normal children can pronounce single words such as "mom" and "dad".
    • By the age of two, most babies can link single words together. Vocabulary normal 2 year old child must be more than 15 words long.
  2. Monitor your child's reactions to speech and play. An autistic child may not respond to their own given name or avoid playing with others.

    • By 7 months normal child responds to simple games, for example "cuckoo".
    • A non-autistic child will react to his name when he is one year old.
    • By 18 months ordinary child will start playing pretend games, for example, as if he was feeding toy doll... Children with autism generally do not play these games and may appear to be lacking in imagination.
    • TO two years of age non-autistic children will imitate your words and actions.
    • Notice if there is speech regression. Some babies successfully progress through this stage of their development and then lose their skills at an older age.
  3. Pay close attention to your child's movements. Babies tend to reach for objects by 7 months of age. Place the toy out of your child's reach to see if he will reach for it.

    • Babies as young as 7 months old will try to get your attention with movements. Children with autism may be less active.
    • By the age of 6 months, babies should turn their heads in the direction from which the sound comes. If your child does not, he may have a hearing problem or early symptoms autism.
    • Many babies by the age of 12 months start waving their pen goodbye and pointing out the objects they need.
    • If by the age of 12 months your baby has not yet begun to walk or crawl, then this is a very serious developmental disability.
    • By the age of 1, most children will start using gestures such as shaking their heads to say no.
    • If, after reaching the age of 2, your child cannot walk, you should definitely see a doctor for autism and other disorders.
  4. Look for signs of stereotyping. Stereotyping serves several purposes at once: from complacency to expression of emotions. If your Small child waving with his hands, swinging from side to side or constantly walking in circles - this is sure sign autism.

    How to identify signs of autism in older children

    1. Pay attention to how the child behaves with others. Children with autism cannot develop friendly relations with peers. Perhaps they would like to make friends with someone, but they do not know how, or they simply do not have any interest in it.

      • They sometimes try their best to understand and respond to other people's feelings.
      • Autistic children may not want to join collective action either because it is difficult or because they are not interested in it.
      • Children with autism may behave in an unusual way in terms of personal space: some may resist touching or not understand the meaning of personal space.
      • Another sign of autism is when a child does not try to comfort others when they are upset.
    2. Pay attention to the child's non-verbal communication. Autistic children may not be comfortable with eye contact.

      • They may have a dull expression on their faces, or they may display exaggerated feelings.
      • Children with autism do not understand or respond to other non-verbal cues.
      • Autistic people cannot use gestures or have difficulty understanding other people's gestures.
      • Autistic children often do not point to objects themselves or do not respond when others point out.
    3. Pay attention to your child's verbal communication. Children whose speech is undeveloped or slowed down may have autism.

      • The voice of autistic children who speaks may be dull or monotonous.
      • Some autistic children have echolalia, or repetition of words and phrases, which helps them communicate and focus.
      • Children with ASD have common feature, they often confuse pronouns (say "you" instead of "I").
      • Many autistic people don't understand jokes, sarcasm, or teasing.
      • Some autistic people may develop speech later or not at all. These people can live happy and active life using alternative ways communication, for example: by means of printing, sign language, through the exchange of cards / pictures or others. Intervention on early stage may I help autistic child learn how to use these tools.
    4. Determine if your child has a special interest addiction. Passionate about one topic, for example computer games or license plates may indicate autism. People with autism are drawn to a specific subject area, exploring it with passion, and sharing information with someone who will listen (with or without enthusiasm).

      • Autistic people are often addicted to facts and figures, memorizing them by category.
    5. Consider whether your child's interests are appropriate for their age. Emotional development autistic people differ from the development of their peers with healthy nervous system and this can lead them to like unusual things.

      • Don't be surprised if a 12 year old reads classic literature for fun and watch cartoons for kids. They can both "lag behind" and "ahead of" in some respects.
    6. Watch how they play. Children with autism tend to play differently than normal children. They are more focused on creating a system than an imaginary game. They can show unusual abilities with educational toys.

    7. Pay attention to how your child responds to sensory stimuli. Many autistic children have a sensory disorder, a condition in which they may have increased or decreased sensitivity.

      • Children with sensory problems may become depressed when they are overexcited.
      • Pay attention if your child starts hiding due to some noise (such as a vacuum cleaner), wants to leave the event early, finds it difficult to concentrate on something with distractions, is constantly active or gets upset in loud or crowded places.
      • Some autistic children react strangely to strong odors, bright colours, unusual textures and specific noises.
      • Children with a sensory disorder often either lose their composure or behave impulsively when they are overexcited. Someone can withdraw into themselves.