How beautiful it is to turn off a guy who wants to meet. How beautiful it is to send a penpalle off with polite and rude phrases. No vacancies

To part with a person you don't like, you need to gently but convincingly tell him or her that you have no sympathy. It should be politely and clearly explained that the guy is not interesting and there is no chance to continue communication. You should not use obscene language and threats so as not to offend a man. Another way is to try to dislike him.

The same rules apply to annoying female fans.

Polite ways to refuse

If a girl says "no" - this does not always mean that she really does not want something. Men perceive women's refusal as coquetry and begin to show even more attention to the object of their sympathy. Therefore, you need to speak in a serious voice, without a grain of irony and ambiguity. Compliance with some of the rules will show the fan that his courtship is in vain:

  1. 1. Don't flirt with a guy when you don't like him.
  2. 2. If a man is an old acquaintance, colleague or classmate, you need to explain succinctly and politely the reason for his refusal.
  3. 3. Obsessive stranger, in public transport or on the street, does not need explanations, you should tell him: "I have a boyfriend" or "I do not meet men." You don't need to answer his questions, you should just ignore the guy.
  4. 4. A young man who has a girlfriend can be blackmailed and intent on communicating with his beloved.
  5. 5. You can not raise your voice and say offensive words, so that he is not offended.

You should behave in a similar way with a girl you don't like. In this case, the guy should be polite, honest and adamant. In doing so, one should behave to be honest, polite and adamant.

To break up with a man beautifully and then remain friends, you should follow some rules.

  1. 1. Need to talk about positive qualities interlocutor and do not skimp on compliments.
  2. 2. One should speak sincerely, looking into the eyes of a man.
  3. 3. You must be friendly and polite.
  4. 4. You can offer your friendship and help, say that you would not want to stop communicating with, that the person is very dear.

How to leave a girl

How to stop a guy from liking?

You need to try on one of three images of girls that do not attract young people:

  1. 1. A married housewife who "drowned" in routine duties. You need to talk about your children who have nothing to feed, about your husband who is too jealous and tough, or pretend that the offer to meet a stranger is too offensive. Questions will help: "I am like woman lung behavior? "," Who do you take me for? "," Do you think it's okay to meet guys when you are married? "
  2. 2. Selfish and mercantile woman. To create such an image, you need to ask about salary, car, apartment. Answers young man the girl can be contemptuously told that the guy clearly will not be able to satisfy her material needs.
  3. 3. A woman who talks a lot without stopping to different topics absolutely not interesting for men... Stupid and superficial girls are not conducive to communication, so this method works quickly.

No one wants to keep up a conversation if the woman is not interested. Complete ignorance or unambiguous answers can save you from unwanted courtship.

You can use the following phrases to get rid of an annoying guy on the street in a funny but not offensive way:

  1. 1. "May I see you off?" - "Of course, I'm going to get tested for AIDS, will you keep company?"
  2. 2. "Where are we going? To me or to you?" - "I do not mind. You to you, and I - to myself."
  3. 3. "Let's get acquainted?" - "First, I have to get my husband's approval. He is my CCM in boxing, let me dial him now and make an appointment?"

If a young man began to be rude and inadequately perceived the refusal, then you should not be rude in response, you just need to ignore the rude person.

To get rid of especially intrusive and admirers, you can pretend to be a mentally unhealthy or inadequate person, ask for help from strangers. A girl can say that she was in the past nice guy and still feels uncomfortable in female body... And also refer to unconventional orientation or unusual preferences in intimate relationships... This confession will shock you. a stranger, and he will leave without further ado.

How to respond to an insult

Social media opt-out

You can send a pen guy, for example, VKontakte, in the following ways:

  • Constantly refer to busyness and lack of time to communicate with a guy.
  • Write one of the phrases: "We are too different, so the continuation of the relationship is useless." “I need time to sort out my true emotions and feelings for you.” “I need time so that I can sort out my true emotions and feelings towards you. "" I am not ready to continue communication now, because I renewed my relationship with my ex. "

One way to make a bad impression in social network- build a highly intelligent personality, communicate in incomprehensible words, choose boring topics for conversation. If the guy reproaches - mark him low level mental abilities and resent a large number grammatical mistakes that he makes in correspondence.

If someone likes you, and this person does not evoke sympathy, then hostility grows. It's good if the guy himself understands from the first time that nothing shines for him - at such a moment you won't have to kick anyone out. But it happens that a person inundates you with messages, as soon as you go to VK, endlessly likes all the photos indiscriminately and calls several times a day. The worst thing is that it is waiting for you at the entrance and is clearly not in the mood to take a step without you. How to kick a guy off if he doesn't give a pass and is sure that he will get you? We will tell you several ways that will help you do this in a short time.

Saw off softly a good guy

If a guy is positive and kind, treats you well, but doesn't like you, you will have to send him off competently. What does literate mean? This means that you need to try to soften the blow as much as possible, pick up the right words and at the same time do not hurt male pride... You still need to be able to turn off a guy without offending him. Connect all your diplomatic skills.

He is good. Praise him, tell him about him positive features character and tell him that with such a set he will find himself more suitable girl who will appreciate it.

Neutral relationship. Offer him to save companionship... In this case, it is not necessary to talk about friendship. Just say that staying familiar is the best thing that you two can do.

Place all the points. How to send a guy off so that he understands the first time? Try to speak firmly, looking into the eyes, do not give him a reason to think about your doubts. List the reasons and leave as soon as possible, otherwise he may begin to press on pity.

Stabbing a tough annoying guy

It is important to be able to properly turn off a guy if he cheated on you or did something out of hand. At such times, you can be more rigid in your refusal.

Ignore. Sometimes ignoring a person hits harder than anything else. Live as if the guy does not exist and this will help you quickly turn him off. Nobody likes indifference.

Politeness. You should not slip into screams, tantrums and obscenities. You’re not the back door girl! Learn how to sew a guy off competently in simple words.

Brevity. If a guy stuck in a crowded place - he sat down with you on the bus, walks along the road and speaks, beckons, then let him know that such a number will not work. Tell them in a firm voice that you have no time or are not up to dating. Then leave without answering his questions. Don't be afraid to sound impolite. What a girl considers to be politeness, a man can count as softness.

Sewn off remotely (sms, correspondence)

The phone is with us anytime, anywhere. Therefore, an annoying guy will get to you anytime, anywhere, and it will be difficult to turn him off.

Erasure from life. If you met a guy on a social network and he became too intrusive, just delete him and add him to the emergency.

Security. Do not tell your address to a stranger, and even more so do not rush to immediately send photos in a swimsuit.

Gratitude. Tell him that it was pleasant for you to chat, but you do not want it anymore - because of being busy, for example.

Prohibitions are not. You won't be able to get a guy off correctly if you forbid him to write. Any prohibition generates a desire to write indefinitely. If you promised a guy that you no longer want to communicate with him, keep your promise.

Sew it off as tactfully as possible

Street, club, shopping center, stops. If a guy in in public places, you need to sew it off as politely as possible. The best way- this is somewhere in a hurry. You are in a great hurry and don't even have time to answer. They said "once upon a time" and leave / leave.

Former. If the guy is already "ex", then he needs to be sewn off so that it is irrevocable. Tell him that you have thought it over and made conclusions for yourself. Tell him that you no longer want to build a relationship with him and he will have to find a more suitable person.

Saw off someone who doesn’t get off

Deception. Sometimes guys behave so intrusively that you can only turn them off after using radical methods. All means are good here, so you can deceive him and say that you need to be examined by a venereologist. Better yet, say that your boyfriend (husband) works in the police, and you are just waiting for him here.

Humor. Correctly and without offense, you can turn off a guy if you add notes of originality to the hackneyed phrases. Try to joke (just not over him) and he will appreciate it, and also understand the futility of his attempts.

Sew it off irrevocably

How do you get rid of a guy who just tortures you with his presence?

Stop signal. Stop giving encouraging signals. Stop smiling and flirting with him, try to answer his questions coldly and as detachedly as possible, show that you do not like his company at all. In moments like this, it's not forbidden to joke a little. The guy just can't stand such an outrage.

The girl is busy. If you work in a public institution (cafe, store), then it may happen that one of the buyers - the guy becomes incredibly intrusive and you have to sew him off correctly. In such cases, put a ring on your ring finger (you can even buy one yourself) and say that you are married.

Put in a friend's place

Sometimes friends start to feel like your boyfriends. In this case, they will have to be put in place. How can you properly turn off a friend who pretends to be a guy?

Clarifications. Say that you value your friendship and don't want to ruin it. You feel good with him as a friend, but you don't see the guy in him.

Calmness. When talking to a guy, when you send him off, you need to stay calm. Tell him that you do not feel passion, which is an indispensable attribute of love, which means that nothing good will come of his proposal.

Do you constantly refuse those you don't like, but they still stick to you? Perhaps you are doing something wrong and your behavior gives them green light to continue courting.

Mistake number 1 - rudeness. If you have offended someone who treats you with all their hearts, this may have severe consequences... The guy will either be offended in earnest that he was kicked off and will start saying nasty things behind your back, or he will begin to take revenge. Why do you need this? It's best to always be tactful.

Mistake # 2 - Velcro girl. You sew, then you stick to him with regrets, and after that he already sews you off. So you are moving in a circle. This speaks of addiction. Take the initiative and build up your pride. Don't run after the guy you politely kicked off.

Mistake number 3 - words and deeds. You say one thing and do another. For example, say that you are not interested in him, but agree to take a walk on a boring evening. Of course, the guy will not lag behind.

Mistake number 4 - a lot of words. Do you start from afar, talking about your principles and so on, then talk for a long time about feelings and the desire to be alone? Guys need brevity. Say without excess water that they do not intend to communicate anymore.

9 best ways to let go of your obsessive boyfriend

1. Speak not with words, but with actions. To get rid of an annoying guy, you must always refuse him everything, and quite harshly, otherwise he will use your kindness and never leave you behind.

2. An offer of friendship is often incredibly sobering. Many guys understand that nothing shines for them, and they get it off by themselves.

3. Offer the guy a replacement and bring your girlfriends to the company, this will allow him to properly turn off and switch attention. You can also arrange a random meeting or paint your friend in all its glory, however, in this case, you need to be a good psychologist... Find out from the guy what he values ​​in the girl and find him such a passion.

4. Become obsessive. It is easy to sew a guy competently if you do exactly the opposite and become Velcro. Call him endlessly, intrude, throw tantrums and be jealous of everyone indiscriminately - he will run away at the first opportunity. You can take it with you shopping for a few hours.

5. Become hyperemotional. This will allow you to quickly dismiss the annoying guy. Be a brawler and demand more from him. It is unlikely that he wants to date such a girl.

6. Try to chat incessantly, without even thinking about how to politely blow this guy off. And do not listen to him at all and do not let yourself say anything. Talk and talk until there is no one to talk to.

7. Demand from him immediate execution all your desires and preferably the most absurd. Ask to dye your hair, buy the most expensive dress and throw tantrums. So it will be possible to get rid of the annoying guy very quickly.

8. Talk from the first days about how you want a lot of children in family life and take him to meet all the relatives. Better yet, try to get the guy to talk to your mom more often - this will help you get him off quickly.

9. Criticize and reproach him. Guys really do not like this and therefore they sew themselves off.

What if regrets appear?

Sometimes we get excited and commit rash acts, which later we regret. This often happens in matters of the heart. You turned the guy off and you realize that you did something stupid. At such moments, urgent action is needed.

The ex can be kissed or hugged. If he makes contact, then everything is fine. But if you rejected him, he may get angry. If you managed to politely blow a guy off the last time, he is unlikely to forget it. In this case, you should take into account your mistakes for the future and try your luck with another.

Some young people are terribly intrusive. They do not give a pass, they often call, "stick" in clubs.

Some young people are terribly intrusive. They do not give a pass, they often call, "stick" in clubs and parks. And, it would seem, everything is simple: you do not like a person - tell him this directly, but ...

  • At first, not all guys are quick-witted enough to immediately pay off after a firm "no".
  • A Secondly, sometimes you just don't want to offend a person, especially if the guy is not bad, but, unfortunately, not your type.
  • If you also faced a similar situation, and you did not manage to correctly sew off the obsessive boyfriend, then they will help you our proven methods.

    How to sew a guy off correctly so that he doesn't get offended

    To begin with, let's figure out what kind your gentleman belongs to. There is the following classification:

    • "Sticky stranger";
    • just an acquaintance who likes you;
    • a good friend with sudden feelings;
    • your ex trying to win you over again.

    Let's take a look at how to get started with a guy who falls into any of these categories.

    • You've probably heard that the male half of the population is simply sick of inaccessible and slightly bitchy ladies. A real conqueror would definitely want to get such a trophy for his collection. Therefore, if you come across this type of stranger, then get rid of phrases such as "Girl, let's get to know each other?" and "Can you give me a phone number?" it will not be easy.

    But, fortunately, these guys are a little less common than the usual "stuck", who most often simply have nothing to do.
    Therefore, it is better to pretend to be touchy when a young man unpleasant to you at a disco tries to treat you to a cocktail or walks on the heels of the supermarket and says various nonsense. You shouldn't put up with it, but it is better to say straight away that you are not alone, or better, that you are married, that you do not want to, and that's it.

    Only without coquetry! To kick such a guy off, you need to speak dryly, firmly and without a smile! Usually so serious and even slightly angry girls do not cause the desire to continue the conversation. But if, after all, he is the same conqueror female hearts who does not give up, act rudely: say that you will now start yelling loudly, because you are an unbalanced mentally ill or that you are ex-man who has had a successful sex reassignment operation, etc.

    Yes, this shocks the overly intrusive guy, but he quickly "reels in the fishing rods". Very effective in these situations.

    • In the second case, just say "no" will not be enough. After all, with this young man you are already at least a little, but familiar. This could be your brother's classmate, work colleague, or upstairs neighbor. First, decide for yourself, do you need any kind of relationship with this guy at all? Will he suit you as a buddy?

    If you do not want to maintain any contact with him at all, then point # 1 here will work no worse than with an ordinary "sticky" stranger. But if good or business relationship with a person who shows sympathy for you, you still need to save, then it will be enough to have one or two conversations with him in calm atmosphere, to send the guy off, so to speak, in a pleasant atmosphere ...

    Explain to him calmly and politely that his advances are pleasant to you, as a girl, but your heart is not free. Or tell me that now you are not romantic relationship... Usually a normal young person immediately understands what this means, but there will be no resentment.

    • The situation is more complicated: you have been friends for several years, and your relationship has never gone beyond friendship. It is possible that you know his family, and he often visits you, you share secrets with each other, and you no longer perceive him as a guy. He's like a brother to you. And then, like snow on his head, his recognition and attempts to translate your friendly idyll into a novel ...
    • If you are sure that you can only be friends with this young man, then you need to decide on serious talk... Take your time, prepare a short speech. After all, you're not just trying to get rid of unfamiliar guy... You need to keep your friendship. You can talk in a cafe or on a walk. The main thing is not to be disturbed ...

    Take his hand, look into his eyes and gently explain that he is a great friend, and you don't want to lose such a friend. Don't hide your emotions be honest. He is your close person and will be able to discern falsehood. Tell what friendship is everything what can you offer him.

    If he manages to survive your refusal, then most likely in a couple of weeks or months he will call you and offer to throw a party with friends. If this deeply hurts him, then it is unlikely that your friendship can be continued. Be prepared for this outcome.

    • Well, such courtship is familiar to almost all girls. Alas, some young people simply “kill” with their illogicality. Once having said goodbye to his girlfriend on his own initiative, such a guy often flares up feelings for her again. And you just finally stopped crying over his photo and decided on a date with your new gentleman! And your plans do not include the reunion of your couple. In this case, you should not meet with him. Why reopen old wounds?

    Talk to him on the phone or write an SMS. Without unnecessary lyrical digressions, tell me that everything is fine with you, that you are just terribly happy and thank him that he left you. After all, otherwise you would not have met your soul mate. Many young people it hurts and they back down.

    If this only provokes him, and he decides to launch a frontal attack, he will have to act differently.

    Calmly tell him that your feelings have already died out, and everything has long been forgotten. And you wouldn't want to see him again. Try to be slightly detached, as if this conversation is absolutely uninteresting to you, boring, and you are terribly in a hurry to important meeting... Coldness and indifference will play into your hands.

    How to turn off a guy so that he doesn't get offended?

    Let's consider in more detail ways polite refusal, because they no less effective than rudeness and arrogance, but do not humiliate the young man and do not offend his feelings.

    In order not to offend a guy you know or even a friend, it is important not to say that he does not suit you, because he will understand this, as something that you consider him unworthy of you. Therefore, it is better to say: "You and I are too different", "You are worthy to be loved, but, unfortunately, it is not me."

    To kick off a guy you don't know well, but you don't want to hurt him, you just need to keep silent about his attempts to meet you. Smile at him a little guiltily, they say, I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk, and continue going about your business. Normal person will immediately understand that he has come to the wrong address.

    Politely decline offers to show you off or treat you to a cake in a café. For this phrases are suitable:“I'm terribly tired and want to be alone. Sorry ”,“ Sorry, I can’t. I still need to pick up my child from the kindergarten "," Excuse me, but I don't think my spouse will understand this. "

    Remember, there are young people who may react unexpectedly rudely to your polite refusal. It is not recommended to respond to rudeness. It is better not to piss off such inadequate people. To preserve your dignity, you can reply to any rude statement addressed to you “I don't care about your opinion. All the best".

    How beautiful to turn off a guy?

    If a simple polite refusal did not break through the armor of misunderstanding, you can use beautiful and effective solutions.

    Guys are overwhelmed by talking about money. Ask him if he has a car, how much he earns, who his parents are.
    Ask if he can buy you one little thing as a gift, for example, gold earrings, which you have dreamed of for so long. Usually such conversations immediately discourage them continue acquaintance.

    One more efficient way turn off a guy - talk a lot. And talk only about yourself. Tell us where you do your manicure, what TV shows do you like, what kind of guys you had, what a wonderful mom you have and many, many more interesting facts from your life. No man can listen to a woman's chatter for more than half an hour.

    Or you can act in the opposite direction - answer his questions with short phrases such as “Yes”, “No”, “I don’t know”, “I don’t want to”, “I will not”. Don't say anything, don't look into his eyes. Be very detached. This attitude strains a man. Therefore, he is unlikely to continue the conversation.

    Trying to show yourself as highly intelligent and boring is a great solution. You have to talk a lot smart words, constantly interrupt and correct. Making yourself a crammer is also encouraged. This option can only suit the same bore and smart guy.

    How to send a guy off culturally?

    In principle, in order to culturally dismiss a guy, it is enough just not to be rude, not to accuse him of anything, not to raise his voice and behave with dignity. If this person, to put it mildly, "got" by his courtship, he should subtly hint about it, but so that it is clear that you do not like it.

    It is always better to talk about such topics in private, so that the guy does not get the impression that you are going to send him off in public. He must understand that you do not want to humiliate him, you are sincerely sorry that you cannot reciprocate, and you feel the same awkwardness as he does.

    It is worth explaining your choice firmly, without coquetry and slyness. It should not give the impression that you are simply adding value to yourself.

    Don't try to smooth out the corners too much, or you may never dot the i's. Express your thoughts clearly so that he understands what you are trying to convey.

    How to kick a guy off, actionable phrases

    And finally, here are the most effective phrases that will help you get rid of your annoying boyfriend:

    • "Ouch! Will my son finally have a dad! "
    • “I now have such difficult period in a relationship ... will you treat me to a cocktail? "

    Many people dream of being so popular that the guys just won't let go. But such a showiness brings inconvenience to girls. Friends fall in love with them, strangers stick in the street and in the club, and persistent gentlemen write on social networks. The burden of this popularity is heavy, and beauties sometimes have to think about how to get a guy off without offending.

    Before dismissing a guy politely, be sure to apologize to him - he must understand that no one is to blame for what is happening between you. Source: Flickr (Anastasia_Drozhzhina)

    The best ways to turn down a guy

    It doesn't matter who is sticking to you - an old friend, ex or a stranger, there are several common ways how to turn off a guy without offending him:

    1. The best way to tactfully kick a guy off is to tell him that you are not free. Keep a serious and slightly offended look - only a clingy young man will believe that you have a boyfriend.

    Important! There should not be any coquetry, smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

    • Turn the situation around and invite the annoying guy to imagine himself in the place of your man: how would he react to the fact that someone is trying to take his girlfriend away.
    • Tell the young man that you have big family... The news that a girl has children is very effective at scaring guys away.

    2. Sometimes the rudeness of the answer causes excitement in the boyfriend. If the young man who laid eyes on you has a stubborn and strong character, it is better to avoid such behavior with him. Culture and politeness will be your main weapons. In a calm, quiet tone, explain to the guy that you cannot be together in any way and give the real reason.

    3. Very good method how to turn off a guy - to build a mercantile person out of himself. Tell us about the ex-boyfriends you allegedly promoted on expensive gifts... Ask what he has achieved and criticize, setting him up as an example of his “rich exes”. Greedy women always cause hostility and contempt among men.

    4. What irritates guys the most is talkativeness. If you need to kick off an unfamiliar young man, tell him non-stop absolutely everything: for example, how your day went in uninteresting details. Don't let the guy put in a word, he will soon get tired of the chatter, and he will retreat forever.

    5. The reverse technique is silence and complete ignorance. young guy... The stupid position in which he will put himself, trying to get an answer from you, instead of excitement leads to irritation and retreat.

    How to gently blow off a stranger

    • As a rule, it is enough to tell a stranger that your heart already taken. It's good if you can demonstrate to your boyfriend that you have a ring on ring finger- this will be the best proof.
    • If the previous method, how to properly sew a guy off, does not work, try to refuse him sternly and dryly, but calmly, so as not to provoke him into a conflict.
    • Some girls give their boyfriends fake numbers to get rid of them. But such a technique, how to turn off a stranger, can play a cruel joke on you: an obsessive gentleman can immediately try to dial him, revealing your cunning move. Therefore, it is better to write down his number in a notebook, referring to the fact that your phone has sat down, and promise to call later.
    • You can try immediately after a firm refusal to take a position of ignorance. Do not look at the gentleman trying to speak and do not smile. Imagine that it simply does not exist.

    Important! Such behavior can anger a young person, so it is better to strive for crowded places in order to be able to call for help in case of aggression.

    • A very effective but risky way to gently blow a guy off is to pretend to be crazy. Agree to a walk and loudly tell everyone that you believe in aliens and even know them, that you feel your connection with space, etc. Your strange public behavior will scare the guy, and he will "evaporate" pretty quickly.

    How to politely dismiss a friend or acquaintance

    The problem of how to get rid of an unfamiliar guy will seem like empty nonsense for those with whom an acquaintance is in love. Indeed, in such a situation, you need to be extremely careful so as not to offend loved one, with whom you will subsequently have to communicate for a long time.

    1. Do not waste time and do not flirt if you want to maintain a relationship with this acquaintance. It is better to quickly cool down his ardor, until his feelings for you have strengthened - so your refusal will not become a strong blow for him, destroying his self-esteem.

    2. The tone of the conversation should be serious, but with notes of warmth and kindness. Before dismissing a guy politely, be sure to apologize to him - he must understand that no one is to blame for what is happening between you.

    3. It is best to talk to a friend about this in private. You can't refuse him in public and make a joke about it - such a step will hurt the guy and greatly lower his self-esteem, as well as his status in your company. Another good way out that will allow both of you to get away from embarrassment is to explain with a pen pal in messengers or social networks.

    4. Do not show the boyfriend whom you are planning to refuse that you like him as a man. The best way out is to reassure him of friendly feelings, it will be good if you can remember vivid cases of your mutual assistance and give them an example. Say that he is dear to you precisely as a friend with whom it is always good and fun.

    Important! Be sure to rehearse your speech, choose bright, strong and polite phrases to explain.

    5. The main thing is that your refusal is not offensive. Do not stick out his flaws and do not present them as the main argument for the impossibility of being together, it is better to say that he is a good friend, and you would not want to lose him.

    6. When deciding how to culturally send off a guy who is familiar to you, do not hide behind other relationships, because in this case, the young man decides that as soon as they end, it will be his turn. Do not give hope to someone who will never have it.

    Your refusal should be dry, strict, but full of goodwill - only this way he will not offend the guy and hurt him.

    Many young people show excessive intrusiveness: they overwhelm with constant calls, confess their love, pester in cafes and parks. It would seem that it is enough just to say a firm “No”, and the annoying gentleman will disappear, but everything is not so simple. Firstly, not all guys are able to immediately understand that they were refused, and secondly, sometimes you don't want to offend a person who hasn't done anything bad to you, just didn't like it.

    If you don't know how to kick a guy off so that he doesn't get offended, use our simple tips.
    The choice of a specific strategy depends on the type of guy who does not leave you alone. Several variations are possible:

    1. "Sticky Stranger"

    It won't be easy to get rid of him because unapproachable girl always kindles in male soul a keen desire to achieve it. Fortunately, such specimens are quite rare, much more often you have to deal with ordinary sticks from nothing to do.
    With the unpleasant type who wants to treat you to a cocktail at the club or is on the heels of the supermarket, you should immediately become touchy. You do not need to tolerate his presence if it is unpleasant to you. Better to tell him directly.

    The most important thing is to discard all flirtation. It's one thing if you think about it, and quite another thing if you are trying to get rid of a compulsive suitor. Speak dryly and sternly, without a smile. Such harsh girls usually do not make guys want to continue the conversation. If your fan who has appeared out of nowhere does not give up and still tries to take the phone number, use "heavy artillery". Tell him that you are about to start yelling because you have an unbalanced psyche, or that you are an ex-man who underwent gender reassignment surgery. You will see, he will soon hurry up to "unwind the fishing rods."

    2. A good friend who began to show sympathy for you

    This is a person with whom you already have some kind of relationship. Your procedure will depend on whether you want to see him in the future as a friend or friend. If in this role he is also not interesting to you, then you can use the same methods as for dealing with the "sticky stranger." If you still want to keep good business or friendly relations, then act gently: it is best to have a couple of conversations in private and during them explain to him that your couple is impossible. Tell him that your heart is busy or that you do not have the energy and time for a romantic relationship.

    3. A good friend who suddenly begins to show feelings for you

    You believe that friendship between a guy and a girl is quite possible, you communicate with him for many years, you know his family, share secrets. You perceive him not as a person of the opposite sex, but as a kindred spirit.

    And this is how his feelings fall on his head ... Think, are you really not ready for serious relationship with him. If romance is out of the question, you need to decide on a serious conversation. Try to prepare your speech in advance, think over every word, because the person with whom you want to explain yourself is not a stranger to you, you do not want to offend him.

    You can talk in a cafe or on a walk. Take his hand, look into his eyes and gently say that only friendship is possible between you. Do not hide your emotions, be sincere: he knows you and will easily see falsity. If he can accept the refusal, then your communication will continue on the same note, if not, you will lose him forever. The second option is also possible, be prepared for it.

    4. The ex-boyfriend who is trying to get you back

    Some men are completely illogical. You finally stopped worrying about the breakup, and his old feelings flashed with renewed vigor. If reunion is not in your plans, refuse to meet. Telephone conversation or sms will be enough. Tell him that you are happy and grateful to him that old relationship are over. Most young people are offended by this, and they stop their unnecessary courtship.

    If he is not one of those and refusal will only spur him on, use a different tactic. Calmly and detachedly tell him that old feelings there is no longer any desire to return the relationship - too. Try to show the maximum of indifference: most men cannot stand indifference to themselves.

    How to kick a guy off without offending him

    It is not at all necessary to use rudeness to kick a young man off. Politeness conquers cities, it can help you get rid of obsessive admirer without hurting his pride.

    If this is your good acquaintance or friend, then do not tell him that he is not suitable for you: this can be taken for an insult. Calmly explain to him that you are too different, that he is worthy of love, but, unfortunately, you cannot give him these feelings.

    If you want to turn off a stranger and not offend him, then just keep silent on all his impulses to speak to you. Even if you know perfectly well, be humble and polite. If he continues his attempts to speak, answer him like this: "Sorry, but my spouse will not understand this" or "Sorry, but I have to run to the child."

    There are guys who are used to being rude to any refusal. Do not stoop to swearing, answer all their words with a smile and silence.

    How to sew a guy off beautifully

    If politeness does not help, then you can use others win-win ways... What usually drives men crazy and discourages further communication?

    1. Conversations about money

    How to get a guy off? Show him your commercialism. Ask how much he earns, whether he has an apartment and a car. Invite him to go with you to the store and buy you the very diamond earrings that you have dreamed of for so long.

    2. Loquacity

    Speak as much as possible. Tell everything about yourself: about your favorite resorts, about your wonderful mother, about how your scrambled eggs burned yesterday, etc. Don't let him put in a word. Rest assured, he will soon run away: no guy is able to listen to women's chatter for more than half an hour.

    3. Silence

    Behave with detachment, avoid eye-to-eye glances and answer all his questions in monosyllables: "Yes", "No", "I don't know." He will soon feel uncomfortable and leave you.

    4. Boring

    Interrupt and correct him constantly, make yourself a real crammer. Make it feel like a bad student at the blackboard. No one can stand such a test.

    There are many ways to kick a guy off. It is only in your hands to choose the most effective and most suitable for the situation. But before you say “No” to him, think about it: maybe in front of you is the very prince you have been looking for for so long.