The baby doesn't hear what to do. Psychologist Tatyana Cherneva: What if the child does not hear the first time? Waiting for immediate execution of instructions

Trouble came to the house ... It turned out that the child did not hear. Why did this happen? Will the treatment be effective and will the hearing improve? And if not, then what to do? How can you help such a child? These are difficult questions for parents of children with hearing impairments and can be extremely difficult to resolve. Our consultant is a deaf teacher the highest category Zaporozhye regional psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation Lyubov Markova.

Over the years, communicating with the parents of children with hearing impairment, we have repeatedly encountered a situation where the diagnosis of hearing loss or deafness was established at the age of two to three years, although it was obvious that the child's hearing impairment was congenital or occurred in the first months of life. At the same time, my mother noticed for a long time that the baby did not respond to the name, she was worried that he did not speak. The mother went to the doctors, but she was reassured: "He's all right. He's just inattentive. Many children start talking after three years. Wait." Meanwhile, time passed, the child did not begin to speak, and only when he was three years old, necessary examination and it became obvious that the child was deaf.

The leading role in the early detection of hearing in children belongs, of course, to parents. They should pay attention to main features possible violation hearing in a child.

1. Does the baby flinch at loud noises at two to three weeks of age?
2. Does the sound of the voice freeze at the age of four to five weeks?
3. Does the mother's voice come to life at the age of one or three months, without seeing her?
4. Does the head turn towards the sounding toy or the mother's voice at four months of age?
5. Does he walk at the age of two to four months?
6. Does humming turn into babbling (the appearance of syllables (ba) - (pa) - (ma)) at the age of four to six months?
7. Does emotional babbling appear at the appearance of parents?
8. Does your name change over the age of eight months?
9. Understands (performs) simple requests at the age of eight to ten months? ("Where is mom?" "Give me a ball," etc.)
10. Do words appear at the age of one year?
11. Do two-word phrases appear at the age of one and a half to two years?
12. Does a child over two years of age try to look at the face of the person talking to him while communicating?

If the parents answer questions 1 through 11 in the negative and on the 12th in the affirmative, hearing loss may be suspected. In this case, it is recommended to go comprehensive examination hearing using objective methods.

These factors especially affect the development of the fetus in the first months of pregnancy. At this time, the rudiment of the organ of hearing is most susceptible to various influences.

Acquired deafness, including in one ear, appears as a result of an inflammatory process in the inner ear, the auditory nerve. They develop against the background of acute, chronic otitis media. Also, the cause can be transferred infectious diseases, for example, meningococcal infection, influenza, mumps. Measles and scarlet fever can often be the cause.

Sometimes deafness can appear due to herpes, vasospasm inner ear, thrombosis. While receiving some medicines, for example, aminoglycoside antibiotics, if the child pushes something into his ear, which is why he does not hear or has damaged the eardrum, etc.

Prevention and treatment measures

It is most difficult to identify this pathology in children. early age. Conventional methods diagnostics by speech, tuning forks, audiometer may not be effective. Deafness in young children is determined using sounding toys. Methods for determining pathology using special computer devices have also been developed. With their help, the degree of deafness is most accurately determined, both ears cannot hear, or one ear.

For warning congenital pathology, the main thing is preventive measures by warning viral infections in pregnant women. Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. Any medications should be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician. It is especially dangerous to use antibiotics during pregnancy. Should be avoided harmful factors that can affect the development of the hearing of a future baby at work and in everyday life: noise, vibration, intoxication. Doctors do not recommend marrying people with congenital deafness.

Congenital, acquired deafness in the ear, deprives the baby of the opportunity to learn to talk. Therefore, this process requires training techniques. In the process of teaching speech, the mastery of skills plays an important role. visual perception speech, speech perception from the lips. If there is a remnant of hearing, special sound-amplifying devices are widely used, hearing reeduction - certain auditory exercises.

An important role in further treatment the child is early detection of pathology, accurate identification of its cause. Therefore, it is so important to pass in a timely manner. preventive examinations... If you suspect that your little one cannot hear in both, or one ear, try a proven method:

Place 1/3 of the dried pea seeds in a plastic box. Shake it against the child's ear. If the child does not show any reaction, urgently show the baby to the ENT doctor. If your doctor detects hearing problems, start treatment immediately.

Medicine has not yet come up with a "magic" pill to eliminate deafness. Hearing aids are often the only way to help your child hear. They are complex devices of varying intensity, which should be individually selected. With a properly selected device, the baby will be able to hear, which means that he will gain the opportunity to fully develop.

Deafness in children requires obligatory consultation ENT doctor. The specialist will appoint special classes with the child, which should be performed regularly, long time... There are many specially designed effective techniques... The sooner you start them, the better. Be healthy!

Hearing impairment in children. Or why did the child become hard of hearing?

For comfortable existence a person is gifted with five senses - sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. But it is vision and hearing that are still considered the most important functions of the body, since without these skills, the quality of a person's life deteriorates greatly, and it becomes almost impossible to fully cognize the world. A child, being born, does not yet know how to express his feelings and emotions, therefore hearing is extremely important for a baby. After all, the development of speech is directly related to hearing. But, unfortunately, it happens that the child does not hear. In this case, it is very important to timely identify the hearing impairment in the child and try to as soon as possible eliminate the cause. If it is impossible to solve the hearing impairment, it is important to help the baby learn the world in other ways.

In medicine, there are two definitions of hearing problems - hearing loss and deafness.

Hearing loss is a certain degree of hearing loss. Perception of speech is difficult, but mostly possible. Typically, the person hears loud speech or is close standing man... Hearing aids usually help with this diagnosis.

Deafness is hearing loss or, roughly speaking, its complete absence. A person practically does not react to sounds (he can rarely hear strongly loud noise) and does not perceive the speech of other people. In this situation, hearing aids are powerless.

Diseases associated with hearing problems are divided into the following groups:

The reasons why the child began to hear poorly?

Your child may actually be hard of hearing for the following reasons:

  • chronic and acute inflammatory processes hearing aid.
  • transferred infectious diseases in future mother(herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis, flu in the first 3 months of pregnancy);
  • complications infectious diseases(meningitis, encephalitis, scarlet fever, flu, mumps, measles);
  • application certain medications and antibiotics;
  • asphyxia of a newborn or birth injury;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • prematurity;
  • the presence of hereditary diseases;

Hearing problems can occur in a child at any age according to various reasons... There are sensorineural and conductive and abnormalities.

A problem with the outer and middle ear, which is the difficulty of transmitting sounds, is conductive disturbance. In this case, the inner ear functions correctly. Such disorders are curable.

Typical conductive hearing impairments in children

1. Sulfur. Children's ears are small and the ear canal in them, respectively, is very narrow. Earwax collects in this passage, forming a sulfur plug. This plug blocks sound access to the eardrum. All treatment for this problem is to flush the ear. But do not do this procedure yourself, only an otolaryngologist will help you here.

2. Foreign body... Children are very fond of experimenting with small details or food debris, pushing them into a nose or ear, thereby blocking the access of sound to the eardrums. Only a doctor will help to remove such a detail from the ear.

3. Water. All the kids love bath procedures... It is a pleasure to splash and play in water, but sometimes such procedures end in such a nuisance as hearing loss. Water, if left in the ear, causes inflammation of the ear canal.

4. Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media). Children under 3 years old suffer from this disease quite often. Otitis media causes hearing impairment, ear pain and high temperature... This condition is treated with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.

Sensorineural, unlike conductive disorders, are associated with auditory nerves that transmit signals to the brain. Unfortunately, this view is irreversible. Hearing aids can help in this case.

How to identify a child's hearing impairment

If your child is under one year old, you can check for yourself if he has a hearing impairment. The kid should show the following stages of auditory development:

  • A newborn baby, in the first weeks of life, flinches from loud sounds and freezes at the sound of your voice.
  • At the age of 1-3 months, it turns its head to the voice of the mother, and at 4 months also to the sound of a toy.
  • Reacts widely at 1.5-6 months open eyes or screaming at unexpected harsh sounds.
  • At 2-4 months he begins to "walk", with the transition to baby talk further.
  • Does the child start babbling harder when parents appear?
  • At 8-10 months, new sounds should appear.

If you notice the absence of the above steps or you have doubts about your child's hearing, immediately contact a doctor. Modern methods diagnostics can identify problems with the hearing system, even in newborns.

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The child began to hear poorly after a cold and otitis media (((IT WILL PASS.

Comments (1)

My name is Alexander, I want to ask you how you treated your Child? I read your description of the Symptoms, we have the same problem exactly the same. We live in Germany and the local doctors do not inspire confidence in me, in general, everything is always normal with them.

Hello! My son had enlarged adenoids from 2 years old. in the fall, as a little flood gave a complication to the ears and almost did not hear. Lor prescribed Avamis nasal drops for a month, they were hormonal and usually helped. Ear aggravation was treated with Otipax (drops in the ears). They also went to the nose for physio. it helped, the hearing reappeared, but the child snored terribly at night. At the age of 4, the adenoids were removed under anesthesia and the tonsils were cut at the same time, because there were still sore throats. There were no more exacerbations with the ears, he hears normally, almost stopped hurting.

But now we are tormented with speech. G. replaces many sounds or speaks with the svuk, as it were, nasal. I do not know if this is related to past sores or not.

Good evening! I accidentally found your post and wanted to ask what kind of treatment you had? Did you have to go to the hospital or were treated at home? We have the same problem, I searched the entire Internet ((Please write, thank you in advance!

Hearing recovered over time completely, we were sent to an audiologist for testing on a special apparatus. We did not remove adenoids, because we only have 1-2 degrees in case of illness, otitis is ill, but I do not want to remove it, this is already an extreme measure

Thank you! Tell me please, have you been treated at home or do you still need to go to the hospital?

The doctor decides whether it is necessary to go to the hospital, we were treated at home, very often the nose was washed with herbs

no, not deleted. in November, December, he was treated and his hearing was restored. First, a course of a laser, then electrophoresis in the nose with magnesia, nasonex was dripped and dripped.

Against the background of constant green snot and otitis media, once a month our hearing began to fall, too, and asked everything again even during the period of remission. Then they began to check adenoids, 2-3 degrees and persistent tubotitis. 3 months summer vacation without a garden and snot, the hearing still did not improve, the adenoids were removed and the hearing returned. Otitis is over. Another pneumo23 were vaccinated.

This is when there is inflammation in the Eustachian tube, it connects the nose to the ear. They did endoscopy of the nasopharynx and told about it. This small tube is inserted into the spout and the doctor looks at what is inside on the screen, so he saw huge adenoids just at the entrance of this tube, they blocked everything, and the hearing fell from that. Drops, weed, homeopathy did nothing in 3 months, so they decided to remove the adenoids, more than a year already passed and ears mmm. and before that there were 3 paracentesis, then purulent otitis media broke through, the membrane is already in the scars. and now the rumor is good

And also otipax cannot be used with purulent otitis media, only otofu.

They said 2-3 degrees about adenoids, he was 3.5 years old then, he did not snore or nasal, only his hearing began to fall, this served as an indication for the removal of adenoids, well, otitis 8 times, of which 3 are purulent

Thank you for your feedback. We were already at the ENT, on Monday at the hospital, most likely we will have a paracentesis, tk. we have exudative otitis media - fluid has accumulated. And all our problems are from the adenoids

You need to go to the lore, make a tympanogram. Do an endoscopy of the nasopharynx to find out whether the cause of persistent exudative otitis media is in the adenoids or not.

As it was with us. We have treated otitis media with drugs, hearing is impaired. We went through two courses of blowing, pneumatic massage and electrophoresis. Hearing remained impaired (all this was controlled by tympanograms). Sent for an endoscopy with the assumption that an urgent need to operate on the adenoids. It turned out that the reason is not in the adenoids, but takes place severe swelling the nasopharynx and auditory tubes, which did not pass within 1.5 months of treatment. This case was treated, the hearing was restored. But then we worked hard enough ((

Don't wait, it's scary! My first husband was left with a hearing impairment for life after such an untreated ARVI in childhood, this greatly interferes with him - not even the hearing loss itself, but a psychological barrier that he is not like everyone else.

Yes. With exudative otitis media, fluid accumulates inside the ear, so the child hears worse. If left untreated, the fluid will crystallize and the hearing impairment will become irreversible.

Daughter (3.4 years old) has been ill colds, with a fever, cough and snot, had been ill for more than a week, once complained about her ears, and then said that they no longer hurt. On the weekend she felt much better, today we have gone.

Girls who went through this hell, tell me if there was a hearing loss? On Wednesday night, my ears began to hurt, first one, a couple of hours later the second. Wild pain from lumbago. Before that, there was a minor runny nose and cough, which.

Girls, has anyone come across otitis media? me not. but my friend, or rather her son, has this diagnosis with enviable constancy. I’ll tell you in advance that the girlfriend herself is an alarmist, she’s afraid for every child’s sneeze, and the chain “snot-otitis media-meningitis-disabled.

I noticed for my son (eldest) that he does not hear well, they tell me not to invent problems. So yesterday I went to Regional center To pediatric ENT, diagnosis = BILATERAL acute inflammation middle ear. He had a temperature for the last week or two.

Good afternoon. The child is 3 months old, since birth on HB. We live with my mother and her children, a 10-year-old girl brought an infection from school on Monday (virus), somewhere on Tuesday I probably got infected from her, so.

Good time! The situation is as follows. They were ill in the summer, the ear ached, they were treated and everything was fine. Then they fell ill in September - a cold and after it the child began to snore terribly. deducted that it could be adenoids and we set off.

Girls, tell me how to protect yourself from recurrence of otitis media! I am already terrified of the slightest snot. this was not the case with the elders. Ears hurt, but only drops were enough (Sofrodex was dripped) and no antibiotics were prescribed. And with the youngest at all.

Girls, this morning snot, I'm sorry, started flowing. Very similar to initial stage colds. Not an allergy, I always distinguish it. The throat does not hurt, there is no fever, no cough. How to be treated, tea with raspberries and oranges? To the Gynecologist on.

This is how it happens, first you treat one thing, and then the disease develops into another. It’s very scary when you don’t know what to treat and what the temperature is for 6 days. A runny nose and cough appeared, and ARVI was treated. On the 6th day.

I caught a cold 3 day already lying ((((((((There was no temperature, no coughing. The first day my throat was sore (although the tonsils were removed), now my throat does not hurt, snot, my nose is stuffed up and weakness. folk remedies, cranberries I brew, tea with honey, I dissolve strepsils from the throat, in general, no pills.

The child cannot hear in one ear.

Girls, against the background of this 2 question:

1. What can a baby have? Is there a chance that everything will pass by itself (so to speak, it will outgrow).

2. Maybe someone can drop the contacts of a sensible children's Laura (or clinic) in Moscow.

P.s. they are a young family, so they will not be able to get rid of huge grandmothers. Therefore, we are looking for good doctor, who would not pull money from young parents, taking advantage of their fears and ignorance.

There is very good apparatus and intelligent diagnosticians.

if the situation does not change, then we must look at what it is and why.

to begin with a ksvp, make an audiogram, find out how much the ear hearing is reduced. further find out what kind of hearing loss.

I haven't heard of Semashko. we were observed at the vernadka. but there are only Muscovites. I don’t know where to go (if it’s free). Monica probably.

in general, ENT in a polyclinic should give a referral to a specialized institution.

hearing loss is not treated. if it is. and if there is a tumor or something else, then it is completely different ..

again it is necessary to be examined. not from the bay of a flounder, he said about the operation.

if you just check your hearing, that is, a melfon, a rainbow of sounds, an otophone.

if you check your hearing and find out the reason, the Pediatric Research Institute, the Institute of Audiology .. they will also do MRI / CT, (send). it will immediately become clear what and why. whether it is treated or not.

what an implant! the child has a normal second ear.

Hearing loss even in the hospital can be determined. I was told in Semashka that otophone examinations are done in some maternity hospitals.

And I ran with my cub at 3 months. And everything was perfectly defined for him.

Or are you talking about what disease?

Zelikovich Elena Isaakovna

Head of CT Department of the Institute of Pediatrics

Regarding the doctor in the research institute of pediatrics. Toropchina (or Toropchenko, I do not understand it written down) Liya Vladimirovna. Tel. She is an audiologist, head of the ENT department in mine, Ph.D. In the research institute, only to her for a start, and then she will give you a direction for CT and MRI to Zelekovich. We went the same way. They did everything at Zelikovich's too. Yes, everything is not fast, but you should not waste time yourself.

At the research institute, receptions are paid. I don’t know how to get there for free. Fast only for money. Reception (that year we were) costs 2000 rubles, if he does some kind of examinations, consultations - this is an additional fee. Let them take more money. We did not leave less than 5 thousand for the reception there.

I am very worried about this. I seem to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

The problem is prolonged, tk. I am breastfeeding the baby, and he is also allergic, small in weight, he can’t do anything without breast.

Can you please tell me how you got out of this, how did you raise your hearing? maybe have some advice? can you share your experience please? I'm afraid of progression.

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The child does not hear in one ear

# 1 Katarina11

# 2 Devotee

Well, I walked and ran with one ear until I was 27 years old, I wore SA on my left ear, almost complete deafness on my right, and I didn't wear SA there.

Develop? Well developed normally, my mother sent me to normal comprehensive school, studied at the first school desk. He graduated from the first higher, then the second.

Yes, with one ear you involuntarily turn your head to the source of the sound, I also do this - and now, out of habit, it remains, although I have already done cochlear implantation in both ears ..

What about psychological trauma? Well, how to say, the child will take it for granted, well, with one ear, so what to do. The main thing is to convince him that there is nothing to be ashamed of, that everyone has different things: someone is wearing glasses, someone else is walking, and so on. In general, do not be ashamed, do not have a complex. Didn't hear - ask again. Do not hesitate to say that I can't hear in one ear - so I ask again. The surrounding people are normal.

Does it interfere in life? Well, yes, it is difficult to determine the source of the sound, there is no stereo in the music, in games it is difficult to determine where the firing comes from - to the left there, to the right or from below. But in general, you can live almost fully with one ear.

By the way, do you know, for example, that the composer Igor Krutoy is deaf in one ear? So there are many of them.

  • Tamara Nikolaevna likes it

# 3 Katarina11

# 4 Devotee

probably better to choose a smaller school, yes

it's not about the size of the school, it's better to agree that he should study at the first school desk, this will greatly facilitate the matter in understanding the teacher and assimilating the material

# 5 Guest_Fallen Merlin_ *

to the point, it all depends on understanding, on teachers

and also on how the child will try!

# 6 Clara

Hello! My daughter has a similar situation - one ear 4 tbsp. hearing loss, the other is the norm. I can tell you with confidence that this did not affect the development of my child. When she was 10 years old, she herself told us that her left ear could not hear. After the examination, the audiologist ordered her to rejoice and protect her healthy ear from colds. From the pictures, the auditory nerve in the deaf ear looks completely normal, but temporal bone according to the pictures on the other side of a much smaller volume than on the healthy one. Now my daughter is in 11th grade (physical and mathematical class). She is a great student, she has many friends. She had long ago adapted to this little problem of hers.

When your little one starts first grade, take a certificate with a diagnosis and recommendations from an audiologist, and update this certificate every year. Show this help to teachers, they need to know. But do not draw the attention of your loved ones, friends of the child, their parents, teachers on this problem - after all, the baby hears everything, but with one ear. A child with one-sided hearing loss should go to a mass school and sit on the 1st and 2nd desk. My daughter sat on the 1st desk until the 9th grade, then she categorically refused. She says that she hears everything well in Kamchatka.

I myself have a tumor on the auditory nerve and, according to all the canons, I must have one-sided hearing loss, and after treatment (the tumor was irradiated to me) I must have one-sided deafness. But the auditory nerve is "alive and well", hearing is 100%. Here is such a situevina with my daughter. This is how we shared the problem with her. I have a lot of friends with unilateral hearing loss - real and virtual. They all have tumors on the auditory nerve. For them, a deaf ear is not serious problem, compared with paresis of the facial nerve, dizziness and trigeminal neuralgia.

Everything for your baby will be fine, you found out about the problem on time, wake up to control the situation, and children's doctors will help you.

Where do you live? I can tell you where they are doing the Crosses.

  • BatraevaNA, Asphodel and Magdalena like it

# 7 Lana

Clara, hello! Glad to see you in good health.

Especially regarding latest news about the treatment of the tumor.

  • Clara likes it

# 8 Lana

On a subject. My father lost his hearing in one ear from scarlet fever at the age of 14. This absolutely did not prevent him from becoming a prominent scientist in his field, learning foreign languages ​​and traveling around the world. The problems began at the age of 80, when hearing in a healthy ear began to decrease with age.

# 9 gauhar

Hello! I recently noticed that my child has a left ear, he is 5 years old. An audiogram was made, said left-sided hearing loss of the 4th degree. They said I need to do an MRI. I am afraid to do an MRI, because I heard that children undergo an MRI under general anesthesia, and I am also afraid that they might say something bad. What should I do, kind people give your advice

# 10 Guest_Fallen Merlin_ *

Do not be afraid, they just take a picture, look at the structure of the eardrum and so on.

  • Komosha likes it

# 11 gauhar

thank you Magic Merlin. Friends I am from Kazakhstan, recently a doctor-otorhinolaryngologist from Russia Shilenkov A.A. came to us, no one visited him at the reception, please give your feedback.

# 12 Devotee

Gaukhar, children undergo MRI under general anesthesia, because you cannot explain to them that they need to lie down for a minute in an MRI machine. Adults do it normally, just take a nap for 15 minutes in the apparatus and that's it.

# 13 Guest_Fallen Merlin_ *

Devotee, Oo I have seen the time of children without any anesthesia


said left-sided hearing loss 4th degree

If right - 100% - no trouble for today... (There is own experience and regret that I did not deal with the left immediately).

It is imperative to examine and find out the cause of the child's left ear hearing loss in order to maintain the hearing of the right ear on good level and take action in advance if necessary. A m. and something can be done with the left.

gauhar, do not give up the examination and search for the cause... This is especially important for your child. Do not be afraid of anesthesia (if it is actually needed for an MRI - babies undergo two-hour operations.)

# 15 Alexa

The question for adults with the same diagnosis, especially who has it from birth - how much does one-sided deafness interfere with your life?

Devotee, tell me why did you do a cochlear one then, since you heard everything in one device?

# 16 Devotee

Alex, because her hearing dropped to such an extent that the SA stopped helping. that's why I did the CI.

no, on the second ear until intelligibility has appeared, the brain, as I understand it, is philonite, and it is quite satisfied with the CI on the left ear, and the CI on the right is obtained like this. auxiliary. Well, here we must also take into account that the right ear has never heard at all. there was no auditory experience

# 17 Alexa

My daughter has the same situation as yours, in the right one some frequencies are saved, but there is no intelligibility. But with the left one in the device she already understands a lot. there is still no speech, does not repeat the words ((we have 60-70 dB there. I don’t know what to do (((I hope for the left ear all the same, I don’t want a CI for my child. I can’t decide!)

Would you do a CI in that case? if you return the time and the rumor that you had in your ear.

# 18 Devotee

and how much time has passed since the operation on the second ear?

if I had a 3 degree then - I would not do CI, I was satisfied with CA, it completely compensated for the hearing loss. with grade 4 it became really bad. already began to think about CI.

here, of course, it is difficult in the sense that the situation is very borderline. I would try to squeeze the best out of the CA with a tuner, or try another, more powerful CA and tune it too. it is hard, time consuming, but possible. and even if this does not give results in legibility. then maybe it is necessary to think about CI. but I am not an authority. here it is necessary to solve in a complex way and think together with specialists

# 19 Alexa

# 20 Devotee

Alexa, where are you doing? who? what do the teachers themselves say?

Hearing loss in newborns

Many ordinary people believe that hearing loss is the lot of old people. But in fact, hearing impairment can be present in the early childhood.

Hearing loss in children and newborns is not a sentence, modern medicine is able to solve this problem, albeit not completely, but as much as possible possible treatment provided.

An interesting fact - hearing loss in childhood can be recognized by the parents of the child, for this you only need Attentive attitude to your own offspring and minimal set knowledge in the development of the child's body.

Determination of the degree of hearing loss and its treatment

According to The World Organization Healthcare Hearing Loss Is A Serious Problem modern society- on the planet, every 10 people have a hearing loss. As for childhood, the numbers are scary here too - 1 out of 100 newborns suffers from hearing loss of congenital etiology, to three years old 3% of children begin to hear worse, and by the age of 5 this percentage rises to 15.

If a child is hard of hearing, then many functions and, first of all, speech are affected. The kid starts to pronounce some sounds late, and if he starts talking, then his speech is incomprehensible to others (the sounds are "blurred", distorted, the letters are "swallowed") or the designation of objects does not correspond to reality.

It is very important for existing hearing impairments in children to carry out certain procedures to ensure normal development child. The main thing in this case is not only treatment, but also the determination of the cause that provoked the hearing loss. What the doctor will do:

  1. Establishing the cause of hearing loss.
  2. If possible, draw a number treatment measures to get rid of the cause of hearing loss.
  3. Timely and competently choose a hearing aid.
  4. Conduct complex classes that will improve general development the child, despite the existing hearing loss.

Childhood Hearing Loss: Possible Causes

In general, in medicine, several factors are considered that led to hearing loss in childhood or in newborns. And it is important for doctors to accurately determine the provoking factor as early as possible - in many cases, the child's hearing can be restored by almost 100%.

What provokes a hearing loss in a child:

  • infectious diseases - influenza, measles, complications of which are pathological changes in the inner ear (in particular, the auditory nerve is affected);
  • middle ear pathology inflammatory nature- most often otitis media that occurs in acute or chronic form;
  • perforation of the tympanic membrane - children too often thrust various subjects in the ears (it can be matches, buttons, small parts from the designer, and so on), which leads to rupture of the eardrum, the formation of scars and rough adhesions on it.

Hearing loss in newborns should be mentioned separately - it is diagnosed directly in the hospital. This type of considered pathological condition can develop in a baby if the mother has been ill during pregnancy dangerous infections- these include influenza, toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes.

As a rule, congenital hearing loss is severe, but according to statistics, it is this hearing impairment in childhood that is extremely rare.

Sensorineural hearing loss in children may appear after the flu (especially if the treatment was reduced to unauthorized intake of antibiotics), against the background of a head injury. But as a rule, such a decrease in hearing is observed already in an older childhood, so the child himself can indicate the problem that has arisen.

Most often, hearing decreases over the years, parents and doctors, as a rule, do not recognize hearing loss on early stage development and therefore the diagnosis is not made immediately, and treatment begins with a delay.

Pediatric conductive hearing loss

Usually, the reason for the development of this type of hearing impairment is the inflammatory process that occurs in the middle ear - otitis media, which occurs in a chronic form. Hearing loss of this degree can develop against the background of a sulfur plug - this is the most harmless reason for a child's hearing loss, therefore it is eliminated by one visit to an ENT doctor. In the office of a specialist, the sulfur plug is removed by washing, hearing is restored almost immediately.

Symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss

In this case, a pathological lesion of the auditory analyzer of the nervous system is noted. Hearing loss in newborns is often diagnosed against the background of hydrocephalus, with birth trauma or perinatal pathology.

The considered type of hearing loss in childhood can occur in different severity:

  • Symptoms of the first degree - the baby absolutely does not hear quiet sounds, but the usual spoken language an adult child will not be able to distinguish in a noisy environment. V normal conditions a child with 1 degree of sensorineural hearing loss hears spoken speech from a distance of 6 meters, and a whisper - from 1-3 meters. With the development of the considered degree of hearing loss, the child will necessarily have speech disorders, the baby constantly asks adults again.
  • Symptoms of the second degree - the child does not distinguish between medium and quiet sounds. During the examination, the doctor will reveal that the baby will hear ordinary spoken language only from a four-meter distance, and whisper only if the sounds are pronounced near the ear. The child speaks rather poorly, his answers to the questions of adults are in the words “yes / no / don’t know”.
  • Symptoms of the third degree - the child does not hear a whisper at all, and he distinguishes ordinary spoken speech only from a meter distance. A kid with a third degree of sensorineural hearing loss begins to talk very late and incomprehensibly. He rarely reacts to speech addressed to him, only if he does not shout something near his ear.
  • Fourth degree - the child practically hears nothing, his speech does not develop absolutely. This state borders on full-fledged deafness.

Ways to solve the problem

In some cases, if the cause of the condition in question is not pathological lesions of the auditory part of the nervous system, doctors prescribe to children complex treatment... It implies:

  • introduction drugs- appoint vascular funds, nootropics, B vitamins, diuretic herbs (decrease in intracranial pressure), but in a strictly individual order;
  • they conduct reflexotherapy courses of a microcurrent nature - the speech zones of the brain are activated, the blood supply to the cochlea of ​​the inner ear improves, the tone of the cerebral vessels is normalized;
  • specialized classes with a speech therapist who not only "puts" the child's speech, but also corrects defects in the pronunciation of certain sounds, attending a course of treatment with a psychologist - this will help improve the development of the child, give him a chance to speak normally and understand the speech addressed to him, become learners and socially adapted.

If the treatment does not improve, then the child will be fitted with a hearing aid. This happens on an individual basis, taking into account many factors.

If a newborn has symptoms of hearing loss and hearing loss begins, this is not a reason to write him down as disabled and deprive him of normal life by placing them in specialized boarding schools. Modern medicine can offer effective treatment, and experienced speech therapists and psychologists will prepare the child for society, provide him full life and communication with peers.

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For a comfortable existence, a person is gifted with five senses - sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. But it is vision and hearing that are still considered the most important functions of the body, since without these skills, the quality of a person's life deteriorates greatly, and it becomes almost impossible to fully cognize the world. A child, being born, does not yet know how to express his feelings and emotions, therefore hearing is extremely important for a baby. After all, the development of speech is directly related to hearing. But, unfortunately, it happens that the child does not hear. In this case, it is very important to identify in time hearing impairment in a child and try to eliminate the cause as soon as possible. If it is impossible to solve the hearing impairment, it is important to help the baby learn the world in other ways.

In medicine, there are two definitions of hearing problems - hearing loss and deafness.

Hearing loss is a certain degree of hearing loss. Perception of speech is difficult, but mostly possible. As a rule, a person hears loud speech or a person standing close. Hearing aids usually help with this diagnosis.

Deafness is hearing loss or, roughly speaking, its complete absence. A person practically does not react to sounds (he can rarely hear a very loud sound) and does not perceive the speech of other people. In this situation, hearing aids are powerless.

Diseases associated with hearing problems are divided into the following groups:

1. Congenital.

2. Hereditary.

3. Acquired.

The reasons why the child began to hear poorly?

Your child may actually be hard of hearing for the following reasons:

  • chronic and acute inflammatory processes of the hearing aid.
  • transferred infectious diseases in the expectant mother (, toxoplasmosis, influenza in the first 3 months of pregnancy);
  • complications of infectious diseases (meningitis, encephalitis,);
  • the use of certain medications and antibiotics;
  • asphyxia of a newborn or birth injury;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • prematurity;
  • the presence of hereditary diseases;

Hearing problems can occur in a child at any age for various reasons. There are sensorineural and conductive and abnormalities.

A problem with the outer and middle ear, which is the difficulty of transmitting sounds, is conductive disturbance. In this case, the inner ear functions correctly. Such disorders are curable.

Typical conductive hearing impairments in children

1. Sulfur. Children's ears are small and the ear canal in them, respectively, is very narrow. Earwax collects in this passage, forming a sulfur plug. This plug blocks sound access to the eardrum. All treatment for this problem is to flush the ear. But do not do this procedure yourself, only an otolaryngologist will help you here.

2. Foreign body. Children are very fond of experimenting with small details or food debris, pushing them into a nose or ear, thereby blocking the access of sound to the eardrums. Only a doctor will help to remove such a detail from the ear.

3. Water. All babies love bath procedures. It is a pleasure to splash and play in water, but sometimes such procedures end in such a nuisance as hearing loss. Water, if left in the ear, causes inflammation of the ear canal.

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- Why do I have to repeat everything 10 times ?! Can't you obey right away?
- Said once, said two - he does not react. Shouted - immediately went and did! Calm words does not understand, only screams. Well, what else is with him?
- I repeat, I repeat - but he does not hear me. He listens, but does not hear, looks through me, thinks about something of his own.
- Yes, he hears everything, he just does not want to stop. Does the opposite, whatever you say. Completely got out of the hands!

Not all children respond the same to words. It is enough for one child to say one single time so that he heeds the request, the other will not be accepted even for the tenth. “Stop banging the spoon on the pan, I don't hear a word from the TV! Can't you hear me? I say stop knocking! So, I repeat for the last time - stop this awful knocking! What is it! Well, you asked for it yourself! " Bang! And a slap on the butt. Now I have heard.

What are the reasons for this reaction? Why doesn't he hear, and if he hears, why doesn't he react?

First, your child may not really hear you. When he is absorbed in his work, and even noisy enough, the surrounding sounds become just a background for him. White noise from which parental speech is not isolated.

Secondly, he may have heard what he was told, but had not yet had time to react. Some children switch between different kinds activity takes a lot of time and effort. They are simply physically incapable of stopping right away. Their nervous system does not know how. And if the parents insist and coerce, then the child may begin to be irritated or offended.

Thirdly, if a child is taken away from interesting activities many times a day, if he is not allowed to do what he wants, he will simply stop listening to his parents. Because he needs development and knowledge, and when it is suppressed from time to time, he has to somehow defend his rights.

So what should those parents do who don't want to shout or slap their butts? How to reach out to your child?

1. Use short phrases... No more than 3-4 words. As a rule, children for whom auditory perception is not the leading one lose the narrative thread already in the third word. They become not interested and they turn off, plunging into their thoughts. Therefore, to capture their attention, you need to be short and to the point.

2.Make eye contact. it overriding moment! We rely too much on the power of words, constantly using " remote control"children. But it is just ridiculously ineffective. We are not remotes, and children are not televisions. To communicate, hear and understand each other, eye to eye and touching are necessary. go to the child, draw his attention to himself, take his hand or shoulder, or hug, look into the eyes: "Anton, this rumble prevents me from listening to the news. Please stop knocking. "And wait. Do not demand an immediate response, give the child time for awareness and switching.

3. Write or draw important. Information shown is perceived better than just heard. Children are happy to respond to various schemes, drawings, order of actions in pictures, notes, etc. As they say, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Do not insist on auditory contact if it is not your child's language. It is better to use those methods of interaction that are more accessible to him.

4. Do not reward misbehavior. When a child does something that the parent does not like, he receives a flurry of attention to his person: do not do, do not touch, do not climb, do not, you will fall, break, etc. Plus lengthy lectures on why it is impossible and what well-bred children they don't do that, and that mom is in shock. And if the child's need for the attention of the parents is just not satisfied, then be sure that the most effective method to get interest in himself, he has already found. Inappropriate behavior should be ignored. Not a child! Behavior. Like a baby. Wet your pants? Change your clothes and that's it. Well wet, and wet. Broke a cup - it happens. Fights - briefly explain, lead away. He puts his fingers in the socket - so on, etc.

5. Encourage good, "right" behavior. And so that the child does not have to go from the opposite and stand on his ears in order to communicate with him, you need to notice him exactly when he is "good". But usually, if the children play themselves, do their homework on time, stay tidy on the street, share toys, communicate with younger brothers and sisters - this is considered normal, not requiring praise, this is what the child should do, so why praise or thank him for this. If the child is behaving well, the parents do not pay attention to him. Good behavior taken for granted. If it does not lead well, then it is punished. If he plays himself, mom does her business, but if she yells, then mom drops everything and runs to him. So, it turns out, yelling is better. It is impossible to educate, constantly scolding for mistakes, punishing for bad. This suppresses the child, minimizes the possibility of his development. Good encouragement is needed. Notice him and rejoice for the child, rejoice with him.