How to make a girl agree to meet. How to invite a girl to date so that she does not refuse. How to start dating a teenage girl if you're classmates

Do not say that you are madly in love and cannot live without your beauty. But if this is so, you are very lucky: today you will find out how to offer a date to a girl.

Forget about silly phrases and other failures, because you need to do it without words!

Do not invite her to meet if ...

In fact, you don't always need to go up to a girl and tell her “let's date”. Even more, in 75% of cases it is simply unnecessary. In order not to be mistaken and not to spoil the relationship with your lady, see if you belong to this category of men:

  1. You understand that the girl doesn't like you

Doing crazy things for women is beautiful and sometimes effective, but not in your case. If a girl does not pay attention to you at all, and she does not get out of your head, forget about offering her a relationship. She will refuse you and it will only hit your pride.

Read also:

If you think that such an act as an offer will make her look at you differently, you are wrong. First you need to go through all the preliminary stages of a relationship: establishing contact, dating, seducing - and only then you can make her your girlfriend.

  1. On the first date

You met a girl and asked her out on a date. You communicate well and you understand that you would like to have a relationship with her. What are you doing? You say, “We feel so good together. Will you be my girlfriend? ”How does the girl feel at this time? She is just in confusion and confusion - you are the guy to whom she only recently drew attention, who has not yet earned much credit and has not yet become loved. Naturally, she will be afraid of such a sharp pressure and you will not only have no relationship with her, but you will not have a second date either.

The girl's reaction will be something like this:

  1. You are already together

If your relationship started by itself: now you already spend a lot of time together, kiss, trust each other. Maybe you already practically do not go for walks separately and cannot live without each other. But you didn’t offer her to meet - what to do? Nothing - you are already dating and your proposal after all this will seem to the girl at least strange or stupid.

Do you know what the girls expect in this case? Confessions! She already knows that you are together, but she does not yet know how serious it is. But your confession will put everything in its place - you are in the mood for a serious relationship.

  1. You're not 15 anymore

If you are already an adult guy who has experience in relationships and knows how to seduce girls - forget about the phrase “let's date”. This is the lot of schoolchildren, adolescents and some students who are not confident in themselves.

You can't do without an offer when ..

There are situations when it is simply necessary to offer to meet. And if you do not say these cherished words to the girl, you simply risk losing her or you are constantly in agonizing uncertainty:

  1. There is no clarity in your relationship.

So you seem to have close body contact, and spend time together, and then she dumps you, goes to the club and flirts freely (or worse) with other guys. What's happening? It's just that your relationship has a very vague framework: you are not a guy with a girl, but you are not strangers either. In such a situation, everyone perceives this connection as it is convenient for him: you may think that you have a relationship, but she simply will not take it seriously, thinking that this is another affair. If this happens, go ahead and offer the girl a relationship. Express your desire to be with her, make her give a positive answer. Thus, she will silently promise to be faithful and loyal to you.

  1. Love works wonders

If you feel for a girl strong feelings and if you want her to know about it, you can amaze her with a beautiful proposal. If you see that she also really likes you and you have already been on a date - act beautifully and original. Even an adult guy can make such an offer, because his goal is not so much to establish a clear framework in your relationship, but rather to evoke a desire in his beloved best emotions, associations with you and make the day when you become a couple special for her. This is such a symbolic touch in the development of your story.

  1. If you are teenagers

Finally, we come to the main thing - the proposal to meet is the most important and meaningful for teenagers. And if you are one of them, this article is for you. Girls school age it is very important that you say the cherished "Will you be my girlfriend?" Perhaps for your beloved (and for you too) this will be the first relationship. And of course, you still do not know how to correctly understand each other's gestures, you do not know how to correctly capture energy messages, hints and other trifles. Therefore, it is especially important to express your feelings in words and deeds. And if she answers you "Yes", know that she is in love and is proud that she now has you.

A few tips from a professional: how to hook up with a girl prettier than you, details in the video ...

Soil preparation

You can propose to a girl only when you feel a connection between you, when both of you are comfortable alone with each other. If the girl continues to avoid or ignore you, it is too early to act. The situation when you are getting closer and closer can happen by itself, but it can also require your deliberate actions.

When you see each other often

If you are in the same class or in the same group, then it is much easier for you to win her attention. But remember, before you propose to her, she must go out with you for at least a couple of dates. In order to get close to a girl, you can try these maneuvers:

  1. Stand out for something good, like being highly praised, helping others, etc.
  2. Ask her to work on the project with you. It could also be any other school assignment that will help you to be with her.
  3. Try to chat with the girl, ask her some questions about herself. Also use praise: notice that she did a very good paper today, for example, and tell her about it.
  4. Try to become her friend, but keep your distance so as not to get into the Friendzone.
  5. Flirt with her - you can compliment her, be interested in looking at her, even straighten her hair.
  6. If you are already close enough to communicate, you can accidentally touch her.
  7. Invite her to ice cream.
  8. If your walk was successful, you can try to sit next to her in class (preferably if she wants to).
  9. Now you can walk with her more often, trying to hug her.
  10. When you feel that she is ready - kiss her.
  11. Now you can offer her to meet, because you have already become close and she is just waiting for your cherished words.

When there is no way to cross often

If you are not around all the time, you must arrange the meetings yourself. By the way, psychologists say that a person who often catches your eye is able to build trust and earn sympathy much faster.

The first thing you need to do is visit the places where she is, as often as possible. You should try to get closer to her - for this you can add her as a friend on VKontakte, comment on her photo and try to communicate.

For more details on how to stretch it for a walk, read the article "". And if everything worked out for you and she went for a walk with you, make these meetings permanent. Let her get used to them. And when you feel that she is interested in you as much as you are - invite her to meet.

What date to propose on

According to statistics, a girl is expecting an offer on dates 5-7. If you delay too much, she may simply lose faith and be disappointed in you and in this relationship. But making an offer earlier is also not recommended, because the first 2-3 meetings will only help you determine the girl's attitude.

How to properly suggest a date

If a girl willingly agrees to meetings and leaves them happy and elated, then the moment of the proposal has come. In order to do everything right, pay attention to the following things:

  1. Your appearance

Even if you are not going to do anything special - you just want to hug her gently and say that you want to see her in the role of your girlfriend, take care of her appearance anyway. At such a crucial moment, you must be beautiful and well-groomed so that she does not even for a minute doubt the correctness of her choice. You, of course, should not dress like a knight from old fairy tales - you are not going to marry. Be prettier than usual, but don't overdo it.

  1. Venue

The meeting place depends on how you want to propose to her. It can be a park, a cozy cafe, a trip to some beautiful or special place. But keep in mind that during the proposal, you should not be interrupted by loud noise, and the girl should feel comfortable.

  1. Flowers, gifts ...

Do not buy perfumes or other gifts that may simply not suit her. Get around inexpensive present in the form of a flower, a small souvenir or candy. In fact, you can do without all this at all, but the girl will be more pleased if you decide to back up your proposal with a small gift.

  1. Your words

Remember that sincerity is the main thing. You must clearly and warmly explain to the girl what you feel for her and what you want from her. Girls just love specifics, when after a conversation you don't have to guess what you wanted to say by that. Underline what you like about her, speak gently but confidently.

If you choose poems or template SMS for her, do not forget to add something at the end of yourself. Let the girl feel that you did not just copy and paste this text without even reading it in full. For example, at the end of the verse, write: "I really feel all this for you, and I want you to be with me."

A few simple rules:

  1. Be confident and persistent

Do not give up immediately, as it seemed to you that the girl has cooled down a little towards you. You must prepare her for the proposal using all your strength, charm and perseverance. Don't overdo it, but you can't do without it either.

  1. Follow the girl's requirements

If you are already in close contact and you are preparing to propose, pay attention to what the girl requires of you. If she is offended that you did not call her yesterday, it means that she requires you to call every day. And you must do this by showing her that she is really dear to you. If the girl doesn't care, chances are she's not that interested in you.

  1. Speak

Girls love with their ears and do not like to guess about your feelings. You are a man and you must be brave: say out loud all the good that you think about her and what you feel.

Say already these words: "Let's meet"

So, you decided to confess your feelings to her and invite her to date. You have already figured out where you will lead her and now it remains to decide what you will say and wait for the right moment.


It is best to start talking when you are already standing next to her, she will be in your arms and you will kiss her. When you reach the peak of romance, just calmly tell her what you were going to. You can whisper it in her ear, but not so quietly that she does not hear at all.

You can, holding her hands and looking into her eyes, confidently reveal all the cards in front of her.


Better not to say the phrase "Let's date" - it sounds terribly trite and somehow stupid. You just need to modify and embellish it a little. Combine the compliment, the offer, and the expression of your feelings together. You can say something like this:

“We are so close that I can’t imagine my life without you. Will you agree to be my girlfriend? "

“You are the first who made me be like this - worried, confused and in love. But I really like it. I want you to be my girlfriend "

“The time we spend together are the best moments for me. I really want it to be as often as possible, so I would like to see you as my girlfriend. "

Of course, your phrase may be completely different ... and it shouldn't be that - you are a special person and your girl is also special. Just try to express what you feel in beautiful words.

Offer her to date beautifully

If it seems to you that this is nonsense, I will try to convince you otherwise:

  1. It will change the mind about you

Of course, if a girl doesn't love you and she doesn't even like you, whatever you do is useless. But if she has only a drop of doubt about you and you need to make the final blow, surprise her with a beautiful confession and she will surrender.

  1. It will make you special

If you are no longer a schoolboy or a teenager, beautiful proposal can still be useful to you. No matter how old a girl is, she always expects specific actions and beautiful confessions, and if you give it to her, your relationship will become especially important and valuable for her.

How to choose the right way

Everything is simple here: if a girl has a calm character, is a romantic and gentle nature, then the recognition should match her. These can be various romantic dinners, rose petals, and more.

If a girl is distinguished by brightness, extravagance and activity, present her with recognition with the same set of characteristics. Let it be something fun and unforgettable. It could be a trip to another pride that she wanted to visit. Take her to a crazy ride, a huge dolphinarium, etc. And at the end of the entertainment, say that it was all for her and make your proposal.

Also note to you: don't use gifts as a way to get a girlfriend. It can easily affect a mercantile person, but good decent girl she will feel indebted and will not be very comfortable from this. You don't want her to walk with you just out of politeness?

How to offer a girl a relationship correctly - see the video:

If a girl suddenly refused, learn to work with refusals:

Are you in love, but are you afraid to tell your girlfriend about it? This, often, becomes a big obstacle to building relationships between a man and a girl. The reason is that guys are always afraid to ask a girl out for fear of rejection. This is what can become a complex in the future for a young person. And this is a fact that psychologists have long proved.

If you are afraid of rejection with such an offer, do not immediately fall into despair. First you need to get to know your chosen one well. Invite her somewhere, chat. Find out what she thinks about a more serious relationship. All of this must be done before you start dating. Do everything gradually, make her unexpected and pleasant surprises... So you will get closer and learn more and more about your companion;

If you have already thought of everything and are ready to meet, then do it to her in a memorable way - a parachute jump and an offer to be together; dinner under the moon on the roof of the house, etc. So, everything is in your hands. Bring more romanticism into your proposal;

Younger ladies who are under 18 can simply be told to become your girlfriend;

So that there is no immediate negative from your proposal, from the first days of communication, just communicate on neutral topics... The main thing is that they are common and interesting to both;

In general, the more you communicate with her, make pleasant surprises, arrange all kinds of themed parties - all the better. All this will only have a positive effect on your future relationship, and over time she herself will wait for you to invite the girl to date;

Attention and constant compliments will do the trick. After all, girls love with their ears. So don't forget about it;

One of the moments positive result - a well-thought-out first date. It should not burden either you or her with any obligations. Unobtrusive environment, and communication about everything and nothing.

So guys listen and get real. Only decisive action you will be able to achieve the desired result. Action, not sighing and dropping hands.

How to propose to a girl to date

You don't have to reinvent the wheel. You can just offer her this option anyway. To say it in words. If she expected more, then you did not recognize her well;

So before such a responsible matter, get to know her well - hobbies, what is interested in, what she likes more in life, etc. And, relying on everything you have learned, you can interest her without words, as a person who is not alien to someone else's life. She can tell you this herself;

Now there are a lot of opportunities and methods to start dating, to be interesting to propose to be your girlfriend. From painting with paint on the asphalt, to jumping off a bridge on a rope, with the words that be mine. The main thing should come from you and from sincere feelings;

Romance. Create such an environment. Candles, wine, light pleasant music. You can even sing her favorite song. It doesn't matter that you sing badly - but it will be from the heart. Then, in the course of the conversation, you can make such an offer. We think that she will not resist after this and will agree to be your girlfriend;

You can also give her flowers, with their delivery to your work. And in the bouquet there will be a note from you with the same recognition. This will be very unexpectedly pleasant, and she will have something to brag about in front of her work friends;

Don't be afraid of anything - not even rejection. Maybe the person is simply not ready, or maybe he will see shyness in your eyes. And in a man, a woman wants to see only a self-confident person. When you decide to invite your girlfriend to date, always look her in the eye. Don't look around. It will look ugly and insincere.

Guys are not always ready to openly offer to meet - for fear of refusal, many prefer to hint that they would like to get closer. The girl also needs to hint wisely.

If you don't know much, you need to adjust your acquaintance so that later you can easily approach her. It can be impromptu, the effect of an unexpected meeting. It all depends on where you usually meet her. Think about those moments from the movies and come up with your own version of your acquaintance.

If you have mutual acquaintances, ask you to introduce her. So you will not only enter the circle of her acquaintances. Most likely, your request will be passed on to her. From what she will understand about your interest in her person. Start communicating with the girl more. At a distance, it is unlikely that it will work. To get her interested, you must be in her social circle.

When you enter a group of her friends, you can start asking about her. This, firstly, will help you get to know her better in absentia, and, secondly, friends, most likely, will convey to the girl that you are actively interested in her. Therefore, in such a conversation, try to speak of her as best you can.

At this stage, she will begin to pay attention to you. Become visible from the rest of her friends, for example, stand out with clothes. Try to attract as many of her friends as possible to your side. If they start to speak well of you, she will be flattered.

Try to meet her as if by chance as often as possible. An observant girl will be able to guess that you are specifically waiting for her.

To invite a girl to date, try to find out about her interests. How to hint a girl about a relationship using her hobbies? Very simple. Say that you are interested in this too. You will have common topic for conversations, and nothing brings you closer together as quickly as common hobbies and interesting conversation.

Begin to show her signs of attention - compliments, little help, care. Girls are pleased with it, she will not be able to remain indifferent.

Start giving gifts. Something expensive and essential - about, for example, a birthday. And just like that, they will do pleasant triflesstuffed Toys, a postcard with humor, preferably with a hint of your feelings, chocolate and similar pleasant things. Most likely, she guesses about your feelings. Now it remains only to understand how to hint the girl about the relationship already specifically.

If you are composing poetry or writing interesting stories, - fine! Dedicate one of your works to her. In it, she should read between the lines about the sincerity of your feelings. Send her an e-mail, or drop it in the old fashioned way. mailbox... None of the girls will remain indifferent. If she would not like to meet with you, most likely, even at the stage of gifts, she would have talked to you about it. If she favorably accepts your courtship, it means that she, too, is simply afraid to talk about her feelings and expects the first serious step from you.

Basically, you can already start to act more actively, by stopping just hinting. If before that she did not show any negativity towards you, then the time has come to act. Perhaps you shouldn't confess your love so quickly, try to get closer to her.

Want to invite your girlfriend to date? Invite her to a cafe or movie. If she is interested in you as a man, she is unlikely to refuse. Start dating her alone. Start with an innocent excuse - take her to the cinema for a novelty, or throw a party at home to be able to ask her to dance.

Most girls are very sensitive and always know who they really like. Be confident, choose right moment and invite her on a date, where you will be waiting for her with flowers. Most likely, this is how your relationship will begin.

You can start from the other side. Become her good friend... So you can be with her more often, surround her with care and attention so that she gets used to spending time with you and sometimes could no longer do without you. Such a relationship has two options for development. They can become strong family, or vice versa. You can remain in the status of an eternal friend, dedicated to all secrets, but she will not be able to perceive you differently. In short, you will have to act according to the situation. And if you choose last option, do not delay in order to transfer the relationship to a qualitatively different level.

Unfortunately, these are the rules that the man himself has to take the initiative. Those options when the girl herself hangs around her neck, most likely, can hardly end in a serious relationship. It rarely happens that two halves meet, immediately understand that they are a couple. Usually, the girl looks closely and evaluates anyway. And the man can only hint at the desire to meet.

Have you been refused? No need to panic!

However, dear guys, do not be so discouraged. After all, she is not the only one with whom you would like to spend time with great pleasure. There will also be one that will appreciate your desire to be with her.

Why do the most desperate guys suddenly give up before asking the girl they like to date? There are two reasons for this:

    a person feels shyness not at all in front of a weaker, from a physical point of view, a creature, but in front of his own feelings, that is, incipient love; a man by his nature is a conqueror, therefore it is psychologically difficult for him to be suddenly rejected.
It should be added to this that love between people arises in order to later form a family. Moreover, this feeling gives us some "trial balloons" in the form of adolescent love, which rarely pours out in anyone exactly in a persistent affection and leads to family relations... First love often falls on us as a test of feelings, does not come true, leaving wounds in the soul. But this is not a reason not to try. Maybe you are the chosen one of fate who has to conclude marriage with my first love. It would be foolish to turn away from this chance. In addition, in this life, nothing happens in vain, and if you feel the need to date this particular girl, then you should still try. Of course, this does not apply to those situations when you are impatient to start a relationship simply because your friends are already are dating someone, and you don't even have a couple on the horizon yet. Starting a relationship just to show that you are no worse than others is simply deception and dishonesty in relation to the girl you fool around with.

How to start dating a girl

It's another matter if you really like the girl. Even if she is modest and nondescript, she may not be a source of pride for you, but she will become the only desirable person with whom you would like to be alone. You don't need to listen to public opinionthat “it would be nice to hook up this cutie,” but to my heart. Understand your feelings and make a firm decisionBefore deciding to propose to meet, understand for yourself why you need it:
    to be no worse than friends; to look bravo next to a beauty; to be closer to someone you have been interested in for a long time.
Only the last answer will be correct. If the girl herself is dear to you, and not the fact that there is a being of the weaker sex nearby, then this will be a true reason for which you can decide on recognition. Plan your proposalGuys have played a thousand times over in their minds how they will make this offer, and you shouldn't be an exception either. In this case, you need to count on the fact that you can get a refusal. Of course, youthful maximalism and male pride can do their job, and such a refusal may seem like a final break. But how much can be lost from this! After all, a girl can change her mind later. Moreover, on this moment she could just be shy, or maybe you just did not have time to charm her with anything. As long as you are both young, you have about a thousand or more chances to try and fix things. Only every time you need to go from the other side. And there are many of these sides too. Not just black and white. The world is colorful, and there are many shades in it. Try, try, and you will always find the color that she loves. And she will fly at him like a bee on a flower, which has more honey nectar. single plan "A", there must be a plan "B", and so on. We were endowed with a fairly long alphabet and an almost endless number of numbers. So there should be a lot of plans, and they must be worthy, that is, none of them should contain even a hint of revenge for another refusal. Accept any of her answers with dignityYou can only take revenge for a public refusal, when you were humiliated in front of your friends, and what is even more offensive - in front of your enemies. But this "little revenge" is planned only if you do not want to associate yourself with this particular person anymore. And if you have a new passion on the horizon, then in no case involve it in this plan of revenge. This is unworthy and can lead to the rupture of new relationships. If the girl refuses delicately, then in fact there is nothing to take revenge on her. It's a simple right to love someone else, or to take time out to sort things out. own feelingsah. If you were reciprocated, then even in this situation you should not give vent to emotions to such an extent that you start dancing a jig in front of a girl or you will be content with satisfaction. Such ardor can simply alienate or scare your chosen one. Yes, it was a crazy success for you, and it's great! But it's not worth making yourself the craziest, or even the most maniac. If you yourself are afraid of your own feelings, then you can use old way: "Paper will endure everything." Our distant ancestors used letters if they were afraid to look in the eyes, confessing their love or offering to meet. Now, in addition to paper, thanks to new technologies, there are several more ways to make an offer in absentia.

On the Internet: Vkontakte or another social network

This method is good if your chosen one herself is a fan of communication in social networks. And only if you know the girl well. If you just find her Vkontakte page and write that you would like to meet, then you may be mistaken for a person with sexual deviations or something like that. Also, the girl may not take this proposal seriously. Therefore, it is better to first just make an acquaintance on social networks, communicating on neutral topics. And the proposal should be furnished beautifully so that it can be compared with the presented bouquet of flowers. For example, send an enchanting landscape and, against its background - heartbreaking poems.

Make an offer by SMS or phone

You can use this way not only social networks, but also mobile phone... For example, you can put poems in SMS, or even better - in MMS. If you know a girl, and the only thing that scares you is not the speed of her reaction, but an appraising look, then you can simply call her and offer to go somewhere together. And you can make a confession both by phone and at this meeting, if it takes place.

When meeting tete-a-tete

Even if it so happened that you met in person, but you are shy, then just lower your gaze, as if you are thinking, and ask if the girl wants to meet with you. Only the meeting should take place not in any prosaic place, but, for example, in a gazebo over the water, against the background of a beautiful landscape or in a cozy cafe over a cup of tea or a portion of ice cream. The atmosphere should be relaxed, so do not call future girlfriend to an expensive restaurant or an expensive trip. After all, this can also cause tension and create the impression that you are buying a person's favor.

How beautiful it is to invite a girl to date so that she agrees

A woman, at whatever age she is, is a real esthete. Therefore, your proposal must be beautifully furnished. And in order to finally hook this person, do it in an unusual way. Banality is a bad romantic companion.

Original proposal on a date

If you can furnish an invitation to a date with the help of a sent bouquet, an envelope sealed with gold thread and postal wax, as well as a simulated telegram, then what to do when you have already met? Because a single date doesn't mean a start long-term relationship... It is necessary to somehow originally offer the girl to spend more time together. One of good ways - show up on a date with a guitar or other musical instrument and sing a serenade to it own composition... Only at the same time you should be good at the instrument, so as not to cause laughter or outright regret on the part of a new friend. If you are with music on "you", but you can recite well, then you can read her poems of your own composition. Of course, you can take a passage from one of the classics as a basis, but at the same time not read poetry, as in school at the blackboard, but as a famous theater actor would do - with all the storm of emotions, with Mkhatov's pauses, with accents. In general, you have to rehearse carefully to be appreciated. And if you read prose - Bulgakov, Bunin, Nabokov ... The girl will be delighted with your memory. But do not memorize too long passages: it is tiresome for you and for the listener. In addition, the usual envy can work here, which will replace admiration. Suddenly the girl could never memorize a single verse at school or she was ashamed to read them at the blackboard. And then there's the prose bounces off the teeth!

Romantic proposal to meet in verse

Poems in themselves are more romantic than prose. You know how to write them yourself, and your success is appreciated by others - this is your plus and your trump card. It is really worth taking on the recitation of classical poetry only if you have a minimum of acting skills. You can read your verse with less pathos - it will still be appreciated. And if you are at all embarrassed to read it aloud, then you can simply send it as in paper version - in beautiful envelope, on the postcard enclosed in it, and on e-mail, in social network (but not on the "wall", but in a personal!) But what to do if you are not a poet from birth? Sometimes an excess of feelings pushes a person to something that he has never done before. And you can have wonderful poems. And let this verse be the only one in life, but successful. Sometimes - on the verge of genius. However, the muse visits people not with enviable regularity, and may not come to you at all. Then it remains to climb for a verse on the Internet. Let's make a reservation right away: taking a ready-made recognition-proposal from a popular youth website is worst case... Imagine how many people like you will read the same poem to their beloved girlfriend at the same time with you. And if, with the same verses, yesterday or the day before yesterday, the gentleman who had been rejected by her "rolled up" to your chosen one, and now you will present her the same? You won't even grasp the meaning, which made the girl so funny. You might think that you yourself are pathetic in front of her. And she finds it funny, because you and the loser "composed" photocopied poems. If you really use the Internet, then it is better to order a verse there on a special website. By the way, to be sure, it is better to check it with an anti-plagiarism program. So you will understand whether these poems were published elsewhere, or the order was made for you personally. After all, the performer will also be tempted not to write himself, but to take little-known lines of the same Alexander Blok, for example, and pass off as his original verse, composed just for you. It is even better to compose a hokku, the national Japanese verse of three lines, than to use a large replicated verse. For example, like this:

Cherry blossom petal
Catching up with the other,
To continue the journey together.

Nice, but a little sad. There are only three lines, and in them there can only be a hint that you want to be with this girl. But even such a hint can be understood. You can add a little humor:

How the thread goes for the needle,
Like the waves rush after the steamer
So I would like to be with you
And always be, not in passing.

You don't have to use poetic form... There are phrases that work almost flawlessly. This does not mean that the above expressions need to be learned by heart. This is just an example of how to simultaneously be unobtrusive, but at the same time show your interest in this particular girl.

Most popular words and phrases for the best sentence

“It seems to me that I feel something more for you than ordinary friendly feelings", - this is how you can say the girl with whom you are in the same company. If this is your colleague, then just tell her: “I think our relationship could be less formal. Maybe we’ll go for lunch together? ” Such an offer, on the one hand, does not oblige you to anything, on the other hand, you will show that you are not indifferent to the person, but immediately offering to go to a restaurant is unnecessary. Especially if the girl herself is still young and could never afford to dine in such establishments. Your task is to hook, not suppress with luxury. Therefore, you do not need to immediately say that you would like her to become your destiny, or that you alone decided (on your own) that you need to meet. Swearing that you will make your chosen one a hundred times happier than now is also not worth it. Just leave her choice and time to think. Otherwise, you can simply frighten off your sympathy.

How to become a couple if you are friends

When you've been friends for a long time, go camping or wandering around hometown, moreover, in the usual company, it can be difficult to change the status “to the board of your friend”. But if it happened that yesterday's friend suddenly became beloved, then you need to act. The most interesting thing is that in this case you can get closer somehow smoothly, without even dividing two periods in time - friendly and loving. Of course, you can immediately dot the "e" and say that for some time now you see in her more than just a companionable girl. But if you do not dare, then you can do otherwise. When you already spend time in the same company, you can just find yourself a little more often near your beloved. Offer her an umbrella when rain poured down from a clear sky, treat her to ice cream, borrow mittens if it gets cold, give her a hand when you need to get over, albeit over a small, but obstacle - these and similar signs of attention contribute to a smooth rapprochement. big company, then no one will immediately pay attention to the fact that you decided to retire with the girl in order to start a conversation that is interesting to you two. You don't have to dedicate it right away to your relationship. It just might be the topic that she and you like. If this continues from time to time, then your mutual friends they will gradually get used to the fact that a “couple” has formed in the company, with whom “everything is clear.” Imperceptibly, you can in this way move to this girl for permanent residence or settle her at home. And then you will become an accomplished couple. Without tearing, without emotions and other things. And you ask: where is the beauty of feelings? Why did everything suddenly work out on its own? You just gave the lady a reason to understand that next to her - real knight... And even if there was no serenade, hokku, poetry, but your actions said more than words could express.

Want to show your intentions to a girl? Show desire to have with her serious relationship? Make it so that she can't refuse! If you have long dreamed of a representative fair half of humanity, then most likely they tormented themselves with the question of how beautiful it is to invite a girl to meet, so that she gives consent.

Fear is yours main enemy... Do not be afraid of rejection, behave confidently, this will help to pick up the right words to her heart. You can't let everything take its course. If before that you were successfully friends, and one day she receives an SMS on her phone with trivial question, the girl just won't understand you. Of course, in life there are people who understand each other without words, it is enough for them to look each other in the eyes, but not always everything goes so smoothly.

How to romantically invite a girl to date?

All representatives of the weak half of humanity love romance. Start by looking at the event as a whole. It is better to think over everything in advance - place, words, time, appearance. Make sure the girl is not fooling you, as it is not uncommon for women to flirt with guys they have absolutely no feelings for. Many men believe that it is possible to achieve a girl if you spend a lot of money on her, but this is not the case. Girls appreciate the sincerity of feelings and intentions, but too big spending without emotion can frighten her away. Prepare for the fact that after you express yours, the chosen one may not immediately give an answer, she needs to reconsider her views on you.

The original way to invite a girl to date involves romance and pleasant surprise... Invite her for a walk. Great if you live in a city where there is a river and boats that carry passengers in the evening. You can visit a restaurant or other not noisy place. When talking about your confession, look her straight in the eyes and try not to worry as much as possible, as this will be very noticeable.

How to invite a girl to date if she is far away?

There are also life situationsthat you have known one representative of the weak half of humanity for a long time, your paths diverged and here you will find out that she is free. Naturally, while waiting for a long time, you will want to tell her about your old feelings. But even in this matter, you will be stopped by the moment of how to do it all correctly. On the one hand, your situation is greatly facilitated, because she will not see your feelings and how nervous you are, but on the other hand, you should write a text with a sentence so that she understands the seriousness of your intentions.

What to write to a girl to offer to date?

If you have not communicated or communicated a little before, start with regular correspondence. Soon she will get used to the fact that you gradually entered her life. Do not forget to emphasize her merits, but do it discreetly. In the process of communication, it is very good if she decides to start a dialogue with you on serious topics, this means that one of the steps has been passed, and the girl trusts you. At this stage, you may think how unusual it is to invite a girl to date. It is best to write about your feelings unexpectedly, but not in a way that makes it look incomprehensible. Communication on frank topics will be an ideal situation for you, the main thing is to ask a question in the most right moment... For example, if we are talking about her past, you can unobtrusively write, I would never do that, or something in a similar style. Seeing a phrase of this kind, she will become thoughtful, and after a while you can again indicate in a similar conversation, but if I were your boyfriend ... Great chancethat your conversation will move to another level.

Often, after meeting a girl, when there are some that can be called something more than just sympathy for her, the guys start to get embarrassed. After all, when it comes to the realization that here she is, the same girl with whom I would like to try to build a real relationship, you should already take a step towards the beginning of creating these very relationships and invite her to start dating. Of course, you can just gradually bring the matter to a kiss, which seems to say everything for itself, but in fact it is not. Any girl will be pleased to get from a young man to become his girlfriend. This change of status will become significant for the relationship, especially in the eyes of the fair sex. But what if there really is no limit to the guy's embarrassment and he can't even imagine how to talk about serious changes in relations with his chosen one? In this case, you can come up with, so to speak, workarounds. For example, you can think about such an option as to invite a girl to meet in VK.

How beautiful is it to invite a girl to meet on VKontakte?

The main thing is to understand what to offer to meet a girl on a social network or with the help of SMS messages, only adolescents and young people can afford. Even at the age of twenty-five, such a proposal to start a relationship will look pretty ridiculous and completely frivolous. In general, in principle, at any age, when thinking about how to invite a girl to meet on VKontakte, it is worth remembering that such a proposal can be perceived by her as comic or simply not particularly serious. And if you really want to start building real relationships, then the proposal to meet should be taken seriously.

But, nevertheless, if the constraint really does not allow young man just like that, it is easy to approach your chosen one and offer to meet, the popular social network is an ideal way out of this situation. After all, hiding behind a computer screen, it is much easier to express your real emotions, openly and without any hesitation.

In this case, it is worth thinking about how best to invite a girl to meet in VK. The main thing: this proposal must be sincere, beautiful and original so that the girl understands that it is really serious and hides real romantic feelings... Therefore, a banal message like “Hello. Let's meet?" it is worth immediately sweeping aside. This is what teenagers of about thirteen write to the girls they like. For a more serious proposal, this is definitely not an option.

It is better to write a detailed and honest confession of your feelings. Since there is not enough courage to invite a girl to meet at real meeting, then in the message it is definitely worth laying out everything that is in your heart. Girls like romantic confessions in love, reading which, they can feel like the heroines of their favorite melodramas. But at the same time, you should not get too carried away and add theatricality, because there is no place for falsehood in love confessions.

If we talk about absolutely original ways offers meet a girl on a social network, you can use the help of friends. For example, throw off to all your friends a blank message that each of them will send to this very girl. A representative of the fair sex will surely appreciate such efforts, and she will also be pleased to be in the spotlight and receive so many messages from love confession one man.

When thinking about how to invite a girl to date, you should first take into account the girl herself. After all, all people are different and delight them with different things and events. Therefore, it is worth showing your chosen one that you understand her and her desires. This is important for any member of the fair sex at any age.