Should I leave work? How to quit your job and not burn bridges behind you. How to quit your job - technical points

In the life of any person, there may come a time when you have to change jobs. How to quit correctly so as not to lose business connections and stay in great relationship with the team and management? This question worries everyone. The reasons for making such an important decision are very different, but the result is always the same - you do not want to continue your career in this particular company in this position.

What can cause dismissal?

  • Severe fatigue and emotional exhaustion, undermining health.
  • High workload with low wages.
  • High demands of management with poor organization of the work process.
  • Uncomfortable emotional situation in the team.
  • Very profitable proposition about working for another company.
  • A balanced and deliberate decision about the need to change the scope of work.
  • Family circumstances.
  • Absence career development and motivation for development.

The reasons why an employee decides to leave his job can be listed for a very long time. Almost all of them are the result of the illiterate work of the company's management and personnel managers.

If the thought “I want to quit” does not leave you, then you feel very uncomfortable at your workplace. There are several ways to solve this problem. To begin with, it is worth analyzing the entire workflow and understanding what exactly is preventing you from fruitfully developing and benefiting the company.

Very often, the decision to leave is made by the employee spontaneously, under the influence of strong emotions. But later it becomes clear that it was erroneous and the problem could be solved. Therefore, no matter what conflict occurs at your work, you should not throw a letter of resignation to the manager on the table in anger. Calm down and properly assess the situation. Before you quit, you should think carefully about all the pros and cons that this job gives you. And if there are any possible changes, which will help you not to leave your place, then you should definitely work them out.

Do you lack salary or do you want to develop further? Be sure to discuss these points with your manager. It is possible that these issues will be resolved to your mutual satisfaction. You will have prospects, and the boss will not have to lose a qualified employee. But, in no case do not blackmail and do not put forward ultimatums when talking with the leader. This behavior will not positive result.

If you are determined to leave, then before you quit this job, be sure to find yourself a new one. Don't go into the unknown. Always remember, the larger the gap between jobs, the less your value becomes as a qualified employee. When choosing a new job, do not advertise your decision in the company. You can always change your mind about leaving, and a negative opinion about you will remain. Disloyal employees are at the forefront of being fired.

Once you have made a firm decision to leave, submit the application and have it signed by your manager. It will take another two weeks to put the cases in order and turn them in, as well as to instruct your successor. But there are a few cases where you can do this. Employees passing at the time of admission to permanent job. If your employment contract mentions a three-month probationary period, and it has not yet ended, then you must be calculated within three days from the date of filing the letter of resignation. This also applies to all employees who are employed or have concluded an employment contract with the employer for up to 2 months.

If your manager refuses to let you go and does not want to sign the application, you need to know how to quit in this case. The manager's signature is not required. Write the application in duplicate and register it as incoming mail with the secretary, while keeping one copy for yourself. Be sure to write down the registration number and date. From that moment began the countdown of 14 days until the moment of dismissal. Don't want to register in person? Send a notification letter via mail. All correspondence must be registered.

There are several more good reasons why you can pay off without additional work. These include:

  • Retirement.
  • Moving to a new place of residence in another city.
  • Conscription.
  • Enrolling you in educational institution to the day department.
  • Sending a wife or husband to work abroad or to a new place of military service.

This list can be expanded, because it is not clearly defined in it. Therefore, the employer considers each case separately and decides how valid the reason for dismissal is.

15 754 0 Hello, in our article we will talk about how to quit your job correctly, without conflicts with employees and problems with superiors. In Russia, many citizens change jobs, but despite this, not everyone knows how to leave the old company. For a person without legal knowledge, this topic is difficult, so we will try to clarify all the points related to care.

How to quit your job on your own

To quit on your own and at the same time not harm your reputation, you should heed the following tips:

  • So, the decision to quit was made, but it is still too early to write an application. Up to this point, you need to find a new job, and only then ask for a calculation. Jobs are being sought today mainly on the Internet, and if you are going to write a resume, then do not indicate your previous place of work there and, moreover, do not write your last name. Such data can catch the eye of employees or the boss.

The story of the lawyer Alexei.

I decided that I was underpaid. Posted a resume with all his data on the Internet. And for the whole of Russia (I decided not to be limited to our city). A week later, they call me from our main office in Moscow and ask: “Aleksey, something doesn’t suit you at your current place of work, why did you post an ad?” It was very uncomfortable, but what to do, began to get out. So they say and so. I would like to receive more. Bottom line: they raised my salary and I stayed at my previous place of work, and in the central office they look at me suspiciously.

  • Look for a new job outside of your current company., therefore, do not use corporate mail to send a resume and do not discuss these issues on a work phone.
  • To avoid gossip, go straight to your boss with the news of your dismissal, and do not tell employees about it. It happens that an employee decides to quit for another probationary period. In this case, notify the boss of your decision should be three days in advance. When occupying a leadership position, notification must occur one month in advance. The boss will need this time to find a replacement for the departing employee.
  • To leave after your departure good impression about yourself, arrange a tea party in honor of your dismissal, and do not break off relations with colleagues, you may still need their help sometime (Who will write a characterization from the previous place of work? Whom then to turn to for labor?). You should not make scandals even if there are reasons for it, because new boss may well ask about your relationship at your previous job.
  • If the authorities do not want to let you go from work, then an offer of leave or promotion may come in, and you should be prepared for this. You must decide for yourself in advance how you will behave in such a situation. In any case, the decision is yours.
  • choose good time . If the company is undergoing a global audit or serious deals are on the nose, then it is better to refrain from dismissal for a while. Or discuss it with your boss, warning him that after you make the last deal (turn in a report, etc.) you intend to write a letter of resignation.

Employee rights and dismissal scheme

Of course, in the company where you work, they understand that employees will not work for them all their lives, but care own will far from being adequately perceived by everyone. When announcing this decision problems are not ruled out, so you need to be clear about your rights and obligations in this situation.

The dismissal of an employee includes the following steps:

All rights are clearly stated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. You can terminate a previously concluded employment contract. Together with this right, there is an obligation of the employee to notify about his decision in advance. two weeks before retirement. The warning must be written form(be careful, it is written), for this you must write a statement.

    It is important to note that the deadlines start from next day upon receipt of the application by the employer.

  2. You can not work out a 2-week period. The legislation of Russia provides for when it is possible not to work for the last two weeks. Eg when an employee cannot continue working due to enrollment in a full-time department at a higher educational institution. Also, you do not need to work out when you retire and in other cases.
  3. employment contract for certain period . Concerning employment contract concluded for a certain period, then it can be terminated ahead of schedule, but for this the parties must reach mutual agreement. In other cases, you have the right not to work only after the expiration of the employment contract.
  4. You have the right to withdraw your application. At any time while your application is with the boss, it can be withdrawn, for example, if you change your mind about leaving. This is possible provided that a new employee has not yet been taken to your place.
  5. Last working day. When the term of work comes to an end, on the last working day, the employer is obliged to give you a work book, other documents, and also make the final payment.

Often employees who decide to quit perceive the last two weeks as a vacation. This is wrong, because this time is paid in the same way as before. Therefore, there is no need to leave work early or stop fulfilling your duties.

Calculation procedures for dismissal of one's own free will

If there is a desire to quit your job, an application is submitted and two weeks are worked out, you have the right to receive a calculation. In this case, the calculation is made on the last day of work. Upon dismissal of your own free will, your calculation is made up of the following payments:

  • wage;
  • payments stipulated by the collective agreement;
  • compensation for unused vacation.

Very often, vacation pay can be received, for example, in advance, in such cases the corresponding amount will be deducted from wages. The accounting department recalculates the vacation pay previously paid to the employee in order to make the final calculation.

You can get a settlement upon dismissal not only on the last day of work. If for some reason this was not possible, then you can apply for money at any other time.

You should know that all payments are credited to your account or transferred no later than the next day after contacting the employer.

What documents need to be prepared upon dismissal

From the very beginning, you need to write resignation letter. This statement can be transferred to the personnel department, but if you doubt that they will immediately sign it, then it is better to notify the boss personally. Even if paper submission is made through the personnel department or through the secretary, you should make sure that this fact is recorded accordingly.

  • To record the fact of filing an application, you make two copies and leave one with the secretary or with the inspector of the personnel department. On the second copy, you are marked with a signature and a number, and it remains with you.
  • The number on paper is the date the boss was notified of the decision to quit.
  • Two weeks after filing the application, your boss must sign an order for your dismissal. With this order, you must go to the personnel department, where you will be given a work book and all other documents. These documents are handed out along with a memo. At the same time, you will receive a bill.
  • You have yet to familiarize yourself with the paper that will notify you of the termination of the employment contract with the employer.

An application of one's own free will must be in writing, it is submitted to the personnel department or to the head directly. According to the law, after filing an application, no one has the right to detain you for more than two weeks.

It is allowed to write an application even if you are currently on vacation or on sick leave.

Sometimes the question arises of how to quit your job quickly, especially if it is related to educational process or other circumstances. In this case, in order not to work out two weeks along with the submission of the application, copies of documents confirming these circumstances should be provided to the personnel department.

What if they don't want to sign the application? How to get a work book?

What to do when the boss refuses to sign the letter of resignation? In this case, the following measures should be taken:

  • register the second copy of the application in the personnel or in the office;
  • the date of its delivery must be affixed to the copy;
  • if after two weeks you do not receive a dismissal order, then you can write a complaint to the prosecutor's office or file a lawsuit in court.

Applying to the chief's secretary is only one option. You can send a second copy of the paper by letter. It is stamped with a date that will be considered the date of application.

You can also send a second copy using a courier service. Usually, dismissal goes well when the boss understands you, and the team is on your side. But if this is not the case, then working out two weeks can be difficult. In this case, your right to take sick leave, and while you are at home, the period will pass.

Not only with the signing of the application can be difficult, but also with the issuance of a work book.

Upon receipt of the document, it is necessary to check the presence of the following entries in it:

  • Company name;
  • reflection of the position held or all positions, if there were several;
  • the wording of the dismissal entry, it should be written in the work book that you were not laid off, but fired of your own free will;
  • the entry in the book must be certified authorized person and company seal.

If on the last working day you were not given money or a work book, after three days you can write a claim to the organization. If after that the case has not moved forward, then you can go to court or write a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

How do you get the courage to quit your job and start your own business?

This issue must be approached thoughtfully, because if you quit in a state of emotional imbalance, then this will not lead to anything good. It is important to understand that everything will not work out right away, you can’t just open your own business and immediately earn money for a car, an apartment and other benefits.

Often stressed people quit their job, then find another position that is not always better than the previous one.

If you work as an auxiliary worker, then you should consider the option of mastering a profession that you like. Such training can be provided by the state. But at the same time, strive to choose the profession that is now really in demand on the labor market.

Now, in times of progress, when computers are used at all enterprises, programmers and specialists in the repair and maintenance of computers and other office equipment are in great demand. And if you have skills in this area, then you can try to work for yourself. If you are a true professional in this field of activity, then you can assemble a team of the same workers and develop.

Sergei's story.

I worked for a printer refill and office equipment service company. Every day I go to offices and refill cartridges, I was paid real money, but I received my salary and no more. After calculating how much our clients pay me, I decided to work for myself. Resigned. In the first couple, I bought toners for refilling cartridges for the most common models. And I decided to go through the same offices that I served before, but will offer a slightly lower price for my services. Everyone loves to save money, especially if employees refill printers at their own expense. Now my son and I are busy every day, word of mouth worked and red phones from the client.

But before leaving the old job, the concept of the idea is needed. First find answers to questions about how you will work and who will support you. You can independently offer your services to homes and businesses. But there is another option, this is a team of assistants who will fulfill orders for a certain percentage of wages.

The financial side of the issue

You need money to open your own business, so you have to live economically. Calculate how much money you need to live in order to feel comfortable, and gradually save it so that, having quit your previous job, you will not be left without a livelihood. This money can be put into a bank account, but it is better to choose a reliable bank, as there is a possibility that the financial institution will go bankrupt.

When starting your own business, it is important to understand that this work is complex and responsible. Now there are many job offers in in social networks, but you don’t need to succumb to the promises of big earnings and think that you won’t have to work at all. To achieve something in life, you need to work hard, and it doesn’t matter what business you do.

Own business is not only profit, it is also losses, obligations to employees and sponsors. Therefore, you need to be ready for everything. To start your own business, you need to have a clear plan of action. You can also start with self-employment, doing a certain job that a limited number of people can do.

How do you tell employees you're leaving?

The psychological atmosphere in the office and relationships at work mean a lot. And it happens that employees who decide to leave for another company are not treated too well. Therefore, it is important to quit your job correctly so as not to subject yourself to moral tests.

  • If in your office strained relationship, then it is better not to inform employees about your departure at all. And when you've worked your last day, just say goodbye politely to former colleagues and leave.
  • But if your team has developed warm relationship, then it is better to inform about your departure a couple of weeks in advance. During this time, employees will accept the news and adapt to the changes that lie ahead of them. This behavior will make leaving the company as painless as possible for you and your employees.
  • If the team has really warm relations, then on the day of leaving, you can invite employees to a cafe to celebrate this event. Alternatively, you can drink tea with cookies at work. During the tea party, celebrate the positive moments in your work to leave a good impression on the team after you leave.

welcome and honest people everyone loves. Who knows, maybe at the gatherings in honor of leaving you will be offered new position in the same company, but on favorable terms for you.

How to behave these two weeks

When the application is submitted, you only have to work out the allotted time and receive a calculation. But not everyone manages to calmly spend the remaining days at work, so many have a question about how to behave throughout this period.

  • First of all, think about your former boss, because he will have to look for a replacement for you. You need to be decent in relation to superiors and colleagues, if necessary, help find a replacement or train a new employee future work. This will require your patience and understanding.
  • If the authorities will break down on you, but the boundaries of ethical standards will not be violated, then try not to pay attention to it. Your duties should be performed with high quality, since you are still at work and the authorities can find fault with you as an employee, but this is not necessary at all now. By choosing this behavior, you will show yourself as a responsible person.
  • Employees should also be treated with loyalty, because you never know when their help will come in handy in life. It is better to quit without scandals and without mutual insults. Thank colleagues for the time spent together if there were pleasant moments then don't forget about them. For everyone to remember you kind word respond adequately to requests for help, and be friendly at this time. You don’t want your ears to “burn” after being fired 😉

Common mistakes quitters make

Here are some of the most common mistakes employees make when they leave:

  1. The desire to take revenge on all his offenders and break old ties. In no case should this be done, you need to save your face, and forget about insults. You and these people do not baptize children, but nerve cells, as you know, are not recoverable.
  2. Stories about what a bad team in the old company, and how hard it was to work there. These words can reach not only former colleagues, but also alert a potential employer if a resigning person begins to complain already at interviews, looking for a new job.
  3. Many people think that they can do without relationships with their boss and former colleagues, but at the same time they forget that a new job may require a recommendation from a previous position. Yes and in further work may have to cross paths with old colleagues.
  4. Scandal about the problems associated with the dismissal. This may be the lack of compensation for vacation or other situations. You need to talk about this, and not yell at the boss and employees. You need to defend your rights, but it is better to do it in civilized ways.

Thus, looking for a new workplace It's important to know how to quit your job. First of all, you need to remember that you are still working in your old position, and you should fulfill your duties diligently. You should not sort things out and remember old grievances, so you will achieve nothing but a scandal. And, leaving behind a bad impression, former colleagues and bosses will never help you in a difficult situation.

Useful articles:

How to quit on favorable terms for yourself? From the point of view of the labor code, there are two different grounds for terminating an employment contract: at the initiative of the employer and at the initiative of the employee. The difference is obvious - who wants labor Relations stop, he acts as the initiator of the dismissal. Why, then, in a situation where the employment relationship does not suit the employer, should the employee still express a desire to terminate them? The very formulation of the question is already suggestive, because the main reason for the dismissal of an employee is the desire of the employer to get rid of the objectionable employee. It should also be noted here that getting rid of formal encroachments on your labor relations does not allow solving the main problem - the unwillingness of the employer to continue labor relations with you.

If you are asked to write a letter of resignation of your own free will, then, first of all, the employer wants your employment relationship to end. About why, according to the employer, they should stop exactly at your request, will be discussed below.

As a rule, employers are guided by the following considerations.

1. The employer does not have the right to fire an employee on his own initiative simply because "I want to!". Law, namely Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, contains an exhaustive list of circumstances that give the employer the right to terminate the employment contract with the employee. The circumstances are the following:

1) liquidation of an organization or termination of activity by an individual entrepreneur;
2) reduction in the number or staff of employees of the organization, individual entrepreneur;
3) non-compliance of the employee with the position held or work performed due to insufficient qualifications, confirmed by the results of certification;
4) change of the owner of the property of the organization (in relation to the head of the organization, his deputies and the chief accountant);
5) repeated non-performance by an employee without good reason of labor duties, if he has a disciplinary sanction;
6) a single gross violation of labor duties by an employee:
a) absenteeism, that is, absence from the workplace without good reason throughout the working day (shift), regardless of its (her) duration, as well as in case of absence from the workplace without good reason for more than four hours in a row during the working day (shift) );
b) the appearance of an employee at work (at his workplace or on the territory of the organization - the employer or the facility where, on behalf of the employer, the employee must perform a labor function) in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or other toxic intoxication;
c) disclosure of legally protected secrets (state, commercial, official and other), which became known to the employee in connection with the performance of his labor duties, including the disclosure of personal data of another employee;
d) committing at the place of work theft (including small) of another's property, embezzlement, its deliberate destruction or damage, established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force or a decision of a judge, body, official authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses;
e) a violation by an employee of labor protection requirements established by the labor protection commission or the labor protection commissioner, if this violation entailed serious consequences (accident at work, accident, catastrophe) or knowingly created real threat occurrence of such consequences;
7) the commission of guilty actions by an employee directly serving monetary or commodity values, if these actions give rise to a loss of confidence in him on the part of the employer;
8) commission by an employee performing educational functions of an immoral offense incompatible with the continuation of this work;
9) making an unreasonable decision by the head of the organization (branch, representative office), his deputies and the chief accountant, which entailed a violation of the safety of property, its unlawful use or other damage to the property of the organization;
10) a single gross violation by the head of the organization (branch, representative office), his deputies of their labor duties;
11) submission by the employee to the employer of false documents when concluding an employment contract;
12) cases stipulated by the employment contract with the head of the organization, members of the collegial executive body of the organization;
13) other cases established by this Code and other federal laws.

Thus, if the employer asks you to quit of your own free will, most likely, he has no legal grounds for terminating the employment relationship. That is why the employer needs your desire, drawn up in writing.

Voluntary dismissal is one of the quickest and easiest. The employee wrote a statement, indicated in it a request to terminate the employment relationship from the date of writing the application, the employer agreed, and that's all - the employment relationship was terminated. Tomorrow, this employee will no longer go to work and will not be an eyesore to disgruntled bosses. In addition, upon dismissal of his own free will, the employee is not entitled to any compensation payments. That is why they are so eager to dismiss “of their own free will” when reducing the number or staff, when, by law, each employee has the right to pay severance pay and maintain average earnings for the period of employment .. Do not forget that if you have passed training at the expense of the employer and signed an appropriate agreement with the condition to work for a certain period, then upon dismissal of your own free will, you may be charged the cost of training! As you can see, the employer has a great opportunity save on such a layoff.

The legality of voluntary dismissal is very difficult to challenge in court. In the Resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court RF dated March 17, 2004 No. 2 “On the application by the courts of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” states that if the plaintiff claims that the employer forced him to file a letter of resignation of his own free will, then this circumstance is subject to verification and the obligation to prove it rests with the employee. It is extremely difficult to obtain such evidence, especially after dismissal, so you need to prepare the evidence base in advance, but more on that below.
Summarizing the above, we can say that the dismissal of an employee "of his own free will" is the cheapest, most convenient and fast way it is guaranteed for the employer to part with the objectionable employee.

What to do if you are forced to resign voluntarily?

There are at least three options:

1. If the conversation with the employer made you think that the job is really worth changing (that is, you really have a desire to terminate the employment relationship), then you should write a statement and quit of your own free will. The rules are as follows.

In accordance with Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee has the right to terminate the employment contract by notifying the employer in writing no later than two weeks in advance, unless another period is established by this Code or other federal law. Flow specified period begins the next day after the employer receives the employee's application for dismissal.

By agreement between the employee and the employer, the employment contract may be terminated even before the expiration of the notice of dismissal.

In cases where the employee’s application for dismissal on his own initiative (of his own free will) is due to the impossibility of continuing his work (enrollment in an educational institution, retirement and other cases), as well as in cases of established violation by the employer of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts, containing norms labor law, local regulations, the terms of the collective agreement, agreement or employment contract, the employer is obliged to terminate the employment contract within the period specified in the employee's application.

Prior to the expiration of the notice of dismissal, the employee has the right to withdraw his application at any time. Dismissal in this case is not carried out unless another employee is invited in his place in writing, who, in accordance with this Code and other federal laws, cannot be refused to conclude an employment contract.

Upon the expiry of the termination notice period, the employee has the right to stop work. On the last day of work, the employer is obliged to give the employee a work book, other documents related to work, at the written request of the employee, and make the final settlement with him.

If the employment contract has not been terminated after the expiration of the term of notice of dismissal and the employee does not insist on dismissal, then the employment contract continues.

2. If you really appreciate your work and would not like to part with it, then, first of all, you should try to talk constructively with the employer in order to find out why the employer is so eager to get rid of you, and whether you can do something with your parties to rectify the situation.

2.1 Most often, pregnant women find themselves in such a situation (who, for some reason, it is customary to get rid of among employers). What can you offer the employer in such a situation?

If the employer is illiterate, then he may believe that a pregnant woman, and subsequently a woman with a child, will lay an additional financial burden on the organization. This is not so, since all benefits for insured women (you are insured if the employer pays UST from your salary, or rather from the wage fund, which includes, among other things, your salary) are paid at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund.

Also, the following motives can move the employer:

- he does not want to look for a replacement for you,
- there are difficulties in finding an employee of your level (in the event that you are such an indispensable specialist, then it makes no sense to get rid of you at all, which the employer should hint about),
Difficulty in training existing employees.

What solution to these problems can you offer the employer?

a) The employer has the right to take another employee for the period of your stay on maternity leave and parental leave, concluding a fixed-term employment contract with him to replace the temporarily absent employee. So that the employer subsequently does not have difficulties with his dismissal, the term of the contract should be specified, for example, “for the period when Ivanova T.M. on parental leave."

b) Your duties can be distributed among other employees with their written consent with the establishment of appropriate additional payments for them for performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee (the employer has free funds in the form of your salary, and it is them that can be used to establish additional payments). The possibility of such a distribution is provided for in Art. 60_2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which, in order to fulfill the duties of a temporarily absent employee without exemption from work specified in the employment contract, the employee, with his consent, may be assigned additional work both in another and in the same profession (position). The period during which the employee will perform additional work, its content and volume are established by the employer with the written consent of the employee.

What can you offer the employer for your part? Help find a replacement and keep her up to date before you go on maternity leave, and possibly promise to supervise her remotely (via phone or the Internet, if your job allows it) until delivery, or until you return to work. If the employer chooses the option of assigning additional responsibilities on existing employees, then you can help them get up to speed, leave them as much as possible detailed instructions, your phones or provide another opportunity to contact you to resolve current issues. In general, you have the right to continue working without going on maternity leave at all before giving birth, or to work at home or work part-time. As you can see, there are many options, you just need to find one that will satisfy both you and your employer.

A trade union, if there is one, can be a good mediator in finding a compromise with the employer, so be sure to contact them too.
If, despite all the efforts made, it was not possible to agree with the employer, then further actions depends on whether you are ready for open confrontation or not.

2.2. If you don’t have the strength to resist the employer, then you should write a letter of resignation of your own free will, having previously prepared for reinstatement at work in judicial order. To do this, stock up on evidence of the "forcedness" of your "voluntary" dismissal. The easiest way is to record your conversation with the employer on a dictaphone. It is important that the dictaphone record recorded threats or other pressure on you from the employer. You can provoke the employer to talk in the presence of colleagues or other persons who can later testify in court session(Do not rely too much on colleagues, as a rare employee will agree to testify against his employer). Once you have proof, you can apply.

Attention! Hint about the types of liability for delayed payment of wages.

Experience shows that this course of action will most likely not solve your problem. There is a small chance that the employer will understand that it is better not to contact you and leave you alone. However, the most likely scenario is repeated dismissals, continued pressure and other illegal actions.
What happens next depends on your perseverance: how many times you are ready to be reinstated at work in court (keep in mind that real terms consideration of reinstatement cases is from six months to a year).

2.3 If open confrontation does not frighten you, then be prepared for the fact that having lost the opportunity to safely get rid of the employee, the employer will look for other options. As a rule, all the "creative ideas" of employers can be divided into two categories:

- those who pursue their goal, to form in you the desire to quit of your own free will;
- those that give the employer the right to terminate your employment relationship for other reasons. Since all other grounds require the presence of objective circumstances (and we have already said that since the employer needed your application, he has no other legal grounds to dismiss you), these circumstances will be “artificially created”. The only advice that can be given in this situation is not to give the employer, for its part, grounds for dismissal.

3. Quit, but on favorable terms.

Since, as mentioned above, the employer's interest is not only to get rid of you as an employee, but also to do it as quickly, simply and without conflict as possible, it is possible to bargain for providing the employer with such resource savings. What can you ask in exchange for your consent to quit? The law does not limit you in anything, the specific result depends only on your ability to negotiate. For example, you can condition your voluntary dismissal:

— payment of severance pay (arbitrary size);
- providing written positive recommendations for subsequent employers;
- providing a certain time for the search new job;
— provision of unused annual leave followed by dismissal
- and so on.

Verbal agreements with the employer should not be trusted, therefore, in this case, dismissal should be sought by agreement of the parties. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation very briefly regulates this species dismissal, which gives you the opportunity to include in the termination agreement any conditions that you agree with the employer. If the employer refuses to terminate the employment relationship with you by agreement of the parties, at least do not ask in the letter of resignation of your own free will to terminate the relationship with you before the expiration of the two-week notice period for dismissal. In this case, you will give the employer two weeks to fulfill the agreed conditions (or provide you with guarantees for their fulfillment), but if after two weeks the employer does not fulfill the agreement, you can withdraw your application, which will deprive the employer legal basis Fire you.

Most employees think about quitting once a day. That's the statistics. The reasons for wanting to quit can be different, ranging from mobbing (psychological pressure) and professional burnout ending in frustration salary and impossibility of further career growth. In general, no matter what was the reason to change one company to another, the decision is made. The question arises - how to quit?

How to quit and make the process of dismissal as painless as possible for both nervous system and for a career? It's one thing to tell your boss that you're not happy with literally everything on this meta, to state that it's bad organization and leave, defiantly slamming the door. And it’s another thing to talk about what you got useful at this place of work, what you learned and that it’s time for you to move on. Leaving gracefully is an art. If you decide that nothing keeps you at your previous job, do not rush to burn all the bridges. In this delicate matter, as in divorce, it is important to remain friends.

Turn off emotions, carefully weigh the pros and cons, make sure you are taking the right step. Quitting in order to prove something to someone is a wrong and rash step that can cost you dearly.

A person who does not know how to quit his job properly and generally doubts that is it worth changing jobs?, experts warn against communicating with colleagues and supervisors about discussing your desire to change jobs. Since you can change your mind, but the signal to the employer about your disloyalty will remain. It is better to consult with relatives and friends, but not like not with employees, and even more so not with the boss.

When the decision to quit is made, the first person to know about it should be your boss. You should not share this information with colleagues, it can reach management in a distorted form. Getting ready for important conversation, remember, about half the time, the employer will convince you to stay with the company, offer a raise in salary and change the list of duties. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think over the answer to the counteroffer in advance, to understand for yourself what you are capable of agreeing to, and then your negotiations with your boss will become the same bargaining as when applying for a job.

The professional world is small, so when you quit, try to be as correct, friendly and responsible as possible. If during your work the leader treated you with delicacy and understanding, shared his experience, do not forget to thank him. As a rule, for a competent and wise leader, the departure of an employee is not a tragedy or betrayal. In that case, save a good relationship not difficult. The main thing is not to substitute the company. You need to give your employer an opportunity to prepare for your departure. Complete ongoing projects, help colleagues who will work on your site (perhaps recommend a good specialist in its place, if there is one among your friends). All this in the future will allow you to contact them with a clear conscience, if necessary in the future.

Remember how your boss acts when dismissing employees. If the separation is amicable, announce the dismissal in advance. If your boss has a habit of terrorizing quitting employees, don't gloom over your last days at the workplace. Give immediate notice of your dismissal two weeks in advance.

If it was not possible to avoid conflicts during dismissal, refrain from commenting on what happened - business ethics does not allow this. Keep in mind that information about how a parting with an employee happened is spreading very quickly in the labor market. Therefore, it is important to leave only pleasant experience(both at the authorities and in the team as a whole), and unnecessary emotions can damage your reputation as an employee. In no case do not splash out all the accumulated negativity, you should not express in your face everything that has become painful over the years of work. Do everything to smile when meeting with former colleagues and boldly look into their eyes, and not pretend strangers. Maintain relationships with employees from the previous workplace. You can share useful professional experience and, on occasion, they may recommend you for a new job.

How to quit your job - technical points

Nine out of ten layoffs are voluntary. This is official, but in reality it is not so simple. Behind this wording, there may be a reduction, and leaving by agreement of the parties, and even dismissal for hooliganism.

At work, they began to talk about layoffs. The boss calls the subordinate, makes a helpless gesture and asks to write a statement. So, it is categorically impossible to agree to this, otherwise you will lose your severance pay and other benefits. In the event that a person quits due to staff reduction, this is optimal for him from a financial point of view. And that's why. Firstly, he is warned about this two months in advance, and during this time he can find himself a new job. Secondly, upon dismissal, he is paid a two-month maintenance in the amount of the average monthly salary.

Another option is that the employer starts talking about layoffs, but the employee knows for sure that his staff unit will not be cut. It's just that the employer wants to take a new person to the vacant place and possibly reduce wages. In this case, experts advise to agree on an agreement between the parties and a mutually beneficial agreement. The agreement of the parties implies a document with the will of the two parties, the employee and the employer, to terminate the employment contract. Bargaining is appropriate here. For example, a person does not want to quit and believes that he could work, but the owners have a different opinion, although in principle they have nothing to be offended by this employee. And they offer him six salaries. In this case, the resigning person has the right to ask for more. But here the main thing is not to go too far.

It is beneficial for an employee to leave of his own free will when he knows that he is to blame for something - official violations, absenteeism, violations of the company's charter - this is an incomplete list of reasons to leave on your own so as not to spoil the work book.

However, there are also real dismissals of their own free will, when the employee really wants to leave this job. When leaving, he must work for two weeks, but there are other options. It is absolutely not necessary to work for two weeks, if the employer does not require it. You can be calculated on the same day and immediately at the time of filing a letter of resignation to pay the salary that you earned, and maybe compensation for unused vacation. Also, the employer must provide all certificates, for example, about income for the year.

The boss does not want to lose valuable personnel and is stubborn about signing a letter of resignation. Then the employee has a direct road to the post office. It is necessary to send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, and the date on which you submitted this postal item will already be considered the date of the letter of resignation. If you think that you were fired incorrectly and illegally, feel free to contact the labor inspectorate at the place of residence. If it doesn't help, then go to court.

Leave your old job in accordance with all the rules, then the changes will only be for the better.

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It is very rare to find a person who could work in one job all his life. As practice shows, people often change jobs due to various circumstances. There can be many reasons: relations with the authorities did not work out, the team did not accept, the salary ceased to please, you do not see the development prospects, or maybe you just found a new one high paying job. And, it seems, everything seems simple - inform the authorities, write the right letter of resignation, get the calculation, and hello new life. But, this is what scares me the most. How to quit your job of your own free will in 2019 and not feel awkward at the same time, we will analyze in this article.

Of your own accord

For yourself, you must understand the main thing that the law is on your side and you are not committing a crime when you quit your job. It is necessary to act necessarily correctly and according to the rules. First and foremost, you need to tell your boss two weeks in advance of your decision to quit. You can familiarize yourself with this law in Article 80 of Chapter 13 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. By the way, Chapter 13 is completely devoted to the issues of dismissal. Be sure to talk personally with the boss, explain why you want to quit of your own free will. Of course, it is better to correctly and accurately explain the reason for your departure. It will be right. It is not necessary to forget that the earth is round and negative statements can reflect badly for you in the future.

It is not necessary to mail your resignation letter to your boss, and it is very important that your boss is the first to know about your decision to leave, and not through rumors from colleagues. Next, you will need to write an application in the prescribed form. The document must indicate the reason and put the date of dismissal. The date will be your last working day and only the next day you will be free. This application must be signed by the supervisor and dated. Then on the last day of work you will receive a work book and settlements.

Payment must be made for all days worked at work, as well as cash for unused vacation.

Also, you should know that if you decide not to quit within 2 weeks, you have the right to withdraw your application. Dismissal may not occur if a new employee is not invited to your place in writing. If the term of the dismissal document has expired, and you decide to stay at your workplace, then the employment contract continues to be valid.

Without working off

Believe me, you can quit without working off. As it turns out, this is not a myth. Initially, you can communicate directly with the boss and come to a common agreement. Dismissal will take place by agreement of the parties. Termination of an employment contract can be 2 days, and 5 days, it all depends on the initiative of the parties. You can familiarize yourself with this law in Article 78 of Chapter 13 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. You can also quit without working out a two-week period if:

  1. The statement of my own free will was written before going on vacation. And the two-week period will be counted as working off.
  2. You are on maternity leave and have decided to quit your job without leaving your maternity leave. So it doesn't need to be processed.
  3. You are on sick leave, there is no working off. sick days are counted in the two-week experience.

If a force majeure event occurs, a child or a relative falls ill, dismissal can be considered without working off. But of course, in agreement with the authorities. If you suddenly received a refusal, you have the right to go to court and appeal the decision of the authorities.

Also good reasons for not working out can be:

  • Moving to another city;
  • enrollment for study (full-time form);
  • caring for sick relatives, disabled people, young children;
  • health condition does not allow you to work in this position.

Retiring employee according to Labor Code The Russian Federation is the same employee as everyone else. He has all the same rights as before. But having received the status of a pensioner, he had small advantages. First and most importantly, a pensioner can quit of his own free will without notifying his superiors 2 weeks in advance. He must write a statement and simply indicate the date of his last working day, which he considers necessary. In order to properly quit your job, the application must necessarily indicate the reason - retirement. If this reason is not indicated, then working out is mandatory.

May be of interest: Instructions for writing a resume for employment

A pensioner can be dismissed for production and organizational reasons if he cannot fulfill his labor obligations, Related age feature. In this case, he may be offered a transfer to easier working conditions, but only with the consent of the employee himself in writing.

If there is a reduction in staff, then the pensioner must be offered to move to another position, but at the same time maintain his salary level. Management must notify him, as well as all other employees, in writing. But, in this case, he retains the right not to work for 2 weeks.

before vacation

To begin with, you need to determine how many vacation days that you have not taken off yet are in stock. An employee is legally granted 28 days a year. The first rest is provided after six months of work. When you know the number of days you have, you can decide what to do. If there are less than 14 of them, then it is imperative to inform the authorities about the decision to quit in advance before going on vacation. It will be right of you, otherwise you will need to work off the days that remain.

The manager may not send you on vacation if it is not included in the vacation schedule, which is drawn up for the current year. Then you will simply receive a cash refund for unused vacation days. If you are still entitled to rest and you have written an application, then the last day of vacation will be your day of dismissal. You will receive a work book, it will indicate the date last day your vacation.