The story of how a man did depilation. Veet depilatory gel review for men. Elos laser impact

Bathroom of a very hairy man
After being told that my balls looked like an old rastaman, I decided to take the plunge and buy this depilatory gel because previous attempts at shaving had failed. special success, besides, I almost killed my back, trying to get and reach out to particularly hard-to-reach places.

I'm a little romantic, so I decided to make this for my wife's birthday - like another gift. I ordered the gel in advance. Since I work in the North Sea, I considered myself a tough guy and thought that some miserable office rats wrote the previous reviews about the gel. Oh, my fellow sufferers, how wrong I was.

I waited until my other half went to bed and, hinting at a special surprise, went to the toilet. At first everything went fine. I applied the gel right places and began to wait. And I waited very quickly.

At first I felt warmth, which in a few seconds was replaced by a strong burning sensation and a feeling that I can only compare with the feeling when barbed wire panties are pulled sharply on you, while trying to throw you up to the ceiling. Until this evening I had not been very religious, but at that moment I could believe in any god, if only he would save me from a terrible burning sensation around the shit and the complete destruction of a sausage and two eggs. Trying not to bite through lower lip, I tried to wash off the gel in the sink, but I only managed to stuff a tuft of hair into the hole.

Through a veil of tears, I got out of the toilet and went to the kitchen. I could no longer walk in the kitchen, so I was already crawling the last meters to the refrigerator. Having rolled out the lower chamber from the refrigerator, he found a tub of ice cream there, tore off the lid from it and put it under him. The relief was fantastic but short-lived because the ice cream quickly melted and the hellish burning sensation returned.

The bath was quite small, so I could not help the butt hole. Then I began to fumble around the box, hoping to find at least something, there were already so many tears in my eyes that I saw little. I grabbed the bag, which I later learned contained frozen bean sprouts, and tore it open, trying to do it as quietly as possible. He grabbed a few sprouts and unsuccessfully tried to pinch them between his buttocks. It did not help, the gel, along the way, penetrated into the rectum, and now it was as if a jet engine was working there.

I hope I never dream of having a gay snowman in the kitchen again - do you understand how low I was willing to sink to ease the pain? The only solution my pain-mad brain came up with was to carefully shove one bean sprout where no plant had yet sprouted.

Unfortunately, after hearing strange moans from the kitchen, my wife decided to get up and find out what was wrong. She was greeted by a stunning sight: I'm lying on the floor, otkjativat ass, from which strawberry ice cream flows, and shoving beans into myself with the words "Oh, how good." This undoubtedly shocked her, and she screamed in horror. I did not hear how she entered, so I was frightened myself, my intestines contracted a spasm and farted, while the sprout flew at a considerable speed in her direction.

Yes, I understand that the bean sprout being farted in her direction at twelve at night is not quite the surprise she was hoping for, and the next day the children had to explain at length what happened to the ice cream ... well, thanks gel can lose not only body hair, but also dignity and self-respect in the family!

Purely technical removal unwanted hair from the skin of the body in men and women is no different. But the motives for men to get rid of the vegetation on the body are most often completely different.

Moreover, most often men have to overcome the resistance and condemnation of those who consider the removal of hair from the body to be reprehensible and unworthy.

So, what are the motives most often induce men to agree to hair removal:

  • as a rule, most often hair in the skin of the body is removed by those who have something to show: young people and older people who go in for sports and try to emphasize the relief of muscles;
  • hair removal in intimate area makes the penis and scrotum visually larger, especially in the first time after the procedure, since the hair hides the base of the penis and it looks smaller compared to the testicles, which are given extra volume by lush vegetation;
  • men of any age who want to diversify their sex life;
  • those who consider skin care without excess vegetation lighter, and the absence of hair more hygienic, wants to get rid of such manifestations excessive sweating like wet spots on a shirt in the area armpits, on the back;
  • professional necessity: the higher the position, the higher the competition, because attractive appearance and grooming also begins to matter;
  • men can also remove hair in case of constant irritation from a razor or shaving products, pustular skin diseases that interfere with a normal and clean shave.

Photo: waxing
  1. Sugaring or hair removal sugar paste suitable for those who are allergic to the components that make up the wax, or who are uncomfortable using hot wax due to its high temperature.
  2. Waxing or waxing- a universal procedure with which many begin their acquaintance with depilation. Wax copes well with hard and thick hair on the body of men.
  3. Using an electric epilator- This a budget option, however painful, and not suitable for a number of areas of the body.
  4. Hair removal with special creams may well be used by men, as this is the least painful method of getting rid of unwanted vegetation, but it does not last long, for 5-6 days.

If women like to experiment and try hair removal with wax, then shugaring, then an epilator, then men often prefer to do wax depilation in the salon or invite a specialist to their home. The most experienced eventually master the skill of removing hair with wax strips, most often for the armpit area. Thankfully there is now wax strips unisex or designed specifically for men.

Photo: armpits before and after depilation

Commonly used types

Epilation of the chest and back is good for those who:

  • likes to play with muscles;
  • compliance professional requirements(artists, athletes, cooks);
  • observance of the rules of corporate culture, where the requirements for appearance are high;
  • prone to increased sweating, especially during the summer.

Photo: before and after hair removal on the back
  1. Underarm epilation allows you to look neater and reduce the likelihood of sweat odor and damp stains on your clothes.
  2. Removal of facial hair (shaping the eyebrows, epilation of the cheeks, chin, upper lip) helps to correct the appearance.
  3. Epilation of the intimate area adds confidence to a man in his irresistibility and serves for hygienic purposes.
For depilation of the skin of the chest, back, arms and legs in men, it is best to use warm wax with stripes or hot wax. There is usually no need to anesthetize these areas.

Removal of unwanted hair in the bikini area can be of different depths. Often men order a bikini design or an intimate haircut.

Usually, Emla cream is used to anesthetize the procedure in an amount of 5 ml, if hair is removed only in the pubic area and the base of the penis, 10 ml, if it is planned to carry out total hair removal in the perineum, including in the crease between the buttocks.

An anesthetic cream is applied to the skin and covered with an airtight bandage. To do this, you can use the usual cling film, from which they form something like swimming trunks.

The ends can be fixed with adhesive tape. The occlusive dressing is left on the skin for 15-30 minutes. The analgesic effect of the cream with this method of use lasts about an hour, which is quite enough for the procedure.

Men's hair removal intimate places can be carried out both with the removal of hair from the skin of the scrotum, and without it. In some cases, the hair on the skin of the testicles is cut short with a clipper. The hair in the intergluteal fold is removed at the request of the man.

Some men prefer to leave a patch of pubic hair, giving a certain outline. Hair can be cut there, or left in original form. Some of the masters prefer to carry out the procedure for depilation of a deep bikini using a condom.

The rest simply ask the man to help them during the procedure. This assistance is especially relevant when removing hair from the scrotum, when you need to properly stretch the skin. Hair in the intimate area is always removed only with hot wax.

Video: Waxing for men


  • varicose veins at the site of the proposed procedure;
  • damage to the integrity of the skin at the site of depilation (abrasions, cuts, scratches);
  • the presence of inflammation on the skin, regardless of the cause that this inflammation could cause;
  • viral, fungal and bacterial diseases skin;
  • diabetes;
  • Allergy to wax components and cosmetics used during the procedure.

Preparation for the procedure

First you need to let the hair grow to such a length that it can be grabbed and pulled out, this is about 5-6 mm. It is better to sign up for the procedure in the late afternoon, since at this time the pain threshold is highest, and it is also possible to go home immediately, which reduces the risk of irritation from rubbing damaged skin on clothes.

If you plan to do depilation for the first time, then choose experienced craftsman, since the degree of pain of the procedure depends on the skills and abilities of the master. Each subsequent procedure will be less and less painful. The day before depilation, it is advisable to use soft scrub to facilitate hair removal.

Skin care after hair removal

  • it is better to come to the procedure in soft cotton underwear that does not fit the body;
  • do the procedure in the evening to avoid rubbing the skin at the depilation site with clothes;
  • take a shower without using a washcloth.

In the first 6-10 hours after the procedure, do not wet the skin.

Within 3-5 days, you do not need to take a hot bath, visit a sauna or bath, as heat can increase the severity of inflammation after depilation. It is better to take a cool shower.

On day 5-6, you can start using a scrub or a special lotion against ingrown hairs.

How to reduce skin inflammation?

  • for skin treatment after the procedure, you can use Chlorhexidine, Actovegin, Solcoseryl, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to reduce the severity of red dots and prevent the appearance of a pustular rash;
  • ready-made body cream with calendula, chamomile, aloe;
  • homemade soothing cream regular cream or body lotion, to which aloe juice from the windowsill or oil is added tea tree which can be bought at a pharmacy.

Video: Men's hair removal

Consequences of improper skin care

  • the procedure itself is painful, and the pain can be both acute during the procedure itself, and slight sore after it is over for another 1-2 hours;
  • skin irritation in the form of red dots at the site of the removed hair, which can persist from several hours to several days after the procedure;
  • breaking off the hair at the exit from the mouth of the hair follicle (at the level of the skin) instead of removing it from the root occurs when the technique of the procedure is violated and gives fast growth hair, often already on the second or third day after depilation;
  • abrasions and bruises occur in places with tender thin skin if the skin is not stretched and not fixed properly when removing hair;
  • ingrown hair if you do not use a scrub or a special lotion for skin care after depilation;
  • pustular rash at the site of hair removal.

The cost of depilation procedures for men is usually higher, since they have more hair, they are thicker and deeper in the skin. Hence more Supplies one procedure and a lot of time.

You should also take into account the fact that in most cases the area of ​​​​skin from which it is necessary to remove hair is much larger than in women.

For example, prices for intimate depilation in men, they can be higher due to the need to remove hair from the buttocks. In women, depilation of the buttocks is extremely rare.

RegionHair removal wax for menHair removal wax for women
hands completely1000 rub.800 rub.
shins1200 rub.800 rub.
Hips1200 rub.800 rub.
Full legs2000 rub.1300 rub.
Armpits700 rub.500 rub.
Bikini classic1500 rub.700 rub.
Bikini deep2000 rub.1600 rub.
Buttocks800 rub.-
Stomach800 rub.400 rub.
Back1000 rub.-
Breast800 rub.200 rub.
Serum (slowing hair growth)200 rub.200 rub.

Can you get rid of it forever?

At first, when you just switch from constant shaving to waxing, you feel relief. But over time, waxing becomes a routine, so many begin to be interested in ways to radically remove hair, if not for life, then at least for years.

Currently, hair removal for men has ceased to be an outlandish procedure. As employees of some salons say, men among all clients who come for procedures hardware removal hair, about 40%.

In addition to the obvious convenience, there are several more reasons why men choose ways to permanently get rid of unwanted hair:

  • discomfort from ingrown hairs;
  • long-lasting irritation on the skin after waxing;
  • discomfort from the need to grow hair to the desired length for the next procedure;
  • allergic to wax or waxing cosmetics.
Men's hair removal may differ from women's in the modes of devices used and the number of procedures required to completely get rid of hair. This is due to the fact that the skin of a man is thicker, and hair follicles, as a rule, lie at a greater depth.

Elos laser impact

The technology is probably better than others for men, since the combination laser exposure with the influence of electromagnetic waves gives the most pronounced effect at a relatively large depth of the skin, without damaging its upper layers. Photoepilation in men is also in demand for its ability to increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin at the same time as hair removal and thus help prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

Most popular among men. Laser epilation of the back is carried out, hair is removed in the groin area, and unwanted vegetation is removed from the face and neck. One of the most modern methods epilation on this moment is Qool hair removal for men.

Also, this method is called "cold laser hair removal" because during the action of the laser on the hair, the skin does not heat up and is not damaged. Accordingly, less pain, good effect removal of light, gray and vellus hair. Cool-epilation is carried out on any of the areas of the body. The effectiveness of procedures in men is often higher than in women. This is due to the fact that men have coarser and darker hair. And such hair is affected much more strongly.

Epilation of the testicles and the perineal area, the face can be painful, so it will not be superfluous to use painkillers before the procedure.

If it is intended to laser hair removal face, then the anesthetic is applied to the skin only in those areas where hair removal is planned, for example, on the skin around the eyebrows or above upper lip in the area of ​​the mustache.

Alexandrite laser has gained immense popularity among cosmetologists around the world. You can read all about this in the article.

In addition to laser hair removal, which has become very popular over the past few years, many photoepilation systems have appeared in the arsenal of modern cosmetologists. Which is better: laser hair removal or photoepilation? Go and find out.

permanent hair removal

Contraindications to this procedure include:

  • fresh tan, especially if the intensity of tanning is significant;
  • peelings, microdermabrasion and other traumatic procedures for the skin less than 3 weeks before epilation;
  • taking drugs that increase the sensitivity of the skin to light;
  • the presence of vellus, very light or gray hair;
  • epilepsy;
  • oncology;
  • skin rash;
  • psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
  • the presence of connective tissue diseases, blood diseases, autoimmune processes in the body;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes.

For Elos hair removal, there are additional contraindications such as:

  • wearing a hearing aid and a pacemaker;
  • the presence of metal pins, knitting needles, piercing at the site of the procedure.


If you have started to do hair removal, then pulling out or plucking your hair is no longer possible in any case, since injury hair bulb can provoke compensatory hair growth and reduce the effect of the procedure to zero.

Two weeks before the procedure, you must start using sunscreen and reduce your exposure to the sun as much as possible. This rule applies to any kind permanent removal hair because dark color skin significantly reduces the effect of the procedure and increases the risk of developing such side effects like pigmentation.

A day or two before the procedure, you need to shave off the hair in the place of the intended epilation.

Men's skin care after the procedure

  • sunscreen must be used for two weeks;
  • two to three weeks after the procedure, it is worth refraining from enzyme peels, scrubs, aggressive cosmetics with alcohol;
  • during the day, do not rub the skin at the epilation site, take a hot bath, a cool shower is recommended;
  • for a week it is better to exclude severe physical work and playing sports, as excessive sweating can provoke the appearance of a pustular rash;
  • the skin after the procedure within one or two days must be treated with panthenol or other healing agent recommended by the doctor.

Consequences of permanent hair removal

  • pain during hair removal and some time after the procedure;
  • burns due to improper selection of the device mode;
  • pustular rash;
  • the appearance of foci of pigmentation on the skin;
  • recurrence of herpes as a reaction to skin damage.

What is the difference between the hair removal procedure in the salon for men and women:

  • usually, if a man is booked for hair removal, then there is a sufficient margin of time before the procedure so that the clients do not meet each other, one after the procedure, the other having come to the salon by their own time;
  • salon employees are specifically instructed not to announce the names of the procedures for which the client comes in the salon lobby or at the reception;
  • salon employees do not consider removing unwanted hair from men something reprehensible simply because in the beauty industry, self-care is required condition attractiveness for both women and men.

The cost of male hair removal

Laser epilation procedure by zonesCost in rubles
overall bikini4000-6600
deep bikini 6000-9900
nipple area1500-3950
male chest7250-9900
back and waist4500-16500
upper lip1400-3200
the area between the eyebrows1000-4500
whole legs18000-29700
hands completely7000-19900

The cost of photoepilation

Procedure (zones)Cost in rubles
Hip13 000
Bikini deep10 000
Bikini classic7 000
Breast10 000
shins12 000
Full face6 000
Full legs24 500
armpits2 500
Arms up to the elbow4 000
hands completely8 500
Back15 550
Buttocks6 000

Prices for Elos hair removal

Elos epilation procedureCost in rubles
deep bikini (women)8500-9000
deep bikini (male)7500
classic bikini4500-6000
hips (female)7000
shins (female)5000
full legs (female)16400
full legs (male)19000
hips (male)10900
shins (male)8000
lower back4200
white line of the abdomen1400
fingers or toes1800

Hair removal prices for men are now the same in most salons as for women. This is due to the growing competition between beauty salons, therefore they are interested in attracting male clients both with pleasant prices and with all kinds of discounts and promotions.

Purely technically, the removal of unwanted vegetation in men is no different from the methods used by women. Only the motives can vary significantly.

The testicular area is one of the most sensitive. It is unlikely that someone will decide to do hair removal there. Neither hot wax nor the use of anesthetic creams will save you from pain shock. That is why it is best to do depilation.

Depilation provides superficial removal hairs. In this case, the hair follicles remain untouched. And this means that the procedure will have to be repeated with enviable constancy.

Can be used special cream or mousse for depilation. The elements included in the composition soften the hairs to such an extent that they are easily washed off in the shower. But chemically active substances may cause severe irritation. Therefore, before the total application of such a cream to the testicles, check on a small area.

Another way of depilation is an ordinary shave. This is not as dangerous as in the case of mousse. But after shaving, especially the first few times, you may experience quite discomfort. And ingrown hairs will be very disturbing.

To minimize hassle, after shaving it is best to use on intimate area hard washcloth. Over time, the skin will get used to such depilation procedures.

Please note that during the first depilation, it is better not to wear too tight underwear. And if possible, it is worth experimenting long before any important event. Ideally, do it on the weekend. The discomfort and itching that may occur will not cause you so much trouble at home. You should not use a razor or cream if you are planning to go on a business trip or you will be driving for a long time.

Please note that the shaving and aftershave products you use may not be suitable. You will handle the most sensitive area your body, where the skin is very delicate and thin. Better buy special cosmetics for intimate places.

If you decide on more radical methods to combat unwanted hairs, for hair removal, then this procedure is best done in a specialized salon.

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Overheard today at 15:32
?Men's review of the gel for depilation Veet.(Spelling and punctuation unchanged)

“After I was told that my balls looked like an old rastaman, I decided to take the plunge and buy this gel, because previous attempts at shaving were not very successful, and besides, I almost killed my back trying to reach especially inaccessible places.

I'm a little romantic, so I decided to make this for my wife's birthday - like another gift. I ordered it in advance. Since I work in the North Sea, I considered myself a tough guy and thought that the previous reviews were written by some pathetic office rats ...

oh, my fellow sufferers, how wrong I was. I waited until my other half went to bed and, hinting at a special surprise, I went to the toilet. At first everything went fine. I applied the gel to the right places and waited. And I waited very quickly. At first I felt warmth, which in a few seconds was replaced by a strong burning sensation and a feeling that I can only compare with the feeling when barbed wire panties are pulled sharply on you, while trying to throw you up to the ceiling. Until this evening I had not been very religious, but at that moment I could believe in any god, if only he would save me from a terrible burning sensation around the shit and the complete destruction of a sausage and two eggs. Trying not to bite through my lower lip, I tried to wash off the gel in the sink, but I only managed to stuff a tuft of hair into the hole.

Through a veil of tears, I climbed out of the toilet and went to the kitchen. I could no longer walk in the kitchen, so I was already crawling the last meters to the refrigerator. Rolling out the lower chamber from the refrigerator, I found a tray of ice cream there, tore off the lid from it and put it under me. The relief was fantastic, but short-lived, because the ice cream quickly melted and the hellish burning sensation returned. - The bath was quite small, so I could not help the butt hole.

I began to fumble around the box, hoping to find at least something - there were already so many tears in my eyes that I could not see much. I grabbed the bag, which I later learned contained frozen bean sprouts, and tore it open, trying to do it as quietly as possible. I grabbed a few sprouts and unsuccessfully tried to pinch them between my buttocks. This did not help - the gel, along the way, penetrated into the rectum, and now it was as if a jet engine was working there. I hope I never dream of having a gay snowman in the kitchen again - do you understand how low I was willing to sink to ease the pain? The only solution my pain-maddened brain came up with was to carefully shove one sprout where no plant had yet grown. Unfortunately, after hearing strange moans from the kitchen, my wife decided to get up and find out what was wrong. She was greeted by a stunning sight: I'm lying on the floor with my ass off, from which strawberry ice cream is dripping, and I'm shoving beans into myself with the words "Oh, how good."

This, no doubt, shocked her, and she screamed in horror. I didn’t hear her enter, so I got scared myself, a spasm constricted my intestines, and a sprout flew out at a considerable speed in her direction. Yes, I understand that the bean sprout that is farted in her direction at twelve at night is not quite the surprise she was counting on, and the next day the children had to explain for a long time what happened to the ice cream ... in general, thanks to Veet, you can lose not only body hair, but also dignity and self-respect))

Review of male depilatory gel.

After being told that my balls looked like an old rastaman, I decided to take the plunge and buy this depilatory gel because my previous attempts at shaving hadn’t been very successful, and besides, I almost killed my back trying to get and reach especially hard-to-reach places. I'm a little romantic, so I decided to make this for my wife's birthday - like another gift.
I ordered the gel in advance. Since I work in the North Sea, I considered myself a tough guy and thought that the previous reviews of the gel were written by some pathetic office rats ... oh, my fellow sufferers, how wrong I was. I waited until my other half went to bed and, hinting at a special surprise, I went to the bathroom. At first everything went fine. I applied the gel to the right places and waited. And I waited very quickly.
At first I felt warmth, which in a few seconds was replaced by a strong burning sensation and a feeling that I can only compare with the feeling when barbed wire panties are pulled sharply on you, while trying to throw you up to the ceiling. Until this evening I had not been very religious, but at that moment I could believe in any god, if only he would save me from a terrible burning sensation around the shit and the complete destruction of a sausage and two eggs. Trying not to bite through my lower lip, I tried to wash off the gel in the sink, but I only managed to stuff a tuft of hair into the hole.
Through a veil of tears, I climbed out of the toilet and went to the kitchen. I could no longer walk in the kitchen, so I was already crawling the last meters to the refrigerator. Rolling out the lower chamber from the refrigerator, I found a tray of ice cream there, tore off the lid from it and put it under me. The relief was fantastic but short-lived because the ice cream quickly melted and the hellish burning sensation returned.
The bath was quite small, so I could not help the butt hole. I began to fumble around the box, hoping to find at least something - there were already so many tears in my eyes that I could not see much. I grabbed the bag, which I later learned contained frozen bean sprouts, and tore it open, trying to do it as quietly as possible. I grabbed a few sprouts and unsuccessfully tried to pinch them between my buttocks. This did not help - the gel, along the way, penetrated into the rectum, and now it was as if a jet engine was working there.
I hope I never dream of having a gay snowman in the kitchen again - do you understand how low I was willing to sink to ease the pain? The only solution my pain-maddened brain came up with was to gently shove a single bean sprout where no plant had yet sprouted.
Unfortunately, after hearing strange moans from the kitchen, my wife decided to get up and find out what was wrong. She was greeted by a stunning sight: I'm lying on the floor, my ass is draining strawberry ice cream, and I'm shoving beans into myself with the words "Oh, how good." This, no doubt, shocked her, and she screamed in horror. I didn’t hear her enter, so I got scared myself, a spasm squeezed my intestines, and farted, while the sprout flew out at a considerable speed in her direction. Yes, I understand that the bean sprout that is farted in her direction at twelve at night is not quite the surprise that she expected, and the next day the children had to explain at length what happened to the ice cream ... in general, thanks gel can lose not only body hair, but also dignity and self-respect.