The first time I go to the solarium that is necessary. Solarium: how many minutes the first time. What you should pay attention to

Going to the solarium for the first time, it will not be superfluous to learn how to properly prepare for this. After all, without knowing some contraindications and rules, you run the risk of acquiring pleasant impressions. Because the solarium is UV rays, although artificial origin but they can be harmful to health. So, beforehand, it’s better to learn about some restrictions, and if you have any doubts, even consult a doctor.

Possible contraindications to visiting the solarium

Benefit or harm?

It's so nice to spend a few minutes in the solarium and feel like you're on a sunny beach, especially when it's cold outside and the sky is gloomy. After all, the radiation from the lamps replaces us with several hours of exposure to the sun. And when you leave the solarium, the heat remains in your body for a long time, despite minus temperature on the street.

When we sunbathe, our mood improves, and the body receives an additional portion of vitamin D and the overall tone of the body increases. The skin takes on a beautiful golden hue, and even doctors recommend moderate sun exposure to treat certain skin conditions. But is a solarium so useful? And how is a tan under the lamps different from the sun?

In fact, the only difference between solarium rays and solar rays is only their intensity. A few minutes under the lamps replaces several hours of sunbathing. From here there is a risk of burning the skin.

In addition, the rays penetrate deeply into the dermis, reduce its elasticity and collagen production. Experienced Doctors Say Sunburn Abuse Leads to High Education age spots, moles and even cancerous tumors. Therefore, going to the solarium, you must follow some rules.

Rules for visiting the solarium

Tanning in a solarium is much stronger than real ones sun rays. 10 minutes spent under the lamps is equal to 2 hours of continuous tanning in the southern sun. And so that the skin does not burn out, you need to start sunbathing gradually. For those who came for the first time, a minute will be enough. You need to be especially careful about tanning, girls with light type skin. If you nevertheless firmly decided to visit the solarium, then do not forget about the safety rules:

  • remove all jewelry beforehand;
  • seal with a plaster all the wounds or moles on the body;
  • wash off all cosmetics and perfume residues from the skin before the tanning procedure;
  • wear a hair cap, goggles to protect the eyes and stick special pads on the chest;
  • lubricate the skin with a moisturizer after the procedure;
  • visit the solarium no more than once a week.

By following these simple measures precautions, you do not have to worry about your health. And you will be happy to enjoy the pleasant moments of your stay in the solarium.

For more information on how to sunbathe for the first time in a solarium, watch the video

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

There is snow outside the window, but many fashionistas, in anticipation of the summer sun and holidays, do not forget to visit the solarium. On the one hand, the skin touched by a tan looks seductive and spectacular, and, on the other hand, prepare for summer sun And beach holiday it will not be superfluous - the skin is not afraid of burns, and the tan will lie down more evenly.

But a solarium can also harm you if you do not follow the rules and do not know what may be a contraindication for visiting this pleasant procedure. So, what should you know who wants to show off a fresh tan in the middle of winter?

First, do not try to get a tan in a couple of sessions. Experts do not recommend visiting the solarium more than once a week. In addition, watch the duration of the procedure - it should not exceed 5-7 minutes.

Tanned skin is good, but you should not abuse the solarium - after 5-6 sessions, take a break for at least two weeks, and then you can repeat the course. If you do not follow these rules, you run the risk of severely dehydrating your skin, which will lead to so-called solar aging - the loss of elastin and collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin.

Many women try to enhance their tan by using various activators and special creams. If you are going to use such products, remember that you should apply the cream to the skin no later than one hour before the start of the procedure or immediately after it ends. Then you will be able to avoid burns and skin irritations.

" You can not visit the solarium for those who have oncological, infectious and some skin diseases, as well as during pregnancy, mastopathy, myoma, polyps and in the presence of multiple moles on the skin. "

Carefully need to visit the solarium for those who take various medications. The fact is that some drugs, for example, antibiotics, diuretics and antihistamines, as well as some contraceptives, can cause phytodermatosis - allergic reaction in the sun. Therefore, before going to the solarium, you should consult a doctor or wait until the end of the course of treatment.

Cosmetologists do not recommend visiting the solarium immediately after epilation, as the ox removal procedure and the subsequent session in the solarium are too much stress for the skin. As a result, there may be pain, severe redness, peeling of the skin and even wounds.

Do not take topless tanning sessions. This warning is especially true for those who are already over 30. Ultraviolet light can trigger the development of breast cancer.

Some useful tips before visiting the solarium will help you get a quality tan without unnecessary problems!

Before going to the solarium, take a shower without soap and other cosmetics so as not to deprive your skin of a protective fatty lubricant.

Be sure to protect your eyes with dark glasses during the session.

In order not to dry out your hair, cover your head with a scarf during a session in the solarium.

A beautiful tan on a person's skin always attracts the admiring glances of others. In order to receive golden color body, it is not necessary to go to the sea coast, just visit the solarium. And in order for the tan to be even and beautiful, and the skin to be healthy, you need to follow some basic rules.


The principle of operation of the solarium is to irradiate the human body with long waves, which contributes to the production of melanin and makes the skin more dark color. The intensity of the color of the skin depends on the number of lamps, their power, the duration of the session, as well as the coefficient of erythemal intensity SEF.

Approximately 10 minutes of sun exposure gives the same effect as 3 hours of sun exposure. But during a skin session, the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin is less aggressive, in contrast to being under natural sunlight. Special filters, dosing the supply of rays A and B, do not let rays C through, which have the most harmful effect on the epidermis.

The benefits of tanning in a solarium are obvious:

  • Beautiful appearance and skin disinfection.
  • The production of vitamin D and endorphins (hormones of joy) in the body.
  • Strengthening immunity.

Sunburn is an excellent prevention of various diseases (cardiovascular, dermatological, respiratory tract and etc.).

Features of choosing a salon

Those who are just about to start going to the solarium, and experienced ones who have been using its services for a long time, should know some important nuances:

  • Check with the salon workers for information on the date of the last replacement of the lamps. The fact is that the service life of these devices is no more than 800 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, the radiation dose increases, the lamps may begin to transmit harmful rays C, while the tanning effect becomes weak, or may not appear at all.
  • The composition of the lamps may be different. UVB rays contribute to the acquisition of the skin's darkest shade, but carry a greater risk of burns. This is important for people with fair skin. Therefore, it is better if the lamps are present at the same time UVB rays and UVA.
  • It is good if lamps with a reflector are installed in the solarium. They are equipped with a special reflective coating that helps guide ultra-violet rays directly to skin.

After making sure that everything is in order with the equipment in the cabin, you can go for the procedure.

Preparation and holding

How to go to the solarium correctly? special training not required in advance.

Before the session, do the following:

  1. On the day of visiting the solarium, it is advisable to drink more water, since the procedure helps to remove moisture from the body.
  2. One hour before the session, you can take a shower, but do not use any cleansing or scrubbing products.
  3. Remove makeup from face.
  4. Remove hair under a special cap (usually it is given out in the salon).
  5. Using contact lenses, it is recommended to remove them. Eyes during the session are protected with the help of special sunglasses.
  6. Most doctors advise sunbathing in open swimsuit. Having decided to carry out the procedure without clothes, it is necessary to use special stickers for the chest - stikini. They will help save delicate skin nipples from unwanted exposure to rays.
  7. A special balm is applied to the lips to protect against ultraviolet radiation.
  8. Moles and tattoos on the body are covered with protective stickers.
  9. No cosmetics should be applied to the skin. Habitual sun protection unsuitable. You can use only special ones that are recommended in the salon.

Duration and frequency of procedures

  • People with very fair skin (type I: blondes, redheads) are better off not exposing their body to the rays at all. If a visit to the solarium is very necessary, and there is a doctor's consent to this, you can start with 3 minutes. Carrying out the procedure once a week, gradually increase the time to 7 minutes.
  • The skin of fair-haired (representatives of type II) is also quite sensitive to the action of ultraviolet radiation. They can start sunbathing from 5 minutes and bring it up to 10 by visiting the solarium 2 times a week.
  • First session for brown-haired women with dark blond hair(III type) lasts 7 minutes. Exposing the skin to ultraviolet radiation every other day, add 3 minutes each time, bringing total time up to 15 minutes.
  • Swarthy dark-haired women (type IV) can safely lie down under a UV lamp for 10-12 minutes. Often they only need a couple of sessions (every other day) for the skin to acquire a golden hue.

Some salons practice daily sessions (naturally, provided that the skin is already tanned), but you should listen to dermatologists and cosmetologists who recommend adhering to the 50/48 rule, where 50 is maximum amount solarium visits per year, and 48 - minimal amount hours between sessions. So you should not rush to turn into a “chocolate” faster, you need to give the skin the opportunity to rest and recover.

The effect after the first session is not very noticeable, because the time of action of the rays on the skin was short, but the gradual artificial tan will last longer.

If the skin has already acquired the desired shade, it is enough to visit the salon once every 7-10 days to maintain it.

After solarium

At the end of the session, you must definitely pay attention to your skin and the whole body:

  • Apply moisturizer to face and body immediately after sun exposure.
  • Showering is not recommended. Better to do it in a few hours.
  • After the procedure, it is best to go home and rest.
  • Not recommended before or after a session. physical exercise. Move to the gym for another day.
  • It is important to drink more fluids.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin. If moles or other undesirable phenomena appear on the skin some time after visiting the solarium, it is necessary to stop the procedures and consult a doctor.


Before you start going to the solarium, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to the procedure. They largely coincide with the restrictions on sunbathing:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Sensitive and light skin of the body.
  • Hypertension.
  • Diabetes.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Mastopathy.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Moles on the body, especially in a large number(risk of melanoma).
  • Treatment with antibiotics, tranquilizers, diuretics, psychotropic drugs (there is a high possibility of allergies).
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Asthma.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Age up to 15 years.

It is also better not to sunbathe under the lamps 2 days before and after epilation. If a skin rejuvenation procedure was performed, it is better to postpone a visit to the solarium for a month.

At correct use artificial UV rays and compliance with the measures tanned skin and excellent health will delight you for a long time.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

In winter, not everyone can afford to rest in warm regions. If in the summer the skin looks fresh and attractive, without "frightening away" with its pallor, then in the cold season it will be very difficult to achieve the same effect. On help will come a visit to the solarium: a simple procedure is available to most women, it is inexpensive, and necessary equipment is in all modern beauty salons. But how to "calculate" whether it is harmful frequent visit solarium, how to make artificial tan saturated, but safe for health? The answers are in the recommendations of experts.

What are the advantages of a solarium over sunbathing?

In addition to the convenience of "exploiting" artificial light, a solarium - a device for irradiating the body with ultraviolet radiation - has several advantages:

In the rays emitted by the solarium, there is no part of the radiation that is most harmful to the skin;

If the correct time for tanning is observed, there is no risk of getting burned;

Modern devices expose the body to photoaging much less than prolonged exposure to the sun;

In the solarium, you can quickly and comfortably "get" your "dose" of vitamin D, as well as get rid of winter blues and stress;

Ultraviolet - an assistant in the fight against skin diseases and acne;

The procedure is available at any time of the year, for example, in the spring, when it is necessary to prepare for a "summer outing" in a miniskirt.

Given all the "pros" of visiting tanning salons, it is not surprising that many take " sunbathing"regularly - several times a month or more. At the same time, few people think about what harm can be done to the body by thoughtless actions.

What is the harmful effect of solariums?

Any ultraviolet radiation is a risk of accelerating the appearance of melanoma;

In those prone to the appearance of age spots, such unpleasant consequences are often the result of visiting a solarium;

Long exposure to the sun, as well as under the rays of a solarium, ages the skin, dries it, destroys collagen fibers.

How often can you sunbathe in a solarium?

In order not to harm your health, you must not exceed the recommended medical standards frequency of visits. You can not sunbathe more than 50 times a year. That is, it is considered safe to take procedures fake tan in the amount of 4-5 times a month. But this does not mean that you need to "run" to the solarium every week: experts advise taking longer breaks after a course of sessions.

If less than 2 days have passed since the last visit to the solarium, it is better not to risk it and wait at least this period. You can't sunbathe every day! Some girls, in an effort to quickly acquire bronze skin, take "baths" 2 times a day, which is not acceptable due to the excess of the normal "dosage" of ultraviolet radiation. Doctors consider the following scheme to be optimal:

5-7 tanning procedures every other day;

Break for 4-5 months.

How much time can you spend in the solarium?

Sunbathing for the first time should be no more than 3 minutes to allow the skin to get used to artificial radiation. For each subsequent procedure, 1-2 minutes are added to the "exposure" time. The maximum time that can be spent in the solarium is 10 minutes, the most acceptable is up to 7 minutes. To keep the result longer, you can sunbathe 2 times a month for 6 minutes (after a course of sessions).

When calculating the time spent under the rays of a solarium, it is important to take into account the type of person's appearance:

- "pale-skinned" blondes should not sunbathe under ultraviolet rays for more than 5-6 minutes, and the first session should last 1-2 minutes;

Redheads are generally contraindicated in visiting a solarium, in extreme cases, the duration of the procedure is up to 3 minutes;

The fair-haired fair sex can enjoy " artificial sun"on a general basis: just for them, the basic norms were developed for the number of visits and the length of stay in solariums. Swarthy ladies can not sunbathe at all or do it in minimal amounts.

To reduce the number of visits to the solarium, you can observe simple rules: carry out preliminary exfoliation of the skin, use by special means for tanning, do not wash immediately after the procedures. Then the tan will lie more evenly and will delight the eyes of its owner for a long time!

Sunlight is considered one of the natural sources vital energy humanity, because it provides saturation with vitamin D, which is essential for normal development and functioning of the body.

The process of getting a tan is accompanied by strengthening the protective forces, stimulating the production of physiologically active substances. But modern humanity is increasingly considering tan from its aesthetic side, and not in the context. positive impact on the body.

Speaking of useful properties ultraviolet, it must be borne in mind that we are talking about a moderate tan. excessive infatuation sunbathing converts the benefits of ultraviolet radiation into irreparable harm, which consists not only in the appearance of burns on the skin, but also in the development of cancer.

Become an owner beautiful shade skin can be done in several ways, namely: go on vacation to the seas or visit a solarium. Residents of large cities often choose the second option, which allows for acceptable prices achieve the desired tan, regardless of the weather conditions outside the window. When choosing a solarium for the first time, many women wonder how many times they need to sunbathe in a solarium.

For an effective stay in the solarium, you should be guided by the established recommendations. Lack of preparation, as well as too long procedures can cause the formation dark spots, signs of skin burning and even cancer in the future. Therefore, it is important to know not only how much to go to the solarium to tan, but also all the nuances of this approach to obtaining the desired skin tone.

Solariums are the regular choice of many modern women, which is associated with numerous positive properties this method. It is about the following:

  • In moderation, ultraviolet rays are essential for the production of important element in the body, which is not such an easy task in conditions of regular cloudy weather. IN this case a visit to the solarium performs simple solution problems of lack of ultraviolet radiation.
  • The result of light exposure is an increase in the production of endorphins, which acts as a guarantor of a good mood.
  • The lamps used in solariums are equipped with necessary quantity special filters that are necessary to reduce negative influence gamma radiation. Guided by this fact, many experts argue that tanning in a solarium is more safe than staying under the scorching sun. Of course, side effects are not excluded, but most often they are provoked by ignorance of information about how much to sunbathe in a solarium without harm.

Preliminary preparation

Many people simply do not have information about how much you can sunbathe in a solarium, which becomes common cause dire consequences. But the danger lies not only in this aspect. Yes, the reason Not even tan, worsening of the condition or the appearance of sunburn may become the absence of a mandatory pre-training, which is as follows:

  • Before visiting the solarium, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications, represented by dermatitis, hypertension and liver diseases, for the definitions of which it is recommended to contact qualified specialists.
  • During treatment with certain medicines It is not recommended to visit the solarium without prior consultation with your doctor.
  • To obtain a uniform tan and avoid sunburn, it is recommended to use cosmetics intended for these procedures and subsequent skin care.
  • Expected Result correct definition how long it takes to tan in a solarium can be reduced to zero if the skin was cleaned with soap before the session. The fact is that soap helps to dissolve the fatty film on the skin, resulting in burning or drying of the skin.
  • Before going to the solarium, the use of perfumes and other cosmetics should be excluded.

How to determine how many minutes you need to sunbathe in a solarium? For these purposes, it is recommended to be guided by the characteristics of the skin. So, owners of too light skin, which rapidly acquires a red tint under the influence of sunlight, are not advised to sunbathe at all, replacing contacts with ultraviolet light with self-tanning.

Unfortunately, this method does not bring the long-awaited result presented by natural golden hue, so people still rush to the solarium and the beaches.

Such procedures should be treated with heightened attention and remembering how many minutes you can sunbathe in a solarium, owners of too light and sensitive skin. So, it is recommended to visit the solarium no more than every three days, and the duration of the sessions should be within 10 minutes.

Another important question is how many minutes to sunbathe in a solarium for the first time, because from successful start largely depends on the final result. The optimal duration of the session should not exceed 3 minutes.

Owners of fair skin, which still lends itself to tanning, but is often covered sunburn, in determining how many minutes to sunbathe in a solarium, you need to be guided by the following indicators:

  • frequency of visits three times in Week;
  • the duration of the first procedure is from 3 to 5 minutes;
  • the duration of subsequent sessions is up to 15 minutes.

How much time to sunbathe in a solarium for people with fairly fair skin, which practically does not burn. In this case, staying in the solarium for more than 20 minutes is not recommended, and sessions can be carried out every two days, but not more often.

It is easier for people of this phototype to determine how many times to go to the solarium to get a tan. As practice shows, 5 sessions are enough to get a seductive chocolate shade.

The fourth category should include swarthy people, whose skin is easily amenable to the formation of a tan. In this case, no difficulties should arise in determining how many times you need to sunbathe in the solarium. As a rule, according to the results of several sessions, it will be possible to achieve the desired, but the duration of each procedure should not exceed 20 minutes.

If there is any doubt about the correctness self-determination of your phototype, it is better to seek help from the solarium employees, who will tell you how much you need to go to the solarium to get a tan, and how long sessions should be chosen.

By the way, you should choose only proven establishments whose experience in the market for providing these cosmetology services inspires sufficient confidence. Solarium employees must have all necessary knowledge and undergo appropriate training, as evidenced by the relevant certificates.

All this is extremely necessary for a safe stay in the solarium, because even the wrong definition of how much you need to sunbathe in the solarium for the first time often ends in causing significant harm to the client.

Video about solariums