Shrovetide week Monday ceremonies conspiracies signs. Conspiracies and amulets for Shrovetide. Signs for Shrovetide

It is believed that Maslenitsa is a pagan holiday rather than an Orthodox one. But it is not so. Pancake week - prep week to Great Lent. It is dedicated in the Christian sense to one goal - reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of offenses, preparation for repentance. Shrovetide is a time to be dedicated good communication with neighbors, relatives, friends, charity. The Church calls to remember that at no time is it worth having fun, losing your head and conscience.

Shrovetide Week, Shrovetide is the colloquial name of Cheese Week - the last week before Lent. During Shrovetide, meat is not eaten, but fish and dairy products can be consumed. During Maslenitsa week, the fast on Wednesday and Friday is canceled.

In the church

On Shrovetide, Lenten services begin in churches. The Divine Liturgy is not celebrated on Wednesday and Friday; the Lenten prayer of Saint Ephraim the Syrian is read:

"Lord and Master of my life, do not give me the spirit of idleness, despondency, love of command and idle talk! But grant me the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to your servant. as blessed art thou forever and ever. Amen. "

This prayer is repeated many times during all Lenten services.

What to do on Shrovetide

The main dish on Shrovetide is pancakes, which are baked every day from Monday, but especially a lot - from Thursday to Sunday ( wide Shrovetide). Shrovetide food becomes the most important form life. That is why people used to say that at this time one should eat as many times as the dog wags its tail or how many times the crow crows. Unlike many other holidays, on Maslenitsa not only gluttony at home, in the family, but also often go to visit and invite guests to their place.

Shrovetide is also family celebration... Spring is associated with the beginning of a new life, with procreation. Therefore, in the past, they especially honored and congratulated young people who got married last year. They were sledged all over the village, but for a poor and meager treat they could be thrown face down into the snow. People of the Catholic faith, as well as in some Ukrainian villages, have a custom to punish people who have not married in any way. It is believed that they are going against the law of God. On Shrovetide, bachelors were tied to their feet with a special shoe and forced to walk with such a mark all day.

Forgiveness Sunday

The last Sunday before the beginning of Lent is called the Church of Cheeseweed Week (it is on this day that the consumption of dairy products ends), or Forgiveness Sunday... On this day, after the evening service in churches, a special rite of forgiveness is performed, when the clergy and parishioners mutually ask each other for forgiveness in order to enter Great post with pure soul reconciled with all neighbors.

On Forgiveness Sunday, it is customary to ask for forgiveness from all relatives and friends, to which they usually answer: "God will forgive!"

Shrovetide is one of the oldest holidays preserved in modern calendar since the times pagan Rus... The people's memory preserves many Maslenitsa ceremonies, rituals and fortune-telling.

V2018 G. shrovetidethe week will run from February 12th to February 18th.

It is curious that Shrovetide, popular among Christians, once came as a good tradition from pagans. Oven pancakes - symbols spring sun and to see off the passing winter was a kind, almost holy rite.

And the fact that Shrovetide began just after Parent's Day, says that the pancakes were baked in memory of the departed parents and ancestors. The first pancake, which usually turns out to be lumpy, was usually displayed separately, as if for the departed. Despite the fact that the Slavs became Christians over the centuries, the celebration of Maslenitsa remained. Well, it's good if there is a reason to remember relatives and have fun with friends and family.

Shrovetide lasts six days in a row and ends with Forgiveness Sunday. Each day has its own customs and traditions, which are useful and interesting to know.

Amulet on the eve of Shrovetide.

If you were exaggeratedly praised or envied, or maybe they said something bad, and you are a suspicious person, read this amulet on the eve of Shrovetide.

He will protect you from possible negativity for the whole year.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Theotokos Lady and you, four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian.
Save and save me (name), Protect from dashing thought.
From the devil's thoughts, From secret destruction, From the evil eye and the eye of the blind,
From the envious eye, who hears and who does not,
Who swears aloud and who writes denunciations, Alatyr-stone lies in one place,
He does not hear, does not see, neither knocking nor sound. Not afraid, not hiding from anyone.
So no sound, knock and word would have touched me either.
I did not stumble about any damage. My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded.
Neither the first in the family, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen."

Every day has its own name:

Monday - meeting

Tuesday is a play

Wednesday is a gourmet

Thursday is revelry

Friday - mother-in-law's evening

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings,

Resurrection - seeing off, goodbye, forgiveness or kissing.

The initial day of Shrovetide was named -"a meeting".

Many families start baking pancakes on Monday.

The night before, when the stars appear, the eldest woman in the family goes out to the river, lake or to the well, quietly away from the others, and invites the month to look out the window and blow on the dough:

“You are a month,
Your golden horns!
Look out the window
Blow on the dough!»

They did not eat the first pancake on Monday, they left it for the souls of the dead; he was carried out onto the porch with the words:

"Our honest deceased, here's a pancake for your souls!"- or given to the poor so that they pray for peace.

On this day, a stuffed animal of Maslenitsa was made from straw, they put on old women's clothes, put this stuffed animal on a pole and, singing, drove it on a sleigh through the village. then Shrovetide was set on a snowy mountain, where sleigh rides began.

We rode down the mountains all the days of Shrovetide.

Riding in troikas to songs, with jokes, jokes, and kisses was also a typical Russian Shrovetide entertainment.

Most attention and honors were given to the newlyweds on Shrovetide. They went "to the people" in painted sleighs, paid visits to everyone who walked at their wedding.

In all city squares, mass festivities take place, and in tsarist times the Tsar himself opened this holiday.

On this day, it is customary to go to the matchmakers to visit for pancakes, and the daughters-in-law must have time to help around the house, and have time to come to the parents in advance to help with the setting on the table.

In general, today many nuances have not been preserved to such an extent. Maslenitsa traditions... For example, if the young live in the first year and this is the first joint Maslenitsa, it means that on Monday morning the mother-in-law should come and teach the young housewife to make first-class pancakes. But, nevertheless, the tradition of visiting and giving generously remained.

PROTECTOR FROM WITCHES on the 1st day of Shrovetide.

On the first day of Shrovetide, a conspiracy was read that helped get rid of the effects of the evil witch's spell:

“You witches, branded devils, when you count the stars in the sky and grains of sand in the sea, then you can cause harm to me, my home and my people. "

On the first day of Shrovetide, salt was poured at the windowsill, at front door, and on the last day the salt was swept out. So all the evil spirits are swept out of the house.

From this day on, the eggshells are considered healing and are not thrown away, but collected for treatment.

The second day of Shrovetide, Tuesday - "flirting".

Earlier this day was dedicated to newlyweds. On the same second day, sledging began from the mountains. Those who did not have them rolled on matting. Maslenitsa festivities began.

On Tuesday it is customary to walk and have fun, arrange massive games, sing ditties and play pranks on friends.

Farewell to winter is held in dignity - on the streets there are competitions in the modeling of snow castles, competitions for the construction of ice palaces and all kinds of snow fun.

However, it is not just that young people go out to have fun - on this day, girls of marriageable age closely follow the young single guys, and the guys watch the girls. The couples in love that are created on this day will live a long and happy married life.

In the old days in Russia, on Shrovetide, they not only walked and had fun, but also wondered.
It was then that the time came to "look into the mouth" of your beloved and find out what the character of your future husband is. It's not for nothing that they say that they choose a husband for pancakes, and a wife for pies.


Pancakes with caviar are preferred by real men. Such a house will be intact, and a strong household, and his wife and children will be shod and dressed. And here tender words and do not expect kisses from him - all the strength of such a person goes to the household. And in general - love is proved by deeds, not words.

"Intellectuals" eat pancakes with red fish - an almost abusive word in the peasant world. The thoughts and feelings of such a person are too far removed from the sinful earth. Both day and night, these persons soar in the clouds, demanding from their beloved an understanding of their great plans and unrealizable projects. And the fact that the hut looked askance, that the cattle had no hay in store - this is a "low life". Should he, the poet, take care of this ...

Pancakes with cottage cheese are eaten by kind, flexible and kind-hearted people. Such a side will definitely need a boy-woman who will command the house and manage the household. A loving husband with pleasure he will carry out all her commands.

Pancakes with sour cream, despite their deliciousness, are eaten only by persons with a “double bottom”. Such a hubby will agree in everything with the dearest half, and with the dear mother, and with the neighbor Vasya.
He has only one opinion about what is happening - the one he last heard. These people are weak-willed, spineless. They strive to accommodate everyone, to please everyone.

Pancakes with butter husbands are tender and affectionate. True, 100 times a day telling their wife that she is the one and only, and kissing her on the cheek 200 times, they consider their responsibilities to the family fulfilled. They will not prove their love and responsibility to the family by any chores around the house and around the house. But after all, even then to say, deeds are not love, they only interfere with kissing, having mercy and holding on to the handle.

Pancakes with sugar are eaten by lovers of children. The main thing in their love is not the quality of upbringing. single child, a a large number of kids in the house. And his wife will have no time to shoot with her eyes, and it seems that he has proved to everyone around that you are a man. But what to feed and what to wear is the tenth thing.

Pancakes with hard-boiled eggs are eaten by the most unpleasant husbands... And in the company such will sit with his nose hanging, with a sour expression on his face.
And at home it will itch with or without reason. In a word, a bore. There is no great practical harm from such, they fulfill their fatherly and masculine duties. Not at the behest of the soul and heart, but because “it is necessary”, “it is so accepted”. So, in general, you can live with such a treasure even your whole life. But then there will be nothing to remember - neither good nor bad.

But pancakes with jam are loved by “the first guys in the village”. Such a person can escape to the city - “to work”, and visit his widow-neighbor. True, money is found in the house, and he will not leave his wife with attention and affection. And having run into other people's girls, he will still return to the family. That's just this loving wife often meets not with kisses, but with a grip.


By the way, about the character future wife can be judged by the kind of pies she treats to the guests.

Large pies - pies and pies - are served by a slightly lazy person.
But the pies are also different.

Big "sandals" are made by greedy girls - they seem to have eaten a pie, but you can't reach for another.

Small, tidy at the hostess who will maintain order in the house, and her character is nice, flexible, respectful to elders.

The girls who have all their thoughts and feelings “written on their faces” bake pies upside down. These girls are frank, sincere, and, in modern terms, most of them are extroverts.

Pies are made with a shovel downward by young ladies as quiet as that pool in which devils are found. He will say “yes”, nod his head, but will do it all the same in his own way. This one can and go on secretly, if only everything was sewn-covered.

Round pies or cheesecakes (with any filling) like to bake housewives (in the very good sense of this word). And over the husband and over the children they will be busy from morning till night. And they are not bad hostesses. But for them to caress their husband in bed is the same as washing a pile of linen or grinding grain.
In general, labor service.

All kinds of pretzels and braids are baked by people who are bright, romantic, but unreliable. Everything in their hands burns, but often burns out. I have just doted on my husband - and now she is swinging with a grasp. Life with this one is an adventure. And not always pleasant.

Triangular pies (like oriental khachapuri) like to make lomaks and imaginals. She just has something to stand out, and what - it does not matter.

But what if you came to visit your beloved, and on the table is a dish with a wide variety of pies?

Console yourself that your sweetheart is a versatile personality, there is a little bit of everything in her and in moderation.
And most importantly, she is a good hostess.

Wednesday - "Lakomka".

On Wednesday you must certainly come to the mother-in-law for pancakes. Moreover, no excuses are accepted! The mother-in-law, in turn, is happy to try for her son-in-law and arranges a rich table on which pancakes with various fillings - caviar, jam, honey. The table should also be rich in drinks and other treats. On this day, the family gathers at the table, praising the mother-in-law and her culinary skills.

Lush tables were laid in all houses. Numerous stalls opened right on the street, selling hot sbitni (drinks made from water, honey and spices), hot nuts, honey gingerbread.

On the third day of Shrovetide, which is celebrated this week, it is customary to treat sons-in-law... At the same time, it used to be quite unprofitable to feed a son-in-law, since, according to tradition, pancakes were baked both small and large, and dairy, and with caviar, and with herring.

As a rule, both unmarried youth and adults are actively involved in skiing from the mountains and on horseback from Wednesday. Only babies and old people who have not left the house do not ride in triplets on Shrovetide.

Whole line Shrovetide customs was aimed at speeding up weddings, promoting single youth to find a mate.

The skating of young couples, according to the ancestors, was supposed to help awaken the earth from winter sleep. The artificial ice mountains symbolized the womb of the earth, in which new life was born.

Young women made a round of the village and hung wooden blocks for overgrown guys because they did not want to marry, and they, in turn, tried to buy them off with sweets and pancakes.

A special attitude was towards those young couples who got married this year: they had to participate in skating, to be shown in best outfits kissing in public.

Thursday - "take a walk"... On this day, it was customary to arrange the famous fist fights, the capture of specially built snow fortresses.

Thursday at Pancake Week was considered the day of veneration of the god Veles (Volos) - the patron saint of livestock. Therefore, on this day, before baking pancakes for the family, they baked pancakes-pancakes for their nurse-cow. Treating a cow with such a pancake, they read prayers and conspiracies.

Thursday was very responsible for the owner, because only on St. Blasius (this Christian saint replaced the god Veles) it was necessary to go round the young horses.

On Thursday wide festivities continue, everyone gives each other gifts, and the children rush to carol. In the city, however, no one really cares about carols, but in the villages and villages this good tradition has been preserved. A scarecrow of Maslenitsa can be carried along the streets, for show. A scarecrow is made of everything that is at hand - straw, old things, holiday decorations... During the festivities, you need to actively and cheerfully sing songs so that everything in the family is good.

Friday is an interesting day. Mother-in-law's day.

The sons-in-law, who actively treated themselves to pancakes at their mother-in-law, should now invite them to their home and set the table. Moreover, the mother-in-law needs to be invited personally, and the more active and affectionate the son-in-law calls out, the more loved he will be.

And to make everything look beautiful and festive, on this day all the relatives of both sides gather, and everyone sees how the son-in-law greets and plentifully treats his beloved mother-in-law.

True, this custom was very peculiar. The curiosity was that the invited mother-in-law had to send everything necessary for baking pancakes to the young people in the evening: a frying pan, a scoop and even a tub in which the dough was kneaded.

A number of Shrovetide customs were aimed at speeding up weddings, helping young people to find a mate.

They did not forget about the sister-in-law.

On Saturdayseeing off, for the sister-in-law's gatherings (the sister-in-law is the husband's sister), the young daughter-in-law invited her husband's relatives to visit her.

It is interesting that the word “sister-in-law” itself, as it was believed, comes from the word “evil”, since the husband's sisters were distrustful and wary of their daughter-in-law (“who came out of nowhere”) - remember, for example, Russian folk tales.

If the sisters-in-law were not yet married, then she invited her unmarried girlfriends... If the husband's sisters were already married, then the daughter-in-law invited the married relatives and took the guests to their sister-in-law with the whole train.

The newlywed daughter-in-law was to present her sister-in-law with gifts.

On Saturday, the ashes of the burnt scarecrows need to be scattered over the fields - for a rich harvest in the fall. On this day, the final farewell to winter takes place and everyone rejoices at the arrival of the new sowing season.

Seventh day - Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, you need to prepare for Great Lent and cleanse your soul and body. It is imperative to bow down and ask everyone for forgiveness. The last Shrovetide fires flare up again, around which people sing songs and burn straw.

On Sunday, they arranged to see off Maslenitsa. Young people in a sleigh with an effigy of Maslenitsa rode around the village and outskirts with songs until nightfall.

Late in the evening, a scarecrow was burned on a fire prepared in the morning. As a rule, the Shrovetide bonfire was kindled by the oldest representatives of the village community or those young people who were “lucky” to “find” a fern flower on the last night at Kupala.

According to legend, it was in it that the life-giving energy of the sun dying for the winter was preserved. Therefore, the Shrovetide bonfire was always built on the very high place near the village, that is, as close as possible to the cosmic luminary, in order to "return" its lost strength to it.

Shrovetide bonfires- this is also a memorial rite, since they served as a kind of invitation for deceased ancestors to a hearty dinner on the eve of Lent.

Happened \ ' coaxing \ 'spirits on whole year forward... And after a straw scarecrow was burned in a fire, the ashes were scattered across the field and trampled into the snow in order to wake up the sleeping earth and restore it the ability of a new generation. A lot of people always gathered around the Shrovetide bonfire, it was fun, songs sounded, games were arranged.

Burning pancakes is a funny tradition of seeing off Shrovetide. It is imperative to throw a pancake into the fire, tell Maslenitsa to leave, and then stain as many others as possible with soot.

Don't forget about your deceased relatives. On Sunday you need to visit their graves and leave pancakes there. And after a hard and have a fun day the final tradition is the bathhouse. In it, you need to steam up from the heart, whip with brooms and meet the Great Lent the next day.

On the last day of Maslenitsa - Sunday- they sat down at the table seven times, according to the number of weeks in Great Lent. And in the evening the whole family had to treat themselves to food of animal origin for the last time before fasting.

After dinner, nothing was removed from the table, everything left was covered with a white tablecloth, and then sheep skin fur up. All this was done so that there were no quarrels and disagreements in the family for a whole year.

On the eve of Great Lent, trying to cleanse themselves from all sinful things, people asked each other for forgiveness.

The ceremony of forgiveness takes place in the evening, after dinner.

Addressing each other, people said:

"Forgive me, please, if I am guilty of anything in front of you."

In some families, the following ceremony was performed on Forgiveness Sunday. In the evening, all family members sat around the table in the house. The head of the family, the father, sat on a separate chair.

Each of the household members present in turn approached the father, bowed at his feet and asked for forgiveness for everything bad deeds in the past year (for insult, incontinence, swearing, disobedience, drinking, malicious acts).

After the youngest in the family asked for forgiveness, everyone took their places, and the father came out in the middle of the house (room), bowed to everyone in the belt and also asked for forgiveness for his sinful actions.

For the same purpose, before sunset that day, they went to the cemetery, left pancakes on the graves and bowed to the ashes of their relatives.

Even on this day, they tried to drink less alcohol.
It was necessary to meet spring with a clear conscience and body, so at the end of Maslenitsa everyone went to the bathhouse.

On Forgiveness Sunday, you must fall asleep before midnight, then in the morning you will easily wake up.

Signs for Shrovetide:

First of all, Maslenitsa is the time of commemoration of the dead. And the first pancakes baked on the Monday of Shrove Tuesday are dedicated to the ancestors. Kneading the dough and baking pancakes should be done in silence, going over the faces of relatives in memory, remembering their words and deeds. The first pancake cannot be eaten: it should be crumbled on the street for birds.

According to the ancient belief, the birds, after eating the food, will fly into heaven and ask the Lord for you and your loved ones. In the evening, gather the whole family for a meal. It will strengthen family bonds and will give you reliable protection ancestors.

Fortune telling on Shrovetide:

Pancake fortune telling can be done by inviting friends. Make different fillings: sweet, salty, spicy, unleavened, put dry beans in a few pancakes. Roll the pancakes and place on a serving platter. Each of those sitting at the table chooses one at a time - the filling will tell you what awaits him. Sweet - to joy, sharp - to stormy life, salty - to serious work, fresh - to life without change. And a bean - to monetary luck.

Another fortune-telling on Shrovetide was carried out not on pancakes, but on a pie: in this way you can find out whether your cherished desire... Bake a pie, cover with a napkin, let cool.

Take a knife, dip it in holy water, wipe it with a napkin that covered the cake, with the words:

“As water comes from a knife, so thinness comes from the house. We eat royal and boyar pies. Pie buddy, give me a vow.

Now sprinkle the cake with holy water and stick a knife into it. If the knife remains straight, it is too early to wait for changes. If it leans in your direction, the wish will come true, if you do not interfere with yourself. If the knife deviates from you straight or to the right, it will not come true. If the knife deviates to your left, everything is fine, wait for your dream to come true. If the knife falls - to failure.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage on Shrovetide:

At Shrove Tuesday, you can carry out a ritual of cleansing from negativity, evil eye. To do this, you need to make a snowball, having undressed, stand in a basin and roll yourself in snow from head to toe (from head to toe), reading the conspiracy:

“Passion, passion, come out, pour out of the servant of God (name). From a violent head, from a zealous heart, from white body, of red blood, of clean belly, from hands, from legs, from veins, from lived. I'm not expelling the evil eye-spoilage, but Mother Holy Mother of God with their angels, archangels, guardians and patrons every day, every hour, from now and to ever and ever and ever! Amen!"

Pour the water that the snow will turn into at the intersection.

Conspiracy from envious people on Shrovetide:

To protect yourself from envious people for a whole year, on the eve of Maslenitsa, on Sunday, read the conspiracy three times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Theotokos Lady and you, four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian. Save and preserve me (name), protect me from dashing thought, from devilish thoughts, from secret destruction, from the evil eye and the blind eye, from the envious eye, who hears and who does not hear, who swears aloud and who writes denunciations. The Alatyr-stone lies in one place, does not hear, does not see, is not afraid of knocking or sound, does not hide from anyone. So no sound, knock and word touched me either, I would not stutter about any damage. My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded. Neither the first in the family, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Wealth conspiracy:

On the Monday following the last day of Shrovetide, Forgiveness Sunday, go to where the festivities took place and try to find at least a penny.

Raising it with your left hand, say:

“I walked on and on, but I found how I (your name) went to this money, so that the money would go to me. As many people were here today in honor of the honest Maslenitsa, so I would always have a lot of money. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Keep the charmed coin until the next Shrovetide. After a year, leave it where you picked it up.

Shrovetide conspiracy for good luck:

Bake pancakes. Choose the most beautiful, with smooth edges pancake.

Cut it in half, and then slowly move the halves apart, pronouncing a good luck conspiracy:

"As sunrise and sunset do not converge, so all the troubles miss me.

There will be troubles far from me I will live freely and easily. "

Shrovetide conspiracyto attract profit and material wealth:

On Shrovetide, you need to burn everything old, unnecessary. This is done - when they light a fire and burn a scarecrow. If you live in a city, but you are lucky enough to go out into the nature during Shrovetide week - grab old, unnecessary things.

Make a fire, throw rubbish into it and utter a conspiracy:

“Old, I burn unnecessarily,

I invite new good ones.

Let everything that has become obsolete go away.

Let the new profit bring.

Let the unnecessary turn into ashes

From the ashes he will be reborn with new successes! "

Pancake Pancake Money Plot:

We fry pancakes and start talking them for material wealth.

We read the conspiracy three times:

“The red girl Marya came out, the red girl Fedosya came out, at dawn in the early morning, they combed her hair.

They turned the wheel, kneaded the flour, made the dough, they said such words.

Clear sun, shine, bring us the spring, don't starve to death, bring the harvest.

I (name) followed, I heard those words, but repeated, and spoke three times.

I, (name), call the spring, but I don’t know grief and pestilence. ”

Pancakes should be served to everyone at home.

Shrovetide conspiracy - how to increase income:

On the first Monday after Shrovetide, come to the place where the festivities took place. Walk around and look at the ground carefully - you need to find any coin.

Taking it with your left hand, say:

"I walked and found how I (name) went to this money,

So that the money came to me.

How many people have been here today

In honor of the holy Maslenitsa,

So I would always have a lot of money.

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever.Amen."

Shrovetide conspiracy from the evil eye and damage.

Are you sure that someone has brought the evil eye or damage to you, or envious people have appeared - do the ritual with a conspiracy on Shrovetide.

In the morning, on the first day of Shrovetide, face the rising sun and say:

"Maslenitsa will protect from all evil,

All evil and evil will turn away from me.

On the first day, every evil eye will be reflected from me.

On the second day, all spoilage will evaporate from me.

On the third day evil conspiracy will break into pieces.

On the fourth day, everything will respond to the offenders.

On the fifth day, evil thoughts will turn to dust.

On the sixth day, all my troubles will end.

On the seventh, luck and strength will return to me. "

Repeat this conspiracy at dawn of every Shrovetide day.

Shrovetide conspiracy to fulfill desires:

We read the conspiracy on Sunday on Shrovetide, before going to bed:

"Shine, a clear star in the sky,to the joy of the baptized world,light up with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox

You look, star, into the house of the servant of God (name).

You, bright star, sanctify my house with unquenchable fire.

Hear my desire(say your wish). Amen."

Cross yourself, bow down and go to sleep.

Shrovetide conspiracyfrom damage and bad words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Theotokos Lady and you, four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian.

Save and save me (name), protect me from dashing thought.

From the devil's thoughts, from secret destruction, from the evil eye and the blind eye, from the envious eye, who hears and who does not hear, who swears aloud and who writes denunciations.

The Alatyr-stone lies in one place, does not hear, does not see, is not afraid of knocking or sound, does not hide from anyone.

So no sound, knock and word would have touched me either.

I did not stumble about any damage.

Neither the first in the family, nor the last.

Key. Lock. Language.Amen."

A conspiracy of envy:

On Sunday, on the eve of the first day of Shrovetide, in complete solitude, read the conspiracy three times that will protect you from negativity for the whole year:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Theotokos Lady and you, four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian. Save and preserve me (name), protect me from dashing thought, from devilish thinking, from secret destruction, from the evil eye and the eye of the blind, from the envious eye, who hears and who does not hear, who swears aloud and who writes denunciations. The Alatyr-stone lies in one place, does not hear, does not see, is not afraid of knocking or sound, does not hide from anyone. So no sound, knock and word would have touched me either. I did not stumble about any damage. My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded. Neither the first in the family, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

A PURIFICATION RITUAL is performed on Shrove Tuesday Sunday.

This ritual is done to return happiness, to correct karma.

It is not necessary for a healer to perform this rite, it can take on the patient's karma.

It is better when everyone makes it to themselves.

Take the paper and write down what worries you the most: bad deeds, illnesses, attitudes towards the world and people ... In a word, what you would like to get rid of. Roll the sheet into a tube and cut into 3 equal parts.

Prepare protective circles from Thursday salt and holy water (there is a distance of 30 cm between them).

In front of the circle of salt you read "Our Father", then you cross this circle and stand in front of the circle of holy water.

You read the prayers "Virgin Mary, Rejoice" and "Guardian Angel" and cross the water circle.

There should be 4 lighted candles in front of you in the last circle.

Read Psalm 90 and take turns burning 3 parts of the leaf, when they burn, say "Hallelujah!" 40 times.

Then - the obligatory observance of a 3-day fast and a visit to the church, where you have to put 12 candles to any icons in one parish.


After Maslenitsa was over, the peasants went to the bathhouse - ahead was "Clean Monday," the first day of Lent.

The last echo of the holiday is the Saturday of Great Lent. On this day, it was customary to "celebrate Maslenitsa": to bake lean pancakes with hemp or sunflower oil.

After that, Shrovetide fun finally died out.


On the first Monday after Shrovetide, come to the place where the festivities took place. Walk there, looking at your feet, until you find any money (even a pretty penny).

Taking it with your left hand, say:

"I walked and found how I (name) went to this money,
So that the money came to me.
How many people have been here today
In honor of the holy Maslenitsa,
So I would always have a lot of money.
In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

And of course, special conspiracy pancakes:

Most primordially women's work associated with cooking are associated with the circle. By the protective circle. In a circle, clockwise (salting), it is supposed to knead the pancake dough. In a circle, butter is spread on a frying pan - with a piece of lard. And of course, a skilful housewife will pour a pancake into a frying pan in a circle, finely distributing the dough; and a delicious, crispy pancake will absorb all her love.

Shrovetide is a good reason to cook with your own hands a meal that is both delicious and magical. While kneading the dough, all kinds of good wishes must be uttered for him, addressed to the living and the departed, to the strength of the family and to the good spirits of the house. Words can be arbitrary.

There are folk sayings that were used when baking pancakes.

Shrovetide will come, prosperity and health will bring.

We bake pancakes, we expect the Light - the Sun. "

But you can come up with your own wishes.

Cash pancakes.

Throw the cinnamon into the pancake when you direct the dough over the pancakes! After all, the property of cinnamon to attract money has long been known. Cinnamon brings success, prosperity, and attracts good luck. The aroma of cinnamon is very attractive for money!

When mixing the dough, say:

“Money dough for money pancakes. Whoever eats a pancake gets a lot of money. "

After you bake pancakes, be sure to feed them to your family members, and especially to the one on whom your material well-being depends.

Pancakes that attract love.

They must be baked on Tuesday. After all, Tuesday is flirting, single guys on this day looked out for their brides, and girls were grooms. Therefore, on Tuesday, and it is necessary to bake "love" pancakes! These pancakes must have a sweet filling! Start the dough in any way, and when you fry, say:

"I bake pancakes, I attract love."

And be sure to treat your friends and family with pancakes during Maslenitsa week. own production... Since ancient times, it was believed that everyone who will be generous with pancakes this week will be bestowed by Spring with well-being and prosperity.

Sayings have been preserved about the Russian Maslenitsa:

* Not living, but Shrovetide, Not all for the cat Shrovetide, there will be Great Lent.

* Shrovetide walks for seven days.

* Shrovetide obeduha, money priborukha.

* This Shrovetide is coming, damn it and honey.

* You are welcome to us about Shrovetide with our good, with an honest belly,

* Malanya wooed at Maslenitsa, thought she was wondering to marry, but Malanya did not know that Maslenitsa, and the hangover is not enough after Radushitsa,

* Shrovetide is obeduha, money is a prudery,

* Shrovetide is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip,

* After Maslenitsa - Great Lent, and after Passion - Easter,

* At least something to lay from yourself, but Carry out Shrovetide,

* To whom Shrovetide, but solid, but to us Palm and Passionate!

* Maslenitsa was at the yard, but did not go into the house,

* No pancakes - not Maslenitsa.

* On a forgiven day, like Easter, everyone kisses.
But while walking, "all the same, we must remember about the upcoming post."

There are some tips on this:

"Maslena is not given for a century",

"Feast and walk, baba, at Maslenitsa, but remember about fasting."

Shrovetide is preceded by weeks popularly called: solid, variegated, omnivorous.

Motley weeks are called last weeks before the posts; they follow the weeks of omnivores. week goes by behind the solid.


"What is such a variegated Maslenitsa",

“If the omnivore is good weather then Shrovetide will be warm too ",

"What is the omnivorous weather, so is Maslenitsa",

"Rainy weather on Sunday before Maslenitsa - to the harvest of mushrooms",

"Thaw with frost for the forgiven day - for the harvest of mushrooms",

"What a red Maslenitsa day - such is this wheat in the spring."

On Maslenitsa days, people feasted on pancakes and other dishes. It was Russian pancakes that were the symbol of this holiday, which so resembled the red sun. Pancakes were baked with an endless variety: wheat, oat, buckwheat, unleavened and sour dough.

Here's how people used to say about pancakes:

* Damn not a wedge - the belly will not split.

* Aunt Barbara,
Mother sent me:
Give me pans and a frying pan,
Torments and greases.

* Water in the oven,
Wants the oven pancakes.

* Where are the pancakes, here we are.

* Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like wheels in spring.

On the last day of Maslenitsa, they celebrated her farewell.

On this day, in the morning, the children have a concern - to blind a snow woman, to sit in a sled, and to roll down an icy mountain.

Everyone knows that pancakes must be baked on Shrovetide. But today, few people associate a hearty holiday with its ancient sacred meaning. But if you remember this, it becomes clear that the week Maslenitsa festivities- a great time for rituals to attract love and well-being. Pancake week marks the farewell to winter and is celebrated widely and cheerfully.

Pancakes are the main delicacy of this wild week. They are like the sun and represent joy and prosperity. It is believed that the life of those who try pancakes at Shrovetide will definitely change for the better. I suggest adding even more magic to them!

It is now Shrovetide week falls on different numbers: on church calendar, it takes place before the beginning of Lent. But this is very ancient holiday familiar to the Slavs from pagan times. And long ago it was celebrated on a day vernal equinox, to which many peoples accounted for New Year... The essence of this holiday is renewal. The old, decrepit was dying, people celebrated a feast on it and welcomed the beginning of a new life cycle... It is no coincidence that the main dish on Maslenitsa is pancakes: it was this food of the Slavs that was memorial.

By the way, even in Christian times, it is customary to dedicate the first pancake baked for Shrovetide to the dead. It is relatively recently - in the 19th century - that the scientists of the so-called "mythological school" invented that a pancake was a symbol of the sun among the Slavic peoples. Nothing like this. Pancakes were treated at the commemoration. In the case of Cheese Week, the commemoration was celebrated over a dying year.

It was also customary to refer to the patronage and protection of ancestors - after all, they were already in the Kingdom of the Dead, where the past went. And the birth of a new year, the beginning of a new spring meant renewal of the fertile cycle of mother earth.

Our ancestors also associated human fertility with the fertility of the land, so on Maslenitsa there were bridesmaids, conspiracies, joint festivities of guys and girls. And family people honored relatives in every possible way: mother-in-law - sons-in-law and matchmakers, daughters-in-law - mother-in-law with father-in-law and sister-in-law. Unmarried girls charmed love, luring the betrothed; kind hostesses performed rituals for prosperity and well-being, protection of the house from adversity.

We also offer you a little magic. Here are some simple rituals (both old and modern) for which Shrovetide week is a great time.

This mysterious and delicious Shrovetide

Happy a hundredfold.

In Maslenitsa week, be sure to treat your friends and relatives with pancakes of your own production. Since ancient times, it was believed that everyone who will be generous with pancakes this week will be bestowed by Spring with well-being and prosperity.

Charm read on Shrovetide

If you were exaggeratedly praised or envied, or maybe they said something bad, and you are a suspicious person, read this amulet on the eve of Shrovetide. He will protect you from possible negativity for the whole year.
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Theotokos Lady and you, four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian.
Save and keep me (name),
Protect the dashing from thought.
From the devil's mind,
From secret destruction
From the evil eye and the eye of the blind,
From the envious eye
Who hears and who does not hear
Who swears aloud and who writes denunciations,
Alatyr-stone lies in one place,
He does not hear, does not see, not a knock, not a sound,
Not afraid, not hiding from anyone.
So there would be no sound for me,
The knock and the word did not touch.
I did not stumble about any damage.
My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded.
Neither the first in the family, nor the last.
Key. Lock. Language.

Guardian from witches
On the first day of Shrovetide, a conspiracy was read that helped get rid of the effects of the evil witch's spell:
“You witches, branded devils,
when you count the stars in the sky and grains of sand in the sea,
then you can harm me
to my house and to my people. "
The conspiracy can be read right on the street, looking into the night sky. As always, three times.

Conspiracy of female attractiveness

Take a liter of milk, heat it, but not to boiling water, and dilute one hundred grams of honey. Pour the resulting mixture into the filled warm water bath. Add a few drops lavender oil... Then stir the water in the bathroom with your hand - three times counterclockwise. While taking a bath, focus on your feelings: water anointed with milk, honey and lavender caresses your body, your skin becomes soft and silky, you are filled with the energy of feminine irresistibility, attractiveness, self-confidence. After lying down for about 10 minutes, dry your body with a fresh white towel, preferably a linen towel.

The ritual can be repeated after Maslenitsa - once a month, on a full moon.

A conspiracy for wealth in the house

This conspiracy will provide you with a well-fed life, and will provide a comfortable life.
On Butter Week, when you bake pancakes, say this:

A red girl came out, at an early dawn, at a red dawn, she unraveled her long braids, combed her long hair. The wheel was spun, spun, flour was kneaded, kneaded, they said such words. Clear sun, shine, bring us spring, there will be no hunger, no fire, no pestilence, no dashing thief. I, the servant of God (name), heard those words, repeated those words, strengthened them in my heart. May it be so. Amen, amen, amen.

You need to feed all your household with charmed pancakes. And break one into four parts, put on a plate and leave on the table. A plate of this pancake should be on the table for the entire Butter Week.

This mysterious and delicious Shrovetide

Home purchase conspiracy

In the morning, before leaving the house, eat a spoonful of acacia honey and say: “As a tree reaches for the sun, as bees reach for honey, so, money, reach for me, but stay with me. A bee builds a hive - I will build a house. Bee- honey, me, (name),- money ".

Money pancakes

When you put the dough on pancakes, throw a large denomination into it (for example, for Russia it will be 10 rubles) and say: “Money dough for money pancakes. Whoever eats a pancake gets a lot of money. " After you bake pancakes, be sure to try at least one "hot-hot". Spend a coin within 24 hours.

Pancakes that attract love

The next ritual is best performed on the second day of Shrovetide. It is on Tuesday that there will be love pancakes are very effective. They are also done independently. Start the dough in any way, and when you fry, say: "I bake pancakes, I attract love." Such pancakes must be eaten with a sweet filling, and then your love will be sweet too.

Conspiracy to Fulfill Desires done on Sunday for Shrovetide
Before bed, read the following conspiracy:
“Shine, a clear star in the sky,
to the joy of the baptized world,
light up with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox
You look, star, into the house of the servant of God (name).
You, bright star, sanctify my house with unquenchable fire.
Hear my desire (say your desire). Amen."
Cross yourself, bow down.

Cleansing ritual

Made on Sunday for Shrovetide. This ritual is done to return happiness, to correct karma. It is not necessary for a healer to perform this rite, it can take on the patient's karma. It is better when everyone makes it to themselves.
Take the paper and write down what worries you the most: bad deeds, illnesses, attitudes towards the world and people ... In a word, what you would like to get rid of. Roll the sheet into a tube and cut into 3 equal parts.

Prepare protective circles of Thursday salt and holy water (30 cm apart).
In front of the circle of salt you read "Our Father", then you cross this circle and stand in front of the circle of holy water.
You read the prayers "Virgin Mary, Rejoice" and "Guardian Angel" and cross the water circle.
There should be 4 lighted candles in front of you in the last circle. Read Psalm 90 and take turns burning 3 parts of the leaf, when they burn, say "Hallelujah!" 40 times.
Then - the obligatory observance of a 3-day fast and a visit to the church, where you have to put 12 candles to any icons in one parish.

Money conspiracy during the burning of a stuffed carnival

I advise you by all means to go to the celebration when the effigy of Maslenitsa will be burned. As they begin to burn Shrovetide, stand closer to the fire so that the sweat breaks through you, and wipe your face from the sweat with a handkerchief. At the same time, say the following words to yourself:

Run seven sweats from me, go away hunger-cold, fire, rise, spring, conceive. What burns, that will not be, but I walk in gold. Amen.

Shrovetide is a holiday that symbolizes the departure of winter and the beginning of spring. The custom of saying goodbye to winter was left to us by our pagan ancestors. The festivities last a whole week, always starting on Monday. Shrovetide conspiracies are special magic power... With their help, you can attract various benefits into your life, get rid of bad habits and cleanse your home of negativity.

The beginning of the festivities

The first day of Shrovetide week is popularly called “meeting”. It is believed that it is on this day that winter meets spring. In the evening, on the eve of the holiday, as soon as the first asterisk appears in the sky, the oldest representative of the fair sex in the house should go to the pond or krynitsa and ask for a month to blow on the dough:

"Look out the window for a month, show your golden horns, blow on the dough."

You can't eat the first pancake on Monday. It should be taken out on the porch and laid as a delicacy for dead souls. When putting a pancake on the porch, you need to say:

“Relatives from the other world, we are waiting for your greetings, here we have left the first pancake for you.”

On the first day of Shrove Tuesday, it is customary for the newlyweds to travel around the village in beautiful, carved sleighs and visit everyone who was at their wedding festivities. Also on Monday they made a straw effigy, clothed it in women's clothing and sledged all over the settlement. A conspiracy read on the first Monday after the oil week will help to double your cash receipts, you should come to the place where the largest festivities and find some money there.

Having picked up a coin, read the conspiracy:

“(His name) did not walk on the ground for a long time, he found the money. As I went to them, so let them now go into my hands by themselves. How many people were here for Shrovetide, so much may I have money. "

On Monday, we read Shrovetide conspiracies that protect against the witch's evil eye:

"A witch, a witch, a branded devil, how not to drink all the water from the reservoirs of the world, how not to gnaw all the trees on the ground, you cannot ruin my life, damage my house and harm my relatives."

The ritual can be performed outdoors, looking up at the starry sky.

Fortune telling

Tuesday is popularly called "flirting". On this day, the future husband was chosen over pancakes. According to the preferences of gourmets, it was possible to find out what the character of a man is and decide whether to associate his life with him:

  • prefers real pancakes with caviar strong man, who has a harmony in the household and his children-wife are always dressed like candy;
  • pancakes with red fish are preferred by an intelligent guy, they did not appreciate such people in Russia, because they are not accustomed to living in the village, they have only higher goals yes spiritual world on the mind, but they are not accustomed to earthly affairs;
  • pancakes with cottage cheese are loved by flexible, gentle men who need a woman commander nearby so that they can unquestioningly carry out her commands;
  • people who try to please everyone like pancakes with sour cream, they always agree with everyone, do not have their own opinion;
  • butter pancakes put tender, gentle men, ideal in relationships, but not in household chores, because besides talking about their love, they can do nothing more;
  • pancakes with eggs can only be eaten the most unpleasant person, in a simple bore, he performs all duties only on a knurled basis, but he is not enough for more, he always grumbles, not cheerful;
  • loving guys love pancakes with jam, such a man will have time to do everything at home, to provide for his family, and to run to his neighbor to the left.

How to remove negativity

A cleansing ritual with a Shrovetide conspiracy was held on Monday. For the ceremony, you need to collect clean snow in a large basin. The basin, along with the snow, should be brought into the house and wiped off completely from head to toe, rubbing carefully. During this procedure, conspiracies should be read all the time:

“Come out, pour out all corruption and malice from my body. Let the icy snow flow down with water and wash away all slander and other people's evil slander. All angels and archangels drive away corruption from me. Amen".

From what remains in the basin, a snow man should be fashioned. Draw his eyes, mouth and nose. Next, you need to write your name backwards on the snowman and read this conspiracy 33 times:

“Whoever caused the damage, took it back, but could not return it. I never do anything bad to anyone and do not wish, and the one who does not live according to honor, let him himself receive retribution for his evil. "

When the snowman melts, the water should be poured out at the intersection, away from your house, on the same evening, do not leave the used liquid in the house overnight.

How to protect yourself from envious people

An envious person is a deeply unhappy person who cannot find his place in life, therefore he envies every little thing. Negative energy they are poured out on everyone around, often from such a flow one can suffer greatly. When a person is envied, he starts to get sick, fails after failure. To protect themselves from such influences, a special spell is read on the last day of Shrovetide.

“Higher powers, I hope for your favor, I ask for protection. As I will walk along the path, neither envious nor enemies will meet me on the way. On the narrow path I will only meet friends, I welcome them to my home. All my paths are clean, there are no pebbles on them, no swampy swamps, no deep holes. "

For greater efficiency, you should cast the spell three times.

How to lure money into the house

To perform the ritual, you will need snow collected from the intersection. For snow, you need to put a golden penny at the crossroads to pay off. At home, light a green lamp and start casting a spell over the snow.

“As the snow melted in the field, the water increased in the river. As I (name) went along the path, wherever I went, they can't give me a refusal anywhere, they offer work everywhere. I will choose a business to my liking, but it’s profitable but okay I’ll cope with it ”.

As the snow melts, you need to wash your face with water and pour the rest of the liquid through the window onto the street.

A spell to instruct the walking husband on the true path

The ritual is held on the last day of the oil week. If your husband walks on other women or looks at other people's skirts, read this spell over the pancake dough:

“As I ate pancakes, but went out the door, I could not step back. The green longing for home and his wife immediately overpowered him. As he looks at others, so let him now only look at the lawful spouse, he does not know life without her, but does not turn his head around. "

Pancakes need to be made from the charmed dough. Make tea for the pancakes, or even better, put your beloved alcoholic beverage, on which you should also, in advance, read the conspiracy:

“As I tasted the drink, I noticed my wife again. Now others will not be seen everywhere, only I have sunk into my heart and soul forever, so I stayed there, that's all free place I got my hands on it. "

Dryer for husband

With the beginning Maslenitsa week they start making pancakes every day. So on the second day of the festivities, the first pancake should be eaten by itself, the second should be fed to the birds, and on the third, read the hex:

“As melancholy walked, tossed about, so I got into a pancake in this one. Whoever eats it now will dry up for me (name). "

This pancake must be eaten by your husband. The very next day you will notice how his behavior and attitude towards you will change. With this ritual, you can revive old passion or return the feelings of a husband who was about to leave.

Protective spells

From our ancestors, many signs and conspiracies have come to us, which correspond to the days of the celebration of the carnival. Magic these days is very strong, it is a sin not to use it for the good of the family. Some of them are successfully used in modern life.

  1. On Monday, they make a talisman for prosperity and satiety: under the pan in which the dough is kneaded for pancakes, you should fold a handful of coins and read the corresponding plot, after which the coins should be hidden and kept in the house until the next butter dish.
  2. On the second day, conspiracies are read that will help ward off death and illness from the house. At night, it is customary to put a treat to the housekeeper and ask him for protection and help.
  3. On the third day, you need to hang a broom at the doorstep and read the following words: "Do not let witchcraft into the house, drive away witches from the doorway."
  4. On Thursday they read a conspiracy for peace and harmony in the family. In a jug of milk, you should put as many grains of wheat as there are people in your family and say: "just as the grains in the jug do not crowd and push, so peace in my family is peace".
  5. On Friday, you should put a talisman against fires and thieves. On a piece of white paper you need to write a conspiracy: “The light walls in my house cannot be burned with fire, evil people they will bypass us, the angels will not give us offense. "