How to use female energy. Women's energy is a force that will save the world. Use spiritual readings, gratitude, prayer

According to Vedas for full-fledged lifeThe girl should study and apply the principles of femininity. Study of the principles can with a clear difference between the nature of the man and the nature of the woman.

The game according to the rules of civilization forces the modern woman to acquire the qualities that are originally characteristic of genetics and in thin nature. Men's and women's strength are distinguished by almost everyone: a hormonal system, a system of thinking and a subtle psyche device in women and men are completely different. The ancient wise men knew about it.

Each woman is able to reveal the originally embedded nature in it, however, for this you need to rebuild many people brought up in society, which is not always easy. But the result will hit you, because after the efforts made to live much easier.

The basic principle of female happiness

Vedic knowledge is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bprotecting women from both Socyum and himself. This means that a man who chooses a woman should provide her financial, social and emotional protection. Consider them in more detail:

  • Financial security for a woman means that the miner in the family is a husband. The wife is not obliged to work and materially provide a family. Its responsibilities include the budget distribution for the benefit of the whole family. That is, a woman must distribute earned male money so that all family members have everything you need, and so that the family and husband can accumulate financial strength and family capital.
  • Social security means that the woman fully relies and entries like a man, thanks to which everyone else social factors No more influence on it. No one can offend her and harm, because she is protected.
  • Emotional security means that the woman is under the care of her husband and it provides her emotional stability, eliminating unnecessary negative experiences and impressions.

These principles put a woman in the absolute protection of a man, which is based on the fact that the woman is walking through her husband, and not ahead of him and not next to him. A man, like a strong link and the head of the family, assumes all social burden, a woman can remain light and immediately in a circle of his responsibility. She can become a custodian of the hearth and mother for his children.

Practical application of the basic principle

When you read many Vedic recommendations, it seems that only a man can change the situation. After all, it is he who must voluntarily take responsibility, to show power and protect the woman from everything. However, it is worth considering that a modern lifestyle produces quality in a woman from which it is difficult for her to refuse.

The tricky and wise woman is also able to change the situation in the family, starting to consciously recognize a leading role for a man:

  • Financial security is achieved when a woman voluntarily conveys a man the right to earn and ensure family. At the same time, it is important to trust a man and support it is not just in the development of income, but in the development of his own affairs and projects. The income will increase naturally if a man is improved in those affairs who are fascinated and which he wants to do.
  • Social security is achieved when a woman considers his man a major person in his life and it is to rest in his opinions and matters. In this case, it is impossible to pressure on the part of the chief, parents, girlfriends and any other social contactsbecause the woman relies on the opinion of his man and is protected by his dominant position in the family. For example, the boss threatens dismissal, and the woman is already initially protected, because for her the husband is more important, the work there is another. Or parents say complaints, and a woman knows that her husband is all suitable and says: "Mom, I will not listen to it, my husband suits everything." A woman who truly respects her man is invulnerable.
  • Emotional security is achieved from great love and respect. When a woman trusts a man so as not to worry and just help him when a woman loves a man so much to dissolve all his negative mood in this love, then she gets a very deep and unshakable peace. This peace gives her deep and incommable happiness.

Love for his man, respect for him, the refusal to control the actions and decisions of the husband, injury, trust and resolving themselves in the life path and are the main principles that reveal femininity and natural strength. These qualities need to exercise constantly, and in the exercises it is important to remember that for a woman to develop them in modern conditions is a real feat.

Why is it so often not working?

It often happens that the wives are trying to respect her husband and recognize his departments in the family, but this happens with a subconscious claim, initially calculation. That is, the woman feels like this: "You're a man, you are the main, let's defend me, let's earn money, make me so that I don't need anything, to ensure me themes and that."

Such a set will not give good effectBecause it is a manifestation of male qualities in a more hidden form. Only sincere work on themselves, sincere confidence is able to lead to a full-fledged result.

Indirect methods for the development of femininity

There are a number of ways that can support the increase in female energy so that the girl is easier for the development of the main women's qualities.

Origins of natural power

At the heart of Vedic, realizing the harmonious combination of life and activities of a woman with natural cycles:

  • Sleep. Go to bed at 8-10 pm, and get up in 4-6 in the morning. A similar schedule strengthens the hormonal system of a woman and maintains its activity. If it becomes difficult in the afternoon, you can lie for half an hour.
  • Food. Food should be easy: vegetables, fruits, dairy products and a variety of spices are useful women's Organism. In the morning it is important to drink a glass of warm milk and eat sweet. After 12 hours it is better to take more serious food. The reception of sweet in the morning well supports mental health, and in the evenings - destroys.
  • Separate products. Inclusion in the diet separate products Strengthens female energy. These include: grapes, strawberries, saffron, foiled oil and milk. Honey is very useful, it is important to eat gradually every day.

For a woman, it is important to feel your own organism and live in its inner rhythms. These rhythms are easier to understand with regular communications with nature. For proper disclosure of femininity, it is important to carry out as much time as possible in collaboration with alive. From the practitioners that reveal the energy of a woman, almost best to do in nature:

  • Walking with children and play with them to the game. Communication with children naturally reveals female qualities, motherhood and love.
  • Exercise. For proper support hormonal system It is important to engage in light physical exertion. Exercises are excellent, combining statics and stretching (yoga, Taiji).
  • Dancing in nature. Well sometimes allow yourself to relax and dance as your body feels. The felt of nature reveals a natural connection with it, and the dances reveal the cordiality and flexibility. You can individually do the eastern or any other type of dance and then fulfill them with your man. Dancing, which are available only to her husband and do not hesitate to show, support manhood and power in it.
  • Fantasize and meditate. All you have gathered in my head can then draw, draw up in beautiful story Or express in any other form of creativity.
Development of inner art

For a woman, it is important to engage in creativity and learn to artfully express yourself. The platform for creative self-expression can be anything, even a set of daily affairs: cooking, cleaning, selection of clothing, conversations proper mood Turn to the site for self-expression. It is important to see the ability to create in everything: it supports the maiden's psyche and makes a woman attractive for a man.

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In the energy plan, a woman must act as a battery, that is, do energy reserves. Confirmation of this fact can be found in the ancient Scriptures, sayings, exercises different cultures. Energy reserves accumulated by a woman are sent to the improvement of the surrounding world. But directly these improvements should make a man. The task of a woman is to provide it with the necessary energy for this.

From the very beginning of the world, women were a source of inspiration for men, the cause, due to which the great conquests of the discovery were made, cities, temples, etc. Women were gifted by the ability to accumulate energy and give it to a man. And modern young ladies need to develop and strengthen this gift.

In order to figure out what female energy is, and how to manage it, you need to consider several aspects:

  • What kind of energy is needed?
  • Why do you need to accumulate energy?
  • How to accumulate energy?

In this article, we offer you 85 ways to develop and stimulate female energy. All of them are quite accessible and easy. In this list, every woman can find those methods that the best way They are suitable for her.

The body is a compartment of perfume. It is quite difficult to enjoy the development of the spiritual component, if at the physical level we are discomfort and inconvenience. Therefore, the first block of the most effective ways of accumulation of female energy consists of techniques aimed at achieving physical harmony.

  • Health

You have nothing to hurt! First of all, you need to treat all the sores that you have managed to get to your age. Come on doctors, go through all the necessary analyzes, find out what you need to treat and do it. Do not forget about the treatment of gums! Weak bleeding gums take your energy every day.

  • Massage

Everyone knows about the benefits of massage. These methods of impact on the body make it possible to effectively deal with the most different illnesses. But most people know far from all positive properties massage. It is greatly beneficial to achieving harmony between body and soul. Relaxing and healing body with a massage, you bring yourself to a condition of peace, internal balance. Therefore, after a good massage, you feel calm, pleasant relaxation.

At the heart of any massage lies touch. BUT tactile sensations Extremely important for women. Massage allows you to overclock the stagnant energy in the body, send it to the right direction, get rid of stress voltage, and just enjoy. As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to regularly attend massage sessions. Believe me if this technique becomes an integral part of your life, it is already very soon you will feel improvements not only in terms of health and well-being, but also felt unusual calm, balance, softness.

  • Hairstyle

Hair is an important component of female beauty. Well-groomed and attractive mace is considered a female lot. Therefore, you need to give special attention It is hair. To ensure high-quality care, it is not necessary to attend expensive salons, it is quite possible to care for hair. Every time you wash your head, make a mask or laying, your female energy rises. After all, there is no wonder that life force has been imprisoned in the hair. To the beautiful floor, this statement belongs directly. Assessing the condition of the hair, it can be concluded about psychological and physical condition women. Black and porched hair talk about a lack of rest, overvoltage. And well-kept brilliant curls show that you are confident, feel yourself in our place.

Therefore, do not forget to wash the hair regularly, make masks, daily to leave, visit the hairdresser to remove sequencing tips, etc. Sometimes to raise yourself mood and feel better enough, just wash your head and do beautiful stacking. Imagine what changes to your life will bring more careful regular hair care!

  • Manicure

Manicure for a woman is not a trifle at all. Sometimes the young lady does not begin to communicate with the man you like only because she has no manicure. Indeed, how to file a man's hand, substitute your fingers for a kiss, if the lacquer on the nails has shuffled, the dirt can be seen under the nails, and the skin of the hands is dry and cracked? Hands of hands are extremely important for a woman. After all, no wonder wedding ring Wearing on the finger. Pens complement female beauty. And they should look so that you can be proud of them.

But do not forget that beautiful manicure is not kilometer artificial nails, and just well-groomed and neat marigolds. For weekdays It is quite possible to limit the traditional French-style manicure. It is also important to provide daily care of the leather: use the creams in the afternoon and before bedtime, do special masks, wear gloves while washing dishes, cleaning and washing.

  • Aromatic bath

Bath is another way to get bodily pleasure. What could be better than a warm bath with fragrant oils, water bombs, rose petals, herbs? Taking the bath is aimed at maximum relaxation. Therefore, the time for this ritual must be chosen carefully. It should be much enough so that you can cook water without a rush and with pleasure to lie down in it as much as it wanted. It is also important to create a relaxing atmosphere. Take care that no one distract you from your classes. Close the door to the bathroom, turn off the outside world. Let only pleasant feelings be left with you. After such a bath you will feel the inner fullness of positive. This is due to the fact that, together with water from the female body, negative impressions and feelings come out, and their place is occupied by pure female energy.

  • Pedicure

W. real lady In perfect order, not only handles, but also legs should be. This part of the body needs even more close attention than hands, because every day our feet is a huge load. Therefore, it would be nice every night to make a simple footbath with a sea salt. This procedure will take fatigue. You can also use various special scrubs and leg creams to make the skin in this area soft, gentle, smooth.

Pedicure is not only the requirement of hygiene and care, but also a pleasure, and the way to raise yourself the mood and feel own beauty. You get up in the morning from bed, lower your eyes down, and there are your well-kept legs with an interesting pedicure. And the mood rises!

  • Makeup

Makeup is something without any modern woman. Most ladies are painted daily to go to work beautiful and confident. But women who do not go to work often cease to use cosmetics daily. And the ritual of the morning applying makeup and turning into beauty falls out of their life. As a result, they see the same dull reflection in the mirror every day. Such a state of things you want to drive into depression. And the output is very simple: it is enough to get up in the mornings and put yourself in order, regardless of whether you need to go to work or not. It is necessary to do it in mandatory, even if you do not want at all. When you see the results of our own work, your mood will immediately improve. Having put in order, creating beauty, the woman fills himself with positive, her female energy increases.

Pay attention to the next paradox: modern women are ready to spend two hours in front of the mirror if they have to get out of the house, for example, to work or just for a walk. But if the lady sits at home alone or, for example, it is waiting for her husband from work, then she will most likely do the makeup. That is, try to other women are always ready, but for yourself and for the very close men - not. But after all, the goal of makeup is not to deceive other people, but to like themselves, emphasize their beauty and feel confidence from it. Therefore, the first place where your beauty is required is yours. own house. And the first person for whom it is worth staying beautiful is you yourself. In second place - your husband who should see that your beauty does not go anywhere.

  • Yoga

Yoga is just a kind of physical activity. This is a lifestyle based on a positive worldview, which is achieved through meditation.

For a woman yoga - one of the most successful types of physical activity. But it is necessary to perceive it holistically, and not just as a set of Asan. Women's energy has a colossal potential that can be revealed with yoga. And best of all, a female mentor from the profile center of studying yoga will help in this matter. Such a teacher who has already mastered the yogan techniques for managing women's energy will be able to reveal your secret Power And he will teach how to cope with them.

  • Dancing

Dancing for women is no less useful than yoga. If you prefer to move in a rapid pace, you will certainly do to dance. They will provide not only the harmonious development of muscles, but also make your body flexible, elastic, manageable. Eastern dances are especially useful for women, as the beauty of the female body is revealed as much as possible, and this type of dancing contributes to the intensification of the work of the small pelvis organs. However, any other types of dances are quite acceptable. Choose the appearance that you like and enjoy. Your female energy will increase. Your body will work, and the psyche is to relax.

Important note: Many women believe that dancing is the lot of young. But this huge mistake! Woman can do dancing at any age. Even if you preferred all my life to stand on the sidelines, it's never too late to start comprehending the secrets of choreography. Moreover, in the mature age, the benefits of dancing can be even higher, as well as the awareness of the influence of this classes not only on the body, but also on the soul. If you are having to go to the dance studio, but dancing at home in your pleasure. This will allow you to open the body features before, as well as reveal your own soul.

  • Perfume

The smell is one of the main senses of man. Therefore, the stock of a woman is extremely important. It should be a special, inspiring, reflecting the essence of one or another person. First of all, the fragrance should like his carrier herself. Therefore, you need to choose perfume solely on your own taste. You will feel when you find your fragrance. It may be products of fashionable perfumes or simply aromatic natural oils. It is noticed that on different bodies the same fragrance sounds quite different. This suggests that the smell reflects the characteristics of the person himself. Sometimes he tells us about a person more than his appearance, words, behavior. For a man, the smell of his beloved woman is unique. Children will never forget the smell of the mother. The aroma emanating from the body is one of the factors under the influence of which people make a decision on further communicating with a person.

  • Walk

The ancient sciences about human relations suggest that joint walks contribute to strengthening contact. After all, even in marriage traditions, newlyweds must make the way to the altar together.

But besides walking in the company pleasant people, do not forget sometimes take a walk alone. After all, if you do not feel comfortable alone with you, then you can hardly be a good companion for someone else. Therefore, we regularly join the lonely min-travel to distract from everyday life, to reach deep reflections. And you can, on the contrary, throw out all thoughts out of my head and just enjoy good weather, look at passersby, enjoy admiring views. It is important that such walks do not have a certain goal. No need to try to combine useful and enjoyable. If you go for a walk, then it should be your goal, and not a trip to the store.

  • Sport

Sport today is in fashion, but it is not easy to find time on it. The modern pace of life makes us run in a circle between work and house. And female energy suffers very much from such a schedule. As a result of internal imbalance, unpleasant signs are noticeable and at the physical level. Female body without sufficient physical activity It becomes a flabby, loses elasticity and attractiveness, extra kilograms appear. These imperfections are further inhibited by the energy of a woman, because she can no longer feel beautiful. Therefore, always, in all circumstances it is necessary to maintain the body in the tone. It's not just the most a pleasant way It is also possible to reflect on your figure, but also will help preserve the vigor of the spirit, self-confidence, energy for new achievements.

Each woman can choose among a variety of load types. It can be calm and pacifying yoga or pilates, active running, bicycle ridesSwimming. Sport is a great way to cope with life difficulties. Have you gotten an unresolved question? Mood at zero? Problems on the personal front? Go to a run or training in the hall. This will help you to clean the consciousness so that you can generate a new effective idea.

  • Dresses

Women's energy directly depends on how a woman looks like. Sure, beautiful face And the body play an important role, but without the appropriate outfit, they do not occur due effect. Therefore, a woman should not have a shortage of beautiful clothes. Buying a new outfit immediately raises the level of female energy, especially if this purchase was not forced. When a woman buys that she herself likes himself, it becomes happier and she becomes, and everyone who surrounds her.

This applies not only to the outfits "on the output." In everyday home atmosphere It is equally important to keep your own beauty and attractiveness. Usually women protect beautiful things in order to go to them at meetings with friends, for holidays, etc. And old ribbon things are used as home clothing, which have long lost their appearance. But after all, we spend most of the time. Therefore, it is in the home atmosphere that it is important to look at 100%. Buy beautiful new home clothes and yours family life will be happier.

  • spring-cleaning

Signs of energy stagnation are apathy, the lack of desire to move forward, to do something. Even familiar things require tremendous effort. If you are in such a state, then it's time to make general cleaning. Ripples of things create grooves of memories, and they climb your psyche. Therefore, start getting rid of things that you have not used for a long time, and you will be surprised how much it will increase your mood.

Storage of unnecessary things negatively affects the psyche. Imagine, you open the cabinet, it is filled to failure, but among things there is nothing that you would like to wear. All the dresses are old and remind of something bad. But to throw them out so sorry! As a result, the cabinet remains filled, we have nothing to wear, but new things remain not purchased. Female energy in such a situation is oppressed.

Old things send your life day by day, do not allow a new and pleasant to enter it. So go back garbage bags And disassemble all the grooves that prevent you from breathing with full breasts and enjoy life. You can not imagine how much energy you will free up from these dawn. New opportunities will appear in front of you, and life will be filled with something new.

  • Healthy life

Habits determine human. Drinking alcohol, smoking, dirty speech - all this significantly affects the mood of a woman. First, she may experience a certain rise, but, after a very a short time, this rise is replaced by sadness, longing, bad thoughts. If you start changing your life for the better since myself, I will very soon realize that it does not need stimulants for happiness. Eat healthy I. useful food, give up cigarettes and alcohol, try to speak politely and beautiful, and think about pleasant things.

  • Proper food

You are what you eat. But in addition to the form of food, it is also important to its quantity, time and method of use. The person is penetrated by the character of the products that consumes. We eat meat - challenging the spirit of violence, fast food - passion, vegetables and fruits - love, joy, peace, harmony with nature.

Power is reflected in physical condition. Unhealthy food Promotes a set excess weight, And this leads to the fact that women's energy weakens. Therefore, you need to observe simple rulesTo eat correctly and avoid negative consequences. Refuse late dinners, eat as much as you want, learn to do small portions, put love to dishes that prepare. Perceive the food absorption process as a sacred act, and not just a physiological effect.

  • Special Body Procedures

SPA salons offer a wide range of services today. Going into such a salon, you can easily find a lot of sentences that will help you relax and become more beautiful. But such services are not noone. However, this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of taking care for own body. Once a month, every woman can afford to turn his own home to the best spa. You can enjoy the procedures alone or invite a girlfriend. It is enough to buy masks, scrubs, body creams and faces, create a suitable atmosphere and plunge into the world of care. You can use home recipes for making cosmetics. For example, a scrub can be made from coffee Ground, wrapping to spend with honey, add milk in the bath, etc.

For a similar event, relaxing calm music is suitable, the most meditative is best. Tune in to rest, penetrate this sensation. Modern women are difficult to relax completely, but it is necessary that women's energy is restored.

  • Well-groomed face

The face is the first thing that many people pay. Therefore, most women pay out enough time to face care. But it usually comes down to a standard set: washing and applying cream in the morning and in the evening. For working ladies, even these simple manipulations sometimes lack strength. Meanwhile, facial care is extremely important not only in relation to the preservation of youth and beauty, but also in terms of restoration female energy. When you care for something, you start to love it. therefore the best way Love yourself - secure myself. And it is worth it from the face, because we are most often visible in the mirror. Add K. daily care Masks twice a week, scribing, pilling. Thanks to these pleasant procedures, you will look canceled, and feel the same.

  • Visit sauna or bath

Such an event is better planning with the company. Collect girlfriends and go to the sauna to spend a couple of hours with body benefit and soul. Take with you cosmetics and go to a good mood. In the process you will not only take care of yourself, but also exchange female energy. A visit to the sauna by the company of several people will not cost too expensive, since the cost can be divided equally between all participants.

A steam room, a swimming pool, masks, scrubs, delicious tea - all this will certainly raise your mood and provide a charge for a few weeks.

The following methods of increasing female energy are associated with communication, because women perceive the world not only through their own personality, but also through contacts with others. In the process of communication, a fair sex is transmitted to their own energy and are filled with energy emanating from other people. Therefore, certain rules in this business must be observed in order not to give too much and not to get what you do not need.

  • Like-minded people

People who share our views on life are needed to everyone, and women - especially. Communication with such people is necessarily for each lady. But it is important not only the presence of this communication, but also its quality. It is sincerely sharing my feelings and thoughts you only need with those who will understand you and will support. Communicate at such a level with random people is a big mistake. From this, your female energy will only suffer. But if you find a response in the soul of the interlocutor, understanding, then your spiritual world It will encine, expand.

In the process of communicating with like-minded people, try to tell not only about the bad, but mostly about good. Think what happened to you, Light, and tell about it. Share joy, and it will become more. Refuse explicit negative, such as gossip, condemn other people, talk about nightmares of our time. Let your communication be inspiring. Share positive experience, tell about love. Thus, you will increase not only your own positive energy reserves, but also allow the interlocutor to fill in good and light.

  • Women

It is not worth sharing all the experiences with strong sex. In some situations, a man will be able to give you a good advice, but you will not get so much energy from it as you can get from a woman if you share your feelings with her. The main thing is to be confident that you want to listen, seek to understand and support.

Special benefits are distinguished by communicating with married prosperous women. After all, from them you can adopt the invaluable experience of female happiness, wisdom, love and experience.

  • Long conversations.
  • Easy to communicate

The mind and intellect - the lot of men. Let it sound rudely, but a woman should not demonstrate his intellect. This kind of development gives us from our nature. The trump card is a feeling, not a mind. The ability to understand complex things, to understand the technique and science do not paint a woman, but eclipses her essence. The weak floor conquers men not by the strength of the mind. On the contrary, men face smart women and prefer not to notice them. After all, a man does not need a strong and intelligent woman, because it demonstrates the world's ability and willingness to solve any problem on their own.

Do not ruin a little girl. Immediately, the ability to be carefree, funny and cute - these are the qualities that men are so appreciated in women. Take for example a girl of five years old. And sometimes let it come out. Let others see that you are in harmony with our own nature.

  • Ask for help

Nothing increases the level of female energy, as situations in which they take care of her. But to create such a situation, most often about help has to be asked. Feel free to do it as often as possible. Remun the fear show your weakness. The power of a woman is in its weakness, use this advantage. So you facilitate life yourself and let a man staying next to you feel necessary.

The inability to ask for help is primarily with understated self-esteem. Many ladies think too much before turning to someone for support or service. As a result, they prefer to do everything on their own, and thereby deprive the surrounding opportunities to demonstrate care. Installation "I myself" harms you, and your man.

Start with a small one - ask your husband to help around the house, consult a thing about to convey heavy bags before the entrance, ask the head of the day off. Nothing terrible with you does not happen even if you get a failure. But it is unlikely, since the task of a woman is to guide a man, and his task is to help a woman.

  • Help yourself

Compassion and care are the main qualities of a woman. Natural emotionality helps us deeper to understand other people's problems. The representatives of the fine sex are able to empathize and must use this skill. Caring for others allows the woman to reveal its potential and implement it. A successful completion of the case, awareness of what you helped someone increases your self-esteem, gives self-confidence.

Do not miss the case to make a good deed. Help the poor, giving unnecessary things. Buy a neighbor-grandmother a little candy, fruit, bread. Help your colleague with its complex project. Nearly there are always people who need help. But in his desire to make it coming to others, do not forget to take care of yourself.

  • Compliments

Women love ears. This is an old capital truth. Women know how to make compliments better than men, because their communication is directed at the outside. The realities of modern life are such that often attention to other people is limited to condemnation of their actions, lifestyle, habit, etc. From the habit of condemning to refuse, and the best way to do it is to start noticing the good sides in others. Praise your neighbors, colleagues, make a compliment to a friend. Accent attention on the good sides of people will benefit you.

Despite the widespread view that women do not know how to be friends, fair sex representatives can have very powerful support to each other. One compliment is able to raise the mood for the whole day. Why don't you become a source of joy for other people? Noticed a new haircut of colleagues? Praise it. So you improve the relationship between you, will become a source of positive and increase your female energy. Don't copy good words, and broadcast them into the world. Do not forget to make compliments and yourself, and sincere and warm. Also learn to take praise from other people, thank you from all my heart and never argue with what they are talking about you.

  • Expression of love

Everything female practices On the filling of female energy, they say that a woman to fill in love must constantly express her. Let the wait feelings often. Candle and kiss your loved ones, talk about your love. After all, this beautiful feeling so little B. modern world. Let your favorite bathe in it every day. Hugs and kisses are always appropriate. They can serve as a consolation, praise, gratitude. No one will give up sincere manifestations of love.

Bringing back in the manifestations of love, people deprive themselves the opportunity to say close to what they need. Torch, life is unpredictable and short, so that people tairly warm feelings and did not allow them to break out. Do not forget to talk about love and parents. They will appreciate it above all others.

  • Send postcards

XXI century - age of electronics. Letters written by hand, postcards sent by mail today is a rarity. But it is these material confirmations of attention, care, love give the most powerful emotions. Imagine yourself so that you feel if you find a cute postcard in our own mailbox with pleasant wishes from close man? Surprise, interest, gratitude, attention, sincere love. Electronic surrogates of such things will never cause such a storm of emotions, because we all know how to just send something e-mail: A couple of clicks with the mouse, and the case is done and forgotten. But the handwritten signs of attention say that the person allocated time thought over the choice of postcards and on how to sign it, and then found the opportunity to lower it in the mailbox. Such efforts, taking into account the modern mad rhythm of life, stand the biggest and sincere thanks. Such a gift will remember for a long time, even if there was no reason without any reason.

  • Charity

This item is similar to those in which it was said about the importance to help others. Only in this case we are talking about those who clearly need help. If you are depressed, it means that your energy is exhausted. How to fill yourself with female energy? To provide someone very necessary hardware. There are so many people who are in a much smaller position than you. Make something for them that at least a little will improve their life. Such an act will give you a charge of cheerfulness, and depression will go away. Your life will be better if you do better life surrounding. So you will feel own significance And benefit, your existence will cease to be meaningless, focused only on what is right in front of the eyes.

  • Help psychologist

It is believed that married people Must share problems only with each other. But women and men are arranged in different ways. Representatives of the beautiful sex need to be spoken, just to understand own feelings, allocate the main thing. And men prefer to think about events and feelings about themselves, but to speak only about the most important thing. If you are every day you tell a man everything you feel, his brain will simply explode. All his life will turn into continuous listening. For a strong floor, such a state of affairs is a real catastrophe. But a good husband, of course, will be forced to put up with it. However, such communication will not make you closer and happier. Therefore, try to convey to the husband only what is really important. In order to speak out, attend a psychologist.

Visits to a psychological profile specialist are absolutely not suggested that you have some serious problems. It's just one way to remove the cargo of thoughts and feelings that breakwate the woman daily. Unfortunately, we are not customary to go to a psychologist regularly, although in advanced countries it is considered normal practice. Relationship is a heavy cargo, and there is nothing wrong with to resort to the help of a specially trained person to ease the lives and others. The trained person will help you figure out what you feel much better than just close people. Together with him you will resolve heavy situations Much more successful. If you are a believer, then instead of a psychologist you can talk with the priest. In such an environment, you can tell absolutely everything, without fear of consequences and is not afraid of being understood wrong. So you protect your energy from destruction and exhaustion.

As for the choice of a psychologist, it is best to give preference to a woman specialist. She will understand you better than a man. If you are frank with a man, it will resemble a replacement search.

  • Communication with mentor

Older people possess an important advantage - experience. Therefore, communication with them is invaluable. Woman older than you can give you advice, how to be in a particular situation. She will share with you own, more wise energy. Just choose a mentor with the mind. It should be a positive and bright person who will give you confidence in yourself and hope, and will not pull out all the juices.

  • Darite gifts

Gifts - holiday attribute. Therefore, every person can turn into the power every day close to the holiday. Give your beloved small souvenirs, flowers, pleasant little things. So you say "I think about you," "I love you." Such signs of attention are much more valuable than gifts that give renal dates. Do not restrain your gusts. If you feel that today is a great day for a gift, make it. Let it be a modest present. Give gifts - it means to give, but also fill yourself with clean, light energy. It is sometimes more important than getting gifts yourself.

Each woman lives at least an actress. And sometimes female essence hides the artist, director, musician. Opening his hidden talents, a woman enriches his own life, allows himself to breathe full of breasts, rejoice in their own achievements. Therefore, creativity is one of the best ways to fill in female energy.

  • Music

Women are musical in their nature. After all, it is more likely to meet a killer woman than a man. Mature and solid personalities prefer positive music that concerns the soul. These are meditative melodies, nature sounds, classic works. Sound perception strongly affects the psyche, so we can say that the internal condition of the person is reflected in what he listens, and also changes under the influence of music. Under the influence of a calm and tutorial for grace of music, you will find peace and a sense of equilibrium.

In addition to the impact on a person, music is able to change the atmosphere in the house. More often put the melodies used in spiritual practices, and you will notice that in your home it has become easier to breathe, he cleared of negative. Relaxing music is especially necessary modern womenbecause they often have complete relaxation problems. Also do not forget about such simple receptionlike singing. Sake - and your problems will be solved faster. Put in the shower, for cleaning and cooking, refract at work. Believe me, no one will look at you like a crazy. On the contrary, people will understand that you radiate positive, and will treat you with love and gratitude.

  • Meditation

This is the best way to relax. Not in the sense that today is often investing in this word. We are talking about relaxation at all levels - both physical and spiritual. Meditation cleans his head from extraneous thoughts, allows you to gain integrity in the world, torn by nurses, distract from the bustle and hassle. At first, it will seem for you that meditation does not give any fruits. But the more often you will practice, the better you will have to get. In the end, you will find the skill to quickly relax and let go of your mind. it the only way Save a healthy psyche in modern conditions, and this is especially important for women.

Start meditation simply. Turn on the relaxing melody, lie, try to relax the body as much as possible. And then proceed to relax the soul. After some time you will feel that your inner and external world came to balance.

With experience for you, the ability to customize meditation under certain purposes. For example, forgiveness, establishment of relations, disclosure of own potential, etc.

  • Singing

Sing love every woman. We all sometimes imagine themselves on a big stage as singer - idiot millions. Some ladies are complexed about their ability to sing. And limit themselves in self-expression in this way. Indeed, it is not enough to sing for others, but no one forbade to sing for ourselves! If you feel the need to express the feelings of the song, then do not hesitate, but please. It is necessary to save the internal balance. Singing directly affects the voice chakra, relaxes the muscles of the throat, normalizes breathing, has a positive effect on the state of the lungs. Those who regularly train in singing have a more pleasant and sonorous voice. And the voice is another woman's weapon and the way to influence others. Everyone knows about the expression "charming voice", many even met with the owners of such votes and can confirm that such people can say anything, and they will still listen and admire. Because it is often important not what we say, but how we are talking. Singing will allow you to master the art of charming by voting.

The first melody that the child hears, comes from a woman, his mother. This is a lullaby. Through it, tenderness, love, care, which is difficult to express simple words. No child says that his mother sang badly. For all these sounds - the most tender, most relatives. Sing - calling every woman. In order to sing beautifully, you just need to relax and allow your talents to be implemented. Therefore, women are advised to pay special attention to singing and develop this skill. If you are not sure about your abilities, contact professionals for help and take some singing lessons.

  • Shopping

Shopping is considered to be purely female entertainment. And indeed it is. Women go shopping not only to buy something. The atmosphere of the stores allows the ladies to relax, reveal their inner energy. Femininity is a special female energy that is revealed when it is engaged in purely female things. Beautiful showcases, attractive things, decorations, fittings - All this allows representatives of a beautiful sex to relax from everyday life, calm down, distract from worries. Treat your love for shopping as a medicine that you need to stay in shape. Allow yourself a weakness to go shopping as much as you want.

In the clothes manifests the character of a woman. This is one of the ways of self-expression. It is on clothes that look like passersby, so it seems to protect the body from negative, which can come from others. If a woman lives an active life, too many different energy labels accumulate on her clothes. Therefore, some things in time begin to call negative emotionsAlthough they are in good condition. The fact is that the woman gets tired of the thing, more precisely, from emotions, with her connected. Such things need to be replaced, because nothing good they will not bring their own owner. The wardrobe update must be regular. Try to please yourself at least one new job in a few months. Well, if you can afford frequent purchases, then let you have so much clothes as you want, and not how much you need. In the breaks between purchases, you can go shopping, just trying on the options you like and looking after things for the future.

  • Collecting flowers

Flowers - Female Energy Level Indicator. The presence of flowers in the house says that his mistress has sufficient number Women's energy, understands its importance. But if the flowers are in a deplorable state, it already indicates problems.

Simple breeding of indoor flowers, as well as gardening, give a woman much more than many think. First, in this way she learns to take care and responsibility. After all, the flowers need care, they need to regularly water, feed, trim, etc. Secondly, the woman gets used to give away itself. After all, the flowers are good just what they are. Thirdly, the breeding of flowers is contact with nature, and the closer the woman to nature, the healthier of her soul. Fourth, communication with plants, as well as work in the garden - one of the ways of meditation, care from reality. Such care is perfectly relaxed, allow you to switch attention, to forget about care, or think about them from the new side. Often after working with flowers, a woman feels that her internally changed that she had invested something in her green pets and received something from them.

  • Books

Today read paper books are not fashionable. Much more convenient to buy an e-book, download everything there, then you need, and wearing with you everywhere, having the opportunity to indulge in reading anywhere. This is truly convenient, practical and modern. But electronics does not provide any spiritual charge. E-books are a source of knowledge, not inspiration. Remember the atmosphere of the library: mysteriousness, silence, thrill, the feeling that now you will touch the mystery. The same feeling covers both the bookstore. The choice of the book turns into a choice of a friend, in which mental sensations play a big role. Therefore, hiking in the bookstore can also be attributed to one of the types of meditation. Being among the books, thundering among the shelves, you relax, solve the task that has no relation to your daily matters. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy something. It is just important to plunge into this special atmosphere. A little rest in the bookstore, and you will feel that your energy has been updated.

  • Reading

Reading opens unlimited worlds in front of a person, in which everything is possible. Women read more emotionally, they immerse themselves more in the plot, brighter empathize with the heroes, they deeper understand their feelings. But modern literature does not always charge positive, so you need to choose reading books very carefully and thoughtfully. Preferring to those options that can teach you something will give a new experience.

Detectives are forced to strain your mind, love novels Awaken sensuality and give rise to illusions about relationships. Most. the best choice In terms of reading for women are autobiographies and biographies of beautiful people. They are taught, and set up a positive way, and present lessons.

  • Photoshoot

Today, the art of photography is experiencing a rise. But some ladies are still afraid to be photographed, as they consider themselves butterfly. In fact, the problem lies in their underestimated self-esteem. And the photo session is an excellent way to cope with this problem. A professional photographer will always tell me how you better stand up, how to see the photo to be excellent. Therefore, do not be afraid and feel free to open in front of the camera. This is a great simulator that allows you to understand how to communicate with people, how to present yourself.

In addition, a photo session is a chance to realize your talent of actresses, because photosets are held in different images. As well as photos allow me to remember the most happy Days of your life. Therefore, be sure to find a good photographer, relax, be yourself and pose.

  • Travels

Traveling today is expensive. Such an installation deprives a person of one of the most striking pleasures in life - pleasures to get acquainted with new places. In order to make a journey, it is not necessary to fly to the edge of the Earth. Even a trip to the neighboring city will give you a lot of positive impressions, allow you to shake up, will give new food for reflection. Traveling over long distances is also quite real. Many people know the secrets of cheap travels. This is the purchase of burning tours, and independent organization Trips and warehouse tickets. All this allows you to save substantial amounts and make rest more budget, and therefore more frequent.

The most important thing in the journey is a change in the situation. Therefore, boldly go to conquer the neighboring cities at least for the weekend. Well, on trips to other countries will allow you to get acquainted with another culture and make something important and useful for you from her traditions. Catch any opportunity to get out of the house. Believe me, your life will drastically change as soon as it will become frequent travel. The life of a woman is unthinkable without fresh emotions and impressions. When you begin to receive them, you will become more successful at work, and at home.

  • Visiting holy places

On our planet there are special places, saints. Their visit is necessarily for every woman. Because the representatives of the fine floor can in full understanding to feel the presence of holiness. In such places, they are filled with the most pure and light energy that will feed them and surrounding a very long time. These include churches and temples, places of worship, mosque, monasteries, etc.

Pilgrimage is a special journey filled with sacred meaning. It allows you to clean the karma, find harmony, learn a lot new, get a charge of cleanliness. Many in the holy places comes a revelation about themselves. Being in such a place, turn off skepticism, turn on your inner resonators, and you are in full understanding the presence of something higher.

Of course, a large part of his life is devoted to the house and children. This is the most important and responsible sphere in which women's energy is fully manifested and is very an important component and the condition of harmony. To maintain it at a high level, follow the following advice:

  • Update the kitchen

Cooking - a sacred by a woman made daily. Everything that is connected with food allows representatives of a wonderful sex to give their energy and update it. After all, in women, nature laid nearby. And every young lady has a culinary talent, just not everyone can reveal it.

The modern industry allows each hostess to acquire everything that it is necessary for successful cooking. Make your kitchen comfortable and beautiful, then staying on it will turn into pleasure.

Get rid of the old dishes that have passed the inheritance. Away the shaded frying pan, to which everything sticks, cups with chips, kiguzy plates! Buy yourself modern technique For cooking, beautiful dishes, comfortable accessories. And you will immediately have a desire to use all these benefits of civilization for the benefit of your family. And cooking with pleasure cannot end badly.

  • Cooking

You need to cook with love. Cooking should not be a grave responsibility, it should be creative process. When doing this case, think about your loved ones, about what you want. Do not cook if you are not in the mood. In this case, it is better to go suck in a cafe.

Do not turn cooking in the routine. The monotonous set of dishes will soon be tired by all the homework, and you also. Therefore, use new recipes, mark the dishes that you get better than the rest, let them become your brand. Cooking with love is a simple way to feel like a real woman and fill out the stocks of female energy.

  • Indulge yourself with a favorite dish

In concerns about domestic, do not forget to indulge yourself with your favorite dishes. Sometimes you can afford to eat something, which really wants, even if such food does not go for the benefit of the figure. Pleasant emotions that you get from your favorite meal, charge you with energy and give strength in order to eliminate the consequences of such a balobiness.

If you are constantly strictly limiting yourself in food, then your mood will not be the best. A B. bad mood I do not want to do any affairs nor please lovely. Therefore, from time to time you need to allow yourself small weaknesses. Food pleasure will make your everyday life.

  • Cleanliness in the house

Women's nature is sharpened to clean. If a woman is in a dirty room, then its energy is depressing. Man, born, clean in every sense of this word. But with age, his body is clogged, and his spirit. But we all should strive to preserve the original purity. And this task is solved by a woman. It was she who, by fulfilling the role of the custodian of the focus, leads at home in order, creates purity in it. In the process of cleaning, feminine energy is restored. This banal process also allows you to distract from unpleasant thoughts, as well as imbued with a feeling of self-need.

Many women, especially those who have small children, are not paying cleaning much. Of course, maintain perfect order In the house where there are small leisurers, is extremely difficult, but this does not mean to come to terms with a constant Bardaka. If you do not cope on your own, divide the duties on the house with your husband, hide the assistant, ask for the help of relatives. Do not forget that the house is a reflection of your soul. According to his state, they are judged primarily about the hostess. When a woman lives in disorder, it means that there is no order in her inner world.

Cleaning is not just a solution to certain tasks for guidance. Believe it as a way to create a comfort, please the husband, distract from unpleasant reflections.

The approach of men and women in the house radically varies. A lonely man can be comfortable and in naked walls, but a woman will certainly need to fill the space with comfort to turn into a house. She clings the nest, and not just exists in a certain place. All that concerns the hand of a real woman becomes cozy. Even at the workplace, the ladies create real corners of calm and comfort, decorating the table with pleasant trifles, beautiful photos, aromatic chopsticks, candles, etc. Thus, it is necessary to act, because the surrounding environment is extremely important for female globility.

Therefore, do not beliqutenly close to such things as the color of the sofa, its combination with curtains, posters on the walls, wallpaper pattern. All this is very important, and everything should be as you like. Take this time, realizing to create comfort for yourself and your loved ones. Do not miss the opportunity to make your home even more comfortable and beautiful. Surrounding yourself with pleasant things, you raise your own energy level and improve your life.

  • Deliver home duties

The expression "If you want something to be done well, do it yourself" in many cases justifies yourself. But not on the issue of the fulfillment of routine homework. If you take on all burden of home duties, you just will not have the strength and time to yourself. In addition, depriving itself to help other people, you deprive them of the opportunity to help and take care towards you. It often happens that a woman asks her husband to make some work, remains dissatisfied with how he coped with her, and another time he no longer asks him for help. This approach is also wrong. You need to give a person the opportunity to grow and do something better than before. After all, you do not cease the child to learn to write when he gets ugly letters? Similarly, you need to act with adults. Show patience, and over time you will get the best home assistant.

Do not be afraid to trust homemade to her husband and children. This is rallying you as a family, and also teach your home to appreciate your overall work. And the time freed from home affairs, spend on yourself.

  • Beautiful dinners

Many of us store beautiful things for special occasion. Excellent sets, snow-white tablecloths, dear tableware - all this costs, covered with dust in the cabinets. And people continue every day there is on a considerable table from old plates with chips.

When we are waiting for guests, we are preparing delicious dishes, get the special products, decorate the house and the table. And in everyday life, we prefer to quickly eat without unnecessary ceremonies. It turns out that people are trying to others, but they just don't want to make pleasant to themselves. This approach often causes dissatisfaction with life. After all, you need to live first of all for yourself and your loved ones. You and they should get all the best that you have. Believe yourself better and stop saving on yourself. Get your main service and use them every day. Let it become old, separate items are broken. Then you buy yourself a new one. But the beauty of the dishes will give you positive impressions Every time you sit down or drink tea.

  • Guests
  • Go to visit yourself

Take guests at all the same as being a guest. In the first case, you give your attention, and in the second should be able to take it.

Relax and gratefully take care of the hostess at home. Do not attempt to make her competition, do not teach her how and what should she do. Just relax. Let another person feed you and entertain, and after your care - to remove you. Get rid of the feeling that you are bored with a person and make him do extra work. Remember how nice to receive guests. And let me enjoy this feeling another hostess. As a sign of gratitude, present the owners a small present. This action will bring additional energy and you, and the hostess at home.

  • Consecration of food

Vedas tell us that when using sanctified food, a person approaches himself to get rid of a series of deaths and births. But how to sanctify food? In fact, it is easy to do it, especially women, because they are endowed with nature by special forces.

First of all, you need to prepare food on clean kitchen and with light thoughts. In the cooking process, you cannot try food. Most. the best option Will be vegetarian dishes. The first portion of the cooked dish is needed to put on the altar, read the prayer, mantra, who is closer. A fairly heart request that the proposed food is adopted favorably.

After 5-10 minutes, you can proceed to dinner. All food will be consecrated by your ritual. That portion that you were brought to the altar, spread all family members on the plates so that everyone gets a piece of the most graceful food.

  • Parenting

When a woman becomes mother, her energy increases many times. Maternity is the source of forces, inspiration. Mother always fueled the energy from the baby, while giving him his strength. This interaction is enhanced when the communication of the mother and the child is closer and active.

Someone neglects the opportunity to play with the baby to the game, sing, read the fairy tales. But this is not just the possibility, and the duty of the mother. Cocking with the child personally, you can better reveal the talents in it, inspire it, stimulate its development. And the benefit of these classes will take both. Become a mom's mom for your child in early childhood, and then you are waiting for much less unpleasant surprises in a difficult adolescence. Your relationship will forever stay open, warm and filled mutual love. Having become a mother, you will gain an inexhaustible source of female energy and themselves will become a source of power for another person.

  • Departures on nature

This is a special kind of rest, as it combines several powerful sources of female energy. First, the proximity to nature facilitates the process of gaining internal harmony. Secondly, communication with like-minded people who will listen and understand, and will give a margin of positive. Thirdly, the cooking process also enriches the inner world of a woman.

Picnics make a variety of life and allow you to accumulate quite a lot of energy. Well, if this is a family departure with children, the effect of such a trip will be much higher. The main thing is to relate to everything as an interesting adventure, and not as another care.

It is believed that the time of picnics is summer. But in fact, it will be much more interesting to arrange a babble on nature in the winter. No less great idea Organize holidays in autumn or spring. It all depends on your desire, and you can always find time and method.

Personal successes of women directly reflect on her condition, the ability to keep the farm, be a good wife and mother. A woman should always stay separate personality, and not dissolve in others.

  • Planning

Women, as an emotional agent, you need to clearly plan your affairs. This will help them, firstly, to fulfill everything that conceived and minimal costs and time, and secondly, will allow self-confidence. You can plan not only work, but also household goods, vacation, shopping, etc.

It is more convenient to build plans in writing. Such a reminder and installation will be more effective than the plans built in the head. You will be much easier to live if you will lead a daily plan, as well as plan long-term goals.

Also worth paying attention to personal development planning. Write your advantages, as well as the qualities that you would like to develop. This will serve as a starting point for working on yourself.

  • Thanks

The best way to distract from the negative is to switch to a positive. If you are not in the lads with your husband, take a sheet of paper and describe everything is pleasant, which is related to it. If it is difficult for you to manage the child, it means that it's time to remember his merits and the joy that he gives you. If the reason for your problems lies in low self-esteem, then you should write about yourself, about your achievements and successes.

Take the habit every night before going to bed in a separate notebook of gratitude to your loved ones. Remember everything is good what happened in the day, and write "Thank you!" Those who happened to anyone. With this simple reception, you will fall asleep in a good mood.

  • Acting skill

Each woman - actress. We can all play what we need. Therefore, each lady can boldly go to the circle of stage skills. This will allow her to reveal their talents, gain self-confidence, to gain confirmation of its uniqueness. By doing acting skill, you will not only learn better to own your body, facial expressions, speech, but also master the body language. This skill will help you better understand people.

  • Wear feminine things

Skirts and dresses - attributes purely female Carderba. That is, when you put on them, you show that you are a woman. As a result, the surrounding begin to perceive you exactly and treat you the appropriate.

Feminine clothing promotes harmonization internal energyAnd this, in turn, solves many female health problems, normalizes the hormonal background.

If you can't wear skirts and dresses constantly, then wear them at least at home so that your husband see that it is waiting for a woman. You will feel changes in relation to others, and also begin to perceive yourself anyhow.

  • See the right movie

Modern cinema rarely pleases truly worthy and pleasant paintings. But among the heaps of garbage, you still need to find decent things. Romantic paintings about love and loyalty, devotion and friendship will help replenish feminine energy. Watching such films need to make a husband or girlfriends to have to discuss with whom to discuss and exchange energy.

  • Learn the culture of the peoples of the world

The world is diverse, and in this is his charm. Women different cultures It is useful to share experiences, recognize each other's traditions. Studying other cultures, you can make a lot of useful for yourself. For example, Muslim women should learn how to look like a husband, how to care for him, how to lead the economy. In women, Bali can be adopted the tradition to lead a continuous conversation with God through permanent singing.

Such examples can be given a lot. So you will expand your horizons and combine ideas about the ideal woman of all men in the world.

The word "girl" has a Scandinavian origin and means "Divine". Indeed, every woman is the embodiment of the Divine, and each has its own mission. The beautiful floor was always defended and treated him with reverence and special honors.

Why should something change today? Realize your own uniqueness, significance, importance. Treat yourself as you deserve. And the surrounding will treat you the same way.

Life is beautiful when a woman has a lot of energy. We feel great, we all turn out, we are full of strength and ideas. People, things, information, events themselves are attracting our lives. Well, when a woman has a lot of energy.

But what to do if the energy is missing? How to be when she is constantly spent? Let's deal with.

Women's energy: when do we "merge it"?

We "merge" energy when Let me break the borders. Whenever we agree with what we categorically do not like, we lose energy. Just imagine how much you spend the energy to overcome your own resistance and persuade yourself, come up with a logical explanation for what you do not want to do.

We "merge" energy when Cheer yourself. So we lose contact with you, that is, in fact, disconnect yourself from the source of energy. You can assume as much as you like that a bouquet of fresh cut roses will be better to look in your room, but how long will they be bullshit?

We "merge" energy when Forget about rest. Do not need to explain?

We "merge" energy when tolerate. It is not clear that it is not clear why. When you are suitable for work, you understand quite clearly, for what: money, experience, new dating, insurance or something else. If you have to pick up everything, but at the same time ask to work and endure ... will the strength and reserves of energy?

Refuse to endure or attach to that for what tolerate the meaning. The main thing is that this meaning concerned you, and not someone else. Option: "I suffer to change it"- Will not pass!

We "merge" energy when We are offended, instead of asking. The woman is arranged in such a way that she is doing the main work within himself. How much do you need seconds so blockbuster played in my head "Why doesn't he take the phone?".

Women's energy is the energy of chaos. Strong and powerful. And every time we decide, we invent, change my mind instead of ask, learn or ask - we spend a huge amount of energy.

We "merge" energy when We do not deal with your business. It is no secret that one of the most powerful energy resources is a favorite thing. The whole world is on the balance "take and give". By studying an unloved business, you, at least, give your time, and with it and energy that is then not replenished. Even money.

Do you buy time and vital energy for money?

We "merge" energy when Let us allow the negative to penetrate our life. Each woman is born for happiness and pleasure. But if you allow others to talk about the negative, see the transfer, read books and news only about the bad, where is the place for pleasure?

It turns out that you live on your "program". It's like in a microwave to bake a Napoleon cake: possibly, but what efforts?

We "merge" energy when Gossip. Yes, girls. Do not fill, but merge! Where is the attention, there is energy! If you are discussing ideas, projects, thoughts, then you are enriched. You can discuss other people to take their experience. But if you just gossip, then you nourish others at your own expense.

We "merge" energy when Fear. When a man is scared, he stops breathing. If we do not breathe full of breasts, but in our case - "full belly", then we are as if refusing to the previously prepared energy.

We "merge" energy when We are waiting for life. Instead of living as we want.

We "merge" energy when We scold and blame yourself.

Track out what you can lose energy. Stop this to do today. Change the "draining" energy for its replenishment.

Filling with female energy: 8 ways

We are filled through pleasure. Write a list of a hundred points, which brings pleasure. Write everything that comes to mind. Try every day to please yourself with some kind of "Wishlist".

We are filled through new positive emotions. For example, when traveling, bring novelty to your life, get acquainted with new people, we get new knowledge.

We are filledWhen slowing down. Try to give a 20-minute cup of coffee to inhale its fragrance, make the taste, have fun from touching hot liquid. Pleasantly?

What will happen if you swallow this Divine Drink on the go, in one minute? Do you like you like in the first case? Of course, no, you just do not have time to feel anything.

We are filledWhen we are engaged in creativity. Initial female energy is the energy of creativity. In addition, through creativity, a woman flies negative emotions and thus translates energy into a positive channel.

We are filledWhen there is faith in our life. Faith in yourself, in life, people.

We are filledWhen we are engaged in your body. After all, it is the body that is the largest source of pleasure. Any bodily practices, sauna, swimming pool, work with intimate muscles are suitable. By the way, the women's zone is a kind of "bottom" for our energy vessel.

We are filledWhen you bring order in your space. Remember how in a different way you feel in a renovated room with new curtains.

We are filledWhen we do what we really want to do.

Plesh yourself, enjoy yourself and be filled!


Space of love 14.01.2018

Dear readers, in past articles rubrics, we have already talked about how to reveal feminine energy. Leading headings Irina Romanova calls this ability to be a loving pleasure. But how to develop this ability so much to constantly be filled with the energy of love to charge not only yourself, but also others? This will be discussed in our today's conversation. I give the word Irina.

Hello, my dear. I am glad to welcome you in our space of love and talk about a woman, her vibrations and female energy. After all, when a female circle is going, we are all filled, we draw each other that the missing quality missing us, the missing force. Each at the same time receives something for himself and at the same time sharing with his friends.

Even now when we are in different citiesIn different countries, we share each other with our feelings, experiences, stories and this help to become stronger in female and yourself and others. Be sure to write your impressions in the comments, your thoughts and sensations after the practical experience. Share your practitioners and ways to fill with feminine power.

Love space create women. Because it is they who fill themselves any space and fill it with their vibrations. As a rule, a man leads a woman to his house, and her task fill it, decorate, create a comfort. A man is building a house, and the woman is engraving. It always will and will always be, because the nature of the woman and the nature of a man cannot be changed.

But if in the nature of women to be filling loving, giving, then why are there so many lonely and unhappy women in our time? Why do women feel empty, tired, exhausted energy? How do they fill their house, the space around themselves, if inside the emptiness?

We live in the world of men. And the male world is built by male rules. And we, completely forgetting about our natural instincts, about their natural abilities, starting to adapt to these rules and de-energize yourself.

A man lives in mind - this is his power. The power of a woman in her body is her heart and at the bottom of her belly. The more the woman thinks, is experiencing, solves complex life tasks, the less its power becomes.

A woman needs to return their lost energy, fill yourself. And there are different ways to do this. Now we will look at them in more detail.

Natural silence

Loneliness and silence is one of the easiest and easy ways to restore your strength. If you felt fatigue, just leave all your concerns and things and walk through the park alone, sit on the river or the sea. And at the same time, try to your thoughts not be occupied by counting the annual balance, experiences about the husband, children, parents, money. Walk as if all your concerns remain somewhere far away.

The place of female energy in the body, at the bottom of the abdomen, in the heart area. If we constantly think about something, then our energy Center shifted to the head, leaves our natural place of power.

When we stop thinking about urgent things when we simply watch the beauty of nature and absorb it into yourself, we fill, charge the natural power of the Earth. And then we can, fully charged, return to your business. Believe me, the benefit will be much more.

Communication with other women

Remember the main thing - women are not rivals. These are the closest companions. In the female circle it is very easy to fill with energy. For this, nothing needs to be done is absolutely natural.

Can be communicated, but you can just be in female society. If you immediately come to the mind of the anecdote about the turtle and the snake, which are floating across the sea, and the snake thinks: "Ukuha will throw off," and the thoughts of the turtle at the same time: "I'll break, bite," then remember what I said - we live in Male world. And such anecdotes come up with men for us.

We ourselves choose our roles in social world, We ourselves choose, whether to compete with men in force and mind, we ourselves choose, whether to compete with women. You can compete, and it can be understood that other women are the same stream of energy as you, and that interacting with each other, you can fill and restore your strength.

How exactly this interaction happens, I will write in the next article.

Hobbies or Favorite Lesson

Here I do not open America, they are talking about it, they say and will speak, because the favorite thing is always a source of strength and inspiration.

Every woman has its own. Someone inspires knitting, someone drawing, and someone and the compilation of complex algorithms and tables. The main sign that you do your favorite thing is that after its completion you feel the rise of strength and energy.

Meditation and practices

Each meditation and every practice is an opportunity to slow down a little and stay alone with you.

Nature, like a woman, leisurely. Her power in fluidity and smoothness. Any meditation is deep, slow breathing, stopping the internal dialogue, and therefore it is a great way to recover.

A practitioner for the restoration of female strength is a lot. In this article I will tell you about some of them. You will have the opportunity to contact your energy source and restore your strength.

Looking for a lost pearl. Practice

Right now find for myself a few minutes. Make three deep breaths and exhalations and focus your attention on your breath. Maybe at some point you will want to breathe even deeper and relax.

During the day, we are constantly in tension, we are constantly in our thoughts. And now - deep exhalation, and let all this tension go through the feet to the ground. Now your breath is calm, smooth, and we can start practicing.

Pearls will never find on the surface. It always hides in shells on the sea or river day. And now close your eyes and postpone into an excellent oasis. Warm white sand caresses your feet. You go through the deserted beach, dressed in a light chiffon, almost imperceptible cape. The sun warms you with its warmth, exotic birds fly in the sky, the sky is light blue and very clear. Its reflection can be seen in clean, transparent marine stroy.

You go along the coast and see a path that goes deep into the island and manites you to go through it. You boldly walk, because it is your island, it is absolutely safe here. This is your place. The path leads you to a small lake, surrounded by trees. Water in the lake is so clean and honeying that you, without thinking, dive into it.

This is an unforgettable feeling - coolness, freshness, cleanliness and transparency. You are so good, the water cleans and fills you not only outside, but also from the inside. You get easy, you yourself become the same transparent and clean, like this water. The heart rejoices, like a child, you laugh and splash, enjoying every moment.

And then you notice that at the bottom of something glitters. It becomes interesting for you, and you dive into this depth to lift this small bright star to the surface, which you saw through the water.

To get it, you have to dive all deeper and deeper, but it happens to you so easily, as if you were doing it all the time. You easily reach the bottom of the lake and take into the hands of this light, who attracted you. It turned out that this is a pearl. She lies without sink, just like that, on the seabed and as if waiting for you. As soon as you touch it, inside you, in your uterus, the same asterisk lights up - pearl, and you feel her light inside yourself.

Holding a pearl in your hands tightly, you sleep on the surface and deeply inhale clean aromatic air. In the hands - your found pearl. Carefully consider it - what kind of size it is, what color.

You apply this pearl to your belly, as if feeling how much it needs to be done, and see that your pearl dissolves and penetrates your skin inside you. Your abdomen is filled with light and warmth. And in this overall light and warmth, one point is in brighter, this is the place where your pearl settled.

Now she is always with you, she is part of you, she fills and revives the place of your strength, it always burns a bright asterisk inside you.

This exercise-visualization can be done at any time. The more often we remember our asterisk, about our pearl at the bottom of the abdomen, the happier and happier will be our life. It is like a tired traveler saving spring.

Dance of female energies. Practice

And now that you find your pearl, you need to run her movement. Yes, my dear, in the world of nature - and this is the true world of women - there is no static, everything is in motion. And our task is to return the movement to our main center.

And if the world of men is a world of clarity, rhythm, actions, then the world of a woman is the world of smoothness, harmony and waves. Women's waves are very different and our task to learn how to create them. Therefore, we will not postpone this sacred effect and start right now.

Close your eyes, restore the evenness of your breathing - make some deep breaths and exhale. And all the attention focused on your pearl at the bottom of the abdomen. See how she shines and overflows, as her light fills you from the inside.

Now imagine that she, your pearl, began to rotate around its axis. And the faster she rotates, the larger the waves of light diverge around it. First, these waves fill the bottom of your abdomen, then rise above, and the pearl continues to rotate.

Feel like your body begins to repeat the movements of this rotation. It can go completely differently. It can be a twisting spiral to the left or twistful spiral to the right, and maybe it's just a wave that rises up. Just watch these waves and body repeat their movement.

Breath with a relaxed, light. Do not clamp the cheekbones, you can exhale the sound "ha". Feel like these waves cover your body completely, and it itself begins to move in the tact them. It may be internal movements, and maybe you want to get up and move into tact with these waves.

Do not hold back yourself, give the feeling of this process, enjoy these movements. You can perform this exercise as much as you want. And when you finish, pay attention to your interior. What changed? How does your body react to the surrounding space now? Did you feel the charge after doing this exercise?

With love in the heart
Irina Romanova

I thank Irina, after all, this joy is always to speak to such topics. We really rush sometimes about our nature, but how good it is to slow down, breathe, just be with you. And even just how much energy gives us a lifeful. But of course, it is worth striving to always be filled with female strength.

And for the soul, we will listen to the amazing composition of Ernesto Kortazar - Thanks to Life.

see also



    Tatyana Yashkova
    Specialist in the field of art therapy, toncelling therapy
    Massage Master and Body Practices
    Leading author's psychological trainings

    It all begins with childhood

    The topic of sexuality is prohibited. Despite the fact that the information around becomes more and more accessible, we will never move soon on new stage Relationships to "uncomfortable" issues. It pleases that the process is launched and positive dynamics are still there, but it is necessary to go through a certain way until the topic of sexuality comes out of the shadows. On a woman putting a social framework, unpleasant life experience, Complexes, but, as psychologists are correctly noticed, everything begins from childhood.

    In the first years of life, the baby is actively interested in his body. He studies him, gets used to himself, wonders, how everything is arranged from others. But moms and dads, noticing "unhealthy" curiosity, are terribly angry. Beat the hands, try to divert attention, scold for "indecent" questions. Already then laid the first blocks. The child begins to be shy, he still does not understand what it is, but the parents scares something and upsets something. So, something bad happens, but it does not become less curious. The process of suppressing sexuality is born.

    Then questions appear where children come from? And parents leave the response with the help of phrases: "grow up, tell me" or "We brought you a stork." A halo appears mysteriousness around the topic. And again interest only heated, but there is no answer. Unfortunately, at school they are talking about this only in high schools and it is not always. Answers to questions should be timely. Their absence of complexes or just the same excessive "unhealthy interest".

    If we talk specifically about women, already to the peak of adolescence, when hormones are raised inside, the girl, due to the above-described event scenario, comes with a complex of guilt, fears and numerous internal barriers that can significantly complicate her life in the future.

    Sexuality is not about sex

    - What is really a female sexuality?

    W. this concept No floor. Sexuality is not male or female. She simply exists by itself. It is rather condition, our base, harmony with you, the ability to get joy from life.

    Sexuality - not about sex, not about 90-60-90, no format and not standard. This is the same as creative energy, because it expresses the inner "I".

    The girl, persistent on the beauty, following all trends, is high, beautiful and well-groomed, not always sexy. In it, everything shouts: "Hey, pay attention to me, tell me that I am good!". It is not surprised if the complexes have a lot more complexes than that that forgot today to make nails or spit on makeup.

    In order to compensate for the lack of love, women are ready to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. To me often come very beautiful ladies, in my opinion, with the perfect figure. You can't imagine how many inner pain from the whole list of complexes! This is just a striking fact.

    Men reimburse the affected self-esteem with steep machines, stood with gadgets, other expensive "toys" to impress. Women impose a ton of plaster, increasing eyelashes, roll out the chest. Well, if really like it. But it is more likely that there is a state of dissatisfaction.

    Why was there no sex in the USSR? Why this topic did not exist, although the children still born? Repeat sexy Energy - Creative. Creative man is inconvenient. He is unlikely, he has his own opinion, vision, and most importantly he is free. Internal freedom is what sexy. It is for this that we love certain actors, musicians, directories. They are not afraid to be themselves and it is so attractive.

    A man with depressed sexual energy is the perfect soldier. He will express it through aggression, action, solving a specific task. This is what is needed by his commanders, but is it necessary for himself? Big question.

    Sometimes it is difficult to imagine that a woman with "strangled" sexual energy has a destructive power. It is exactly the same as the soldier, suppresses close, first of all a man, just not physically, but morally. She professionally "sawd" him and filigree finds reasons for the scandal.

    Depressed sexual energy is dangerous

    - How to correctly raise the girl so that there were no problems?

    Beautiful films wrap sexuality in an image wrap. Fucking flirty elegant lady. In fact, sexuality is a wild powerful force, which eventually (if everything inside is harmonious) is transformed into something high, attractive, thin. However, the unbelted force ruins everything around, including its own organism.

    Long-known fact - depressed sexuality provokes gynecological problems, diseases of the urogenital system, depression, and so on. Mind conflict with soul. It is in this root of all trouble.

    How to raise a girl? Give her freedom. Children in principle need to not educate, but to raise with love. Become a daughter with a friend. Do not leave OT. complex topics, answer questions, share your problems and ask the Council.

    Do not destroy creativity in the girl. You always wanted to become a ballerina, but you already 48? Do not make the daughter incarnate your dream. Sign up into the dance group yourself. These are your dreams, and it's never too late to implement the conceived. If the daughter has a passion for boxing, buy her boxing pear.

    There are children who need to push to actions due to their natural shy. But the child should have a choice. Give it to try and explore your suggestions, but do not make something to do something that he does not at all lie.

    Sexuality has no age

    - How do men perceive female sexuality?

    Will laugh. Men are looking for that very relaxed free woman. But most of the representatives of strong sex are afraid of her. From post-war times, when many men fell on the battlefield, women became strong, with steel nerves and solid character. Boys were protected by all their might. The problems solved mom. And so far, the current parents protect their "babies", which has long been in 30, from any adversity.

    The internal transition from the boy to a man did not happen. Therefore, as a wife, a woman-mother is preferable. Looks around, there are so many smart, charming successful beauties, which are still alone. Women are looking for a problem in themselves, and they are often blamed at all.

    And yet the unconsciously opposite sex attracts inner harmony, radiance, sincerity and naturalness. Today there is a huge number of courses for the conquest of men, where they teach everyone, let's call them, "tricks". They tell how to flirt that you need to throw off your hair on time, open your wrists, play through your eyes. But if all these techniques go wrong, if it's all a lie, for the benefit of such lessons you will be unlikely.

    Selected, of course, will understand hints that really work, but subconsciously considers cheating and, rather, it will simply take the rules of the game to "chat" for one night. You will not find a husband so-so. Sexuality is much deeper than some surface factors of communication.

    - Does the age of age?

    How many examples of the examples of people who have long been in 60, but they are still damn attractive and charismatic! The point is not in numbers, but in the experience, in domestic development. We change, constantly change. Today a woman gets her hair, tomorrow she cuts them, the day after tomorrow she shaves her head to sleep, surprisingly, but she is still charming and no less interesting! Does she have wrinkles, do they have them? We think about this first a couple of minutes, then listen that a woman says how he behaves, and completely forget about appearance. Therefore, sexuality has no age.

    A woman who is in harmony with him harmonizes everything around

    - Can a woman who is inside the harmony somehow affect the man who is next to her?

    Such a woman harmonizes everything around. Indeed, it affects loved ones, on children, on a partner. If we talk figuratively, the man is the sky. He is always in flight, he explores, solves the task, creates. Woman is Earth. She is the basis of the family, its foundation, matter (remember "Mother"). There are often cases when a man whose companion is in Lada with them, goes to the mountain of a business, he becomes calmer, a lot of new ideas appear and so on. Moreover, the men themselves understand this themselves. Do not always admit, but understand.

    - How to reveal sexuality?

    There are many points:

    • Stop struggling with the inner "I", allow yourself to be myself. Do not want to wash the dishes - do not. Better to keep in a hot bath. Several unwashed plates will not make you a bad mistress, but can sang the nerves.

      It's funny, but so many scandals begin. A woman does not want to do something, but forces himself. Suppose the same dishes. She rubs the frying pan and slowly accumulates the thoughts that no one removes the day that the day did not ask that she had a bunch of affairs, and then this sink ... then he comes with a bouquet of roses and in a good mood, and she "plays "Its with these roses on the face and suits the scandal in the same place. So that this did not happen, listen to yourself.

    • Learn to feel the body. Stop rolling yourself for disadvantages. Better noted what you like in own appearance. Buy beautiful comfortable underwear. Let you go into habit of walking and without clothes under clothes. At least at home. After all, so subconscious you remove the protection, the feelings are exacerbated. Go to the massage, but pleasant, soft. There is an excellent technique with a funny name of Mnush, which is directed to relaxation. Energy of sexuality is water. It is smooth, slow, flowing. Derganaya, nervous and fussy woman little to be interested.
    • Find your favorite lesson. Give the way to work. It is not true that there are people who do not know how to sing, draw, dance ... Cooking is also creativity. Let your interests manifest themselves. Try a new one, it is also useful for the brain, which is learning non-standard solve problems.

    • Do not forget about physical Loads. But let them be in joy. Well disclose sensuality dancing, by the way, especially the beneficial action provides free dance when you just turn on the music and move as you like. However, everyone lacks something. If you want hard energy, go to gym, I want "dull" - welcome to yoga.
    • If you feel that something is wrong, but it is difficult to understand yourself, feel free to go to a psychologist. This is normal. And the sooner you make this step, the better. Many helps and art therapy. By the way, the colors have a great influence on us, because they emit a certain frequency of waves. Travelers for your color preferences and notice that they change. Sometimes it becomes the key to the subconscious.

      Color of sexuality in pure form - orange. But this does not mean that it is necessary to hire with orange ornaments. For harmony, everyone may miss his color. Red - Communication with Earth, with family and matter. Yellow - abundance, color of social manifestation. Green and Pink - Sign unconditional love, accept yourself and others. Blue - creativity and self-expression. Blue - knowledge (not those that we purchased at school and at the university, but internal knowledge). Purple and white - communication with the world. Pay attention to the change in your taste and boldly add the required shade into the wardrobe.

    All answers inside. If something stops you, does not allow moving forward, try to understand why this happens. Do not be afraid of your sexuality, give it around it around with love, and let every day prevents you in response a lot of joy and positive emotions.

    Photo: Anna Ivanova