Planning the logistics of the enterprise classification. Planning the logistics of the enterprise - term paper. Organization and planning of material and technical supply of an oil and gas producing enterprise

The Logistics Service is headed by the MTS Department (OMTS). Logistics (MTS)- this is a type of commercial activity to provide material and technical resources for the production process, carried out before the start of production - from the moment the need for resources arises up to their use in the manufacture of products.

OMTS task- uninterrupted material support of production in accordance with the production plan.

Rice. 9.7. The structure of the enterprise MTS service

Main functions of OMTS:

Development of standards for stocks of material resources;

Planning the need for material resources and linking it with the production plan and stock standards;

Search for suppliers, evaluation of supply options and selection of suppliers based on the quality of supplied materials, reliability of suppliers, prices, terms of payments and supplies, transportation and procurement costs, etc.;

Conclusion of supply contracts;

Organization of work on the delivery of material resources, control and operational regulation of the implementation of supply contracts;

Organization of acceptance, processing and storage of material resources;

Operational planning and regulation of providing production with material resources;

Accounting, control and analysis of the expenditure of material resources;

Supervision of the rational use of materials in production.

MTS planning. The logistics plan is a set of settlement documents that substantiate the enterprise's need for material resources and determine the sources of their coverage. It is compared in the form of an MTS balance sheet.

The MTS plan is developed taking into account:

production program;

Norms of stocks of material resources;

Norms of consumption of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, fuel, components;

Plans for capital construction, reconstruction, preparation for the production of new products, work on the repair and operation of equipment, buildings, structures, household facilities, etc.;

Remains of material resources at the beginning and end of the planning period;

Established and newly established relationships with suppliers;

Prices for all types of material and technical resources.

The need for materials for the main production (Gm.base) is determined by the formula Gm.base = ∑ Qi* ni

where Qi is the volume of output for each item (pcs.); ni - material consumption rate for one product, taking into account technological losses (natural units); m - the number of product names.

The total need for specific materials (Gm) is determined by the formula Gm = Gm.basic + Zn.z - Zm.f ± Gm.n.p + Gm.ex

where Zн.з - material stock rate; Zm.f - the actual availability of materials at the enterprise; Gm.n.p - the required amount of materials to change the work in progress; Gm.ex - the need for materials for maintenance and other needs.

The need for material resources is determined by the costs of:

Main production, including the production of components and spare parts;

Production of technological equipment and tools;

Manufacturing non-standard equipment and modernization of equipment;

Carrying out research and development work (taking into account the manufacture of prototypes and experimental work);

Reconstruction of shops, sites;

Repair and maintenance needs;

capital construction;

Works of socio-cultural and household spheres;

Creation of stocks.

Supply and its planning must comply with the requirements of production in terms of quantity, quality, assortment, completeness and timeliness of receipt of materials, as well as their most economical use for their intended purpose in order to ensure uninterrupted and rhythmic activity of the enterprise. The tasks of supply planning also include ensuring minimal costs for the procurement and storage of materials, reducing long-distance, eliminating counter and irrational transportation. The plan provides for the necessary stocks in the warehouses of the plant.

During the period of intensive construction of the material and technical base of communism, associated with an increase in the level of concentration, specialization and combination, questions of managing industrial production must be resolved in accordance with modern requirements and opportunities. An example is the creation of production associations (see Chapter I). All production units included in the software should be subordinated, their development and work as a whole should ensure the most efficient operation of the production association (enterprise) as a whole. Therefore, all issues of long-term and current planning, supply, investment, determining the direction of specialization are concentrated directly in the association.

When conducting construction or repair work at the objects of transportation, storage and distribution of oil, oil products and gas, the most important task is to organize and plan the supply of material and technical means of these objects.

In the management of domestic industrial enterprises, a strict system of comparative importance of various functions of production, technical and scientific and technical activities, planning, supply, labor and wage management, accounting, marketing, and organization of personnel has traditionally developed. In such a system, there was no place for finance and marketing as important functions, and legal advisers were occupied mainly with individual labor disputes. During the transition period to a market economy, the system of relative importance of functions has changed significantly. First of all, marketing, and not supply, as it was before, became the main problem. Since sales are no longer guaranteed by government orders, the supply problem has evolved from a general lack of material resources into a lack of funds for the purchase of raw materials, materials and blanks. Therefore, the commercial activity of the enterprise has become very important. Most enterprises have introduced the position of commercial director, who usually takes charge of the commercial department, sales (or offer), and the new marketing department.

Further development theory and practice of optimal planning led to the development of a system of sectoral current planning of the oil refining industry. The model formed in the work provides for the solution of interrelated problems of planning the supply of enterprises with oil, the production of petroleum products and the supply of marketable products to consumers. The experience of theoretical and experimental research in the development and implementation of optimal current planning systems for oil refineries, production associations and the industry as a whole based on linear models and linear programming methods is summarized in the work.

In planning the supply of the national economy with petroleum products important place occupies the plan of inter-republican supplies and deliveries for all-Union needs, since there are republics with their own oil refining base and republics that receive oil products from other regions.

Among the priority and most effective areas for improving the planning method is logistics. The successful development of this problem largely determines the linking of plans for production and consumption of products, the acceleration of turnover and working capital, the reduction of distribution costs, the increase in the efficiency of the use of production assets, vehicles and material resources. Modeling and modern computer technology should be used first of all to solve the problems of planning the supply of the national economy, the most important species products that are consumed in large quantities by all industries. These types include products of the oil refining industry.

Planning for the supply of the workshop is carried out for each product, name and type and size of materials and semi-finished products for the general need of the workshop, i.e. for all items made from this material.

Allowances and bonuses for the growth of efficiency can be established for all categories of specialists. In particular, for those who are employed in the departments of planning, supply, sales, allowances and bonuses are set for reducing stocks of materials and work in progress, choosing the most efficient suppliers of raw materials, expanding sales, etc.

Material support of production. When planning the supply of an enterprise, the following should be considered

All documents according to the types of activities reflected in them are divided into two large groups. The first is documents on general and administrative issues, i.e. issues of general management of an enterprise (organization) and its production activities. These documents can be drawn up by employees of all departments of the enterprise. The second group - documents on management functions. Such documents are compiled by employees of financial authorities, accounting departments, planning, supply and marketing departments, and other functional units.

In view of the foregoing, it is obvious that the logistics approach in supply planning and warehousing has advantages over the traditional one, when the desire of each of the competing enterprises to increase sales and gain a larger market share, as a rule, eventually turns into the formation of significant volumes of stocks due to excess the total volume of incoming material flow over the value of effective demand for products sold and inefficient use of storage space. The objective trend of reducing the number of warehouses is probably associated with the awareness of the effectiveness of the combined operation and confirms its advantages. It is more profitable for several enterprises, it is more economically expedient to integrate their activities into this case for storage of goods, in a single complex.

Fasolyak N.D., Smirnov P.V. Organization and planning of supply and marketing in the national economy. M. Economics, 1983.

The volume of traffic depends on the quality of planning, supply and marketing of products, therefore great attention should be given to the elimination of irrational transportation, the optimal distribution of transportation between modes of transport, increasing the responsibility of supply and marketing authorities, as well as shippers for compliance with the schemes of normal directions of cargo flows.

The instruction provides for the regulatory framework, the organization of the provision of PPE employees subject to free provision of PPE, planning, supplying the reception, issuance, use, storage, care, accounting and control of compliance with the established rules and procedures for the circulation of PPE, the responsibility of the participants in the organization of the provision of PPE to the Company's employees.

At the beginning of 1949, employees of 103 enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region assumed obligations to release 400 million rubles for the state by the end of the year by accelerating the turnover of working capital. The Muscovites' initiative was taken up by teams from many enterprises in other districts and regions of the country. The acceleration of the turnover of working capital was achieved by reducing the production cycle through the introduction of more advanced technology and organization of production and mechanization of labor-intensive production processes, improving the organization and planning of supply, streamlining the warehouse, economy, eliminating excess stocks of raw materials and materials, strengthening the savings regime based on the introduction of medium-non-progressive norms expenditure of raw materials, materials, fuel, etc.

The FSA supplying the enterprise is schematically presented in fig. 2.1. Each of the areas of analysis given in the scheme is divided into separate areas and areas of the FSA. So, in the FSA of supply management, the following main areas of application of this method can be distinguished: supply planning, operational work, accounting for the movement of material resources.

On fig. 2.2 schematically shows the FSA of supply planning in the Elektropribor software, from which it can be seen that over 17.6 thousand man-hours and more than 13.7 thousand rubles are spent on one of the main functions of supply - its planning - in the association. These costs are allocated to the main, and the latter, in turn, to the auxiliary areas of the main function. Despite the fundamental commonality of the order of supply planning, the costs in this part are different at all enterprises. In the above diagram, the main places of cost formation are clearly visible.

The above scheme does not include all the functions of supply planning, but only common to all enterprises. When conducting FSA planning at each specific enterprise, it is necessary to take into account its features and, based on this, make appropriate changes. In this case, it is not so important that in the course of the FSA it becomes possible to reduce certain functions in order to eliminate the cost of their implementation. As mentioned above, specific gravity the costs of managing the supply process (including planning) in the total amount of costs does not take great place, and therefore the search for ways to reduce them does not aim to obtain a significant effect from the reduction of direct costs. It is much more important to substantiate the need for their implementation at a given level through a detailed study of the functions from the standpoint of the best operation of the control system as a whole.

If FSA is carried out in the above area at each enterprise, then many such superfluous, unusual and unnecessary functions for a manufacturing enterprise can be identified, the implementation of which causes obvious damage to the active use of the human factor in the supply. Workers involved in supply planning at any enterprise could work with great interest in the FSA group (of course, if material incentives are added to moral satisfaction, which is necessarily provided for by the FSA methodology).

No less significant is the choice of rational types of economic relations with suppliers of the necessary products. Considering a high degree the influence of the level of inventories on the formation and use of self-supporting income of enterprises, in the new economic conditions, the periodicity and reliability of the receipt of batches of products from suppliers, which determine the required level of inventories, come to the fore. And this largely depends on the reasonable choice of economic relations, which becomes essential element supply planning. notice, that right choice type of economic connection has a great influence not only on the level of stocks, but also on other aspects of the enterprise and its economy as a whole.

The most common form should be considered a system of supply warehouses. Here, the main links of supply are the operational supply and warehouse sectors (supply warehouses), built on a trademark. Each sector carries out the whole range of work on organizing and planning the supply of a certain group of material and technical resources, i.e., supply planning, procurement and delivery of material resources, their storage and supply of production shops with them. The functions of planning and operational accounting are performed by the planning sector of the department. It also includes a dispatching sector, which coordinates the work and resolves urgent and current issues of material supply for production shops. An approximate organizational structure of the logistics department for this form is shown in fig. XII 1.1.

It is expedient to include the groups of materials used in CBS: rolled steel, heat-insulating materials, rolled aluminum, flat asbestos-cement sheets, etc. into the sub-block "Raw materials and materials". For the construction part of the project of facilities, it will be necessary to develop on a unified technical basis and approve in the appropriate manner the following types of consumption rates for production materials (elemental and enlarged) - intended for production planning of supply at the level of sections, teams and being the basis for the development of estimated consumption rates estimated (elemental and enlarged) - designed to develop design estimates and determine the need for materials for planning year planned - by 1 million rubles. the estimated cost of construction and installation works, intended for planning logistics on a national scale, ministries and calculated according to

The development of MTO plans contributes to a more successful solution of the problems of supplying raw materials, materials, components, fuel, energy and other resources. The objective of the plan is to determine the optimal need of the enterprise for material resources for the implementation of production, economic and commercial activities. At the same time, a distinction is made between the need for consumption and for delivery.

Consumption requirement - the amount of materials that are needed to fulfill the sales volume plan and other work related to the production and sale of products. The need for delivery shows how much the company must receive materials from external sources.

The logistics plan consists of two parts:

Calculation of the need for materials and equipment depending on the nature of the materials used: the need for raw materials and supplies; the need for fuel and energy; need for equipment.

MTO balances are developed in the form of supply plans that determine the need for material resources and the sources of their receipt.

Planning for the need for material and technical resources

Primary production. When planning, a number of calculation methods are used.

Mdirect count method. If the same type of material is used for the manufacture of several products, the need for it Pm=Hi* Pi, where Hi- material consumption rate; Pi-production in the plan. period;

Mby analogy - new products, by means of appropriate coefficients, are equated to products that have reasonable material consumption rates according to the formula: Rm=Nb*Mon*K, where Hb is the material consumption rate for a similar base product; Mon - planned release of a new product; TO - coefficient that takes into account the characteristics of material consumption in the production of a new product.

By type representative- in multi-product production , those. the product that most fully reflects the consumption of materials for the entire batch of products it represents: Rm=Nt*Tg, where Ht - consumption rate per typical representative; Tg - the program for the release of all products of this group.

If during the calculation period the enterprise does not have data on the volume of the production program in physical terms, as well as the consumption rate of material resources, then the need for them is determined dynamic coefficient method: Pm \u003d Pf * Ip.p * In, where rf- actual consumption of materials for the past period; Il.l - index of change in the production program; In - index of the average decrease in consumption rates.

The need for lubricants for the planned period is calculated taking into account the specifics of their consumption: Rm.s=N*H*T*K*D, where Rm.s- quantity of necessary lubricants;

N- consumption rate of lubricants for one machine-hour of operation of this equipment, kg; H- number of operating pieces of equipment; T - the planned number of working days of the enterprise in a year; TO- equipment shift factor; D - duration of the work shift, hours

The annual need for cutting tools is determined.

The need for materials for the manufacture of tools is calculated based on the number of tools that must be manufactured in the planning period and the material consumption rates for it.

The need for materials for the repair of equipment (Rrem) depends on the type and quantity of equipment to be repaired and the type of repair work. At engineering enterprises, the calculation is based on the consumption rates of materials per repair unit and the amount of repair work, expressed in units of repair complexity.

The need for fuel is most often determined by multiplying the amount of work in square meters. period on the rate of its consumption, while the rates of consumption of various types of fuel are set in units of conventional fuel.

The energy demand for heating buildings depends on the volume and thermal characteristics of the building, indoor and outdoor temperatures, the duration of the heating period and the difference between the heat content of steam and condensate.

The need for energy for technological purposes is determined based on the norms of its consumption per unit of output and the planned volume of its production in physical or monetary terms.

The need for motor energy.

Determining the need for electricity for lighting depends on the area of ​​​​the room, the norm and the number of hours of lighting. On this basis, the required number of fixtures is set.

Electricity consumption for ventilation is determined based on the capacity of ventilation units and the number of hours of their operation in the planned period.

The need for materials for the repair of buildings for the planning period in natural units is determined based on the share of material costs in the total cost of repair work and the structure of their consumption

Planning the need for equipment and spare parts for it - features stem from the difference in its participation in the production process in comparison with materials.

The need for equipment for construction and reconstruction is determined on the basis of technical projects for construction and reconstruction, which indicate the required types and quantity of equipment.

The need for new equipment is based on the calculation of the economic efficiency of the feasibility of introducing new equipment instead of its modernization and overhaul.

Need for spare parts is set on the basis of their consumption rates and the number of vehicles.

Planning the need for materials for the formation of inventories. Stocks of raw materials, materials and fuel should be minimal, but their size should ensure the normal course of the production process. The volume of the stock is determined in kind, in days of production availability and in monetary terms.

The general norm of stocks by types of material resources in days is equal to the sum of the transport stock, preparatory stock, technological stock, current stock, insurance (warranty) stock.

Finding materials in transit - transport stock; acceptance, unloading, storage of materials - preparatory stock; ttechnological reserve(if pre-processing of materials is required prior to production); stay of materials in the warehouse - current stock; reserve in case of interruptions in supply and increase in output - safety stock.

Planning work in progress. Ensuring the smooth and rhythmic operation of the enterprise requires the creation of a standard value of work in progress. The value of WIP at the beginning of the planning period is calculated on the basis of data on its availability at the end of the reporting period. Determining the standard value at the end of the planning period requires more careful calculations, since it depends on many factors. AT mass production the following factors influence: the number of jobs; the number of products simultaneously located at one workplace; method of transferring parts from one area to another; production plan and s / s unit of production.

Planning to cover material requirements.

The main sources of covering the planned requirements are the expected balances of materials at the beginning of the planning period, internal resources and the delivery of materials from outside.

Information about the actual balances of material resources in warehouses and in the shops of the enterprise is contained in material cards, turnover sheets and other similar documents. These data are taken as of the first day of the month.

Expected receipts include materials that suppliers are contracted to ship, materials in transit, and local and other sources.

To find the value of the expected consumption of materials, it is necessary to calculate the need for it for the implementation of the production program, repair and maintenance needs, the creation of the necessary reserves, stocks.

The next step is to develop a plan for mobilizing domestic resources. It provides for measures to reduce and use production waste; restoration and reuse of material resources, maximum involvement of excess and excess stocks of materials in the sphere of production, reduction in the mass of manufactured products, expansion of the use of local resources, etc.

At the final stage of preparing the logistics plan, material balances are drawn up, in which the needs for material resources are compared with the sources and amounts of their satisfaction, and the amount of materials to be imported from outside is determined. Balance material support compiled for each type of resource.

The development of logistic balances is a prerequisite for planning the distribution of material resources between the production units that make up the enterprise. Enterprises set limits on material resources for production units and redistribute them in the prescribed manner, taking into account changes in the production program. Based on the calculations discussed in this chapter, a "Logistics Plan" is compiled in the form of a consolidated form.

Federal Agency for Education

Branch of the state educational institution

higher professional education


in Syzran

Department of Economics


in the discipline "Planning at the enterprise"

Production logistics planning

Student FZDO, 5 course,

L.V. Kuznetsova

planning material technical resource


THEORETICAL SECTION. PLANNING the logistics of production

1 Calculation of material requirements

1.2 Methodology for planning the logistics of production









The management of the material resources of the enterprise plays an important role in the management of the enterprise as a whole.

Material resources are part of the working capital of the enterprise, i.e. those means of production that are completely consumed in each production cycle, wholly transfer their value to the finished product and change or lose their consumer properties in the production process.

For the successful operation of an enterprise, the provision of a set of basic and additional services, an enterprise must have the equipment and inventory necessary for operation, as well as have at its disposal such means of operation that can provide a certain range of services. Consequently, in the course of its functioning, any enterprise requires a whole range of material and technical means, as well as resources such as fuel, water and electricity. The successful solution of these issues is called upon to ensure the logistics service, which is engaged in the calculation of the needs for various materials and also determines the sources of their coverage.

The main sources of analysis information are: - logistics plan; - applications, contracts for the supply of raw materials and materials; - forms of statistical reporting on the availability and use of material resources and production costs; - operational data of the logistics department; - information from analytical accounting on the receipt, consumption and balances of material resources, etc.

The purpose of this term paper- on the basis of literary sources, to study the organization, planning and ways to improve the logistics of production on the example of JSC "Plastic".

Therefore, the objectives of the course work are:

¾ study of the concept and essence of material resources at the enterprise in market conditions;

¾ study of methods and ways of planning the needs of an enterprise in material resources;

¾ study of the procedure for calculating the reserves of material resources and the methodology for their normalization;

¾ study of sources of covering the needs for material resources;

¾ to consider the work of the logistics service of OAO Plastic;

1. Theoretical section. PLANNING the logistics of production

It should be noted that in the days of a centrally planned economy, the TS was a process of planned provision of the national economy. At that time, enterprises did not independently plan logistics in accordance with their needs, and plans for the supply of all enterprises in the country were developed centrally by special government bodies- Gosplan, USSR State Committee for Logistics. It happened in the following way. Organizations began to develop logistics plans before the start of the planning period, based on reports from higher organizations of preliminary limits. With such a system of planned resource allocation, often enterprises did not receive the materials that they needed, it also happened that the materials that were distributed to them were not used, since there was no real need for them in the enterprise. Also, all the material resources supplied to the enterprise were, more or less, typical, that is, exactly the same furniture, utensils, materials, etc. also applied to other companies. And if the enterprise wanted and had the material opportunity to purchase better materials in accordance with its actual needs, it could not do this without a corresponding order "from above". The need for planning in modern enterprises stems from a large number competitive enterprises, ever-increasing in the period of market economy, diversity possible forms enterprise management the presence of numerous structural divisions within the enterprise, close intercompany ties with suppliers of various goods (products, equipment, etc.) and agent firms involved in the customer service process, as well as from the requirements of scientific and technological progress - quickly take into account and master the latest achievements of science and technology. Also, under market conditions, enterprises have the right to choose a supplier, and hence the right to purchase more efficient material resources.

This forces the supply staff to carefully study quality characteristics products manufactured by various suppliers.

Planning of material and technical support (supply) of enterprises for present stage designed to solve the following tasks:

) it must ensure the continuity of the enterprise, which is achieved by proper organization supplies of materials to the enterprise in required quantity and corresponding quality;

) contribute to the improvement of the technical level of the production of services, promote the introduction of automation, new technologies, as well as the expansion of the range of additional services, which, in turn, are the most important factor increase in profits of the enterprise;

) MTO should be aimed at improving the quality of service through the purchase of goods High Quality for the most complete customer satisfaction;

) MTO should be aimed at increasing labor productivity;

) the MTO plan should be aimed at saving material resources;

) the MTO plan should be aimed at fulfilling the profit plan;

As noted above, the logistics plan is developed by a special department in the accounting department, which includes two main departments - procurement management, and warehouse management. They are given the following tasks: organization of control over the supply in terms of volume and assortment in accordance with the concluded agreements; compliance with the norm and structure of commodity stocks; finding ways to reduce commodity losses during storage and transportation. But it should be noted that the most important responsibility of this department is to develop a plan logistical security.

The MTO plan of an enterprise is its material balance, which summarizes all calculations of the need for material resources necessary to ensure production process(expenditure part), the availability of balances for the planned period, as well as the sources of supply (income part). The main indicators of the MTO plan, as well as the relationship between them, can be displayed by the following equation:

Rpen + Znor = Oozh + E + V, (1)

where Rpen - the need for material resources for production and operational needs;

Znor - normalized reserves;

Оozh - expected residuals, i.e. actual stocks that exist in the enterprise for a certain period;

E - economy

B - import plan.

On the left side of the equation, the total need for material resources is displayed, on the right side, the sources of covering this need .

The process of developing an MTO plan includes the following steps:

1.calculation of the need for material resources for production and operational needs;

2.based on existing needs, the norms of the reserves of resources necessary for the smooth functioning of the enterprise are calculated;

.then the sources of covering the need for material resources are determined, and a plan is developed for importing materials from outside.

Determining material requirements is one of the most important works performed in the process of planning the material support of production. The size and type of needs serve as the basis for choosing the conditions for the delivery of materials (for example, in accordance with the rhythm of consumption, the production cycle of the product, etc.). Possible fluctuations in needs and delivery times necessitate continuous monitoring of the level of inventories. Necessary condition solving the problems of determining the requirements for materials is the choice of the method of their calculation and the establishment of the type of requirement.


The basis for planning the provision of enterprises with material resources is the system of economic relations that develops directly between them and suppliers for the exchange of labor products using commodity-money relations through direct economic relations, through the market for means of production (commodity exchanges) or through the mediation of specialized enterprises and organizations, entrepreneurs and businessmen. On the basis of the subject, direct economic ties can be divided into ties due to state orders (there are fewer and fewer of them) and established by enterprises on their own initiative, determined by their mutual interest in the manufacture, supply and purchase of inventory items (equipment, machinery, materials, etc.). etc.).

Thus, in providing enterprises with material resources, everything greater value receive market relations between all business entities with free choice business partners- suppliers or consumers - in a competitive environment. Market relations, formed by the demand and supply of goods (products, works, services) through the market, imply profound changes in the nature of the material support of enterprises, the replacement of the "card system" of resource distribution by free trade in means of production. Under these conditions, the performance of calculations to provide enterprises with the necessary resources becomes very difficult. importance .

When performing calculations, it should be borne in mind that an overestimation of the need for materials leads to the formation of excess and excess stocks, a slowdown in the turnover of working capital, an increase in costs and losses during storage. At the same time, the planning of resources in the amount of a smaller required need disrupts the rhythm of production and can cause a decrease in its volumes.

The planned need for this type of material resources can be determined on the basis of the balance of their needs and the sources of its coverage. It (balance) can be represented in following form:

where R R , R With , R n , R uh , R m , R n and R h - the need for this type of material resources, respectively, for the production of basic products (performance of the scope of work), capital construction, implementation new technology and technology, repair and maintenance needs, manufacturing of technological equipment and tools, an increase in work in progress and on carryover stocks created at the end of the planning period;

O - the expected balance of this type of material resources at the beginning of the planning period (the number of materials that were not used in the preplanning period and are in stock);

E - saving materials (resources) through the introduction of organizational technical events, advanced technologies, etc.;

B is the quantity of materials to be purchased externally from external suppliers.

On the basis of the balance of material support, the amount of necessary resources is determined as the difference between their total need P and the internal source of income O + E + M. In order to acquire minimum quantity materials, it is necessary to correctly establish the need for them and take into account the possibilities of covering it as much as possible due to internal sources Mobilization of internal resources is carried out by saving materials, their reuse (for example, through the repair and restoration of spare parts and workwear, vulcanization rubber products, secondary use of metal, etc.), disposal of production waste, use of excess and excess stocks, timely sale of unnecessary ones.

The absolute size of the expected balances of a particular type of resources at the beginning of the planning period is determined by their actual availability at the time of calculating the need, the expected acquisition and consumption for the remaining period of time. The expected receipt (acquisition) includes: the amount of resources that suppliers must ship before the end of this period on account of outstanding contracts, their actual receipt for the time from the date on which the actual balance is set until the moment the need is determined, as well as resources in transit to the company in this moment, and their expected replenishment from local (internal) sources.

In the practice of material support, depending on the availability necessary information, specifics technological processes, consumable materials and other features use various methods and ways to determine the need for resources. These, in particular, include: the method of direct counting, analogy, calculation by typical representative, standard wear periods, dynamic coefficients, and others, including economic and mathematical ones.

The most common is the direct counting method, which allows you to determine the need for resources by the product accepted norm expenditure on the corresponding volume of products planned for release. Depending on the consumption rates used, this method has a number of varieties: for a part, product, physical or cost volume of construction, repair or transport work, etc. .

In the absence of consumption rates for manufactured products (for example, in small-scale, individual, pilot production), which differ slightly in design and production technology from previously produced products that have consumption rates, the need for materials P can be determined by analogy using the formula:

P = H P K (3)

where H is the rate of consumption of material (resources) for a similar product;

P is the program for the production of products for which the consumption rates

no materials;

K is a coefficient that takes into account the specifics of the consumption of materials for the production of this product compared to a similar one.

At enterprises with a multi-product nature of production, the calculation of the need for materials is carried out according to the so-called typical representatives:

P = H t P (4)

where H t - material consumption rate for the manufacture of a typical representative of this group of products (products);

P - the program of production of all types of products in the planning period.

A typical representative is such a product, for the manufacture of which individual norm material consumption approaches the weighted average consumption rate for this group of products.

In addition to the main materials from which products are directly made, enterprises also consume auxiliary materials, the consumption of which is regulated not by norms per unit, but by standard wear periods. Such materials include spare parts for machinery and equipment, inventory, tools and fixtures, overalls, footwear, etc. At the same time, standard wear periods can be set not only in time, but also in units of work performed - kilometers of run, engine hours (machine hours) of operating time, ton-kilometers of cargo work, etc.

Of the significant number of resource items consumed by each enterprise, there will always be those for which it is difficult or even impossible to establish consumption rates or wear periods, for example, materials for pilot plants, laboratories, stationery, etc. To determine their needs, the method of dynamic coefficients is used, based on the use of statistical data on the actual consumption of this material Rf, taking into account coefficients that take into account the change in the volume of production (products) in the planned period Kn and the savings in materials in connection with the developed measures Ke i.e.

R = Rf Kn Ke (5)

The size of the carry-over stock of this type of material Р 3can be found by the expression:

R 3 = H R t /D (6)

where H is the norm of the carry-over stock of this type of materials in days;

R t - need in this material for commercial production,

D is the number of days in the planning period.

The need for electrical and thermal energy consists of its consumption for technological purposes (electric welding, electroplating, etc.), to set in motion equipment and tools, to household needs(lighting and ventilation of industrial, administrative buildings, structures, etc.) At the same time, they take into account the increase in the level of operation and use of power equipment, the elimination of unproductive costs and the reduction of intra-factory losses during energy transmission, the maximum use of secondary energy resources, saving electricity consumed for lighting purposes . .

Electricity for technological needs is calculated on the basis of planned production volumes and progressive consumption rates; the need for motor energy - based on the total power of all operating motors, the planned shift ratio of the equipment and the duration of the shift, the equipment load factor; electricity for lighting - based on the power of the lamps, the number of hours of burning per day and the duration of the enterprise in the planned period.

The need for fuel for heating industrial and administrative buildings, structures is determined taking into account their type, design, duration of the heating period, caloric coefficient of the fuel used and other factors.

The required amount of equipment (for example, tractors and machines based on them, loaders, road trains, etc.) P about to perform the planned scope of work Q (in m 3, t, etc.) can be found from the expression:

R about = Q/ P cm D R To op Xm (7)

D R = Dx Kt.g Ki.i = Dx K.p (8)

where P cm - shift productivity of equipment, m 3, t;

D R - the number of working days per year (machine-days in operation) per listed piece of equipment,

To op - coefficient of use of equipment in the main works;

Kcm - shift coefficient;

Dx - the number of car-days of stay of the unit

equipment on the farm for the planned period,

Kt.g., Ki.i., K.p. - coefficients of technical readiness, use of serviceable equipment and use of the fleet of machines (calendar time).

The average number of machines (equipment) is found by the formula:

Pm = M P - MV [(Mn Vn + Mv Vv) / V to ] (9)

where Pm is the average number of cars in the planning period;

M P , Mv and Mn - the number of equipment at the beginning of the planning period, retired and incoming in the planning period;

Вn, Вв, В to - the number of days of operation of incoming, outgoing equipment and the duration of the planned period in days .

The choice of methods for determining the need for equipment depends, first of all, on its purpose, and the main areas of use are: staffing facilities under construction, increasing production capacity due to an increase in production volumes (performance of work), complex mechanization and automation of basic and auxiliary work, replacement of physically worn out and obsolete equipment, etc. .

The calculated need for equipment is compared with its availability at the enterprise, and if the need does not much exceed the availability, then opportunities are sought for its more rational use (for example, by increasing the shift ratio, using it in basic work, etc.). And only in cases where all the capabilities of the enterprise have been used, it should make a decision to acquire (purchase) a new one. A negative difference between the need and the availability of equipment indicates its surplus.

The need for machines (equipment) in the planned period P m can be enlarged and determined by the following formula:

P m = (M R - M n ) Kr.p. + M With (10)

where M R , M n them With - the average number of machines of this type required to perform the established scope of work, the availability of machines at the beginning of the planning period (the operating fleet plus uninstalled equipment in stock) and the number of machines to be written off due to physical and obsolescence;

Kr.p. - coefficient taking into account the uniformity of receipt (delivery, purchase) of cars in given period. The need for spare parts of a certain name and purpose Р h.h., if the rate of their consumption is known, it can be determined by the formula:

R s.h = (Нзч P Ksm Pm)/K in (11)

where Nzch - the consumption rate of spare parts for one machine in the planned period with one-shift operation;

n - the number of spare parts of this name,

installed simultaneously on the machine;

Kcm - shift coefficient;

Pm - the average number of cars in the planning period;

To in - coefficient taking into account the reuse of spare parts due to their recovery.

At some enterprises (machine-building, woodworking, repair, etc.), the need for spare parts and repair materials R 3h are determined according to the rates of their consumption per repair unit and the volume of repair work in units of repair complexity:

R s.h = (å E to + a å E With ) H to K (12)

where E to and E With - the sum of units of repair complexity of equipment (machines) during major and medium repairs;

a - coefficient characterizing the ratio between the consumption rate of spare parts and repair materials during major and medium repairs;

H to - consumption rate of spare parts and repair materials for major and medium repairs;

K is a coefficient that takes into account the consumption of spare parts and materials for scheduled checkups, overhaul maintenance .

The planned need for materials for consumption is covered by the expected balances at the beginning of the planning period, internal resources (which are formed by saving materials) and the amount of import from outside.

The value of the expected balances at the beginning of the planning period is determined by the formula:

Oozh \u003d Of + Vozh - Rozh, (13)

where Оozh is the expected remainder;

Of - the actual balance on the first day of the month in which the supply plan was developed (reporting data);

Vozh - the expected receipt by the enterprise for the period from the date on which the actual balance is taken, and before the beginning of the planning period;

Rozh is the expected consumption for the same period.

Establishing the amount of import of materials from outside can be determined by developing a balance of logistics according to the formula:

Rpen + Znor = Oozh + E + V, (14)

Znor - normalized reserves;

Оozh - expected residuals;

E - saving materials, due to the mobilization of internal resources;

B - the value of the import of materials from outside.

Hence, the amount of imported materials from outside is determined by the following formula:

B \u003d Rpen + Znor - Oozh - E (15)

At this stage, contracts are concluded with suppliers that regulate the terms of delivery: volume, quality, price of goods, form of payment, delivery time, liability for violation of the terms of the contract.

When choosing suppliers, a number of factors should be taken into account: territorial remoteness and promptness of deliveries, compliance of the production capacity of suppliers with the needs of the enterprise in material resources, their quality, price, payment terms, the possibility of granting a loan, etc. Preference is given to the partner provided by Better conditions With minimal cost. The successful selection of a supplier depends on how much the enterprise can analyze its performance in terms of quality, delivery and price. These components are considered in the selection in the first place. .


The economic size is the size of the lot of materials that will minimize the annual total cost of inventory under certain conditions of their formation, material prices and taxes. The technique for determining economic lot sizing is to compare the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing materials in large or small lots and to select the order size that corresponds to the minimum total cost of restocking.

On fig. 1 shows the relationship between the order lot size and the costs of purchasing and storing materials. Let x be the number of units purchased as a result of one order. As the number of purchased items of material increases, the running cost of inventory increases (curve 1). At the same time, as the batch size increases, the number of orders per year decreases. This leads to a decrease in the costs associated with placing orders (curve 2). Based quantification order fulfillment and total costs:

X 0- optimal order size

of these dependencies, it is possible to determine the size of the order that minimizes the value of the total costs (curve 3) under the following assumptions:

Fig 1. The ratio between the costs of storing materials,

) the total number of units of material constituting annual stocks is known;

) the quantity demanded is unchanged;

) orders are executed immediately, i.e. orders are fulfilled in deadlines, the lead time is known and constant;

) registration costs do not depend on their size;

) the price of materials does not change during the considered period of time.

In accordance with the assumptions made, the costs of creating and maintaining reserves can be expressed by the formula

qopt = Ö2C1Q/C2

Definition optimal size parties. The problem of determining the optimal order size is solved for the conditions when the purchase of materials is carried out on the side, there is a constant rate of consumption and their immediate receipt. If the enterprise is its own supplier, then the problem of the optimal batch size is formulated, i.e. the quantity of products that must be manufactured to replenish stocks of its own components. The daily replenishment rate is defined as

(p - Q) /240 (16)

where p is the annual volume of production of components.

If the rates of production (receipt) and consumption of materials are set, then the stocks will grow during the entire replenishment period, and will reach a maximum value at the end of this period. In this case, the optimal production batch size is equal to

qopt = Ö2C1Q/ (17)

If the difference between (2p is close to zero, then<7ОПТ приближается к бесконечности. Это означает, что в случае, когда уровень спроса равняется объему производства, производственный процесс должен быть непрерывным. Если р намного превышает п то оптимальный размер партии равен оптимальному размеру заказа и пополнение запасов возможно по первому требованию.

2 Methodology for planning the logistics of production

Having determined its need for material and technical resources, the enterprise must decide on the sources of covering this need. We are talking about studying the market for raw materials, materials, energy carriers, etc. The enterprise needs to have, possibly, complete information about the raw materials and materials available on the market, their quality characteristics, compliance with the requirements of the buyer .

The necessary information is provided by publicly available sources: newspapers, radio, television, the Internet, specialized magazines and catalogs published by chambers of commerce and industry and suppliers, market reviews, stock bulletins, technical guides, etc. More complete information can be obtained by direct contact with manufacturers, suppliers, when visiting exhibitions, fairs.

Based on the calculations of the need for materials and the results of studying the situation on the market for these materials, the enterprise must decide whether to buy materials or try to produce them on its own (unless, of course, the enterprise has the technical capabilities for this).

Independent production of components reduces the company's dependence on market fluctuations and is one hundred percent reliable. However, a manufacturer specializing in their production can provide more high quality and low price. In any case, the adoption of a decision should be preceded by a comparison of the costs of purchasing materials and the costs of organizing their own production.

Let us illustrate the process of developing this solution with a specific example. Suppose a company needs a specific product. When organizing your own production of this product, variable costs will amount to 15 thousand rubles. per product, and the total fixed costs will be 340 thousand rubles. At the same time, the necessary products can be purchased from the supplier at a price of 17 thousand rubles. for the product.

Let's find the number of components and, which ensures the equality of costs for the two options, from the equation

n = 170 pcs.

Then, if the enterprise's need for products exceeds 170 pieces, it is advisable to organize its own production. For smaller needs, purchases should be made on the side.

There are several forms of providing an enterprise with material and technical resources:

through auctions and competitions;

on commodity exchanges;

through sponsorship;

through direct relationships with suppliers;

own production.

The enterprise chooses a specific form (method) of providing material and technical resources based on the characteristics of the resource, the duration of its receipt, the number of offers, the quality and price of the resource, and other factors. When determining the form of providing an enterprise with resources, one should study the reliability of the supplier and the level of competitiveness of his products. When concluding contracts (agreements) with suppliers, one should remember the need to reflect quantitative and qualitative indicators, specific forms of supply, terms, sanctions, etc.

The organization of supplying an enterprise with resources can have three options: centralized, decentralized and mixed purchases .

The centralized option is characterized by the fact that all supply functions are concentrated in one department. This option has a number of advantages. So, the total need of all departments of the enterprise can be quite large and can induce the supplier to provide various benefits for the purchase (price discounts), transportation, etc. In addition, control over the fulfillment of purchase obligations is facilitated, and the overall costs of the procurement process (transport, storage costs, costs of placing orders) are reduced. The centralization of procurement functions also allows you to save money on market research and always have reliable information about its condition. Procurement functions performed by qualified specialists ensure professional decision-making and time savings.

Decentralization of supply provides for independent procurement by employees of production units. At the same time, less time is spent on procurement, since there is no delegation of authority.

For large enterprises with numerous areas of production, geographically remote from each other and producing various types of products, mixed purchases are typical. In this case, the production units independently acquire the material resources they need, and the logistics department at the enterprise level develops a unified procurement policy, coordinating and controlling the process, and carries out bulk purchases.

The process of acquiring material and technical resources includes several stages.

Applications for materials contain information about what types of materials, in what quantity and in what terms the enterprise needs. Applications are made by employees of the relevant functional divisions of the enterprise. They are then reviewed by the Procurement Service with input from other departments to validate the stated needs and find ways to minimize the cost of obtaining the right quality materials. The choice of suppliers is carried out on the basis of studying information about possible suppliers of material resources, selected in accordance with the criteria adopted by the enterprise (price, reliability, etc.).

The MTO organization is the organization of a system for providing a manufacturing enterprise with material and technical resources.

Each organizational structure of the MTO of an industrial enterprise includes a supply infrastructure and an organizational structure for the management of the MTO.

The MTO infrastructure includes divisions of the warehouse, transport and procurement facilities. Separate enterprises may also have divisions for the processing of production and packaging waste.

Warehousing is the main structural subdivision of the MTO service of the enterprise. its own organizational structure is established depending on the production structure of the enterprise itself. therefore, the composition of the warehouse economy can be represented by a network of general factory warehouses or warehouses of individual industries, a network of workshop warehouses and storage areas in large specialized areas.

According to the functions performed, warehouses at industrial enterprises can be material, industrial, marketing and other specialized warehouses.

Warehouse - buildings, structures, devices designed for the acceptance and storage of various material assets, preparing them for production consumption or uninterrupted supply to the consumer. The need for warehouses stems from the existence of stocks of raw materials, materials and finished products; inventories are needed due to fluctuations in the cycles of production, transportation and consumption of products. Warehouses carry out intra-warehouse transport, loading, unloading, sorting, picking and intermediate handling operations, as well as some technological operations. Warehouses are classified:

By the nature (purpose) of the activity: material (supply); intra-production (inter-shop and intra-shop); marketing (warehouses for finished products);

By type and nature of stored materials: universal; specialized (for example, refrigerators);

By type of construction: closed; semi-closed; open; special (for example, bunker structures, tanks).

By location and scale of action: central; precinct; workshops.

By the degree of fire resistance: fireproof; slow-burning; combustible.

The main functions of warehouses:

Temporary placement and storage of inventories;

transformation of material flows;

Providing service in the service system.

To perform technological functions for the preliminary processing of materials, procurement and preparation of products for production consumption, industrial enterprises create a procurement economy, which is included in the organizational structure of the MTO service of the enterprise.

There are three forms of organization of MTO management:

Centralized - the concentration of functions within a single logistics service, which is due to the territorial integrity of the enterprise, the production unity of the enterprise and a relatively narrow range of consumed materials;

Decentralized - dispersal of functions, which is due to the territorial disunity of the enterprise, the production independence of departments and a relatively wide range of materials;

The mixed system combines the two above.

At industrial enterprises, there are various schemes for the organizational construction of the MTO service. The systematization of these structures allows us to identify the most typical:

Functional - provides for the systematization of individual units for the performance of specific functions;

According to the commodity principle, it provides for the specialization of individual departments of the MTO service for the implementation of the entire range of work to provide the enterprise with certain types of material resources;

The combined one provides for certain divisions of the enterprise, in which the entire range of functions is carried out by groups of specialists assigned to them in material resources, and all functions of external resource supply are also carried out.

Logistics planning

Planning the MTO of an enterprise is the basis for making a decision on the purchase of material resources. When organizing the purchase of material resources at enterprises, it is necessary to determine the need for material resources according to a specialized nomenclature during the planning period.

The planning process includes the following steps:

1) market research of raw materials and materials - involves the systematic collection, processing, analysis and evaluation of information and the assumption of specific types of materials, assortment and prices for raw materials, materials, fuel and semi-finished products;

2) determination of the needs of the enterprise for the entire range of consumed resources. The need for material resources consists of the need for resources for the main production, for the creation and maintenance of carry-over stocks at the end of the planning period and the need for other types of economic activity, including non-production. Demand can be determined in three ways:

a) deterministic - based on production plans and consumption rates;

b) stochastic - based on a probabilistic forecast, taking into account the needs for past periods;

c) evaluative - based on an experimental statistical assessment.

The stock rate is the estimated minimum number of items of labor that manufacturing enterprises must have to ensure uninterrupted supply of production and sales of products. When determining the norms of reserves, heuristic, technical and economic calculations and economic and mathematical methods are used. Heuristic methods use the experience of specialists who make decisions about the size of stocks based on a subjective understanding of demand development trends. An employee of an enterprise who constantly solves the problem of inventory rationing can act as a specialist. The method used in this case (from the heuristic group) is called experimental-statistical. If the task is complex enough, the experience of several specialists can be used. After analyzing their subjective assessments, a fairly good solution can be obtained (method of expert assessments). The essence of the method of technical and economic calculations is the division of the total stock, depending on the intended purpose, into separate groups (for example, nomenclature items). For selected groups, insurance, current and seasonal stocks are calculated separately, each of which, in turn, can be divided into some elements (for example, safety stock in case of increased demand or violation of the delivery time of materials from suppliers).

Rationing the current stock is to find the maximum value of the need for production in material assets between two successive deliveries. This requirement is determined by the product of the average daily consumption by the delivery interval:

TZ \u003d R SUT x I,

where TK is the current stock;

R SUT - average daily consumption of materials;

I – delivery interval, days.

In turn, the average daily consumption is found by dividing the total requirement for material (P G, P KV, P M - respectively annual, quarterly and monthly requirements) by the rounded number of calendar days in the planning period:

R SUT \u003d P G (P KV, P M): 360 (90, 30).

Depending on the specific conditions of production, circulation and consumption of materials, the delivery interval is determined by several methods.

If the supplies depend on the minimum rate of issue of this material B (transit or custom), their value is found by dividing the rate by the average daily consumption:

I \u003d B: R SUT.

If the delivery lot is determined by the carrying capacity of the vehicles that transport goods, the delivery interval is found by dividing the carrying capacity G by the average daily consumption:

I \u003d G: R SUT.

The delivery interval depends on the periodicity of the issue of this material by the supplier. In such cases, it will be equal to the duration of the interruption in the production of this material at the supplier.

If it is impossible to determine the delivery interval by the considered methods, then it is set on the basis of an analysis of data on the actual delivery intervals in past periods. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude from the actual data uncharacteristic deliveries of material resources, that is, significantly different from others either in the amount of supplied material resources, or in the duration of the delivery interval. After that, the weighted average delivery interval in the previous period is calculated ( t up) according to the formula:

t vzv \u003d (St f V): SВ

where t f - actual delivery intervals;

B - sizes of incoming lots corresponding to delivery intervals t f

If the incoming material assets do not meet the requirements of the technological process and must undergo appropriate processing before being put into production, a technological (preparatory) stock is created.

Technological (preparatory) stock is calculated in accordance with the time standards for the implementation of preparatory operations or according to statistical data (observations) of the actual time spent preparing materials for production consumption in the past period (timekeeping).

The safety stock is determined by the formula

SZ \u003d R SUT (I F - I PL) / 2

where SZ - safety stock;

And F, And PL - respectively, the actual and planned intervals of deliveries.

With an aggregated assessment, the insurance stock is taken in the amount of 50% of the current stock. If the enterprise is remote from transport routes, or non-standard (unique) materials are used, the safety stock rate can be increased to 100%.

The emergence of safety stock is due to a violation of the supply of material by the supplier. With frequent violations of deliveries by the transport organization, a transport stock is created. It includes those working capital that is diverted from the day the supplier's invoice is paid until the cargo arrives at the warehouse. The transport stock (T R Z) is calculated similarly to the insurance

T R Z \u003d R SUT (I F - I PL) / 2.

The value of seasonal stocks is established according to the actual conditions of receipt and the need for materials.

So, the total stock rate of a particular material is determined by the formula

H \u003d TK + SZ + PZ,

where H is the total stock rate of the material;

ПЗ - norm of a preparatory stock.

The method of technical and economic calculations makes it possible to accurately determine the required amount of reserves, but the calculations are laborious.

The essence of economic-mathematical methods of stock rationing is as follows.

The demand for goods or products is most often a random process that can be described by methods of mathematical statistics. The simplest method for determining the stock is extrapolation (smoothing), when the rate of change in stocks in the past is transferred to the future. For example, having information about the size of stocks for the past four periods, the extrapolation method determines the size of stocks for the upcoming period according to the formula

Y 5 \u003d 0.5 (2Y 4 + Y 3 - Y 1),

where Y 1 , Y 3 , Y 4 - stock levels (in total, days or percentage of turnover), respectively, for the first, third and fourth periods;

Y 5 - standard stock level for the forthcoming (fifth) period.

The inventory level forecast for the sixth period (Y 6) can be made using the formula:

Y 6 \u003d 0.5 (2Y 5 + Y 4 - Y 2).

International inventory management practice shows that the growth rate of stocks should somewhat lag behind the growth rate of demand. Mathematically, this is formulated as follows:

where T 3 - growth rate of commodity stocks; T 0 - the growth rate of demand.

This ratio between stocks and demand ensures the acceleration of the turnover of working capital.

The MTO balance of the enterprise includes:

Production of products (PP);

Introduction of new technology (VNT);

Repair and maintenance needs (REW);

Formation of a backlog of work in progress (Zzp);

The formation of carry-over stocks (Zper).

Sources to cover this need can be:

Expected balances at the beginning of the planning period (On.p.);

Materials in work in progress at the beginning of the planning period (Mn.p.);

Mobilization of domestic resources (Min);

Acquisition and importation of materials from outside (Zm).

Thus, the material balance can be represented as follows:

PP + VNT + REN + Zzp + Zper \u003d On.p. + Mn.p. + Mvn + Zm.



1. Types and systems of operational planning

2. Development of operational production plans

3. Operational accounting and production control

10.1. Types and systems of operational planning

Operational planning of production is the final link in the planned work at the enterprise. It consists in the development (on the basis of annual plans) of specific production tasks for short periods of time both for the enterprise as a whole and for its divisions, and in the operational regulation of the progress of production according to operational accounting and control. A feature of this type of planning is the combination of the development of plan targets with the organization of their implementation.

The task of operational and production planning is to organize a uniform, rhythmic mutually coordinated work of all production departments of the enterprise to ensure the timely implementation of the state plan target with economical use of resources and high product quality. Operational planning consists of scheduling and scheduling (operational regulation).

Calendar planning includes the distribution of annual plan targets by production units and deadlines, as well as bringing the established indicators to specific work executors. With its help, shift-daily tasks are developed, and the sequence of work performed by individual performers is agreed upon. When implementing the developed calendar plan, an operational record of the progress of its implementation is kept - information is collected on the actual implementation of the plan, it is processed and transferred to the relevant services

On the basis of the information received, dispatching is carried out, which consists in identifying and eliminating deviations from the planned course of production, in taking measures to ensure the synchronization of production, the best use of working time and material resources, and high utilization of equipment and jobs.

In modern production, various operational planning systems are widespread, determined both by internal factors and by external market conditions. Under the system of operational planning of production in the economic literature, it is customary to understand a set of various methods of technologies for planned work, characterized by the degree of centralization, the object of regulation, the composition of calendar and planned indicators, the procedure for accounting and movement of products and is framed by accounting documentation.

The main characteristics of any operational planning system include: methods for completing calendar assignments for departments of the enterprise, the procedure for coordinating and linking the work of workshops and sections, the selected planning and accounting unit, the duration of the planning period, methods and techniques for calculating planned indicators, the composition of accompanying documentation, etc. or any other system of operational planning in the market is determined mainly by the volume of demand for products and services, the costs and results of planning, the scale and type of production, the organizational structure of the enterprise and other factors. The most valuable at present are the detailed, order-by-order and complete system of operational planning and their varieties used in many large domestic enterprises and foreign firms, as well as in small and medium-sized businesses. The detailed planning system is designed for a highly organized and stable production environment. According to this system, the progress of work, technological operations and production processes for each part is planned and regulated for a certain planning period - an hour, a shift, a day, a week, etc. The detailed system is based on accurate planning of the tact and rhythm of production lines and production sites, the correct determination of normal technological, transport, insurance, inter-operational and cycle reserves and their constant maintenance in the process at a strict calculated level. The use of this system requires the development of complex calendar-operational plans containing output volume indicators and the route of movement of parts of each item through all production stages and technological operations. Therefore, it is advisable to use detailed planning with a limited and stable range of products, which takes place in conditions of large-scale and mass or low-product production.

The order-by-order system of operational planning is mainly used in single and small-scale production with its diverse range of products and a small volume of products and production services. In this case, the object of planning, or the main planning and accounting unit, is a separate production order, which includes several jobs of the same type for a particular consumer-customer. This planning system is based on calculations of the duration of production cycles and lead standards, with the help of which the deadlines required by the customer or the market are set for both individual processes and the entire order as a whole.

The complete system is used mainly in serial machine-building production. As the main planning and accounting unit, various parts are used that are part of an assembly unit or a common set of goods grouped according to certain characteristics. With a complete planning system, calendar tasks for production units are developed not according to the details of a separate name, but according to enlarged groups or sets of parts for a unit, machine, order, or a certain amount of work or services. This system helps to reduce the complexity of both planning and calculation work, and the organizational and managerial activities of the personnel of the linear and functional services of the enterprise. With this system, the flexibility of operational planning, current control and regulation of the production process is significantly increased, which, in conditions of market uncertainty, serves as an important means for enterprises to stabilize production. In addition to the three systems of operational planning considered, domestic enterprises use such subsystems as planning by the production cycle, by backlog, ahead of schedule, to the warehouse, etc.

Planning by the cycle of product release provides for the alignment of the duration of technological operations at all stages of the overall production process in accordance with a single estimated time for the completion of interrelated work. Tact in this case serves as the most important planning and economic regulator of the course of production at workplaces.

Backlog planning involves maintaining at the required estimated level the stock of blanks, semi-finished products and components intended for further processing and assembly at each stage of production. To ensure the rhythmic work of interconnected production sites and production lines, the normal sizes of production reserves are determined, which represent an appropriate stock of blanks. According to the purpose, backlogs are technological, transport, insurance, inter-operational or inter-cycle. The backlog can be set in units or days. The total normal backlog is usually taken equal to the sum of all the terms of the blanks and parts.

Planning ahead is characterized by the distribution and grouping of parts and work according to the timing of release and the organization of their timely production and transfer to the appropriate stages of production, depending on the estimated lead time. Lead is understood as a calendar period of time by which each previous part or stage of the production process must be ahead of the next in order to complete it on schedule in relation to the final stage of processing or assembly of parts. In this system, the plan-even unit can be an individual part or an assembly unit of a product.

Planning for a warehouse or market is carried out when products are admitted and delivered for sale in significant volumes with low labor intensity and a small number of technological operations. With this system, the planning and production department determines the required number of finished parts, which must constantly be at the intermediate or final stages of production and sale of products.

2. Development of operational production plans

Operational planning of production consists in the development of the most important volumetric and calendar indicators of the production and economic activities of the enterprise. Any process of operational planning involves the implementation by economists-managers of such stages of activity as the choice of an enterprise development strategy, justification of the form of organization of production, determination of the logistics scheme for the movement of material flows, development of basic calendar and planning standards, operational planning of the work of production units, organizational preparation of production, direct organization operational work, current control and regulation of the production process. The main task of operational planning ultimately boils down to ensuring the smooth and rhythmic course of all production processes at the enterprise in order to best meet the basic needs of the market, rational use of available economic resources and maximize profits.

In operational planning of production, depending on the developed indicators, such basic methods as volumetric, calendar, as well as their varieties: volumetric-calendar and volumetric-dynamic are used.

The volumetric method is designed to distribute the annual volumes of production and sales of the company's products by individual divisions and shorter variable intervals - quarter, month, decade, week, day and hour. This method involves not only the distribution of work, but also the optimization of the use of production assets and, first of all, technological equipment and assembly areas for the planned interval. With its help, monthly production programs of the main workshops are formed and the timing of the release of products or the fulfillment of an order in all producing divisions of the enterprise is planned.

The calendar method is used to plan specific time periods for the launch and release of products, the standards for the duration of the production cycle and the advance in the production of individual works relative to the release of head products intended for sale in the corresponding product market. This method is based on the use of progressive time standards for calculating production cycles for the manufacture of individual parts, planned product sets and assembly processes. In turn, the production cycle of the main product serves as a regulatory framework for the formation of projects for monthly production programs for the rest of the manufacturing shops and sections of the enterprise.

The volume-calendar method allows you to plan simultaneously the terms and volumes of work performed at the enterprise as a whole for the entire specified period of time - a year, a quarter, a month, etc. with its help, the duration of the production cycle for the release and delivery of products to the market, as well as the loading rates of technological equipment and assembly stands in each division of the enterprise, are calculated. This method can be used to develop monthly production programs for both producing and non-producing shops and areas.

The volume-dynamic method provides for the close interaction of such planned and calculated indicators as the timing, volumes and dynamics of the production of products, goods and services. Under market conditions, this method makes it possible to take into account the volume of demand and production capabilities of the enterprise to the fullest extent and creates the planning and organizational basis for the optimal use of available resources at each enterprise. It involves the construction of schedules for the fulfillment of consumer orders and the loading of production sites and manufacturing shops.

In accordance with the considered methods, it is necessary to distinguish between types of operational production planning: calendar, volumetric and mixed.

Calendar standards and the vast majority of planned indicators for the operational regulation of the course of production should be developed on the basis of progressive time standards for individual technological operations and processes, as well as for final products and aggregate production processes. The norms of time serve as the primary calendar and planning standard. The norm of time is understood as scientifically substantiated costs of the necessary working time for the performance of work in certain production conditions. There are norms for piece and piece-calculation time, as well as for a batch of parts. In general, the time rate can be calculated for all work using the formula

where Tsh-k - the norm of piece-calculation time; To - the main time for the operation; TV - auxiliary (non-overlapping) time; Tobs - time for maintenance of the workplace; Totl - time for rest and personal needs of the worker; Tpto - allowable breaks for technical and organizational reasons; Tpz - preparatory-final time; n is the size of the batch of machined parts.

In operational planning, various types of time standards can be used: in unit production - piece-costing time, in serial production - time for processing a batch of parts, in mass production - piece time.

The batch size of processed products serves as the first volume-planned standard. A batch of parts at enterprises is understood as the number of identical parts processed at interconnected workplaces with a single cost of preparatory and final time. Planning the batch size of the start-up release of parts is an important and complex economic task, since when calculating it, it is necessary to take into account many factors interacting in different directions. For example, an increase in the batch size of parts leads to a reduction in the cost of equipment changeover, an increase in labor productivity, and an improvement in operational planning. At the same time, the costs associated with the storage of inventories increase, the turnover of resources slows down, and the uniformity of cash flows decreases.

The size of the optimal batch of start-up production of parts, as can be seen from the graph, is determined mainly by the ratio of the costs of the enterprise for storing workpieces and setting up technological equipment. The normative value of a batch of parts is calculated by the formula

where P n is the standard value of a batch of parts, pieces; Nr - annual volume of output, pieces; 3n - the cost of setting up technological equipment; Si - the cost of one part, rubles / piece; 3x - the cost of storing parts as a percentage of the cost of stocks, equal to approximately 10-25%.

The calculation of the optimal batch of blanks involves the use of accurate initial economic indicators, which present some practical difficulties when they are established in specific production conditions. Therefore, a simplified method for calculating the minimum batch of parts is more widely used at our enterprises:

where P min - minimum batch size of parts; Tp-z - preparatory-final time; Tsht - piece time for one detail; α - coefficient of allowable loss of time for equipment changeover, equal to 0.05 to 0.1.

The size of the batch of parts is determined by the so-called leading operation or the most loaded machine. The resulting minimum value of the batch of parts launched is adjusted upwards, taking into account the need to ensure the required workload, the volume and time of delivery of products to the market, the throughput of the production site and other factors.

The batch size of parts serves as the main scheduling standard in mass production. Its value predetermines all other operational and production and planned economic indicators of the enterprise, in particular, the frequency or rhythm of production, the duration of the production cycle, the timing of delivery of goods and services to the market, etc.

The rhythm, or period, of the release of parts is determined by the ratio of the indicators of the optimal launch batch and the average daily output of products:

where R is the rhythm of the launch-release of parts, days; N days - average daily output, pieces / day.

At domestic engineering enterprises, there are standard values ​​​​of the frequency, or rhythm, of the release of parts, corresponding to the normal series of numbers. In operational planning, it is customary to express the frequency in the appropriate fractions of the month: 12M, ZM, M, M / 3, M / 6, M / 30 or in days: 360. 90, 30, 10, 5, 1. Taking into account the adopted release period, it is specified normative batch size of machined parts according to the formula

The production cycle is one of the important calendar and planning standards for both operational and strategic planning of the enterprise's on-farm activities. It represents the interval of calendar time from the beginning to the end of the production process for the manufacture of parts or the performance of works and services. The production cycle includes the working period of procurement, processing and assembly processes, as well as control, transport and warehouse operations.

The duration of the production cycle is determined by many interrelated organizational, technical, planning, economic, social, labor and other characteristics of a particular enterprise as a complex system in the market mechanism of management. The duration of any complex production cycle is made up of separate simple or partial cycles, including the execution time of work processes and regulated breaks. For example, when processing parts in batches, the production cycle will be equal to the sum of the time of individual operating and inter-operational cycles.

The total duration of the production cycle with a sequential method of transferring a processed batch of parts is determined by the formula

where Tlast - the duration of a sequential cycle, min; Ko - number of operations; P- batch size of parts; Tsh-k - piece-calculation time; C - number of machines per operation; Tm-o - time of interoperational breaks.

In the process of operational planning of production at enterprises, the duration of the production cycle is measured in calendar days. The conversion of minutes into hours and working days is not difficult: their total number is divided by the number of working minutes per day.

The obtained values ​​of production cycles for processing a batch of parts serve as the basis for building cycle schedules for order fulfillment for all technological stages or workshops of an enterprise and for calculating lead time standards. The standard of advance in operational production planning is the period of time in days, by which all previous operations must be completed earlier in relation to the time of execution of the subsequent and final stages of the production process. The advance standard is set by summing up the duration of production cycles from the specified order completion date to the technological stage where the corresponding advance in launch or release of parts is determined. The calculation of cycles is carried out in the opposite direction from the final to the initial stage with the addition of reserve or insurance time between the individual stages, determined empirically.

The planned calendar and production standards for given time constraints will be:

general production cycle:

In the process of developing operational plans for production, in addition to the considered basic calendar and planning standards, other organizational indicators are widely used, which form the basis for operational accounting, control and regulation of deviations from the planned normal course of production and delivery of products to the market.