Non-standard equipment with description in kindergarten. Use of non-standard physical education equipment in dhow conditions

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“The health of our children largely depends on the setting of physical culture in kindergarten and family ... "N. M. Amosov.

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An important direction in the formation of the basics in children healthy way life is properly organized subject-spatial environment, first of all, it is a motor subject spatial environment... It should be of a developing nature, be diverse, dynamic, and transformable. To do this, in our group we use non-standard equipment made by ourselves, because new sport equipment- it is always an additional stimulus for the activation of physical culture, health-improving work.

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Purpose: to expand the subject-development environment, by creating new non-standard equipment, from waste material with your own hands, helping the full development of children preschool age Tasks: To motivate children for physical activity through the use of non-traditional equipment in independent activities; Develop expressiveness and beauty of movements; Develop creativity, imagination, when using this equipment; Summarize and disseminate experience in creating and using non-standard equipment for motor environment

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Requirements for non-standard equipment Non-standard equipment should be: Safe, Maximum efficiency, Convenient to use, Compact, Easy to manufacture, Aesthetic.

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Group corner

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we have a new product - "Massage Gloves" in the health and fitness center! This non-standard hand-made equipment pleases me and my children. "Massage gloves"

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Massage Gloves Help Have a Positive Impact on Growth and Development child's body, relieve fatigue, improve blood circulation, soothe nervous system preschoolers. The children really liked them! With pleasure and desire, children play and massage themselves and each other! The massage is performed to increase the general tone of the body, to strengthen the immune system and improve emotional state child.

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To make "Massage Gloves" you need gloves, beads or buttons.

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And also in our group there are other non-standard physical training equipment:

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"FIREWORKS IN A BOTTLE" Material: A plastic bottle filled with confetti, foil, pieces of styrofoam, etc., in which holes are made. Cocktail tube. Purpose: To teach correct breathing(inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth). Use: The child blows into a tube inserted into the lid. Breathing exercises, v play activities.

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Massage ball su-jok with spring rings Development fine motor skills very important for full development brain. Thanks to actions and games for the development of fine motor skills, the child develops coordination of movements, learns to control his body, to concentrate on objects. No one can give a 100% guarantee that only due to constant finger stimulation, a child will speak early or grow up as a child prodigy. But the development of hand motor skills is one of the simple and effective developmental activities. This is especially important for children with delayed speech development.

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Material: "Silent simulator" - on the wall made of self-adhesive film, pasted silhouettes of children's hands and feet in different variations: "Quiet simulator" Development: development of coordination of movements, spatial perception, understanding spatial relationships (right - left). Training of muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, arms and legs, relaxation.

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Winder Game is a useful competitive game for preschool children. They are used to effectively train the fine motor skills of the fingers. During the game, dexterity, coordination and speed of movement are improved. Winder games are used both in competitions and in individual work and in the free play activity of children. I bring to your attention a do-it-yourself game winder. "Whose butterfly is faster." Game - winder "

Complete and all-round development and the upbringing of preschoolers is impossible without motor activity which has a great impact on health and the physical state children. A growing organism needs movement. Therefore, the main task of the kindergarten is health improvement, ensuring the versatile physical development of the child.

An important direction in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children is a properly organized subject-spatial environment. It should be of a developing nature, be diverse, dynamic, and transformable.

To do this, in our groups we use non-standard self-made physical culture equipment, because new sports equipment is always an additional incentive to intensify physical culture and health-improving work.

Impossible to decide main task without joint activities with parents. After all, the basis of a healthy lifestyle is laid primarily in the family, and in kindergarten we continue it.

Parents in our groups were invited to take part in the manufacture of non-standard equipment, they readily agreed. Recommendations were given: what material and how to make the manuals.

Non-standard equipment stimulates the interest of children, the desire to move, to participate in games; evokes joy and positive emotions.

Materials for the production of such a manual are varied: cases from "kinder surprises", plastic bottles from under yoghurt, different buttons, cloth, bottle caps, etc.

Non-standard equipment provides:

1. Development of children's interest in physical education.

2. Improving the quality of exercise.

3. Formation of correct posture and prevention of flat feet.

4. Improving coordination of movements, increasing strength and endurance of muscles.

5. Establishing contact between teachers and parents.

Non-standard equipment is used:

1.In the morning gymnastics.

2. On corrective gymnastics.

Z. On physical education.

4. On holidays and entertainment.

5. In breathing exercises.

6. In exercises in relaxation.

7. On walks.

8. In individual work with children.

9.In independent activity children.

I bring to your attention some examples of non-standard physical training equipment used in our preschool groups:

1. Exercise machine "Tiger cub jumps into a burning ring"

A wooden or cardboard ring (diameter 40 cm) is attached to doorway... A braid (about 2 m) with a tiger cub (soft toy) is sewn to the ring.

Purpose: development of dexterity, skills of accurate hitting the target,

The child must hit the ring with the tiger. There can be two players. They are located along different sides from the ring. In this case, the task becomes more complicated: the players must not only throw, but also catch.

Non-traditional physical training equipment from waste material

2. Homemade shuttlecock

A badminton shuttlecock can be made from a plastic bottle, and homemade option will not be much inferior to what is sold in sports stores.

3. "Horses"

Purpose: for games and relay races.

Material: plastic bottle, wooden stick, self-adhesive paper, threads or tow.

4. "Path of health"


dishwashing sponges, buttons, hard flooring, wooden

beads, bottle caps, foam rubber.

Purpose: stimulation of the foot and prevention of flat feet, prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Usage: physical education, exercise therapy classes, gymnastics after daytime sleep, during the day.

5. Rope from "Kinder Surprises"

it is used for stepping over, for jumping over, in an outdoor game - as a jump rope, as a reference point - in the game "Hit the Target".

6. Skis from plastic bottles


the bottles are cut to fit the foot, the edges are pasted over with colored tape or cloth.

Purpose of use: develops coordination of movements, physical qualities.

In relay games, for example - “Along the ski trail.

7. "Trap"


plastic bottle, ball or "kinder surprise", lace.

Purpose: development of dexterity, coordination of movements.

Usage: in free activity, v outdoor games, relay races, special exercises for sight on physical education.



develop coordination of movements, accuracy,

Develop interest in sports games and exercise.

Material: plastic bottle, synthetic yarn.

9. "Magic rings"

Purpose: development of dexterity, coordination of movements, skills of accurate hitting the target.

Usage: in open control gear, in outdoor games, in basic movements (throwing at a vertical and horizontal target.

Materials: "kinder surprises", cord.

10. "Fuzzies"

They are used in ORU, outdoor games, in basic movements (various tasks in tossing and catching).

Materials: plastic bags, threads.

11. "Bees in the meadow"


the development of dexterity, the skill of accurately hitting the target.

Material: juice bags, scotch tape, "kinder-surprises" - for bees, decorative material.

V preschool institutions the main form of development of physical activity of children is physical training. In order to develop and maintain interest in classes, it is important to take care of the selection of physical education equipment. Rational selection of equipment, its updating, the introduction of new manuals, their rearrangement or alternation - all this helps to realize the content different types classes (training, game, plot-game, control and verification). One of the means of solving the tasks is the use of non-standard equipment in physical education, holidays and entertainment.



The use of non-standard equipment in physical education classes and holidays at a preschool educational institution

Raising children healthy, strong is the task of every preschool institution. And in our modern age, especially urgent tasks are instilling in children an interest in physical culture and sports, as well as teaching them available motor skills and abilities.

It is no secret that children spend most of their time in a static position: in front of televisions, computers, at tables. Therefore, in kindergartens they try to increase the physical activity of children in order to form a culture of movements, systematize educational, health-improving and educational tasks that would provide physical development, functional improvement of the body and to strengthen the health of children.

In preschool institutions, the main form of development of physical activity of children is physical education. In order to develop and maintain interest in classes, it is important to take care of the selection of physical education equipment. Rational selection of equipment, its updating, the introduction of new manuals, their rearrangement or alternation - all this helps to implement the content of different types of activities (training, play, plot-play, control and verification).

One of the means of solving the set tasks is the use of non-standard equipment for physical education, holidays and entertainment.

Basically, it is made from improvised material: foam, bottle caps, felt-tip pens, linoleum residues, foam rubber, adhesive paper, colored tape, capsules from kinder surprises, etc. The manuals made are multifunctional. They are used in general developmental exercises, basic movements, competitions, festivals and entertainment.

In our preschool institutions, the hands of educators and parents have created non-standard equipment used in different types motor activity... In each age group a sports or health corner has been created, where manuals for the development of physical activity are located in an accessible place for children. This is also factory sports equipment, but mostly non-standard, made by teachers.Here you can see various massage and ribbed paths for the prevention of flat feet, ring throws, soft targets, multicolored flags, ribbons, sultans and much more. This will help turn your usual activities into an interesting game.


Materials: Rubber mat, wooden sticks, stones, buttons, foam rubber.


It can be used for jumping over a “stream”, for walking along a “path” (along a narrow one by a wide one).

Materials: Linoleum, wooden sticks, plastic sticks


Purpose: Exercise develops coordination of movements, jumping ability, agility, strengthens the muscles of the legs.

Material: thick fabric- it shows geometric figures, inside there is a thin layer of foam rubber.

Can be used in different exercises with jumping. Jumping - as in the classics, over the classic; running around, snake; stepping over.


Use for foot massage, walking to prevent flat feet.

Purpose: Stimulates work internal organs... Develops coordination of movements, balance.

Materials: Oilcloth mat, hand and foot prints made of different materials


Used for jumping over a "stream" for walking on a path

Purpose: Develops coordination of movements, jumping ability, agility. Strengthens the leg muscles.

Materials: Linoleum strips, plastic bottle caps


Can be used in the classroom for stepping, running with a snake.

Purpose: Develops coordination of movements.


Capsules from kinder surprises, bottle caps - used to develop fine motor skills; are used in the attractions “Who will collect faster”, “Whose command is faster”, “Collect grain”, as well as for the prevention of flat feet (children sit around the hoop, leaning on their hands or elbows, and collect objects with their toes).


They are used for the development of hand strength, prevention of posture disorders, for OSU, for throwing into the distance, in a horizontal and vertical target;

Material: artificial leather, filled with cereals or sand, 150-200 gr.


Used for holidays and entertainment, in throwing;

Material: gauze, filled with cotton wool.


Used for holidays and entertainment. They are used to develop fine motor skills; are used in the attractions “Who will collect faster”, “Whose team is faster”.


Used for ORU, for performances at holidays.

Material: bobbins from scotch tape and pasted over with colored paper and film.


Usage: in general developmental exercises.

Goal: To develop general coordination of movements.

Material: multicolored rags or multicolored tights.


Usage: Snake walking between balls, pushing the ball with your head in front of you, stepping over the balls.

Purpose: Develops coordination of movements, an eye, dexterity, the ability to play in pairs, positive emotions.

Material: Cloth, sawdust.

By applying unconventional equipment in physical education, games and game exercises, relay races, classes on fresh air we increase the interest of children in various types of motor activity, increase the volume of motor activity, raise the emotional mood.

Non-traditional equipment

"The health and happiness of our children largely depends on the setting of physical culture in kindergarten and family ..." N.М. Amosov

Purpose: to introduce into the educational process on physical education an element of novelty, with the help of bright non-standard equipment to arouse children's interest in physical education.

At first glance, these are just crafts made by the joint efforts of educators and parents, but in their work they irreplaceable helpers... They help to develop the muscles of the arms, legs, coordination of movements, accuracy, dexterity, attention and evokes positive emotions in children.

The production of such aids does not require large expenditures. Mostly used varied waste material: everything that is sure to be found in any house from the category of unnecessary things. And the result is very striking, attention-grabbing manuals.

"Colored rings"

Material: thick cardboard, colored tape.
Manufacturing: a ring is cut out of cardboard according to a template, pasted over with colored tape.

Relay "Throw the Ring"

Children are divided into two teams, taking turns to throw a ring on a decorated bottle. The team with the most hits is the winner.

General development exercises using rings

The rings can be used not only in general developmental exercises in the classroom and in morning exercises, but also in outdoor games.

"Unusual balls"

Material : plastic bottles, colored self-adhesive film, scotch tape.
Manufacturing : bottom of two plastic bottles decorated with foil and connected with tape.

His unusual shape balls attract the attention of children, fit comfortably in the hand, they are light, beautiful. Studying with such a manual, children not only develop the muscles of the arms, but also enjoy.

"Space rockets"

Material : plastic bottle, self-adhesive film, cardboard, scotch tape.
Manufacturing : cardboard cones are glued to the bottom of the bottle, pasted over with foil, made out under the rocket.

Relay "Cosmonauts"

When there is a plot in the relay races, as well as interesting attributes to them, children take part in competitions with pleasure.

Decorated with colored film plastic cans can be used as landmarks in relays and rebuildings.

Made landmarks for building in a circle, a line, in columns.

WITH made attributes for outdoor games.

"Merry caterpillar"

This equipment is especially fond of children, it is so pleasant to step on soft footprints cut from foam rubber. You can not only walk on the caterpillar, but also jump.

  • Material: dense green fabric, soft foam mat, glue, colored self-adhesive film.
  • Manufacturing: cut out circles from fabric, sew along the edges, glue foam rubber footsteps, decorate the muzzle of a caterpillar with a film

One example of the use of the "Merry Caterpillar"

Physical education, children perform the main types of movements, the method of organization is streaming. This manual is perfectly combined with other non-standard equipment. It can also be used for hardening and for the prevention of flat feet.

"Footprints, palms"

  • Material: pieces of linoleum.
  • Manufacturing: according to a template from linoleum, cut out tracks, palms.

With this guide, you can even reinforce the concept of "right, left" leg or arm. For example, if the children are acting on the instructions of the teacher.


  • Material: cups from yogurt and any cereals, colored self-adhesive film.
  • Manufacturing: pour cereals into a glass, cover with another one and glue, decorate with colored film.

We use these bright noisemakers even for holidays and entertainment, they perfectly replace the musical instrument called maracas.

"Funny collars"

  • Material: wooden frame, plastic kinder surprise egg.
  • Manufacturing: make holes in the kinder surprise egg, put them on sticks, fix the sticks with self-tapping screws.

"Eight Flowers"

This equipment is used as a horizontal throwing target. Kinder surprise plastic eggs replace balls. The child chooses a bucket of a certain color and tries to get into it. The winner is determined by counting the eggs.

  • Material: plastic buckets, colored self-adhesive film, glue, a piece of plywood.
  • Production: decorate the buckets with foil, then glue them onto a circle cut out of plywood.

"Magic flowers"

They can be used in outdoor games, they can also decorate any holiday or entertainment.

  • Material: plastic bottles, self-adhesive colored film, cardboard.
  • Production: the bottom of the bottle is cut off, cuts are made, and bent for the stability of the flower. A flower is cut out of cardboard, decorated with a film, put on the neck and screwed on with a lid.

"Bright plates"

This original manual is also multifunctional, it all depends on the teacher's imagination.

  • Material: disposable plates, glue, braid, satin ribbon, colored film.
  • Production: two plates are glued together and decorated with ribbons, braid and colored film.


Light, airy, flowing rustling, sultans are so eye-catching. They can be used as equipment in physical education and as attributes in dancing.

  • Material: disposable cellophane bags, wooden sticks, scotch tape.
  • Manufacturing: the bags are cut into strips, collected in a bundle and attached with tape on a stick.


  • Material: multicolored satin ribbons, sticks from old flags, small carnations.
  • Production: the tape is cut into strips 50 cm long, the edges of the tape are processed and then the tapes are attached to sticks using small studs.


  • Material: wooden chopsticks, cereals and plastic eggs kinder surprise.
  • Manufacturing: a hole is made in the egg, put on a stick, groats are poured inside.


  • Material: empty egg kinder surprise, red yarn, crochet hook.
  • Production: the egg is tied with yarn using a crochet hook.

Our kids are delighted with these pom-poms and always throw them with great pleasure at any target, both horizontal and vertical.

"Intricate ball"

The ball is used for high jumps. Children jump up to the ball and stick the butterfly to the Velcro. It can also be used for celebrations and entertainment. The idea is very original and will help enliven any event.

  • Material: any material, Velcro tape, threads, needle, decorative butterflies.
  • Production: sew a bag out of fabric, put a ball in it, tighten with a ribbon from the bottom and top, sew Velcro on both the bag and the butterflies.


  • Material: empty boxes from under the chips "Pringles", colored paper and colored tape.
  • Production: boxes are pasted over with colored paper and decorated with colored tape.

When teachers have such bright and different equipment available, then any lesson can become both entertaining and interesting

Consultation for kindergarten teachers "Using non-standard physical education equipment"

Kharchikova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, educator MDOU"CRR" Zorka "Kindergarten №16, Zheleznogorsk
Work description: I offer you the Consultation "Using non-standard physical training equipment".
This material will be useful for educators and parents. Anyone who is interested in increasing the physical activity of children, maintaining and strengthening the health of children.
Consultation "Use of non-standard physical training equipment"
Popular wisdom says: "To make a child smart and reasonable, make him strong and healthy." Movement forms the basis of almost all child activities. Therefore, the preservation and strengthening of health must be given Special attention... Physical activity is a natural requirement of the human body. The use of simulators and non-standard equipment contributes to the increase in physical activity.
Equipment from waste and natural material(massagers, walking and running paths, devices for the development of agility, coordination, etc.) are especially effective for the formation of children's interest in physical culture. Non-standard equipment introduces elements of unusualness, arouses children's interest in physical activity, a desire to play with attributes that are new for them. The use of non-standard physical education equipment allows you to solve the following tasks:
1. To increase the physical activity of children.
2. Generate interest in various types of movements.
3. Improve the skill of self-control.
4. To develop motor skills in children.
5. To develop such qualities as independence, initiative.
6. Develop imagination, fantasy.

Thanks to the unusualness, brightness, novelty of such aids, children are happy to perform exercises with them and achieve good results... Despite the simplicity of manufacture, certain requirements are imposed on non-standard equipment. It should be: safe, effective, versatile, compact, aesthetic.
Benefits for the prevention of flat feet deserve special attention. Since, with flat feet, it deteriorates sharply support function legs, the position of the pelvis and spine changes, breathing becomes difficult, which leads to poor posture. For this purpose, massage mats and paths are used. They are made from buttons, corks, pebbles, pencils, wooden sticks. Such equipment develops muscles. lower limbs, coordination, dexterity, massages the reflex zones of the foot, stimulates the work of internal organs.

To develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle when performing general developmental exercises, I use flags, sultans, bags, dumbbells. During the GCD, morning exercises, in individual work. I also use the bags to develop balance and coordination. They can be made of fabric and filled with cereals, peas. They can also be used to develop accuracy, eye.

Perfectly develops eye, agility, dexterity, accuracy, coordination "Bilbock" simulators. They represent a plastic bottle or plastic cup with a cord tied to it, at the end of which a ball is tied. Assignment: catch the ball in the bottle.
Various winders arouse great interest and desire to use them in their motor activity of children. They develop fine hand motor skills, quickness, dexterity, and a healthy competitive spirit well. They can be made from wooden sticks and ribbons attached to them, at the end of which are toys or any objects. The task of the players is to wind up their ribbon faster than the opponent.
Big positive impact massage has an effect on the development of motor skills. To develop fine motor skills of the hands, we massage with pencils, chestnuts, walnuts, massage balls.

Competitive games can be arranged using the most unusual attributes. This will only contribute to increased interest, the development of coordination, balance, dexterity and the appearance in children of bright positive emotions... How much joy the snowshoeing made of plastic bottles caused. And despite the fragility of the equipment - they quickly fail - they must be used to create Have a good mood, developing the spirit of competition and victory! They can also be made from foam sponges. That is, from any available material.
The most important point in the work to preserve and strengthen the health of children is the inclusion of exercises for the development of breathing in different kinds children's activities. Breathing - physiological process, on which health in general, physical and mental performance, endurance. In a child, the vital capacity of the lungs is small, and the need for oxygen is high, therefore, the lungs should be specially developed. This will help prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the development of speech, since many sounds require a strong exhalation. It can be such tasks: depict how an airplane, a steam locomotive hums, a beetle or bee hums, or "dive into the water", hide and hold your breath. It is useful to inflate balloons, blow into a glass of water, with soap bubbles blowing on butterflies, into a tube with small crumbs of foam plastic, confetti. During such activities, it is important to monitor children so that there is no hyperventilation of the lungs ( rapid breathing, changes in complexion, tremors of the hand). Despite the ease of using non-standard equipment, it is necessary to take into account the following principles:
the equipment can be used both in physical education and in the independent activities of children;
start exercises from the simplest, gradually move on to more complex ones, and diversify the movements;
it is important to alternate exercises so that the load in the movements following each other does not fall on the same muscle groups;
in the process of performing the exercises, it is necessary to carefully monitor the state of health of the children, to avoid overloads;
in order to foster independence and activity, it is advisable to invite children to come up with exercises themselves, based on their physical capabilities and level of motor skills.
Summing up the above, I can say with confidence that the use of non-standard equipment really helps to increase interest in physical activity, makes classes physical education attractive and effective. It is simply necessary to use non-standard equipment in the organization of children's activities.