Enforcement of etiquette norms in kindergarten. Coursework: Experimental work on the formation of etiquette ideas in younger preschoolers


Formation speech etiquette in children preschool age

Kislenko Olga Borisovna,

Teacher MBDOU kindergarten

General developmental type No. 27 "Birch"

City of Stary Oskol, Belgorod region

The problem of the formation in preschool children of ideas about ethical norms and rules of speech behavior is very relevant. Currently, parents are striving to give children greater freedom in relationships with others, unfortunately, they are rather inert in educating children in a culture of communication with other people.

Etiquette is the established order of human behavior in society, the norms of relationships between people of different status, this is how the concept of “etiquette” is interpreted by the Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language. Etiquette is a part of moral culture, associated with the category of beauty associated with such concepts as politeness, culture, intelligence.

Working with preschool children direct communication with parents of preschoolers allows us to conclude that the most valuable thing in preschool childhood is the formation of speech etiquette.

It is known that preschool age is a period of intensive mastery of the child's native language. In a short period of life lasting only a few years, the child goes through an amazingly swift path from the first unformed babbling sounds of an infant to freely operating with a rich set of words, the grammatical structure of the language.

The speech of children by the end of preschool age is intelligible, they correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native speech.

However, one important aspect speech development child - preschooler, the culture of speech behavior does not attract sufficient attention from parents and the family as a whole. How, for example, should a child address an adult? What expressions to use when you need to ask for something if you have done something awkward?

Unfortunately, adults most often pay attention to this side only when a child's bad manners are revealed in a particular life situation.

Children, like sponges, absolutely absorb everything that surrounds them, so control your speech and behavior, because a personal example for a child is more convincing than a thousand words. The child learns speech in the so-called “motherly way”, imitating adults, so it is important that he hears not only correct, but also polite speech that complies with the rules of speech etiquette. As Makarenko said: "Your own behavior is the decisive thing."

Speech etiquette prescribes to listen carefully to the speaker, not to interrupt, not to gesticulate hard, talk about something, not talk with a mouth full of food, etc. All this should be taught to children.

The child receives the very first ideas about the rules of etiquette in the family. IN kindergarten their observance is necessary for the normal existence of the children's team. We, the educators of our MBDOU, form ideas about the norms of behavior, thereby influencing the relationship of the pupil with peers, parents, acquaintances and strangers we help you navigate public life. Gradually mastering etiquette formulas in certain situations communication, the child begins to comprehend and observe the social and ethical rules of speech behavior, guided by behavioral attitudes, the choice of a strategy for speech behavior, understanding the meaning social situation and their role in it. Having reached the middle preschool age, the child begins to master the rules of situational-role behavior differentiated, depending on who he is talking to (with "his" adult, "stranger" or peer) and under what conditions. These criteria determine how the child will talk: rudely, affectionately, imperiously, capriciously, shyly; which language means will be used, i.e. select words and expressions assigned to typical situations of communication.

At preschool age, teaching speech etiquette is carried out successfully. In the process of specially organized work, all three main components of speech etiquette are formed: the use of various variants of speech etiquette formulas, their “deployment” and accompanying them with benevolent intonation and friendly facial expressions.

We introduce children to works of art, tell children fairy tales, ask them to retell this or that text. This helps to teach children the constructions of a compliment, apology, request, gratitude, and also introduces them into the children's vocabulary along the way. In addition, such work leads to the use of polysyllabic sentences by children, to the ability to retell works, as well as to compose their own stories and fairy tales.

For example, the famous story by V.A. Oseeva " Magic word”, in which Pavlik learned about the power of the word “please”, reinforces and good relations to this word, and the need to refer to it.

(The fairy tale “How a parrot taught Tatya politeness”; I. Turgin “A man got sick”; V. Oseeva “Three comrades”; M. Pototsky “Acute pig disease”; N. Nosov “Cucumbers”; E. Blaginina “ Good words»; I. Pazukhina "Let's play"; M. Yakovlev "Quarrel"; M. Plyatskovsky "Lesson of friendship"; S. Marshak “Lesson of politeness, etc.)

The word is the essence of thought. That is why it is important that a growing person from the very beginning early age he learned to think and designate his thought with a word, he knew how to communicate through the word, observing the generally accepted speech etiquette.

Natalia Tatarskikh
Formation of rules of conduct (etiquette) in preschool children as a way of socialization

Seminar - workshop in MADOU No. 92 of the city of Izhevsk.

« Formation of rules of conduct(etiquette) at preschool children as a way of socialization»

Target: Raise professional level teachers in matters formation correct behavior in children. Systematize methods and techniques formation of rules of behavior in preschoolers based on age features in the light of GEF DO.

Homework for educators:

What's happened etiquette?

Within which traditions of the Rainbow program can form the rules of behavior for preschoolers?

A selection of material. Games, conversations, entertainment, poetry, riddles.

Working with parents. Booklets, stands.

Seminar plan.

1. Opening remarks.

When your face is cold and bored.

When you live in irritation and dispute,

You don't even know what kind of torment you are

And you don't even know how sad you are.

When are you kinder than the blue in the sky,

And in the heart and light, and love, and participation,

You don't even know what song you are

And you don't even know how happy you are!

The established norms of morality are the result of a long process of establishing relationships between people. Without observing these norms, political, economic, cultural relations are impossible, because it is impossible to exist without respecting each other, without imposing certain restrictions on oneself.

2. Do you think the question is formation of etiquette relevant in our modern time of new computer technologies?

Answers from educators. Slide number 2 presentation relevance.

3. Speech by educators on the question “What is etiquette? Etiquette as a condition for success preschooler». (slide number 3, 4,5,6.)

4. Work with documents. GEF DO. What targets would you list related to the topic? (point 4.) after the answer, slide number 7.

5. Group task to determine the stages.

Teachers are asked to put in correct order of steps.

Stages formation of rules of conduct.

Formation skills by a given pattern and verbal indication of an adult. Establishing a relationship between a child and an adult, where the adult is the bearer of standards behavior, activity and role model. (up to middle group)

Application of skills. The adult no longer acts as a bearer of models, but as equal joint venture partner. (middle group and older)

Creative application of skills in a new situation (independent transfer of action to new subject conditions and situations). At this stage, the child in collective activity acts as a carrier of models and standards of activity. (senior preschool age)


In which age group stages are formed taking into account age features and experience. (Rule teach and then ask)

Portrait of a teacher as a norm behavior for children and parents.

6. Traditions of the Rainbow program as one of the means formation of rules of conduct.

Presentations by educators. Shitova S. O. presented her scenario of tradition "Guests of the group" Fairy of polite words. Where presented entertaining material for working with children.

There were also presented card indexes of games on rules of conduct, poems, riddles.

Santiago A. L. presented for discussion a presentation on rules of conduct, for practice. Slide number 9.

7. Children's folklore and its significance in the children's team.

What it is? Children's teasers and name-calling are a phenomenon of children's folklore, an obligatory part of children's subculture, they naturally reflect all human shortcomings. This genre reflects both children's life and the attitude children to the world, and the relationship between them, and child psychology.

Baby teasers and name-calling directed to identify some sign that a person does not like - glasses, hair color, fullness, thinness, height, a name that rhymes with something. Either laughs behavior beyond the limits accepted in society morality: snitch, greed, tearfulness.

What are they needed for? All adults are well aware of what teasers are. Each of us, if desired, can remember funny and funny, but sometimes offensive rhymes, phrases and phrases, originally from childhood. And, if you think about it, it seems strange to us that there was a certain need for the use of teasers. Indeed, what are they for? After all, it can be so insulting and unpleasant to hear an invented nickname or some kind of joke addressed to you. Teasers are definitely a manifestation of aggression. Their use can be provoked by appearance, first name, last name, character traits or human behavior. However, researchers consider teasers a tool for the formation of a children's society, way impact on a person in order to correct his behavior, bad manners, bad habits etc. At the same time, children learn to adequately respond to offensive words, resolve disputes, and adequately get out of unpleasant situations. Children's teasers can be called a kind of elementary school of life morality. A child who finds himself in a team of his own kind understands that here is not a home where there are only affectionate parents, here is life, with all its difficulties and even sorrows. And, alas, you also need to get used to this. And learn to fight back! Usually the offender tries the called on "weak" thus outlining for oneself the psychological boundaries of what is permitted, and provoking the other to defend, erect and defend their boundaries. There is a mutual education, training, hardening. So teasers and name-calling perform an educational function, helping a child who is offended to defend himself in form of verbal defense, train emotional stability and self-control. It is also important that teasers verbally relieve children's aggression - they spoke out and dispersed. Baby teasers and name-calling - way to establish norms of behavior in the children's community.

8. Motives used in formation of rules of conduct. Discussion. slide 10, 11

9. Working with parents. Can't build a job formation of rules and norms of behavior excluding work with parents. I would like to say that, first of all, the family is, of course, the authority to follow, but modern parents sometimes they themselves do not have knowledge on this topic. And the goal of the kindergarten is to build work to improve the culture of the parents themselves, to emphasize the importance and interest of the adults themselves, through a variety of forms of work. Booklets, visual agitation, scenarios of joint events were offered to the educators for discussion.

10. Practical task. The unity of the requirements of educators in the group. Drafting rules of conduct in the group for adults and children.

11. Results of the seminar. Slide #12, Emphasize the importance of work. And the importance of the personality of an adult in the education of morality.

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Education in preschool children the age of the culture of communication in the process of learning the rules etiquette.

The communication of a child in kindergarten begins from the moment he enters the preschool and continues until he leaves. Not only our speech is a means of communication, but also non-verbal communication plays a big role. People can be judged not only by what they say, but also by their facial expression, posture. It is also important to be able to take care of your appearance. From the very beginning, the child is impressed by both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication with him of adults who are nearby, and children. The task of the educator is a properly organized form of interpersonal communication. Sh.A. Amonashvili in his article: “To school from the age of six” says that kindness and love for children will teach us, teachers, to treat children in such a way as not to infringe on their pride and dignity, not to scream or frighten them, to notice their grief, rejoice in success, come to their aid, trust. Methods, techniques, methods of teaching become more effective when they pass through the soul of the teacher. And then in their words, actions and deeds, children will learn to emphasize respectful attitude to people.

Working in mixed age group, we are faced with the peculiarities of communication of children of different ages. In order to help them avoid unpleasant impressions from communicating with each other, with adults, we drew attention to the need to cultivate a culture of communication in children of different ages.

The study of this topic will help us, teachers, in communicating with the parents of children and the staff of the kindergarten, help to avoid conflicts, defend our point of view in a dispute, while emphasizing our respect for the interlocutor.

Target:Prove that in the process of learning the rules of etiquette

there is an upbringing of a culture of communication between children of a different age group.


1. To study the literature on the topic: “Education in preschool children

the age of the culture of communication in the process of teaching the rules of etiquette.

2. Determine the content of work with children of different ages

groups for raising a culture of communication between children and teaching them

rules of etiquette and test in practice teaching methods.

3. Develop guidelines for parents and caregivers

teaching children etiquette and educating them in a culture of behavior.

The culture of communication implies a culture of speech. A.M. Gorky considered concern for the purity of speech an important tool in the struggle for the general culture of man.

the main objective communication of people - to understand each other correctly. “The only means of mental communication between people is the word,” said L.N. Tolstoy, - and, in order for this communication to be possible, it is necessary to use words in such a way that with each word, undoubtedly, corresponding and exact concepts are evoked in everyone. The vast majority of words that have arisen in the memory of one generation are borrowings. Foreign words denoting new objects, phenomena, processes naturally penetrate into the modern Russian language. It is impossible not to take into account the fact that colloquial colloquial words are constructive elements of colloquial speech. Largely thanks to them, the spoken language can be distinguished from the language of neutral and book-written. Spoken words usually do not violate the norms of the literary language. Colloquial vocabulary (including youth jargon) lies outside these norms. Along with swear words, vulgarisms, there is also a vocabulary of non-rude vernacular, used in everyday speech. It was about her that F.P. Owl. Used in moderation and appropriately, such vocabulary gives communication a certain mood, emphasizes its emotionality, and introduces a shade of trust. But if there is no limit to the use of profanity, then this really has a detrimental effect on people's linguistic consciousness. Children and adults should know that the incorrect use of colloquial and slang vocabulary can disrupt communication, offend and even offend the interlocutor, and cause a certain reaction from adults.

Education, as a social function, is the process of transferring socio-historical experience to the new generation in order to prepare them for life and work. Upbringing - purposeful process interaction of educators and pupils, during which the formation of personality is carried out. It takes into account age and individual characteristics. Education organizes the diverse activities of the child, uses the positive influence of the environment and takes into account the negative and ensures unity. educational institution, families and society. The educational function of learning is to form views and beliefs, moral personality traits, will, feelings, emotions. This function is implemented through the formulation and implementation of educational tasks in the classroom, which contributes to the development of the individual and the formation of desired qualities.

Verbal, visual and practical methods are used to carry out the educational function.. Methods of training and education should be accessible and take into account the level mental abilities, and agecharacteristics of children. They are aimed at the assimilation of knowledge and the fulfillment of the tasks of training and education. Methods of education should encourage the child to be active, to strive to become better. Method - translated from Greek - the way to something. The task of the educator is to make this path bright, interesting, aimed at shaping the personality.

Explanatory and illustrative methods are used to explain the story. Use in classvisual aids apart from the explanation. Partial-search methods are used during creationproblem situation . The teacher uses questions, the answers to which the children do not know. Problematic methods are also applied with the help of words, visual and practical methods. Children under the guidance of an educator perform separate research tasks. Mostly verbal teaching methods are used:story, explanation, conversation . Reproductive conversation builds on previously acquired knowledge. During the conversation, a character is introduced,

which would interest the child, interesting questions, puzzles. Using elements in classdramatization contribute to the development of speech. Also in the lesson, such a method of work as involvement in a joint storytelling with the educator can be used. The educator directs the thoughtchild. The child learns to compare, analyze. Help game moments tasks for concentration.A combination of verbal and visual methods leads to the best results.Children observe objects in real life or consider visual aids. The results of observation are made out in crafts, buildings of children or in oral speech.

The task of the educator- create favorable atmosphere For children's word creation, offer various games and tasks. To enrich the activity of literary images of playful and pictorial children, designing.

One of the methods of teaching the culture of communication in the classroom isconversation. The teacher should think over the questions and the expected answers of the children. Questions should be clear and concise. Demand, if necessary, a full answer. An introductory conversation helps to restore the existing ideas of children on some issue. Reporting conversation communicates new knowledge, and re-generalizing conversation helps to summarize the knowledge gained.

Children can understand educational material easier and deeper with the help of the demonstrated object. The use of visuals in the classroom contributes to a better demonstration of the correct behavior. The teacher is always in the field of view of the child. He should be a role model for everyone.

The form of presentation of the material in the classroom, often used by the educator, is a story.Story is a form of expression educational material which is descriptive. A story is a verbal description of events, processes, phenomena in nature, the social life of a person or group of people (children are invited to describe an event, the life of animals, plants) The emotional presentation of the material by the educator causes a response emotional reaction in children. This is what the teacher is trying to achieve. The content of the story should be based on the experience of the child, should be interesting, and age-specific. In the lesson, the story is used for various purposes: to prepare for the assimilation of a new one: (Today we will talk about the meaning of polite words for a person, but first we will listen to V. Oseeva’s story “The Magic Word”), as a presentation of new material: (first read the story, and then discussion) as a summary of what has been covered: several lessons were discussed about when and what, and where to use polite words. After that, it is proposed to listen to the story of V. Oseeva "The Magic Word".

In his book "Psychology" Nemov R.S.He writes that at an early preschool age, the attention of children is involuntary. A preschooler of early preschool age is able to voluntarily control his attention only when he is given signals that activate attention. Such signals may be requests of the educator to pay attention to the object or the educator may offer to listen to the story, consider the illustration. While younger preschoolers are able to hold their attention on an attractive picture for no more than 8 seconds, older ones can stare at one image for up to 20 seconds. In his work, the educator relies on the peculiarities of the memory of preschool children.

At the younger preschool age, memory is involuntary, and by the older preschool age it becomes arbitrary. The child seeks to discover and use logical connections in the material for memorization. First, there is a desire to remember or recall something, and then the actions and operations necessary for this arise and improve. It was found that more recall falls on the age of 3 to 4 years. This means that by this time the child develops a long-term memory. Some children of primary and secondary preschool age have developed direct and mechanical memory. These children remember easily and without special efforts, reproduce what they saw and heard, but only if the information aroused their interest and the children were interested in memorizing and recalling.

Just like perception, memory and attention, imagination gradually becomes voluntary from involuntary. The initial stage in the development of imagination can be attributed to 2-3 years. It is at this time that the imagination turns from involuntary into arbitrary. The child separates the image from the object and designates the image with the help of a word. Such imagination is called cognitive. As a result of the formation and awareness by the child of his "I", separation of himself from other people and committed actions, affective imagination develops. A child can plan, draw up a program of action only by the age of 4-5 years. By the senior preschool age of 6-7 years, many of the children can imagine and live in an imaginary world.

The development of thinking begins with the ability of children to replace some objects with others, giving substitute objects functions determined by the rules of the game. At the second stage of development, objects are replaced by their images, and there is no need to use them. Verbal-logical thinking involves the ability to reason and understand the logic of reasoning. A child of middle preschool age already knows how to reason.

3-4 summer child uses words, often without fully understanding them. The development of concepts proceeds simultaneously with the development of thinking. Gradually, speech becomes coherent and takes the form of a dialogue. Then develops more complex shape speech is a monologue. By the age of 4-5, the first forms of dialogic speech appear. Children talk with each other, evaluate not only themselves, but also their friend. Children learn to communicate in a children's team.Amonashvili Sh.A wrote: “Socio-moral experience is the basis for educating a child in a sense of duty, responsibility, for understanding the concept of necessity. Relying on this experience allows the child to regulate his behavior in the team.This is where the educator should pay attention to the education of a culture of communication.

I.N. Kurochkina notes that ethics, etiquette and aesthetics influence behavior.The moral foundations of children's relationships change with age. At the initial stage of the moral development of a child (2-5 years old), the norms and rules should be explained to children. As children get older, they realize that moral standards exist and develop independently of people's opinions and are obligatory for all.

Children 3-5 years old see and evaluate their appearance, costume, learn to keep their hands, face, clothes clean, learn to eat and speak neatly and beautifully. All these are necessary factors for communication. If people like us, then it will be much easier for us to communicate. The child begins to understand what is beautiful and what is ugly in human relations and compares artistic images with each other. The task of the educator is to organize the emotional saturation of the situation, to fulfill individual bright moments: to voice, illustrate with movements, drawings, models from the designer.

At 5-7 years old, a child is able not only to perceive beauty, but also to create it. You can invite him to design his own pattern to decorate a rug or dress for a doll. The child can decorate the room with his drawing. In communication with peers, he monitors his statements more. Reading poems by heart develops expressive speech. Canencourage children to create stories by creating their own stories about interesting cases from their own lives, to offer a storytelling by roles, participating in the dramatization of a literary work. The teacher can organize creative games with separate sounds and words. Children can come up with new expressive names for literary characters.

The main tool of the teacher's work is dialogue. Children evaluate actions, events. The teacher observes the behavior of children in free activities in order to properly organize pedagogical activities.

Preschool children tend to play activities.A gamefor them is the meaning of life.The game is the best remedy expressing oneself, for this, games are used in all classes in order to teach, consolidate, repeat the studied material. The use of didactic games in the classroom and outside of the classroom contributes to the education and upbringing of children. In the book by R.S. Nemov "Psychology" says that younger preschoolers play alone. By the middle period, the games become joint. They imitate relationships between people. Children are allocated roles and rules, the observance of which they monitor and try to fulfill them. Themes for the role-playing game, children take from life experience: from the family, from the professions of people, from fairy tales. Role-playing game helps to lose some life situation. At the same time, children use emotions, express them with their voice and imperceptibly cope with solving the problem.

Problem-based learning contributes to the development of children's creative abilities. Problem-based learning teaches you to think logically, creatively, makes the material more proven, contributes to a stronger assimilation of knowledge and has a positive effect on the emotional sphere. Problem-based learning generates interest in learning new things. Children love to solve riddles different tasks. A problematic situation can arise when the requirements of a value judgment on the part of the child are set: if it is necessary to evaluate the actions of the characters, offer their own way of solving the problem.

The education of a culture of communication in preschool children is possible in the process of learning the rules of etiquette. The problem of educating a culture of communication in children worries me for a long time.

I studied the literature on the education of a culture of behavior of preschoolers. The use of working methods suggested by leading experts guided my work.

I.N. Kurochkina defines etiquette in the book: "Modern etiquette and education of a culture of behavior in preschoolers":Etiquette is the order of behavior established in society, which includes a set of behavioral rules that regulate external manifestations human relationships, characterized by respect for people and the desire to please them with their appearance, manners, behavior.

Personal development is facilitated by activity and communication. Communication acquires the most perfect forms at the human level. "Communication is a type of activity that occurs in the process individual development man, followed by play, learning and work. All these activities are developmental in nature, that is, when you turn on and active participation their child is going through his intellectual and personal development. -

R.S. Nemov " General Basics psychology". - M .: Education: Vlados, 1994.

Thus, communication in a preschool institution is the result of the development of a child's personality, characterized by the manifestation of direct childish inquisitiveness, curiosity, individual capabilities, the ability to show and convey what they see, hear, and emotionally respond to various statements and life events. The desire of the individual to creatively display the accumulated experience, perception, knowledge in games, in communication, drawings, crafts. The communication process takes into account previous experience child and the corresponding point of view on the world around.

Communication with other people plays huge role in the overall mental development of the child. In psychology, it is known that the mental development of children occurs in the process of mastering universal human experience. The bearers of this experience are the adults around him. In its development, communication goes through a number of qualitative steps.

In the communication of children with adults, four types of content of the need for communication are distinguished:

1. The need for benevolent attention - from 2 to 6 months.

2. The need for cooperation - from 6 months to 3 years.

3. The need for a respectful attitude of an adult from 3 to 5 years.

4. The need for mutual understanding and empathy from 5 to 7 years.

S.V. Peterina in her book “Educating a Culture of Behavior in Preschool Children” says that the culture of communication provides for the child to follow the norms and rules of communication with adults and peers, based on respect and goodwill, using the appropriate vocabulary and forms of address, as well as polite behavior in in public places. And the culture of communication implies the ability not only to act in a certain way, but also to refrain from actions, words, and gestures that are inappropriate in a given situation.

Wednesday- this is the space surrounding a person, his zone active development. It can both slow down and stimulate the development of the child. Possible and neutral option environmental influences: when it does not slow down, but does not stimulate the development of the child. All this must be taken into account when creating the environment in a preschool institution. The developing environment acts as a stimulant, a driving force in the process of becoming a child's personality, contributes to early manifestation versatile abilities. Some psychological theories explain the essence of the game by the need to waste excess energy. Games and toys that do not fully correspond, do not contribute to the intense activity of forces tuned to the development, quickly bore the child. Thus, communication is influenced by the subject-spatial environment: the organization of space and the use of equipment and other equipment in accordance with the goals of the safety of the mental well-being of the child, his development. The subject-developing environment includes: comfort and safety of the environment, which is most often achieved through the similarity of the interior to the home environment, providing a wealth of impressions, which is achieved by selecting furnishings for group rooms so that they reflect the variety of colors, shapes, materials, harmony of the surrounding world. Much space is given to the natural and various waste material. Along with this, a variety of household items are included in the groups. And in the paraphernalia of role-playing games, natural things are used. A variety of activities for children contributes to more diverse communication. To create a developing environment for a group, it is important to take into account age, level of development, interests, inclinations, abilities, personality traits children.

Education should be developing and based on a personality-oriented model of interaction between the educator and the child. The source of the development of communication of the child is his cognitive creative activity. The knowledge acquired by the child gives him the opportunity to independently analyze any new situation, be free to choose their own actions, independently organize their activities. An adult in dealing with children must adhere to the rule not “next to”, not “above”, but “together”. Ways of communication are understanding, recognition and acceptance of the personality of the child. And the tactic of communication is cooperation.

The environment of the group should satisfy the needs for communication, knowledge and respect. Onthird year life develops movement and speech. The equipment must include slides, balls, plot pictures, books.The task of the educator is to develop an attitude towards the book as a work of aesthetic culture - careful handling, the desire to independently and re-examine the illustrations, the desire to re-listen to this particular book.Children love to play on the slide, play in the sand, look at illustrations, name objects. Childrensenior preschoolers prefer joint games. This means that the equipment should be placed so that it is convenient for children to organize joint activities. At this age, the director's game develops. Children use special paraphernalia for its development: a table theater. Toddlers can be spectators in a homemade performance.

Organizing the environment, it is necessary to organize work in such a way mixed group so that older children help the younger ones develop by looking at illustrations together, playing outdoor games together.

The opinion of each child must be taken into account. Listen to their proposals, if not satisfy their proposals, then explain the reason for the refusal. The content of communication in the group is influenced by selected games and manuals. In order not to slow down the development of older children, games and benefits are selected according to age. The initial period of building the environment is two months, and then its saturation and reorganization. Part of the materials is replaced, the equipment is rearranged.

In the mixed-age group, where children stay around the clock, the design changes more often. A change in environment enhances emotional perception previously seen, creates new impressions and images, which affects the course of children's communication. Children need to be taught younger age to the careful handling of toys, their self-cleaning. The older ones can help the little ones too.

When organizing joint activities with children of different ages, the educator must remember the various reasons that make them seek each other's communication and correct and guide them. Teach the elders to take care of the younger ones. Constant communication between older children and younger children creates a favorable condition for the formation friendly relations, care and independence. The elders help, protect, tell fairy tales to the younger ones, and the younger ones adopt positive qualities from the older ones. In a mixed age group, older children grow more benevolent, more responsive, and younger children learn skills much faster. The elders serve as a support for the educator. The role of the teacher is to properly organize life and independent activity children.

It is necessary to start the day in a group of intimate-personal contact of the educator with each child to create a calm psychological mood. Children learn to say hello. The teacher pays attention to the appearance of the children, so that the children do not scream, speak quietly. It is very important to teach children to listen to others, to share with each other the attention of a teacher or friend, the opportunity to talk with him. In communicating with each other, children learn to join a small group of children playing, invite them to play together. Children play together as a team. But the younger ones should not interfere with the older children to work and play. They can always be present, participate to the best of their ability, provided that they do not interfere with the elders. And older children do not refuse to help the younger ones, but they do not impose it either.

Important educational value has a process of eating. Even preparing for it. Children of all ages are involved in helping an adult. The older ones can offer help to the younger ones. And the younger ones can thank the elders for the help. The ability to set the table is fixed, important hygiene skills are instilled. Nothing should be distracting while eating. It is necessary to monitor the behavior of children at the table. Young children are taught to sit quietly at the table, use napkins, chew with their mouths closed, and not chat at the table. After eating, children learn to say "thank you" and can politely ask for more.

During the preparation for the walk, the teacher helps everyone to dress, but first of all the kids. The elders can also help the younger or those who need help. We need to help them learn, not do everything for them. It is necessary that parents also support the child's desire for independence, do not criticize the inept actions of the child. It is important that children remember to say thanks or politely ask for help.A favorable environment in the group depends on the teacher: his calm tone and ability to teach children not to scream, but to talk.In the process of dressing, the teacher can maintain a conversation in order to fix the names of the items of clothing, its purpose, and fix the details of the clothes.

On a walk, the teacher organizes joint games that help form relationships between children, offers options for playing with each other, involves more participants, and takes part in children's games. Here different situations are played out, similar to situations from life. They contribute to the acquisition of life experience.

After the walk, it is necessary to transfer the children to more calm activities. Here can be held word games, conversations. Children should try not to make noise, to speak softly, not to run. A calm environment will help you get better sleep.

Reading fairy tales by T.A. helps me. Shorygina

"Polite Tales" and fairy tales from the book for preschoolers I.N. Kurochkina. They soothe and tune in to calm communication.

Pedagogical work on the implementation of education in children of a different age group of a culture of communication in the process of teaching the rules of etiquette.

Forming a culture of communication, we used different methods proposed by I. N. Kurochkina: methods that contribute to the implementation of the child right action in behavior: accustoming, exercise, provocative situations. Ways to prevent negative behavior visual methods. Such patterns of behavior for children were us, educators, parents, for whom a consultation was held on the topic:

"Influence of parents' speech culture on child upbringing". When communicating with children, we did not forget to say polite words. They also drew the children's attention to how in this or that situation you can answer or say, reinforcing your words with your own behavior, and drawing the children's attention to this. We tried to make the older children a role model for the kids in our group, because at the time when the children play with each other, they gain great experience in communication. Storytelling and conversation also helped us in teaching children the rules of conduct. We read stories and discussed their content. In the process of implementing these methods, we carried out work on educating a culture of communication in a group of different ages. By showing children a model of behavior in dealing with people in different situations, we monitored the exact implementation of the rules, using not only forms of verbal communication, but also non-verbal communication - gestures, postures, the ability to smile, try to dress properly, as all this contributes to the desire to communicate with each other.

The game exercises used in the classroom helped to more effectively educate the culture of communication. We have noticed that the use of these gaming exercises in the classroom gives rise to the development of a culture of communication outside of them. Children among themselves in speech more and with pleasure use kind, polite words, say compliments, invite them to play together.

Advice for educators.

Most young children and students primary school the rule of using your speech apparatus is not available. The ability to speak confidently and learn good speech manners is very important. We can suggest the use of speech training with elements of the game, proposed by Emily Post in her book "Etiquette from Emily Post".

To control the volume of speech, we offered a child who is used to screaming, talking loudly to portray a mouse or other animal that behaves silently. And we asked the child who speaks barely audibly or in a whisper to show how a lion roars or an elephant trumpets. If several children take part in this exercise, they can compete - which of them will speak in the quietest voice and at the same time is understandable to others or who will be the best at communicating only in a whisper for five minutes. These simple exercises will teach children to distinguish between loud and soft speech, to control the volume of their own voice.

In addition, the teachers were invited to attend an open lesson on the topic "Features of the tea feast." Here we introduced educators to how they can cultivate a culture of behavior in kindergarten and reinforce the rules of behavior with the help of various exercises.

We have prepared a speech at a pedagogical meeting on the topic: "Educating a culture of behavior among preschoolers" in order to familiarize educators with the methods of teaching etiquette to preschool children.

Working with children on the topic "Culture of Communication", we recalled the rule of communication - do not interrupt the interlocutor, as Vasilyeva-Gangnus writes - this is a true talent. And in our group, most children at the same time want to draw attention to themselves. In the game with each other, they do not refrain from loud statements, interrupt each other, trying to speak out and be heard. Working on this shortcoming, we drew the attention of the children that it was not polite to interrupt each other. It is very important to listen to each other, and then speak for yourself. In addition, carefully monitor how the interlocutor reacts to statements so as not to offend and not be left without listeners.

Emily Post suggests learning to take turns with an exercise: In the process of acting out, children are asked different questions with one condition that everyone will answer in turn. By getting an answer to the question from each participant, by formulating the question differently, it is possible to find out how attentively the other children listened to the speaker. Children understand that in order to answer the next question, they must listen to the speaker earlier. In addition to the main goal of this exercise - to cultivate a culture of communication, memory, attention, and speech are also trained here.

Raising a culture of communication is impossible without teaching children the development of speech. The environment in which he rotates has a great influence on the speech of the child. Such an environment for a preschool child is, first of all, his close and dear people, peers, friends and, of course, educators. But it is also important to teach the child not only to follow the content of speech, but also the intonational coloring of the statement. Here are selected game exercises, which develop the ability to feel intonation nuances, and make logical stresses.

Emily Post offers exercises in saying the same sentence with different intonation and emphasis on different words. The child exercises, guessing what meaning was invested in this or that statement.

You can invite the child to say a few sentences on his own with such intonation so that various feelings can be conveyed. And educators can try to guess.

We actively use these speech trainings in our work and see that it gives good results. In the classroom, children try to listen to their comrades without interrupting. And the quieter we talk to them, the quieter they communicate, trying to hear the words addressed to them. Work on intonation can be carried out with the help of dramatization games. Using them in class helped us in this direction.

Advice for parents.

In order for the child to become charming, polite, interesting person parents should talk to him as much as possible. The more often you practice, the more faster baby will learn to catch intonation, will begin to adopt the techniques of polite interpersonal communication. In the course of training, it is very important to take into account the peculiarities of the development of the child and his speech skills. It is possible to lay a solid foundation and achieve good results by devoting just a few minutes daily and purposefully verbal communication with baby. As the child grows older, the topics of conversations become more diverse. Among the topics discussed, the leading place is occupied by the personal affairs and interests of the child. However, you can talk with him about current events, books read, sports and popular entertainment. When the ability to think abstractly develops, older children and adolescents become interested in social problems. In expressing ideas, they need constant practice in order to hone their ability to clearly express their thoughts and respect the point of view of other people. From the very beginning, parents should direct the development of the child in the right direction, not only through the indications of advice, but also personal example. This will help him in all the subtleties to master the art of effective self-expression and teach him to show a genuine interest in the opinions of others. In order for a child to become a skillful interlocutor, he must learn a few simple and important rules from childhood. Parents should teach their child to support eye contact. To do this, you need to teach the child to look directly at the interlocutor during a conversation. Express yourself clearly and succinctly. Starting from preschool age, parents should tactfully correct phonetic and grammatical errors in the child's speech. However, he should not make remarks in the presence of strangers. A child who develops a speech inferiority complex may withdraw into himself, become shy and uncommunicative. Observe the sequence in the conversation and do not interrupt the interlocutor. If a small child intervenes in a conversation with another person, you must strictly ask him not to interrupt and resume the conversation, listen carefully and respond politely. The child quickly masters the ability to listen carefully when he sees before him an example of parents who sincerely care about the opinion of the child and who always respond to his appeal. Politely enter into a conversation and politely end the conversation.

In addition, we advise parents to use games that contribute to the assimilation of the rules. good manners. These can be the most common games related to moving objects or sorting them. They develop in the child the simplest skills of collective behavior. In any game with elements of imagination, you can include components related to etiquette. For example, playing in a family, you can learn how to set the table, behave properly at the table, say “thank you” and “please”, pass imaginary dishes to guests. Playing with dolls or soft toys helps the child practice good manners ah, from the presentation ceremony to the ability to selflessly share with other people. All that was laid in the child, he will demonstrate in his communication with people.

In order not to embarrass the child in the presence of strangers and at the same time tell him correct option behavior, find a way to give it a simple conditional non-verbal signal. For example, putting your finger to your lips without anyone noticing, you will let the child understand that he needs to be quieter and not interrupt the interlocutor. Or another conditional signal that only your child and you know about, but warning about the moments of his behavior.

Playing scenes from real life with children, it is explained in an entertaining and accessible way how to act. Participation in role playing contributes to the formation of skills of confident behavior in society. Changing roles during the game, they learn to reckon with the feelings of others, put themselves in the place of other people, respect the opinions of others.

L. Vasilyeva-Gangnus in his book "Rules of Etiquette" says that you need to listen to your interlocutor without interrupting. He says that it is a great talent during a conversation to show benevolence, sympathy, sympathy for the interlocutor, trying to look into his eyes. Do not interrupt the speaker. She clarifies that the interlocutor who speaks in order to speak out himself, and is not interested in what is interesting to another, is bad. In order for the interlocutors not to be left without listeners, it is necessary to conduct a conversation taking into account the interest of the listeners. L Vasilyeva-Gangnus notes that it is very important to follow the listener's reaction so as not to offend, and in a dispute, a cry does not add persuasiveness. Tension helps relieve humor. In dealing with children, we try to adhere to this rule.

While discussing the rules of behavior on the street, we recalled some of the rules described in this book: to apologize if you accidentally step on your foot. If you need to pass, and someone is on the way, you need to say polite words: “Be kind,” or “Let me pass,” and not push passers-by. We fixed these rules of behavior by playing various game situations.

The rules of table etiquette were developed not only in order to be able to eat beautifully, but also to communicate correctly in order to maintain friendly relations. Teaching children table etiquette, we paid attention to the ability to properly set the table, use cutlery. But besides this, they taught beautiful behavior at the table: what and how to eat, how to take care of a lady. Exercises were given to develop this skill. The boys looked after the girl. Role-playing games helped develop the skill of cultural communication at the table. Discussing the ability to behave at the table, we reminded that children should keep their table in such a way that it would be pleasant for others to be near them, use napkins and a handkerchief for completely different purposes, while turning away, sneezing, covering their mouths with their hands, without causing any inconvenience to anyone. In working with the children of our group - a daily allowance of different ages, we have to constantly remind important rule etiquette is not to draw attention to yourself by talking loudly.

It is important to teach children to communicate at the table so as not to offend anyone, so that in our attitude we feel love for each other.

In our work in this direction, methods were used: exercises, habituation, the creation of an educational situation, encouragement, storytelling, conversation. Children began to pay attention to how and what they say.

Discussing and playing with children the rule of etiquette number 2,proposed by I.N. Kurochkina, - “Always try to be polite with other people”, we said that it is necessary not only to pronounce polite words, but also to act politely towards them. Discussing this rule of etiquette, we drew the attention of children to the fact that first of all we must help the elderly, sick people and children. In our group, kids need such help more than others. As a result of working on the assimilation of this rule of behavior by children, our older children in the group became more attentive to the little ones. During the preparations for the street, they did not have to explain that they needed to help the kids get dressed, help wash their hands, make the bed, pour water for themselves, and first of all offer it to the little one. The illustrated book for children of senior preschool age “Journey to the Land of Good Manners” by I.N. helped us to consolidate the rules of conduct discussed in the classroom. Kurochkina. Toolkit for teachers helped in teaching etiquette and fostering a culture of behavior in children in game form. And the use of manuals for parents in the classroom helped not only educators in their work, but also parents who consolidate the ability to behave in children. I. N. Kurochkina says that the relationship between parents and children plays a huge role in the upbringing and development of the family. Therefore, in his book “Modern Etiquette and the Education of a Culture of Behavior in Preschoolers” great attention devoted to working with parents. IN guidelines to classes in different topics the author offers this or that work with the parents of the educator, for a joint impact on the personality of the child. I.N. Kurochkina writes: “Teaching children the rules of behavior is exciting if you do it with love and imagination. The child knows a lot about the world around him from his parents and from his own observations. The task of the educator is to expand and correct this knowledge, to bring it into a system generally accepted in society. The author writes that certain conditions are necessary for the upbringing of correct behavior: a positive attitude, the expansion of ethical and behavioral concepts, an adult example, and hence a connection with the family. Educators, like parents, strive to educate a cultural and educated person. Achieving this goal is possible only with the joint work of educators with parents. Working in a group on a particular topic, teaching the rules of etiquette, parents were introduced to the methods of working with children, advice was given on how they could fix the rules of behavior at home, what to look for Special attention, what problems in communication exist and options for their elimination were offered. The culture of communication in a group of children depends on whether their parents know how to communicate, whether they know the rules of etiquette and follow them, how they will behave if they have to communicate with people who do not follow the rules of etiquette. To clarify this issue, parents were asked to answer the test questions: "What kind of interlocutor are you." Summing up the results of this work, parents received recommendations: what to pay attention to when raising their children in order to consolidate the knowledge gained in the classroom.Talking with parents about literature that introduces the rules of etiquette, we suggested discussing it with children at home in order to consolidate the rules of behavior. In the classroom, in our pedagogical work, we used “Polite Tales” by T. A. Shorygina, “Etiquette for Preschoolers” and materials proposed to consolidate the rules of behavior by I. N. Kurochkina. We offered these benefits to parents as a way to reinforce the rules of etiquette in children at home.

Communication in kindergarten does not end with communication only with children and their parents. To create a favorable educational environment for children in a group, the teacher must be an example to the child in communicating with other kindergarten employees.

Emily Post in her book "Etiquette from Emily Post" introduces some of the basics of communication: the habit of thinking, the ability to listen, the ability not to interrupt the speaker, maintaining distance, body language and facial expressions: posture, facial expression, visual contact, gestures and other movements, nodding, pointing fingers. In order to better understand ourselves and others, we studied the book "Body Language" by Nadin Kmot. Reading thoughts in body language helps us behave properly in a given situation. Shelgunov N.V. in his article on character, he wrote that manners can indicate a person's character and serve as "the outer shell of his inner nature." He wrote that a polite person cannot but respect the personality of another person. A person shows his disrespect for others when he carelessly treats his clothes, is untidy. The author emphasizes that many people are impolite because they do not know how to do better. The task of the educator is to teach children to act politely towards others.


As a result of our research, we came to the conclusion that the education of a culture of communication is impossible without teaching children the rules of etiquette. The most effective method of working with our children to master the culture of communication can be identified as an exercise. Since the exercises were carried out in the form of a game. And the leading activity in preschool age is the game. It affects the emotional sphere, just like a story and a conversation, but it is supported by action.

The upbringing of a culture of communication in children must begin with the adults who surround him, since they are the environment in which the children are.

This means that knowledge of how to behave properly should become a habit for them. Both verbal and non-verbal communication must be taken into account here. Everything should emphasize our respectful attitude towards others. Communication between older and younger children implies a respectful attitude towards each other. And, therefore, it brings up a culture of communication in children. The organization of forms and methods of teaching etiquette depends on the preparation of the educator and on what needs special attention.

Influencing the emotional sphere of the child, conducting classes on teaching etiquette, we will achieve the transition of the acquired knowledge from short-term to long-term memory. As a result of such interaction between educators and pupils, personality development occurs. And that is the purpose of education.

Modern society sets before educators, teachers and parents the task of educating a highly educated and well-mannered child. younger generation who owns all the achievements of the culture created by mankind. Behavioral culture, being part of the universal culture, reflects the state of social development and at the same time it has a serious impact on it. The very concept of behavioral culture is very versatile and includes customs, traditions, mores, orders, etiquette, as well as ethical and aesthetic views related to behavior.

To teach the child everywhere and in everything to respect society as a whole and each of its members individually to treat them as he treats himself and that others treat him the same way. The rule is very simple, but, alas? In everyday practice, human relations are far from being carried out by everyone and are not always carried out. Meanwhile, the culture of human relations, the communication of people among themselves play important role in life. If a child knows how to communicate culturally with loved ones, acquaintances, he will also behave in the same way with completely unfamiliar people.

Each of us can almost unmistakably determine by personal actions the degree of their upbringing, the predominance of their habit of thinking or not thinking about the interests of others. And each era has its own style, each society has its own rules of conduct, but there are universal human values ​​and it is on their basis that the culture of any nation develops. An integral part of culture is etiquette, which has been developing for centuries, rooted in the sphere of morality.

Knowledge modern etiquette expands inner world person, creates opportunities for him successful communication in the surrounding world. You need to start learning the rules and norms of etiquette at preschool age. First of all, a child from an early age needs to instill etiquette. Etiquette expresses the content of certain principles of morality, in the broad sense of the word.

Etiquette is an important part of human culture, morality, morality, in goodness, justice, humanity - in the field of moral culture and about beauty, order, improvement.

The urgency of this problem is obvious. In the last decade in our country in the minds of people there has been a painful breakdown of established ideals. The value orientations of young people are also changing. The general crisis that Russia is experiencing today, and which has touched all spheres of its life: politics, culture, economics, is obvious to every person. There is a noticeable increase in attitudes towards exaltation, achievement, grip and a corresponding decrease in orientations towards modesty, cultural behavior. Honesty, decency, directness are mentioned less often. Despite the success of society in achieving security and comfort, the individual does not become more moral and spiritually higher. At present, one of the most important problems is the upbringing of the younger generation, the teaching of the rules and norms of etiquette of which must begin already at preschool age.

The purpose of the work is to theoretical study and experimental testing of a set of pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the process of forming etiquette ideas in children of the third year of life in the process of different types games.

The object of the study is the process of formation of etiquette ideas in children of the third year of life.

The subject of the study is the use of different types of games in the process of forming etiquette ideas in children of the third year of life.

Tasks to be solved in the course of the study:

To reveal the concept of etiquette representations of preschool children;

Reveal the role and place of etiquette in modern society;

To characterize the most important pedagogical approaches to the education of a culture of behavior of preschool children;

To study the methodology for the formation of etiquette ideas in preschoolers;

experimentally test pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of etiquette ideas in children of the third year of life.

Our study is based on a hypothesis, which is formed as follows: with targeted, active and systematic psychological and pedagogical work on the development and consolidation of etiquette ideas in the process of different types of games, most children will have an average and high level this indicator.

The practical significance of the work lies in:

Development of a long-term plan of work with younger preschoolers on the problem of etiquette ideas;

Systematization of a card file of mobile, didactic games on the problem of the formation of etiquette ideas in younger preschoolers

Development of scenarios for role-playing games and dramatization games.