How to weave lush braids. Braid weaving: hairstyle ideas, step by step photos and weaving patterns. Tousled French braid

Long luxurious hair It is customary to wear loose only on holidays and especially solemn occasions. And on weekdays they can be laid and braided in the most various braids, who have always been in fashion and are currently unwilling to give up their crown positions. In the hands of a professional master, long hair turns into a true work of art. But also in common days possible when using simple weaves create especially original hairstyles.

Face shape and choice of braid styling options

People's faces have the most various forms Therefore, experts divide them into 5 main categories. This classification helps makeup artists, stylists and professional hairdressers to look for the most appropriate images for each type of face.

From point of view classic beauty considered the most correct oval shape faces and therefore all types of hairstyles or styling are selected in such a way as to try to visually bring the shape of the face closer to the oval, while hiding the shortcomings that women and girls have.

Experienced stylists, given the variety of face shapes, offer to choose the following options for weaving hairstyles:

The most daring experiments with braiding are allowed when oval face. On thick curls will look great various variations and braid patterns.

  • Girls with round shape faces, it is most rational to use weaving starting above the crown. This will give the face more expressiveness, visually lengthening it. The braid is braided for the entire length of the hair, only a small ponytail or knot is left below.

  • Maximum smooth lines used for visual smoothing of an angular shape square face. First, a pigtail is braided all over the head, the traditionally braided tip of the braid remains on the side or behind. The braids braided with the indicated options visually eliminate the excessive angularity of the face, smoothly bending around its contours.
  • Girls who have triangular shape face, you should use techniques that visually increase its volume below. Stylists recommend letting go long bangs, then you can start weaving braids from the back of the head the classic way or to the side.

Girls with rectangular face its shape should be visually shortened, while smoothing the angularities of the face. Here it is advisable not to use long traditionally straight braids. These will look great voluminous weaving like a voluminous spikelet braided all over the head or a French pigtail. The face is also visually shortened due to the elongated bangs. Choosing a hairstyle in this case will be much easier.

Daily hairstyles with braids - basic weaving

Truly diversify jewelry from long braids development will help different options weaving - this will allow you to create original and elegant hairstyles for every day.

In certain cases - a spikelet, openwork weaving, a French pigtail - to create an unusual hairstyle, a fairly single element is a braid. Sometimes with the help of pigtails, like additional element, you can create very interesting styling:

  • The classic option is to divide the hair into 3 parts of equal volume. Then the right strand of hair is moved to the center, between the middle and left strands. Thus, the right strand becomes central. The left strand of hair is moved between the right and middle, this process is repeated until a certain length, then a small ponytail is left at the end. Decorate classic braid can be an elegant elastic band or a bow.

  • Fishtail - unlike the classic version, only 2 strands are used here. The pigtail comes out voluminous due to thin strands. The thinner the strands are taken, the more gorgeous the hairstyle looks!

Hair is collected in low beam and split in half. A thin strand is separated from the right side from the inside and moves to the left. Thin strands of uniform volume are always laid on top of the main strand. The strand on the left, respectively, moves with another thin strand to the right.

Weaving continues with alternating shifting from different halves of thin strands, while the two main strands always remain in the hands. It remains at the end of the free ponytail, secured with an elegant elastic band or ribbon.

  • French braid - this model differs from the traditional version in that the hair begins to be braided, starting from the very top of the head.

The hair is divided into three parts of equal size, the right strand is moved to the center, while adding a thin strand to the right from free hair. The same action is performed with the left strand - it is thrown over the middle strand, a new thin strand is added to it on the left. French weaving is repeated throughout the length of the hair and ends with a classic braid or ponytail.

The French weave option allows you to create the most fantastic hairstyles. Strongly stretched small strands allow you to create a thin, neat pigtail. Relevant for the upcoming season slight negligence, so fashionistas should take this moment into account.

If voluminous strands are added during weaving, then the braids are thick enough, creating the effect of thick chic hair.

  • Air braids are one of the options for French weaving. The result of this weaving is a visually airy and weightless design on the head of a fashionista.

Creating an openwork-air model, you should take 3 small strands on the back of the head, twisting them with classic weaving twice. Then, at the right temple, take a strand of the same size, move it to the lateral extreme part. The same is repeated on the left side - on the left side, a new strand is attached from the left temple. Weaving continues to the end, with the constant attachment of additional strands from the temples. Air-laced styling is fixed with a beautiful elastic band.

  • Rope-harness - this option helps to create fashionable and stylish hairstyles quite quickly. Rope styling looks advantageous, neatly and firmly holding long hair throughout the day. The styling of this weaving is simple and accessible to any girl.

They make a tail high on the top of the head, divide it in half into two parts. Each of the 2 strands is twisted clockwise, so that in the end you get a weaving similar to a twisted rope. Small rubber bands secure each tip.

Then they begin to twist both pigtails together already counterclockwise. An important condition This type of weaving is a rather strong tension of the strand and tight twisting of the "cords".

Separately protruding hairs are additionally treated with gel and smoothed. This styling keeps for a long time attractive appearance. The hairstyle is fixed with an elastic band.

  • Double reverse braid - weaving such a voluminous original braid somewhat more difficult than normal styling.

For getting this extraordinary beautiful option all hair should be divided into 2 equal parts, mentally numbering them. Each of the two parts is gradually divided into three more. Weave a braid classic version, but vice versa - down.

Each of the woven "reverse" braids is fixed with thin multi-colored elastic bands, to give additional volume, the pigtails are carefully pulled out and fastened at the bottom smart ribbon or a rubber band.

To make yourself flawless appearance learn the basics of knitting simple braids, of which any most original hairstyle. With a little imagination and fiction, you can freely create great styling by creating wonderful mood all day!

Patterns of weaving braids with ribbons:

Detailed master classes of weaving braids

We offer you 20 options for fashionable, but at the same time simple hairstyles with elements of weaving.

Good afternoon, my dear readers!
I love hairstyles so much various types weaving braids, and they must be fast, practical and, of course, beautiful. And today I want to share with you my favorite hairstyles. Many associations of braids with school years, but now there are so many video tutorials on the Internet for beginners on weaving beautiful braids and various hairstyles with them, both daily and wedding, which delight both men and women.

So, my selection of photos and videos on the topic: weaving beautiful braids step by step. I post lessons that are easy and simple to apply in life.
I'll start with my most favorite and simple hairstyle. I do everything as in the video (braiding in the video lesson starts at 6 minutes 45 seconds).

top I do hairstyles in exactly the same way, but from below, instead of “horns”, I make a tourniquet. I toss my hair to one side and twist it like a rope until it starts to twist into a donut, then fold it in half and wrap it bottom tourniquet around the top, pinning a small crab. I hope the photo makes it clearer...

Spit-waterfall step by step, careless braid with elastic bands

The braid is made with rubber bands - it is very easy to weave, but there is a drawback - it takes a very long time to unravel it, you need to remove all these rubber bands. In principle, if they are not sorry, then they can be torn apart.

Braids are better to weave on corrugated hair. This gives volume to the braids and the hairstyle will last longer. Especially on thin smooth hair it is recommended to make a corrugation first. You can corrugate your hair with a styler or simply braid small pigtails for the night. Comb your hair. And start braiding. Below is a selection of photos step weaving braids waterfall. All pictures are clickable - on each you will put on a detailed step by step instructions weaving.

Fishtail braid video tutorial for beginners

Fishtail looks best on straight lines long hair Oh. But it can be easily performed on medium, curly, thick or sparse hair.
This hairstyle will look especially beautiful on hair with highlights. It will successfully emphasize the weave pattern.

Weaving beautiful wide braids step by step

Beautiful will turn out if it is weaved from four, five or more strands. But there is an even simpler version of a wide braid - braid a thin braid of hair at the top of your head and then alternately thread strands of the rest of the hair into it. A video on how to weave such a braid is attached. Weaving is quite simple, I managed to do it myself the first time. The braid is really very voluminous and wide - it seems that there is a shock of hair on the head.

Gorgeous braid of 5 strands step by step

It turns out that a 5-strand braid is not so difficult to do. Finally, I found an understandable video tutorial for weaving a 5-strand braid. I watched a lot of videos and could not understand in any way - where to weave, where to get the strands. This is the most clear and simple video I have found.

And there is also a step-by-step photo of weaving a braid of 5 strands.

Weaving a voluminous braid step by step

The simplest option that was in the video is a pigtail in the center, into which strands are woven. The second option is to weave a braid, then pull out a little strand to make it look voluminous.

Weaving a voluminous braid on the side

Weaving a voluminous braid with a ribbon

Weaving a voluminous braid

Weaving a voluminous braid - weaving strands into the base pigtail

Virtuoso volume braid

Braiding photo step by step

Boxer braids

Boxer pigtails have become a trend in 2017, many beauty bloggers on YouTube and Instagram show photos with chic multi-colored pigtails. In fact, these are two spikelets that mothers wove for little schoolgirls 50 years ago. But in modern world they were called boxing and added a twist - they weave ribbons, threads or artificial curls of saturated bright colors A: pink, lilac, blue are the most popular.

In the video lesson on weaving boxing braids using artificial strands

Here, ordinary yarn was used to decorate the hair.

Hairstyles with braids

Very interesting voluminous hairstyles can be created with different braids, weaving ribbons and flowers into them. By clicking on the photo you can see the full tutorial on hairstyles with braids.

For each hair length different styling. In the article, we will consider how to make voluminous After studying the techniques and having a little practice, you can create yourself various images on your own, without seeking help from a stylist.

Russian braid

The usual Russian braid has always been, is and will remain in fashion. The hair in it is not pulled, so they can rest. This hairstyle is very easy to make. To do this, take three strands, which are intertwined in the classical way. Before weaving complex options, learn to do just that. And in order to get on medium hair, using this method, after weaving and fixing the hairstyle, the strands are slightly pulled out and directed to the sides.


To create such a masterpiece on your head, you need to arm yourself with thin elastic bands, invisible hairpins, varnish and a comb with a sharp end.

First, the curls are carefully combed. The upper part, or "hat", is isolated at the crown and stabbed. The rest is wrapped around the head.
From one ear start weaving french braid. At the same time, strands from the stabbed part are periodically added, and from below they continue to work with the hair from the loose part. Such a voluminous braid looks perfect on medium hair. After all, by the end of weaving you are like once you return back to where you started from. Thus, it will be possible to hide the border of the beginning and end of weaving. These places are stabbed with invisibility, and then fixed with varnish. If the ends still protrude, they weave an ordinary braid from them and hide them inside.

French voluminous braid

Its basis is made up of the same three strands. The pigtail should be tightly pressed to the head. It can be woven in the form of a zigzag, wreath or fish tail. French voluminous look good from the bottom up. Then they begin to weave from the back of the head. Having reached the crown, they continue to weave the already ordinary classic braid, which is tucked inward. In addition, from the strands left at the top, you can build a bundle and stab it.

It looks beautiful and for this, the bangs are stabbed and the parting is separated on right side. Where the smaller part of the curls from the parting remains, they begin to weave a braid of three strands. Hair, as usual, in this technique, is captured only from above. Whip on the other part, gradually lower and turn in the opposite direction. With the help of such a turn, a zigzag is obtained. As a result of weaving, it should look like the Latin letter Z. The curls that remain are tied into a ponytail, collected in a bun or combed and fixed and loose.

Often choose French weaving to create a wedding hairstyle. Having learned this technique, you can easily prepare yourself for various festive events.


Spikelet - another voluminous braid for medium hair. With this hairstyle, the curls do not fall apart, and the bangs are removed into the braid.

Spikelet can be done traditionally: from top to bottom, as well as in the opposite direction. In the latter case, it gives the hairstyle additional volume. They also sometimes use six, eight and twelve strands for weaving. Evening option do in an unusual way: weaving starts on one side from the side and gradually reaches the ends of the hair on the other side.

Greek braids

Be sure to try to do this one too. They start with parting from the crown to the temples and a little lower. Then weave a spikelet in different ways:

  • hair is picked up along the edge, from the top of the head to the face;
  • weave a narrow braid of hair growing around the face without interweaving the main strands.

They also finish the hair in different ways.

  1. They make a crown from one ear to the other, attaching a spikelet at the other ear with invisibility or beautiful hairpin. The remaining loose part will give the hairstyle a special charm. Her feature is some negligence, so the braid looks perfect on curly hair.
  2. Weaving can be done around the head, ending where you started. This hairstyle looks more neat. The remaining tip is hidden under the braid and attached with a hairpin.

Fish tail

The hairstyle really resembles the tail of a fish. She's different in a special way weaving strands, due to which a chic shiny voluminous braid for medium hair is obtained. It is woven both for every day and for special occasions. She literally attracts the eyes of others.

The braid is braided tightly and accessories are added to it. Those who seek to get the most voluminous braids for medium hair are recommended to attach special clips to them. It just seems that creating such a braid is an insanely difficult task. Try this weave voluminous braids for medium hair. The schemes will help you to carry out your plan more easily, and you yourself will not notice it, how quickly you will weave a whole masterpiece.


If there is not much time for weaving braids, you can make a simplified version - a tourniquet. It's simple and at the same time spectacular hairstyle. It looks voluminous even if you can not boast of the density of hair. Hair is done like this:

  • the hair is lifted and done;
  • divided into two parts;
  • curl with right side twist to the right side, and the left - to the left;
  • the ends are attached with invisibility;
  • then they are twisted;
  • the ends are fixed with an elastic band or a hairpin.

This voluminous braid for medium hair, after a little practice, is performed very quickly.


Boho style is a real hit today and is at the peak of popularity. It is by no means neat in execution, but it looks very fashionable. Boho is characterized by a certain negligence and even randomness. A pigtail is braided from all hair or from part of the strands. It is made lowered down, with a wreath or a rim around the head. This weaving of voluminous braids for medium hair is a real field for the realization of fantasies and experiments.

For example, leather threads woven into braids, or bright ribbons, as well as other decorations, look extravagant. To perform the hairstyle, mousse is applied to the washed hair, then they are wound with a curling iron from the base to the tips. The strands are divided into halves, parted and weave a regular braid using additional accessories. Having finished this weaving of voluminous braids for medium hair, separate strands are pulled out of them. This creates the effect of negligence.

Variant hairstyle "voluminous braids" (medium hair)

Each of the above types of braids can be performed with additional volume. Consider another elegant styling, which is specifically aimed at creating volume in the hair. With its help, they even look thick. The effect is achieved using the "openwork weaving" technique. So let's get started.

  1. Allocate three strands in the area above the forehead.
  2. Perform reverse weave, in which the side strands lead under the middle one.
  3. A thin strand is isolated from the far right and set aside, securing it with an invisibility.
  4. Further, strands from the main part are added in this way, laying under the middle one. At the same time, thin ones are laid on the sides.
  5. Continuing to weave the braid, it is better to stretch the side sections immediately, so that later it will be easier to stretch the lace.
  6. As a result, loose strands will be obtained throughout the braid.
  7. Of them perform again voluminous pigtail. To do this, the two upper ones are connected and divided into three parts.
  8. When weaving, loose strands are picked up each time. After that, the upper weave is stretched. So it turned out a voluminous braid.
  9. You can leave it descending or fix the tips at the top with invisibility. Then it will look like beautiful flower from hair.


These interesting braids can be obtained by paying a little attention to your hair. Feel free to experiment with curls, including all fantasy in the creation process. Weaving in the most different variations back in fashion. invent own style with the help of a hairstyle, and it will not go unnoticed by others!

For many millennia, braids have been an integral part of the image of any girl. Hundreds of secrets and methods stretch from all over the world that differ from each other unique beauty, sophistication and skill. If such a hairstyle causes delight among others, then those craftsmen who are able to weave unusually beautiful braids aroused envy and popularity. However, one braid is good, and two are even better, so the question arises of how to make two braids on the sides and what types there are.

Step 3. Repeat the steps on the other side. Fix with varnish.

Two pigtails

When a girl asks herself the question: how to braid two pigtails on the sides on her own, then the image of a beautiful French braid always comes up, but often not everyone can make even, neat and identical braids on their own, so you can resort to more easy options that will add romance and playfulness to the image.

So, we will weave two pigtails on the sides according to the following algorithm:

Step 1. Make an even vertical parting, secure one part with a hairpin. For those who want variety, you can make a zigzag parting instead of a vertical one.

Step 2 Gather Tight high tail. It is important that the tail is tight. After that, divide it into two more parts. Start weaving the spikelet so that the strands go from bottom to top.

Step 3 Gently supporting the tip of the finished pigtail, start to lightly release the strands all over the spikelet to make a beautiful lace. Carefully tie the pigtail with a tight elastic band or hairpin.

Step 4. Repeat steps with the other side. Fix with varnish.

For those who are just learning to weave two braids on the sides, you need to remember that you should not go to complex techniques. It takes time, practice and technique of refined hand movements to make braids uniform, dense and beautiful, and all this can only be achieved with the help of constant attempts to weave light braids, such as spikelet, fishtail or Russian braid.

The Russian braid is an easy option for everyday hairstyles as well as for beginners.

Two pigtails on the sides can also be braided as follows:

Step 1. Evenly distribute the hair into two parts with a vertical parting. Put one part aside and stab with a hairpin.

Step 2. Divide one side into three parts, while counting the strands from left to right.

Step 3. Strand #1 goes between #2 and #3, then strand #3 goes between #2 and #1, and then strand #2 goes between #1 and #3. Continue weaving along the entire length. Repeat steps on the other side.

Step 4. Fasten the tip of one braid with a hairpin or invisible at the base of the second braid and vice versa. Fix hair with varnish.

Paired fish tail

Two pigtails on the sides for long hair will be an excellent output option that even a beginner can braid. This hairstyle, although it requires a dense weave, but it looks very elegant and amazing. The image will resemble a real Mermaid from fairy tales.

So, in order to braid two pigtails on the sides long, you need to act according to the following plan:

Step 1. Carefully combing, the hair must be divided into two parts using a vertical parting. To keep the pigtail long time, can be fixed near the base with a thin tight elastic band. It is important to remember that one part must be pinned up with a hairpin while one side is woven so that the hair does not interfere with work.

Step 2. Weaving should be based on very thin strands, so the fishtail braid is one of the hairstyles that requires a lot of work and patience. Next, you need to take a strand from the right side of the tail and throw it to the left, repeat the steps in reverse: take a strand from the left side and throw it to the right. Repeat the steps along the entire length of the hair.

Advice! To prevent the fish tail from blooming during the day, it is necessary to tighten the strands as tightly as possible, and fix the base of the pigtail with a thin and tight elastic band. Then you can go to the other side and fix with hairspray.

A few rules to follow while braiding

To beautifully braid two pigtails on the sides, you need to listen to the following tips:

  1. Before you start weaving, you need to comb your hair well. If they are not thick, then there will be no problems in the invention of a modest length, but for long hair it is necessary to comb each strand separately. With thick curls, for convenience, you can fasten each strand with hairpins so that they do not interfere with weaving.
  2. Not worth it wet hair. Firstly, it severely injures them along the entire length. Secondly, discomfort will occur during weaving, as wet hair will constantly stick to the hand.
  3. You need to start weaving with lighter patterns, and then move on to complex hairstyles. good pigtails require dexterity and a lot of patience.

Pigtail-waterfall. 5 minutes and you're done

Step 1. Divide your hair in a vertical parting into two parts. Comb each side well so that the hair is smooth. If they are naturally wavy, then it is best to work with a straightener first.

Advice! Although the waterfall pigtail does not require a long time for weaving, however, in order for the hairstyle to last for a long time, you need to prepare well. For example, before you start weaving, you can apply to your hair a small amount of hair styling products, but not varnish! The varnish only fixes the finished hairstyle, and the styling agent (spray, mousse) will help to make the hairstyle neat and durable from the first stages of weaving.

Step 2. Comb the strand near the temple well and divide it into three parts to start weaving a classic Russian braid. Weaving should reach exactly to the parting.

Step 3. With each weaving of the braid, it is necessary to add a thin strand from the top of the head so that it passes through and creates the impression of a falling waterfall.

Step 4. As soon as the pigtail is ready, you need to fix it with a thin elastic band near the parting and invisible, and then repeat the steps on the other side.

Step 5. Fix hair with varnish.

Simple braid or French? Better all together

A great option for long hair for every day, where two types of braids are intertwined into a single whole.

Step 1. Divide your hair into two sections. We do not touch one side yet, but only fix it with a hairpin.

Step 2. We divide a small strand near the face into three parts and begin to weave a vertical pigtail, periodically adding thin strands. As soon as the pigtail is ready, you need to fix it with an elastic band.

Step 3. We divide the remaining hair into three parts and continue to weave a classic Russian braid, after which we need to fix it again with an elastic band and fix it with varnish.

Advice! You can let out several locks from the combined pigtail, giving chaos and negligence to the image.

Hairstyle "Two pigtails on the sides" will become original version on every day. She will cause admiration and envy of others!

The best decoration for a girl is a magnificent braid. But do not despair if the hair is not too thick and does not cause much delight if it is simply woven. Today it is very fashionable to weave different in clever ways, which from a modest amount of hair create a chic luxurious braid. One of these favorite ways of women and hairdressers - voluminous braid.

Volume braid

beautiful weaving Today it is considered the best hairstyle option for any woman. But not everyone can weave wide pigtail. For owners of thick long hair, this task is very easy to solve. However, having certain skills and knowledge of some simple secrets, weaving a wide lush braid is possible even on thin hair. Although, patience and diligence, nevertheless, will be needed remarkable, because a hairstyle is not something that can be concocted “anyhow”. Perhaps some errors are still acceptable for trial exercises, but the final result should be at least neat. Therefore, you will have to put aside current problems and fully focus on the sacrament of hair weaving.

So, for work you will need: a regular comb, styling product, hair dryer, hairpins and elastic bands.

Three strand braid

This is the simplest and most common option. The hair is combed back, divided into three equal parts. Then the first and second strands are distributed between the fingers of the left hand. Third strand right hand moves between the first two. Then the first strand is placed between the other two, and the second - between the first strand and the third. It is necessary to continue weaving according to this pattern until the end. And to make the weaving visually look thicker, you should slightly stretch each extreme strand by 3-5 millimeters. You need to start from the base. The hairstyle will turn out to be somewhat loose, but this way the hair will seem more magnificent, and the braid - thicker.

How to braid

A beautiful wide braid will turn out if it is weaved from four, five or more strands. The hairstyle will look much more voluminous and original. Before weaving, you need to carefully comb your hair and slightly moisten it with a spray. The hair is divided at the back of the head into four equal strands. Then the first strand is placed on the second, the third on the first, and the fourth is placed under the first. Then you need to put the second strand of hair on top of the third, and the fourth - on top of the second. The first strand moves under the bottom of the second, the third strand is placed on the fourth, the first lies on the third, and the second strand starts under the bottom of the third. And so, again, to the end.

Do you want to make your braid fuller?

Just pull out a little strand after you finish weaving

Two strand braid

You can weave a braid even of their two strands. First you need to make a tail from all the hair and divide it into two separate strands. Then two strands are taken different parties and connect. The principle of this weaving is to throw each new strand to the other side.

Five strand braid

It is more difficult to cope with weaving from five strands. First, the hair is divided into five identical strands. The first of them lies on top of the second, the third - on top of the first, the fourth strand is wound under the bottom of the first, and the fifth is placed on the first. Then you need to place the second strand on top of the third, the fourth on top of the second, and bring the fifth under the bottom of the second. In this order, weaving is carried out to the end, and the result is fixed with an elastic band. Effective and very stylish looks braid, decorated colorful ribbons, woven into it. For the appearance of volume, artificial strands are also woven into the hair, which can be an excellent solution for not very thick hair. You just need to choose the right unnatural strands to match your natural ones, and then weave a voluminous, wide beautiful braid. And to make the braid visually even wider, you do not need to braid it too tight. It is necessary to loosen the weaving a little, or you can simply stretch each strand at the end, which will give the hairstyle additional softness and femininity.

A five-strand braid looks simply luxurious

The French braid can also be considered as weaving volumetric braids. The simplest weaving begins with the usual thorough combing of the hair. Further, at the roots of the hair, at the beginning of the frontal tubercle, a small strand of hair is taken and divided into three strands. This will be the base of the hairstyle. After separation, the weaving itself is performed, which consists in the sequential imposition of the extreme strands on top of the central one. After the base is formed, strands are added to it on each side. But the thicker the strand is picked up, the larger the weaving will turn out. The work ends with fixing the finished weaving with an elastic band. The remaining tail is hidden under the resulting braid and fixed with a hairpin. If desired, you can make the braid thicker by adding ribbons or artificial strands. You can also lightly pull the strands so that the braid comes out as if more loose and lush. The same effect can be achieved if you pre-curl your hair.

inverted braid

One of the most popular ways is the French or inverted braid. It is woven according to the principle of a simple pigtail, but the strands must be applied not from above, but from below. Since weaving is done in reverse side, the braid takes on a convex appearance. Upon completion, it remains to fix the resulting weaving with an elastic band. In the process of weaving, you need to hold the strands tightly so as not to let them unravel. Hair must first be thoroughly combed so that the strands are picked up as evenly as possible and lie down smoothly. And additional splendor can be achieved in the previously described ways.

The peculiarity of the inverted French braid is that when weaving, the strands are not placed on top of each other, but under the bottom, as can be seen from this photo

Another one wide french braid - the so-called "disheveled". It is obtained from a simple French, from which, starting from the end fixed with an elastic band, small strands are pulled out, which weaken the weave. In this case, the main thing is to weaken the braid not across the entire width, but only its individual strands. They need to be pulled to the side to add volume and width to the hairstyle. You can pull out strands on both sides, but you can only on one side, then you get a kind of flower or crown on your head. It is also important to make the elongated strands approximately the same in thickness and height so that the hairstyle looks neat and not accidentally disheveled.

The fishtail braid looks very beautiful and voluminous, which they begin to weave from the back of the head.

Comb your hair a little at the back of your head and divide it into two halves.

Start weaving the spikelet a little diagonally

Near the neck, smoothly switch to weaving "fishtail"

At the end, stretch the strands a little

Spikelet and fish tail

For weaving a spikelet or “fish tail”, the hair must be divided into two identical parts. On the one hand, a small strand stands out on the edge and is thrown over the top of the other half. The same is done on the other side. Small strands are separated alternately on both sides and joined in the opposite half of the separated hair. Outwardly, such a braid seems generally very thick and lush.

This hairstyle is done very quickly, and looks beautiful and interesting.

You can loosen the tourniquet in the same way as a braid, thereby giving it pomp.


A fairly simple way to braid a wide braid is a tourniquet. It is woven from a tail previously fastened with an elastic band. The hair in it must be divided into two identical parts. Each of them must be alternately twisted in a spiral in the same direction. After both strands are tightly twisted, you can begin to intertwine them with each other. This must be done in the direction opposite to the twisting of the original spirals. From below, the tourniquet is attached with an elastic band.

In general, no difficulties: just start - and everything will work out!


Comb the bulk of the hair at the roots so that the wide braid does not contrast with the "sleek" hair

Miley Cyrus in the good old days 🙂