Correct skirt length. How to choose tights for a skirt and shoes in winter. A few general tips for pairing skirts and boots

It is primarily practical midi skirts below the knee. For instance,pleated skirt, year skirt, denim skirts, midi skirts with an asymmetrical cut and slits.But we, of course, will not forget about mini-skirts.

Let's pay attention to what clothes and shoes to wear them with. Eternal classic genre, dictated by our weather conditions: winter skirts are usually worn with , and also combined with down jackets and . Let's talk about this in more detail and with simple examples.

Midi skirt with boots and ankle boots

These skirts will hide your legs from the wind and will go well with winter shoes at low speed or on a low massive heel.

Midi skirt with ankle boots and boots

1. Midi skirt with ankle boots or chunky lace-up boots. In order for a midi-length skirt to be combined with boots or ankle boots without any problems, it must be long enough, otherwise such shoes will "cut" the legs, giving the impression that they are shorter than they really are. If the skirt leaves the calves open, the shoes should have a "continuation" in the form of tights of the same color. We will talk about this technique in more detail below.

Chelsea midi skirt

2. Midi skirt with Chelsea boots. Chelsea - low boots (to the ankle) with rubber inserts on the sides. They do not have laces and fasteners, which makes them very comfortable. Chelsea can be low heels as well.

Streetstyle at Moscow Fashion Week ( midi skirt with the Cossacks)

3. Midi skirt with Cossacks. Cossacks are a bit like cowboy boots. Cossack boots- it rather short (to the ankle) boots with a beveled heel and a pointed toe.

How to wear socks with a midi skirt and ankle boots?

Streetstyle at New York Fashion Week (ankle boots with socks)

We put on winter skirt with boots or ankle boots, add high socks, turtleneck or oversized sweater and “voila” - stylish look ready.Socks can be worn over tights or bare foot, depending on the weather.

How to choose tights for a skirt and shoes in winter

Street style at Fashion Week in Moscow

The skirt can be worn with short boots and tights to match the shoes. This technique will visually stretch the leg. Dark tights can be combined with both a dark and light skirt, but do not forget about the color of the shoes: it should be close to the color of the tights. Bright skirts are also suitable. trendy colors: pink, red, deep blue, rich green. But to combine a bright skirt or light color with black tights and now fashionable white / contrasting shoes is not worth it, as this visually cuts the leg and shortens the silhouette.

We told what, and it's not in vain. Adding a skirt would be great fashionable tights: mesh with crystals, polka dots, colored.Can also be used instead of tights tight leggings without gloss, relief and print.

Colored tights and polka dot tights

We have already written about what is better not to use in your wardrobe, without good reason. And even more so in winter, they are of no use.

Midi skirt with boots

A midi skirt will go well with high boots: up to the knee and above (so that the hem of the skirt covers the edge of the top of the boots). Thus, the leg will be completely closed - in warmth and comfort.

At the same time, the boots stable heel peeking out from under a midi skirt is stylish and organic for winter. For such an image, a shortened one is best. outerwear, then there will not be a large pile of layers in the leg area.

Mini skirt with over the knee boots

Even in winter period miniskirts never go out of fashion. Miniskirts for winter faux leather and suede, knitted, from dense and warm fabrics (especially with wool): tweed, velveteen, flannelette, velvet and, of course, denim.

H as for shoes, they look very stylish with a miniskirt :both narrow over the knee stockings and wide ones knee-high boots. It is important that the boots are above the knee.

To look stylish and not vulgar in a miniskirt in winter, over the knee boots should not be too wide (so that the folds do not make the image heavy).

Also pay attention to tights - you can choose them in the color of shoes or use black translucent tights, which have already become classics. But nude pantyhose and fishnet tights with over the knee boots and a miniskirt are best not to wear.

Miniskirt with boots and ankle boots

If you choose short boots or ankle boots for a miniskirt, then do not forget about dark and tight tights or leggings.

Be careful if you choose shoes middle length(above the ankle but below the knee), the legs will look shorter. Also, insufficiently high over the knee boots with a "long" miniskirt will look out of place. Such shoes will corny "cut" the silhouette, only some girls can afford it. Try to wear either straight and narrow over the knee boots, or short ankle boots.

The midi skirt is an elegant throwback from the past that fits perfectly into the modern style. A properly selected skirt can emphasize the advantages of the figure, hide its imperfections and give a certain visual effect. In this article, we will look at who the midi skirt suits, as well as how and with what it is better to wear it.

What are the styles of midi skirts?

The advantage of this type of skirt is that a variety of styles allows you to choose the option that best suits almost any modern style. Skirts are long (from a length just above the knee - up to 10 cm above the ankle), it is worth trying different variants. Do not forget that it is better to take a skirt a little longer than a short one, since the excess length can always be removed.

The main styles include:

  • Pencil skirt to the knee. Properly chosen skirt of this style can visually lengthen the figure.
  • A-line skirt. It is also called a trapezoid. This is a universal style that can hide many of the flaws of the female figure.
  • Fluffy skirt. Able to visually expand the hips, as well as give the image of romance and flirtatiousness.
  • Skirt to the middle of the calf. One of the most capricious styles. Since the skirt ends at the widest part of the calf, when choosing such a skirt, it is necessary to correctly assess the shape of the legs.

Mid-length skirts are suitable for any woman, provided correct selection style and placement of accents. Remember that an incorrectly selected midi skirt can visually disrupt the proportions of the figure. Under such a skirt, you should always wear high-heeled shoes. The materials of the skirt and shoes must be coordinated with each other.

Lightweight fabric is better combined with a thin stiletto heel, and a tight skirt is more profitable to combine with massive shoes and wide heels.

The length directly depends on the height of the woman. High representatives of the fair sex can afford to experiment with a long one, but petite girls do not deviate from the canon - the length of the skirt is strictly to the knees. A midi skirt is worn strictly at the waist, so it is necessary to correctly assess the figure in order to understand which style will show exactly your waist in the best light.

How to choose which style is right for you?

The choice of a specific midi skirt option depends, as already mentioned, on height, figure features and a specific style.

Pencil skirt. This option is most preferable for women with a slender waist and feminine shape of the hips. In this case, you should try a high-waisted skirt, as it will emphasize all the advantages and visually lengthen the legs. If you need to give extra volume to the hips, more low landing. If a woman is not entirely satisfied with the shape of her knees, it is necessary to select a length that will cover them.

A-line skirt. The length is selected according to the shape of the legs. Short women do not choose a skirt below the knees. This type is the most versatile. The A-line skirt is able to proportionally balance the shoulders with the hips. The owners of the “triangle” type figure can visually reduce their hips, and those whose figure fits the definition of “inverted triangle” - visually expand the hips.

Fluffy skirt. This style should not be chosen when short stature and wide hips. She is able to visually weight and land the figure. For owners tall and narrow hips, a flared style will help bring more femininity to the image.

A skirt to the middle of the calf is not suitable for owners of both full sports calves and those whose legs are too thin. Such skirts should not be worn with short stature.

What to wear with a midi skirt?

A well-chosen midi skirt will suit any style. The harmony and integrity of the image depends on the choice and accessories.

Any midi skirt accentuates the waist, so the choice of clothing for the upper body should be appropriate.

Thin jumpers and turtlenecks are a universal option.

Clothing that accentuates the waist is the basis for creating feminine image including a midi skirt. These can be various puffy sweaters with a belt that highlights the waist, as well as tops, jackets or jackets with oval shoulders. Various fur It also goes great with a midi skirt.

How and with what to wear a midi skirt, photo:
brown leather skirt combined with a red blouse and black shoes.

Summer option. Bright skirt sun, with a striped T-shirt and sandals.

Checkered skirt, and boots.

Denim look. Denim skirt and up.

Great option with a red skirt.

Another option with a white blouse.

A properly composed image, based on a midi skirt, looks very romantic and at the same time moderately chaste, and will also allow you not to sacrifice femininity for the sake of warmth in the cold season. Don't be afraid to experiment with different colors, fabrics, accessories and shoes, but remember the importance of the nuances of the figure.

Dresses and skirts are in the wardrobe of every self-respecting woman.

They give us charm, elegance, emphasize our femininity and sexuality. Replacing tight jeans with a flared skirt, you can hide flaws, add a touch of playfulness and romance.

Many are familiar with the situation when both the skirt is stylish and the shoes are new and beautiful, but something “does not stick”. Separately from each other, these things look great, but together they "do not get along."
Most likely, you just forgot about the balance between the length of the skirt and the height of the shoes!

To make the image look harmonious, every detail is important, especially the right shoes. Sometimes it's not easy to decide...
For this, it is necessary to take into account not only general style, color and material of the skirt, but also focus on the basic rules for choosing shoes depending on the length of the skirt.

I offer you a guide for creating a fashionable image - advice from stylists on what shoes to choose for skirts of different lengths.
Let's figure out what goes with what and in what proportions...

Mini skirt

Mini skirts can be successfully combined with a variety of shoes.
These can be boots without a heel or with a small heel, wedge sandals, boots or sandals, shoes with a small heel.

The main thing is to remember that mini skirts with high thin heels look extremely vulgar, so wearing them with stilettos or boots is not the best option.

Of course, it all depends on the season and the material of the skirt itself. Even in the cold season, miniskirts do not lose their relevance.

For example, mini-skirts made of artificial leather and suede, knitted, made of dense and warm fabrics (especially with wool) are suitable for the coming spring: tweed, velveteen, flannelette, velvet and, of course, denim.

As for shoes, over the knee boots look very stylish with a miniskirt: both narrow stocking over the knee boots and wide high boots. It is important that the boots are above the knee.

To look stylish and not vulgar in a miniskirt in the spring, over the knee boots should not be too wide (so that the folds do not make the look heavy).

Also pay attention to tights - you can choose them in the color of shoes or use black translucent tights, which have already become classics.
But it is better not to wear flesh-colored tights and tights in a mesh with over the knee boots and a miniskirt.

If you choose short boots or ankle boots for a miniskirt, then do not forget about dark and tight tights or leggings.

Be careful: if you choose medium-length boots (above the ankle, but below the knee), the legs will look shorter.
Also, insufficiently high over the knee boots with a “long” miniskirt will look out of place. Such shoes will corny “cut” the silhouette, only some girls can afford it.

Try to wear either straight and narrow over the knee boots, or short ankle boots.

Mid-thigh skirt

These skirts will look good with tight boots flats, ankle boots, ballet flats, sandals or wedges, or flat sandals.

Mid-thigh skirts are not much different from minis, so the choice of shoes will be similar: any shoes without a heel or on wide heels.

You can also wear boots or boots with wide heels.

Skirt to the knee

Knee-length skirts are associated with business style Complete with stylish blouse. A spectacular office lady walking in high heels immediately appears.

Tight or flat knee-length skirts are best worn under boots without a heel or with heels, wedge shoes.

Perfect for flared skirts classic shoes on a heel. If shoes with thin stilettos create an image more sophisticated, elegant, and require the same accompaniment, then shoes with wide heels give us more wide opportunities to combine :)
And the height of the heel almost does not matter in this case. He can be anyone.

Also available with ballet flats and platform sandals.

Knee-length skirts with ankle boots look harmonious.
In fairness, it should be noted that ankle boots fit absolutely any model of skirts, but this does not mean that this is the only possible combination.

Moreover, the range of clothing and footwear models is expanding every day, and it is impossible to keep up with everyone. fashion trends peace.

Skirt below the knee

Straight skirts below the knee most often go well with long boots wedges or heels.

A skirt below the knee looks perfect with sandals or wedges, stilettos.

These skirts look good with boots and ankle boots.

An eternal classic of the genre, dictated by our weather conditions: in spring, skirts below the knee are usually worn with fashionable boots and ankle boots

midi skirt

Under the midi skirt extended to the bottom, it is best to put on tight-fitting boots with heels, classic shoes or wedges. Ballet flats and flat shoes with such a skirt will look bad.

Boats - a win-win for fans of the classics. If you want your legs to look longer, wear light beige shoes or shoes that match your skirt.

Ankle boots: choose models with heels or platform because the combination of high boots on flat sole with a medium length skirt visually makes a woman lower and fuller.
The skirt must be flared.

Pencil skirt below the knee in combination with ankle boots (classic office version:) will “cut” and “shorten” even the longest legs.

For lovers of experiments, there is an option to wear a skirt with sports shoes- sneakers or sneakers, but still this is not considered a traditional combination.

In this case, you will play in contrast: on the one hand, femininity, which is emphasized by the midi length, on the other, a challenge sports style or military.

The midi skirt will continue to be popular this spring. These skirts will hide your legs from the wind and will go well with shoes with low heels or low massive heels.

Best of all, a midi skirt will be combined with high boots: up to the knee and above (so that the hem of the skirt covers the edge of the top of the boots). Thus, the leg will be completely closed - in warmth and comfort.

At the same time, boots with steady heels peeking out from under the midi skirt are stylish and organic for spring. For this look, cropped outerwear is best, then there will not be a large pile of layers in the leg area.

A midi skirt can be worn with short boots and pick up tights to match the shoes. This technique will visually stretch the leg. Dark tights can be combined with both a dark and light skirt, but do not forget about the color of the shoes: it should be close to the color of the tights.
Skirts in bright trendy colors are also suitable: pink, red, deep blue, rich green.

But you should not combine a bright or light-colored skirt with black tights and white/contrasting shoes that are now fashionable, as this visually cuts the leg and shortens the silhouette.

Maxi skirt

Maxi skirts can rarely be successfully combined with boots, but they will look great with platform sandals, ballet flats and sandals.

spring maxi skirts can be worn with neat low-heeled boots. But the shoes themselves visually shorten the leg, especially if they are flat-soled. With a long skirt, this moment will be even more noticeable.

This must be taken into account when choosing a suitable model.

And, of course, the absolute trend of the past few seasons is the combination of ankle boots and a maxi skirt. The main thing is that the shin should not be visible between the skirt and ankle boots.

A few general tips for pairing skirts and boots

Ankle-length boots are the simplest and “understandable” option, which is difficult to break the proportions of the figure. Low boots go with any outfit. Therefore, the fastest and painless option for a skirt of any length is to choose ankle boots. These shoes do not "cut" the foot. And a skirt to the middle of the thigh, and a mini skirt, and even a maxi will look great.

  • Skinny shoes look best pointed noses, shoes with round or square toes should be avoided.
  • Shoes should not have transverse inserts, cuts and other elements that visually "cut" the foot.
  • It's good if tights and boots are matched in one color scheme, it will make the legs longer and slimmer.
  • Boots must not have a large number decorative ornaments.
  • The skirt should end at the narrowest point of the leg - just below or above the knee.
  • Well, if the skirt will have a slit.

  • The skirt goes well with the boots. high waist.
  • You should not choose boots that are mid-calf high, this is the most the right way visually shorten even the longest legs.
  • Do not wear shoes with overly thick, massive soles.
  • The higher the boot, the wider the shaft can be.
  • The puffy skirt should be no lower than the knee, otherwise the figure will seem overweight and heavy.
  • And of course, ankle boots should not be worn by girls with large ankles.

Of course, this is only general rules, of which there may be exceptions. The final choice of shoes depends on your taste and sense of style.
based on,

Fashion only recommends when the skirt should be shortened and when to lengthen. The freedom of choice is always yours. The main thing is in what lengths your legs will look not just good, but perfect! Choose the length so that it does not end at the widest parts of the ankle, calf, knee or thigh. The most unfortunate length of a straight skirt for women with full legs is mid-calf. No man will look after her. Insofar as horizontal line the bottom of the skirt runs along the fullest part of the lower leg, then it gives the impression that the mistress of the skirt is old and fat.
Knowledge own type figure helps to get an idea of ​​which skirts will look best on your figure. The choice of skirt style will help create correct proportions, hide flaws and emphasize dignity.
A perfectly matched skirt can hide all imperfections and make any legs attractive. The main thing is to know a few secrets on how to choose the perfect skirt for your figure. We will figure out how to determine the optimal length and style of the skirt, taking into account the characteristics of your figure and the shape of the legs. To do this, we have prepared special instructions on which style and length of the skirt is right for you. Use the tips for choosing a skirt from this instruction - and compliments will not keep you waiting!

Mini skirt

A miniskirt is a skirt that ends well above the knees, revealing most of the legs.
Who suits? Since the miniskirt fits snugly on the figure, it gives out all the flaws, if they are in the hip area. Such a skirt is suitable only for very slender, young, proportionately folded girls, with correct form legs. A mini skirt with high growth makes the figure disproportionate, it looks more advantageous with medium and low growth.
How to wear? A miniskirt should be combined with a closed top, such as a loose sweater ( fashionable option) or T-shirt. It is also preferable to choose pumps or neat flat shoes for a miniskirt, but not high heels or platform.

Mid-thigh pencil skirt

Pencil skirt - a straight silhouette, slightly tapered to the bottom, fitting the figure.
Who suits? On the one hand, this length is successful in that it opens the upper part of the legs, so it distracts attention from the flaws in the shape of the legs. And no one will notice that your ankles are not too graceful. On the other hand, it only works if slender legs and thighs.
How to wear? For skirts like this length fit almost any footwear: from ballet flats to pumps and boots. It is better to choose high boots so as not to visually "cut" the leg in a wide place. Then you will appear slimmer and taller.

Knee length pencil skirt

The classic length of the pencil skirt is to the knee. But now fashion designers offer a lot of length options: it can both open the knee and reach the middle of the lower leg.

Who suits? A skirt of this style and length visually lengthens the figure, because. creates a vertical. The main thing is to choose the perfect fit for the figure, otherwise either baggy or folds in the front will appear. If the shape of your knees is not ideal, choose a skirt that covers them a little.
How to wear? For owners slim waist and feminine hips, you should choose high-waisted skirts. This technique also visually lengthens the legs. If you need to add volume to the hips, choose a lower fit.

Knee-length A-line skirt

A-line or A-line skirt - narrow at the waist
and expanding downward.
Who suits? Suitable for most types female figures. So, if you have narrow hips and broad shoulders, an A-line skirt will visually balance the proportions of your figure. If you have wide hips, she will hide them and visually make them slimmer. Choose the length of such a skirt based on the shape of your legs. But with short stature, lengths much below the knee should be avoided.
How to wear? Since the A-line skirt flares down and creates extra volume, the look will look harmonious with the top of the set and high heels. Otherwise Bottom part figures will look heavy.

Fluffy skirt to the knee

A fluffy skirt gives the image of flirtatiousness and romance.
Who suits? Flared skirts are suitable for owners of tall stature and slender hips. The volume of the skirt will make the already wide hips heavier and visually land the figure with a short stature. This is especially true for skirts made of dense heavy materials. If your hips are narrow, then it will create more feminine shapes.
How to wear? Remember a simple rule: the more fluffy skirt you put on, the more concise top pick up to your outfit.

Mid-calf skirt

A skirt to the middle of the calf is very dangerous because it ends at the widest part of the leg. Therefore, how it will look depends directly on the shape of the legs and your height.
Who suits? Not suitable for both full, athletic calves and very thin legs. Also, a skirt of this length is contraindicated for short stature, because. will make you even lower. Therefore, a skirt to the middle of the calf will decorate only the tall owner of beautiful slender legs.
How to wear? Looks perfect with elegant heels, but not with boots.

Straight maxi skirt

Optimal length maxi skirts - up to the ankles, so that only the feet can be seen, and below. It is this length that will not cut and thereby shorten the length of the legs. The incisions can be in the back, front or in side seam along the leg.
Who suits? Maxi perfectly masks imperfections in the leg area. At the same time, a straight model without excess volume and folds creates a vertical, which visually slims and stretches the figure, but with low growth can land even more.
How to wear? If your height is far from the model, it is recommended to complement the floor-length skirt with heeled shoes. And you can complement the maxi skirt with both voluminous and tight-fitting tops.

Flared maxi skirt

A flared maxi skirt is a very effective option.
Who suits? Wide long skirt makes the figure more massive, therefore it will adorn only the owners of tall stature and slender hips.
How to wear? Perfect shoes for low heels or wedge. top a set with such a skirt should be selected according to the figure. Since this model of a skirt attracts attention in itself, the top should be extremely concise in details.

Imperfect legs

U-shaped curvature of the legs - at the top of the inner side of the thigh there is a large gap. Be careful with the mini length.

O-shaped curvature of the legs - non-closing of the knees. Optimal length to the middle of the calf.

X-shaped curvature of the legs - non-closure of the ankles, the legs diverge into different sides from knees. The optimal length is below the knee or to the middle of the ankle.

Horizontal figure types

- Apple
- Pear
- inverted triangle
- Rectangle
- Hourglass

How to choose a skirt according to the type of figure - HOURGLASS

Your task is to emphasize the line of the hips, but do not overdo it, as this can weigh down your figure.
Best for you:

  • Knitted or draped skirts
  • A-line skirts
  • The print on the skirt should be calm, otherwise the hips will look heavy.
  • A pencil skirt and a tulip skirt are perfect if you want to show off your curves.

How to choose a skirt according to the type of figure - PEAR

Your goal is to balance your hips, legs, with a narrower top, reducing volume or completely hiding them.
Best for you:

  • A-line skirt - perfectly emphasizes your curves, and the whole figure as a whole looks very elegant.
  • Half skirt
  • Vertical details such as creases, pleats, vertical stitches, welt pockets, etc.

Any style of skirt that draws attention away from your hips will look good in flowy fabrics.
How to choose a skirt according to your body type - INVERTED TRIANGLE

Focus on skirts that add volume to your hips, thereby attracting less attention to your shoulders.
Your skirts are:

  • Pleated skirts, wedge skirts
  • Details that add volume: folds, pockets and zippers
  • Bias cut skirts to add volume but at the same time highlight your long legs

How to choose a skirt according to the type of figure - APPLE

Your goal is to focus on the legs or hips so that it doesn't stand out. middle part your body.
Your skirts are:

  • Asymmetrical to draw attention to the legs
  • High-waisted skirts - they will hide the tummy and make the figure more feminine
  • A-line skirt - will give the figure harmonious proportions

You can also try the sun skirt model, in combination with a semi-fitted top, you will look slimmer.

Refuse the pencil skirt model, it will not decorate you. Minis should also be avoided. The optimal length for you is to the knee or mid-calf. It is not recommended to wear bright tight belts, they will only emphasize the absence of a waist.
How to choose a skirt according to the type of figure - RECTANGLE

Your task is to achieve the effect of soft volumetric lines below the waist. You're in luck - you can wear most skirt styles that other body types don't fit!
Suitable for you:

  • Wedge skirt
  • Any skirt that flares out at the bottom: sun, half sun, a-line skirt
  • Low Waist Skirt
  • Various details such as pockets, visible stitches and zippers
  • Tulip skirt
  • Be careful with a pencil skirt, as it can accentuate an undefined waist.

So, here are the main secrets of choosing a skirt according to the figure and length. Experiment, change and catch the admiring glances of others!

In youth, we can afford crazy experiments with clothes, because any mistakes are forgivable, and they look more funny than terrible. But with age, you need to not only decide on the style, but also skillfully emphasize your femininity. Of course, best helper in this so-called aristocratic chic

Nothing superfluous, but at the same time luxurious and attractive. Today we are talking about the main attribute of a female aristocratic wardrobe - an ankle-length skirt, thanks to which every woman can feel like a desirable lady. So designers say. Chic, lightness and magnetism - this is how you can characterize such bows.

Give preference high waisted skirts. This length and cut is suitable for any physique and height. And it looks very sexy.

Images with a skirt

  • Polka dots and flowers are the most feminine prints. They look chic with light blouses and are suitable for any occasion in life, even in the registry office.

  • Super trendy monochrome look. And those colors are just amazing.

  • It would seem that the skirt of their red eco-leather is bold and even vulgar. But the length and silhouette decide everything. This skirt is easy to combine with both a blouse and a jacket. You definitely won't go unnoticed.

  • Simply gorgeous! Youthful and mega attractive.

  • Lush beauties in such outfits look very sophisticated. Classic pumps, calm tones, but at the same time interesting textures - this is really aristocratic chic.

  • Very spicy lace inserts. Designers are advised to go beyond and combine such flying skirts with a rather rough top. Very interesting image for everyday life.

  • From this image it breathes lightness and aristocracy.

  • Bold ladies can create images in the style of the Wild West. By the way, these colors are very relevant in 2018.

  • Another proof that a seemingly modest skirt can look very bold and youthful. Don't be afraid to pair it with a T-shirt and leather jacket.

  • With such skirts it is very easy to create luxurious fashion images. Just a super versatile thing that you can wear to the office, to a restaurant, and to a social event.

  • Don't be afraid to experiment with long skirt. It is very easy to create stylish and feminine images with it.