How to choose a style in clothes. Rectangle shape type. Creating your own style

IN last years The profession of an image maker is rapidly gaining popularity, more and more new projects dedicated to the intricacies of creating an image appear on the screen. But does the creation of a style, an image, cover the “correct” suit, fashion styling and topical perfumes? What does the image really affect and how to create the desired image? "Passion" decided to find out by sending their correspondent to an image agency for a consultation. This is her story today.

Let's start with the fact that the task of the editors came in handy - for a long time something vaguely did not suit me in myself. In general, I liked myself, but as a perfectionist in the field of appearance, I could not find clothes that were comfortable and “mine” 100%. In addition, I wanted to look as feminine as possible.

For changes, I went to the image agency "Stylish Person".

Irina Pchelina, stylist-image maker and head of the agency:

“Each of us is our own image maker. Consciously or not, we create a certain image for ourselves, built on a combination of elements. visual form(hairstyle, clothes, make-up, accessories, manicure), behaviors (hike, facial expressions, speech, gestures) and habitat (environment, life, home).

Our appearance says a lot about us, regardless of what we think about ourselves. The goal of an image stylist is to help you become an expert in shaping your look. Our goal is to help you realize, perhaps re-remember and update through style your own "I"

Stage 1. Color

A person, perceiving the environment, reacts first to the color, and then to the form. Therefore, when starting to work on your image, you need to start by determining the color type. Based on a common theory, from birth a person belongs to one of them. Color types, conventionally named after the seasons, are divided into warm and cold. Shades of clothing, make-up and accessories are selected accordingly. Spring and Autumn are warm, Summer and Winter are cold.

Spring is a warm type bright sign - thin pinkish-peach skin, always light hair tone, shades - golden, straw, honey. Eyes - light blue, amber, gray, but always - light and transparent.

Autumn- this is also a warm, but more "saturated" color type. Autumn people naturally have red, copper, or bronze hair, possibly with brown tones. The skin tone is not as transparent as in spring, more dense. Eyes can be brown, gray, green.

Summer- cold type. Accordingly, the tone summer skin- cold, light, pinkish-bluish. Hair - from light blondes to dark chestnut, but always with light brown or ashy undertones. summer may be contrasting (this is a more saturated type, with dark hair and eyebrows) and not contrasting (with blond hair).

Winter- This is the coldest and brightest color type. Winter people have dark hair, light skin and bright eyes. Like summer, winter is divided into contrast (bright skin And dark hair) And non-contrasting (dark olive skin tone and dark hair).

In order to determine whether you are warm or cold color type,

bring to your face first warm, and then cold tones of the same color. You will surely notice that against the background of one of the tones, the color of your face will turn out to be healthier, its colors will “play out”. “Not your own” tone, on the contrary, will give the skin an unhealthy, unusual shade.

(While I was learning to match tones according to my color type, I finally understood why some of my clothes seemed to fit my figure perfectly, but I looked “pale” in them).

After you determine your color type, it will become much easier to select the most winning clothes. Incidentally, tone discrimination in no way limits your color choice- any color can be "warm" or "cold". The saturation of the color also does not affect its warmth or coldness, even a bright red hue can be cold.

So, for example, my color type is non-contrasting winter- correspond to cold, clean, bright colors. If the shade is red, then - raspberry, blue - indigo and snow-blue, green - emerald and malachite, gray - graphite and anthracite shades. (Yes, with a yellow blouse, orange turtleneck and brown dress have to say goodbye...)

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

Summer colors: Blue colour- gray-blue, gray-blue, denim, brown - a shade of cocoa, pinkish-brown, yellow - shades of lemon peel and lemon pulp, red - burgundy, cherry, gray-pink shades.

And do not forget that the shades should be cold, without an admixture of yellow in the color (if red, then not orange, but for example, raspberry, pink).

Spring corresponds to a warm light transparent gamma. Shades of Spring: peach, coral, turquoise, lime, pea, honey, violet, coffee, cream. Black spring is best not to use.

Autumn- these are warm saturated dense colors - scarlet, red-brown, orange, blue-green, khaki, plum, coffee, baked milk color - in general, all the colors that nature is saturated with during leaf fall and harvest. Now is the time to take a closer look at her colors in order to clearly see what warm and cold shades are.

Stage 2. Form

Body type and its correction

Each of us is unique, but there are only a few types of female figures (and this is good, otherwise it would be completely impossible to pick up clothes in stores). But there are many ways to correct the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages!

At this stage, I mentally weeded out the next part of the wardrobe and even more clearly understood why in some pretty things I was not 100% satisfied with myself, and in others, not at all trendy and seemingly not attracting attention, I felt surprisingly beautiful. It was all in the details.

For example, in the width of the straps (narrow straps make broad shoulders visually even wider); or in the cut of pockets on jeans: the fact is that the direction of the diagonal line (and the edge of the pocket is such) makes any shape (in this case- the shape of the hips) wider and lower or narrower and higher.

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

Girls with broad shoulders vertical fasteners are recommended, no gathers along the shoulder line, narrow long lapels of jackets. For narrow shoulders, a boat neckline, American armhole, large pattern, raglan are suitable.

For wide hips recommended: mid-knee length of dresses and skirts and slightly tapered or slightly flared silhouette, slits or wraps, side seams, muted tones. For narrow hips - yoke skirts, with pleats, wide trousers, multiple vertical stripes on trousers, accents on the waist and hips, voluminous texture of the fabric.

High growth can be adjusted as follows: lengthen the top (jacket, blouse), and bright accents shift down (border, belts, bracelets). low stature corrected, of course, by a heel and a shift in emphasis, on the contrary, upwards - brooches, scarves, large earrings, etc.

big breasts, if necessary, visually corrected with dark tones, narrow cutouts and a high smell. Small breasts can be visually enlarged with blouses on yokes with gathers above the chest, light colors, large patterns and voluminous textures.

In the process of studying the topic, I realized another important thing: our minds are filled with many wrong stereotypes related to clothing. For example, fat people often worn dark tones, believing that the dark slims. To think so is to confuse form and color.

So beloved by many black color visually compacts the shape, creates a feeling of monumentality - which is clearly contraindicated for people with magnificent forms. Their tones, on the contrary, should be light, and you need to adjust the figure with the help of clothing proportions.

Another of our mass delusions is that a vertical strip is slimming. In fact one vertical line (for example, a zipper on a jumper) makes any form narrower and higher, but in the plural - wider and lower! Above and already the form makes the plural horizontal line! (Remember this when choosing clothes).

Stage 3. Accessories

Accessories are additions to the image, which, like clothes, can correct the figure and the perception of people around you. The area that will be highlighted by the accessory will, firstly, draw attention to itself, and, secondly, distract attention from other areas.

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

For example, large beautiful earrings your eyes will immediately highlight, and a flying scarf will highlight your gait. beautiful wrists bracelets are highlighted. The opposite effect: if you don't want to accentuate a part of your body, don't highlight it with an accessory.

When choosing accessories, body proportions are taken into account: for slender figures narrow bags are selected, thin heels and capes of shoes, for "voluminous" figures and bags should be voluminous, heels - stable (this harmonizes general form figures).

Secrets from stylists: the toe of the shoe, the shape of the jewelry and the neckline of the garment should be similar to the shape of the face.

Stage 4. Style

However, the colors, shapes, lines that you use to create an image should obey your individual style direction (sporty, romantic, classic, etc.)

Any of us is a bearer of one or a combination of several (no more than 3) styles. And this means that things, colors, textures, accessories of exactly the style to which your appearance can be attributed to will most emphasize individuality and most fully reveal the “I”.

Your personal style direction is the core, the basis of appearance, knowing which, you will unmistakably choose clothes that will match the occasion, reflect your personality and emphasize unique features. These features - your "zest", giving each of the women a unique charm, are bestowed on us from birth.

Alas, complexes modern views on feminine beauty, generally accepted "ideals", authoritarian views modern society, pressure large companies in the field of fashion, etc. often force us to join in the pursuit of standardized beauty, forgetting about ourselves, our unique history.

The task of real image makers is not just to pick up a pair of outfits for you different cases, but to “pull out” your own “I” from you, emphasize your essence with visual means and, ultimately, help you find yourself.

And a specific image (business lady, shepherdesses, resort girls, vamp women) should fit into your style. Then the clothes will emphasize, and not obscure you.

The most striking confirmation of this was the resolution of my dilemma - the desire to look feminine and romantic and uncomfortable feeling in clothes that, as it seemed to me, creates the desired image - gentle blouses(similar to the one in my BEFORE photo), skirts with frills and dresses with spaghetti straps. Strange, but in these outfits and stilettos, I felt not at all as fragile and delicate as, say, in wide trousers with many details and ballet flats.

It turned out that "feminine", in my opinion, frills, floral patterns etc. belong to the direction of naive romance and are suitable for those young ladies whose image initially contains this style. My style - a combination of serious romance and sport - suggested a more mature image, carrying the ideas of mystery, sophistication, hidden sensuality.

Stage 5 Hair and makeup

Everyone knows that the hairstyle should match the situation. Indeed, careful styling and albeit velvety, but sports suit look pretty silly. Ideally, your hairstyle and hair color, as well as makeup, should match your color type and style.

My hairstyle (you can see it in the photos) did not require any major changes. She remained almost the same, but the details made changes that subtly changed the whole image.

Irina Pchelina: “We decided to shade individual short strands- this will “break” the total mass of hair, bring lightness and freshness, create a game - quite in the spirit of serious romanticism. We also changed the shape of the bangs - it was straight, along the eyebrow. This line is more characteristic of the dramatic style. Also, as you already know, one horizontal line makes the shape wider and lower. With asymmetrical bangs laid to one side, Tanya's face

Results and conclusions

    Once you learn about the rules for creating an image, choosing clothes and accessories becomes even more difficult. But on the other hand, the selected one turns out to be “100% our own”. And over time, less money is spent on clothes and cosmetics - after all, you don’t buy inappropriate things, wardrobe “ballast”

    The best style is your own. Often it is "buried" deep, but the more joyful are the changes that occur as you return to your "I".

    Following standards can make us attractive. But we become beyond competition, emphasizing our natural beauty and unique features.

Thank you for your help in creating the material
image agency "Stylish Person".

"Stylish woman!" She has found her style! You must have heard something similar about someone you know. And sometimes we have a very abstract idea of ​​what we mean when talking about style. We just intuitively feel: it is!

If you want to join the ranks stylish women, this article is for you. In it, the site Stylish Little Thing will tell you how to choose a style, which emphasizes your individuality in the best possible way and will help your beauty and charm to sparkle with the brightest colors.

What is style?

However, if you show up at the office in a glamorous pink blouse and miniskirt, you are also unlikely to gain a reputation.

So, we come to the definition of style. Style means harmony of your inner content and appearance. Moreover, what happened in the end should be appropriate in the context of the situation.

Let's say you feel that you are ripe for the search. Now let's move from intention to action. Take note of just a few recommendations - following them will greatly help you in this process.

1.Conduct a global wardrobe audit. Mercilessly say goodbye to things that you have not worn for more than two years and are unlikely to ever wear, as well as frankly poor-quality and worn-out things. Believe me, in any wardrobe there are a lot of such things. If you're 35 now, how likely are you to wear that cute pink navel-length tank top with "KISS" in rhinestones across the chest? And why do you have 6 identical stretchy Oklahoma dust sweaters in your closet? After you get rid of all these space absorbers, the picture will be clear.

2.Refuse spontaneous purchases. From now on, when buying a thing, you must be sure that in your wardrobe there are at least two items with which it is combined. A thing bought simply because you liked it is another ballast in your wardrobe.

3.Find your color scheme. Each of us has several colors and their shades. Buy clothes not on the basis of "because I love pink", but on the basis of how this shade of your skin, eye and hair color. And how does it fit into your lifestyle?

4. Undress, stand in front of a mirror and honestly evaluate what are the strengths and weak sides in your figure. Each of us has them. Determine what body type you belong to (there are only five of them - pear, apple, rectangle, hourglass and inverted triangle). Choose clothes that will play in your favor.

5. Prioritize and decide what you can save on, and what is not worth it. It is clear that each of us operates within a certain budget. There are several universal rules: do not save on shoes, everyday bag, as well as on basic things in your wardrobe. Better buy two well-tailored branded jeans than six pieces - Chinese consumer goods.

6. What do you think makes a 40 year old woman dress like a hip hop teenager? Or why a 27-year-old girl still has not grown out of Goth culture, paints her lips black and applies terrible circles under her eyes with the help of shadows? Of course, they have style - you can't argue. Only when a person dresses shockingly does this, as a rule, speak of his internal problems and contradictions. Such experiments are forgivable in puberty development. If a person of a conscious capable age is drawn to dress like a freak, he needs a psychologist, not a stylist.

If you have repeatedly heard the comments of others that you dress, for example, too masculine or defiant, you should work on your inner world.

7.always appropriate! In the art of how to choose a style, many nuances, complexities and pitfalls. Some lucky women are naturally given an intuitive sense of style. Others have to patiently learn by trial and error.

If you do not know how to dress, and you are afraid to make a mistake, do not hesitate to choose classic version- it will be appropriate in any situation and in all cases of life. This applies to both color combinations and the choice of clothing style. You may not shock everyone with your appearance, but at least you won't come across as tasteless.

It's easy to be stylish! — Website for women Stylish Trick

To choose the right clothes, you need to know your body type.

How to determine your body type? What is your body type? Helpful Hints and advice for girls.

You probably noticed a long time ago that the same clothes look amazing on one girl, and somehow not so much on another. Why do some people wear straight-cut dresses, while others wear fitted ones? Some miniskirts are decorated, while others are disfigured?

All this is due to individual characteristics figures.

Your figure is still being formed, but some outlines for the future silhouette can already be traced. And this silhouette has its own characteristics, which imply both advantages and disadvantages. You should not worry about shortcomings - they are also part of your personality. You just need to learn how to properly hide them and emphasize their merits. So do women all over the world - those who care about own appearance. And no flaws prevent them from being attractive and popular.

Define your type. It's very simple! You just need to carefully look at your shadow. Strip down to your panties and bra and in good light look at your "reflection" on the wall.

Depending on the ratio of bust, waist and hips, female figure can be one of several types:

Type A - "Pear".

Type 0 - "Apple".

Type H - "Rectangle".

Type V - "Inverted Triangle".

Type X - Hourglass.

Figure type "Pear"

The pear shape is narrow shoulders, wide hips and a well defined waist. It, in turn, is divided into three varieties:

. "Kegla" - medium-sized breasts, slim waist, small tummy, wide hips and thin calves.

. "Bell" - narrow shoulders and waist, not big breasts. The waist is short, wide hips and not a small ass.

. "Pear" - small chest, long waist, slim stomach and full legs.

If you have such a figure, then your task is to balance the top and bottom, make the shoulders wider.

Dresses. The main thing is to draw attention to the upper body. Lightweight, flowing fabrics will flatten your figure

Dresses with a V-neck will suit you - they will visually lengthen your torso. And wide straps will also make the figure more proportional, balancing the top and bottom.

Now about how the bottom of the dress should be. A-line skirts or sun-flared skirts will make the waist slim, and the chest will look a little larger.

Avoid thin straps and boat necklines. Choose light colors for the top, dark colors for the bottom.

Tops & Shirts. Your task is to draw attention to the shoulders. This will help you shirts with a neckline or square cut. They visually expand your shoulders.

Buttons and embellishments will draw attention to the upper body.

A semi-tight, classic top will look great on you. You can also wear fitted shirts.

Do not go to extremes - do not wear too tight or, conversely, too loose clothing.

Skirts and trousers. You will go things with a slightly low waist. You can emphasize your waist with dark colors.

No patch pockets or patterns! Unless, of course, you want your butt to look even bigger. Try to find trousers with a longitudinal welt pocket - they will visually reduce your hips.

Jeans wear straight from the hip - the legs will appear longer. But tapered trousers will make your hips wider, so it's better not to wear them, even if they are in fashion.

Skirts suit you straight or in the form of a trapezoid. Better - from flying fabrics.

Avoid baggy skirts and trousers, and avoid high-waisted clothing.

Jackets. Your task is to make sure that the jacket does not end at the widest point of the thigh. You will suit a jacket that ends at waist level or a little lower.

A jacket with a slit at the back or a strap won't suit you. Especially if you have a wide back.

Coat. You will be very decorated with a coat with fur collar, that is, with an emphasis on the upper part of the body. And a fitted double-breasted coat will look very good on you.

Swimwear. Choose swimwear that has a patterned or light-colored top and a darker bottom.

One-piece swimsuits or a bikini with a skirt will suit you very well, as well as a swimsuit with a top and panties. Choose wide straps. Avoid too closed top and deep cut on a bikini.

Shoes. Wear small heels - they will make you slimmer. But flat sole won't ruin your figure. But do not buy shoes with straps around the calf and blunt toes - the legs will not look too elegant. You will fit shoes from matte skin dark colors.

Your accessories:

Short chains and beads;

Beautiful scarf on the shoulders;

Brooches worn closer to the neck;

Small ladies handbags.

Figure type "Apple"

The "Apple" figure is a wide waist, large breasts and slender hips and calves. It is of two types:

. "Apple" - the average chest, the stomach is larger than the chest, toned buttocks and slender legs.

. "Vase" - large chest, slightly defined waist, hips the same width as the chest, slender hips and calves.

If you, having looked at yourself from the outside, decided that your type is exactly “Apple”, you will have to work a little. "Apple" is a very insidious type of figure! Therefore, outfits must be selected very carefully in order to hide flaws and emphasize dignity. By the way, think about slimming underwear. And do the exercises abdominals- You need to clear your tummy!

Dresses. Among one-piece dresses you will most likely fit sheath dresses sleeveless, as well as dresses with a high waist, dresses with a belt or with a corset. But keep in mind that the corset should not be too narrow - otherwise wrinkles will not form at the back. You don't have to cover yourself from head to toe - you can get a little naked.

Try to choose one-color dresses. And if you want to add color, it’s better closer to the hem to divert attention from the waist.

Do not buy dresses made of flying fabrics - they create extra volume, but you don’t need it at all.

Tops & Shirts. Both too tight and too baggy tops and shirts will suit you. But knitted or knitted things will be very decorated!

The shape of the cutout can be any. V-shaped, "boat" or curly. You can also wear a high collar. The neck and chest should be open. Highlight your chest!

Large and puffed sleeves- not for you, remember.

Try on a tunic top. Tops that fit the chest and are loose at the waist are suitable. By the way, vests will suit you very much - they will make your waist more slender. You do not need to focus on the stomach, so the length of the top should be below the waist.

Choose tops with interesting details - ruffles, ruffles, fringes.

If you put on a top and a light blouse, you can visually reduce your tummy. But keep in mind that the blouse must be fitted, otherwise you will appear square.

Skirts and trousers. For your figure, skirts and trousers in dark colors are more suitable.

Skirt with high waist will make your waist slimmer and hide your tummy. A-line skirts and flared sun will suit you. And it would be nice to wear a semi-adjacent top or jacket to them. This will make you look much slimmer.

You shouldn't wear a pencil skirt and a miniskirt, however much you'd like to. You don't want to look like a balloon on legs!

Ideal length for you - to the knee or mid-calf. And no flashy belts!

You should not wear low-waisted jeans and trousers. But high-waisted pants will suit you very well! And they will look great on you wide jeans and pants!

Patch pockets on the pope will perfectly balance your figure. And the tummy can be hidden with pockets in the front.

Buy clothes made from stretchy fabrics, but don't wear anything too tight.

If you have slender ankles, wear capri pants. You can also try leggings in combination with a skirt or a long semi-adjacent tunic.

The main thing is to choose everything strictly according to the size!

Jackets. Cropped jackets that fasten at chest level or just below it will suit you. The jacket should be strictly fitted on the shoulders, and the bottom is free. If you do not fasten your jacket, you will visually lengthen your torso and make your stomach area more slender. The length of the jacket should be up to the hip. And no belts!

Coat. You should wear classic fitted coats up to the knee. Interesting details, such as large buttons, will divert attention from the stomach. You can also wear down jackets, but not hoodies, but semi-adjacent ones.

You absolutely cannot wear hoodies - remember!

Swimwear. It's hard for you to find a swimsuit, right? Whatever you put on, your tummy bulges out. Nothing, this problem can be solved! Just don't buy swimwear with plunging necklines.

You will suit a swimsuit with a square neckline and thick straps. Inserts from the stripes in the center will look very nice.

A one-piece swimsuit is more suitable for you, but if you still want a bikini, do not deny yourself the pleasure. Just pair the bikini with a skirt or top. And straps are a must!

Choose your swimsuit Dark red, blue or black. No flowers! We have already talked about the stripes in the center - they will not interfere.

Shoes. Wear heels, at least low ones - that's your style. You can even curly, if you have thin calves. If full - give up curly ones. You will also go sandals with straps. Try on some platform shoes as well - they might be yours. After all, with their help you will create a balance between the top and bottom body.

Your accessories:

Long chains and beads in several rows;

Elongated narrow scarves, preferably without knots;

Bags of the average size, on a short belt.

Rectangle shape

Usually such a figure is distinguished by the absence of clear bends. Most often, the shoulders and hips have the same width, and the waist almost does not differ from them.

The figure "Rectangle" is of two types:

. "Column" - shoulders and hips of the same width, slightly defined waist, long legs.

. "Brick" - broad shoulders, indefinite waist, small tummy, thin calves and hips.

If that's your type, then you've got a skinny build small chest.

Such a physique has a big plus. Even if you gain weight, it is not too noticeable, because it is evenly distributed throughout the body. And when choosing clothes, give preference to the classic style.

Dresses. You need to choose a dress in such a style in order to achieve bends where they should be, that is, at the waist. You can also decorate the waist with interesting details - an appliqué or a stylish belt.

And you also need to visually enlarge your chest, so dresses with round neck. The same exact effect can be achieved with the help of ruffles.

Tops and shirts. Here, too, try to create bends. Shirts made of flying fabrics with cutouts below the collarbone will suit you. They lengthen the neck upper part torso.

Tops are the same as dresses. Ruffles and lace will make your look more feminine.

wear wide belts Thanks to them, your waist will look thinner. Corsets are also suitable - with them your figure will look slimmer.

Sleeves on blouses and shirts should be voluminous. But try to avoid thin straps!

The length of tops, shirts, sweaters should be up to mid-thigh or slightly higher.

Skirts and trousers. Choose A-line skirts with a low waist. A pencil skirt won't suit you - it will draw attention to your hips!

Now about trousers. You don't want to draw attention to your hips, so wear flared trousers. Pipes and other tight pants will fill you up. If you have a flat butt, choose jeans with a pattern on back pockets. And never tuck in your jeans - this will make your legs look fuller than they really are. Don't wear baggy clothes!

Jackets. Choose elongated jackets to make your torso look more elongated. They should be flattering and have wide lapels. It would be nice if they had patch pockets.

Coat. A fitted coat or with a belt will suit you - in it you will look more feminine. Try on a double-breasted coat with patch pockets.

Swimwear. You will suit open plain and bright swimwear. Wear bikinis - they are made for you! Swimsuits with a belt are also suitable. When buying a one-piece swimsuit, pay attention to the fact that there are some interesting details around the waist.

Diagonal stripes will also help visually make the waist thinner.

Shoes. Wear smart shoes. You will go classic pumps, boots with heels.

Your accessories:

Long chains, beads;

Long scarves in a free style;

Medium or large bags.

Inverted triangle shape

This type of figure implies wide shoulders and narrow hips. The chest can be of any size, but most often quite large. The buttocks are usually flat.

If you have this type of figure, then your main task is to visually narrow your shoulders and expand your hips. And you have great opportunities to create a bright image.

Dresses. In order for the shoulders to appear narrower, the cutout on the dress around the neck should be V-shaped, deep oval or in the shape of a heart. A strip of fabric around the neck will also look very nice.

A flared sun skirt will visually expand your hips. Tight skirts are not for you. Yes, and dresses short sleeves you better not wear it either. But tunics and strapless clothes are perfect.

Wear dresses with dark tops and light bottoms to make your figure look more proportionate.

Good news: with your figure you can wear horizontal stripe and not look complete. For all other types of figure, such a pattern is contraindicated!

Tops and shirts. Wear tops with butterfly sleeves. They should be darker than the skirt or trousers, and not overloaded with details. It is desirable that they end in the middle of the thigh - then the waist will seem narrower.

No wide collars, boat necklines and big sleeves!

Skirts and trousers. Skirts need to create volume, so A-line skirts, pleated or high-waisted skirts will suit you.

The pencil skirt will have to be abandoned. Oblique lines, light colors will make your figure more proportional to the shoulders. Best Length- to the knee.

Almost any trousers, shorts, capris will suit you. And you will look especially impressive in flared trousers.

Jackets. The main thing here is that there should be an emphasis on the waist, so the belt should be wide enough.

In general, there is plenty of room for imagination.

Swimwear. Those swimsuits are suitable for you, in which the top is plain and the bottom is with a pattern. If you prefer one-piece swimsuits, please! Just make sure that the neckline is square and the straps are wide. A swimsuit consisting of a T-shirt and shorts is not for you.

Shoes. Wear spectacular boots or boots - this is your style.

Your accessories:

Long chains and beads;

Scarves and shawls with long, hanging down edges;

Chain belts below the waist;

Big bags.

Hourglass figure

"Hourglass" are distinguished by balanced proportions: a thin waist and pronounced chest and hips.

If you are not plump, then you can wear almost everything. You have the right to choose a style of clothing, because any one will suit you - sporty, strict, romantic.

Dresses. Especially for you plain dresses, fitting the chest and free from the hips. Wear with a belt to accentuate your waist.

Do not wear baggy clothes - they will make your wonderful figure shapeless.

Tops and shirts. Strapless tops and blouses with deep neckline. Wear tight or wrap tops, sweaters, and blouses to accentuate your waist.

It is better to refuse things that hide the waist. You should not wear sweaters and sweaters with a collar or boat neckline, especially if your chest is no longer small.

Skirts and trousers. If you have beautiful slender legs, feel free to wear miniskirts. You will also go well with pencil skirts and high-waisted skirts. It’s better not to wear striped skirts or with large ornaments - they will fill you up.

Jeans should also emphasize the waist, so it is better to choose a mid-rise. Low-rise jeans will make your hips look bigger, as will pants with patch pockets or embroidered sides.

Pants with vertical stripe make your legs look longer. Capri pants - only to the middle of the calf - then the legs will look slimmer.

Jackets. Choose jackets that fit snugly your body and ended at the hip. This way you will look slimmer. And again - do not wear things with patch pockets.

Swimwear. It all depends on your build. If you have small breasts, choose separate swimsuits. If you have an average or high growth, almost all models of swimwear will suit you. If you want to emphasize the length of your legs, choose swimsuits with high cutouts. If your legs are short, wear a bikini and don't wear shorts.

Shoes. Heels will suit you, but not too high.

Your accessories:

Short and middle length chains and beads;

Beautiful belts and soft belts;

Bags on a short belt;

Crepe or wool scarves that are best worn loose.

About tights and stockings

The color of the tights (stockings) should match the outfit you are going to wear them with. There should be no contrast! Tights should be combined with a dress, trousers or shoes.

If you have very thin legs, wear light-colored tights, if, on the contrary, plump ones, wear dark tights.

It is better not to buy tights and stockings with a large, "flashy" pattern or mesh.

Try to wash your tights frequently and by hand. Or get special bags made of mesh fabric, in which the tights will not tear when washed in the machine.

When drying, hide tights from sunlight and hot batteries.

How to choose shoes

Cross straps or high (up to the knee or above) boots, shoes with a shallow cut - only for long legs.

Narrow pointed toe, glass heel, longitudinal lines, shoes without a heel - for a small foot.

The sizes of the left and right feet may differ, so try on shoes on both feet.

It is advisable to stand when trying on, not sit.

When buying shoes, make sure that they are not narrow, do not count on the fact that they break apart.

Don't buy shoes that are larger than you need.

Be sure to check the stability of the heel - it should not collapse.

Every year the style in clothes is updated. There are new items from well-known fashion houses that attract the attention of women and make them doubt the choice of their own individual style of clothing.

Creating your own unique style- painstaking and pretty difficult task, requiring the presence of taste and own opinion. It is not possible to use templates here traditional solutions. Each woman is unique in her own way and requires her own original wardrobe and high quality items.

You should not save on clothes and buy cheap things that lose their value after a short period of time. original view and require replacement. Quality clothing highlights refined taste women and talks about the presence own style.

It is important not to go to extremes and not use exalted ways to attract attention. Such an approach is not suitable for the established and successful woman. When creating your own style in clothes, you must always take into account age, physiological features and anthropological parameters. You need to stick to your own style, allowing you to look 100% anytime, anywhere.

It seems to many that it is easy and simple to develop a style in clothes. In fact, the process is quite painstaking and requires care when choosing things. No need to chase fashion, aimlessly purchasing clothes in large quantities. Quantity does not always translate into quality.

The wardrobe of a girl and a woman should allow her to look different every day, but stick to a certain style. No need to mindlessly copy other people's images, they are not always better than your individual decisions. In this case, stereotype destroys individuality and does not allow your image to open up.

What to look for when choosing clothes?

Each person has an idea of ​​his own individual image. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Otherwise, it is impossible to decide on your own style.

It is important to consider the following parameters:

  1. visual combination. You should pay attention to the hairstyle, hair color, brightness of makeup, manicure, accessories.
  2. Behavior and communication. Gait, speech, facial expressions, gestures.
  3. Circle of friends. Surrounding people, work, life, place of residence.

Every woman has her own unique look. Clothing is able, with proper use, to hide flaws and emphasize dignity. Help to gain confidence in any situation.

The way a person dresses shows the degree of his love and respect for himself. It is not for nothing that they meet by clothes, but see off by mind. People value first appearance and clothes of a person and only then do the final conclusion, after communicating with him.

Don't blindly follow fashion trends. Many fashion trends are universal and designed for great amount women. You need to choose your own among the abundance of proposed models original solutions, allowing you to create a complete image. How to find your style in clothes? It is important to rely on your opinion and listen to inner feelings. Clothing should be comfortable, without feeling tight or uncomfortable. You can listen to the advice of experts or make small borrowings, but you need to rely only on your own feelings and feelings.

Do not passively copy other people's trends imposed by aggressive advertising. Such an approach produces the same images that do not allow a really interesting personality to be clearly expressed. You can simply "dissolve" in a huge "sea" of facelessness and uniformity. This approach is a dead end and does not allow you to develop your own style solutions.

When creating your own style in clothes, you can follow the following algorithm of actions:

Contents of the closet to be inspected

A thorough audit of the contents of the cabinets should be carried out. See many things. You need to put aside things that have not been worn for a year. These clothes should be put away or simply distributed. It does not match your attitude and does not fit the style. It lies as unnecessary ballast inside the cabinet and collects dust. If it is a pity to give or throw away clothes, then you can try to change it. You can give the master or make changes yourself. This approach will give things a "second life".

What items dominate in your wardrobe? The remaining things need to be carefully examined and try to answer the question: why do you wear them?

Creating your own style

You need to rely primarily on your own rhythm of life, environment, work and lifestyle. When choosing clothes, you need to listen to your own feelings, and not fashion trends. Things should be convenient and comfortable. The quality of the fabric plays important role. The color scheme depends purely on personal individual preferences. No need to drive yourself into artificial color frames that limit your imagination.

It is important not to be afraid of experiments and bold decisions. It all depends purely on imagination and personal ideas about beauty. Wide choose items on sale will give you the opportunity to create any image and your own style without titanic efforts. You just need to listen to your own feelings and "inner voice".

In this material, we will help you clarify the situation and strengthen your self-confidence. After all, how you look is how you feel. And here everything is only in your hands.

Simple steps to solving the question "how to become stylish?"

  • The first and most important rule is to believe that you are unique and love yourself. An image without confidence is not something that is stylish, but in general you cannot call it an image.
  • The question of style, as a rule, primarily concerns what style of clothing to choose. For this it is worth studying fashion magazines and images of famous people who impress you. Look for your own, experiment, look at the reaction of others.
  • Check out your wardrobe. This is necessary to pick a new style. Throw out, without regret, what you do not need for a renewed, self-confident and well-groomed girl.
  • Find your color scheme (this applies to both clothing and makeup).
  • Simplicity is a sign of individuality. Paradoxical as it may seem, it is true. So do not overdo it, trying on everything at once.
  • Watch not only your clothes, but also your posture, gait, smile, and presentation of yourself. Exude self-confidence - people will immediately reach out to you.
  • Choosing a hair style is also one of the important and priority steps. Here you need to start from many indicators, given the type of person. Do your styling, even if it takes an extra 15 minutes of sleep. When you like yourself, you will work more productively.
  • Develop the habit of being beautiful in any weather and mood. After all, you don’t know what awaits you around the next corner: even if you went to the store for bread, a handsome prince may be waiting for you there, and you didn’t even bother to comb your hair or put on makeup, and even put on stretched house pants!

There are some more specific advice about how to choose the right style of clothing. As Coco Chanel said: “When you are well dressed, others notice you, when you are bad, your clothes.” To dress really well, you need to take into account the peculiarities of your character and figure: emphasize the merits and hide the flaws. No slimming dresses, if you are a girl in the body, because many consider this a virtue, so why hide the appetizing forms?

Whatever style of clothing you choose, the main thing is that it is comfortable for you. In uncomfortable clothes, even if it is on all the pages of gloss, you still cannot look good, rather, on the contrary. To emphasize your individuality, you can focus on some detail: someone always ties a scarf in a certain manner, someone wears exclusively plain with some bright detail. You can find something of your own in the cinema, in shop windows, in the images of heroes. Yes, the path to how to choose your style is not easy and thorny, but it's worth it. And we hope that you will take our advice into service and walk this path with your head held high.