Famous bioenergetics. Human bioenergetics - secrets. Assistance in development

How to calm a child?
How to reconcile with your husband?
How to "appease" the boss?
— managing our attention, we are capable of any changes!

Many women have in their reincarnation memory the experience of the Vedunya (the KNOWING MOTHER - WITCHES) - wise woman who knows how to control the elements of nature, sublimate sexual energy, influence minds, heal. Society has always disliked and feared strong women. And exterminated them. And this memory - chases, dishonor, violence, heavy death at the stake - is also in us. Therefore, many have a blockage to "subtle" abilities, to intuition. The subconscious program is working - "I will be in charge - they will kill."

For those women who go into the study of healing and bioenergetics, discovering more and more the memory of past lives in themselves, all the pain and persecution of the period of the Inquisition often emerges. And if you manage to accept it and cope with it, then absolutely all the previous abilities turn on. But our instincts protect us. And dosed give access so that we have time to digest it.

As an astrologer, I know that our talents are not a gift from God, but the achievements of the soul, its vibrations, created by us from life to life. Therefore, the most harmonious and natural thing is to manifest in the world those qualities that we have as an immortal Spirit. The most difficult thing is to find them - to break the shutter of the unconscious fear of death.
Never neglect our female abilities- connection with the earth, intuition, clairvoyance, healing. This gives a woman self-confidence, protection for her loved ones, access to the support of the Elements of Nature and the help of Higher Forces. After all, having united with our Source, we gain our Spirit, our Center, our Gift, and become unconditionally happy.

In this article, I will give simple bioenergy practices, having mastered or not having mastered which, you can taste whether this is your topic or not.

The human body is made up of a hard shell physical body, and aura - an invisible energy cocoon. These structures are strongly interconnected with each other and with the world around. Our aura extends to long distance. And we read information from a person by the first impression - from his subtle body.

In life, our attention is most often outside - on events, people, we primarily visually perceive the world.

Our mind (thoughts), although it cannot be seen, is also a material substance. It is less dense than the physical body and coarser and heavier than the aura. When we are in thoughts, we are also outside.

Bioenergy starts from within, it is the feeling of subtle space, flows, light or darkness, higher or lower vibrations, space density, energy holes, alien structures, etc.

Bioenergetics is based on attention - where our attention is directed, energy flows there.

If, for example, we are connected with the flow of joy, then we are in unconditional joy that comes from within and is not connected with external events. And with a conscious intention, we can strengthen this flow, that is, pump up more joy for ourselves. Then we begin to live as joy - to radiate it to all the surrounding space.

By analogy - any state - love, abundance, creativity, etc.
What is the algorithm? Where to start?

You can be observant and catch yourself in one of these states. You can recall events in the past when you experienced these states. And direct your attention completely there, into these vibrations, to become them. And to expand - in time with your breath - to increase density, to physically increase the flows into space - so that they go beyond the body.
Practical examples:

1. Learn to interact with a small hyper-active child.
We recall the state of peace and relaxation, when there is no need to run anywhere and nothing needs to be done. Strengthen and expand this flow to the limits of the room. And we are in this state 2-4 meters from the child.
In life, just the opposite happens - the child lives in a stream of chaos and hyper-actions (usually because he has a period of the planet Rahu), and his mother reads from him, stops feeling connected to the earth, begins to be overly fussy, nervous. And with these states it strengthens the state of the child - a vicious circle (((.

2. Make peace with your husband.
Usually, if a couple is in a quarrel, then there is excessive energy of anger in the house - for a woman it is suppressed (resentment), for a man it is obvious or also suppressed when he “closes”. And one mirrors the other. Sometimes families live like this for weeks and months ((.
You need to be aware of your anger and let it go - breathe it out, “leave” it in the gym, wash it off contrast shower, to give to the earth through “womb breathing”, etc. Recall the state of love and bliss, trust and relaxation, support and support, and strengthen these states, fill your entire home with them. Keep your attention for as long as you can. And watch how a man releases his anger, he smiles, opens up and hugs you)))).

3. Working moments.
If at work you need to get one or another result for yourself, for example, from the boss. We operate in the same way. If we want a vacation, then we go to the boss in a state of relaxation; if money, then abundance; if promotion - then personal skill and status. We act on the principle of a mirror - we broadcast what we want to receive. It is important to amplify these flows to the size of the room so that your boss is in their zone.

Please note that when we are not conscious, we also engage in bioenergetics, only to our detriment. We are completely inside, in our negative emotion eg in fear or anxiety or revenge. And we wind ourselves up with this emotion beyond measure, expand it from the size of a fly into an elephant, and the Universe, by the principle of a mirror, gives us the requested result. Receive - subscribe. We attract what energy we radiate.

Unfortunately, we are often unconscious. Why is that? - There may be many reasons that do not lie on the surface - mental programs of the kind, psychological trauma childhood, painful situations adulthood, deviation from one's Path and others. Translating into the language of energies, there are “black holes” in the aura that pull you down. That is, there is not enough Light and high vibrations to close them.

The bioenergy practices described above are interesting in that they can be done from the Here and Now, without working through the past. They shift our attention from the zone of low vibrations - fears, anger, greed - to the zone of high vibrations - trust, love, abundance. Those channels that we are able to keep with our attention are the universal Universal Light Forces, they are present in an unlimited amount. If we know how to connect to them, to conduct them through ourselves, then this is a matter of choosing our attention - to get stuck in our past or to consciously be in the Here and Now in the abundant Universe.

Many instead traditional medicine choose a bioenergetic method of treatment. Scientists explain the effectiveness of this method by improving blood circulation, so a person can get rid of pain. People who believe in psychic abilities say that positive energy can be cured a large number of diseases.

Features of bioenergetic treatment

It is believed that the human biofield is located at a three-meter distance from the human body. The whole world is created from energy. In the human body, it flows in special lines and can accumulate in the seven main chakras, it is located in a vertical position, starting from the crown of the head, ending with the coccyx, each of them is responsible for a specific organ and nerve of a person. Thus energy is closely related to physical shell if a large amount of negative accumulates, problems with internal organs may arise.

If a person is healthy, a shell with energy can form a biofield that surrounds the human body, it is evenly distributed, there should not be any damage in it. Due to stress, nervous strain, traditional healers they say because of the evil eye, it's hard to keep your biofield in normal condition, so there is a large number of diseases. When a person is sick energy vampires feed on his energy, so the patient is getting worse.

Please note that the bioenergetic treatment is that you do not need to buy a large amount medications and start using them in batches, you can only help yourself for a while, then you get sick again. All drugs can treat one organ and cripple another. Bioenergetics argue that it is important to overcome not only physical problem, but also energy, mental, it is because of them that a large number of diseases develop.

Treatment with the palms of the hands

A large amount of energy accumulates in the palms of the hands and fingers, it is from these zones that it comes out, therefore they are treated with energy by applying hands.

If you are not being deceived and the specialist is really highly qualified, he will definitely tell you whether it is possible to cure the disease with energy or urgent surgical intervention. It is impossible to heal diseases such as heart attack, stroke, various injuries, spicy , malignant tumors at the last stage.

In the event that you are worried about strong headaches, discomfort in the region of the stomach, viral infection, bronchitis, laryngitis, bioenergetic treatment can help you if you see a specialist.

Hand Energy Treatment Technique

1. Rubbing hands until heat appears in them.

2. The notion that light enters the fingertips from the whole body, so a person feels warmth, after which it is much easier for him.

3. The patient should lie down, sit in a position that is comfortable for him, then he says that he is worried, then the bioenergetics establish the cause of the disease and put their hand on the sore spot.

4. Pay attention, the person who is engaged in treatment must do everything standing, so he can evenly distribute all his energy.

5. A woman always heals with her left hand, and a man with his right. The treatment process consists in the introduction of fingers over the area that hurts. At first, you will feel cold in this area, then heat.

6. Energetic with all the power of thought sends energy to the affected area, so he can get rid of cold and darkness sore spot. If the patient feels a warm hand, the treatment helps.

In some situations, you have to pull the pain out of the body, for this the power engineer visualizes an image in front of him and gently draws out all the pain through the fingertips. Then he withdraws his hands and shakes off his hands. Imagine how pain throws into a burning volcano, it will be possible to get rid of negative energy, which, after it has been neutralized from the body, begins to accumulate in the room.

Often people who have been treated in this way say that at first the state of health may worsen, then it becomes easier. This is due to the fact that the body is very weak, so it recovers with delays.

Not everyone can treat with bioenergetics, this is a gift. Some people can give all their energy for treatment, but do not know how to replenish its reserves. This is dangerous for the person who is treating, he can become seriously ill - it is this organ that accumulates a large amount of energy, for this it is necessary to restore it specially.

How to train your own energy flow?

The task is quite difficult, because you need:

1. Pay attention to your behavior - angry, irritable, envious people will never be able to have positive energy.

2. You can try to train using this method: take the palm of another person, imagine how you roll the ball, then heat appears in two palms, an energy ball is felt.

3. Without closing your palms, mentally transfer heat from one to the other.

Remember, whether the treatment will help or not depends on the power of thought, the one who treats must make every effort to help the patient, and he must believe that bioenergetic treatment will help him, and he will quickly recover.

Thus, with the help of bioenergetic treatment, it is possible to store a large amount of energy and give it to sick people. This type treatment will help get rid of migraine, paralysis, inflammatory process, peptic ulcers, mental problems, dropsy, myopia, diseases thyroid gland, restore blood, heal . It is possible to diagnose and treat a disease by contact with a sick person, and at a distance with the help of resonance method. The main thing is not to fall into the hands of mediocre scammers, some use this method and can deceive.

The Seminar on Bioenergetics is also included in the program of the full program.

  • Education in Moscow: full-time
  • Duration: 2 days x 3 hours
  • Price: 7 500 rubles
  • The number of participants is limited (mini group up to 8 people)
  • Prepayment: 1000 r.
  • The address: Moscow, st. Ordzhonikidze, 9 k.2 (m Leninsky Prospekt, 10 minutes on foot)


The nature of the bioenergetic field has already been studied quite well in scientific circles. Most scientists have the following point of view: the bioenergetic field is the carrier of human consciousness. It controls biological processes, the bioenergetic field organizes the existence and vital activity of matter.

People knew about the biofield in the distant past. Since the biofield cannot be seen with a simple eye in order to reflect the fact of its existence, ancient drawings depicted a halo, a glow indicating the invisible that surrounds the human body.

It is generally accepted that ancient civilizations knew about bioenergy, and could also use energy and replenish its reserves. But over time, knowledge of bioenergetics by mankind was gradually lost. In the Universe, of which man is a part, everything is interconnected. And if we do not know something, do not understand, this does not mean at all that the phenomenon does not exist. Just on this moment it is inaccessible to our consciousness.

Energy is distributed through a transport system known as "energy meridians". The network of energy meridians is a powerful structure.

Energy meridians carry the energy needed for our lives, just like arteries carry oxygenated blood, an analogy that is quite apt. If, due to some functional or psychological reasons the energy is blocked or comes unevenly, the whole psycho-physical system suffers, the work of which this energy provides.

BIOENERGY is work with chakras

Chakras are nerve centers that store and distribute physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies. As soon as the energy is concentrated in the chakras, then the electromagnetic radiation of a person has the greatest intensity in these centers. That is why the sensations in the area of ​​the chakras are most distinct.

BIOENERGY is work with your subtle bodies

A person consists of 7 bodies with different frequencies of energy vibrations, different density(degrees of materiality). These bodies seem to fit into each other. Due to the difference in vibration frequencies, they exist in different planes of the universe.

The energy fields of living beings have a complex composition: they contain almost all forms of energy known to physics, as well as hitherto unknown ones.


  1. Bioenergy Reich
  2. Getting to know the conscious and subconscious
  3. Development exercises energy structures organism
  4. The concept of energy flows: Taoist and reverse circle
  5. Energy model of a person
  6. Thin bodies. Interaction of subtle human bodies with energy centers
  7. Chakra activation. Changes in the mode of operation and restoration of their structure
  8. The concept of the upper and lower "connection"
  9. Working with the etheric body

A practical seminar on bioenergetics gives a complete picture of a person as an energy model. With the help of the exercises presented at the seminar, you can successfully work with yourself, with your health and with your energy, and also try to diagnose other people.

It seemed to me necessary to write this article for all my students. It will be useful and interesting to everyone who is just starting to engage in psychic, remote and bioenergetic help and does not know me personally. It will also be of interest to everyone who professionally practices bioenergy and any healing techniques.

All my recommendations are based on my own experience. Practicing bioenergetics since 1993, I have learned a lot myself. There was no one to advise. I have my own mistakes and carelessness. I think safety is a must in any business. And even more so with bioenergetic influence between the healer and the patient. Not having an idea about this, many who have an impact on someone else's aura, doing any manipulations with it, put themselves and their loved ones in danger every day. We are very tightly connected with family networks and ethereal cords. Anyone who helps people should know this. The profession of a healer is very energy intensive and takes a lot of your personal energy and time. You are subjected to negative attacks three times more than the average doctor or psychologist. When dealing with bioenergetics and interacting with the aura of other people, we do not even realize how much danger such contact is fraught with! The path is not easy. But interesting and full pleasant moments. Especially when you are welcome and thank you.

Anyone who enters into an energy duel with evil spirits or lower astral inhabitants is exposed to their effects and attacks on their aura. We must teach ourselves to follow the rules and learn them by heart, trying to break them less.

We start the day in the morning

  1. Let's start with your lifestyle, clothing style. I will not write about bad habits, alcohol and smoking. This is simply unacceptable when practicing healing, as it carries strong connections to the healer's aura. This constantly nourishes the entities, which takes away energy from the healer himself and interferes with the processes of self-regulation and self-healing of the biofield.
  2. You got up in the morning. Be sure to check your biofield. During the night, the lower astrals are very fond of sneaking up and influencing our biofield. Well, if you do energy gymnastics in the morning. Do qigong, yoga, or other physical or energy exercises. Be sure to practice grounding and reconnect with the Earth. It is very important. Since this cord goes to drop from the center (Dan Tien) the entire negative energy from your biofield to the center of the Earth and is being processed. Be sure to put protection on the biofield. A few are better. Especially at 3, 5, 9, 11, 15, 29 lunar days. Wear amulets or charms.
  3. Try to wear clothes made from natural fabrics. Never wear clothing made from polyester or other synthetic threads that are intertwined with natural threads. This creates a resonance in the aura and a strong negative electromagnetic field. It is better then to wear pure synthetics or cotton.
  4. Try to tune in to a positive perception of the world in the morning. Think about whether you are harmonious today. Going to work, think about it, if there is no harmony in the soul, discomfort, what caused this? Do a psychoanalysis while you are on the bus. It's not worth driving. Move it to a later date.

In the evening, after a hard day

Despite the burden of worries and household chores, we must not forget that we are not ordinary, but special inhabitants of this planet. Healers and all who practice healing practices deal with bioenergetics every day. What does contact with the lower worlds. These guys don't sleep and wait right moment influence us and drink our energy. And if our biofield was subjected to energy aggression and was damaged, then expect them to visit, especially in the evening and at night.

Once a week, make it a habit to clean your home bioenergetically. Check the protection of the apartment, house, remove unnecessary open portals. Essences and negative elementals enter the house through them. Strengthen your defenses. Close the house bioenergetically. Especially windows and doors.

You decide to engage in remote treatment or provide assistance to a patient

First of all, think about your responsibility to this person. Calculate your possibilities. Who practices Reiki, be sure to ask if this person can be helped or assisted?

Many of those who come to us have strong connections to the dark worlds due to the negative karma of past lives. Some clients who come to me for help were themselves engaged in dark deeds, witchcraft, murders in past reincarnations and have stable connections with the lower worlds. They have serious karmic blocks in the aura, they are seriously working off for their actions in past lives. Often people make a deal with the dark ones in this life as well and have stable channels of communication with the Dark Hierarchies. Such a person needs to be helped with caution. You must be very strong in Soul and energy. Possess high spiritual vibrations. A person must first realize, choose which side he is on. Without his consent, it is impossible to interfere with his fate and aura. Advise him to read prayers for sins. Give a recommendation to read them for 40 days. Then ask if he has a desire, if he consents to the voluntary purification of his Soul from dark energies? Fight in the Soul with them? Advise him to read prayers, the Bible, listen to spiritual music. Engage in spiritual practices, raise your vibrations. Mentally ask God for forgiveness for your sins in the past and this life. Do not refuse a person right away, just do not immediately rush into battle and clean his aura. After all, he was brought to you in order for you to give an impetus and information about what is happening to the person, what way out and the way forward. Definitely his Soul is looking for a way out. And we, as healers, must help anyone! This is why we came to Earth. And they help us Higher power. You can't judge a person right away. Everyone has sins and negative karma. And we are with you too. But they also help us. And we have common goal— get closer to the Creator!

When the darkness begins to dissipate, something can already be done to help. But evaluate your options. Make a treatment plan. Maybe you need to start not with the cleansing of negativity, but with the cleansing of karma, psychoanalysis or stress relief. Patients are different. Many carry very strong negative emotions like anger, resentment, hatred, fear. Are situated in severe stress. What attracts negativity to them and culminates its karma, condensing it to the limit on ethereal body. By doing this, patients create stable channels of communication with negative entities, dark worlds, black Egregors. The patient may open or manifest reincarnation blocks on these emotions (negative memory of past reincarnations, strong experiences of a person in past lives such as war, death, loss, loss, etc.). This leads to the constant renewal of these channels and creates their resistance, and your treatment may not be effective.

Then you need to figure out what is the reason. Ask the patient to forgive or calm down. Give Reiki sessions or others similar practices. You need to dispel those emotions first. Recommend sedative and choleretic herbs, if they suit him. Also, the patient may manifest at the maximum negative negative karma coming from past lives or inherited from relatives, then the events have an intensity of passions. And intervening without the patients realizing the problem, what it consists of and what its root is, is fraught for you. You will receive a strong blow to the biofield, and maybe to your loved ones, and the patient will have a strong aggravation of events at the event level. He may not be ready for this. And not only is he threatened by a strong mental stress and breakdown. Everything in his life will begin to crumble and transform through negative events, up to a break, divorce, trial, loss, and illness, etc. So you will get it. You will simply be cursed and slandered. This will reflect negatively on your karma and may attract negativity into your life. You will get a good slap in the face. Therefore, first in such cases, approach the problem with caution. Perhaps you need to first cleanse the client on a karmic level. The energies of the Lemurian Level 4 and Karuna Reiki are very well suited for this. See frames, pendulum, cards, runes. What will happen if you act with the client, clear the aura, start removing karma, give a Reiki session, etc., and what will it lead to? Play it safe. Look at all the options for help, what it leads to, and what you will get because of this by fate. Necessarily. Don't forget about it! Don't jump right into the fight. Otherwise, you'll get great.

  1. If you are tired, you feel bad. And a person calls or comes to you for help. Don't take it. Your energy supply is at a minimum, defenses are weakened. Don't try to play the hero or the fail-safe healer. Reschedule a meeting or conversation. This will protect you from blows in the astral plane. All the same, you are weak and your help will not come in handy, since everyone who turns to us asks for sympathy and a portion of our pure energy. This will save your energy, and it will not need to be restored. The evening will pass in peace and harmony.

Don't forget these rules. Otherwise, you can get very cool or get sick. Not everything is clear to us. Heaven also has its own rules. Pray for such patients to God and the Archangels. Ask them for the healing of such Souls. Believe me, you are already helping them with them.

Helping people, we take on a lot of negative energy and pass it through the aura. Because of this, our intercellular space on energy level polluted with bioenergy-informational waste. Therefore, you need to regularly cleanse yourself not only energetically. But also physically. Remove waste and toxins from the body. It is good to cleanse your intestines, liver and kidneys. Cleanse the body with water. Use herbs and infusions. dietary supplement. It is very convenient. In particular, monitor the state of the kidneys (they work through the second energy center), they suffer from a lack of energy when energy is lost through stable channels of its selection to entities and negative elementals. Women healers get sick female system, men suffer from kidney problems. Liver and gallbladder and especially the pancreas. The third energy center, vampires like to sit on it, and our clients connect, in the form of stable selection channels on the etheric body. We also take all the negativity to this chakra, and it needs to be cleansed regularly. Even in Ancient Atlantis, this chakra was given Special attention. All techniques of accumulation and conservation of energy in it are directed to it. Her depletion is fraught for the healer. Makes him weak and energetically vulnerable. And this is immediately felt by the predators of the lower astrals. The liver and kidneys are the main laboratories that remove everything unnecessary in the body like toxins and toxins. Take supplements regularly. Take a break in nature. Take a vacation. If you are tired, do not work, it will make you vulnerable and exhaust you. When the patient's health is restored and during any manipulations with the biofield of another person, defective erythrocytes are formed in your blood. A great burden falls on all organs of the physical body. The brain and spleen begin to actively utilize these red blood cells. The circulatory and cardiovascular systems suffer in particular. Therefore, doctors, healers, psychologists, all suffer from heart disease in different options. This shortens their lifespan. The reproductive system is also at risk, thyroid. 5 energy center. Communication. Drink regularly good vitamins. Take your health seriously. Do preventive maintenance of the cardiovascular system. Unload your schedule, do not give all your best to exhaustion. Monitor hemoglobin. It is good to use herbs "Gingko biloba", "Gotu kola". Supplementary fish oil. They thin the blood, which prevents defective red blood cells from forming blood clots in cardiovascular system and bloodstream. Good luck with your hard work.