How to make a clone from Star Wars. How to make a paper stormtrooper costume. Princess Leia Headband

It will soon be 40 years since the first film of the space saga was released " star Wars". As in those now distant years, each new episode of this epic contributes to the replenishment of the ranks of its fans. That is why many boys and girls, going to New Year's party, prefer to wear masquerade outfits of stormtroopers, Jedi, robots. Other suits are also in demand.

"Star Wars" for children is a kind of modern fairy tale, so there is no need to be indignant that your son, ten years old, does not want to portray Pinocchio or a pirate, like you were in his years. Better read how to make a costume for one of the characters in the space saga about Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, especially if you use unnecessary clothing and have sewing skills.

In addition, by making the costumes of the heroes of "Star Wars", you can organize for children fun game Outdoors. For example, they will gladly arrange "The Clone Wars" during the trip with the whole class out of town.

Star Wars clone costume: what you need

Today, many boys just go crazy over the image of stormtroopers. As you know, most of them were clones, so they both look the same. To create a suit for such a space soldier, you will need:

  • two small white canisters;
  • their caps.
  • black electrical tape;
  • white spray paint;
  • brush;
  • some black paint;
  • usual elastic band for clothes;
  • white leggings;
  • black turtleneck and leggings;
  • white chunky high boots with Velcro;
  • thick white cardboard;
  • sharp knife;
  • white sleeveless T-shirt;
  • any glue for plastic;
  • wide corset white.

How to dress up in a clone costume

The main element of this outfit is the mask. Its base can be made from two canisters with a cut-off bottom. Then:

  • on both sides of the neck of one of them, the caps should be glued, and on the other, a large hole should be made in the upper part;
  • cut off the bottom of the canisters and fasten them perpendicular to each other, cutting out a notch for the neck;
  • paint with white paint;
  • decorate with black paint and electrical tape;
  • fasten the elastic.

When the mask is ready, it remains to glue from white cardboard parts of the "armor". Then you need to put on black leggings and over a turtleneck. The image is complemented by white leggings, a wide corset belt and massive boots. The end result is Star Wars (or clone).

Princess Leia Outfit

Does your daughter love the Star Wars movie? Lei will be quite simple to make. To do this, you need to sew a white long dress with high collar and wide sleeves... If you are not confident in your abilities as a dressmaker, then you can put on a turtleneck and white skirt which is easy to make from an old sheet. Next, you need a belt with silver fragments. It can be crafted by wrapping leather belt pieces of foil, placing them at some distance from each other.

You need to choose high white boots for the dress and make an appropriate hairstyle:

  • divide your hair into a straight parting;
  • collect hair in two tails, one above each ear;
  • roll up into tight bundles;
  • lay in the form of pretzels;
  • secure with pins.

Darth Vader costume: what you need

To appear before your friends in the guise of this central character in the movie saga "Star Wars", you will need:

  • old newspaper;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • a bowl;
  • several empty boxes from under the porridge;
  • pot;
  • glue gun;
  • Plastic container;
  • black spray paint;

Work on the headdress

For Halloween or Star Wars games, the Darth Vader costume is perfect! We will create an outfit from the manufacture of a helmet:

  • Art. flour, constantly stirring, gradually add 5 times more water;
  • boil for 3 minutes and remove from heat;
  • normal balloon inflate so that it becomes a little more head the one who is going to put on the helmet;
  • insert it into a bucket to ensure immobility;
  • strips of newspapers are moistened in a flour mixture and pasted over a ball with it;
  • after the first layer dries, another layer is applied over it;
  • circles, triangles and a visor are cut out of cardboard;
  • fix the figures on the ball with scotch tape;
  • another newspaper layer is glued on top;
  • cut out eye sockets and holes for the nose;
  • remove lower part and trimming the ball;
  • paint the helmet with spray paint and apply varnish after drying;
  • lenses are glued into the eye sockets.

Space Epic "Star Wars": Darth Vader Costume

In addition to a helmet, you will need black clothes: pants, a blouse or long-sleeved shirt, trousers and socks. If you intend to wear overlays on the bottom to create a semblance of muscles, then the trousers should be a couple of sizes larger than necessary.

In addition, you can complement the image with a black wide raincoat.

Luke Skywalker Outfit

If your child likes this particular hero, then making an outfit like his for a matinee is not as difficult as it might seem. To play Star Wars, Skywalker's suit can be altered from unnecessary clothes... It is enough to wear a kimono for judo, light gray or white trousers and a leather belt. The caviar should be wrapped up to the knees with light brown strips of fabric and complemented with a glowing sword.

You can also complement the outfit with an old one bathrobe with a coffee-colored hood or sew it yourself, cutting out wide sleeves.

Now you know how this or that "space" suit ("Star Wars") should look like. It is not so difficult to make the outfits of your favorite characters with your own hands, so do not deny your child or yourself the pleasure of surprising your friends during a fun New Year or Halloween party.

Every fan is required to have a white stormtrooper helmet from the Star Wars saga. Interest in the universe created by George Lucas is so great that people are willing to spend great amount money and time to create costumes exactly like those of the heroes of the films. The characters and costumes of the story are so well thought out that it is not easy to do it at all.

Fans know that there are more than eight types of helmets alone. Stormtrooper costumes different types troops are also different from each other. But if a fan has firmly decided something, then nothing is impossible.

How to Design a Star Wars Stormtrooper Suit Layout

The first step is choosing the costume to be made. Once you have decided, find as many high-quality images of characters in a suit as possible in order to consider the outfit and equipment from different angles in the smallest detail. For example, you can take the first-order attack aircraft, the photo of which is shown below.

It is necessary to carefully study the suit, select parts and elements that can be replaced already ready-made things e.g. search among old shoes similar shoes and just paint them white, pockets and bandoliers can be replaced with plastic boxes, and a black thin turtleneck and knitted pants will perfectly play the role of an elastic undersuit.

The stormtrooper armor from the first Star Wars movie is known to have 18 pieces. Consider the level of detail of the costume: instead of 18 parts, you can make 10, but the character's costume will still remain recognizable. The following image shows the main pieces of Stormtrooper suit armor.

Templates for suits and helmets of stormtroopers are freely available. Finding patterns to fit your size will not be so easy. You can cut a suit according to ready-made patterns from plain paper, glue and arrange a fitting. Selection and editing ready-made drawings can take a lot of time and effort, sometimes it is easier to do from scratch than to edit already finished work... Attention in ready-made patterns the drawings of the helmet are worthy - they can be safely taken into work.

Choosing the material for the stormtrooper suit

The choice of material predetermines all further work over the suit. Helmet can be crafted from plastic bottles, papier-mâché and cardboard. When choosing the first option, you will need to look for a bottle that is similar in shape and suitable in size, for papier-mâché you need to think about what to make the base from and whether the master's artistic skills will be enough for this, and if you choose cardboard, you will still need putty or epoxy resin to strengthen the product.

Regardless of the material chosen, you will need a lot of paints and varnishes:

  • base for paint;
  • white paint in a spray can;
  • black paint in a spray can;
  • glue;
  • black electrical tape;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • sharp knife for cutting thick cardboard;
  • scissors.

How to make a paper stormtrooper costume

For a stormtrooper suit, you will need a lot of thick cardboard. According to the model of the outfit, the details of the costume are drawn on cardboard. Next, the blanks are cut out with a special sharp knife, the necessary folds are made and tried on for the future attack aircraft. If necessary, parts are shortened, a fastening system is thought out, depending on the individual dimensions of the model.

Parts made from non-thick cardboard are easier to bend - they do not have any folds and they look better. The disadvantage of such armor will be its fragility. Putty can help in this situation. It is necessary to dilute the putty and apply a thin layer to the inside of the armor.

When the parts of the suit have been fitted and finished, apply base to them, and after drying, cover with white spray paint. It is better to apply black parts with a felt-tip pen over white paint.

Detailing the costume

The most crucial moment in creating a do-it-yourself stormtrooper costume is detailing. Even if inaccuracies and flaws were made at the stage of creating blanks of armor, the addition of small details on existing framework will help fix the costume and make it easily recognizable.

It is worth spending time in a toy store and trying to find the most similar models of plastic pistols, boxes and other small and seemingly unimportant parts. If you do not find elements similar in shape and size, you can use polymer clay for making jewelry. It is necessary to sculpt over the armor, cover it with paint on top. Plastic weapon it is also worth decorating in branded black and white colors.

Making a stormtrooper helmet

As mentioned earlier, for a helmet it is better to take ready-made patterns that need to be cut out of plain cardboard... The parts of the helmet have a large number of small folds. All of them are neatly cut and glued. The photo below shows the helmet already glued.

To hide the seams, you can use duct tape and tape over the helmet. Thin layer plaster must be applied on both sides. Then the helmet is painted and details are applied. The suit is ready!

Hello Dear friends! Elena Rouvier with you!

The power is with us today, as I will share all my pieces with you to create a super-duper Darth Vader cosplay. This is my favorite personage from, so, despite the complexity of the costume implementation, I would not choose another! Who is your favorite character? Write to me in the comments, I'll be glad to know!

In 2013, I challenge myself to make 4 quality cosplays in 6 months!

A few days before new year's eve 2012, I suddenly stumbled upon a site where I learned that in July 2013 will take place Star Wars Celebration ! I immediately got the idea to go there! Yes, and not just go, but as your favorite character! All my family members also wanted to go to Star Wars with me and chose their characters! And now there is even more work! We had to hurry to get down to business!

Well, what characters did my husband and kids choose, I'll tell you now: my husband is Darth Maul, the eldest son is a Jedi, and the youngest was still 2 years old and a half, so I chose Emperor Palpatine for him!

I will definitely tell you about the creation of these cosplays in other articles! Wait and subscribe to the newsletter so as not to miss it!

Search for information

Coming up with a cool project is one thing! And then you still have to find everything necessary materials to make it happen! Since I hadn't done cosplay before, there weren't many ideas. How am I going to do all this? After all, I only made knightly costumes before! Well, she wove chain mail ... But that didn't help me in any way!

Luckily mine devoted friend Google helped me! I was able to find almost all the information I needed on the internet! Of course, mostly on English-language sites. The nicest one turned out to be Sith training temple which by the way means "Sith Training Temple"!

And this little book was also very useful:

pattern for lengthening gloves. And exactly the same as the one used in the Lucasfilm studio!

Armor of the dark sith lord

Making a bust for armor

Before starting sculpting, I decided to do bust to your size in order to then have a good support for sculpting my armor.

So, for this I had to ask my husband to stick around me plaster bandages... I had to sit, wait with this creepy-looking mummy until everything dries up! Of course, I did it in two stages: first in front, then behind.

After that, I pinned these two forms together and filled in all the empty space. polyurethane foam... That's all ! I forgot the whole thing for 2 days, so that it dries well.

And so, I got an excellent cast of your bust.

Modeling from plasticine

My sculptor's work could finally begin! To do this, I cut out "patterns" according to the schemes that I found on the English-language site Sith training temple.

Plasticine has one thing interesting property: when it's cold, you can't really mold anything out of it! And since I worked in the winter, then had to heat it up with a hairdryer... In the summer, it would be enough to leave the plasticine in the sun for 10 minutes, and it would immediately succumb to modeling!

So, I put a piece of plasticine on the table and began knead it with a rolling pin like dough! It's good that plasticine has a mineral smell, otherwise it would bite! I leveled this layer of plasticine about 1 cm thick. It turned out beautiful, sleek!

After that, I also squashed and flattened another piece of plasticine, but this time thinner, for the details that will be added to the base.

In the middle, I had to do oblong hole, into which I then pasted an oblong shape made of leather.

And of course, at the back, I also glued on a piece of leather, since my products are always made with the greatest care.


Since Darth Vader's boots are simple and don't have any special features, I bought a pair of riding boots. Simple and convenient! Everything is as it should be!


I had to go to the first convention, Star Wars Celebration, in Essen with Rubies vinyl gloves, because I couldn't do everything in 6 months. Hands in them constantly sweated, and in general it was not convenient: too big, how to do something, gloves must be taken off, ...

So when I took some time to redo the gloves, I bought a pair of gloves from thin skin and cut out patterns for lengthening, and then pieces of leather... After that, I had to sew parallel lines on the skin and sew the extension to the gloves themselves.

For sewing leather, I bought extra strong threads that cannot be torn like this with your hands! I want everything to be of high quality and for a long time!

Here's the result:

Having repeatedly tested my new gloves, I confirm that there is nothing better than leather gloves of the right size! I didn't have to take them off even once all day!


One day, I will craft my own lightsaber with my own hands after I find my crystal! In the meantime, I'm fine with my sword, Hasbro Force FX.

This concludes my long article on the implementation of the costume of the most powerful Sith Lord. It remains only to wear on and enjoy! I would be glad if you share your opinion in the comments!

Of course, I also invite you to subscribe to blog updates. And of course, share this article with your friends!

See you soon on the elenarou blog. May the Force be with you.

The first episode of the Star Wars saga was released 40 years ago, and since then, each New film increases the army of her fans. It is no coincidence that the characters from these films are so popular at carnivals among adults and at children's matinees. Recognizable, unusual characters in the Star Wars saga. The costume of this or that movie hero is easy to make with your own hands.

Darth vader

This is one of the central characters in the saga - the father of Luke Skywalker, who went over to the side of darkness and took the name Darth Vader. Distinctive features his costume - black armor of a Jedi, a terrifying mask, a black cloak and certainly a lightsaber of blue color is one of business cards sagas "Star Wars".

Wear black pants and a long sleeve shirt with black motorcycle gloves and boots for a trendy and easy going look. Sew the raincoat from a rectangular cut of black satin fabric... Using colored tape or fabric dyes on the chest, draw a control panel of silver, red, and blue rectangles.

However, the hardest part of making such a suit (Star Wars) with your own hands is building a helmet. You can buy a ready-made one, or you can spend a little time and make it out of papier-mâché. The base can be an inflated ball placed in a bucket for stability. The balloon should be inflated the size of your head so that the helmet fits well on it.

With help thin paper and glue, make a round base on the top of the head, and model the wings of the helmet, expanding downward, using cardboard. Dry the finished helmet and paint it with black paint from a spray can.

Kylo Ren

This Jedi, the son of General Han Solo and Princess Leia, is one of the negative characters in the saga. And he has his own special costume and helmet, like the other Jedi in the Star Wars saga. Kylo Ren's costume consists of a black jumpsuit and a robe with a hood, belted with a wide belt. It is not difficult to make them, since you can take a black longsleeve and tights as a basis, and sew a mantle from any dense black material. Do not forget about the hood - under it the character hides his head all the time. For the belt, use fabric under the skin, sew a rectangle and fasten it with Velcro to make the suit easier to put on.

It will be more difficult with the mask, it is a black helmet, similar to the one worn by the character of Darth Vader, but the difference is in the silver stripes around the eyes and mouth. Therefore, as a basis, you can take the shape and technique of creating a headdress of Darth Vader from papier-mâché, and give a similarity to the character of Kylo Ren using silver paint. You need to draw similar stripes on the finished and painted black helmet.

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker's outfit is quite simple to create, which is why it is embodied more often than others. Plus, this Star Wars costume fits just as well for kids as it does for adults. First of all, you will need a white or beige long shirt, tailored in the manner of a kimono. You can sew it according to any pattern of a kimono or even a dressing gown, or you can take it ready-made suit for oriental martial arts... Second, you need a wide brown belt. It can be sewn from a piece artificial leather fastened with Velcro at the back.

Any white trousers can be worn under the shirt, which must be tucked into long white knee socks or leggings. Cut a long hooded cloak over the suit from a piece of brown fabric.

How to make a lightsaber

Most of the male characters in the saga are Jedi, and their main weapon is a lightsaber. And it is absolutely necessary for the costumes of Darth Vader, Kylo Ren or Luke Skywalker.

The easiest way, suitable if you do baby suit Star Wars is a sword made of paper, plastic or wood. You can take a well-rolled long roll of paper or a plastic mop handle. Paint one end black and the other blue or red. In between do volumetric element that will look like a sword hilt. It can be made of foil, wound in several layers on a workpiece.

It's another matter if you make adult carnival costumes. Star Wars is serious science fiction, and in order to immerse yourself in its world, you will have to master the basics of electronics and physics. Then, with the help of a transparent tube and LED bulbs, you can make a sword that lights up at the touch of a button.

Princess Leia

Leia is the main and perhaps the only recognizable female character in the Star Wars saga besides Queen Amidala. Her suit is perfect for both girls and adult girl... It is very simple and consists only of a white long dress. You can sew it according to any pattern of a dress to the floor with sleeves. The collar is also important - it should have a small stand, so you can use a white turtleneck for the base of the suit, to which a long white skirt is simply sewn.

Leia wore a silver belt around her waist. You can look for a similar one in accessory stores or take any available one, paint it with silver paint or wrap it in foil.

But the image of Leia would be incomplete without her famous hairstyle - two shells of curled hair on the sides. If you or your child has long hair, then they can be braided into braids on the sides or twisted into tight bundles and lay each braid with a shell over the ear, securing the hair with hairpins. If the length of the hair is not enough, you will have to make an element of the costume. For him, take:

  • Headband in hair color.
  • A skein of thick brown yarn.
  • Corrugated cardboard.
  • Brown felt.

Cut two circles out of cardboard and glue the same piece of felt to one side of each. Twist several pieces of yarn into a bundle and glue on the felt, laying the threads in a spiral. Make as many loops so that the hair-like shells are voluminous. Glue the finished hairstyle elements to the rim with a glue gun.

Master Yoda

The wisest of the Jedi is undoubtedly Master Yoda. This is a funny character in long cloak and with big ears, who built his wise phrases... Undoubtedly, this costume ("Star Wars") for children - kids look like an old wise Jedi very cute and funny.

Sewing a baggy brown robe belted with a rope will be quite simple, but making long pointed ears is a little more difficult. For them you will need:

  • Green felt.
  • Holofiber.
  • Slim bezel.

Cut 4 ear parts from hard, well-holding felt, sew them in pairs and stuff with holofiber so that the ears keep their shape. Stick them on the headband and you can put the master's ears on your head.

You can also make papier-mâché ears and attach them not to the bezel, but to a semicircular blank made of the same material. This will create a one-piece headdress that simply slides over your head.

Star Wars Stormtrooper Outfit

These soldiers, clad in snow-white armor, are a great image to create carnival costume... For the image of a space warrior, you will first need to make a helmet and armor. Take two white canisters. Glue the canister lids on the sides of the neck of one of them. Next, cut out the front and back of this canister so that the sidewalls and the neck with the glued caps remain - this is the future front part of the helmet.

At the second canister, you need to cut off the bottom and glue both parts perpendicularly. Also cut off the top with a neck at the second canister and from the remaining pieces of plastic make a circle that will cover the top of the helmet. Try on the mask over your head and trim the bottom canister if necessary to keep your neck comfortable. Make slits for the eyes in the appropriate places and add details to the mask using silver tape and black marker.

The rest of the Star Wars Stormtrooper costume is easy to assemble from a white T-shirt with long sleeves and white pants or leggings. Black stripes on the legs and arms can be made with fabric paint or black tape.

Star Wars Episode 7 Trailer Released! And we present to you the ammunition for the First Order stormtroopers!
Maybe it will be for someone SPOILER The Galactic Empire was replaced by the First Order, an organization inspired by the principles of the Empire. Here, too, there are stormtroopers as in the original trilogy, but their armor has undergone changes, they were given new blasters, after all, a lot of time has passed. Stormtroopers have become more modernized, smoother, I would say. You can't talk about the quality of the army yet, but I liked the redesign of the armor itself.

First off, I'd like to introduce the First Order stormtrooper helmet. Yes, some versions of this helmet have already been posted on the site, but I am glad to present you another model of this helmet, which is the closest to the real one. The archive has both a version for foam and a version for paper. By the way, I have already glued this helmet together, and it turned out quite well, I hope that I will find the time and make the whole costume. I also added a paper version from Ivan Pivovarov to this archive, as well as a 3D model of the entire suit, combined together.
Scan for foams, like their own kind, is assembled very easily, but I looked at the finished assembled copies - it turned out very badly. Consider a paper scan. Despite some small details, and in general a rather difficult assembly, it's worth it. One of the hardest details is the thin stripes that imply grooves. There are no textures, but this is not important, because you yourself can paint some places black.In the original, this helmet seemed to me a little small (28 cm in height and 14 sheets), so I enlarged it a little and put it together, even though some details climb onto each other friend (30 cm high and 12 sheets).

Download a scan of the First Order stormtrooper helmet -

Let's move on to the armor. The armor, of course, is not textured (well, or white textures), the armor is designed for a height of about 176 cm, if I am not mistaken, but customize everything for yourself. All armor has "fasteners", which will be easier to make from scrap materials - PVC, for example. It should also be noted that all paired parts of the armor - arms, legs - go in pairs, that is, both the right and left side in one file.
The torso protection consists of as many as three sections: protection of the lower torso (abs), upper torso and chest plate.
The protection of the press also wraps around the back, as if encircling the lower part of the body. It takes 17 pages in pepakura, but this also includes a kind of "stand" for the thermal detonator, which is made here a little differently from the original. The details are quite large, small difficulties can arise only on this "stand".

Stormtrooper Press Defense -

The upper torso is made like a vest and is located on 18 pages. There is a relief at the back - rounded grooves. Gathering is not very difficult.

Well, on top of the upper part, it should be attached either with Velcro, or with magnets, or something else on the chest plate. The number of sheets is 11, it is collected medium.

Chest plate pdo -

We pass to the hands. Stormtrooper shoulders come with glove pads; takes 7 pages, average complexity of assembly.

Shoulders and glove covers -

Stormtrooper biceps are located in pepakura on 8 pages, easy to assemble, problem areas- "joints".

The hands (forearms) themselves are much more difficult to assemble, because their shape is much more complicated and interesting. The number of sheets is also 8.

Protectors of the groin and the back of the pelvis are also combined in one file, located in pepakura on 9 pages. It's going to be pretty simple.

Stormtrooper pelvis protection made of paper -

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. There are accessories that attach to the belt - all sorts of boxes that can be made by workers, and the thermal detonator is a very dangerous weapon in the hands of a skilled fighter. In pepakura, they took 14 pages, but some details were taken out of the sheets (in particular, those details that are made of fabric).

Stormtrooper Belt Accessories -

The thigh and knee protectors also go together, they are quite easy to assemble, they take 18 pages in pepakura.

Well, the last detail of the suit for today - the shin and ankle protection, which are also located on 18 pages, are assembled medium.

P.S. If you still decide to do this suit- I advise you to focus on the requirements of the 501st legion, even if you do not plan to join. There are still some shortcomings in the development.