Whitening tulle with potassium permanganate. How to quickly and easily whiten old tulle from yellowness and dullness at home. Hand wash tulle curtains

Housewives know that white tulle quickly acquires an unpleasant grayish or yellowish tint due to sunlight, street dust, cigarette smoke, oven burning. How to bleach tulle without the use of special store funds? After all frequent washing can only exacerbate the situation original whiteness fabrics in resistant dark shade. So that nylon or organza curtains do not spoil the interior of the house, use one of the simple, but effective recipes purity.

6 effective ways to whiten


To make even a yellowed curtain perfectly white at home, prepare the following solution: mix brilliant green (10 drops) well in a glass of water. Place the container on the table, and after 2 minutes check if it contains sediment; if necessary, stir the contents of the glass again so that the tulle is not covered with green stains. Pour this mixture into a bowl of water for the final rinse. Place the curtain in the resulting solution for 3 minutes, turning it over several times. After squeezing the tulle a little without twisting, hang it up so that the water is glass. You will find that the fabric has become fresher and returned to its original whiteness.

Table salt combined with regular laundry detergent will enhance its cleansing properties.

Salt whitening

This method is suitable for housewives who are wondering how to bleach nylon tulle. Prepare 3 tbsp. large spoons table salt. Mix it in water along with the powder you are used to washing. Immerse the tulle in the salt solution for at least 4 hours (can be left overnight). Then wash the curtains in the usual way and rinse 3-4 times.

Blue powder must be thoroughly dissolved in water to avoid streaks on the fabric.


How to bleach tulle with this tool? After washing by hand, prepare a rinse solution. Add a capful of blue to a container of water and stir thoroughly to avoid unexpected stains on the fabric. Rinse the tulle first in the resulting solution, and then in clean water. When using a washing machine, add 1 capful of blue to the rinse aid compartment.

Hydrogen peroxide combined with ammonia will help whiten natural fabrics, but this option is not suitable for synthetics

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Only cotton curtains can be bleached in this way. IN hot water(60 degrees) add 1 tbsp. spoon ammonia and 2 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide 3%. Mix the solution well with a spoon. Dip the fabric to be bleached into it and leave it for 20 minutes. Then rinse the tulle and, without wringing, hang to dry.

Laundry soap, if you prepare a special solution from it, will help save yellowed curtains

Prepare soap suitable for washing whites. Grate it on a medium grater and pour it into a saucepan with water. Bring the soap solution to a boil and immediately remove from the stove. Mix the contents of the pot with cool water to make a warm mixture, and soak the yellowed curtain in it for 5-7 hours. After that, wash the tulle with your hands and rinse well.

Potato starch is an old-fashioned way to bleach fabrics and give them sharper shapes.


This method will help to quickly restore the whiteness of nylon and organza tulle. Dissolve 250 g of starch in a bowl of warm water. After the main wash with powder, dip the tulle in the prepared solution for a few minutes, then rinse. You will see that the curtain will not only get rid of the yellowness, but will also keep its shape well. In addition, in the future, the dust will not settle on the fabric, but on the particles of starch, so the next time the curtain is washed easier.

After bleaching, do not rush to iron the tulle, it is better to hang it still wet in its rightful place, and under the action of gravity, all unnecessary folds will be smoothed out during the drying process.

For the most effective whitening of curtains at home, use the following helpful tips.

  1. To prevent dust and dirt from soaking into the fabric during soaking, thoroughly shake the tulle outside.
  2. Soak curtains that are too dirty in water and powder overnight.
  3. For soaking, washing and bleaching tulle at home, use water whose temperature does not exceed 35 degrees. Otherwise, the yellowness and grayness of the fabric may remain forever.
  4. Be sure to wash curtains before bleaching. If you do it in automatic washing machine, turn on the delicate mode, and also use a special bag or a regular pillowcase. Fold the tulle into a small rectangle before washing. This way you will avoid the formation of creases, which will then be difficult to smooth out. When washing by hand, do not rub the fabric, so as not to spoil appearance curtains, but only lightly squeeze it.
  5. To purchase material beautiful shine and shimmered in the sun, add to the washing water table vinegar(for 1 liter of water - 1 dessert spoon).
  6. If the organza or nylon tulle is still new and you are washing it for the first time, add it to the water required amount liquid or powdered commercial bleach.
  7. After bleaching the curtains, do not rush to iron them. Do not twist the fabric with your hands and do not turn on the “spin” function in the washing machine. Wait for the water to drain and hang the still-damp tulle on the windows: the folds will straighten out under the fabric's own weight. If ironing is necessary, use a minimally heated iron, otherwise the synthetic fibers may acquire a yellow tint that cannot be bleached.

Following simple recommendations, you will see that washing and bleaching tulle is not such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance. Home recipes using available funds will help to make the curtains snow-white, shiny, flowing. With a minimum of effort, you will decorate your windows and create coziness in the whole room.

When the tulle turned yellow radical measures can't be avoided. Pick up available methods washing and bleaching old tulle. One way is not enough for perfect result therefore consider all options, according to the extent and type of problem; carry out a complex struggle for whiteness and freshness at home.

The process of bleaching tulle begins with preparation. Determine important parameters:

  1. What fabric is the tulle made from?
  2. type of pollution.
  3. Choice of bleach and washing powder.
  4. Washing method.
  5. bleaching method.

To wash the curtains by hand, use a product with the designation "automatic" for delicate fabrics, which gives a small amount of foam. The dense structure of the web traps powder particles in the fibers, forming an undesirable dirty coating, which gives gray shade product.

The less foam the better. It is unacceptable to crush, rub, twist the tulle.

Release the product from the hooks. In the presence of eyelets made of metal or plastic, a cover is used to place the product in an automatic machine.

Washing methods by fabric type

Modern light industry produces a huge range of fabrics from transparent or translucent fibers. Windows are draped with organza, nylon, chiffon, jacquard and mesh. Kisei and veil are also widely used on tulle.

Thin and durable fabric was made exclusively from natural silk. Synthetics won with their practicality. Synthetic fiber organza is now common. For clarification, a combustion test is carried out. Silk burns badly and goes out without a flame, leaving ash on the edge that is easily rubbed in the fingers. Synthetics melt like plastic, its soot is hard. The high price of the product will also give out natural material.

Synthetic organza allows you to wash dirt by hand or mechanically.


  1. Immerse the tulle in the bath with enough soapy water and soak gently.
  2. They take out the product, change the water, repeatedly wash the thing under a running stream, achieving complete removal detergent residue.
  3. Wait until the water drains itself, do not wring out.

When choosing a method for washing organza in a typewriter, a gentle mode is used, the temperature limit is up to 30 degrees, without spinning.

Make sure that the tulle does not have puffs or tears. Otherwise, the product will suffer even more when washing in the drum.


For nylon tulle characterized by airiness. Such curtains are transparent, easy to drape. In terms of strength, kapron is superior to silk, which prolongs its service life in the mode of repeated washings. And the low cost makes this canvas popular in the interiors of household and office space. This product, when dust is taken in, takes on a yellowed appearance.

Capron products are subjected to machine and hand washing.

  1. The water is warm (up to 40 degrees), the powder is pre-dissolved. In the program for starting the wash on the machine, select the delicate mode.
  2. 30-40 minutes is enough to remove dirt when soaking.
  3. Wash the product.
  4. Rinse, let the water drain completely.

Wet nylon tulle should be immediately hung on the eaves. So he will take his form and keep it for a long time. Does not wrinkle, does not require ironing.


Massive or very fine mesh is a common type of window drapery. The lace version looks elegant according to the type of fillet knitting. The transparency of the canvas depends on the size of the cells in the weave. The mesh is susceptible to dust. From this white fabric can turn gray or turn yellow.

If the windows are decorated with a tulle mesh of large weave, more air passes through it, it suffers less from dust. This option can be refreshed every two to three months. fine mesh more problematic, it is washed more often and more thoroughly.

The material is unpretentious, does not preclude the use of machine wash. Follow the same rules as with capron.


This is an excellent tulle material. It looks airy, thanks to the weightless translucency. Extremely thin threads in the veil are intertwined into an exquisite fabric. This is a selection of elegant interiors.

The veil product is very delicate, so it can only be washed by hand. Complex stains handed over to professional cleaning. Pay attention to the sewn-in label of the product with care instructions.

Chiffon tulle of a dense structure, does not accumulate dust much, but is prone to yellowness. The material itself improper care loses shape.

Handwash - the best choice for chiffon curtains.

  1. The water temperature is 30 degrees.
  2. soap solution with liquid agent or powder for wool and silk.
  3. They wash very gently, no effort is applied during friction.
  4. Rinse in cool water with vinegar or fabric softener.

Chiffon curtains big size it is problematic to wash by hand, so they use a gentle mode in an automatic typewriter, turn off the spin cycle, choose from detergents liquid gel for delicate fabrics.

The thin fabric resembles lace; according to the weaving technology, they are close. This explains high price jacquard products and their attractive appearance.

When washing yellowed jacquard curtains at home, they stop at soft liquid detergents. Mild shampoos will do. Bleach is not used. Allowed delicate machine wash in low temperature mode.


Washing and bleaching tulle are two complementary steps. Simple well-known substances will help to lighten curtains at home.

saline solution

Clean curtains continue to turn yellow, let's proceed to the return of whiteness. To bleach a light curtain with salt is an old but effective method.

  • in a container with warm water (no more than 40 degrees), add a little powder for delicate fabrics and 200-250 grams of coarse salt;
  • the components dissolve completely, avoiding precipitation and flakes;
  • immerse the tulle in the solution completely. Soak the product for 10-12 hours;
  • rinse thoroughly, constantly changing the water, or in a gentle mode in an automatic machine;
  • spin is excluded. Allow water to drain freely, dry vertically. The procedure is repeated if necessary.


The thin fabric on the windows looks faded due to the smallest creases on the canvas. The structure suffers over time from attempts to wash away dirt and mechanical influences. Ironing will partially correct this misunderstanding, but there is a less traumatic way for the fabric to wash the tulle until it shines.

  • in a large container with warm water dissolve 250 grams of potato or rice starch;
  • tulle is lowered into water (solution temperature is not more than 40 degrees Celsius), left for at least 4 hours;
  • take out the tulle from the solution without twisting;
  • dry vertically without wringing, do not twist, using a drip tray or hanging over a bathtub.

This bleaching method is appropriate when it comes to natural curtains, which are dominated by linen, cotton.


Chlorine products allow you to quickly bleach tulle. If the time for the procedure is limited, then immediately after washing the wet product is soaked in a solution: water and "Whiteness" 20 to 1. Such curtains cannot be immediately hung in the room after washing. The chloride smell will be removed only by repeated rinsing in the presence of fabric softener and drying in the fresh air.

This method is acceptable for durable fabrics (nylon, mesh), since all chlorine-containing agents have a destructive effect on delicate fabrics.

Tulle tends to fade, lose brightness, and accumulate dust. To properly bleach a grayed veil at home, delicacy must be observed.

To lighten the curtains, follow the steps:

  • wash off dirt with a weak solution of powder, which does not give much foam;
  • carefully rinse the tulle in running water from the remnants of the detergent;
  • lowered into a container where ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are dissolved in equal parts;
  • leave for an hour;
  • rinse thoroughly;
  • dried in vivo, without hitting direct sun rays, in a vertical position.

Potassium permanganate solution

The composition is prepared: laundry soap crushed 100 g and a weak solution of potassium permanganate, previously filtered from the sediment. The soap will swell and go completely into solution.

The water will take on a pinkish tint.

  • clean tulle is placed in a container with the resulting product;
  • keep the product for about 30 minutes;
  • wash carefully;
  • washed without sharp friction;
  • dry the item in a horizontal position.

Whitening "Blue"

At home, it is possible to wash tulle from delicate expensive fabric using Blue. Prepare a homogeneous composition for rinsing:

  • water temperature is not higher than 35 degrees;
  • for every 10 liters of warm water add 20–30 ml of "Blue";
  • washed tulle is immersed in a solution, rinsed, washed in clean water;
  • spinning and twisting is prohibited.

IN automatic mode also use this method. To do this, blue (1–1.5 caps) is added to the rinse aid compartment after the wash cycle.

A complex approach

When the pollution is significant, and yellowness or a gray tint has eaten into the fabric, the procedure for returning to the previous brightness will be more difficult.

A snow-white look will help to return an integrated approach:

  • products are boiled in soapy water;
  • soak in glass cleaner for 4 hours;
  • washed and again left overnight in a salt solution;
  • continue bleaching with starch.

Combining several methods gives a wonderful effect.

Machine bleaching

This way of giving a dazzling whiteness to the product cannot be excluded either. He works well in difficult cases when there are different contaminants in one spot.

Before washing, check:

  1. Is there any small bright clothes left in the drum from the previous load.
  2. Select the "Manual" or "Delicate" mode.
  3. Excluded from the spin program.

It is not difficult to wash the tulle to whiteness, if you follow the stages and accuracy. Execution of the above instructions allows you to save color delicate fabric perfectly white, extend the life of fragile tulle.

Those housewives who have nylon curtains probably know that after several years of use they acquire an ugly gray or yellowish tint. And regular washing can not fix anything. However, do not rush to acquire new curtains. There are several popular ways to wash and bleach nylon tulle at home. Let's find out about the most popular ones.

How can you bleach nylon tulle?

First of all, I would like to say that it is possible to bleach nylon only after the nylon curtain has been washed well. Otherwise, all the dirt will firmly eat into the fabric and then no bleach will help. Therefore, after removing the curtain from the window, shake it thoroughly. Then soak for half an hour warm water with detergent and then launder as usual. However, remember that the water temperature should not exceed 30°C. And only after washing the nylon curtain well, you can start bleaching it.

In the event that you have never used bleach industrial production, then for bleaching nylon, you can use, for example, powder from Frau Martha, Boss or Vanish Oxi. It is necessary to use such bleaches strictly according to the instructions.

If the use of factory-made nylon bleaching agents had no effect, you can use a very effective folk remedy: ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. To do this, dissolve one tablespoon of ammonia and two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide in a bucket of warm water. We immerse the nylon tulle in the solution and, stirring, keep it in it for about 30 minutes. Now you need to thoroughly rinse the curtain. To squeeze water out of it, you can wrap the fabric in a towel. After that, the wet nylon tulle can be hung on the eaves, where it will straighten out under its own weight, so that the curtain will not need ironing.

As practice shows, it is possible to whiten nylon tulle from yellowness using the usual brilliant green. To make a nylon curtain snow-white again, dissolve 10-15 drops of brilliant green in a glass of water. Let the solution settle, and if no sediment remains at the bottom of the glass, you can use the bleach solution. Otherwise, not completely dissolved brilliant green can stain your curtain in green color and very uneven. Pour the resulting mixture into the rinse water, rinse the tulle in it and wean the fabric, trying not to twist or deform it. After such a procedure, nylon tulle will have a fresh and clean look.

The same bleaching of nylon tulle can be done with blue. During the last rinse, add a little blue to the water and rinse the curtain for 2-3 minutes. Now rinse the fabric well in clean water. To avoid blue stains on the fabric, the solution must first be stirred well.

Many experienced housewives for bleaching nylon tulle use the usual table salt. Whitening can be done in two ways. According to the first of them, you need to take hot water and dissolve 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, adding washing powder to the solution. Soak the capron in this mixture for about three hours. You can even leave it on all night, and in the morning wash the curtains and rinse very well. According to the second method, we dissolve in warm water 1-2 tbsp. spoons of salt. In this solution, soak the stretched nylon tulle for 20 minutes. Now, without rinsing, you need to slightly squeeze the curtain and hang it up.

As you can see, there are many ways to bleach nylon tulle. Use one of them, and your curtain will again take on a snow-white look.

Tulle is an adornment of our windows, once it gives comfort to the whole atmosphere in the apartment. Therefore, every housewife should know how to whiten tulle at home so that it looks rich and aesthetic for as long as possible.
There is an opinion that it is impossible to bleach tulle, I am ready to argue with this and in the article I give recipes that have already been tested by housewives. When bleaching, it is advisable to know the composition of your curtain in order to choose the right recipe. Each method has its pros and cons, everyone chooses the most convenient for himself.

Salt is often used to bleach curtains, and it also gives them stiffness and sheen to the curtain.
When you have already soaked and washed the tulle a couple of times, then we make a solution: for 4 tablespoons of salt with washing powder for four liters of warm water. Let it soak for a couple of hours.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Availability,
  • economy,
  • environmental friendliness,
  • Completely safe for delicate fabrics
  • Does not damage the structure of the fabric,
  • Salt may not take the boiled yellowness if the curtain has hung for a year (situations are different).

But with the functions of maintaining whiteness when washed three or four times a year, salt will do a great job.


Baking soda is a multifunctional tool, and is used not only in bleaching curtains and things, but also when cleaning products from and.
Pour water into a bucket, it can be a little hotter (not boiling water!) And pour half a pack of soda. We soak tulle in it and leave it for a long rock. If there is a strong yellowness on the curtains, then you can leave it for a day.

Advantages of the method:

  • Soda softens the water and prevents soap flakes from settling on the fabric.
  • Affordable price.
  • The scale of distribution.
  • Environmental friendliness of materials.
  • No side effects.
  • Completely safe for fabrics.

Green and blue whitening

Before the whitening procedure, you need to soak the curtain in warm water for a couple of hours. When the soak time is up, drain the dirty water and pour hot new water, add powder and start washing.

If you are convinced that the tulle is free of dirt, then proceed to bleaching. To do this, pour warm water into a basin, add three tablespoons of salt and two to three drops of brilliant green and stir thoroughly.

Salt gives the tulle fibers elasticity, and brilliant green removes yellowness.

We leave the curtains in this composition for a couple of minutes, not forgetting to constantly turn them over.

We begin to prepare the solution: we dilute a couple of drops of a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green) or blue in a small container with water. If a precipitate appears, the solution can be filtered. Place the prepared solution in water for rinsing.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Zelenka or blue perfectly refresh the curtain and set off its whiteness.
  • Zelenka is in every apartment.
  • If you overdo it, return the tulle to its former White color will be impossible.
  • It is difficult to find blue in stores.

How to bleach with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Ammonia is great for bleaching. Many people treat him with caution, but in vain. It does not harm or damage delicate things.

Pour a jar of ammonia into a bowl of warm water and add washing powder. In the basin you need to hold the curtain for several hours. After bleaching, rinse the tulle thoroughly in several waters.

Or another way: for 10 liters of water you need to take 50 ml of peroxide and 20 ml of ammonia.

First of all, you need to rinse the dust out of the tulle, and then make a solution and immerse the curtain there for half an hour. The tulle should be completely covered with water so that yellow streaks do not occur.

The smell will be unpleasant, but the result will appear.

Use gloves.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Gives a visible whitening effect;
  • Harmless to thin and delicate materials;
  • Bad smell;
  • Potential to burn skin if not wearing gloves

We bleach tulle from dullness and yellowness

If you saw what is on the tulle heavy pollution, then they can be rubbed with laundry soap at the time of soaking.
I don’t force tulle to boil, but grandmothers used this method.

Salt and Powder

We begin to boil tulle in water, where we pour a couple of tablespoons of table salt and 150 g of powder (you can grate laundry soap). The amount of boiling boil depends on the degree of yellowness of the tulle. It is important that the water does not boil, and the fabric is completely immersed in it. After a couple of hours, the fabric will become snow-white.

But! This method can only be used if your curtain is made of natural materials. Synthetic (kapron) curtains cannot be boiled! From this, it will become gray forever, and even be like an unironed lump.


Starch will help to cope with yellowness. In addition, it also covers the fibers of the fabric with a film that prevents dust and grease from penetrating into the fabric. Because of what, the tulle is easily washed off in the next wash and retains its former freshness.

Dissolve a tablespoon of salt and starch per liter of warm water. After holding in starch solution the fabric is protected from the accumulation of dirt and dust.

The starch will help the curtain wrinkle less when squeezed and refresh the fabric, as they say, to a crunch.


  • Tulle keeps its shape
  • Availability of funds

From a hot iron, the fabric loses color, it is better to steam it or dry it naturally.

Secrets of whitening nylon tulle

You can often see that synthetic fabric is mixed with natural (cotton) and hydrogen peroxide, which is an ingredient in many detergents and bleaches such as Vanish, bleaches it perfectly.

Therefore, kapron, being synthetic fabric will acquire boiling whiteness in solutions using hydrogen peroxide.

So in warm water we dilute 1 tablespoon of peroxide per half liter of liquid. Soak for two or three hours. And rinse well in several waters.

An effective way to bleach organza tulle at home

Organza, with its unpretentiousness, has won the love of housewives all over the world, but sometimes it requires more careful care, because. with improper care, it turns gray easily.
Organza is perfectly erased both by hand and by machine.

saline solution

Before washing, the curtain can be soaked in saline solution. Approximately four liters need to put 1-2 spoons. Let the curtain lie in it for two hours.

Salt absorbs dirt and fumes.

After soaking, it can be washed in soapy water and hang drains, tk. organza cannot be injured by twisting.

Organza bleaches well with oxygen bleach. He is more gentle on these types of matters.

Due to the fact that the organza is transparent and without patterns, it wonderfully transmits light and looks very modern. If it is snow-white, then it also gleams wonderfully in the sun.


You can bleach organza tulle in a starch solution. To do this, add a couple of tablespoons of starch to lukewarm water, hold a couple of aces and leave to drain.
Use for whitening purchased funds you can also, but it’s better to give preference to those marked “for curtains and tulle” and not ruin the curtain.

The starch helps the fibers of the fabric keep the shape of the curtain.

How to quickly wash and bleach tulle in a washing machine

The washing machine will also do an excellent job of washing curtains, but it is better to run the wash on delicate mode and at a water temperature not higher than 30 degrees.

When preparing the wash, you can add bleaching ingredients: after adding the washing powder, pour 10 hydrogen peroxide tablets or 2 tablespoons of liquid from the bottle into the compartment. Run delicate wash at water temperatures up to 30 degrees.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to support, and even return whiteness to tulle. I did not write about bleaching it with a solution of manganese, because. it is prohibited for free distribution in Russian pharmacies.

I would be grateful for the comments if the article was useful.

Nylon tulle - classic and a win-win window decorations. It creates coziness in the house and gives the room an elegant look. And, despite the fact that now the choice of tulle in stores is huge, white curtains are still very popular. There is only one nuance that sometimes depresses the housewives: white tulle quickly gets dirty, fades from the sun and acquires a yellow or grayish tint.

If the tulle has lost its original view, but you still want to see it on your window or you just don’t want to buy a new one, use the methods of bleaching nylon curtains at home. The instructions are quite simple, so following them will not be difficult.

  1. One of the lightest and available ways restore the whiteness of tulle - bleaching in a water-salt solution. There are two options for using this method: You can bleach the tulle both before washing and after.
    If you want to bleach nylon curtains before you send them to the wash, then rinse them first, and then place them in a basin with hot water. First, pour one handful of table salt and washing powder into the basin. Leave the curtain to soak in salt water overnight.
    If you have already washed the tulle, then bleach it in the following way: for 15-20 minutes, place it in water with a handful of salt, then squeeze (but do not rinse!) And hang the wet tulle on the window. This method will also give a light “starchy” effect, and the tulle itself, thanks to salt, will gleam in the sun.
    Try both salt whitening options and see which one suits you best.
  2. To make bleach for nylon tulle, you can use the contents of your home first aid kit. Well-known ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will return the curtains to their original whiteness. Pour one tablespoon of peroxide and two of ammonia into a basin of hot water. Put the tulle into the water and mix. To do this, use special tongs or a stick. If there is nothing to mix, put on thick rubber gloves on your hands. Never do this with bare hands, otherwise you risk serious damage to the skin! Leave the tulle for 20 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water.
  3. Excellent helps in whitening blue nylon tulle. Pour one capful into warm water and mix thoroughly. Put the pre-washed tulle in water with blue and mix again. This will take five minutes. It is necessary to mix so that there is no residue left on the tulle blue spots. Then rinse the curtains with plenty of warm water.
  4. To return whiteness to nylon curtains, ordinary brilliant green is also suitable. After you have washed the curtain, place it in a basin of hot water. Pour a couple of handfuls of washing powder into the water. Leave for two to three hours, then rinse in warm water with a few drops of greenery and two tablespoons of table salt.
  5. You can also use store-bought bleach to bleach curtains. If the tulle is not completely old, especially if you are washing it for the first time, it will be enough just to add a spoonful of bleach to the powder before washing.
Whatever method of bleaching nylon tulle you choose, remember that you should not wash it at temperatures above 30 degrees, otherwise you may never achieve whiteness: grayness and yellowness will remain forever. Also, do not iron the tulle after washing and bleaching. Wait for the water to drain and hang the curtains on the windows slightly damp, the tulle will straighten itself. By adhering to these rules and bleaching the tulle before it becomes too yellow or gray, you can save it in good condition for many years.