A good script for the holiday farewell to the alphabet. Holiday script "farewell to the alphabet"

Farewell to the ABC.

1. Organizational moment.

Children from Shainsky's floor music “What they teach in school” enter the hall and sit down in their places.

2. Greetings.

Teacher: -Dear Guys! Dear parents and guests! Today is our holiday. Guys, you have finished studying your first book - the ABC. On September 1, you crossed the threshold of the school and became a student. During this time, we have already learned to read and write. And the clever, interesting taught you this, entertaining ABC... Today we must say goodbye to her, but the knowledge that she gave us, we will take with us to the country of Literature. In this country, we will get acquainted with new interesting works.

1 student: School is good today

The hall is on fire.

We are on our merry holiday

We call all friends.

2 student: We gathered dads and moms

But not for fun.

We report today

About your successes.

3 student: We walked along the pictures

We walked up the steps and lines.

Oh how much we've learned

Oh, how much we have read!

4 student: Our path was not very long

Imperceptibly the days pass.

And already on the bookshelf

Other books await us.

5 student: Among the bright thick books

Inconspicuous and modest

She taught us.

6 student: We will read good books a lot,

Let the years pass and many, many days

Us ABC good friend became,

We say: (together) "Thank you!" her.

The ABC enters.

7 student: The ABC is my first book,

How not to love me for this you.

You taught me how to fold letters

You constantly gave me joy.

8 student: A thousand words a minute now

Like a typewriter, I write.

I am any of your books

I'll swallow it in one fell swoop!

ABC: Why aren't schoolchildren in class in the morning?

Why in full dress kids today?

They took off the cover from the ABC, and there are no bookmarks,

Everyone is a little excited ... What's the secret?

Children enter with the ABC in their hands.

9 student: Schoolchildren read this book yesterday,

And today it's time for us to say goodbye to the ABC.

10 student: Why do we call our textbook the ABC?

Do others call the book the Primer?

11 student: The book that introduces the letter

They called it a primer in the old days.

12 student: In honor of the Slavic "az" and "beeches"

Named ABC ABC Book.

Teacher: The book that introduced you to the letters and taught you to read, we can call it differently: the ABC or the Primer. And it will be right.

Performed "ABC, everyone needs ABC"

Teacher: It's time to get acquainted with those who live in the ABC.

13 student: Thirty-three sisters

Written beauties

Live on one page

And they are famous everywhere!

14 student: They are in a hurry to see you now,

Glorious sisters, -

We ask all the guys

Make friends with them!

15 student: A, B, C, D, D, E, F

Have rolled on a hedgehog!

Z, I, K, L, M, N, O

Together we climbed out the window!

16 student: P, R, S, T, U, F, X

They saddled the cock, -

Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ, Э, Ю, Я, -

That's all they are, friends!

13 student: Get to know them kids!

14 student: Here they are - standing side by side.

15 student: It's very bad to live in the world

Together: For those who are not familiar with them!

Children take turns reading poetry about their letter.

A: The stork spent the summer with us,

And in the spring he was visiting somewhere.

B: The hippopotamus opened his mouth:

The hippopotamus asks for the rolls.

V: Sparrow asked for a crow

Call the wolf to the phone.

G: A mushroom grows among the path, -

The head is on a thin stalk.

D: The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,

The oak chiselled like a chisel.

E: Spruce looks like a hedgehog:

A hedgehog in needles, a tree too.

F: The beetle fell and cannot get up.

He is waiting for someone to help him.

Z: We saw the stars during the day

Across the river, over the Kremlin.

AND: Frost lay down on the branches of the spruce,

The needles turned white overnight.

Th: Everybody knows iodine

The doctor smears our wounds with iodine.

TO: The cat caught mice and rats.

The rabbit gnawed on a cabbage leaf.

L: Boats are sailing on the sea

People are rowing oars.

M: The bear found honey in the forest, -

Little honey, many bees.

H: The rhino butts with a horn.

Don't mess with the rhino!

O: The donkey was angry today:

He found out that he was a donkey.

NS: The shell is worn by a turtle,

Hides his head from fear.

R: A gray mole is digging the ground, -

Ruins the vegetable garden.

WITH: The gray elephant sleeps peacefully

Standing to sleep he knows how.

T: The cockroach lives behind the stove, -

What a warm place!

At: The student taught the lesson-

His cheeks are inked.

F: The fleet is sailing towards native land,

A flag on every ship.

NS: A ferret walks through the forest

A predatory little animal.

C: The heron is important, big-nosed,

Stands like a statue all day.

H: The watchmaker, squinting his eyes,

He fixes the watch for us.

NS: Schoolboy, schoolboy, you are a strong man:

You carry the earth ball like a ball.

SCH: I brush the puppy with a brush,

I tickle his sides.

B: A soft sign lives carelessly

He walks without a hat forever.

B: A stubborn solid sign

The only way to wear a cap is.

NS: We heard from the owl

That there are no words for the letter s.

NS: This button and lace -

Electric bell.

NS: Jung - future sailor

He brought us southern fish.

I AM: There are no berries more acidic than cranberries.

I know the letters by heart.

Teacher: Now let's listen to how dolls learn letters.

Scene with letters.

ABC: A family lives in "Azbuka":

The letters are all from "A" to "Z".

They have two teams,

It seems they are already here.

I present to you friends

The first team is me.

Children with vowel images enter to the music.

The letter a: We all got together

Ready to sing for an encore,

Together: After all, we are vowel letters -

All the singers are wonderful.

Vowels perform the song "Walking Fun Together"

Children come out with the image of paired consonants.

ABC: Here's another command,

And who is not in it:

Voiced and daring,

And very, very deaf.

Stand in pairs friends

I will look at all of you.

Paired consonants perform a dance.

Children come out with the image of the letters Y, H, L, M, R.

ABC: Letters Y, N, L, M, R

They set an example for all of us.

Although they live without a pair,

We are always glad to see them.

Children come out with the image of the letters C, CH, X, Shch.

ABC: C, CH, X and the letter U

Always respected.

They say they are deaf

But there is no trouble in that.

And in words so beautiful

They send greetings to all of us.

Letters b and b come out

ABC: There are two brothers left,

And without them there will be no book.

B and b, we cannot do without them.

ABC: These are our letters-

Glorious Russian alphabet!

Together: I must know him perfectly

Everyone, every student.

Performed "Dance of the Ducklings"

Teacher: Guys, all the letters in the alphabet are in place. The letter A is the first, the letter I is the last. Why she is in last place, we will now find out.

Dramatization of the poem "Letter I".

Leading: Everyone knows: The letter I

In the alphabet, the last one.

Does anyone know

Why and why?


Everything: - Unknown.

Leading: - Interesting?

Everything: - Interesting! -

Leading: Well, listen to the story.

Letters in the alphabet with us

Lived, did not grieve,

Because everyone was friends

Where no one quarrels

There and the matter is arguing.

Only time

The whole thing became

Due to a terrible scandal:

The letter I did not fit into the line,

The Letter I rebelled!

I, - said the letter I,

Home - main!

I want to be everywhere

I stood in front!

I don't want to stand in a row.

I wish to be in sight! -

They say to her:

Everything: - Get in place!

Answers: - I will not go!

I'm not just a letter for you,

I am a pronoun.

You are in comparison to me


No more no less!

Leading: Then the whole alphabet came

Into a terrible excitement.

Letter F:

Fu-you well - you! -

Leading: snorted F,

Blushing from resentment.

. Letter C: - Shame!

Leading: -Angry S said.

Leading: B shouts:

Letter B: - Imagining!

Anyone could do that!

Maybe I myself am an excuse!

Leading: -Grumbled P:

Letter P: - Try it, talk to such a person!

Soft Sign: - Need to her special approach,

Leading: -Suddenly he mumbled a Soft Sign.

And an angry Solid Sign

Silently showed his fist.


Ti-and-she, letters! Ashamed, signs!

Leading: the Vowels shouted.

The letter a: - The only thing missing was the fight!

And also the Consonants!

Letter O: We need to figure it out earlier

And then fight!

Letter U: We are a literate people!

The letter I myself will understand.

Letter H: Is it a conceivable thing

Everywhere I poke forward?

Letter E: After all, no one in such a letter

Will not understand anyway! -

Leading: I stamped my feet:

Letter I: “I don’t want to hang out with you!”

I will do everything myself!

I’m smart enough!

Leading: -The letters looked at each other,

Everything - literally! - smiled,

And the friendly chorus answered:

Everything: - Okay, let's go for a bet:

If you can alone

Write at least a line

The truth, therefore, is yours!

Letter I: - So that I can't

I'm not just anyone, but I! ..

Leading: The letter I got down to business:

She puffed for an hour

And groaned

And sweated

She managed to write

Only "... yayayayaya!"

How the letter X is filled:

Letter X: - Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Leading: -O It rolled with laughter!

And grabbed his head.

B grabbed his stomach ...

The letter I was attached at first,

And then how it roars:

Letter I: - I, guys, are to blame!

I admit my guilt!

I agree to get up guys

Even behind the letter Y!

Everything: - Well, -

Leading: decided whole alphabet,

Everything: -If he wants - let him stand!

It's not about the place at all.

The fact is that we are all together!

That everything is from A to Z

We lived like one family!

Leading: The letter I have always been

Each and every one is dear.

Everything: But we advise, friends,

Remember the place of the Letter I!

There is a knock at the door.

Teacher: Who is this? Who's there? Please, come in. (Dunno enters) Guys, say hello to Dunno.

Everything: Hello.

Teacher: Dunno, say hello to you too. See, the audience!

Dunno: I don’t see any donut!

Teacher: Not a donut! Say hello to the audience!

Dunno: Ah, well, they would say so right away. Hello dear viewers! Would you like to fight with me?

Teacher: Well, how do you, Dunno, do not be ashamed to misbehave. You guys are at a party, but you don't behave very nicely. Nobody fights here!

Dunno: Guys, excuse me, please. Can I also take part in the holiday?

Teacher: What can you offer?

Dunno: Hello, hello, dear viewers! Would you like to compete with me?

Teacher: What to compete in?

Dunno: Well, for example, whoever yells louder, or opens his mouth wider, throws a coat in the locker room. Do you have guys like that?

Teacher: Dunno, I will tell you in advance, we do not need such a competition. Guys don't do such things.

Dunno: Yes, I was joking! I also know all the letters, words, and even learned to memorize poetry. Want to listen?

Teacher: Well, how, guys, will we listen? Listen carefully, and if Dunno is mistaken, correct him.

Dunno: Listen guys.

The snow is melting, the stream is flowing.

The branches are full ofdoctors.

Teacher: Whom? What word should be here?

Everything: Rooks.

Dunno: Well, you think you made a mistake once, listen further.

The sea is turning blue in front of us

Flyshirts over the waves.

Well, again, a mistake? Can not be! Then I'll read something else, I learned it yesterday.

They say one fisherman caught a shoe in the river

But then he got hookedHouse.

Why are you laughing and not clapping? Did I say the wrong one again?

The doctor reminded Uncle Mitya:

Don't forget one thing:

“Be sure to take 10herons before bedtime.

Listen again.

Everything is in order in my portfolio -

There are pens, books andkittens.

At our Christmas tree

Fluffy, greenhairpins.

Teacher: Eh, Dunno, it's not that easy to memorize poetry. Stay with us on the holiday. The guys learned all the letters, learned to read. And now they will show you and all of us how they know how to put words out of letters and read them.

(The teacher with "live" letters steps aside)

The Bummer appears.

Lazy person. I'm lazy. Too lazy to study!

I rest all day.

TV on the couch

I can watch for hours.

I don’t want to know the letters!

If someone suddenly says:

"Read it, Vanya, out loud!"

Turn red, turn pale

I'd better hide the ABC!

He takes the ABC by the hand and hides it.

Teacher: We have prepared with the letters and now we will show the ABC and everyone how we learned how to put words out of letters. And where is the ABC?

3 mice run out.

Mouse 1: We are gray mice

We played a game

We know where the boy is

I hid the ABC.

Teacher: Where? Tell us, dear mice, where is our ABC?

Mouse 2: Give the mice sweet porridge,

Solve three riddles!

Then let's say!

The teacher brings a plate of porridge and three spoons. Mice eat porridge.

Mice (in chorus) Thanks! Delicious porridge!

Mouse 1: Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a man, but a story.

Everything: Book.

Mouse 2: The field is white, the sheep are black.

Everything: Paper, letters.

Mouse 3: There is no language, but it tells.

Everything: Book.

Mouse 1: Well done boys. And they treated us to porridge, and guessed the riddles. We will help you find the ABC.

The mice go off stage and bring the ABC. Everyone is applauding.

ABC: Dear Guys. Please show how you will add words from letters.

Children put together "living" letters (school, lesson) and read them.

ABC: Well done, guys, made me happy.

Lazy person. Just think, read 2 words and are happy.

ABC: No, I made sure these guys know all the letters.

Lazy person. I also don't want to be lazy anymore. I want to read, write, learn new things. Please give me the ABC. I want to learn all letters.

Teacher: Let's give it, guys?

Everything: Yes.

Song "Goodbye, Primer"

Teacher: Guys, what can happen to those who cannot read at all? We'll find out now.

Scene "Illiterate Andrey"

Lead 1: That's what guys sometimes it happens,

With those who do not know literacy at all.

I must learn to read soon,

And then you will get into a mess, like Andrei.

Lead 2: They asked Andrey to buy bread,

So he went, not knowing how to read.

There are many signboards, but only one boy.

(the boy looks at the signs that the children are holding: "Bread", "Milk",

"Shoes", "Clothes", etc.)

Lead 1: Andrey timidly enters the store.

Someone in a dressing gown says to Andrey.

Hairdresser: Sit down, I'll shave your beard.

(Andrey sits on a chair, a hairdresser with a comb and scissors in his hands is trying to cut his hair)

Lead 2: Only then, blushing with shame, he shouted:

Andrey: I ended up in the wrong place. (Runs away.)

Lead 1: To someone who wants to know a lot

Who wants to read books

About mountains and valleys

Lead 2: About water depths

About rivers, stars and seas,

Everything: You can't do without the ABC, friends!

Teacher: Our guys will not end up in a hairdressing salon instead of a store. We don't have such guys who can't read. We continue our holiday. And what is a holiday without ditties?

1. Time flew by quickly

We celebrate today

Glorious holiday of the Primer!

2. We have already learned to read,

We do not brag to you, no time

And made friends forever

WITH the best book- Primer!

3. Wake me up at night,

In the very middle

I'll tell you the whole alphabet

Without one hesitation.

4.Oh you my grandmother,

Again, I disagree!

You will remember forever

There are only ten vowels.

5. Why do babies

Wet eyelashes?

Because in the primer

The pages have run out.

6. Do not be sad, Primer,

Better there is no book!

I will give you now

Little brother.

7. We will say goodbye to the Primer

And wave our hand

And thanks ten times

Let's say in unison!

Teacher: Now let's watch and listen to the dialogue of two friends

Scene "Oatmeal".

Two friends met - Sasha and Matvey.

Sasha: And I have oatmeal at home!

Matvey: Just think, I have oatmeal at home too.

Sasha : I love oatmeal.

Matvey: And I love.

Sasha : She is yellow, so beautiful.

Matvey : And delicious, especially with milk!

Sasha: How tasty is it? How is it with milk?

Matvey: Yes so. It's also good with butter and sugar.

Sasha : What are you talking about?

Matvey: How about what? About oatmeal! What are you talking about?

Sasha: And I'm talking about oatmeal.

Matvey: What kind of oatmeal are you talking about?

Sasha: About ordinary. About the one that lived in our garden and sang songs.

Matvey: Porridge sang songs ?!

Sasha (angrily): What porridge? Not porridge, but a bird. Bird ov-syan-ka. Haven't you heard of this, or what? Come to me - listen to my porridge!

Matvey: Ayda! And then to me - to eat my oatmeal!

Teacher: Guys, what other words do you know that have multiple meanings?

Acquaintance with Literary Reading.

Student 16: We are now reading ourselves,

We know syllables and words.

Let's say to the ABC: “Thank you!

It's time for us to part! "

Student 17: She opened her pages to us

Teaching, entertaining, fun.

She gave us a lot of knowledge we needed!

And now we are best friends!

Student 18: We want to tell you: "Thank you!"

We thank you for everything.

We say to you: “Goodbye!

Hello! ”- we say to the new book.

Teacher: Guys, now all the guests are convinced that the ABC taught us a lot. Let's say to our textbook for this: "Thank you."

Everything: For everything that you taught us, thank you, ABC, thank you!

ABC: Oh! I completely forgot, friends,

What should I imagine

Who will replace me

Then he will start teaching you.

Literary Reading is included.

Lit. reading: Hello guys. I have long wanted to meet you. Hope that now we become good friends... Read me carefully.

Teacher: We want to show you that we already know many of the heroes living on your pages.

1. He is cheerful and gentle,

This cute freak

With him is the owner, the boy Robin,

And a friend - Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday

And honey has a special scent,

This plush prankster

Teddy bear ...

Everything: Winnie the Pooh.

2. Grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,

I gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me, what is her name?

Everything: Little Red Riding Hood.

3. He is a friend of animals and children,

He is a living being.

But such in this world

There are no more.

Because he is not a bird

Not a kitten, not a puppy.

But filmed for a movie

And known to everyone for a long time

This cute face,

And it is called ...

Everything: Cheburashka.

4.With the Primer he walks to school

Wooden boy.

Hits instead of school

Into a wooden booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the name of the boy himself?

Everything: Pinocchio.

5. Mixed with sour cream,

The window is chilly.

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled ...

Everything: Gingerbread man.

Literat. reading: Well done boys. You know well the heroes of my works. And now I say to you: “Goodbye! We will meet at literary reading lessons "

Everything: Goodbye.

Student 19: The tutorial is closing

It's time to say goodbye to him ...

Student 20: He true friend was for us.

Saying goodbye to him, our class is sad.

Student 21: But we cannot be sad for a long time:

More books are waiting, friends!

Student 22: Goodbye tutorial!

And on next year

You will teach others to read,

Those who will come to the first class!

The song "Our holiday ends today" (to the tune "Blue carriage")

The song "Dolls sat down with a primer"

1.The dolls sat down with a primer

In the meadow, on the grass.

Together, the dolls learn the letters:

“Ah, bae, veh! Ah, blah, blah! "

Don't bother us, the wind

And don't turn the pages.

You won't read the letters

You will only kill everyone.

2.The duck came up important,

Came up: “Quack-quack-quack! "

And let's pinch the paper

The spine of the primer.

You duck, don't bother

Don't confuse the puppets.

Not "quack-quack-quack", but how?

Ah, blah, blah ... - like this.

3. Came up, knocking with a hoof,

Goat to us: - What do you want?

I, a goat, want to learn

Be, be, be! Be, be, be!

You goat, don't bother us,

Don't confuse the puppets.

Not "be, be, be", but how?

Ah, blah, blah ... - like this.

4.And then the calf came

He mumbled: “Moo-moo-moo!

I am a foolish calf,

I do not get it" .

You calf, don't bother

Don't confuse the dolls:

Not "mu-mu-mu", but how?

Ah, blah, blah ... - like this.

The song "ABC"

1. If you want to know a lot,

To achieve a lot

Must read

I must learn.



Everyone needs it.

Books will help us

Read it!

2. We need to write letters to us

Neatly in line

You need to memorize them

No mistakes, for sure.


3. Books can tell

About everything in the world.

They like to read them very much

Adults and children.


The song "Goodbye, Primer!"

1. My primer, mine reliable friend,

We are parting now.

V new world big and complex

You opened the door for me.

2. Many happy events

You gave me a generous gift.

To the world of joyful discoveries

You served as a stepping stone.

Chorus: Parting with the ABC book,

We sing a song about him! (2 times)

3. Revealed you like a miracle,

The time has come for goodbye.

I will never forget

Your first big lesson.

Chorus: Parting with the ABC book,

We sing a song about him! (2 times)

Song to the tune "Blue Carriage"

1. Our holiday ends today,

We have said goodbye to the alphabet now.

Let our mothers not worry

We are happy to go to first grade.

Chorus: The sun smiles tenderly in the sky,

We hear children's songs here and there.

Friendly, friendly, girls, boys

Learning joyfully, living happily

2. The moment of goodbye has come,

Our speech will be very brief:

We say today: “Goodbye!

Until happy and fun meetings


Natalia Vladimirovna Panova
"Farewell to the ABC". Holiday script

MBOU "Caspian Lyceum No. 8"

Holiday script

Primary school teacher:

Panova N.V.

Objectives of the event:

Generalization of knowledge, abilities and skills of children, obtained in the lessons of teaching literacy and writing.

Objectives of the event:

1. Summarize the work done in literacy classes.

2. Activate cognitive activity students, to generate interest in reading lessons.

3. To foster in children goodwill, activity, the ability to work in a team

4. Develop mental operations, speech, Creative skills students, to develop the ability to work in a group and listen to each other, to carry out reflection.

V holiday students of grade 1, their parents, students of grade 5 are involved. act as fairytale heroes(Baba-Yaga, Zvukomor, Shapoklyak, ABC, Literary reading).

Equipment: character costumes holiday: ABC, Literary reading, Shapoklyak.

Multimedia, presentation, computer

Board decoration:

- « goodbye, ABC

Paired voiced and voiceless consonants

Characters from fairytale heroes;

Class decoration: festive decoration class, letters, pictures.

HOLIDAY progress:


Dear Guys! Dear Parents! Today is an unusual day for us. We say goodbye with the first school book - « ABC» ... During this time, you have matured, learned a lot and learned a lot, experienced the first difficulties and learned to overcome them. Days, weeks, months of hard work flew by. The first step on the ladder of knowledge is a common work, both for you and for your parents. Congratulations on your first major victory!

« ABC- a step to wisdom "

Students' speech.

Student: We are very happy today

All guests are welcome.

All the acquaintances, strangers,

Both serious and funny.

First class, first class

Invited to holiday you.

Student: Adults and children know

And a miner and a diver,

What's the hardest thing in the world

The very first school class.

Student: First class is the first provocative call.

First grade is the first serious lesson.

First class is the first grade in life,

This is a noisy, joyful break.

Student: Every girl and everyone knows boy:

The first grade is the first school book.

We have always studied from this book,

And this book - ABC.

Student: She taught letter us,

And writing and reading,

Strong friendship and work,

And patience.

Student: Today, friends, we gathered here,

To say a kind word.

To someone who was a friend

Who every hour

Student: At first we did not know the letters,

Mothers read fairy tales to us.

And now we read it ourselves,

Fairy tales made friends with us.

Student: For someone who wants to know a lot,

About mountains and valleys

About water depths

About the stars, willows along the river,

Can't do without ABCs!

Student: This is my first time with this book

I came to my first light class.

I fell in love with this book,

I studied all the letters in it,

And how happy I am to say:

Student: The ABC is my first book!

How can I not love you for this?

You taught me how to fold letters

You gave me the joy of discovery.

Divide words into syllables,

Revealed the secrets of the book

And we are all used to it.

Student: Letters, syllables and riddles

In kind ABC live,

Step by step

We are led into the kingdom of fairy tales.

Song « ABC» muses. Ostrovsky.


Hello guys! You recognized me? Yes, I am the queen ABC, and all the letters that you met in the lessons are my subjects. We are all residents fairy land... Do you know where my name comes from? What does it mean? (children's answers) Who invented the first Slavic alphabet? Our distant ancestors, the Slavs, created the Slavic alphabet... It was created by the brothers Cyril Methodius. (Slide)

This the alphabet was named Cyrillic... Then they brought into it different changes and gradually that same ABC which we are using now. (Slide) In the 16th century, “ ABC-the first printed primer in Russia. Of our the alphabet is 437 years old... The book got its name from the first two letters of the alphabet-A and B. In the old days, these letters were called "az yes "Beeches", hence and proverb: Az yes beeches, and then science. " " ABC- a step to wisdom "


Yes. that's where my name comes from - ABC... I came to you on holiday to say goodbye to you and test your knowledge and skills.

You have read a lot of proverbs on my pages. Try to make proverbs out of parts.

Continue the proverbs (examples of proverbs from ABCs)

Who reads a lot ... he knows a lot

A man without a book ... like a bird without wings

The book is our friend ... without it as without hands

You read a book ... like you fly on wings

Know more. but speak less in a hurry. make people laugh

Well done! It's nice that you carefully read my pages


Evil wizard Zvukomor

Came from distant mountains

He stole my casket with goodness.

You will show your knowledge

You children will help the ABC!

Teacher: Guys, let's go to an amusing trip to the country of Literature. (Slide)

What transport will we take?

Collect the word

An airport "Alfavitovo" (Slide)

And the plane pass will be for us

Teacher: Letters are badges, like soldiers on a parade,

They are arranged in a row in a clear order.

Everyone in the agreed place worth.

And everything is called - the alphabet!


Dear ABC!

Take the parade from A to Z.


Have to take the parade!

Come on, letters, stand in a row!

I am the commander, you are my squad!


Build in alphabetical order.

ABC: Vowels!

Vowels: Here!

ABC: Consonants!

Consonants: Here!

ABC: Letters that do not represent sounds!

B, b: Here.

A is the beginning of the alphabet.

That is why she is famous

And it's easy to recognize her:

Sets the legs wide.

B - The letter B will wake up early.

Letter B is a barrel with a tap;

Wash your face! Be healthy,

Bogatyr, Boris Bobrov!

B - Here the letter B is visible in the distance -

Beautiful, twisted.

As if a pretzel was baked

Waiting for the newcomers.

G - ordinary hook,

But in work he is a faithful helper.

And in a scythe and in a poker

I can transform G.

D - Here is the smoke, blowing,

Letter D - stove pipe.

E and Yo are sisters.

Distinguishing sisters is not easy

But the letter E has two dots,

Like a carnation ladder.

F - This letter is wide

And it looks like a beetle.

And at the same time, it is definitely a beetle

Makes a whirring sound.

Z is not just a curl,

Z spring, pretzel, shavings.

And - I got hold of a hammer,

He knocked down the letter from the boards.

How many plaques are there?

What letter?

Y - The letter Y is called "And short".

Th as in your notebook.

So as not to confuse Y with I,

Write a tick above.

K - Oh yes, the clown!

Do you know who he is?

This clown -

L - The alphabet will continue our

The letter L is a forest hut.

M - It is well known to everyone

Where is the metro, there is the letter M.

H - on the letter H I, like on a ladder,

I sit and sing songs!

Oh - There is no corner in this letter,

That is why it is round.

Until then she was round

I could have rolled.

P - A mischievous person climbed into the letter.

He decided that P is a horizontal bar.

P - Letter P - sail on the mast,

Sails in the distance, touching the heavens.

C - Crescent in the dark sky

The letter C hung over the house.

T - The letter T stands on the roof,

TV in the house.

T - turned into an antenna

And she found herself on the roof.

U is a convenient letter!

It is convenient in her that

What can you letter

Hang up your coat.

F - Everyone knows without hints:

The letter F is like a key to a fairy tale.

We never have him

Will not take away Karabas.

X is a funny toy

Wooden spinner.

Wooden spinner

Free wind girlfriend.

Ц - Letter C -

There is a hook at the bottom.

Exactly with a tap a barrel.

H - Yes, you are correct decided:

We write as four.

Only with numbers, friends,

We cannot confuse letters.

W - Look at the letter W -

The letter is very good

Because from her

You can do E and Y.

Щ - The letter Щ will help us

Brush your teeth in the morning.

B and b - a soft sign lives carelessly.

He walks without a cap forever.

And the stubborn hard mark of the cap

Wears only like that.

S - Here is an ax, a log next to it,

It turned out what we need:

It turned out the letter Y -

We all need to know it.

E - This is E with an open mouth,

And a tremendous tongue.

Yu - So that O does not roll away,

I'll nail it tightly to the post.

Oh look,

What's happened:

It turned out the letter Y!

I AM - "I AM" said about myself:

“I am a famous hockey player.

The puck flies straight to the target -

The alphabet is finished! ABC.

My dear letters! I express my gratitude to you for teaching the children to read, for helping them to become literate students, teaching them to be true friends.

I'm very happy for the guys!

I see: learn everything -

Account, literacy, writing.

Even though they are still small,

They know the Russian alphabet.

Borrowed seats, we go in flight. (Airplane sound).

And so that we and our guests are not bored, we will perform a song.

Song « ABC» (B. Zakhodera).

We arrived at "City of Sounds" (Slide)

Happened here unusual story... But first, tell me, into which two groups are all sounds divided? (Students: vowels and consonants)

Student: Vowels are drawn in a ringing song,

They can cry and scream

They can lull a child in the crib,

But they don't want to whistle and grumble

And the consonants agree

Whisper, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But I don’t want to sing to them.

And what is more in Russian language: letters or sounds? (Answers children: sounds more: there are 42 of them, and only 33 letters. Some letters mean 2 sounds, for example, m - m ,.)

How many vowels are there? Sounds? Why are there more letters than sounds?


Once the sounds got mixed up, and confusion began in the city, the inhabitants of the city cannot find their houses in any way. Let's help them! For us to be able to hit the road again, the sounds must be resettled. The badges on the roofs of the houses will help us identify them. residents:

Group work.

1. vowel sounds [a] [and] [o] [y] [s] [e]

2. consonants are paired;

3. voiced consonants unpaired (sonorous);

4. Letters that do not represent sounds


You know the letters of the Russian alphabet very well. From now on, they are your faithful friends. And now more trials await you.

Find the extra letter and explain your choice. (Slide)

To pass the time on the road, the children prepared staging a song"WITH dolls sat down in alphabet» .

WITH dolls sat down in alphabet

In the meadow, on the grass.

A B C. (2 times.)

Don't bother us, the wind,

Don't confuse the puppets.

You won't read the letters

You will only kill everyone

The duck came up important

And said: "Quack-quack-quack!"

And let's pinch the paper

You duck, don't bother

Don't confuse the puppets.

Not "Quack-quack-quack!"... - But as? -

A, B, C - like this!

And then a calf stuck in,

Mumbled: "Moo-moo-moo!

I am a foolish calf,

I do not get it".

You calf, don't bother

Don't confuse the puppets.

Not "Moo-moo-moo"... - But as?

A, B, C - like this!

Came up, knocking with a hoof,

Goat to us. "What do you want?" -

“I am a goat, I want to study.

Be-be-be. Be-be-be ".

You goat, don't bother us,

Don't confuse the puppets.

Not "Be-be-be"... - But as? -

A, B, C - like this!

ABC:And what happened? The red blinked. We make an emergency landing.

"Fairy forest" (Slide)

Teacher: Where did we end up?

Characters: fox, black grouse Terenty, two hares.

Equipment: layout (screen) a tree with a hollow, a bush, a poster with the words "Hares!

A fox walks here! "

(Black grouse sits on a tree. Hares run out.)

Bunny: Hello, Uncle Terenty!

TERENTIUS: Hello, bunny. What are you doing here?

Bunny: Let's play.

TERENTIUS: Can't you see the poster I wrote for you? Read it.

We haven't learned!

So far we only study foreign languages,

TERENTIUS: And what foreign languages ​​do you study?

Hares: I learned to bark at doggy: Woof! Woof!

- And I meow like a cat: Meow! Meow!

TERENTIUS: Very good! These foreign languages ​​may be very useful to you in life. But you still need to learn to read. If you could read, you would read on this poster "Hares! A fox walks here!"

(Hares scared huddle together)

TERENTIUS: And here she is, Zaychata, hide in the bushes. (Hares are hiding behind a bush. A fox appears, notices a poster)

FOX: Again, Terenty, you hung up this stupid poster here! Ugliness! Have you seen hares here? So small, stupid, pretty ...

TERENTIUS: No, I haven't.

FOX: (pointing towards the bushes) Is there something like the bushes moving? Isn't it they? Look, Terenty, you can see everything from above ...

TERENTIUS: Yes, no, there seems to be a dog, and behind it, it seems, is a hunter.

Hares (because of the bushes): Woof! Woof!

FOX: Oh, dog, Oh, hunter! I'm running, Terenty, goodbye, I have no time!

(the fox runs away)

Hares: Woof! Woof! (come out from behind the bushes) Thank you, Terenty.

Helped us out.

TERENTIUS: Yes, and you were not at a loss, you barked in time. Foreign languages ​​are useful to you.

Hares: Of course, but now we will also start learning to read.

We will definitely start. Now we see that being able to read is also very important.

Goodbye, Uncle Terenty.

TERENTIUS: Goodbye, bunnies.

Student: We know the letters, we know the syllables,

And gradually, little by little,

Student: For those who love adventure,

I will reveal my secret.

More fun than reading

There is nothing in the world!

Pupil poem by V. Berestov "Reader".

No need to pester mom, no need grandma shake:

“Please read it! Read it! "

No need to beg your sister:

"Well, read another page!"

No need to call, no need to wait

Teacher: Dear, Uncle Terenty, where did we end up? And what happened to our plane?

Old woman Shapoklyak.

I, the most respected here, I am!

Great, guys, bugs!

You recognized me after all,

Cheerful old woman Shapoklyak?

Teacher. Ouch! What are these passions?

Old woman Shapoklyak. In honor of holiday I decided to become the kindest grandmother in the world and do only one nasty thing. oh, joy and gifts. Who wants 100 rubles? Come here.

Teacher. Thank you, dear guest! Who are you bringing the cake to?

Old woman Shapoklyak. What kind of cake?

Teacher. Yes, here, in your box.

Old woman Shapoklyak. So it was Gena and Cheburashka who invited me to my birthday. Well, I prepared a surprise for them.

Teacher. Beautiful! Is it tasty?

Old woman Shapoklyak. Can show! (Opens a box, and there is a brick.)

Teacher. You're just incorrigible. She promised to be the kindest, but in reality what happens?

Old woman Shapoklyak. I promised, I promised. on holiday... And the birthday is tomorrow. Today I am the nicest! Where do you need to pull the string here? Something I do not see here any smart and serious students.

ABC: You're not looking there! (Shapoklyak turns his head the other way.) Now you see?

Old woman Shapoklyak. See see. Girls, boys are sitting, silent, looking at us. They must have swallowed their tongues. How smart are they? How do they learn?

ABC: And we will now check. Guys, listen to me carefully and answer: if this is about you. And if not about you, then sit quietly.

(The game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends".)


Who is a merry crowd

Does she go to school every day?

Who is not afraid of frost,

Does it fly like a bird on skates?

Old woman Shapoklyak.

Which of you, kids,

Goes dirty from ear to ear?

Which one of you, say it out loud,

Catching flies in class?


Which of you keeps it in order

Books, pens and notebooks?

Who among you does not walk gloomy,

Do you like sports and physical education?

Old woman Shapoklyak.

Which one of you is so good

Did you go to sunbathe in galoshes?

Which one of you comes to class

An hour late?


Who home their lesson

Doing it right on time?

Old woman Shapoklyak.

I propose to solve puzzles and riddles.

1. There is a wonderful bench,

You and I sat on it!

The bench leads both of us

From year to year, from class to class. (Desk)

2. Over black white

They write every now and then. (Board)

3. I don’t know, but I’ve been writing all my life.

(A pen)

5. If you hone it,

Draw whatever you want:

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this? (Pencil)

6. Now I'm in a cage, then in a ruler,

Manage to write on them!

You can draw.

What am I? (Notebook)

(Rebus 3) Slide

ABC: Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Well, grandmother, are you convinced that our guys are smart, diligent, serious?

Old woman Shapoklyak (offended)... I would have known, it would have been better not to come to you at all.

Teacher: Don't be upset, grandma! Now we will cheer you up.

Dance of little ducks.

Illiterate lands. The kingdom of the Sound Sea. (Slide)

(Sound Sound appears.)


Hello my dears, did you recognize me?

I am a good uncle Zvukomor!

Teacher. A well-known master of fights and quarrels!

Zvukomor. I am a protector and a friend of children!

Teacher. The envious is cunning and villain!


I love, of course, I love you all,

Loafers and inept.

I was in a hurry to see you for this holiday.

Old woman Shapoklyak. \

He's going to ruin everything, ugly.

Zvukomor (sings).

Different letters to write

On the wallpaper and in a notebook

Multiply and add

Get twos too

They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.

How to write off a control,

How to escape from the lesson

They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.

How to tell a lie to a teacher

That the diary forgot again

They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.

Teacher. Not true! Guys, tell me what they teach at school?

Teacher. Listen, uncle, go away!


Oh, there you are! Wait for it!

Ready now I'm a word to give:

You will not see the casket!

What to do? How are we to be?

How can we get the casket?

Maybe run to the edge

To look at Yaga's hut?

Let it tell fortunes on a saucer

(Baba Yaga enters.)

Baba Yaga: Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Zvukomor. Let's go, my dove, let's take a walk, shall we?

Bab a-ya g a. What are you, my clear falcon, suggesting for nonsense? I haven’t done my homework yet, I haven’t washed my gym uniform, I haven’t ironed the laces, I haven’t learned the alphabet, I haven’t rehearsed the 100-meter distance for a physical education lesson, I didn’t repeat the singing exercises. Things to do up to the throat! What kind of party? I, tea, an excellent student.

Zvukomor. Well, taratorka! Which lessons? You finished school a hundred years ago.

Baba Yaga. My grandchildren, dear, are sitting on the neck. Now it is very fashionable to do homework for grandchildren. Although this is probably terribly uneducated.

Zvukomor. Why is this suddenly non-pedagogical? I have already whole year I'm doing my homework for my granddaughter.

Baba Yaga. Uh-uh, you've been spoiling him for a long time.

Zvukomor. I do not indulge. You know, I'm so strict with him. Wow! I’ll do my homework, I’ll draw, and then he’ll rewrite it himself.

Baba Yaga. Ooh! Really strict. And then I have a lot of experience in this matter. If anything, ask me.

Zvukomor. And let the children guess riddles.

The game "The letter got lost"

(Zvukomor and Baba Yaga make riddles.)

Baba Yaga: Tell the name of the literary hero:

Dad (Carlo) Postman (Pechkin)

cat (Leopold, in boots, Matroskin) Doctor (Aibolit)

Grandfather (Frost, Mazai) Red (Cap)

Woman (Yaga) Koschey (Immortal)

Uncle (Fedor, Styopa) Fly (Tsokotukha)

Crocodile (Gena) Vinnie (Pooh)

Baba Yaga. Well done! Have you learned it yourself? Or did mom and dad help? By yourself? Can not be! What good guys! You are probably doing well? And do the lessons yourself?

(Children answer.)

Zvukomor. Yes, they all lie. Don't you know the children? I was late for class is talking: "The clock is up"... I haven't learned my lessons is talking: "I was sick badly"... How can you trust them? And the parents, look, are sitting quietly, so as not to betray their children. We know how they do their homework.

Baba Yaga. Really? And they look so pretty, sensible. Come on, Zvukomor, we'll check them. Let's arrange an exam for them now.

And will not pass will remain in the dungeon. Do you guys agree?

Zvukomor. Of course, the exam! How did I not guess right away? (Children correct mistakes, choose antonyms)

Fizminutka (Slide)

Baba Yaga. Now let's play the game. I'll call different words... If the word begins with a vowel sound, then you raise your hands up, if you hear a consonant, you will sit down. Ready?

iron table book

orange window school

horse pencil donkey

game board beetle

pit board (trap) echo

Baba Yaga.

Oh, grandfather! Why are you a little gloomy?

What's the reason? What's the fault?

We all seem to have guessed

All riddles to one.


There is no end to my misfortune!

I feel, I will soon fall ill,

Yes, and at once get off my face.

We can't do it, you see.

I'll have to give the chest.

Teacher: Don't be sad Zvukomor. Guys, let's cheer him up with ditties.


Student: We have gathered dads and moms,

But not for fun.

We report today

About your successes.

Student: We are in new outfits now,

And everyone looks happy

After all, today we are ahead of schedule

Learned the alphabet!

Student: Wake me up at night,

In the very middle

I'll tell you the alphabet

Without one hesitation!

Student: We love the vowel letters,

And more and more every day.

We don't just read them -

We sing these letters!

Student: A thousand words a minute now,

Like a typewriter, I write.

I am any of your books

I'll swallow it in one fell swoop!

Student: We will say goodbye to ABC,

And wave our hand

And thanks ten times

Let's say in unison!

Teacher: So, we have come to the end of our route. What reward has I prepared for you ABC in a chest?


Well done, first graders! Learned to read, made friends, know how to compose words and stories, sing well and play well. And now a sad and solemn moment is coming. I AM goodbye to you forever... But before that, I want to reward you.

(Hands over the "Certificate" and the book to each student)

Reading poetry

1. Behind the hard work

Slow reading.

We are given today


2. What we are Read the ABC,

We have completed a full course of sciences.

And now without respite

We will read any books!

3. Laughter and tears, joy and sadness

We had a chance to experience.

But our efforts are not for us it's a pity:

4. If mom is not at home,

I won’t get bored.

I'll turn on the table light

5. The book is kind, alive

She works miracles!

Knows everything in the world

And he speaks to me!

Teacher: And now our dear We will present a song to the ABC.


V good trip on the road of knowledge! Make friends with a new book, read, raise smart children! (Slide) I know you guys are all neat, and yet I want you to fulfill the request of the new tutorial. "Literary reading" which I am to you now I will present:

"Literary reading"

I am your good friend and companion.

Be careful with me, schoolboy.

My clean view pleasant,

Protect me from stains.

Do not fold my binding

And don't break the spine.

Wrap me in a cover

Where you took me - return there.

Remember I'm your best friend

But not for dirty hands.

Take care of new textbooks!

In honor of the big, joyful holiday the guests came to congratulate you.


(The floor is given to guests, parents.)


It's hard to raise your children

You need to know a lot for this.

I want to wish parents:

Always help children in everything,

To get the child to school in the morning,

Give good parting words in time,

And on the weekend, do not forget to take a walk,

To avoid all diseases,

We still need to temper the children,

Meetings are also all to attend,

Help the school as much as you can.

And most importantly - without a doubt -

I wish you patience!

Dear Parents!

Teacher: Thank you all for your attention

For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter!

For the excitement of the competition, which ensured success!

Now the moment has come goodbyes,

My speech will be brief

We say: "Goodbye, see you happy new meetings!"

Place of work: MBOU "Bolsheshurnyakskaya high school»EMR RT

Position: Primary school teacher.

Scenario of the holiday "Farewell to the ABC"



Generalization of knowledge about the letters of the Russian alphabet, about the letters of vowels and consonants.


Form the ability to work in a team.


Develop communication skills first graders.

This holiday is traditionally held after the completion of the study of the "ABC". The hall is decorated with illustrations from your favorite books, balloons.

Children take their places to the music of the song "First Grade".

Game-song "Hello girls ..."

    Hello girls (girls answer “hello”).

Hello boys (boys answer “hello”).

And now all together (all together "hello").

Very good!

    Stomp your heels (stomp)

And the boys are with us (stomp even louder),

And now all together (all stomping).

Very good!

    Clap your hands (clap)

And the girls too (clapping even louder)

Now all together (everyone claps).

Very good!

introduction teachers.

You have been at school for almost a year

You have done a lot and learned a lot.

And they read their first books.

A faithful helper in this you have become

The first main book.

And the first letters she showed

Our girls and boys.

The letters then formed into words,

Words - into sentences and phrases.

A huge and colorful world then

Opened to you guys right away.

You will read a lot of good books,

Let the years pass and many, many days

To you the ABC is good became a friend,

We dedicate this holiday to her!

Dear guests! Today we say goodbye to the book that has been with us all this time - the ABC. She taught first graders to read. Many books will be read later, but this one will remain the first.

    On an autumn day, on a wonderful day

We entered the class timidly

ABCs (gift for all)

They found their own on the tables.

    All September I first

She wrote only sticks,

And now I look at the "Recipe",

I boldly bring out the letters

And that's what I say

Thanks to the ABC!

    We learned to write

And great phrases.

Fairy tales and stories.

    We have worked hard:

After all, by truth be told,

The beginning of Russian literacy -

On the pages of the "ABC".

    We know the letters, we know the syllables

We know how to speak, write!

And gradually, little by little

    In Nadia's alphabet,

Like a parade

Vowels consonants -

The letters were different.

But not together in a line

And one by one.

They tried to speak:

And they buzzed and whispered,

But what about - understand, try:

The letter M is mooing a cow,

The letter A said "A"!

What do you want, letter A?

But in response to me the letter A

Also asks: "A"?

Here's another annoyance!

What do they, the letters, want?

But when in a notebook

Met at Nadia's

Letter A and letter M

Everything became clear to everyone.

Letters nearby -

Exactly, straight -

There was honor for honor,

And they said together:


That's what it means - together!

And now our Nadia

The conversation is in a notebook.

In every word

Here and there

Friendly letters live.

    Daily in the morning

We need to do it.

We do not take our eyes off the board

And the teacher teaches us.

    We walked along the pictures

On the steps - the lines went.

Oh how much we've learned

Oh, how much we have read.

Song "Song of the first grader"


Your very first textbook
The class was opening with excitement ...
Apparently a fairytale wizard
I wrote this book.

Slides about the ABC


In 2014, our alphabet celebrated its 1150th anniversary. Our distant ancestors, the ancestors of Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians - the Slavic brothers Cyril and Methodius created the Slavic alphabet. It was named Cyrillic. Then various changes were made to it. And gradually the very alphabet that we use now appeared.

In 1574, the "ABC", the first printed primer in Russia, was compiled and published. The book got its name from the first two letters of the alphabet a and b. In the old days, these letters were called az and beeches, hence the proverb: First, beeches, and then sciences.


Badge letters, like soldiers on a parade,

Lined up in a clear order.

Everyone stands in the appointed place,

And they are all called ... ALPHABET!

Slide "Alphabet"

Host: Let's invite our beloved ABC to visit.


I travel countries

I want to be useful

And the kids tirelessly

I teach literacy everywhere!

ABC Yes, guys, on my pages all letters live in peace and harmony. Otherwise it is impossible! Only in friendship and strength!


Friendship! Which good word! There is an amazing song "ABC".

I invite everyone to fulfill it.

The song "ABC"

(Knock on the door)

Teacher. Who's there?

Pechkin. It's me, Postman Pechkin. Is there a holiday "Goodbye, ABC" here?

Teacher. Yes here.

Pechkin. Fresh mail. Who is the host?

Teacher. I AM.

Pechkin. Wait, do you have your documents with you?

Teacher. No.

Pechkin. Then I won't give it to you. I myself will read the letters from the city to the guys Kind words(shows), only they don't have the last words.

I saw Nastya a girl

I'm on the street now.

Nastya is a nice girl,

Nastya goes to first grade.

But for a long time already from Nastya

I can't hear the words ...

Children. Hello!

Teacher. And the word - what a - very expensive!

Pechkin. And here is the second letter.

I met Vitya, a neighbor.

The meeting was sad.

On me he is like a torpedo,

Came from around the corner!

But imagine - in vain from Viti

I was waiting for the word ...

Children. Sorry!

Teacher. And the word is very expensive!

Pechkin. Now let's read letter number three.

Grandfather said about his granddaughter:

What a shame -

I gave her a briefcase,

I see, I'm very glad!

But - you can't be silent like a fish,

Well, I would say ...

Children. Thanks.

Teacher: All the words are very dear!

Teacher : Let's play the game "Say a word"

Game "Say a word"

    If you meet a friend

At least on the street, at least at home-

Do not be shy, do not dissemble

Say it up ... (hello)

    The mole crawled out into the white light

And he said to the hedgehog ... (hello)

    If you ask for something

Then don't forget first

Open your mouth

And say ... (please)

    If you don't want to be branded as ignorant,

I beg you very much - be wise,

Start with the polite word request:

Be kind, be ... (kind)

    Tore a sparrow

Spider web threads.

He chirped embarrassedly: - Me ... (sorry)

    If there is a company,

Not in a hurry, not in advance,

And at the moment of parting

Tell everyone ... (goodbye)

    If in word or deed

Someone helped you

Don't hesitate loudly, boldly

Talking ... (thanks).

Thank you, dear Pechkin, for the letters. We invite you to our holiday.

ABC. Thank you guys. The ABC is a small particle of those great knowledge, which will give you, dear children, the school. I am going on a journey further, my little friends. And instead of myself, I leave other textbooks that will lead you to wonderful world knowledge.

(Literary reading and Russian language appear)

ABC. Let's say hello.

Literature Hello guys. I have long wanted to meet you. I hope that now we will become good friends. Read me carefully and you will learn a lot.

Russian language. Now guess the riddles.

Not a bush, but with leaves.

Not a shirt, but sewn.

Not a person, but a story. (Book)

Black, curves

Mute from birth.

Sit in a row - talk (letters)

ABC (refers to Literature).

Everything that you yourself know

I ask the kids to teach.


To each of you

I want to become a friend.

Let you guys

Give gifts to everyone.

(Children are given textbooks "Literary Reading")

Game "Collect words".

    Among the bright thick books

Inconspicuous and modest

She taught us.

    I will take "ABC" for the last time!

I'm taking her to the spacious classroom!

And I say to a valuable book:

Thanks to!

You are my first book!

    There are many books in the world,

I can read all the books.

Goodbye! Goodbye!

And next year

Those who will come to the first class.

    Our path was not very long

Imperceptibly the days pass.

And already on the bookshelf

Other books await us.

    Today is an unusual holiday:

Thank you, ABC, to you.

You gave so much knowledge

We will remember you.

The word peace and the words mom

I'll write it myself.

I'll read you a fairy tale

And I will count up to a hundred.

    And the books have about everything, about everything:

About rivers and seas
And that the sky has no end

And the round earth.

About astronauts

That they flew the highest of all many times,

About rain and lightning and thunder,

About light, heat and gas.

Machinists and weavers,

Tractor drivers and doctors,

Lumberjacks and miners

Astronauts and actors

Cooks and blacksmiths,

Divers and singers ...

All sometime for the first time

We came to the first grade.

All for sat at their desks,

Everyone looked at the alphabet.

    Goodbye tutorial!

And next year

Those who come to first grade.

    Books cherished pages

Help people live,

And work and study,

And cherish the Fatherland.

Puzzle slides

Presentation of diplomas, books, gifts.

And now we give the floor to our dearest guests - our parents.

The song "What is taught at school."

Thank you for the attention.

Purposes of the holiday:

  • motivate interest in learning, form a steady interest in reading;
  • develop children's interest and love for reading books;
  • educate careful respectful attitude to the book;
  • promote cooperation with parents to develop in children the desire for closer communication with the book.

Equipment: festively decorated hall, balloons, posters, carved letters. Audio recordings, video recordings. Costumes for children.

We are very happy today
All guests are welcome.
All the acquaintances, strangers,
Both serious and funny.
First class, first class
I invited you to the holiday.

Adults and children know
And a miner and a diver,
What's the hardest thing in the world
The very first school class.

First class is the first provocative call.
First grade is the first serious lesson.
First class is the first grade in life,
This is a noisy, joyful break.

Every girl and every boy knows:
The first grade is the first school book.
We have always studied from this book,
And this book is the ABC.

She taught us the letters
And writing and reading,
Strong friendship and work,
And patience.

You won't recognize us today:
We began to read briskly,
They became very literate,
Wiser, matured
And now without respite
We will read any books.

Buratino runs in.

Pinocchio: Hi guys! I found out that you have a Farewell to the ABC holiday today, and I love the holidays so much! And here I am. But did you really learn to read and write so quickly?

Children: have learned!

Pinocchio: Oh, what a fine fellow you are! And, remember, Malvina taught me to read, but I was not a diligent student and now I read poorly. Okay, now I honestly promise you that I will try hard and soon I will learn to read like you. You know what, let's invite Malvina to the holiday.

The children agree. (Buratino runs out the door and returns, leading Malvina)

Malvina: Hello guys! Pinocchio said that you have already learned to read well. This is true? Probably you had a magic book? What is it called?

Children: ABC!

Malvina: Did you know that sometimes incredible things happen in fairy tales? So, now a miracle will happen.

(Claps her hands) One two Three.

The ABC comes out.

I am the ABC. I teach to read.
You cannot but know me.
You will study me well
And you can then
Any book to read
Without any difficulty.
And in these books there is about everything:
About rivers and seas
And the round earth.
About astronauts
That they flew the highest of all many times,
About rain and lightning and thunder,
About light, heat and gas.

ABC: Do you know why they call me that? Do you want to know?

Previously, the letter A was called Az, B - Buki, V - Vedi. So my name came from the first two letters of the alphabet Az and Buki - ABC.

Malvina: Sit down, dear ABC. Today you are the most welcome guest on our holiday.

ABC: Tell me, guys, what have you learned, what new have you learned? Do you know the letters well?

Children sing ditties

We gathered dads and moms
But not for fun.
We report today
About their successes.

Christmas trees-pines
Caustic, green,
All the guys are first graders
Lovers to the ABC!

We are in new outfits today,
And everyone looks happy
After all, today we are ahead of schedule
Learned the alphabet!

Wake me up at night
In the very middle
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one hesitation.

We love the vowel letters
And more and more every day.
We don't just read them -
We sing these letters!

Oh, you are my grandmother,
Again, I disagree!
You will remember forever
There are only ten vowels.

A thousand words a minute now
I write like a typewriter.
I love your book
I'll swallow it in one fell swoop!

Who is out of tune with the ABC,
I am not making friends with that.
I have a circle character -
I respect work since childhood!

Why babies
Wet eyelashes?
Because in the ABC
The pages have run out.

We will say goodbye to the ABC
And wave our hand
And thanks ten times
Let's say in unison!


Letters are badges, like soldiers on a parade,
They are arranged in a row in a clear order.
Everyone stands in the appointed place.
And everything is called - the alphabet!

Pupils read poetry from the alphabet

A: The stork spent the summer with us,
And in the winter he stayed somewhere.

B: The hippopotamus is open-mouthed,
The hippopotamus asks for the rolls.

Q: Sparrow asked for a crow
Call the wolf to the phone.

G: The mushroom grows among the path -
The head is on a thin stalk.

D: The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow.
The oak chiselled like a chisel.

E and E: Spruce looks like a hedgehog:
A hedgehog in needles, a tree too.

W: The beetle fell and cannot get up.
He is waiting for someone to help him.

Z: We saw the stars during the day
Across the river, beyond the Kremlin.

And: Hoarfrost lay down on the spruce branches,
The needles turned white overnight.

K: The cat caught mice and rats,
The rabbit gnawed on a cabbage leaf.

L: Boats are sailing on the sea,
People are rowing oars.

M: The bear found honey in the forest -
Little honey, many bees.

N: Rhino butts with a horn,
Don't mess with the rhino!

A: The donkey was angry today-
He found out that he was a donkey.

R: The shell is worn by the turtle,
Hides his head from fear.

R: A gray mole is digging the ground,
Ruins the vegetable garden.

S: The old elephant is sleeping peacefully -
Standing to sleep he knows how.

T: The cockroach lives behind the stove -
That's a warm place.

D: The student taught the lessons -
His cheeks are inked.

F: The fleet is sailing to its native land.
A flag on every ship.

X: A ferret walks through the forest -
A predatory little animal.

C: The heron is important, big-nosed,
Stands like a statue all day.

H: The watchmaker, squinting his eyes,
He fixes the watch for us.

Sh: Schoolboy, schoolboy, you are a strong man:
You carry the earth ball like a ball.

U: I brush the puppy with a brush.
I tickle his sides.

E: This button and lace -
Electric bell.

Yu: Junga is a future sailor
He brought us southern fish.

Me: There are no more sour berries than cranberries!
I know the letters by heart!

Host: Well done! We recited poems by a famous children's poet. To find out his last name, you need to guess the crossword puzzle. Ready? Remember the tale about stupid mouse... It was written by the same author. What animals rocked the stupid mouse?

Malvina: Guys, what letters did we not remember? (B) (b) (b).

So that they do not take offense at us, let's tell poems about them.

Kommersant: I'm a very strong sign, that's why I'm proud.
I separate the letters in the word,
They only stung, they lose me!

B: I am a soft sign. You will find me
And in the word "pouring" and in the word "rain"!

Y: Here is an ax. The log is nearby.
It turned out what we need.
It turned out the letter Y -
We all need to know her!

Malvina: Guys, now we will check how well you have learned the letters of the alphabet.

Guess the letters by their description.

Children recite poetry

1. Here are two columns obliquely,
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? A?
In front of you is the letter….

2. This letter is so round -
I could roll off….

3. You look:
Who is, blocking the road,
Stands with an outstretched hand
Bending your leg with a steering wheel?

4. Look at this letter,
It is just like number three….

5.You are familiar with this letter:
There are two pegs in a row,
And between them is a belt,
Outstretched obliquely ...

Physical minute.

Malvina: Now let's play. I will name different words. If the word begins with a vowel sound, then you raise your hands up, if you hear a consonant, you will sit down. Ready?

Iron, orange, horse, game, board, table, window, pencil, board, pit (trap), book, school, donkey, beetle, echo.

Malvina: We continue our conversation about sounds and letters. Do you know what story once happened to the letters?

Scene "ABC"

Everyone knows:
The letter I is the last in the ABC.
Does anyone know
Why and why?

Well, listen to the story.
We lived with letters in the ABC.
Lived, did not grieve,
Because everyone was friends.
Once the whole thing got up
Due to a terrible scandal:
The letter I did not fit into the line,
The letter I rebelled!

I, - said the letter I, -
Main page!
I want everywhere
I stood in front!
I don't want to stand in a row
I wish to be in sight!

Letters: Get in place!

Will not go!
I'm not just a letter for you,
I am a pronoun.
You are in comparison with me -
Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding -
No more, no less!

Letter F: Fu-you, well-you!

Letter C: "Shame!"

Everybody screams.

Letters: Imagined!

Letter P: "Try to talk to such a person!"

I don’t want to hang out with you!
I will do everything myself!
I’m smart enough!

The letters looked at each other,
Everyone literally smiled
And the friendly chorus answered:

Letters: Okay, let's go for a bet!

If you can alone
Write at least a line -
The truth, therefore, is yours!

So that I cannot,
I'm not somebody, but I!

The letter I got down to business:
She puffed for an hour
And groaned and sweated ...
She only managed to write

Letter X: Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

The letter O: O rolled with laughter!

Letter A: And grabbed my head!

Letter B: B grabbed her stomach ...

The letter I was attached at first,
And then - how it will roar!

I guys are to blame!
I admit my guilt!
I agree to get up guys
Even after the letter Y!

Letter A: If he wants, let him stand
It's not about the place at all
The fact is that we are all together!

Letters: So that everything from A to Z -
We lived like one family!

ABC: Thank you guys! They showed a wonderful tale. The author of this tale is Boris Zakhoder. We will meet with his works on the pages of children's books. Do you know when the first alphabet in Russia was printed? In 1574. This year "Azbuka" is 435 years old.

Host: I suggest playing with the letters. You see the word "first grader" on the board. What other words can be formed from the letters of this word? Think with your moms. Who will get the longest word? (Kiwi, class, cashier, windows, feather, cinema, picnic, wax, kvass, pony)

(There is a knock on the door)

Malvina: Guys, someone came to visit us!

(Music sounds; Old woman Shapoklyak enters)

Malvina: Hello dear guest, come here soon!

Shapoklyak: Yes, the first grade is the first step into adulthood, this step is difficult, because “Today the school is in the first grade, like an institute”.

Shapoklyak: Try to guess the hero of the fairy tale.

1. He is kinder to everyone in the world,
He heals sick animals,
And one day a hippopotamus
He pulled it out of the swamp.
He is famous, famous
This is the Doctor ...

2. Grandmother loved the girl very much,
I gave her a red hat
The girl forgot her name
Can you tell me what her name was?

3. He loves everyone invariably
Who did not come to him
Guessed it Gena,
This is Gena ...

4. The father had a strange boy,
Unusual, wooden.
He had a very long nose.
What a fairy tale? Here is the question?

Shapoklyak: What a fine fellow you guys are! All the riddles have been guessed! And now I have to go, I'll run to the other guys! Goodbye, guys!

(Shapoklyak leaves)

ABC: Well done! Now leave the letters: A, Z, O, B, C, H, K.

Try to stand in such order to form a word. (Oatmeal)

Scene "Oatmeal"

And I have oatmeal at home!

Just think, I have oatmeal at home too!

How I love oatmeal!

And I love!

She is yellow, so beautiful!

And delicious. Especially with milk!

How delicious is that?

Yes so! And also good, with butter and sugar!

What are you talking about?

How is it - about what? About oatmeal! What are you talking about?

And I'm talking about oatmeal!

What kind of oatmeal are you talking about?

About ordinary. About the one that lived in our garden and sang songs.

Porridge sang songs?

What porridge? Not porridge, but a bird!

Bird oatmeal, or what? I didn’t say anything about that.

Come to me - listen to my porridge!

Let's go! And then to me - to eat my oatmeal!

Teacher: I think you understood the secret of this dialogue? What ambiguous words have we encountered on the pages of the ABC? (Scythe, handle, leg, lock)

Malvina: ABC, the guys have guessed all the riddles. Now it's your turn to guess which fairy tale the children will show you.

The guys show the fairy tale "Turnip"

ABC: Well we liked your performance. But it's time to rush to the other guys who haven't learned to read.

Pinocchio: Wait, ABC! What about the guys? Why won't they have a book to read?

ABC: And this is my surprise. I have brought to you my elder sister - the Book for reading.

Music sounds. A book to read comes out

Reading book: Hello guys. I am a book to read. I hope we'll be friends.

But do not forget the ABC. After all, this is your first book, you learned to read from it.

You memorize these letters.
There are more than three dozen of them.
And for you they are the keys
All good books.
You will read books about animals
Plants and cars.
You will visit the seas
And on gray peaks.
Wonderful lands for you
Will open the way from “A” to “Z”!

Malvina: And today we say goodbye to the ABC, as if it were kind, smart friend that helped us learn a lot.

ABC: Completed ABC.
We know the letters.
Poems and stories
We are free to read.
Taught us good
Russian speech.
And we will be her
To love and cherish!

1. Letters, syllables and riddles
They live in a good ABC.
Step by step
We are led into the kingdom of fairy tales.

2. We now read ourselves,
We know syllables and words.
Say thanks to the ABC -
It's time for us to part!

3. We want to thank you,
We thank you for everything!
We tell you - goodbye!
Hello! - we are talking about the new book.

The ABC leaves

4. How good it is to be able to read!
Don't pester your mom.
Don't shake your grandmother:
“Please read it! Read it! "
No need to beg your sister:
"Well, read another page!"
No need to call, no need to wait
And you can take and read!
And for that I thank
Our first book - ABC!

Children perform the song "ABC!"


We all say today
“Thank you” to the ABC.
From the ABC as a keepsake to you
I will give gifts.

Music sounds. Malvina and Buratino present gifts

Target: B game form to consolidate the studied letters, the knowledge gained, abilities, skills.

Tasks: Review the learned sounds and letters; Promote the disclosure of talents among students; Form students' self-esteem of their achievements. To develop logical thinking, memory, vigilance, interest and positive motivation, how to individual subjects and the learning process as a whole. cultivate respect for each other, interest in books. Foster a desire to learn; awareness of the importance of the process of learning and cognition for self-improvement and development of one's “I”. Create conditions for the formation trusting relationship between parents, teachers and children. respect to books.

With radiant eyes
The silent room is filled
And smiles shine
And the song rushes up.
Today is a holiday at school!
And we are glad to all guests!
It's great that we are all gathered here today!

A small train appears on the screen:

1. This train is moving fast,
From border to border.
Through the steppes to the blue mountains
At the green traffic light.

2. He is in a hurry to school now,
To us for a holiday in the first class.
You can't be late for a holiday -
Everyone knows that.
A first grader train is racing
The speed is picking up.

3. Adds along the way,
Three to four, two to five
A little pencil cases thunders
Slightly moving her lips,
Studying the alphabet.

4. So get on the happy train,
And we will rush from A to Z.
Today there is a holiday in our hall!
"Goodbye, ABC!"

(children enter the class to the music:

1.We have gathered dads and moms,
But not for fun.
We report today
About your successes.

2. We are very happy today
All the guys, dads, moms.
We welcome guests
Dear teachers.

3. All acquaintances, strangers -
Both serious and funny.
First class, first class
I invited you to the holiday.

4. At first we did not know the letters,
Mothers read fairy tales to us.
And now we read it ourselves,
Fairy tales made friends with us.

5. Let the seven-year-olds call us,
Let them not mark us.
We do not keep diaries
We are still students.

6. We love light, clean class,
This time!
Here we read the words
It's two!
Well, thirdly, I'm Katyusha
I'm already writing notes myself.
And granny says:
"My granddaughter is a child prodigy!"

7. For someone who wants to know a lot,
Who wants to read books.
About mountains and valleys
About water depths
About the stars, willows along the river,
You can't do without the ABC!

8. This is my first time with this book.
I came to my first light class.
I fell in love with this book,
I studied all the letters in it,
And how happy I am to say:
"I can read now!"

10 we are in new outfits now
And everyone looks happy
After all, today we are ahead of schedule
Learned the alphabet!

11 wake me up at night
In the very middle
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one hesitation.

12 vowel letters we love
And more and more every day.
We don't just read them -
We sing these letters!

13. April is the month outside the window,
Spring is spinning in the air.
And today we have to
Say goodbye to the ABC!

14.Do not be sad, alphabet,
Better there is no book!
I will give you now
Little brother.

15 everyone finished recently
We study the ABC.
The word "Motherland" and "Mom"
We know how to write.

Leading. Today we are starting the Farewell to the Alphabet holiday. And what is the alphabet for each of us? She becomes a faithful friend, helper, teacher. In this first book, we learned about all the letters in our alphabet. And the teacher, parents and even grandmothers helped you with this.

Leading. It's no secret that sometimes, and always, grandmothers help them do their homework.

It is also no secret that grandmothers love their grandchildren so much that they are ready to sit down at the desk with them. And we know these grandmothers well. Here they are.

Two grandmothers appear on the stage.

Scene by E. Smolin "Grandmothers and Grandchildren"

First grandmother. Hello my dear. Let's go for a walk in the park.

Second grandmother. What are you, I haven't done my homework yet.

First grandmother. Which lessons?

Second grandmother. It is now fashionable to do homework for grandchildren. I just want to try, although this is probably not pedagogical.

First grandmother. Why isn't it pedagogical? Yes, I have been doing my homework for my grandchildren all my life. If anything - ask me, I have a lot of experience.

Second grandmother. Well, if it’s not difficult, check how I learned the poem: “There is a green oak near the seashore; golden chain on that oak ... "

First grandmother. So good.

Second grandmother. "... By day and by night the dog is a scientist ..."

First grandmother. What kind of dog?

Second grandmother. Well, I don't know what breed he has, maybe a Doberman Pinscher?

First grandmother. Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood?

Second grandmother. Ah, I got it, I got it! Well, then I’ll start first: “There is a green oak near the sea; a golden chain on that oak: both day and night, the scientist cat ... with a string bag goes to the grocery store. "

First grandmother. What string bag? Which grocery store? Study the poem again.

Second grandmother. Oh, I still have so many lessons! One grandson is in the sixth grade and the other is in the first. His teacher asked to bring the cash register to the school.

First grandmother. What cashier? From the store, or what? Don't involve me in this business!

Second grandmother. Well, what does the store have to do with it? The cash register is the alphabet. Okay, I'll do it myself, and you help me solve the problem.

First grandmother. So ... (takes the textbook, reads it.) "There are two pipes connected to the bathroom ..." Remember, in order to solve the problem, you need to have a good idea of ​​what it says. "There are two pipes connected to the bathroom" - did you imagine?

Second grandmother. Yes, yes, I did.
First grandmother. "... Through one pipe, water is poured in, through the other pouring out." Introduced?
Second grandmother. Introduced! (running away) Introduced-ah-ah!

Leading comes out.

Leading. I don’t know if my grandmother’s grandson learned the letters, but our first graders memorized all the letters and want to thank their first book and say goodbye to it, but do not forget it, because these letters will be useful to us always and everywhere. They are necessary, strong.

And here's how it all began:

1st student.
I entered in the fall
To school, first grade.
I am considered a schoolboy
From the first.

2nd student.
Our games have changed
First class became serious -
X and igrek, x and igrek
In our head now.

3rd student.
I really like to study,
I'm not afraid to answer.
I can handle the task
Because I'm not lazy.

Presenter: and now for you the song "Hello, first class!"

Everyone is singing the song "Hello, first class".
Along the paths, along the roads,
For the first time, on an autumn day
Straight to school doorstep
We are going with bouquets.


Teach us to learn.
Teach us to learn.
In cities and in distant villages,
For the first time, to meet us,
A funny call ran
Along the school floors.

Hello hello first class!
Teach us to learn.
Teach us to learn.
We will sit down at our desks boldly
And let's open the ABC books.
Write on the blackboard with chalk
The letters are their first.

Chorus the same

Everything. We are happy, we are happy

We are not tired at all.
How many new things have we learned!
How to sit down, how to get up
How not to chat with a neighbor
How to say hello, say goodbye,
How to handle a pencil case.
How to keep your hands at ease -
There is no more difficult science for us!

Music sounds, Peppy appears and brings out the ABC.

Peppy: hello guys! I'm the coolest and happy girl in the world, and my name is Peppy, long stocking... Today is your holiday of the ABCs, which you have read from cover to cover. I congratulate you on this occasion. Let's remember again what you read about in this book?

Everyone sits on chairs and prepared to listen, suddenly some people run in and take away the ABC.

Peppy: oh, oh, oh! Who is this! Where is the ABC? There’s a note, what’s written here? (On the slide:
We stole the ABC from you
Her name was taken apart
How do you collect all the letters,
You will quickly find the ABC.
Here is a map for you to know
Where do you look for the letters.

Well guys!
How many letters are there in the title "ABC"?
There are five letters,
We all know them and we hope for them.
It is necessary to collect all the letters.
Then we'll find out where we should look for the book.
We must visit all evil spirits
And to defeat her in a fair fight.
What is the first letter on the map?
The letter a.

Peppy: Well guys, let's go quickly,
We need to return the letters.

1 stop: music sounds "They say we are byaki, beeches" The Atamansha and the robbers come out.

Chieftain: I am Chieftain

Robbers: And we are robbers.

All together: and you are already dead, if you do not give us the correct answer, then we give advice to all of you: run! If you guess our riddles, we will give you your letters!

(children read riddles)

1 The white stone has melted,
I left traces on the board. (Chalk)

2. How boring, brothers,
Ride on someone else's back.
Who would give me a pair of legs,
So that I myself can run. (Satchel)

3. My portfolio is neither large nor small,
There is a problem book in it,
Primer and ... (Pencil case)

4. Black Ivashka, wooden shirt,
Wherever he leads with his nose, he puts a note there. (Pencil)

5. Guess what kind of thing -
Sharp beak, not a bird.
With this beak she
sows, sows seeds,
Not in the field, not in the garden -
On the sheets of your notebook. (A pen)

6. Even though I am not a laundress, friends,
I erase diligently. (Elastic)

Atamansha: Well done! Okay, here are your letters, and we'll go on to robbery!

Come on guys, get up quickly,
help the train to rush faster!
Next station:
a boast hare lives here,
the guys are waiting for us
he bit these letters
and left us in the package.
Help quickly children,
you will restore the letters. (add letters and make a word out of them)


Well done! Got another letter! Let's go further!

Baba Yaga. Fu-fu! It smells of the Russian spirit. I used to chase after him, but now he gets into his nose.

Leading. Hello, granny is a beauty!

Baba Yaga. Hello, if you're not joking. Why are you meeting? Are you torturing the case, are you getting away from the case?

Leading. We are torturing the case.

Baba Yaga. Well, if it's a matter, okay! I can’t stand idlers and idlers! They are only suitable for food.

Leading. We are not quitters. We read our first book - the alphabet. And today we say goodbye to her and get acquainted with a new book - literary reading.

Baba Yaga: Let's complete my task!
Determine by ear which words are hidden in those that you hear.
barn machine
pole duck
scythe darkness
regiment slot
fishing rod prick
Okay! Well done! Drive on

Next stop: music plays, Horror runs in:
I'm Horror! I'm terrible!
And I am very, very scary!
At night I come, I scare everyone, I wake everyone up!
Solve my assignment
And then I'll come to you at night on a date!

Peppy: oh, how scary! What a task you have!

Horror: Make sentences from these words:
Wow, we did it. Take your letter U

Peppy: Well guys, on the road again!
We need to deal with Koschey somehow!

I am the Immortal Koschey!
I do not like children.
So look, don't make me angry!
Answer quickly and get the letter.
I love fairy tales very much, but in all my immortal life I began to forget them.
I remember half, half not. Guess what fairy tales I know:
Yellow cap.
Ilya is a prince and a gray boar.
The ugly chicken.
The Tale of the Fisherman and the Shark.
Onion girl Chapilina.

Koschey: you guessed it, here's a letter.

Peppy: guys, we all found the letters
And we read the word together. ABC.

Leading. Let's call her guys.

Everything. ABC! ABC! We are waiting for you.

ABC. Hello guys! You recognized me? Yes, of course, Queen ABC!
For those who want to know a lot, who want to read books:
About mountains and valleys, about water depths,
About rivers, stars and seas ... they can't do without me!

- All the letters that you met in the lessons are my subjects. We are all inhabitants of a magical country - Prikvariny, which is located on the pages of your ABC. And I came to you today, not by chance. Today you are going on a long journey - to the world of books, to the country of Literaturia. My royal retinue also came with me - all 33 of my heroes, whom I entrust to accompany you on your journey. They will never leave you and will help you in difficult moment... But on one condition: you must know all of them by name! And I prepared a task for you guys.

Leading. Who else is knocking on us?

Reading. Hello guys! I'm tired of waiting for you! And I'm not alone. Our mail has accumulated a lot of telegrams from literary heroes... Only they are not all signed. Please help me figure out from the heroes what fairy tales telegrams came for your holiday and who is the author of these fairy tales. Will you help me?

Leading. What are we talking about! The guys are reliable, they can guess what you want!

Reading reads telegrams (on slides)

1. Greetings from the Ogre's castle. If I defeat him, we will arrive with the Marquis Karabas for your holiday. ("Puss in Boots" by Ch. Perrault.)

2. Congratulations on the holiday. I can't come, because on the way, I lost my shoe. ("Cinderella" by S. Perrault.)

3. There is no way to come to you, I again remained at a broken trough. (The old woman "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" A. Pushkin.)

4. Congratulations on the holiday. I am a little late. I have a wedding. The victorious mosquito proposed to me. ("Fly-tsokotukha", K. Chukovsky.)

5. I am round and ruddy, I am dexterous and stubborn, I stayed in the forest, dealt with the fox. ("Kolobok" is a Russian folk tale)

ABC. Well done boys!

Reading. Yes, you guys are good! These will read me quickly.

ABC. For this I vouch!

Leading. Dear ABC and Reading! Our guys have prepared a surprise for you - a song about ABC.

ABC. Dear Guys, thank you very much to you for the holiday. I am happy to hand you over to reading. I wish you an interesting and informative journey through the country of Literature.

Reading. And I gladly accept the baton from the alphabet and hand over the floor to the librarian of our school.

Librarian. Guys! I watched you with interest at this holiday and saw how you matured and wiser. Looking at you, I realized that you love to read books because you answered difficult literary questions. The main thing is that you became friends, and friendship and knowledge of books helped you in this. It is with great pleasure that I invite you to enroll in the library to continue your journey through the Land of Literature. And to make the trip interesting, I present you with certificates.

Alphabet, reading, librarian give books to children.

Reading. Our holiday has come to an end, but I guys are not saying goodbye to you. Good luck!

Teacher. Dear Guys! In September, we began our journey across the Land of Knowledge. And for a whole year we were surrounded by the care and attention of your mothers, fathers, grandparents. Let's say "Thank you" to all in chorus.

Thank you mommy, you
For all the worries about me.
For the fact that I go to school,
For the book that I hold in my hands.
I fell in love with this book,
I studied all the letters in it.
And how happy I am to say:
I can read now! (in chorus)

- We give the floor to the parents.

The moment of goodbye has come
The ABC holiday is over.
We say: "Goodbye!"
And see you soon, friends