How to know that a person is your soul mate. Soulmate - Dream or Reality. Your soulmate feels you intuitively

Have you ever had the feeling that you have known a person for a thousand years, when in fact you are seeing him for the first time in your life? This phenomenon is quite common today. The feeling in which it becomes comfortable and calm with a person, as if he is you, only in a different person, means that two kindred souls have met. However, skeptics do not believe in their existence. Our main task is to prove them otherwise.

The soul mate theory

What does the concept of "soul mates" itself mean? There is such an assumption that in this life each of us is looking for those with whom we have already met in another world. Our previous incarnations find each other, because they could have some unfinished joint business or they were one family. However, not all scientists and experts admit that soulmates exist. The most common statement says that attractiveness, a sudden outburst of a feeling of love and comfort next to a person is nothing more than an analogy made by the memory of those who have already met in life. The brain triggers the function of memory and pictures, once laid down in the past. That is why a completely stranger seems to be an old acquaintance, and we understand that we have a soul mate in front of us.

On the other hand, no one can explain how the meeting of two close-minded people takes place. Some people meet them by chance, as if fate itself confronts them, while others still fail to meet a loved one until the end of their lives. How do you meet your soul mate after all? And is it really possible to do this in principle?

Scientists argue that attempts to find a like-minded person often end in failure. And this is mainly due to some common misconceptions:

Let's summarize how to recognize your soul mate among the crowd of old and new acquaintances. It should be remembered that we are all originally brothers and sisters to each other. We are all one before God. Even if our openness is not always useful, and many of those around us can inflict mental trauma on us. But on the other hand, it allows you to learn about those around us much more than it seems from the outside. Don't shut out people, be sincere with those around you, and then you will find that soul mates are all around you.

As soon as I saw him, I realized that I had been looking for him all my life. "

“We felt it immediately. None of us has yet had time to say a word. "

This is how people usually describe an encounter with a soul mate. It is believed that during our life we ​​meet several kindred souls, but not all of them will be our beloved. Some will become friends, colleagues, relatives, even enemies. Sometimes we recognize our soul mate the moment we first meet. However, many dream of only one thing - to meet their romantic soul mate, a person with whom it is possible complete happiness... What if you can't find it?

If you are unsuccessfully looking for your soul mate, be sure to ask yourself why you are so eager to find it.

Many people say that without a soul mate they feel inferior. This is an understandable motive, but it raises questions about your self-worth, personal integrity, and your relationship with yourself.

It is useless to hope that someone else will solve all your problems and help you feel your wholeness. It doesn't work that way. You yourself must feel whole, and therefore happy, before you can make someone else happy. Otherwise, it will turn out that you are just looking for a plaster to seal the gaping wound in your soul.

Maybe you had a line complicated relationship, in which you have always repeated the same model of behavior, without realizing that you are partly responsible for the fact that your relationship does not develop the way you would like.

Of course, we all dream of finding that person ... the only one with whom we want to live until the end of our days. Dreaming is not harmful, it is more difficult to really start looking and finding. Do you rely solely on fate? Of course, you can believe in fate, but without your participation, something good is unlikely to happen to you. Destiny needs you to push it in the right direction in order to find that one person who is so lacking for happiness.

To begin with, in order to find your soul mate, you need to find yourself. What qualities are most important to you? What are yours life values and aspirations? How do you express your love, and what do you expect in return? You need to answer these questions for yourself in order not to make a mistake in your choice.

Nowadays, it is customary to simply meet with people, not really thinking about your choice and the seriousness of the relationship. Dating is fun, but you shouldn't date just anyone because you're afraid to be alone. Look closely to your partner, perhaps she / she contains the qualities that you have been looking for for so long. Make no mistake about letting the relationship get too far.

If you find that the relationship is not going to lead to anything good, it is best to end it immediately. The desire to continue a comfortable relationship or date out of pity only complicates your true goal of finding your soul mate.

Finding your soul mate will take a long time, be patient and don't stop searching if you fail.

It is necessary to highlight the main signs by which you can determine that you have found your soul mate:

1. Strong physical attraction to each other.
2. Great interest in the inner world each other.
3. Common interests.
4. The presence of common values.
5. Respect for each other.
6. He / she will make you feel truly special ...
7. Someone who really ignites a flame of passion in you, will help you to open up, become better.
8. Sharing common emotions.

This is the most important signs that you have found a soul mate. In fact, when this happens, you yourself will understand. And if you meet such a person, be careful. The main thing is not to rush, try to get to know each other better, take a closer look at each other, build the foundation of your relationship thoroughly, do not succumb to impulses of passion. When you both feel that you have found your dreams in each other, then you can move on to new level relationships. The thing that will move towards your general happiness is the most exact sign that you have found the right person ...

There are several ways to know your soul mate in your life. The first (and most obvious if you think about it) is ask. If you are working with your Guardian Angel, talk to him about your desire to find a soul mate. Listen carefully to what he has to say to you. Or, if you communicate differently, pay attention to the signals, events and dreams that come to you after the conversation. Guardian angels can communicate with each other if asked by people, so ask your Guardian Angel to find your soul mate's Guardian Angel and join forces to arrange your meeting.

Another possibility is seek help from an archangel or an enlightened master. You can either ask to be answered by suitable spirit, or turn to the archangel Hamail, the angel of romantic relationships. Many angels work with him, and they will help you find your soul mate. Hamail helps to search for the lost, be it a physical object, close person or relationship. When you ask him for help, believe that he is with you and will answer your call. Snore patience and know that your soul mate will come into your life at the right moment for both of you.

Write about your desires. Most of us think about what they would like to find in their lives, but rarely write down these requests. But the very process of putting our needs on paper enhances their ability to attract what we want. So it makes sense write down the characteristics of the soul mate you would like to meet. Ideally, you shouldn't go into too much physical detail, because you can get so carried away looking for someone who resembles this description that you will not notice a soul mate, which may look completely different. Instead, focus on the character and personality, as well as the relationships that you would like to create. And always ask that your relationship is for the benefit of everyone involved.

List your preferred soulmate traits to help them come into your life.

Once you've finished listing your soulmate qualities, put the list in a safe place and trust that right time this request will be honored. You can re-read it periodically, but do not dwell on it so much that you forget about the rest of your life. You don't know in advance when and where you will meet your coveted soul mate. This can happen at a party you don't want to go to, in a supermarket where you’re in a terrible rush, or even at a bus stop.

Dream. Your teachers may not approve of your daydreaming at school, but this is a very effective way to attract what you want into your life. Why not dream about meeting your soul mate? Listen to your intuition. When you meet your soul mate in a dream, let your whole body be filled with love and delight. This will help you draw her into your life. Your unconscious mind does not see the difference between dream and reality, so, for example, your heart starts to beat faster when someone is in danger in a movie. You can use this by telling the unconscious that what you want has already happened. In response, it will attract this event so that it actually happens.

If you still haven't found your soul mate, then you haven't solved some of the problems that divide you.

According to reincarnation, a group of souls unites by kinship even before it incarnates on Earth. And in this unity we can meet friends, parents, and lovers - all those close to us and those who walk with us hand in hand and help us build our earthly lives. When we first meet with our kindred spirits, we "recognize" each other, and between us suddenly there is a feeling of mutual sympathy, ease and such understanding in communication, which does not require going into additional exhausting explanations. Similar thoughts and feelings, the same tastes, outlook on life, a sense of humor and even gestures, facial expressions and gait, understanding at a glance or just one glance - this kind of kinship of souls develops over more than one life. Their energies vibrate at the same frequencies. It is with such people that the most fruitful interaction is obtained: with them you do not have to waste any nerves or extra energy to explain your mood and convey the necessary thought.

There are two ways people think about soul mates. Some believe that there is only one and only truly kindred soul in the world. Their union is the union of the two halves into one whole or the oversoul, divided into two bodies. When a person meets her, he realizes that he has finally found what he has been looking for all his life.

Others say that a person has many kindred souls. These are the souls that help a person go through all of it. life lessons and they themselves go through them with him - and so karma is accomplished. Some of them follow with a person the entire path of his life, while others leave as soon as they complete their task.

In one thing, you can be absolutely sure: your souls have been familiar for a long time, since you have been together for more than one life. You've had so much serious relationship and strong feelings that you are now connected for centuries strong ties, for which you will definitely find each other.

Perhaps this person was your spouse or friend in a very bright past life, full of events and action. Even if it was many incarnations ago, a vivid karmic imprint of these events remains at the cellular level. Moreover, your Higher Self knows everything. Someone suddenly enters your life and overwhelms by their very presence. He may not even have said a word, and is generally not very sociable - but you can feel how every cell of his body screams: "I know you!" This is most likely your soul mate. The attraction to this person turns out to be a surprisingly strong manifestation of the energy of the past. Spark is the word that most accurately describes what can happen between you. If you find such love, cherish it and do not let it fade away, for it is sacred and carries the seeds of the Spirit itself.

Richard Bach "Bridge over Eternity":

A soul mate is the one who has the keys to our locks, and whose locks our keys fit. When we feel so secure that we can open our locks, then our most authentic selves come out to meet each other, and we can be fully and truly who we are. Then we are loved as we are, and not as we are trying to be. Everyone opens the best sides another. And in spite of everything that makes us suffer, with this person we feel well-being as in paradise.

A soul mate is one who shares our deepest aspirations, our chosen direction of movement. If the two of us are alike balloons moving up, it is very likely that we have found the right person in each other.

A soulmate is the one thanks to whom you begin to live a real life ...

I want to cry - cry, I want to scream - scream, I want to laugh - laugh. Only love - and first of all love the soul in yourself. Then she will definitely attract her kindred ... Elchin Safarli. Love from the bottom of the Bosphorus.

The meaning of the phrase soul mate is often underestimated. It literally means a fellow in your soul group who is your mentor on earth, even if in fact you are actually his or her mentor.

You must not forget that your origin does not originate on earth, but somewhere in “Heaven”, where souls are. Some of them develop strong bonds, forming a kind of company or group. They are different in number of members and in composition and are in different dimensions depending on what ties them together.

These entities have become a "couple", companions or partners. They rely on each other when they need advice or guidance. When one of the couple separates to return to life on the planet, quite often someone from his own team takes on the role of a volunteer escort. Meeting a soul mate on earth is a very exciting moment. With such a person, an amazing closeness arises, completely unusual for ordinary earthly contacts. At the same time, there is no need to confuse the desire for a romantic love affair with the closeness of a kindred spirit. The fact that there is a connection between you cannot be denied. But your soulmate doesn't have to stay with you for life. This person comes to help you, to calm you down, to bring comfort from home. He or she comes to be there, to remind you of earthly lessons, and to bring earthly gifts. But it would be a misconception to believe that this particular person is the “only” person you are looking for in your romantic fantasies.

"The only", if we speak in the generally accepted sense throughout the world, has a rather abstract meaning. This is the romantic definition of what many are looking for and trying to find in life. But the concept of "one" is not always equated with a soul mate. In the second case, it would be more appropriate to talk about a "helper soul", that is, about someone who is ready to support you on the way to fulfill the mission with which you came to earth. Your soulmate is literally a friend from home sent to make you realize who your Creator is, Who is the Source of everything. Your soul mate helps you remember His light and endless love... When you feel connected to a soul mate, you are drawn to its divine qualities. Love for a soul mate is love for God.

Any partnership arises for a reason and for a purpose, and you will feel a special attraction of your heart to the one you love. This attraction is the basis of relationships. The task for which they were created can be completed in a matter of minutes or whole decades. But one thing is certain: when the goal for which the partnership was born is achieved, the attraction weakens. Partners may say that they “began to look in different sides". In fact, now they have new tasks and, most likely, they need to unite with other people. Their love will never disappear, there will be a feeling of gratitude to each other, which is an important component of the task for which they were together. But the time comes when you need to stop looking back and devote yourself to a new, more important goal at the moment.

It is possible that you will meet on your life path there are many kindred souls and you will love them, no matter how big your group was and what dimension it was in, some kindred souls are still on the spiritual plane and are waiting for their moment, ready to be born on Earth. You will teach many of them, and learn from someone. And ultimately you will happily return to your group. So why not enjoy happiness right now when you meet these wonderful creatures sent to you from Home?

When you find a soul mate, do not try to keep it close to you, just rejoice in the heavenly gifts that it will bring with it. Absorb them, it will give you additional energy to complete your earthly mission. It doesn't matter if this relationship reaches the culmination of unity. The main thing is the opportunity to see Heaven in clean eyes a person who is your soul mate and a reflection of your own Sacred being. Soul mates you are blessed. We angels kiss you with gratitude, because you illuminate each other with His highest mercy and love.

(From the book "Messages from the Angels" by Doreen Werche)

Kindred spirit

It is ideal for a woman to follow the Spirit of a man (it is his inner Strength, not for his well-being, body, mind, intellect, humor, and so on). If a woman feels the Spirit of her Man and follows it, she found in him a source of constant Strength (and constant Happiness), she lives for this Strong Man, then she receives from the Man and from her relationship with him those feelings that intensify her.Moreover, when a woman follows the Spirit of a man, she becomes as strong as possible in her feminine qualities(beautiful, healthy physically and spiritually, devoted, a real woman); and both of them will be happy in this relationship. Even after the physical death of a man, with such a relationship, the woman continues to feel his Spirit, receive Strength from him and internal source existence.

Ideally for a woman is to find, to see the power of the Spirit in her man (to find a man whose Spirit she feels). By nature, a woman is created for this, she is soft, receptive, absorbent. A woman can feel in her man something that even he does not feel in himself.
Wise woman he will tell his man: “You have a strong Spirit inside, you may not always feel it, because it is mainly directed outside, but I feel it well”. When she says this to a man, she thus strengthens him, he really becomes stronger, and he himself already begins to feel his Spirit.

For a harmonious Relationship between a man and a woman, their spiritual kinship (closeness in Spirit) is extremely important. If a man and a woman are spiritually related (have close Clans) or at least kindred spirits, then their relationship goes to a completely different level, they no longer depend much on external, material factors of life.
In such a pair, people understand each other much better, a woman feels the Spirit of her man, knows that He is in him, his Spirit is dear and dear to her.

Therefore, another key for evolutionary Relationships is the need to find “kindred souls” for the relationship, or better a kindred Spirit (Gender of a man and Gender of a woman should be close), this will already be very close to their harmony.

Here you need to rely not on "worldly", stereotypical factors (status, wealth, etc.) - you need to learn to distinguish between very deep inner sensations from this person.
When a woman from this man has close and dear feelings very deep inside (in the Spirit / soul), then his Kin is close to her. And not just close, but somewhere in the mists of time - his Kin is related to her Kin!

Soul mate: how to recognize and not lose

One day, when you go through many personal failures and, finally, piece by piece collect your broken heart, when you realize that no one is to blame for your troubles, except yourself, when you realize that everything in this world is done only for so that you love yourself and be happy, this day will come - the most important in your life.

It will come exactly when you stop waiting for it, when you learn to enjoy loneliness - communication with with my own soul when you accept yourself and start smiling with pleasure at your reflection in the mirror in the morning. Then he is yours native person, your soul mate will definitely feel your message, this signal that you are ready for happiness. Dizzying, all-encompassing, filling all of you and your whole world.

What is your soul mate like?

After all, he is the same as you. He feels you at a distance, even if he lives on the other side of the world, even if he has never seen you yet. He also experienced and experienced a lot, he lost himself and returned to his I. Perhaps he even tried to love others, unconsciously looking for you in them, desperately trying to create a family and live like everyone else, pretending to be happy.

Do you know this? Remember, you also lived like this before him ...

Yes, you both have gone roughly the same path, made similar mistakes, learned similar lessons. Only then did you not yet know that it was a long and difficult road to each other. Each event only brought you closer, shortened the time until that very day - the day of your meeting. This is how your resemblance to each other was formed and honed.

All this was not done by chance. You grew up in different places, but thought about the same from childhood. You had similar hobbies and general view for life - as if one for two.

You accumulated all this experience so that later, when you finally met, you - word by word - discovered this frightening, sometimes shocking similarity and were convinced: yes, this is it! yes, it's her!

How to recognize your soul mate?

You won't even be aware of it at first. Information will be read by the subconscious and accumulated in it. But you never know people in the world who are fascinated by the same thing ?! Well, yes, it is interesting to discuss, easy to communicate, fun to laugh.

But day after day, you yourself will be surprised to discover:

    Do you trust this unfamiliar person more than her close friends and even herself

    You naturally manifest your most best qualities in communication with him

    And at the same time, you do not need to pretend to be who you are not - to put on masks in order to seem better

    From conversations with him, the heart is calm - gradually it ceases to be afraid that it will be broken again, it begins to joyfully beat from his calls, messages and looks

    From communicating with him, the soul wants to sing, dance, draw, collect candy wrappers and burn wooden boards - anything, just to create and create

    Together with him, you are not afraid to discover new things for yourself and expand your own horizons. And now you already feel that you are ready to jump with a parachute, learn to roller skate, sign up for salsa lessons, move north or south - it doesn't matter if only together

    You notice that he treats you even better than you yourself - praises your talents, praises you for small victories, admires major achievements

    And even if you are more successful than him in something, he is not offended. On the contrary, he is proud to meet such amazing person, How do you

A soul mate comes to each of us ...

Probably, now you are reading these lines and think that the author is offering you another fairy tale, in which there is not a word of truth, but only her violent fantasy?

Well, no, you can't imagine that! And each of us girls, from childhood, dreamed of just such a life partner. Only we mistakenly called him a prince, not knowing that everything is much simpler, that he is just your loved one, your soul mate, with whom you have already made many dizzying journeys before. All this has already happened, but before the current incarnation. You just forgot, and he forgot ...

Gradually, while going through life lessons in parallel, you cleared your mind of everything unnecessary, paid off old debts to other souls, received new qualities, recreated your true self.

And then you met and began, ahead of each other, to remember, to recall those distant impressions of your common flights, walks, mysteries, revelations, touches ...

I am sure that each of us at least once in our life gets a chance to meet our soul mate. The only trouble is that most have gone far from own desires and needs, mired in stereotypes imposed by society.

They are trying to convince us that we just need a handsome, pumped up, successful, rich, brutal ... There is nothing wrong with such people. And perhaps your soulmate is just that, if all of the above fits into the list of your true needs.

Have you ever thought that your loved one might be a simple guy who has not yet achieved special career heights, not brilliant in appearance, but quite pleasant? And also sensitive, able to understand and appreciate you for who you are. It's just that he is waiting for a meeting with you in order to fall in love, get unprecedented inspiration and conquer all the peaks of the World in one fell swoop.

Such people often become our friends and even vests. And we, knowing that they understand us, are ready to share with them our love failures, grievances against those very brutal and successful ones who do not feel us so well.

Look around - perhaps he has been with you for a long time. In his presence, you breathe easily, he will always listen, support and protect you, and he agrees to you like this - imperfect, imperfect, but dear and understandable.

Magic rituals to attract a loved one to life

If a soul mate has not yet appeared in your life, I will try to help you attract her. Just promise that you yourself will try to do everything for this.

Begin with yourself. Analyze all your old relationship and realize where you made mistakes. Write in your notebook everything that you will never allow in your relationship again. It is very important. The specified list will become your filter through which you will pass all stereotypes imposed by society. This will be a kind of test for men. The reality is that many girls are ready to endure grievances for the sake of the opportunity to live in material comfort. You are unlikely to be like that. Surely you are looking for spiritual comfort ... And you will find it!

You also need to let go of all past relationships and cleanse yourself of grievances. On this site you will surely find many recommendations on this topic. If the frustration is too deep, I advise you to work with a good psychologist tete-a-tete. There is nothing wrong with that. After all, you do not treat your teeth on your own, but you go to the dentist. We often choose the wrong people because we are driven by distant childhood traumas. And a specialist will help to recognize them, to let go.

It is very important to accept and love yourself. And these are not empty words. Until you value and respect yourself, the World will slip you tyrants and tyrants. By themselves, these people are not bad, they just teach you to love yourself from the opposite. Why do you need it? We want a relationship with a kindred spirit. On self-love, I will definitely publish a long and detailed article based on personal experience.

When you accept yourself with all your imperfections, it will be easier for you to realize your desires. I strongly advise you to either make a wish card or get a secret daddy on your computer - put all your dreams, real and not so, materialized in bright pictures... Then you will share them with your loved one and be amazed that he likes all your ideas and ideas.

And be sure, better on the new moon, make a list of the qualities that you want to see in your life partner. Here you will have to try very hard and write your true needs. Don't be shy, remember your naive childhood dreams of handsome prince, write in more detail, indicate the desired age, eye color, height. The more accurately you describe your soul mate, the more chances you have of meeting just such a person. You know that the Universe responds to all our requests.

Do not think that everything will be strictly according to the list - there are no ideal people. However, there are many coincidences, believe me.

When you have done all this, I ask you to let go of the dream and do not wait for it. Live your life - rich, interesting, whole. Get high from communicating with girlfriends and friends, develop, enjoy loneliness, do yourself little and big pleasures every day. And know - a soul mate will certainly be in your life. Now you know exactly how not to miss her.

Anna Feechko

Everything in the world is made of energy. People communicate with each other at different frequencies throughout the day and throughout their lives. Thanks to this, we gain a certain experience, which also exists on energy level... Soulmates are those people who are with us on a common wave or level.

Energetically close objects are those that exist with us in different types relationships. They can be a close friend or confidant, teacher or mentor, family member, partner or lover, geographic location, or pet.

Although they don't necessarily play too much important role in our life (such as a spiritual teacher), but provide great comfort and support.

These people often have traits, values, tastes, outlooks and interests in common with you. These can range from the depth and tension of the relationship, kinship, and family ties. Such people are able to highlight our own talents and potential, to stimulate you to further development.

So how do you know when you've found your soul mate? Your intuition will give you the best clue. This often occurs in the form of an instant realization that you have just contacted someone special, for some unknown reason, but important to you.

There are other ways to find out who you know is your soul mate. Here are 8 signs to help you with this.

You have the same values

You most likely share the same political views, religious beliefs, and ethical behavior as your soul mate. But there is always the possibility of small differences. You shouldn't be looking for an absolute clone, as this is almost impossible. But you can find a person who is most similar to you in his convictions. It is quite pleasant to be in the company of such a person, even if you sometimes argue about topics that are important to both of you.

You respect each other

Even though there will be some differences between you as soulmates, you will always feel respect for him or her. There will always be natural trust and understanding between you. This feeling of mutual support will lead you to amazing harmonious relationships in which you will complement each other.

You are honest with each other

Respect is one thing, honesty is another. Your Soul Mate will always be honest with you, even if it's difficult (maybe even especially when it's difficult).

As with most harmonious relationships, such people are not going to show you only the most positive points... They will tell you the truth, albeit bitter, but capable of changing you for the better. It is always difficult to articulate the truth, and it is even more difficult to accept it. But in truth, a soul mate will support us in this way.

You teach each other

There is no limit to what you can learn from your soul mate. But you also pass on your experience to her. It could be new image thinking, acting or living.

A soul mate gives you a new perspective and greater objectivity.

As complex as the problem is, these people act as a mirror for you. After all, we learn by watching them, and we understand that they do the same.

You are the same energetically

Sometimes it feels like you've known someone all your life, even though you met a few minutes ago. This is the most strong sign soul mate.

When you vibrate at the same frequency as someone else, you will find a lot more in common with that person. You are on the same spiritual level and it affects your daily life.

As you help each other to raise their spiritual frequencies, a deeper understanding develops that allows for greater respect, honesty, and the ability to learn from each other.

You help each other move forward.

At some point, you will notice that you have similar life problems. This is exactly part of what we call "being on the same frequency". We attract people into our lives who are doing what you need help with. It so happens that such a person will be an expert in this matter.

The opposite situation is also found everywhere. You often help people who walk the same path in life with you.

You make each other's life better

A soul mate is someone who doesn't need to wear a mask in front of you. You don't want to pretend to be someone else in front of such a person. And in this way you will complement each other's real ones. And while remaining in their true guise, such people can see both the real problems and the experiences of their partner. This will help them to more accurately help with solving complex problems.

Soul mates are often great business partners... After all, there is trust between them, and common interests with aspirations, and a desire to help each other.

You know what the other needs

A soul mate is a person who, in the most unexpected, but such important point comes to the rescue. He intuitively senses when you are in trouble. And even if you say that everything is fine with you, this person will know that it is not true. He will try to support you and find out all the circumstances to help.

A soul mate has the ability to always ask the right questions v the right time... They are always next to a bucket of ice cream and cookies or a kick in the ass, depending on what you need at the moment.

Can you find a kindred spirit in an animal?

Life is complex and ambiguous. Therefore, there is nothing strange that you can find a kindred spirit in an animal.

Although you different types, there is an undeniable bond between you that cannot be broken. If you look at ancient cultures, you will find many examples of animal worship.

We have known for a long time about the special bond between us and our pets. This is expressed in our folklore, worship and tradition. The connection between animals, for obvious reasons, cannot be expressed in words. It manifests itself exclusively on a spiritual level.

Be open to people and the universe

Having studied the materials of the article, you can now definitely decide on who can actually be considered your soul mate. It will also be easier for you to find new friends in spirit on your life path.

Remember that destiny sends those you need when you need them most. Set yourself up to be as open as possible to new people, to communicate with people from different walks of life. You will be surprised how many kindred souls there are in the universe.

As you become more open and understanding, more spirit friends will appear around you. By the way, it will also allow you to better understand your connection with others, hence act like a soul mate to others.

You will begin to understand both the similarities and the differences between yourself and those real friends who come into your life, be it an acquaintance or a relative.