Dhow environmental games preparatory group. Card file of didactic games for the preparatory group. Topic: "Guess what's in the bag?"

Tambov Region Kirsanovsky District

MBOU "Uvarovshchinskaya sosh"

Card file didactic games

for development environmental views

children preschool age

(preparatory group)

Compiled by: Rostova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Educator preschool group"Umka"

2017 year

1. Natural pharmacy.

Purpose of the game: reinforce the ability to distinguish and name medicinal plants, find the desired plant by description, among others. Teach children to group medicinal plants according to their use in everyday life.

Equipment : cards with medicinal plants ( back side cards are painted in a single color).

Game progress: Option 1. Children play the roles of pharmacists and buyers. To make a purchase, you need to describe the plant you have chosen, but not name it, but only say its application. The pharmacist has to guess what the plant is, name it, then issue the purchase.

Option 2. On the table is a tray with cards of medicinal plants. Children choose the color of the card they like, name the medicinal plant depicted on the card, and another child must name the use of the plant in everyday life.

2.Young ecologists

Purpose of the game: to consolidate children's knowledge about nature, the need to conserve natural resources, to develop cognitive interest.

Equipment: icons of the young ecologist.

Game progress: The teacher clarifies with the children that people who study nature and issues of its protection are called ecologists, and invites them to be in the role of ecologists. Children, using a counting rhyme, choose young ecologists, and the rest of the children ask them questions. Questions are not prepared in advance, you can use approximate ones.

1. If we protect birds in the forest, who will we help?

2.What does nature need predators for?

3.What is the red book and what is it for?

4. Why do people create nature reserves?

5. Tell us how the tree, squirrel, lynx are related?

6. What kind of help do animals and insects provide to plants?

3 confusion

Purpose of the game: to consolidate children's knowledge about the relationship in nature, the conditions necessary for growth and nutrition (animals, birds, plants, insects), their habitats. Bring up respect to nature.

Equipment: object cards with magnets, picture of the forest (Whatman format).

Gameplay: Option 1 The teacher draws the attention of the children to the picture of the forest, and says that confusion has occurred in the forest and now the forest can disappear along with the inhabitants of the forest and plants, let's fix the confusion with you and put things in order. Children carefully examine the picture of the forest and correct mistakes, making explanations of their choice.

Option 2 The teacher in the picture of the forest removes all the birds, and asks the children, what happens if the birds disappear? (plants, animals, insects, trees). Children draw conclusions.

4 useful things

Purpose of the game: to develop in children an interest in environmental protection activities, its conscious implementation. To cultivate a humane attitude towards nature.

Equipment: natural objects of a kindergarten, park.

Game progress: during a walk, the teacher invites children to carefully observe the state of natural objects, pay attention to the state playground... The task of children is to notice the deficiencies in the state of natural objects and tell how they can be eliminated. Encourage children to share how they will do their job. The walk concludes with a summary of useful things.

5. What kind of bird am I?

Purpose of the game: to clarify the knowledge of children about the birds of the Tambov region, to consolidate the knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, develop imitative skills, imagination and cognitive interest.

Equipment: subject cards with birds of the region

Game progress: At the beginning of the game, a presenter is selected, the teacher calls a bird in his ear, the child shows the bird, its features without words, and everyone else must guess the bird, tell about the features of this bird, if the children guessed it, then the presenter shows a picture with the bird. Then the host changes and the game continues.

6 word game

Purpose of the game: develop attention, memory, the ability of children to classify according to characteristics.

Equipment: ball

Gameplay: Option 1 Children stand in a semicircle, the teacher calls one word, for example a tree, and the one to whom he throws the ball must say three words that can be summed up in one word. Game continues.

Option 2 A child with a ball names three words and throws the ball, the one to whom the ball is thrown, names one word, to which class of the object of nature it belongs.

7 young environmentalists

Purpose of the game: to consolidate knowledge about the protection of natural objects, the rules of conduct in environment... Develop cognitive interest and memory.

Equipment: mnemonic tables, cards with environmental rules of conduct, 2 icons of a young ecologist.

Game progress: The teacher divides the children into two subgroups, one subgroup works according to tables, compiling a story about the protection of natural objects, the other with cards choosing only correct rules behavior in the environment. At the end of the game, children choose from their subgroup a young ecologist who will tell the story.

8 big ear

Purpose of the game: teach children to hear the sounds of nature, develop the ability to hear natural phenomena in music. Promote the development of interest in the knowledge of the phenomena of the surrounding world through music.

Equipment: musical center, disc with recordings of sounds of nature.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to lie down on the carpet and close their eyes, listen carefully to the sound recording and name those natural phenomena that they heard. The child who most calls the sounds of nature wins.

9 flower connoisseurs

Purpose of the game: to consolidate knowledge about indoor flowers, their structure, rules of care, what benefits they bring to a person. Broaden the horizons of children. To cultivate love and the ability to admire flowers.

Equipment: multi-colored envelopes with cut cards (indoor flowers).

Game progress: The participant of the game chooses the color of the envelope he likes, on a signal he collects a flower from cut cards, taking into account the structure of the flower, then he says which indoor flower he collected, talks about the rules of caring for him, what benefits he brings to a person. The game continues until the last participant completes the task.

10 the underwater world

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the knowledge of children about fish as living creatures living in water about the need to protect their habitat, consolidate their names, and foster interest in the underwater world.

Equipment: riddles about various fish (at the choice of the educator), mnemonic tables.

Course of the game: Option 1 . The teacher makes a riddle about the fish, the participant of the game who guessed it, with the help of the mnemonic table tells everything about this fish, the game continues until all the riddles are solved.

Option 2 ... The participants in the game, using a mnemonic plaque, tell about the fish, its features, but do not name the name, the rest of the children must guess the fish.

Appendix # 7

Didactic games on ecology (card index)

What we take in the basket.

Didactic task: to reinforce in children the knowledge of what kind of crop is harvested in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest.

To teach to distinguish between fruits by the place of their cultivation.

To form an idea about the role of people in nature conservation.

Materials: Pictures with the image of vegetables, fruits, cereals, melons, mushrooms, berries, as well as baskets.

The course of the game. Some children have pictures depicting different gifts of nature. Others have pictures in the form of baskets.

Children - fruits disperse around the room with cheerful music, with movements and facial expressions they depict a clumsy watermelon, tender strawberries, a mushroom hiding in the grass, etc.

Children - baskets should collect fruits in both hands. Necessary condition: each child should bear fruits that grow in one place (vegetables from the garden, etc.). The one who fulfills this condition wins.

Tops - roots.

Did. task: teach children to make a whole from parts.

Materials: two hoops, pictures of vegetables.

The course of the game. Option 1... Two hoops are taken: red, blue. Lay them so that the hoops intersect. In the red hoop, you need to put vegetables, which have roots for food, and in the hoop of blue color- those that use tops.

The child comes up to the table, chooses a vegetable, shows it to the children and puts it in the right circle, explaining why he put the vegetable here. (in the area of ​​intersection of the hoops there should be vegetables that use both tops and roots: onions, parsley, etc.

Option 2. On the table are tops and roots of plants - vegetables. Children are divided into two groups: tops and roots. Children of the first group take tops, the second - roots. At the signal, everyone runs scatteringly. On the signal "One, two, three - find your pair!"

Ball game "Air, earth, water"

Did. task: to consolidate children's knowledge about objects of nature. Develop auditory attention, thinking, quick wits.

Materials: ball.

Game progress: Option number 1 . The teacher throws the ball to the child and names the object of nature, for example, "magpie". The child must answer "air" and throw the ball back. The child answers the word "dolphin" with "water", the word "wolf" - "earth", etc.

Option number 2. The teacher calls the word "air" the child who caught the ball must name the bird. On the word "earth" - an animal that lives on the earth; to the word "water" - an inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.

Guess what's in the bag?

Did. task: teach children to describe objects perceived by touch and guess them by their characteristic features.

Materials: vegetables and fruits characteristic shape and various densities: onions, beets, tomatoes, plums, apples, pears, etc.

Game progress: you know the game " Wonderful pouch"?, We will play differently today. Whoever I propose to get an object out of the bag will not immediately pull it out, but after feeling it, he will first name its characteristic features.

Nature and man.

Did. task: to consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.

Materials: ball.

Game progress: the teacher conducts a conversation with the children, in the process of which he clarifies their knowledge that the objects around us are either made by the hands of people or exist in nature, and the person uses them; for example, timber, coal, oil, gas exist in nature, and man creates houses and factories.

"What has been done by man"? the teacher asks and throws the ball.

"What was created by nature"? the teacher asks and throws the ball.

Children catch the ball and answer the question. Those who cannot remember skips their turn.

Choose the one you want.

Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about nature. Develop thinking, cognitive activity.

Materials: subject pictures.

Game progress: object pictures are scattered on the table. The teacher names some property or feature, and children should choose as many objects as possible that have this property.

For example: "green" - these can be pictures of a leaf, a cucumber, a grasshopper cabbage. Or: "wet" - water, dew, cloud, fog, frost, etc.

Where are the snowflakes?

Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about the different states of water. Develop memory, cognitive activity.

Materials: cards depicting different conditions of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc.

Game progress:

Option number 1. Children are dancing around the cards laid out in a circle. The cards depict various states of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc.

While moving in a circle, the words are pronounced:

Summer has arrived.

The sun shone brighter.

It became hotter to bake,

Where should we look for a snowflake?

WITH the last word everyone stops. Those in front of whom it is located necessary pictures, must pick them up and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:

Finally winter has come:

Cold, blizzard, cold.

Go out for a walk.

Where should we look for a snowflake?

The desired pictures are selected again and the choice is explained.

Option number 2. There are 4 hoops depicting the four seasons. Children should pass their cards to the hoops, explaining their choice. Some cards may correspond to several seasons.

The conclusion is drawn from the answers to the questions:

At what time of the year can water in nature be in a solid state? (Winter, early spring, late fall).

Which branch are the kids from?

Did. task: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs, to teach how to select them according to belonging to the same plant.

Materials: leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs.

Game progress: Children look at the leaves of trees and shrubs, call them. At the suggestion of the educator: "Children, find your branches" - the children select the appropriate fruit for each leaf.

The birds have arrived.

Did. task: clarify the idea of ​​birds.

Game progress: the teacher names only birds, but if he is suddenly mistaken, then the children should stomp or clap.

For example. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts.

Children stomp -

What's wrong? (flies)

And who are the flies? (insects)

Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta.

Children stomp.

Birds arrived: pigeons, martens ...

Children stomp. Game continues.

Birds arrived:

Tit pigeons,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Lapwings, swifts,

Storks, cuckoos,

Even owls are scops

Swans, starlings.

All of you are great.

Result: the teacher, together with the children, clarifies the migratory and wintering birds.

When does this happen?

Did. task: teach children to distinguish the signs of the seasons. By using poetic word show the beauty of different seasons, the variety of seasonal phenomena and activities of people.

Materials: pictures with landscapes of spring, summer, autumn and winter for each child.

Game progress: the teacher reads the poem, and the children show a picture depicting the season referred to in the poem.


Blades of grass make their way in the clearing near the path.

A stream runs from the hillock, and snow lies under the tree.


And bright and wide

Our quiet river.

Let's run to swim, splash with fish ...


Withers and turns yellow, the grass in the meadows,

Only the winter is turning green in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine,

The wind howls in the field

The rain is drizzling.


Under blue skies

Great carpets

Glittering in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river shines under the ice.

Animals, birds, fish.

Did. task: to consolidate the ability, to classify animals, birds, fish.

Materials: ball.

Game progress: children stand in a circle. One of the players picks up an object and hands it to the neighbor on the right, saying: “Here is a bird. What kind of bird? "

The neighbor accepts the subject and quickly answers (the name of any bird).

Then he gives the thing to another child, with the same question. The subject is passed in a circle until the knowledge of the participants in the game is exhausted.

They play the same way, naming fish, animals. (it is impossible to name the same bird, fish, beast).

Guess what's growing where.

Did. task: to clarify the knowledge of children about the names and places of growth of plants; develop attention, intelligence, memory.

Materials: ball.

Game progress: children sit on high chairs or stand in a circle. The teacher or child throws a ball to one of the children, naming the place where this plant grows: a garden, a vegetable garden, a meadow, a field, a forest.

In the spring, in the summer, in the fall.

Did. task: to clarify the knowledge of children about the flowering time of individual plants (for example, daffodil, tulip - in spring); a golden ball, asters - in the fall, etc.; to teach to classify on this basis, to develop their memory, ingenuity.

Materials: ball.

Game progress: children stand in a circle. The teacher or child throws the ball, while naming the season when the plant grows: spring, summer, autumn. The child names the plant.

Fold the animal.

Did. task: consolidate children's knowledge of pets. Learn to describe according to the most typical signs.

Materials: pictures depicting different animals. (each in duplicate).

Game progress: one copy of the pictures is whole, and the second is cut into four parts. Children look at whole pictures, then they must put together an image of an animal from cut parts, but without a sample.

What is made of what?

Did. task: teach children to identify the material from which the object is made.

Materials: wooden cube, aluminum bowl, glass jar, metal bell, key, etc.

Game progress: children take out of the bag different subjects and named, indicating what each item is made of.

Guess - ka.

Did. task: develop the ability of children to guess riddles, to correlate the verbal image with the image in the picture; to clarify the knowledge of children about berries.

Materials: pictures for each child with a picture of berries. Book of riddles.

Game progress: on the table in front of each child there are pictures of the answer. The teacher makes a riddle, the children look for and pick up a picture-answer.

Edible - inedible.

Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.

Materials: basket, object pictures with the image of edible and inedible mushrooms.

Game progress: on the table in front of each child there are pictures of the answer. The teacher makes a riddle about mushrooms, the children look for and put the picture-answer to the edible mushroom in the basket

Name three subjects.

Did. task: train children in classifying objects.

Materials: ball.

Game progress: the teacher calls one word, for example, flowers, and the one to whom the teacher throws the ball must name three words that can be summed up in one word. For example: flowers

Chamomile, rose, cornflower.

Flower shop.

Did. task: to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors, to name them quickly, to find the desired flower among others. Teach children to group plants by color, make beautiful bouquets.

Materials: petals, color pictures.

Walk games: Option 1. On the table is a tray with colorful petals different shapes... Children choose the petals they like, name their color and find a flower that matches the selected petals both in color and shape.

Option 2. Children are divided into sellers and buyers. The buyer should describe the flower he has chosen in such a way that the seller would immediately guess which flower he is talking about.

Option 3. Children independently make three bouquets of flowers: spring, summer, autumn. You can use poems about flowers.

The fourth is superfluous.

Did. task: reinforce children's knowledge of insects.

Game progress: the teacher calls four words, children must name an extra word:

1) hare, hedgehog, fox, bumblebee;

2) wagtail, spider, starling, magpie;

3) butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

4) grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, beetle;

5) bee, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

6) grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, mosquito;

7) cockroach, fly, bee, beetle;

8) dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug;

9) frog, mosquito, beetle, butterfly;
10) dragonfly, moth, bumblebee, sparrow.

The teacher reads the words, and the children should think about which of them are suitable for the ant (bumblebee ... bee ... cockroach).

Dictionary: anthill, green, fluttering, honey, dodging, hardworking, red back, belt, annoying, beehive, furry, ringing, river, chirping, cobweb, flat, aphids, pest, “flying flower”, honeycomb, buzzing, needles, “champion jumping ", variegated, big eyes, reddish, striped, swarm, nectar, pollen, caterpillar, protective coloration, deterrent coloration.

Wonderful bag.

Did. task: to consolidate knowledge in children, what animals eat. Develop cognitive interest.

Materials: pouch.

Game progress: the bag contains: honey, nuts, cheese, millet, apple, carrot, etc.

Children get food for animals, guess for whom it is, who eats what.

Useful - not useful.

Did. task: to consolidate the concepts of useful and harmful products.

Materials: product cards.

Game progress: to spread out on one table what is useful, on the other - what is not useful.

Useful: rolled oats, kefir, onions, carrots, apples, cabbage, sunflower oil, pears, etc.

Unhealthy: chips, fatty meats, chocolate candies, cakes, "fanta", etc.

Find out and name.

Did. task: to consolidate the knowledge of medicinal plants.

Game progress: the teacher takes plants from the basket and shows them to the children, specifies the rules of the game: here are medicinal plants. I will show you a plant, and you must tell everything you know about it. Name the place where it grows (swamp, meadow, ravine).

For example, chamomile (flowers) is harvested in summer, plantain (only leaves without legs are harvested) in spring and early summer, nettle in spring, when it just grows (2-3 stories of children).

What kind of animal am I?

Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about animals in Africa. Develop imagination.

Game progress: a group of children participates in the game, the number of players is not limited. There is a leader in the group. One of the players moves away a short distance, turns away and waits until he is invited.

A group of guys confers with each other about the beast, that is, what kind of beast they will portray or the 2nd option: answer the questions of the leader.

So, the beast is conceived, the participant is invited, the game begins.

The participant asks questions to a group of players, for example: is the animal small? can crawl? jump? he has fluffy fur? etc.

The guys, in turn, answer the presenter “yes” or “no”. This continues until the player guesses the beast.

Name the plant

Did. task: to clarify knowledge about indoor plants.

Game progress: the teacher offers to name the plants (the third from the right or the fourth from the left, etc.). Then the condition of the game is changed ("Where is the balsam?", Etc.)

The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that plants have different stems.

Name the plants with straight stems, curly, stemless. How should you care for them? How else do plants differ from each other?

What do violet leaves look like? What do the leaves of balsam, ficus, etc. look like?

Who lives where

Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about animals and their habitats.

Game progress: the teacher has pictures depicting animals, and children have pictures of the habitats of various animals (hole, den, river, hollow, nest, etc.). The teacher shows a picture of an animal. The child must determine where it lives, and if it matches his picture, "settle" in himself, showing the card to the teacher.

Flies, swims, runs.

Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about objects of living nature.

Game progress: the teacher shows or names the object of wildlife to children. Children should depict the way this object moves. For example: at the word "bunny" children start to run (or jump) on the spot; when the word “crucian carp” is used, they imitate a swimming fish; with the word "sparrow" - depict the flight of a bird.

Protect the environment.

Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about the protection of nature objects.

Game progress: on a table or typesetting canvas, pictures depicting plants, birds, animals, humans, sun, water, etc. The teacher removes one of the pictures, and the children must tell what will happen to the remaining living objects if there is no hidden object on Earth. For example: he removes a bird - what will happen to the rest of the animals, to humans, to plants, etc.


Did. task: to clarify the knowledge of children about objects of living and inanimate nature.

Game progress: the teacher has in his hands a subject picture depicting an object of animate or inanimate nature. Passing the picture, first the teacher, and then each child in a chain, names one feature of this object, so as not to repeat itself. For example, a "squirrel" is an animal, wild, forest, red, fluffy, gnaws nuts, jumps from branch to branch, etc.

What would happen if they disappeared from the forest ...

Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about the relationship in nature.

Game progress: the teacher suggests removing insects from the forest:

What would happen to the rest of the residents? What if the birds disappeared? What if the berries were missing? And if there were no mushrooms? And if the hares left the forest?

It turns out that it was no coincidence that the forest brought its inhabitants together. All forest plants and animals are related to each other. They cannot do without each other.

Droplets go in a circle.

Target: consolidate knowledge about the water cycle in nature.

Game progress: the teacher invites children to play an interesting and magic game... But for this you need to turn into small droplets of rain. (Music sounds like rain) the teacher says magic words and the game begins.

The teacher says that she is Tuchka's mother, and the guys are her little children, it's time for them to hit the road. (Music.) Droplets jump, scatter, dance. Mom Tuchka shows them what to do.

Drops flew to the ground. Let's jump and play. It became boring for them to jump one by one. They got together and flowed in small cheerful rivulets. (Droplets will form a stream, holding hands.) Streams met and became a large river. (Streams are connected in one chain.) Droplets float in a large river, travel. The river flowed and fell into the ocean (children rebuild in a round dance and move in a circle). The Droplets swam, swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that the cloud mother told them to return home. And then the sun just warmed up. The droplets have become light, stretched upward (the droplets that have crouched rise and stretch their arms up). They evaporated under the rays of the sun, returned to mother Tuchka. Well done, droplets, they behaved well, they did not climb the collars of passers-by, did not splash. Now stay with your mom, she missed you.

I know.

Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about nature. Develop cognitive interest.

Game progress: children stand in a circle, in the center is a teacher with a ball. The teacher throws a ball to the child and names the class of objects in nature (animals, birds, fish, plants, trees, flowers). The child who catches the ball says, “I know five names of animals,” and lists (for example, elk, fox, wolf, hare, deer) and returns the ball to the caregiver.

Other classes of objects of nature are named similarly.

What it is?

Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about animate and inanimate nature. Develop thinking.

Game progress: the educator thinks of an object of animate or inanimate nature and begins to list its signs. If the children guessed it, the next object is thought, if not, then the list of signs increases. For example: "Egg" - oval, white, fragile, solid on top, often liquid inside, nutritious, can be found in a peasant's yard, in a forest, even in a city, chicks hatch from it.

Recognize the bird by its silhouette.

Did. task: consolidate knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, exercise in the ability to recognize birds by silhouette.

Game progress: children are offered silhouettes of birds. Children guess the birds and call them a migratory or wintering bird.

Living is nonliving.

Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about animate and inanimate nature.

Game progress: the educator names objects of animate and inanimate nature. If it is an object of animate nature, children - wave their hands, if an object of inanimate nature - squat.

Didactic games of ecological content help to see the integrity of an individual organism and ecosystem, to realize the uniqueness of each object of nature, to understand that unreasonable human intervention can lead to irreversible processes in nature. Games are fun and encouraging for children. comprehensive development... In the process of games, knowledge about the world around is formed, cognitive interests, love for nature, careful and caring attitude to it, as well as ecological - appropriate behavior in nature. They broaden the horizons of children, create favorable conditions for solving problems sensory education... Games contribute to the development of observation and curiosity in children, inquisitiveness, arouse their interest in objects of nature. In didactic games, intellectual skills are developed: to plan actions, distribute them in time and among the participants in the game, and evaluate the results.

I recommend to add this card index to the program in the direction of “ Cognitive development"(Acquaintance with the natural world) for 2015-2016 and use it as a day for senior and preparatory groups in order to environmental education preschoolers.


Topic: "Guess and Draw"

Target:Develop fine motor skills and voluntary thinking.

Didactic material: Sticks for painting on snow or sand (depending on the season)

Methodology: The teacher reads a poetic text, the children draw answers with sticks in the snow or sand. Whoever let it slip out is out of the game.


Topic: "Whose Seeds?"

Target:Exercise children in the differentiation of vegetables, fruits and their seeds. Develop memory, concentration, observation.

Didactic material: cards of vegetables, fruits, fruit trees; plate with different seeds.

Methodology: The children take a set of seeds and place them on the card of the corresponding fruit or vegetable.


Theme: "Children from which branch?"

Target:Differentiate features trees.

Didactic material: cards depicting the leaves of a tree of rowan, birch, aspen, willow, etc.; tree cards.

Methodology: Chairs are placed on the veranda at some distance from each other. Cards with the image of a tree are placed on them. Children are given cards with leaves. On the command “one, two, three, a leaf to the tree, run” the children scatter to their places, then the cards are changed.


Theme: "What insect, name?"

Target:Form the concept of "insect" in children. Recognize and name representatives of insects: fly, butterfly, dragonfly, ladybug, bee, bug, grasshopper ...

Didactic material: Cut pictures of insects.

Methodology: Children must assemble a picture at speed, name an insect. If someone is at a loss, you can use riddles:

She is nicer than all the bugs

Her back is red.

And there are circles on it

Black dots.


She has 4 wings,

The body is as thin as an arrow

And big, big eyes

They call her ...


Drinks the juice of fragrant flowers.

Gives us both wax and honey.

She is dear to all people,

And her name is ...


I don't buzz when I sit

I don't buzz when I walk.

If I'm spinning in the air

I’ll have enough of it.


We will spread our wings

The pattern is beautiful on them.

We are spinning, we are

What a lot of space!



Theme: "Find the same flower"

Target:Exercise children in finding objects similar to the image in the picture. To bring up attentiveness, concentration, to form the speech of children.

Didactic material: real indoor flowers, corresponding cards to them.

Methodology: Children are given cards with the image of indoor flowers, they must find the same in the group, show it and, if possible, name it.


Topic: "Who sings how?"

Target:Form the articulation of speech. Practice correct onomatopoeia for birds. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the characteristics of birds.

Didactic material: Audio recording of birds singing. Bird cards

Methodology: An audio recording of birds singing sounds. Children have to guess and find a card with a picture of a bird.


Theme: "Guess the spring flower"

Target:Listen to riddles to the end, educate mindfulness. Act on a signal from the teacher. Develop speech and logical thinking.

Didactic material: Riddle poems about spring flowers... Object pictures depicting flowers.

Methodology: The teacher reads riddles, and the children, based on the answers, find the corresponding flower and name it.

On a sunny spring day

A golden flower bloomed.

On a high thin leg

He was dozing by the path.


Spring comes with affection and with its own tale,

Wave a magic wand-

And the first flower from under the snow will bloom


May, warm and soon summer.
Everything and everyone is dressed in greenery.
Like a fountain of fire -
Reveals ...


It blooms in May at times,

You will find him in the shade of the forest:

On the stalk, like beads, hardly

Fragrant flowers hang.

(Lily of the valley)


Topic: "What do we take in the basket?"

Target:to reinforce in children the knowledge of what kind of crop is harvested in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest. To teach to distinguish between fruits by the place of their cultivation. To form an idea about the role of people in nature conservation.

Didactic material : Medallions with images of vegetables, fruits, cereals, melons, mushrooms, berries, as well as baskets.

Methodology: Some children have medallions depicting various gifts of nature. Others have basket-shaped medallions. Children - fruits, with cheerful music, disperse around the room, with movements and facial expressions they depict a clumsy watermelon, tender strawberries, a mushroom hiding in the grass, etc. Children - baskets should collect fruits in both hands. Prerequisite: each child must bear fruits that grow in one place (vegetables from the garden, etc.). The one who fulfills this condition wins.


Topic: "Tops - roots"

Target:Teach children to make a whole from parts.

Didactic material: two hoops, pictures of vegetables.


Option 1... Two hoops are taken: red, blue. Lay them so that the hoops intersect. In the red hoop, you need to put vegetables that have roots for food, and in the blue hoop - those that use tops.

The child comes to the table, chooses a vegetable, shows it to the children and puts it in the right circle, explaining why he put the vegetable here. (in the area of ​​intersection of the hoops there should be vegetables that use both tops and roots: onions, parsley, etc.

Option 2.On the table are tops and roots of plants - vegetables. Children are divided into two groups: tops and roots. Children of the first group take tops, the second - roots. At the signal, everyone runs scatteringly. On the signal "One, two, three - find your pair!"


Topic: "Air, Earth, Water"

Target:Consolidate children's knowledge about natural objects. Develop auditory attention, thinking, intelligence.

Didactic material: Ball.


Option 1.The teacher throws the ball to the child and names the object of nature, for example, "magpie". The child must answer "air" and throw the ball back. The child responds to the word "dolphin" with "water", the word "wolf" - "earth", and so on.

Option 2.The teacher calls the word "air" the child who caught the ball must name the bird. On the word "earth" - an animal that lives on the earth; to the word "water" - an inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.


Topic: "Guess what's in the bag?"

Target:Teach children to describe objects perceived by touch and guess them by their characteristic features.

Didactic material: Vegetables and fruits of a characteristic shape and different density: onions, beets, tomatoes, plums, apples, pears, etc.

Methodology: You need to play like a game "Wonderful bag". Children grope for an object in a bag, before taking it out, it is necessary to name its characteristic features.


Topic: "Nature and Man"

Target:To consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.

Didactic material: Ball.

Methodology: The teacher conducts a conversation with the children, in the process of which he clarifies their knowledge that the objects around us are either made by the hands of people or exist in nature, and the person uses them; for example, timber, coal, oil, gas exist in nature, and man creates houses and factories.

"What has been done by man"? the teacher asks and throws the ball.

"What was created by nature"? the teacher asks and throws the ball.

Children catch the ball and answer the question. Those who cannot remember skips their turn.


Topic: "Choose the one you want"

Target:Consolidate knowledge about nature. Develop thinking, cognitive activity.

Didactic material: Subject pictures.

Methodology: Object pictures are scattered on the table. The teacher names some property or feature, and children should choose as many objects as possible that have this property.

For example: "green" - these can be pictures of a leaf, a cucumber, a grasshopper cabbage. Or: "wet" - water, dew, cloud, fog, frost, etc.


Topic: "Where are the snowflakes?"

Target:Consolidate knowledge about the various states of water. Develop memory, cognitive activity.

Didactic material: cards depicting different conditions of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc.


Option 1. Children are dancing around the cards laid out in a circle. The cards depict various states of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc.

While moving in a circle, the words are pronounced:

Summer has arrived.

The sun shone brighter.

It became hotter to bake,

Where should we look for a snowflake?

With the last word, everyone stops. Those in front of whom the necessary pictures are located should raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:

Finally winter has come:

Cold, blizzard, cold.

Go out for a walk.

Where should we look for a snowflake?

The desired pictures are selected again and the choice is explained, etc.

Option 2. There are 4 hoops depicting the four seasons. Children should pass their cards to the hoops, explaining their choice. Some cards may correspond to several seasons.

The conclusion is drawn from the answers to the questions:

At what time of the year can water in nature be in a solid state?

(Winter, early spring, late autumn).


Topic: "Birds have arrived"

Target:Clarify the concept of birds.

Didactic material: A poem about birds.

Methodology: The teacher names only birds, but if he is suddenly mistaken, then the children should stomp or clap.

For example. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts.

Children stomp -

What's wrong? (flies)

And who are the flies? (insects)

Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta.

Children stomp.

Birds arrived: pigeons, martens ...

Children stomp. Game continues.

Birds arrived:

Tit pigeons,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Lapwings, swifts,

Storks, cuckoos,

Even owls are scops

Swans, starlings.

All of you are great.

Result: the teacher, together with the children, clarifies the migratory and wintering birds.


Topic: "When does this happen?"

Target:Teach children to distinguish the signs of the seasons. With the help of a poetic word, show the beauty of different seasons, the variety of seasonal phenomena and people's activities.

Didactic material: For each child, pictures with landscapes of spring, summer, autumn and winter, poems of the seasons.

Methodology: The teacher reads the poem, and the children show a picture depicting the season referred to in the poem.


Blades of grass make their way in the clearing near the path.

A stream runs from the hillock, and snow lies under the tree.


And bright and wide

Our quiet river.

Let's run to swim, splash with fish ...


Withers and turns yellow, the grass in the meadows,

Only the winter is turning green in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine,

The wind howls in the field

The rain is drizzling.


Under blue skies

Great carpets

Glittering in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river shines under the ice.


Topic: "Animals, birds, fish"

Target:Strengthen the skill, classify animals, birds, fish.

Didactic material: Ball.


Option 1:Children stand in a circle. One of the players picks up an object and hands it to the neighbor on the right, saying: “Here is a bird. What kind of bird? "

The neighbor accepts the subject and quickly answers (the name of any bird).

Then he gives the thing to another child, with the same question. The subject is passed in a circle until the knowledge of the participants in the game is exhausted.

They play the same way, naming fish, animals. (it is impossible to name the same bird, fish, beast).

Option 2:The teacher throws the ball to the child and says the word "bird". The child who catches the ball must pick up a specific concept, for example "sparrow", and throw the ball back. Next child must name the bird, but not repeat it.
The game with the words "animals" and "fish" is carried out in a similar way.


Topic: "Guess what's growing where"

Target:Clarify the knowledge of children about the names and places of growth of plants; develop attention, intelligence, memory.

Didactic material : Ball.

Methodology : Children sit on high chairs or stand in a circle. The teacher or child throws a ball to one of the children, naming the place where this plant grows: a garden, a vegetable garden, a meadow, a field, a forest.


Theme: "Lay down the animal"

Target:Consolidate children's knowledge of pets. Learn to describe by the most typical signs.

Didactic material: pictures of different animals (each in duplicate).

Methodology: one copy of the pictures is whole, and the second is cut into four parts. Children look at whole pictures, then they must put together an image of an animal from cut parts, but without a sample.


Topic: "What is made of what?"

Target:Teach children to identify the material from which the object is made.

Didactic material: wooden cube, aluminum bowl, glass jar, metal bell., key, etc.

Methodology : Children take out different objects from the bag and name, indicating what each object is made of.


Topic: "Guess - ka"

Target:To develop the ability of children to guess riddles, to correlate the verbal image with the image in the picture; to clarify the knowledge of children about berries.

Didactic material : pictures for each child with a picture of berries. Book of riddles.

Methodology: On the table in front of each child there are pictures of the answer. The teacher makes a riddle, the children look for and pick up a picture-answer.


Topic: "Edible - inedible"

Target:Reinforce knowledge of edible and inedible mushrooms.

Didactic material: Basket, object pictures with the image of edible and inedible mushrooms.

Methodology: On the table in front of each child there are pictures of the answer. The teacher makes a riddle about mushrooms, the children look for and put the picture-answer to the edible mushroom in the basket


Topic: "Find your stone"

Target:Develop tactile sensations, attention, memory.

Didactic material: Collection of stones.

Methodology : Each child chooses the stone he likes best from the collection (if this game is played on the street, he finds it), carefully examines, remembers the color, and touches the surface. Then all the stones are put into one pile and mixed. The task is to find your stone.


Theme: "Flower shop"

Target:Strengthen the ability to distinguish colors, name them quickly, find the desired flower among others. Teach children to group plants by color, make beautiful bouquets.

Didactic material : petals, color pictures.

Methodology :

Option 1. On the table is a tray with multi-colored petals of different shapes. Children choose the petals they like, name their color and find a flower that matches the selected petals both in color and shape.

Option 2.Children are divided into sellers and buyers. The buyer should describe the flower he has chosen in such a way that the seller would immediately guess which flower he is talking about.

Option 3.Children independently make three bouquets of flowers: spring, summer, autumn. You can use poems about flowers.


Topic: "The fourth extra"

Target:Strengthen children's knowledge of insects.

Didactic material: No.

Methodology : The teacher calls four words, children must name an extra word:

Option 1:

1) hare, hedgehog, fox, bumblebee;

2) wagtail, spider, starling, magpie;

3) butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

4) grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, may beetle;

5) bee, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

6) grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, mosquito;

7) cockroach, fly, bee, beetle;

8) dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug;

9) frog, mosquito, beetle, butterfly;
10) dragonfly, moth, bumblebee, sparrow.

Option 2: The teacher reads the words, and the children should think about which of them are suitable for the ant (bumblebee ... bee ... cockroach).

Dictionary: anthill, green, fluttering, honey, dodging, hardworking, red back, belt, annoying, beehive, hairy, ringing, river, chirping, cobweb, flat, aphids, pest, “flying flower”, honeycomb, buzzing, needles, “champion jumping ”, variegated, big eyes, reddish, striped, swarm, nectar, pollen, caterpillar, protective coloration, frightening coloration.


Topic: "Place the planets correctly"

Target:Consolidate knowledge about the main planets.

Didactic material : Belt with sewn on rays - ribbons different lengths(9 pieces). Hats with the image of the planets.

It's so hot on this planet

That it’s dangerous to be there, friends.

What is our hottest planet, where is it located? (Mercury, because it is closest to the sun).

And a terrible cold bound this planet,

By the warmth of her sunbeam did not get it.

What planet is this? (Pluto, because it is farthest from the sun and the smallest of all planets in size).

A child in a Pluto hat grabs the longest ribbon # 9.

And this planet is dear to all of us.

The planet gave us life ... (all: Earth)

In what orbit does the planet Earth rotate? Where is our planet from the sun? (On the 3rd).

The child in the "Earth" hat grabs ribbon # 3.

Two planets are close to planet Earth.

My friend, give them their names as soon as possible. (Venus and Mars).

Children in caps "Venus" and "Mars" occupy the 2nd and 4th orbits, respectively.

And this planet is proud of itself
Since it is considered the largest.

What planet is this? What orbit is it in? (Jupiter, orbit # 5).

The child in the "Jupiter" hat takes place # 5.

The planet is surrounded by rings

And that was what made her different from everyone else. (Saturn)

Child - "Saturn" occupies orbit number 6.

And what kind of green planets? (Uranus)

A child in a matching Neptune hat occupies orbit # 8.

All the children took their places and began to revolve around the "Sun".

A round dance of planets is spinning.

Each has its own size and color.

A path is defined for each,

But only on Earth is the world inhabited by life.


Topic: "Who eats what?"

Target:To consolidate knowledge in children, what animals eat. Develop cognitive interest.

Didactic material : Pouch.

Methodology: The bag contains: honey, nuts, cheese, millet, apple, carrot, etc.

Children get food for animals, guess for whom it is, who eats what.


Topic: "Useful - not useful"

Target:To consolidate the concepts of useful and harmful products.

Didactic material : Cards with images of products.

Methodology : Lay out what is useful on one table, and what is not useful on the other.

Useful: rolled oats, kefir, onions, carrots, apples, cabbage, sunflower oil, pears, etc.

Unhealthy: chips, fatty meats, chocolates, cakes, fanta, etc.


Topic: "Medicinal plants"

Target:Consolidate knowledge of medicinal plants.

Didactic material : Cards with plants.

Methodology: The teacher takes plants from the basket and shows them to the children, specifies the rules of the game: here are medicinal plants. I will show you a plant, and you must tell everything you know about it. Name the place where it grows (swamp, meadow, ravine).

For example, chamomile (flowers) is harvested in summer, plantain (only leaves without legs are harvested) in spring and early summer, nettle in spring, when it just grows (2-3 stories of children).


Theme: "What kind of animal am I?"

Target:Consolidate knowledge about animals in Africa. Develop imagination.

Didactic material : No.

Methodology conducting:

Option 1: A group of children participates in the game, the number of players is not limited. There is a leader in the group. One of the players moves away a short distance, turns away and waits until he is invited. A group of guys confers among themselves about the beast, i.e. what a beast they will be.

Option 2:You need to answer the questions of the presenter. So, the beast is conceived, the participant is invited, the game begins.

The participant asks questions to a group of players, for example: is the animal small? can crawl? jump? does he have fluffy fur? etc.

The guys, in turn, answer the presenter “yes” or “no.” This continues until the player guesses the beast.


Topic: "Name the plant"

Target:Clarify knowledge about indoor plants.

Didactic material: Houseplants.

Methodology: The teacher offers to name the plants (third from the right or fourth from the left, etc.). Then the condition of the game is changed ("Where is the balsam?", Etc.)

The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that plants have different stems.

Name the plants with straight stems, curly, stemless. How should you care for them? How else do plants differ from each other?

What do violet leaves look like? What do the leaves of balsam, ficus, etc. look like?


Topic: "Who lives where"

Target:Consolidate knowledge about animals and their habitats.

Didactic material: Cards "Zhivtnye", "Habitats".

Methodology: The teacher has pictures with the image of animals, and the children - with images of the habitats of various animals (hole, den, river, hollow, nest, etc.). The teacher shows a picture of an animal. The child must determine where it lives, and if it matches his picture, "settle" in himself, showing the card to the teacher.


Topic: "Flies, swims, runs, jumps"

Target:Consolidate knowledge about wildlife objects.

Didactic material: Pictures depicting different animals.


Option 1: The teacher shows or names the object of living nature to the children. Children should depict the way this object moves. For example: at the word "bunny" children start to run (or jump) on the spot; when the word “crucian carp” is used, they imitate a swimming fish; with the word "sparrow" - depict the flight of a bird.

Option 2: Children classify pictures - flying, running, jumping, floating.


Topic: "Take care of nature"

Target:Consolidate knowledge about the protection of nature objects.

Didactic material: Cards with objects of animate and inanimate nature.

Methodology: On a table or typesetting canvas, there are pictures depicting plants, birds, animals, humans, sun, water, etc. The teacher removes one of the pictures, and the children must tell what will happen to the remaining living objects if there is no hidden object on Earth. For example: he removes a bird - what will happen to the rest of the animals, to humans, to plants, etc.


Topic: "What would happen if disappeared from the forest ..."

Target:Consolidate knowledge about the relationship in nature.

Didactic material: Cards with objects of wildlife.

Methodology: The teacher proposes to remove insects from the forest:

What would happen to the rest of the residents? What if the birds disappeared? What if the berries were missing? And if there were no mushrooms? And if the hares left the forest?

It turns out that it was no coincidence that the forest brought its inhabitants together. All forest plants and animals are related to each other. They cannot do without each other.


Topic: "Droplets go in a circle"

Target:Consolidate knowledge about the water cycle in nature.

Didactic material: Accompanying text for the game.

Methodology: To do this, you need to turn into small droplets of rain. (Music resembling rain sounds) the teacher says the magic words and the game begins.

The teacher says that she is Tuchka's mother, and the guys are her little children, it's time for them to hit the road. (Music.) Droplets jump, scatter, dance. Mom Tuchka shows them what to do.

Drops flew to the ground ... Let's jump and play. It became boring for them to jump one by one. They got together and flowed in small cheerful rivulets. (Droplets will form a stream, holding hands.) Streams met and became a large river. (Streams are connected in one chain.) Droplets float in a large river, travel. The river flowed and fell into the ocean (children rebuild in a round dance and move in a circle). The Droplets swam, swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that the cloud mother told them to return home. And then the sun just warmed up. The droplets have become light, stretched upward (the droplets that have crouched rise and stretch their arms up). They evaporated under the rays of the sun, returned to mother Tuchka. Well done, droplets, they behaved well, they did not climb the collars of passers-by, did not splash. Now stay with your mom, she missed you.


Topic: "I know"

Target:Consolidate knowledge about nature. Develop cognitive interest.

Didactic material: No.

Methodology: Children stand in a circle, in the center is a teacher with a ball. The teacher throws a ball to the child and names the class of objects in nature (animals, birds, fish, plants, trees, flowers). The child who catches the ball says, “I know five names of animals,” and lists (for example, elk, fox, wolf, hare, deer) and returns the ball to the caregiver.

Other classes of objects of nature are named similarly.


Topic: "Recognize a bird by its silhouette"

Target:Consolidate knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, exercise in the ability to recognize birds by silhouette.

Didactic material: Pictures with silhouettes of birds.

Methodology: The silhouettes of birds are offered to children. Children guess the birds and call them a migratory or wintering bird.


Topic: "Living - non-living"

Target:Consolidate knowledge about animate and inanimate nature.

Didactic material: You can use the pictures "Wildlife and inanimate nature".

Methodology: The teacher names objects of animate and inanimate nature. If it is an object of animate nature, children - wave their hands, if an object of inanimate nature - squat.


Theme: " What plant is gone? "

Target:Exercise children in the name of indoor plants.

Didactic material: Houseplants.

Methodology: There are four or five plants on the table. Children remember them. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and removes one of the plants. Children open their eyes and remember which plant was still standing. The game is played 4-5 times. You can increase the number of plants on the table each time.


Theme: "Where does that ripen?"

Target:Learn to use knowledge about plants, compare the fruits of a tree with its leaves.

Didactic material: Flannelegraph, branches, fruits, leaves of plants.

Methodology: On the flannelgraph, two branches are laid out: on one - the fruits and leaves of one plant (apple tree), on the other - fruits and leaves different plants... (for example, gooseberry leaves, and pear fruits) The teacher asks the question: "Which fruits will ripen and which ones will not?" children correct mistakes made in drawing up.


Theme: " Guess what's in hand? "

Target:Exercise children in the name of the fruit.

Didactic material: Dummies of fruits.

Methodology: Children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. The teacher lays out dummies of fruit in the hands of the children. Then he shows one of the fruits. Children who have identified the same fruit at a signal run up to the teacher. It is impossible to look at what is in the hand, the object must be recognized by touch.


Topic: "Fairy tale game" Fruits and vegetables "

Target:Deepen your knowledge of vegetables.

Didactic material: Pictures depicting vegetables.

Methodology: The teacher says:
- Once a tomato decided to gather an army of vegetables. Peas, cabbage, cucumber, carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, turnips came to her. (The teacher alternately puts pictures of these vegetables on the stand) And the tomato told them: “There are a lot of people willing, so I put this condition: first of all, only those vegetables will go to my army, in the name of which you can hear the same sounds as in my poommiidoorr ".
- What do you think, children, which vegetables responded to his call?
Children name, highlighting the necessary sounds with their voice: pea, morrkoov, carrotofel, turnip, cucumber, and explain that these words contain the sounds p, p, as in the word tomato. The teacher moves the pictures with the named vegetables on the stand closer to the tomato.
Conducts a variety of tomato workouts with peas, carrots, potatoes, turnips. Good for them! And the rest of the vegetables were saddened: the sounds that make up their names do not fit the sounds of the tomato in any way, and they decided to ask the tomato to change the condition. The tomato agreed: “Be it your way! Come now those in whose name there are as many parts as in mine. "
- Who do you think, children, who responded now?
Together they find out how many parts are in the word tomato and in the name of the remaining vegetables. Each respondent explains in detail that the words tomato and, for example, cabbage have the same number of syllables. Pictures depicting these plants also move towards the tomato.
- But the onions and beets were even more saddened. Why do you kids think? The children explain that the number of parts in the name is not the same as that of the tomato, and the sounds do not match.
- How to help them. Guys? What new condition could a tomato offer them so that these vegetables would also be included in his army?
The teacher should lead the children to formulate the following conditions themselves: "Let those vegetables come, in the name of which the emphasis is in the first part" or "We accept into the army those in the name of which the same sounds are heard (onions, beets)." To do this, he can invite children to listen and compare where the stress is in the remaining words - the names of vegetables, to compare their sound composition.
- All vegetables became warriors, and there was no more grief! - the educator concludes


Theme: " Distribute the fruits by color "

Target:Build knowledge about fruits and vegetables. Teach children to classify objects.

Didactic material: Playable character Winnie-the-Pooh, dummies of vegetables and fruits.


Option 1 « Distribute the fruits by color. " The teacher invites the children to distribute the fruits by color: put fruits with a red tint on one dish, on another with yellow, and the third with green. The playable character (for example, Winnie the Pooh) also participates in this and makes mistakes: for example, he puts a yellow pear next to green fruits. The teacher and the children kindly and delicately point out the bear's mistake, they call the shades of color: light green (cabbage), bright red (tomato), etc.

Option 2 "Distribute the fruits by shape and taste" The teacher invites the children to decompose the fruits in a different way, in shape: round - on one dish, oblong - on another. After clarification, he gives the children a third task: to distribute the fruits to taste - put sweet fruits on one dish, and unsweetened ones on another. Winnie the Pooh rejoices - he loves everything sweet. When the distribution ends, he puts the dish with sweet fruits to himself: "I really love honey and everything sweet!" “Winnie-the-Pooh, is it good to take all the most delicious for yourself? - says the teacher. - Children also love sweet fruits and vegetables. Go wash your hands, and I will cut fruits and vegetables and treat everyone. "


Theme: " Medicinal plants "

Target:To form knowledge about medicinal plants.

Didactic material: Cards "Plant habitat (meadow, field, vegetable garden, swamp, ravine)", "Medicinal plants", basket.

Methodology: The teacher takes plants from the basket and shows them to the children. Clarifies the rules of the game: here are medicinal plants. I will show you a plant, and you must tell everything you know about it. Name the place where it grows. And our guest, Little Red Riding Hood, will play and listen to medicinal herbs together with us. For example, chamomile (flowers) is harvested in summer, plantain (only leaves without legs are harvested) in spring and early summer, nettle in spring, when it is just growing (2-3 children's stories)


Topic: "Yes - no"

Target:Develop pantomimic skills, fine motor skills of the hands.

Didactic material: Cards with animals and plants.

Methodology: All questions of the facilitator can be answered only with the words "yes" or "no". The driver will go out the door, and we will agree on which animal (plant) we will guess for him. He will come and ask us where this animal lives, what it is, what it eats. We will answer him with only two words. You can use cards in the game.


Theme: " Name a houseplant "

Target:Form knowledge about outward signs plants.

Didactic material: Houseplants.

Methodology: The teacher offers to name the plants (third from the right or fourth from the left, etc.). Then the condition of the game is changed ("Where is the balsam?", Etc.)
The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that plants have different stems.
- Name the plants with straight stems, curly, stemless. How should you care for them? How else do plants differ from each other?
- What do violet leaves look like? What do the leaves of balsam, ficus, etc. look like?


Theme: " Similar - not similar "

Target:To develop in children the ability to abstract, generalize, highlight objects that are similar in some properties and different in others, compare, compare objects or images.

Didactic material: A game sheet (screen) with three "slot windows" into which tapes with conventions properties; strip-strips with the designation of the properties of objects. Strips with the image of objects are inserted into the first and third "windows", and a strip with the designation of properties is inserted into the second.


Option 1.The child is asked to set the "screen" so that the first and third windows contain objects that have the property specified in the second window. On initial stage of mastering the game, the property is set by an adult, then the children can independently establish the sign they like. For example, the first window is an apple, the second window is a circle, and the third window is a ball.

Option 2.One child sets the first window, the second chooses and sets the property that the given object possesses, the third must choose an object that matches the first and second windows. For every the right choice children get a token. After the first round, the children change places.

Option 3.Used on final stages development. You can play with large group children. The child makes a "riddle" - builds images in the first and third windows that have a common property, while the second window is hidden. The rest of the children guess how the objects depicted are similar. The child who correctly named common property, gets the right to open a second window or ask a new riddle.


Topic: "Complete my sentence"

Target:Teach children to draw conclusions, find cause-and-effect relationships.

Didactic material: Selection of proposals.

Carrying out technique: The teacher reads the sentence of his choice. Children finish them.


The children prepared skates because ...

The fishermen went out to winter fishing, because…

In the morning everything was white all around, because ...

Passers-by were frozen through on a winter day, because ...

Small white balls fell on the clothes of passers-by, because ...

By the evening, large snowdrifts were covered, because ...

On the street, everyone fell and slid, because ...

The birds moved closer to the human dwelling, because ...

A bear can sleep in a den all winter, because ...

Tits, crows, sparrows, pigeons winter in Russia, because ...

Trees are dormant because ...

The grass does not freeze in winter, because ...

Children love summer because ... etc.


Icicles in the sun ... (melt).

Drifts from solar heat… (Settling down).

Buds on trees ... (swell, burst).

In the spring, birds' nests ... (build, build).

In the spring, the bear from hibernation ... (wakes up).

In the spring birds chicks ... (hatch, feed).

In the spring ice on the river ... (melts, cracks, breaks).

In the spring in the gardens fruit trees... (bloom).

The first flowers on the thawed patches ... (bloom).

In the spring, insects after winter ... (come to life).

In the spring in the fields people rye ... (sow).

The first grass out of the ground ... (breaks through).


If the trees do not shed their leaves in autumn, then ...

If the bear does not work up fat in the fall, then ...

If insectivores and waterfowl do not fly away, then ...

If squirrels, mice and rodents do not prepare supplies for the winter, then ...

If the insects do not have time to fall asleep, become numb, then ...

If you collect autumn foliage in the forest every year, then ...

If frost comes early in autumn or snow falls, then ...

If the forest animals do not have time to replace their fur with winter in the fall, then ...


In summer, plants bloom because ... (they need to form as many seeds as possible).

It gets hot in summer because ... (the sun is shining actively).

In summer, birds leave their nests and fly into the forest in order to ... (teach their chicks to fly)

There is no snow in summer, because ... (there is warm weather, the sun is shining brightly).

In summer, everything grows quickly - plants, animals, children, because (a lot of heat, vitamins, moisture)


Theme: "Winter or Autumn?"

Target:Teach children distinguish changes in nature in different times years, to understand and appreciate the beauty of native nature.

Didactic material: Children's magazines, books on nature.

Methodology: Looking at photographs in magazines, illustrations in books, ask the questions: "Is it spring or autumn?", "Does it happen in December?", "Will winter come here soon?" etc.

Developed by: educator BU DOU DSOV №5 "Rostok", Loseva Elena Vladimirovna

Daria Alferova
Card file of didactic games for the development of ecological ideas for preparatory group

Card file of didactic games for the development of ecological ideas

for preparatory group.

Prepared: Educator Alferova Daria Alexandrovna

MBDOU "Kindergarten" Sun ", Tambov, 2017

"We - ecologists»

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about nature.

Game progress: the educator reminds children that people who study nature and protect it are called environmentalists, and invites them to be in the role of ecologists... The rest of the children will ask them questions. For example:

1. If we protect birds in the forest, who will we help?

2. Why does nature need predators?

3. What is the red book and what is it for?

4. Why do people create nature reserves?

5. Tell us how the tree, squirrel, lynx are related?

6. What help do animals and insects render to plants?

"Protection of Nature"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the protection of nature objects.

Equipment: Pictures depicting plants, birds, animals, humans, sun, water, air.

Game progress: on a table or typesetting canvas Pictures depicting plants, birds, animals, humans, sun, water, etc. The teacher removes one of the pictures, and children should tell what will happen to the remaining living objects if there is no hidden object on Earth. For example: removes the bird - what will happen to the rest of the animals, to humans, to plants.

"Living pyramid"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about ecological pyramid through punch cards.

Equipment: punch cards depicting predatory and herbivorous animals.

Game progress: the teacher distributes to the children punch cards depicting predatory animals on the left side, on right side- herbivores. Children must draw an arrow from the predatory animal to the animals they catch.

"Nature and Man"

Target: to consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.

Equipment: ball.

Game progress: the teacher conducts a conversation with the children, in the process of which he clarifies their knowledge that those around us subjects either made by human hands or exist in nature, and people use them; for example, timber, coal, oil, gas exist in nature, and man creates houses and factories.

"What is done by man"

"What is created by nature"? the teacher asks and throws the ball.

Children catch the ball and answer the question. Those who cannot remember skips their turn.

"Big chain"

Target: to clarify the knowledge of children about objects of animate and inanimate nature.

Equipment: Pictures depicting an object of animate or inanimate nature.

Game progress: in the hands of the teacher object picture depicting an object of animate or inanimate nature. By transmitting picture, first the educator, and then each child in a chain, names one feature of this object, so as not to repeat itself. For example, "squirrel"- animal, wild, forest, red, fluffy, gnawing nuts, jumping from branch to branch, etc.

"Air, earth, water"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about natural objects, develop auditory attention, thinking, quick wits.

Equipment: ball.

Game progress:

Option 1. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names an object of nature, for example, "magpie"... The child must answer "air" and throw the ball back. On word "Dolphin" the child answers "water", on word "Wolf" - "Earth" etc.

Option 2. The teacher calls the word "air" the child who catches the ball must name the bird. On word "Earth"- an animal living on earth; on word "water"- an inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.

"Who lives where?"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about animals and their habitats.

Equipment: Pictures depicting animals and their habitats.

Game progress: at the teacher Pictures with the image of animals, and in children - with images of the habitats of various animals (hole, den, river, hollow, nest, etc.)... The teacher shows picture with the image of an animal. The child must define where it lives, and if it coincides with its picture, "Settle" at home, showing card for the teacher.


Target: to consolidate knowledge about the relationship in nature.

Game progress: First option: "Benefit - harm". (Theme: Live nature)

Children should stand in a circle. The teacher asks question: "What is the use of a bee?", children should take turns answering the question without repeating the answers of their comrades. Then the task is changing: "What is the harm from a bee?"

Second option: "Like - dislike" (Theme: not wildlife)

The third option: "Good bad". (Theme: seasons and 4 the elements: water, air, earth and fire). The principle is the same.

The teacher asks a question: “What would happen if everyone bad qualities natural objects disappeared, and everything around it would become good? " (the wolf became good - he would stop eating hares, so many divorced that they would gnaw all the bark in the trees, there would be fewer trees and many birds would have nowhere to live).

It turns out that if there is only benefit and no harm from everything, then life on the planet will change dramatically and may even perish.

At the end of the game, the educator must conclude that there are no harmful creatures, there are no useful ones, there is nothing superfluous in nature, everything that is necessary.

"What do we take in the basket"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about what kind of crop is harvested in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest, to teach to distinguish between fruits at the place of their cultivation.

Equipment: Pictures with the image of vegetables, fruits, cereals, melons, mushrooms, berries and baskets.

Game progress: in some children - Pictures depicting different gifts of nature. Other's - pictures in the form of baskets.

"Children are fruits" under the cheerful music they disperse around the room, with movements and facial expressions they depict a clumsy watermelon, tender strawberries, a mushroom hiding in the grass, etc.

"Children - baskets" must take fruit in both hands. Necessary condition: every child should bear fruit that grows in one place (vegetables from the garden, etc.)... The one who fulfills this condition wins.

"Mushroom basket"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.

Equipment: basket, Pictures with an image of edible and inedible mushrooms.

Game progress: on the table in front of each child lie pictures-guesses... The teacher makes a riddle about mushrooms, the children look for and put picture- guessing the edible mushroom in the basket.

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